Minutes 05/07/1997 EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICE ADVISORY COUNCIL (EMSAC) INFORMAL MINUTES May 7, 1997 3:00 P.M. EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES HEADQUARTERS 3301 East Tamiami Trail Council Fay Biles Excused Members: Sharon Hanlon Members: Paul Gunther-Mohr Bob Laird Gary Young Tim Smith Palma Fuson Roger Evans Mike Davis Rhona Saunders Bob Schank Others: Leo Ochs Diane B. Flagg Jorge Aguilera Jeff Page Barbara Brown The regular monthly meeting of the Collier County EMSAC committee was called to order at 3:00 P.M. on Wednesday May 7, 1997 by Bob Laird Chairman. The minutes of the April 2, 1997 meeting were approved. OLD BUSINESS The EMS station to be located at Fire Station #23, 7227 Isle of Capri Road has been approved and remodeling will begin soon. NEW BUSINESS At the May 20th Board of Commission meeting Commissioner Hancock will read a Proclamation proclaiming May 18 - 24, 1997 as Emergency Medical Services Week. Diane invited the committee members to attend the meeting. Danny Sanzera and Charlie DeLoach will be presented plaques for their heroism during a motor vehicle accident in which they were involved. They both went back , • into a burning vehicle to save a life. The EMS Department submitted their heroic deed to the National American Trauma Society and fhey were awarded the "National First Responder Award in Washington, D. C. on May 2, 1997. Several Paramedics and EMT's will be honored and receive Phoenix Awards. Diane showed the committee the first edition of a statewide magazine "Florida EMT and Paramedic". They have selected Collier County EMS to appear on the first edition cover and featured in a two page article entitled " World Class Care in Collier County". Bob Laird ask if the committee members could have copies. Collier County EMS has submitted a grant for AED's for public access. If EMS receives the grant AED's will be provided for many high volume public places such as Florida Sports Park, Philharmonic, shopping areas, condominiums, etc. The are very user friendly and they will be used under the Good Samaritan Act. Fay Biles rode with a deputy on Marco recently. They responded to a vehicle and motorcycle accident. She said the EMS people were absolutely wonderful and they did a marvelous job. Bob Laird suggested that everyone on the committee take the opportunity to ride with a Commander and see what a great job is done. Bob was riding and on a recent call when he met Chief Tobin and he requested to come and talk with the group. After a discussion it was agreed that after the Chief had been on the job for a year it would be discussed again. Fay Biles stated the State Bill that had been fought for years has passed. Diane stated the State office has amended the bill. She has not seen the amendment. Unless you are a licensed provider they really have no authority on a medical scene. The other aspect of the bill that the state was concern about was the Certificate of Need. This is to prevent multiple agencies from appearing on the same scene. It was amended to make it very clear that a non licensed fire district that would want to start providing coverage would still have to have a Certificate of Need. Paul Gunther-Mohr wondered if there would be an opportunity for the group to meet with the new County Manager sometime. Bob Laird stated when the new County Manager is under contract he will have Diane invite him to a meeting. Leo stated the Emergency Services Department would be meeting with the County Manager to review the department budget on Thursday. Diane informed the group that Pilot Paul Curtis had resigned and EMS would be advertising for a new pilot. Bob Laird polled the committee to see if there would be any objection to having the meeting time changed to 2:00 P.M. instead of 3:00 P.M. to accommodate Fay • Biles as she has another meeting to attend on the first Wednesday of each month. With no objections the monthly meetings will begin at 2:00 P.M. of the first Wednesday of each month. Jeff Page informed the group that during EMS Week different groups will be rotating different areas to do Community Events such as blood screening, blood pressures, etc. The times and places will be in the local newspaper. Jeff passed out an article from a Washington DC newspaper concerning a fire truck that was responding to a non emergency call, the truck hit a car and a woman driver was killed and two children critically injured. Meeting adjourned.