Recap 11/27/1990 S COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS NOTICE: AGENDA Tuesday, November 27, 1990 5:05 p.m. ALL PERSONS WISHING TO SPEAK ON ANY REGISTER PRIOR TO SPEAKING. AGENDA ~.E.! MUST ~NY PERSON WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL A DECISION OF THIS BOARD WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS PERTAINING THERETO, A/~D THEREFORE MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS >~DE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS TO BE BASED. I. INVOCATION 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARINGS (A) An Ordinance to be known as the Collier County Regicnai Water System Impact Fee Ordinance; Providing Definiuicns, Rules of Construction; Providing Findings; Providing for Imposition of Regional Water System Impacu Fees; Providing for Payment and Use of Monies; Allowing Alternative Fee Calculation; Providing for Exemptions; Providing for CollecticK of Impact Fees uucn Changes in the Size and Use; Providing for Affordak!e Housing Exemption and Affordable Housinc =' ~ ......... ~ .... ~ Interes~ to be Paid cn Certain Refunis; Prc'.'i/ing for Dave!coat Ccntrikuticn Credit; ......... = Collection of Water System Impact Fees: Prsvifing for Review Hearings; Requiring Annual Revie~v; Prcuiiing for Repeal cf Prior Ordinances Relating ~c System ~eve!cpment Charges; Declaring Exclusion from Administrative Procedures Act; Providing for Conflict and Severability; Providing an Effective Date. (B) An Ordinance to be known as the Collier County Regional Sewer System Impact Fee Ordinance; Prcvidin~ ~efinitions, Rules of Construction; Providing Findings; Providing for Imposition of Regional Sewer System imuast Fees; /~Provld~ng for Payment and Use or Monles; Allowing /Alt_.naulve Fee Calcu.a~lon, P.~v~ .... g f~r /Providing for Collection of Impact Fees upon Changes in ~/ the Size and Use; Prcvidinc for Affordable Hcusinc --Exemption and Affordable Housing Reimbursemenc; ?rovidin~ Interest to be Paid on Certain Refunds; Providing for Developer Contribution Credit; Providing fur Payment and Collection of Sewer System Impact Fees; Providing Revie~ Hearings; Requiring Annual Revie~{; Providing Repeal of Prior Ordinances Relating ts System De'.'e!cpmen% Charges; Declaring Exclusion frrm Adninis~ratlve Procedures Act; Providing for Ccnflicu and Severabi!i~y; Providing an a~fec~.ve Date. (C) Community Development Division requesting ~he 5card cf /// County Commissioners amend the ~cning Re-eva!uaticn Ordinance (90-23) to provide an exemption far the urkan designated areas of Copeland, Chcko!cskee and Plantation Island. / (D/Petition ZO-90-19, an Ordinance amending Oriinance /82-2, the Comprehensive Zoning Regulations for ~he /Unincorporated Area of Collier County, Florida, by ~ /amending Section 14.2; by amending Section 14.3; providing for conflict and ~everabilitv; and by ~rovidinc ~an effective date. ~ 1 ORD. 90-~6 Adopted, subject to .5 yr. financ- ing & chance on page 3, Staff directed to obtain written opinion re ex- tending financing that is legally allowed. 5/0. ORD. 90-87 Adopted, subject to 5 yr. financ- ing & change on page 3, Staff directed to obtain written opinion re ex- tending financing that is legally allowed. 5/0. ORD. 90-8~ Adopted 5/0. ORD. 90-90 Bdopted 5/0. (E) Petition ZO-90-18, Thomas Wood of Vega, Brown, Stanley & Martin, P.A., representing Sign of The Vine Restaurant, petitioning the Board of County Commissioners to have staff amend ordinance Number 82-2, The Comprehensive Zoning Regulations for the Unincorporated Area of Collier County by amending Section 8, Supplementary District Regulations; by adding Subsection 8.12F, Off-Street Vehicular Facilities - Parking and Loading, by providing for conflict and severability; and by providing an effective date. (F) Petition ZO-90-15, Alan Reynolds representing wiiscn, Miller, Barton & Peek, Inc., requesting an amendment to Collier County Ordinance No. 82-2, The Comprehensive Zoning Regulations for The Unincorporated Area cf Collier County by amending Sec. 20, Definitions; by providing for conflict and severability; and by providing an effective date. (G) Petition ZO-90-12, Community Develepment Services Division representing the Board of County Ccmnissicners, requesting an Ordinance amending Ordinance · '-~ - 82-~ The Comprehensive Zoning Regulations ~ - the Unincorporated Area of Collier County by amending Sec. 14, Amendments, Subsection 14.13, Limitations on :he Rezoning of Proper:y; by amending Sec. 20, Definitions; by providing for conflict and severability, and by providing an effective date. (H) Petition SO-90-1, C:mmunity Development Services Division requesting an amenlment to the Collier County Si~n Ordinance for the Unincorporated Area cf C:iiier Ccunu-:', Ordinance " ' ~ .... ,,O. 89-~, in order to make cn=nce£ ~ -~= enumerated secticns plus minor chan~es thrcughcu: this Ordinance so -ha' a~glications ~=~ing =-= enforcement can be improved. (I) Recommendation to adopt an Ordinance ' Collier County Affordable Housing Density ~cnus Ordinance, - uroviding for liberal construction and severability; providing for an effective da~e. END OF ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARINGS ADJOURN Continued to 12/11/90 Continued to 12/il/90 Continued to 12/11/90 Continued. to 12/11/90 ORD. 90-89 Adopted. 5/0.