Bayshore Gateway CRA Adv Minutes 10/02/2012 r
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4069 BAYSHORE DRIVE, NAPLES, FL 34112 PHONE 239.643.1115 FAx 239.775.4456 I
The meeting of the Bayshore/Gateway Triangle Community Redevelopment Advisory Board
was called to order by Mr. Steve Main at 6:00 p.m. at the CRA Office Meeting Room 4069
Bayshore Drive.
1. Roll Call: Present: Advisory Board Members: Larry Ingram, Steve Main, Karen Beatty,
Peter Dvorak, Maurice Gutierrez and Mike Sherman. Excused: Vicki Tracy & Chuck
CRA Staff Present: Jean Jourdan, Interim Director and Sue Trone, Project Manager.
2. Adoption of Agenda: Mr. Main asked if there were any additions or corrections to the
published agenda. Hearing none, he asked for a motion to approve with changes. Motion
to approve the agenda: Mr. Dvorak .Second: Mr. Gutierrez.Approved 6-0.
3. Adoption of Minutes: Mr. Main asked for a motion to approve the June 26, 2012 meeting
minutes. Motion: Mr. Dvorak: Second: Ms. Beatty.Approved 6-0
4. Executive Director's Report:
a. CRA Project Updates . Ms. Jourdan reported to the CRA-AB there was a
project update memo in their packages and she would go through each
item on the memo and respond to any questions.
b. Sue Trone, Proiect Manager: Provided the update for Gateway Triangle
Stormwater Improvements and on MSTU projects.
5. Old Business:
/ a. Request for Payment of Services. Ms. Jourdan informed the CRA-AB there
Fiala 1/ ` were invoices to pay: RWA Consulting (CRA Overlays update in the amounts of
Hiller ✓ $1,170.00 (June 2012). Final Invoice for CRA Overlay update in the amount of
Henning 1 -11- $1,170.00 (August-September 2012); Pizzuti Consulting Final invoice for
Coyle ✓ consulting work related to the CRA's 17+ acre rezone for work in the amount of
Oo4ette _ $11.303.06 (June 2012); Collier County's Proportionate Share of Advertisement
worc.G Costs for a staff initiated Growth Management Plan Amendment to the County in
the amount of $1,710.00 and Naples Daily News advertisement for property
lease announcement in the amount of $81.36. Mr. Main asked for a motion to
approve payment of CRA invoices. Motion to approve: Ms. Beatty, Second: Mr.
Gutierrez. Approved 6-0.
6. New Business:
a. Advertise Residential Lots for Sale: Ms. Jourdan informed the CRA-AB of two
new houses under construction within the CRA area one is being constructed on
Van Buren Drive where the CRA owns 5 lots. Ms. Jourdan recommended the
Board consider limiting the solicitation to sell residential lots to the five lots on t
Van Buren Avenue. Ms. Beatty asked staff to explain the process that would be
used to advertise and convey the lots. Ms. Jourdan stated the lots would be
October 2 2012 CRA-AB Minutes Misc. Cares: Page 1
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advertised for sell via numerous outlets, such as, the Naples Daily News, e-mail,
web-sites, the County Purchasing Department, etc. A minimum bid would be
required in the amount of the appraised value and sealed bids would be
accepted; the conveyance would include deed restrictions to limit the type of
construction and mobile homes would not be permitted; the CRA-AB Board
would review all bids and make recommendations to the CRA Board to approve
or reject; the awarded bidder/bidders would be required to enter into a contract
with the CRA and all terms and conditions would be subject to approval by the
Collier County Community Redevelopment Agency. Motion to approve Ms.
Beatty. Second Mr. Main. Approved 6-0
b. APA Planning Wokshop: Ms. Jourdan provided a synopsis of the American
Planning Workshop hosted by CRA-AB staff on Saturday, June 15th stating the
workshop resulted in a hands-on vision and design session. After brainstorming
a group of 20 professional planners concluded, that in their professional opinion,
the current vision for a large scale mixed-use development was not feasible
development plan for that location. Ms. Jourdan presented the renderings and
concepts to the CRA-AB for their review and consideration.
c. Gateway Triangle Sign Replacement: Ms. Jourdan informed the CRA-AB that
during the last storm wooden posts erecting the sign on the CRA's Davis
Boulevard property was destroyed and staff requested a quote from SignCraft to
replace the wood posts and reinstall the sign for $400.00. Ms. Jourdan asked
the Board to consider removing or replacing the sign. The CRA-AB directed staff
to post a new sign on the property not to exceed $400. A motion for was made
by Peter Dvorak, Second by Steve Main. Approved 6-0
d. CRA Property Maintenance. Ms. Jourdan recommended a motion to approve
repairs and maintenance to CRA owned properties utilizing the lowest quotes
process. Motion to approve: Peter Dvorak, Second Steve Main Approved 6-0.
e. FY2013 Budget: Ms. Jourdan passed out copies of the budget provided in the
board packets for review and discussion. She clarified that $40,000 of
the $128,000 budgeted for grants is encumbered to fund grants approved and
not paid out in FY12.
f. Shadowlawn Cleanup: Ms. Jourdan informed the Board that on October 6th that
Code Enforcement, Solid Waste and the Collier County Sheriff's Office were
seeking volunteers in the Shadowlawn area to encourage their neighbors to
clean-up their property.
g. Sinkholes 1965 Tamiami Trail: The Board was provided pictures of sinkholes
that opened up on CRA owned property and provided a copy of a quote from
Better Roads in the amount of$47,975.00. Ms. Jourdan informed the Board that
thanks to the cooperation of the County's Road and Bridge Department that
County staff and resources to fill the holes were provided to the CRA at no cost.
She also advised the Advisory Board that CRA staff is making an effort to
establish a better working relationship with County staff.
h. Identity and branding: Mr. Sherman requested the Board hear his agenda item
(Vl.h) on Identity and Branding, so he could catch a scheduled flight. The Board
members agreed. Mr. Sherman expressed the need for the CRA and MSTU to
co-brand for uniformity. He gave an example of the MSTU use of the term
"Creativity in Bloom" and explained that all future branding labels for the area
should be cohesive and approved by the AB-Board to reflect one name or
identity for the area. Mr. Sherman reminded the AB-Board of the marketing
committee's work to obtain a consensus for branding the area with the name
'Naples Bay Village". The CRA-AB agreed that establishing an identity should
June 5, 2012 CRA-AB Minutes 2
be cohesive, but that the word Bayshore should be incorporated for familiarity.
Mr. Sherman requested the Board members think about using the new name for
future reference and revisit the item and to set up meetings with the area local
7. Advisory Board General Communications. None
8. Citizen Comments. None.
9. Ado .At'ent: r. .1 adjou ed the meeting at 7:28 pm.
ApprL ed and forw'rded by Steve Main, CRA-AB Chairman.
June 5,2012 CRA-AB Minutes 3