HAAB Minutes 10/25/2012 October 25, 2012
Naples, Florida, October 25, 2012
AI JAN 082013 Si
LET IT BE REMEMBERED that the Collier County Hispanic Affairs Advisory
Board, in and for the County of Collier, having conducted business herein, met on
this date at 6:00 PM in REGULAR SESSION in Building "F," 3rd floor, of the
Government Complex, Naples, Florida, with the following Members present:
Fiala y✓ Chairman: Manuel Gonzalez
Henning 1 p Ileana Ramos
eartliter Ptuk
Valaree D. Maxwell
Albert Batista
Zetty Y. Rivera (absent)
c. Torres:
item#: i(OI 2-11-1
ALSO PRESENT: Marlene Serrano, Staff Liaison
Copies to:
October 25, 2012
I. Call to Order:
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Manny Gonzalez at 6:01 pm and a quorum was
II. Approve the Meeting Agenda:
Ileana moved to approve the Agenda, second by Albert. Carried unanimously, 4-0.
III. Approval of Minutes from the Meeting of September 27, 2012:
Ileana motioned to approve the minutes, Valaree seconded. Carried unanimously, 4-0.
A suggestion was made to allow the guest speakers to make their presentations before other
business was conducted.
IV. Guest Speaker:
A. Karyn Cavero- Legal Aid Services: Ms. Cavero presented a power point that
explained the different services provided by Legal Aid Services which includes
providing free civil legal services to low income residents in Collier County. Legal
Aid Service is a private, non- profit law firm that was formed as part of a statewide
reorganization in 2004. Their mission is to provide high quality, free civil legal
services to the residents of Collier County, based on need so as to encourage self
sufficiency and improve the lifestyle and living conditions of the entire community.
Legal aid Services has three locations in the county and operates from Monday-
Friday 9am-5pm.
Legal Aid Services has several guidelines:
• Client must be a resident of Collier County
• Civil cases only
• Eligibility is tied to Federal Poverty Guidelines
Ms. Cavero stated that Legal Aid has different units of services as Public
benefits, Immigration, Housing law, Family Law Unit, Children Advocacy Services,
Probono and Low Income Taxpayer Clinic.
Manny asked in regards to Immigration and the U-Visa. Ms. Cavero stated that the U-
Visa is for victims of domestic violence. Manny also asked if Legal Aid Services
October 25, 2012
works with the Department of Children and Family Services, and Ms. Cavero stated
that they work with them and refer cases to them but the DCF has their own
B. Ismael Hernandez- Freedom and Virtue Institute: This institute was formed because
of the need to serve the poor and teach principles in different areas. The Institute has
different programs, there is one program that is called the "Self Reliance Club" that
helps minority kids to work and earn money to purchase schools supplies in the next
year. The work is related to the school, they work in school gardens, entrepreneurship
roles, and it teaches the kids not to be at the end of the receiving hand, and they learn
how to be self sufficient. The program is now in five schools in Lee County and
hopefully will be here in Collier County soon. The institute also trains members of
the community in the "Effective Compassion Training", which are involved as
volunteers in 7 principles. The training is often provided to members of the church,
ministers, etc. Their work is expanding to Chicago, Ohio and Puerto Rico.
Albert asked which company started the program. Mr. Hernandez stated that it was a
group of volunteers that got together and formed the group.
Valaree asked what type of work the kids were doing. Mr. Hernandez stated that they
are doing urban farming. They visit the schools and go over what the school is
already doing. They are working with Tyce Elementary that is doing a garden; Three
Oaks Elementary is farming for flowers. Farming goes with the idea of
entrepreneurship and wealth creation.
Ileana asked if they offer tutoring to the children. Mr. Hernandez stated that they
haven't offered tutoring but they are working with volunteers. Mr. Hernandez stated
that they are meeting with Collier County Superintendent to seek other opportunities.
C. Veronica Vidaurri- South wind Village Mobile Home Park: Ms. Vidaurri stated that
she came to this meeting to advise the Board problems at her community:
• Water bills range from $300-$400 per month per mobile home
• Drainage problems in all street, they have to carry the kids
• Trailer Park owners are obligated to cut all the trees in the community
October 25,2012
• Streets are not painted to divide the flow of traffic, there are no street signs,
speed limit signs, cars are constantly speeding and drivers use San Marco
Blvd. to come across to the next community.
• Trailer park manager contracted with a towing company to tow all vehicles
that exceed the amount of vehicles that are parked on the driveways and they
do not leave any notices to the owners.
• There are no street lights.
Iliana asked where the Mobile Home Park was located. Ms. Vidaurri stated that it's on
San Marco Blvd and Radio Road.
Manny advised Ms. Vidaurri that Marlene Serrano, HAAB Staff Liaison, works in Code
Enforcement and may be able to assist. Manny also asked Ms. Cavero if she could help the
mobile home owners in regards to any owner tenant violations.
Albert stated that he visited the park and offered help, but the majority of the residents
are illegal and they are afraid to come forward and provide documentation in regards to the water
bills. Albert stated that he asked for documentation to be able to go to the State attorney's Office,
but he has unable to get anything from the residents. In regards to the water drainage and the
street lights, signs, the County should be able to help. The tow trucks are regulated by the Collier
County Sheriff's Office.
Ms. Serrano gave her business card and offer assistance. Ms. Serrano also advised about
the Task Force meetings that take place monthly and the public is invited to attend. Lt. Gonzalez
stated that the Sheriffs Office can help and they don't check if the person is illegal. The police
department only checks the immigration status when there is criminal activity taking place.
Ms. Vidaurri stated that she will email the information to Lt. Gonzalez, Albert and Ms.
October 25,2012
V. Old Business: None
VI. New Business:
VII. Member and Staff Comments:
A. Marijuana and Drugs- Valaree spoke about a recent BCC meeting that she
attended where it was discussed the sale and use of synthetic drugs. Ms. Maxwell
went over the different type of synthetic drugs offered for sale at gas stations and
the danger of the drugs.
B. CCSO Hostage Negotiation Seminar- Manny spoke about a recent seminar that he
attended with Ileana. Ileana stated that it was a very interesting meeting. She
learned how the team works, the strategy and the terminology that they use.
C. Records Search Clerks of Courts Seminar- Manny spoke about how to search on
property records, evictions, civil, criminal court records, etc.
D. Guadalupe Center- Manny asked the Board members to volunteer during
Thanksgiving to serve the needy at the Guadalupe Center.
VIII. Adjourn
Manny motioned to adjourn, Ileana seconded. Carried unanimously, 4-0.
Meeting adjourned at 8:30 pm.
Next Meeting: November 15, 2012.
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Chairman Date
/Attendance Sheet For
11/15/12 Meeting I
Albert Batista A it'll
Manuel Gonzalez
Valaree D. Maxwell III
Zetty Y. Rivera Ai 0-r S EX.)-7
Marlene Serrano 711-GSS2-,‘,/a,-z3.4Z
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