News Articles WU'cspet.ial JILCy.1L01./ML11y J
rthem,butInevergdershift Commissioner wants county tO
o r them,but I never got to meet
dresses I made were sent to
in the Cape Cod area,where they re reredto the Kennedys." the controls at Marco Island Air;
tt di' - lwever,get to know Lily
luri a years she worked for
'Lily was a very nice,down-to- By DEN ES H USTY Portland,Maine-based Bar Harbor,under a manage the airfield. i
r,"McNattsaid."She treated me News-Press Staff Writer contract issued to the Deltona Corp. by the The employees ha
.y and gave me a;100 cash gift , state Department of Natural Resources, vate and charter aird
t,., which actually owns the property,Shanahan als and take care of
rely lady thinks contests,such as A request to have Collier County govern- said.' airport. i
Queen of Lee County pageant, ment temporarily take over the manage- • This contract,said the Marco Island coin- About 300 planes a'
tent because they make older ment of Marco Island Airport will be made to missioner,expires March 14 and Bar Harbor off from the airfleld,:
el good about themselves."I've commissioners today by County Commis- , has notified the state that the firm no longer George Moore. Also,
ig those 65-year-old chicks to be stoner Richard Shanahan. -wants to manage the airport for Deltona.
planes are parked at I
heir age,"McNatt said."Life isn't Shanahan said he views his request as ` 'Because of this, Shanahan said, he will said, but there are 1
..00k at me." part of a long-range plan to have the county request that the county commission ask the: handled at the airpor
tt,who's still driving,said she take over permanent control of the airfield state agency to award management of the Shanahan said '•
stays healthy and young at heart just north of the island off County Road 951. airport on a month-to-month basis until the cient enough cash ft.
he doesn't sit home and feel sorry However, the county needs to step in state makes a final decision on who will net and operating c'
.f."I'm involved with helping immediately to insure that ed airport re- manage the airport in the long run. • ever,he said operati•
he said."It's the people who sit mains open,Shanahan said. The county, said Shanahan, would hire - until this morning.
ling sorry for themselves who the five Bar Harbor employees now working
et old and sick." Currently, the airport is managed by at the airport and they would continue to S
tt said her most rewarding
-job is working with the youth
Ler church."I'm so proud when
out to be community leaders Group wants
•, • , . .- -- . •
:r,like Dudley y tell s tte, she Fire races across 75
rerheard Dudley tell someone,
eras an adult,that I was a terrific quicker care
Lnseeotheatmademefeeremuy of brush near Naples
.e the other counselors were much C
in Immokalee Q
;`ByDENESHUSTY t : C4 puitalawot
teal= speech Brew.-Preis R of;the late
By MICHELLE H.M ENDELSO N North aid 96th Avenu
Slat. 4sistant vice president of News-Press Staff Writer '" '
rations at the Bonita Bay Club, A fire Monday afternoon near Naples .mom ` said th
addressed the International Golf Bringing emergency health care to Im- p still unknown.
8 Park scorched about 75 acres of brush
lepers Conference in Portimao, mokalee is the number one priority of the that was still mostly dry despite weekend
• group Collier United for Rights and Equality. y ry p By 2:30 p.m.,Thor
conference,which was sponsored rains,firelighters said. - ers had checked thl
ofessional Golf Association The emergency section of Collier Health , we've got the fire a
2 Tour,featured speakers who are Services Inc.,the only clinic in Immokalee, "The little bit of rain we had over the seems to have died do
ed to be experts in the areas of closed in August. weekend didn't do any good at all.Most of •
ion,maintenance and tournament About 500 Immokalee residents and the underbrush that was killed by freezes.;. , In ant, sit fire tr
Ion of golf courses.Black was members of CURE,which is comprised of 13 earlier IS still dry," said North Na eef .forestry • «t rs.151
share his expertise on golf course churches in the county,have asked Commis- Assistant'FireChief JackT`hompson.. . »'No I, std Be
lent with the delegates,who were stoner Anne Goodnight to take their cause to .•y .� : ,,1 ., t? I„ -{ ∎;4 the K
United States,Great Britain and the board of county commissioners by Feb. _ Officio at Page Field.1i Fort'
20.Goodnight represents Immokalee. reported.2 inches,Of rain�tito`Nsp a ry Tell
"We want some kind of emergency medi- area overthe weekend. '` ' y:&`
e Nichols' Close Up column ap- cal care here,"said Reverend Howard Allen, " •-sir-.v . ••- + t;, -,,rip*Y, 4,4,DO ' " • -
the News-Press Tuesday through Thompson said the fire.w'as reported, to,) oil .•Saturday and Sunday. See CARE,page SE ''sr -3 s ' ter= '`• f ,.'S, ,,
-, - ---1 . / -- — - - t-
Recreation Center: .;� „
Monday: 10 to 11 a.m., noon,Congregate Meals;9 p.m:,square dance ` , . itt
Meals on Wheels; 11 noon, beginning oil (mainstream).
Congregate meals;6 to 9 painting;6 to 9 p.m.,Karate Saturday:Open rental. .
p.m.,Karate. Sunday 3 to 7 p.m. .,"
., / �
Thursday: 10 to 11 a.m., beginning square dancing;7 to
Tuesday: 10 to 11 a.m., Meals on Wheels; 11 p, square ` ��,"?
Meals on Wheels; 11 10 m. s oars dance "';'`n, _ ,
Congregate Meam; noon,Congregate Meals;3:30 (mainstream). {, 3' •�,`
noon, 1 to 3 to 4:30 p.m.,jazz and tap dance ?<;�:`� - ;
p.m.,Woodcarvers Club;6 to 7 For more information, �,,,,�,,.,..rf;'.
P• program;7:30 to 9 p.m.,yoga. lea8e call the recreation s`', z
p.m.,cheerieading class. P 1. ., v 7
Friday: 10 to 11 a.m., Meals center at 992-2556 between 8 rE V.I■-# �a�'r
Wednesday: 10 to 11 a.m., on Wheels; 11 noon, a.m.and 10 p.m., Monday
Meals on Wheels; 11 Congregate Meals;7 to 10 through Friday. Pointed ma
Walter Lawmaster,
Care From page 1E a cactus in the boil
cactus around his
president of CURE. In January 1989, EMS trans- Barton. But, he said, people should ,
CURE wants the county to pro- ported 4.4 people a day by ambu- "understand that we will take care of
vide a van service four times a day to lance from Immokalee,according to you for your medical needs.We will
take urgent cases to the nearest director George Barton.In January work with you"if you are unable to
emergency room, which is at the of 1990,4.8 people a day were trans- pay,he said.
North Collier Health Center 35 miles ported,he said. "This really isn't an EMS prob- Need help with a pea
from Immokalee. The group also All federal funds received by the 1em. These are people who need a MI about to the your al deress
Y tut about the federal deficit
wants a physician's assistant on the Immokalee clinic are earrmarked physician. Nothing has changed in have your water connects
i ' • clinic grounds 24 hours a day until a by the government for primary care, our procedures,"Barton said. some of the names and i
permanent solution can be found. which includes pre-natal care,fami- "We need to stop wrangling over 'need:
Goodnight said she will present ly planning, care for infectious dis- who's not doing what" and find a U.S. Senate
the proposal to her fellow commis- eases,—anything a family doctor's solution to Immokalee's needs, he
*stoners and ask them to direct the office would provide on an outpa- said. - - - Connie Mack, 1342 G
county g tient basis, according to Richard
Clinic director Akin,is optimistic Foil Myers, Fla. 33907,
coon manager,Neil ing emergen-1,to de- Akin,the clinic's director.The clinic 902 Hart Senate Office Bu
velop a plan for providing e about the future. I
cy care to Immokalee residents. receives no county money. ngf n,D.C.20510,(202)2
The section of the "The people of Immokalee let Bob Graham, 44 W.
e emergency
CURE members want to meet their wishes be known.I think it will Suite 650,Miami,Fla.331:
with Dorrill by March 12 to review clinic,which Akin said was really a be hard for the county commission- 7293; or 241 Dlrksen S
the plan,and it wants the plan to be first aide station with limited capab- ers to completely turn their backs," 224d3041Washington.D.C.
completed by March 20,Allen said. lities,was closed nights and Sundays. Akin said.
It closed for good last summer when
the clinic was so overwhelmed But he also is realistic about the rwhelmed with Congress
Immokalee needs emergency was
health care, Goodnight agreed, but patients that it could not provide the Problems involved. U.S. House of bier
she is not confident about the propo- primary care it is funded to perform "It was almost impossible for us 13th District: Porter Goss,
sal's success. and could not keep qualified staff,he to keep qualified personnel. At the House Office Building.
"I'm kind of hesitant. The num- said. salaries we(could)pay,we couldn't D.C.20515.
hers are not there for me to believe People with problems such as keep it(the emergency room)staff-
the board can be convinced,"Good- broken bones or puncture wounds ed,"he said. Governor
• night said, generally are not eligible for trans- "We were turning people away at Bob Martinez,Capitol,
The number of people being seen portation by ambulance and must the door—some of whom had more Fla.32399(904)488-4441.
by the county's Emergency Medical drive to North Naples.That can be a serious problems but of a more silent
Services' ambulance workers has problem for the many farmworkers nature,"Akin said. Lieutenant Govei
not •increased since the facility in Immokalee,who often do not have "The people Of Immokalee really Bobby Brantley, Capl
closed,she said. cars or the money to pay for taxis. need some basic emergency room see,Fla.32399(904)488-4
"The county staff can't say the A widely-held belief, with its care—.round the clock.There are a
•heed is there because there has been roots in fact,is that EMS charges an lot of lacerations, bites, things that Florida Senate
an increase in emergency response," average of $350 for an ambulance don't really require an ambulance 38th District. Fred I
she said. ride from Immokalee,according to ride but do need to be seen,"he said. Cape Coral Parkway, Chi
33904,542-1324,or 258
AI r po 1 t. From page 1E Florida House
73rd District: J. Keith
The costs, however, are of con- well as the public's need for trans- permission to temporarily manage Box 2880,Fort Myers,Fla
cerntoothercommissioners. portation,Lewis said. the airport, Shanahan said that the 334-7727,or 29 House 0
"I want to know exactly how Also,the study will suggest,if it is county also needs to look ahead be-
much this is going to cost before I recommended that the airport re- cause the airport is"an integral part , ,
make a decision.I'm not at all sure main open, if the airfield can be of the county's growth and transpor- j
I'm in favor of taking over the air- operated in a more environmentally tation plans for the future."
port.I'm willing to listen,but I don't sound manner,Stewart said.He said For that reason, Shanahan said, '
want to buy a pig in a poke," said the natural resources department the commission had previously sent '
Collier County Commission Chair- would then have to choose somebody a resolution to Gov. Bob Martinez
man Max Hasse. to lease the airport. and the Cabinet asking that perma-
The commission's request to run Any decision as to what will be nent control of the airport be given to
the airport, if made,will be consid- done with the airport will ultimately Collier County.
ered,said Randy Lewis,spokesman rest with Gov. Bob Martinez and his If the state does give permanent
• Plan of Charlotte County
Services Provided by Charlotte County Emergency Medical Services
1. The Ambulance Membership Plan of Ch rlotte Co in advance,isnaeproggram
which enables people to pay a fixed
$30.00 for a single person, or $60.00 for a household.
cover any uninsured portions of an ambulance bill for unlimited,
medically necessary emergency and non-emergency ambulance
services, within Charlotte County, from January 1,
1990 your
application is current through February 28, 1991. The plan
is not an insurance policy. It will bill your Medicare or
insurance or both, accept payment from them, and then the Plan
covers what our Medicare or insurance does not pay.
To be covered under' this plan, an ambulance must bee,medically
• necessary. If. a patient can go by a private
non-medical transport, or wheelchair transport without it being
injurious to their health and they use ambulance service, that
transport is not covered under the plan. .
2. The Plan is good through UtChrfromeEnglewoodnHospital Gtoparilla
Island and patients transported
facility in Charlotte County.
3. The Ambulance Membership Plan covers those residing in a house-
hold. A as wife, or
parent, their c
address. If an adult child cares for and has an elderly parent
living with them, that elderly parent is considered a separate
household and would require a'separate Membership Plan. This
is also the case for children'over 18'living at home and
physically or mentally handicapped children over 18 living at
home. If a husband and wife live at separate residences, they
will need two separate membership.
4'. Members will receive a membership card approximately two to
four weeks after joining, but will be covered• under the Plan
immediately upon receipt of a completed application and payment
of the full membership fee.
5. Please make checks or money orders, payable to Charlotte County
Board of County Commissioners, and mailed to Charlotte County
E.M.S. , 22429 Edgewater Drive, Charlotte Harbor, Florida 33980.