EAC Minutes 10/03/2012 October 3, 2012
Naples, Florida, October 3, 2012 Z�
LET IT BE REMEMBERED, the Collier County Environmental Advisory
Council, in and for the County of Collier, having conducted business herein,
met on this date at 9:00 A.M. in REGULAR SESSION at Administrative
Building "F," 3rd Floor, Collier County Government Complex Naples, Florida
with the following members present:
VICE CHAIRMAN: Andrew Dickman
Michael V. Sorrell
Brian Doyle
Gary McNally
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ALSO PRESENT: Heidi Ashton-Cicko, Assistant County Attorney
Summer Araque, Sr. Environmentalist Specialist
Jerry Kurtz, Stormwater and Environmental Planning Manager
Chris D' Arco, Principal Environmental Specialist
Chris Curry, Executive Director, Naples Airport Authority
Misc. Corres:
Date: '-1 I S 113
Item#:1 Us=2 A I O'
Copies to:
October 3, 2012
I. Call to Order
Mr. Dickman called the meeting to order at 9:08AM.
II. Roll Call
Roll call was taken and a quorum was established.
III. Approval of Agenda
Mr. McNally moved to approve the Agenda. Second by Mr. Sorrell. Carried unanimously 4—
IV. Approval of the September 5,2012 meeting minutes
Mr. McNally moved to approve the minutes of the September 5, 2012 meeting. Second by
Mr. Sorrell. Carried unanimously 4—0.
V. Upcoming Environmental Advisory Council Absences
VI. Land Use Petitions
VII. New Business
A. Election of Chair and Vice-Chair
Mr. Sorrell moved to appoint Andrew Dickman as Chairman and Gary McNally as Vice
Chairman of the Environmental Advisory Council. Second by Mr. Doyle. Carried
unanimously 4—0.
Mr. Dickman reported he will be instituting a 3 minute limit on public speaker comments.
If the subject matter warrants, at the Chairman's discretion, additional time may be
VIII. Old Business
A. Marco Island Executive Airport Expansion Special Treatment Permit- Update ST—
Chris Curry,Executive Director,Collier County Airport Authority reported:
• Based on the Council's direction,representatives of the 8 signatories for the 2001
Memorandum of Understanding were contacted.
• An onsite meeting with all interested parties was held on July 16, 2012 and it was
determined a Conservation Easement was not necessary and the requirements for the
Vegetative Management Plan had been met.
He stated, based on these facts,the Authority has satisfied the requirements of the EAC
recommended approval of the Airport Expansion Special Treatment Permit.
October 3, 2012
Nicole Johnson,Conservancy of Southwest Florida addressed the Council and reported,
following a site visit it was determined there were not sufficient lands available to be set
aside for conservation deeming establishment of a Conservation Easement unnecessary.
Brad Cornell,Audubon Society of Florida reported the requirements for the Vegetative
Management Plan have been satisfied. He recommended the County develop a"GIS
mapping layer" depicting any warranted agreements, conservation easements, etc. so a party
may quickly determine if a property is subject to any Local, State or Federal or restrictions.
This may prevent parties from discovering the information"after the fact"and alleviate
issues such as the one regarding the Authority discussed today.
Mr. Dickman reported the concept could be taken up by the Environmental Advisory
Council Subcommittee.
B. Update on Implementation of the Watershed Management Plan Initiatives
Jerry Kurtz, Stormwater and Environmental Planning Manager submitted a
Memorandum to the Council dated September 24, 2012—"Subject: Update on
Implementation" and presented a Slideshow on the 6 non structural initiatives currently in
process. Staff continues to pursue the following:
1. Fertilizer Ordinance
Implementation of a public education component on the Ordinance targeting vendors and the
general public including a notification with County tax bills, postings at retail establishments,
radio, and newspaper advertisements, "YouTube"promotions, etc.
2. Low Impact Development(LID)
Development of LID standards to be utilized for design of existing and proposed land uses.
Mr. Dickman reported this may be the next subject the Subcommittee undertakes.
3. Floodplain Management
Completing an analysis quantifying the affects of the recently amended FEMA regulations on
County land uses.
4. Flood Protection Levels of Service
Development of design standards for area roadways based on the different projected storm
levels and the affects on a particular roadway
5. Water Quality Monitoring
Evaluating current programs to identify any necessary additional surface and ground water
monitoring stations and any coordination that may be achieved with the United States
Geological Service, Florida Department of Environmental Protection, and South Florida
Water Management District in these areas.
6. North Golden Gate Estates (NGGE)
October 3, 2012
Undertaking a conceptual study of the area in conjunction with public outreach and vetting
with the intent to develop future recommendations for projects impacted by floodplain
The Council requested Staff to provide a future explanation on the following elements of the
Fertilizer Ordinance:
1. The definition of"saturated."
2. The rationale for allowing the application of fertilizers within 3 feet of a water body or
wetland with a drop type or reflective spreader.
Marcia Cravens, Sierra Club expressed concern the population projection data being used in
the Plan is inaccurate and may cause skewed conclusions or recommendations. All reports
should be updated to reflect the current census data. The various analyses in the study do not
consider the impacts of"reuse" water in landscaped areas.
Staff reported the population projections utilized have been confirmed by various sources, and
the County is aware of the nutrient loading in reuse water. Parties utilizing these sources of
water have been notified on the issue so fertilizer applications may be adjusted as necessary.
They continue to refine nutrient loading impacts on areas subject to man made improvements
and natural sources (lightning strikes, rain water, etc.).
IX. Council Member Comments
A. Subcommittee Report-Approval of Stormwater Management memo
Mr. Dickman submitted a Transmittal Memorandum"RE: Stormwater Management" for
consideration. He reported the document was a result of the work completed by the
Subcommittee and intended to be forwarded to the Collier County Planning Commission and
Board of County Commissioners. He provided an overview of the work completed and
identified the following 6 recommendations:
1. Prepare a Collier County Low Impact Development Manual and then adopt Land
Development Codes to implement innovative, cost neutral, onsite stormwater
2. Require onsite stormwater management, such as retention areas,for new construction in
older subdivisions without treatment systems, rather than spending public funds on
expensive swales and canals.
3. Adopt and implement growth management strategies, including incentives to direct new
development into existing urban areas where stormwater management infrastructure is
already in place.
4. Divide County into "drainage districts" and charge a stormwater user fee according to
impact within these districts.
October 3, 2012
S. Protect natural groundwater recharge areas by preserving natural sheet flow,
particularly in areas of projected high growth rates.
6. Work with the Water Management District to identify and implement strategies for
reducing nutrient pollution from agricultural operations (citrus and row crops) keeping
harmful nutrients out of existing stormwater management systems.
Mr. McNally moved to forward the Transmittal Memorandum regarding the
Subcommittee's recommendations on stormwater management to the Collier County
Planning Commission and Board of County Commissioners for their review. Second by
Mr. Sorrell. Carried unanimously 4—0.
Summer Araque reported she will notes the Council when the item is placed on an Agenda
so a member may appear and speak if they so desire.
Brad Cornell,Audubon of Florida stated he supports the work of the Subcommittee and
commends the efforts of the Council to undertake a pro active policy approach in land use
issues which affect the County.
Marcia Cravens, Sierra Club endorsed Mr. Cornell's comments and stressed the
importance on considering the impacts of"reuse"water when addressing stormwater
management issues.
Mr. Dickman reported the Subcommittee will meet the last Wednesday of the month in
October(October 31) and November(November 28) and subsequently meet every other
month starting in January 2013.
B. Update members on projects
X. Staff Comments
Summer Araque reported David Bishof has resigned from the Committee.
The members recognized Mr. Bishofs service to the Council and the citizens of Collier
XI. Public Comments
There being no further business for the good of the County, the meeting was adjourned by the
order of the Chair at 10:48 AM.
October 3, 2012
drew Dickman, Chairman
These Minutes we approved by the Board/Chairman on ( 2I ,
as presented V , or as amended