Tuesday, March 15, 1983
0950 hrs . The meeting was called to order with the following members
present : Diane Flagg
Dave Kitchen
Jeff Page
Bill Peplinski
Terry Ortengren for Joe Magri
Debbie Lichliter
Denny Hare, alternate
0953 hrs . The minutes were read from the last council meeting and old
business gone over again as follows :
1 ) Curtains for the Immokalee station : Debbie Lichliter is
at this point negotiating for the best prices . There are
two large windows where mini -blinds will be used , and four
smaller windows , where curtains will be used . Colors in
earth tones will be in within the next two weeks .
1005 hrs . 2) Meeting between C.C.E.M.S. and Naples City Fire Chief Ijams
and Chief Smith . The meeting took place between Naples
Fire Department Chief and C.C. E.M.S. with Diane Flagg pre-
sent representing C.C.E.M.S. employees . All C.C. E.M.S.
requests such as , copies of the new city Fire Department
rules will be printed and distributed in the near future.
Also , Doug Greenfield wanted to make sure that all C.C.E.M.S .
employees working at the city station to realize that the
T.V. at the city fire station is not owned or leased from
the county. It was purchased by the employees of the city
fire dept . and the cable is paid for by the employees of the
city fire department . They share it with C.C.E.M.S . as a
courtesy .
March 22, 1983
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3 ) Data research for the next shift change : The data
was expected to take approximately 45 days before the
results return , expected sometime in April .
4 ) Volunteers for Type II Van enterior Design changes : Deny
Hare and Joe Magri have volunteered for this task. With-
in the next week , truck 2, 9, and 10, will be sent over to
the woodworking county shop for revamping, per Doug
Greenfield .
5 ) Bedspreads for C.C.E.M.S. beds at all stations : The bed
spreads have already been purchased . They will be on the
road by Monday, March 21 , or Tuesday, March 22.
6 ) A microwave oven for 501 ' s station : Marco ' s microwave is
not one of C.C.E.M.S. microwaves . We own two, one at the
north station and one at Headquarters . But due to the
tremendous benefits a microwave would provide for the 501
crew, Doug Greenfield has arranged for a microwave to be
purchased for the city station and assigned Skip Camp in
locating and purchasing one . Will be installed in approx-
imately one month .
1030 hrs 7) Disability Income Insurance for C.C.E.M.S. Personnel :
Since our last meeting of the council , Jeff Page had vol-
unteered to go out and research the different Insurance
Company policies that were available to us . Jeff located
what he felt was the superior Insurance Company. Franklin
Life Insurance of Southwest Financial Planning presented
council with an excellent plan and received the advisory
councils endorsement . If you are interested in disability
insurance, contact your representative or Jeff Page and
make an appointment with the Insurance agent at your con-
venience .
Just some of the benefits :
A) One of the most stable Insurance Companies in the U.S.A.
March 22, 1983
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B) You would be eligible for a monthly income if you became
sick or injured on or off the job, or were temporarily or
permanently disabled .
C) Franklin Life can not cancel your policy for any reason
once it is established, and it goes with you regardless of
where you work.
D) The money that you pay into the policy for the coverage
is refunded to you when you retire , a total of 100%. You
may retire earlier than 65 and receive a less amount . If
you are temporarily disabled , then that amount that you
used while you were disabled would be deducted from the
100% refund when you retired .
E) Premiums can never be raised once you established the
amount of income disablity you would need to live on .
There is much more for more detailed information contact
Jeff Page or your representative.
1105 hrs . New Business :
1 ) Skip Camp requests from now on , council members working
the days of the meetings find their own replacement at
their station , EMS will still pay the overtime to the re-
placements .
2 ) A system is needed and being worked on to determine a way
of more fairly distributing overtime to all the employees
interested in working overtime . Some employees feel that
a selected few are getting the majority of overtime when
it arises . Overtime for a period of 8 hours or more only,
will be scheduled as follows : A Rolodex with each employees
name typed on a card , will be arranged according to senior-
ity initially, a group for EMS ' s and a group for Paramedics .
When overtime comes up the first card person will be called .
If the individual takes it, their card will be moved to the
back with the date the Overtime was taken . If they refuse
March 22 , 1983 + ......--
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it, their card will also be moved to the back with the
date refused on it . If the individual is not home or
working, the card will maintain its place in the Rolodex .
This policy will go into effect as soon as Terry Ortengren
can purchase a Rolodex and get the cards types , approximately
one week
3 ) It has been brought to our attention , that there is no
policy regarding who is responsible for water rescues , i .e . ,
swimming in to get them and condo rescues etc . Skip Camp
and Doug Greenfield will be forthcoming with a policy.
4) Vehicle idling : Doug Greenfield has requested the units be
periods of time other than call scenes , i .e. , at NCH, 10-23
in zones , etc .
5 ) Going home while on duty : Doug Greenfield has requested
employees of C.C.E.M.S not to take the units to their homes .
He feels this is a bad reflection upon C.C.E.M.S.
' 120 hrs 6 ) Air/Sea Rescue for C.C.E.M.S. : Doug Greenfield is looking
into the possibility of choosing 12 personnel and training
them for helicopter air/sea rescue, possibly through a
military base . Doug states he still needs criteria for
choosing the best 12 people that volunteer for this type of
training .
7 ) Skip Camp has been notified of hazards at the North Station
and will take care of the situation immediately.
1135 hrs . Meeting closed .
The C .C.E.M.S . Advisory Meeting will meet once a month , employees
welcomed . Next meeting April 19, 1983 at 9 :30 a .m .
Dave Kitchen , Secretary
Collier County E.M.S. Employees advisory Council
1-1 APPROVE P S �,2 COQ r.
and //[�tti�
❑ FORWARD D0 [7.
333 Eighth Street South • ❑ REVIEW WITH ME
Date From
Circuit Judge Ted Brousseau Monday sentenced three former American
Ambulance officials to jail and prison terms ranging from 6 to 18
months after having been convicted by a Collier County Circuit Court
jury of nearly two dozen counts of theft of County funds. These thefts
occurred while American Ambulance had a contract with Collier County to
provide emergency medical services. Judge Brousseau also levied fines
against the defendants ranging from $11,500 to $33,000 , placed the
defendants on five years probation and ordered each to work in community
service for a certain number of hours.
Frankly, we feel Judge Brousseau's sentence i
-, s a�n insult to the
taxpayers of Collier County It +is also an th r example of how our
courts continue to be-``lenient -,on white-collar ;crime ;'The fines Judge
Brousseau levied don't even cover the costs of prosecution which is
estimated at $119,000; much less the ��•
$287,,000 of, county funds the defen-
dants are accused of stealing Two of�the.`defendants were not even
L �!
adjudicated guiltyx ,1 4
Judge Brouss _- sentence is also contrary to the recommended
sentence in the p_ .=-sentence investigation, wich proposed a five-year
prison term for .---az11 defendant and full restitution of county funds.
It is dishea ing to see a sentence that probably will result in
the release of =efendants within five to eight months as a result
of good time and . agile. Even more disheartening is the example this
case sets for who might consider similar activities in regard
to our public funds.
Must we conc_ude '
that Judge Brousseau' s decision proves that wl'iteL,
collar crime still doi-is pay? We hope not.
n cti\II•1
'� t R CAllt.tViSIO�WNOG 1270 AM • So WCVU-FM 94.5 STER