Immokalee EZDA Minutes 10/17/2012 Collier County Community Redevelopment Agency IMMOKALEE CRA i The Place to Coll Home Enclosure 1 MINUTES Immokalee Local Redevelopment Agency October 17,2012 A. Call to Order. The meeting was called to order by Mike Facundo, Chairman at 840 a.m. B. Roll Call and Announcement of a Quorum. Advisory Committee/EZDA Members Present: Mike Facundo, Ski Olesky, Jeffery Randall, Robert Halman, Floyd Crews, James Wall, Eva Deyo,and Carrie Williams. Advisory Committee/EZDA Members Absent/Excused: Julio Estremera,Daniel Rosario and Cristina Perez. Action: A quorum was announced as being present. Others Present: Steve Hart, John Lundin, Chris Curry, Magda Ayala, Weldon J. Walker, Jr., and Mitch Hutchcraft. Staff: Penny Phillippi, Brad Muckel,Marie Capita, Christie Betancourt, and Jeffrey Nagle. C. Introductions. All present introduced themselves. D. Announcements. a. NBIA — Ms. Phillippi announced that she had attended the NBIA training (approved by CRA Chair)and requested Advisory Board Approval. Action: Jeffery Randall made a motion to approve the travel to the NBIA Training Session, Ski Olesky seconded the motion and it passed by unanimous vote. b. FEFC — Ms. Phillippi requested approval to travel to Miami for the mandatory annual Board of Directors meeting of the Florida Export Finance Corporation. Action: Ski Olesky made a motion to approve the travel to the FEFC Annual Board of Directors meeting, Jeffery Randall seconded the motion and it passed by unanimous vote. E. Adoption of Agenda. Additions to the Agenda: I. d. Executive Director's Employment Agreement and I.e. Discussion of a 501 (c)(3) for the IBDC. Action: Ski Olesky made a motion to approve the Agenda (with noted changes), Jeffery Randall seconded the motion and it passed by unanimous vote. F. Communications. a. The Communications Folder containing the meeting notices was passed around for review. G. Consent Agenda. a. Approval of Minutes for the September 19,2012 CRA Advisory Board meeting. Action: Jeffery Randall made the motion to approve the Consent Agenda, the motion was seconded by Ski Olesky and the Consent Agenda was approved by unanimous vote. H. Old Business. a. Project Manager's Reports i. CRA Project Manager a. Stormwater Master Plan — Mr. Muckel reported that the punch list for the Phase I Stormwater Project is 90% complete and the General Contractor has been paid $2.7 million. The Phase II Stormwater Project on Immokalee Drive RFQ for an engineering firm should be released later this month. He noted that the Big Cypress Basin has award $200,000 toward the engineering of the Phase II Project. b. Crosswalk Improvement Project — Mr. Muckel informed the Committee that the RFQ for this project has been scored and AIM was the selected firm. However,their price for the study and creation of construction documents was$140,000. He will renegotiate with the firm. 1 rt Enclosure 1 i c. First Street Plaza — Ms. Phillippi reported that the firms of David Corban Architects, Inc, were selected to design the plaza. After negation,the price agreed upon is $113,450. The contract will be presented to the BCC on November 13, 2012. Two public meeting will be held the day of November 14th, one as the CRA/MSTU monthly meetings and the other in the evening at the Community Park. ii. IBDC Manager a. Airport Authority Interlocal Agreement - Ms. Capita requested approval from the Committee to take the document forward that will terminate the interlocal between the CRA and the Authority. b. IBDC/CRA — Ms. Capita requested the Committee approve the request to the BCC to allow the IBDC to continue to operate under the auspice of the CRA. c. IBDC Policies & Procedures - Marie Capita provided a copy of the updated policies and procedures were provided to each of the Committee members. She asked for any input from the Committee and requested approval of the policies and procedures. Carrie Williams provided suggested language for clarity. Action: Ski Olesky made a motion approve the termination of the Interlocal Agreement between the Airport Authority and the CRA; approve the request to continue operation under the auspice of the CRA; and to approve the updated IBDC Policies and Procedures and submit same to the CRA/BCC for approval. Mr. Randall seconded the motion and it passed by unanimous vote. d. CDBG Close Out Report— Ms. Capita provided an overview of the closeout report for the current CDBG grant agreement citing the many accomplishments over the past two years. iii. MSTU Project Manager a. Carson Road Project— Mr. Nagle stated the bid for this project was pulled to clarity a plan note and it is anticipated the rebid will occur later this month. b. Downtown Project—Mr. Nagle reported that 100% plans have been submitted to FDOT. He further stated that he hand delivered the application for a $100,000 grant and expects awards to be announced in January 2013. This will be an award in addition to the $61,000 grant already received from FDOT. c. Holiday Decorations — Mr. Nagle continues to work on getting the ROW permit for installation. He reported that 26 lights have been wired to accommodate the angels; he is seeking a structural engineer to determine wind load, and the Holiday Banners will be installed 11/01/2012. b. Code Enforcement Wendell Walker reported that on September 12th, Code Enforcement Office (in conjunction with the Sheriff's Department) held a district sweep on empty and abandoned housing units. The developed a list of properties to monitor for condition. He noted that the Community Task Force meets at the Health Department on October 11th New Business. a. First Street Plaza—Discussed above under CRA Project Manager. b. &c. Executive Director's Evaluation — All Committee members submitted their evaluation of the Director. Action: Mr. Randall made a motion approve the Executive Director's evaluation and to submit to the CRA for approval. Mr. Olesky seconded the motion and it passed by unanimous vote. 2 Enclosure 1 d. Executive Director's Contract—Ms. Phillippi requested that the Advisory Committee review the proposed changes to the contract. Action: Mr. Randall made a motion approve changes to the Executive Director's contract, specifically (1) extend the employment contract for three (3) years until December 3, 2015; and revise the agreement's terms to provide for COLA; and remove Section 13, requirement to reside in the Enterprise Zone; and all other terms of the employment agreement remain intact and also to recommend for approval to the CRA. Mr. Olesky seconded the motion and it passed by unanimous vote. e. IBDC 501(c)(3) — Ms. Capita inquired as to how the Committee would feel about allowing the IBDC to form a 501(c)(3) and operate independently of the CRA and Collier County. It was her contention that there would be a greater variety of funding options as a non-for-profit corporation. Ms. Phillippi agreed with the action stating that it is the intention of the CRA to act as a catalyst, to identify issues, create solution to the issue and then spin it off. She stated that this is not an action that will happen immediately but rather once the IBDC is more stable and established. Action: Mr. Randall made a motion to support the IBDC is seeking a nonprofit status when they are ready to do so. Mr. Olesky seconded the motion and it passed by unanimous vote. J. Citizen Comments. None K. Next Meeting Date. The next regular Meeting will be November 14, 2012 at 8:30 A.M. L. Adjournment. This meeting adjourned at 9:35 a.m. 3