April 29,1998
2:00 P.M.
3301 East Tamiami Trail
Council Members
Present: Bob Laird Excused: Roger Evans
Gail Dolan George Leamon
Ten, Ortengren Commander Reed
Mike Davis
Rhona Saunders
Fay Biles
Paul Gunther Mohr
Chief Brett Ortengren
Jell Page
Gary Young
The regular monthly meeting of the Collier County EMSAC committee was called to
order on Wednesday April 29, 1998 by Bob Laird, Chairman. Minutes were approved as
Bob Laird stated he had sent a letter to the County Commissioners suggesting Chief Tobin
be relieved from his duties on the board due to his recent absenteeism. Mr. Laird received
a phone call from the County Attorney Weigel suggesting Chief Tobin's position was an
ex-officio position and not a voting position Mr. Weigel felt it would be all right for him to
continue but if the Chief and or his delegate continue not to attend the meetings we could
take other action. I have no problem with that. In the meantime I have received a letter
from Chief Tobin stating he had a family emergency come up and he did not think about
Battalion Chief Ortengren stated he would he attending the meetings as Chief Tobin's
delegate, to answer the questions he can and take hack to Chief Tobin and the tire chief's
association the questions he cannot answer and provide the answer's to the committee.
Battalion Chief Ortengren will also provide a brief summary to Chief Tobin of the
Rhona Saunders stated that this is exactly what I'.MSAC has been looking for.
Paul Gunther-Mohr inquired as to George Leamon absence. 1 le had not been in
attendance. Chairman Laird stated he was un-excused last month, however, he did call for
this meeting and he is attending a funeral.
Rhona Saunders requested since she had not had the opportunity to meet with Chief
Tobin, that he attend a meeting. Chief Ortengren stated he would relay that information
to the Chief
Battalion Chief'Ortengren stated he had asked Barbara for copies of the last years minutes.
Paul Gunther-Mohr inquired about Commander Reed. Ile is still a member but possibly
out of town. Tim Smith has resigned. The question was raised if he will be replaced.
Motion made and seconded to replace Tim Smith. Motion passed. Chairman asked
Commander Page to notify Sue Filson of vacancy.
Rhona Saunders brought the issue. of the difficulty between EMS and East Naples Fire
Department and the complaint that was filed in February with the State. Was any input
taken from EMSAC"? She does not recall it. She believes Ihat ii is the fiduciary
responsibility as advisors to the BO('(' that EMSAC stake recommendations.
Bob Laird remembers this discussion , but he cannot remember when it was. Ile did
remember that Dr. Toper was involved. discussed.
Battalion Commander explained that this involved a State Matching Grant Application
filed by East Naples Fire Department for extrication equipment. This application has a
clause in it that says you must have an active Memorandum of'(Jnderstanding with the
existing EMS provider, hut ENFD did not an MO(J, so EMS was wondering how ENFD
got this grant. So Jorge Aguilera requested the information. Asst. Chief Pottiger requested
a letter of support from EMS for this grant. Jeff sent the letter but stated that EMS did
not want to deprive the residents ofI:.ast Naples of this extrication equipment, however
ENFD does not have an existing MO(J with their EMS provider_ ENFD did not send this
letter, but called the state and they told him to send the "old" MO(J. (.)r. Toper rescinded
this MOO in 1905 05 at an ENFD hoard meeting. So this is what we are questioning.
Because this EMS grant did not go to the local EMS provider ENFD could be requested
to return this money with interest. This is a competitive grant and could restrict money
being disbursed in other areas. The issue is whether the rules were followed. Rhona
Saunders reminded everyone that this is clearly a "I lot political issue and should have
been handled with recommendations from the FMS•\( Council and she never remembers
this being discussed Jell stated that this all came ahorii as the result of a simple inquiry
which was printed in the paper thereby creating the current political situation. The same
inquiry situation is also occurring at Marco Island lire Discussion followed with regard
to operational versus policy decisions. Paul Gunther-\1ohr mentioned that he feels in this
situation the line has been crossed - the issue is now a political one dire to the actions of
ENFD and that prior to now the inquiry was day to day business. Jeff reminded everyone
that any time an inquiry or investigation is undertaken by the State of Florida
confidentiality is of the utmost importance. The difference in this situation is that
information was being requested by the public from ENFD and this was what was released
to the Naples Daily News. ENFD brought this to the BOCC it was not even on the
agenda. Chief Flagg added that we are the "Gatekeepers" in local EMS grants and that we
have a responsibility with regard to the truth in these matters. EMS did what we are
required to do - this issue was with ENFD and we did not know that they were going to
make a political issue out of this.
Fay Biles feels that BOCC has no right to censor Dr. Tober - if he wants to write letters to
the editor that this is his right.
Battalion Chief asked if the MOt' is made with the BOCC or Dr. 'Toper. Jeff responded
that this is with the BOCC because they sign off on it.
Fay Biles filled in the EMSAC members with regard to the same situation with MIFD and
their State Matching Grant for a boat. Chief Flagg added that MIFD grant was sent
prematurely with out the changes that Dr. Tober requested even though he was assured
that these changes had been made. He then wrote a letter to the Marco City Manager
placing them on notice that and the State EMS Office on notice that we have a
responsibility as the state licensed provider, that what action they take is theirs.
Bob Laird reviewed with the EMSAC members their responsibilities as directed by the
The Pay Plan was approved by the hoard. However due to the delay in its presentation
date of October a significant amount of unplanned Overtime was incurred. This will he
offset by an additional 1300 billable transports as well as a transfer from the General Fund
which should he a wash as soon as DOR collects the funds for the additional transports.
Fay Biles reminded Diane that the Departmental Budget meetings were coming up for
EMS and asked if there was anything the EMSAC members need to bring up or say to the
Greater Naples Civic Association Committee. The only item mentioned was to increase
the ability of the Department of Revenue to increase their collections.
A 300.00 base rate and a maximum cap 435 miles was capped off at a total of 400.00
was in the minutes ofthe last meeting. This was turned into the Budget Office. Medicare
is still set at 250.00 about one dollar less than last year.
Commander Aguilera is actively recruiting to complete his goal ()Chine 30. He has placed
ads on the Internet to accomplish this goal.
May fifth is the Public Safety Meeting on Marco. They are researching the idea of Marco
Island Fire Department taking over EMS for the City of Marco. Unfortunately their data
is overstated by 300,000 dollars. Their data is flawed. Diane is planning on attending -
Fay Biles suggests that any reports or data be provided in writing. Fay has a report by the
cities who have already created Public Safety Divisions and the information is very
Battalion Commander Page advised that.their is quite a hit of activity on America on Line
specifically centered around Collier County and the Fire Department employees. This is
directed mostly at Chief Flagg and Commander Ortencren - these firefighters are engaged
in personal attacks. Battalion ('hiefOrtengren finds this hehavior appalling especially in
light of the ability of these tire fighters to cone forward in a public thrum and state their
opinion. Rhona Saunders suggests that we down load and keep copies of these
statements. Battalion Commander Ortengren stated that the attacks are full of cruel
names and personal attacks. but never issue related information.
Diane provided the EMSAC nienihers with the upcoming workshop date to discuss the
partnership between EMS and the Fire Departments for the Single Vehicle Response
which answers the question - why do so many emergency vehicles show up at each call ?
This includes the ALS engine program when a second call conies down and the EMS unit
is already dedicated. We would place a Paramedic/firelighter on the Engine and a
Paramedic/Firefighter on the Ambulance this would resiilt in community members getting
ALS 100% of the time.
Meeting Adjourned
April 29, 1998
2:00 P.M.
Health Building
3rd Floor
3301 East Tamiami Trail
April 29, 1998
2:00 P.M.
Health Building
3"1 Floor
3301 East Tamiami Trail