February 12, 1997
3:00 P.M.
3301 East Tamiami Trail
Council Bob Laird Excused Members: Palma Fuson
Members: Fay Biles Tim Smith
Paul Gunther-Mohr Sheldon Reed
Mike Davis Roger Evans
Rhona Saunders
Gary Young
Sharon Hanlon
Others: Diane B. Flagg
Barbara Brown
Leo Ochs
The regular monthly meeting of the Collier County EMSAC committee was called
to order at 3:00 P.M. on Wednesday February 12, 1997 by Bob Laird Chairman.
The minutes of the January 8, 1997 meeting were approved.
Mike Davis suggested holding bi-monthly meetings. Leo Ochs informed the
council the by-laws state in Article IV (Meetings) Section 1: The regular meetings
of the membership of EMSAC shall be held not less than monthly at such time and
place as designated by the chairman.
Diane Flagg stated the medics have been busy with Community Programs, and
the fire departments are doing free home inspections.
Leo Ochs stated the council had shown interest in the budget. The initial budget
is to go to the County Manager in April.
Rhona Saunders brought up the incident at the hospital emergency room over the
Christmas holidays, Diane Flagg stated she had met with Fran Green. EMS had a
Transport Destination Protocol in place to divert if told by hospital personnel, but
Fran Green is the only person with the authority to divert units.
Joe Young, the immediate past chairman's wife passed away on Saturday
February 8, 1997.
Sharon Hanlon, said one of her clients had received a $2,100. statement for a 10
mile trip by Tampa General helicopter she wanted to know why we could not do
the same. Also, it is still taking several months for ambulance bills from DOR to
get to some of her clients.
Paul Gunther-Mohr brought up the pay inequities between fire and EMS
employees. Diane Flagg stated the Human Resources Department did a review
of salaries. Diane also stated the three member team is working well, and that a
lot of things are happening locally and nation wide at this time.
Bob Laird mentioned the open house held recently at Medic #12, the station is
very nice. He suggested everyone stop by and look at the station, and for
everyone to make arrangements to ride with one of the supervisors to see what a
good job the paramedics do.
At this time the meeting disbanded to complete a tour of the dispatch center.
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December 12, 1997
Mr. Tim Hancock, Chairman ti\ '
Collier Board of County Commissioners . `' \\,.._)\-)-- 1� , , a-))"
3301 East Tamiami Trail
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Naples, Florida 34112 C _�_- ``�j�/
Dear Mr. Hancock: �r- - l g
CY—ZS 1\ 1 0;
The purpose of this letter is to regretfully state that I must resign from membership on the _
Emergency Medical Services Advisory Council (EMSAC). This 3-year appointment expires b 1
August 31, 1999, thereby leaving a twenty month vacancy for the Commissioners to fill. •
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In that regard, I would like to respectfully request that the Co mmission consider Ms. Gail Dolan
as my replacement on the Council, effective January, 1998. Ms. Dolan is a long-tenured Vice p2 API
President with the NCH Healthcare System and posesses a keen grasp of the issues and challenges j
facing the medical community, including those that pertain to the delivery of emergency medical
services. In her role as Vice President, Ms. Dolan is responsible for the operations of the
Emergency Departments at both North Collier Hospital and Naples Community Hospital, Women
& Children's Pavilion at North Collier Hospital and all the ambulatory centers for the System.
such, I am confident that Gail can bring a wealth of valuable experience and energy to the Counc'1
as an active member.
Please express my sincere appreciation to the Commission for having had the opportunity to work
with the Council this past year and a half. It has truly been an experience I will not forget. If
there is anything I can do to assist the Commissioners in their selection of my replacement, please
feel free to contact me at the above address. I would be happy to personally discuss my
recommendation with you or any member of the Commission, at your convenience.
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Palma J. Fuson / `�� ��'` -
Vice President/Clinical Services J.,..,....:.\\ \
cc: William G. Crone, President& CEO, NCH Healthcare Sys C
Ms. Gail Dolan, Vice President \
Bob Laird, Chairman, EMSAC ),