Recap 01/29/1991 S COLLIER q~NTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA Tuesday, Januar], 29, 1991 5;05 p.m. NOTICE: ALL PERSONS WISHING TO SPEAK ON ANY AGENDA ITEM MUST REGISTER PRIOR TO SPEAKING. ANY PERSON WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL A DECISION OF THIS BOARD WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS PERTAINING THERETO, AND THEREFORE MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A %-ERBATIMRECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS TO BE BASED. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ADVERTISED PUBLIC MEARINGS ./ /~A/)-4tmendment to Ordinance 88-97 Library System Impact Fee Ordinance. ,~/.(B) Petition ZO-90-20, an Ordinance amending Ordinance Number -82-2, The Comprehensive Zoning Regulations for the Unincorporated Area of Collier County by adding Section 8.12;B.3)(A) "The ImmoKalee Central Business District: _/'~%f. ' ~tandards for .Required Parking within District Boundaries", by providing for conflict and severability, ._ and by providing an effective date. (C) Petition ZO-89-4, Robert L. Duane of Hole, Montes and Associates, Inc., requesting an amendment to Ordinance No. 82-2, The Comprehensive Zoning Regulations for the Unincorporated Area of Collier County, by amending S~bsection 7.23; by amending paragraph 7.23b.3); by amending paragraph 7.23c.6), by amending Subsection 7.24,. by amending paragraph 7.24b.3), by amending paragraph 7.24C.7). ). Petition Z0-90-6, the Community Development Division ? representing ~he Board of County Commissioners, requesting an Ordinance amending Ordinance 82-2, The Comprehensive Zoning Regulations for the Unincorporated Area of Collimr County, by amending Section 8, Subsection 8.23; amending Section 20,~Definitions, by providing for date. (Z) Recommendation to appr6ve the Stormwater Utility Ordinance for a second public hearing and subsequent adoption and favorably consider activities necessary to implement the Master Plan. (To be continued) END OF ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARINGS. 5. ADJOURN 1 i .~ Ord. 91-11 Adogt_e~. amende~ w/effective dat /1/91. 5/0 Ord. 91-12 A~opte~. 5/O Ord. 91-13 Adopted as amended. 5/0 Ord. 91-.14 Adoote~. as amend. ed. 5/0- , Continued. to 3/19/91