MEMBERS PRESENT - Jeff Page, Tom Maguire, Sue Keny, Denny Hare, Terry
GUESTS PRESENT - Doug Greenfield, Barry Flagg, Doug Cameron
0940 meeting called to order by Jeff Page. Minutes read and approved.
1 . The EKG electrodes we previously used have been ordered and should
be back on the units soon.
2. Gravel has been placed beside our parking space at Marco Station
to alleviate mud problems. It looks great but this is the only
improvement done so far at this station. Doug Greenfield will
get in contact with Marco to find the reason for delay.
1 . Guidelines for unit repair at motor pool are not being followed.
Crews have been verbally giving work orders to mechanics which
causes confusion and incomplete repairs. In the future all work
requests should be itemized on the green sheets, placed in with
the trip sheets and Doug Cameron will get the requests to motor
2. Tire guages have been issued to all stations. Tire pressures will
now be a daily log in the truck log book.
3. Our new unit, No. 5, should be on the road next week. It will be
on display at the mall and then out to transport sick and injured.
Since this is our first unit utilizing a centermount stretcher,
feed back is important. Any employee working this unit should
give positive or negative reactions regarding its effectiveness
to his or her supervisor.
4. As a result of his upcoming move, Denny Hare handed in his resig-
nation as a member of EMSEAC. Diane Flagg also requested to
temporarily be relieved of her position on the council due to her
increased work load. All members approved this temporary move
and voted to have alternate Bill Boettcher premanently replace
Denny Hare and alternate Terry Ortengren to temporarily replace
Diane Flagg. This creates a need for alternates, so a letter of
intent will go out with pay checks and should be submitted by any
employee interested who has been with Collier County EMS 6 months.
5. Doug Greenfield explained two new units which he hopes to have
in service next October. One unit would be an East Naples unit
507 - staffed by a paramedic and an EMT. The second unit would
be 508 B. This unit would repalce 510 in Immokalee. It would
be staffed by two EMTs and would be run as a basic life support
6. Moral - several employees have voiced concern over dealing with
moral. Discussion followed in an effort to identify the problem
and how best to deal with it. Any employees who have an interest
in this matter, please contact your advisory representative or
attend our next meeing.
1300 Meeting adjourned. Next EMSEAC meeting will be June 5th at 9:30.
Respectfully submitted,
Sue Keny