Minutes 05/07/1985 ADVISORY COUNCIL MINUTES May 7, 1985 Meeting called to order at 10:05 AM, May 7, 1985 Meeting adjourned at 12:30 PM Members present: Terry Ortengren, Homer Brooks, Bill Boettcher and Terry Halberg Guests present: Doug Greenfield and Bill Griffin OLD BUSINESS 1. Jumpsuits - Mr. Greenfield stated that there is an approximate difference of $400 between the two quotes for 4.5 jumpsuits (Martin's Uniforms and Uniform's Galore) . He also stated that about 65% of the employees found a good fit in the sample jump- suits provided by Martin's Unifroms. Employees will be notified when Uniform's Galore provides samples for fitting, and Sally will survey each employee on which they like best. It will be October or November before the entire service will be outfitted with jumpsuits. A "test crew" and the ALS competition team will be outfitted prior to the rest of the employees. Navy blue will be the color of the jumpsuits and Risk Management will require reflective tape. A holster strap for carrying the radio will be used rather than the jumpsuits having belt loops. 2. Hepatitis B Vaccine - The shots will be given in a 3 shot series, costing the county about $96 per person. The shots will be given in house (by your friends and co-workers) and are administered intramuscularly. Homer recommended that those not desiring to be given the vaccine be required to sign such a statement to pro- tect the county against possible litigation. Neither Mr. Green- field nor Bill Griffin agreed and both made apparent their dis- belief that any law suits might occur. Homer is completing a list of those desiring the vaccination. If you have not been contacted, please get in touch with him at home or at 502 on "B" shift. 3. School Cars - Action not taken due to lack of expressed desire for such a schedule. 4. Food and the IRS - Mr. Greenfield has already signed the memo concerning each crew pooling their money for shifts in an attempt to get a tax break next year. Terry Ortengren cautioned that she has been advised that some paramedics and EMT's that used "on duty food" as a tax deduction for their 1984 returns may be audited. vis 5. Bugs at 503 Station - Council again asked management to look into moving the outside lights or changing their color to yellow to help cut down on the bug situation. NEW BUSINESS 1. Part-Time Council Representative - Terry Lichliter requested to be appointed the part-time employees representative in the Ad- visory Council. This request was accepted by all in attendance. 2. Wellness Center - The Assistant Director of the Wellness Center, Henry Trollinger, in a letter to Mr. Greenfield dated 4/17/85, offered EMS employees a 20% discount "in recognition of the dedi- cated service we afford the community." The cost, with the dis- count will be $250 for a three month package and $40 for each month thereafter. The three month package includes bicycle stress testing, complete blood work, consultation fees and activity fees. 3. Golden Gate Eagle Article - This article was noted by the council. 4. Radio Procedures - Mr. Greenfield reminded the council of the proper radio (telemetry) procedure when by-passing North Collier Health Center or Marco Urgent Care Center with a patient. He agreed that noting the name and position of the person at the facility making the decision to stop or by-pass be noted on the trip ticket for future reference is a good idea. He also advised that in the multi-patient call, all patients must be taken to one facility or the other and no breaking up of patients is permitted. 5. Representative Resigns - Sue Keny resigned (verbally) from the Advisory Council. No reason was given during the meeting. 6. Linen - Towels that actually absorb water are available from Sally. Remember - linen is to be put in the dirty linen con- tainer at NCH only! Do not leave it at Headquarters or your station. Also remember that we do not exchange linen at either Marco Urgent Care Center or North Collier Health Care Center. 7. New Medication Packaging - It was recommended that any new form of current drugs put on the unit be reviewed during In-service meetings. It was agreed that this would be a much more approp- riate time to learn how to use the drug rather than on the scene. It was also recommended to Bill Griffin that the powdered form of lidocaine be used up and not re-ordered due to problems in mixing the drug. There is some question whether the problem is defective packaging or operator error, so if you have an opinion one way or the other, contract your representative. -2- 8. Personal Uses of County Owned Equipment and Supplies - Just a short reminder that such activity is a Class III Offense. 9. Psychological Counseling - David Lawrence Mental health Care Center met with Mr. Greenfield on April 15th concerning an employee assistance program. This program, when instituted, will in- clude family planning, alcohol and drug rehabilitation, stress management, pre-employment screening and psychological de-briefing following traumatic or mass casualty scenes. There will be no cost to the employee for this service, and it will be mandatory in some cases. 10. Immobilization Plan - Mr. Greenfield cited working second jobs and living outside the county as two problems with the county's plan for mobilization in cases of disasters. The problem is being looked into. 11. Mandatory Overtime - Homer asked about how an employee was chosen for mandatory overtime. Doug Greenfield and Bill Griffin advised that although we have come close to having to implement this county right on a few occasions, that it has never caused a pro- blem or had to be used. They also stated that there was no real system to deciding who gets called in on mandatory overtime and that they would consider developing a system if it becomes a pro- blem. 12. Late Arrivals at Stations - Terry Halberg brought up the problem of late relief by part-time employees just getting off their regular jobs. The problem is being looked into. 13. Calling Out Sick Deadline - Homer recommended that the deadline for calling in sick be moved back a half an hour to 7:00 AM. The reason was that it is difficult to get to work on time (especially in Immokalee) when the supervisor calls you after 7:30 AM and tells you to report to a different station. 14. Flight Teams - The idea of having a team of 6 people for helicopter flights in the new 511 was discussed. Mr. Greenfield's idea is to have each crew spend one month on 511 and then one month on 510. This would be the constant rotation of the flight team. He pointed out that the teams would have to be specially trained and dealt with so only these 6 people would be flying in the helicopter. 15. New Ambulance - Our new Type II (van) ambulance for Immokalee should be on the road by the third week of June. -3- t_y 16. New Supply System - Although not complete, the idea of having locked medication boxes on the units, along with other components of the system were discussed. 17. Raises - Mr. Greenfield stated that all employees will be given a 4% raise in October of this year. A possible 3% raise will also be available next year in the form of merit raises. The evaluation forms for next year have also been simplified and standardized. 18. Temporary Secretary - Please note that due to work, Bill Peplinski, Council Secretary, was not in attendance at this meeting. Homer was "elected" to take notes due to the lack of another volunteer. Please excuse any errors and hurry back Bill (I don't like this job! ) . Re •ectfully Submitty0, / I0 Homer Brooks, vice Chairman Acting Secretary HB/jm -4- ADVISORY COUNCIL MINUTES May 7, 1985 Meeting called to order at 10:05 AM, May 7, 1985 Meeting adjourned at 12:30 PM Members present: Terry Ortengren, Homer Brooks, Bill Boettcher and Terry Halberg Guests present: Doug Greenfield and Bill Griffin OLD BUSINESS 1. Jumpsuits - Mr. Greenfield stated that there is an approximate difference of $400 between the two quotes for 45 jumpsuits (Martin's Uniforms and Uniform's Galore) . He also stated that about 65% of the employees found a good fit in the sample jump- suits provided by Martin's Unifroms. Employees will be notified when Uniform's Galore provides samples for fitting, and Sally will survey each employee on which they like best. It will be October or November before the entire service will be outfitted with jumpsuits. A "test crew" and the ALS competition team will be outfitted prior to the rest of the employees. Navy blue will be the color of the jumpsuits and Risk Management will require reflective tape. A holster strap for carrying the radio will be used rather than the jumpsuits having belt loops. 2. Hepatitis B Vaccine - The shots will be given in a 3 shot series, costing the county about $96 per person. The shots will be given in house (by your friends and co-workers) and are administered intramuscularly. Homer recommended that those not desiring to be given the vaccine be required to sign such a statement to pro- tect the county against possible litigation. Neither Mr. Green- field nor Bill Griffin agreed and both made apparent their dis- belief that any law suits might occur. Homer is completing a list of those desiring the vaccination. If you have not been contacted, please get in touch with him at home or at 502 on "B" shift. 3. School Cars - Action not taken due to lack of expressed desire for such a schedule. 4. Food and the IRS - Me. Greenfield has already signed the memo concerning each crew pooling their money for shifts in an attempt to get a tax break next year. Terry Ortengren cautioned that she has been advised that some paramedics and EMT's that used "on duty food" as a tax deduction for their 1984 returns may be audited. 5. Bugs at 503 Station - Council again asked management to look into moving the outside lights or changing their color to yellow to help cut down on the bug situation. NEW BUSINESS 1. Part-Time Council Representative - Terry Lichliter requested to be appointed the part-time employees representative in the Ad- visory Council. This request was accepted by all in attendance. 2. Wellness Center - The Assistant Director of the Wellness Center, Henry Trollinger, in a letter to Mr. Greenfield dated 4/17/85, offered EMS employees a 20% discount "in recognition of the dedi- cated service we afford the community." The cost, with the dis- count will be $250 for a three month package and $40 for each month thereafter. The three month package includes bicycle stress testing, complete blood work, consultation fees and activity fees. 3. Golden Gate Eagle Article - This article was noted by the council. 4. Radio Procedures - Mr. Greenfield reminded the council of the proper radio (telemetry) procedure when by-passing North Collier Health Center or Marco Urgent Care Center with a patient. He agreed that noting the name and position of. the person at the facility making the decision to stop or by-pass be noted on the trip ticket for future reference is a good idea. He also advised that in the multi-patient call, all patients must be taken to one facility or the other and no breaking up of patients is permitted. 5. Representative Resigns - Sue Keny resigned (verbally) from the Advisory Council. No reason was given during the meeting. 6. Linen - Towels that actually absorb water are available from Sally. Remember - linen is to be put in the dirty linen con- tainer at NCH only! Do not leave it at Headquarters or your station. Also remember that we do not exchange linen at either Marco Urgent Care Center or North Collier Health Care Center. 7. New Medication Packaging - It was recommended that any new form of current drugs put on the unit be reviewed during In-service meetings. It was agreed that this would be a much more approp- riate time to learn how to use the drug rather than on the scene. It was also recommended to Bill Griffin that the powdered form of lidocaine be used up and not re-ordered due to problems in mixing the drug. There is some question whether the problem is defective packaging or operator error, so if you have an opinion one way or the other, contract your representative. -2- 8. Personal Uses of County Owned Equipment and Supplies - Just a short reminder that such activity is a Class III Offense. 9. Psychological Counseling - David Lawrence Mental health Care Center met with Mr. Greenfield on April 15th concerning an employee assistance program. This program, when instituted, will in- clude family planning, alcohol and drug rehabilitation, stress management, pre-employment screening and psychological de-briefing following traumatic or mass casualty scenes. There will be no cost to the employee for this service, and it will be mandatory in some cases. 10. Immobilization Plan - Mr. Greenfield cited working second jobs and living outside the county as two problems with the county's plan for mobilization in cases of disasters. The problem is being looked into. 11. Mandatory Overtime - Homer asked about how an employee was chosen for mandatory overtime. Doug Greenfield and Bill Griffin advised that although we have come close to having to implement this county right on a few occasions, that it has never caused a pro- blem or had to be used. They also stated that there was no real system to deciding who gets called in on mandatory overtime and that they would consider developing a system if it becomes a pro- blem. 12. Late Arrivals at Stations - Terry Halberg brought up the problem of late relief by part-time employees just getting off their regular jobs. The problem is being looked into. 13. Calling Out Sick Deadline - Homer recommended that the deadline for calling in sick be moved back a half an hour to 7:00 AM. The reason was that it is difficult to get to work on time (especially in Immokalee) when the supervisor calls you after 7:30 AM and tells you to report to a different station. 14. Flight Teams - The idea of having a team of 6 people for helicopter flights in the new 511 was discussed. Mr. Greenfield's idea is to have each crew spend one month on 511 and then one month on 510. This would be the constant rotation of the flight team. He pointed out that the teams would have to be specially trained and dealt with so only these 6 people would be flying in the helicopter. 15. New Ambulance - Our new Type II (van) ambulance for Immokalee should be on the road by the third week of June. -3- 16. New Supply System - Although not complete, the idea of having locked medication boxes on the units, along with other components of the system were discussed. 17. Raises - Mr. Greenfield stated that all employees will be given a 4% raise in October of this year. A possible 3% raise will also be available next year in the form of merit raises. The evaluation forms for next year have also been simplified and standardized. 18. Temporary Secretary - Please note that due to work, Bill Peplinski, Council Secretary, was not in attendance at this meeting. Homer was "elected" to take notes due to the lack of another volunteer. Please excuse any errors and hurry back Bill (I don't like this job! ). Re .-ctfully Submitt=1, /e 'f Homer Brooks, vise Chairman Acting Secretary HB/jm -4-