DASAC Minutes 10/30/2012 DASAB ,
October 30, 2012
6:00 PM
Chairwoman: Marcia Breithaupt
Cindy Harrold "
Dan Martin
Tom Kepp
Also present: Amanda Townsend,DAS Director
Guevara,DAS Administrative Assistant Fiala 7)
Daniel Christenbury,DAS Public Information Officer Hiller ✓,
Dana Alger,DAS Animal Control Supervisor Henning "1
I. Call to Order:6:13pm COICtto
II. Attendance: Quorum was established 7 71/"
Ill. Approval of agenda: Motioned by Dan Martin,2"d by Tom Kepp,approved unanimously.
IV. Old Business
A. Revising Standards of Care:
1. Consensus was reached to remove the word"indoor"from II.K.1.
2. After much discussion between members and the public consensus was reached to approve Amanda's
suggestions in 11.1(3.to remove the phrase"or air conditioning"and to replace the word"outdoor"with
"ambient". Also to add a sentence at the end of 11.1.3 to read as follows:"Methods of providing
ventilation include but are not limited to windows,vents,fans,air conditioning and doors."
3. Members agreed that II.K.4.should be removed.
4. In II.L3.Amanda suggested we replace everything after the word"be"and add the verbiage as induded
in II.K.3,consensus reached.
5. The board agreed to include the word"pests"after the word"garbage"in II.M.1 as suggested by Heidi.
6. Members agreed to Amanda's suggestion of removing the phrase"appropriate daily"from II.P.1.and
include the following at the end"appropriate for their species,breed,and size".
7. In II.R.1.Amanda suggested we remove"or humane society"consensus was reached.
8. In II.R.2.consensus was reached to approved Amanda's suggestion to delete everything after the word
"than"and add"in accordance with F.S.828.058"at the end of the sentence.
9. Members agreed to table the phrase"twenty-four hours"found in II.R.1.d.until the next meeting.
10. Consensus was reached to table the entire section in II.Q.to our next meeting.
11. As suggested by Amanda and agreed by the members,Section III.Standards of Care for Livestock will be
table for the next meeting.
• 12. Members agreed to table section V.Regulations for Animal-Related Businesses and Organizations as
well as section VI.A.B.&C.as Amanda will rewrite and present at the next meeting.
V. Public Comment
VI. Advisory Board Member Comments
Date: "—k VAS\3
Item#: t--QT-2-1A
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