Misc 09/21/2000 e$10 Memorandum
To: Sue Filson, Administrator Assistant
From: Diane B. Flagg, Chief
Emergency Services Department
Date: September 21, 2000
Subject: EMS Advisory Council
Your continued assistance and cooperation in identifying the Emergency Medical Services
Advisory Council candidates for the Boards' consideration is greatly appreciated.
The Emergency Medical Services Advisory Council has met and recommended the
following candidates based upon their knowledge of the community standard for
emergency services and their evidence of commitment to community service.
The Council recommended Mr. Robert Laird and Ms. Heather Rockcastle for the two at
large positions on the council. The Council further recommended that Dr. Robert Zehr be
identified as a representative for Cleveland Clinic consistent with the position held by
Naples Community Hospital. It is my understanding that the ordinance and resolution will
require revision to achieve this recommendation.
If I may offer any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact my office.
Thanks again.
Emergency Services Division
r-) Memorandum
To: Sue Filson, Admi trator Assistant
From: Diane B. Flagg, Chief `�'
Emergency Services D: •a ment
Date: September 21, 2000
Subject: EMS Advisory Council
Your continued assistance and cooperation in identifying the Emergency Medical Services
Advisory Council candidates for the Boards' consideration is greatly appreciated.
The Emergency Medical Services Advisory Council has met and recommended the
following candidates based upon their knowledge of the community standard for
emergency services and their evidence of commitment to community service.
The Council recommended Mr. Robert Laird and Ms. Heather Rockcastle for the two at
large positions on the council. The Council further recommended that Dr. Robert Zehr be
identified as a representative for Cleveland Clinic consistent with the position held by
Naples Community Hospital. It is my understanding that the ordinance and resolution will
require revision to achieve this recommendation.
1 (�y
Emergency Services Division
09/18/2000 17: 09 9413948140 MITA/FAY BILES PAGE 01
September 18, 2000
Mrs. Diane Flagg, Chief
Collier County Emergency Medical Services Dept.
3301 East Tamiami Trail
Naples,Fl 334112
Dear Chief Flagg:
At the last meeting of the Emergency Medical Services Advisory Council(EMSAC),
we beard a report of what Dr. Bob Tober said were his top priorities:
1. The addition of Amiodarone to the cardiac arrest protocol at an annual cost of
S76,000. He pointed out that the American Heart Association published new
standards for Advanced Cardiac support(ACLS) that moves the drug into a critical
position in the drug pathway for resuscitation of cardiac arrest. Since our system
has been frequently referenced as a benchmark of prehospital care, it is critical that
Collier County's EMS meet these standards as quickly as possible. The results of
using Amiodarone were statistically better,as published by the New England Jour-
nal of Medicine.
2. Dr. Tober asked that the Department increase the number of captains from six-
(6) to twelve(12), thereby decreasing the ratio to 1:10 from 1:20. The annual cost
for EMS Captains is $326,000. You proposed a phase in of these positions at
$109,000. Our paramedic system has continued to expand the paramedic work force
to meet the continually increasing numbers of 911 calls. With the addition of new
graduate paramedics to our ranks, it is extremely important that we maintain
vigilance and oversight of the clinical care we provide the people of Collier County.
The EMS Advisory Council voted to ask you to support Bob Tober's priorities. We
felt the cost seems both reasonable and necessary given the reality of the type of
medical care EMS provides to this county.
Fay R. Files,Ph.D. Vice Chairman, for the Emergency Medical Services Advisory
cc: Tom 011iff, Collier County Manager
L,/'f�Tom Storrar, Emergency Services Administrator
County Commissioners
Location: 350 7th Street North,Naples,Florida 34102
Malt P.O.Box 413029,Naples,Florida 34101
11190 Healthpark Blvd.,Naples,Florida 34110
September 15, 2000
Collier County Emergency Medical Services Department
3301 East Tamiami Trail
Naples Florida, 34112
Attn: Diane B. Flagg, Chief
Dear Diane:
This letter is to again seek your assistance in obtaining the funding for two
critically important programs that will directly impact the emergency care to our
1. The addition of Amiodarone (Cordarone) to the cardiac arrest protocol;
annual cost $ 76,000. As you know, the American Heart Association
published new standards for Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS),
that moves Amiodarone into a critical position in the drug pathway for
resuscitation of cardiac arrest. Whereas before, Epinephrine was
followed by Lidocaine, it is now followed by Amiodarone. Since our
system has been frequently referenced as a benchmark of prehospital
care, it is critical that we meet these standards as qucikly as possible. The
New England Journal of Medicine published the results of cardiac
arrests when Amiodarone was used and the results were statistically
better with the use of this new drug
2. EMS Captains; annual cost $326,000 although I understand you
proposed a phase in of these positions at $109,000. Our paramedic
system has continued to expand the paramedic work force to meet the
continually increasing numbers of 911 calls. With the addition of new
graduate paramedics to our ranks, it is extremely important that we
maintain vigilance and oversight of the clinical care we provide on the
streets. We currently have a captain to paramedic ratio of 1:20 which
does not provide a level of supervision that I am comfortable with. I
—2— September 15,2000
have asked that the number that the number of captains be increased
from six to twelve, thereby decreasing the above ratio to 1:10. I realize
the cost, but the expense seems both reasonable and necessary given the
reality of the type of medical care we provide to this county.
Thanks again for understanding the importance of implementing these two
Robert Boyd Tober, M. D., FACEP
Medical Director CCEMS
CC: Tom 011iff, County Manger
Tom Storrar, Emergency Services Adminstrator
County Commissioners
3 `i-/ - S')
OLLIER (' 3301 Tamiami Trail East, Bldg-H
OUNTY ,. ,Lt Naples, FL 34112
aEP*RTN IT Office: 941-774-8459
Fax: 941-775-4454
Web Site: http://co.collier.fl.us/ems/
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