Ordinance 2013-11ORDINANCE NO. 13- 1 1 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NUMBER 89 -05 AS AMENDED, THE COLLIER COUNTY GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR THE UNINCORPORATED AREA OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, BY AMENDING THE RECREATION AND OPEN SPACE ELEMENT TO PROVIDE FOR 2011 EVALUATION AND APPRAISAL REPORT (EAR) BASED AMENDMENTS TO THE GROWTH— ,, MANAGEMENT PLAN; BY PROVIDING FOR' i_` SEVERABILITY; AND BY PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. a� co WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners adopted the Collier County Growth Management Plan on January 10, 1989; and WHEREAS, Collier County has held public hearings to provide for and encourage public participation throughout the 2011 -12 plan amendment process; and WHEREAS, Collier County did submit the 2011 -12 Growth Management Plan amendments to the Department of Economic Opportunity for preliminary review on May 03, 2012; and WHEREAS, the Department of Economic Opportunity did review and did not make written objections to the amendments to the Growth Management Plan and transmitted the same in writing to Collier County within the time provided by law; and WHEREAS, Collier County has 60 days from receipt of the Objections, Recommendations and Comments Report from the Department of Economic Opportunity to adopt, adopt with changes or not adopt the proposed amendments to the Growth Management Plan; and WHEREAS, the Collier County Planning Commission held a public hearing on the adoption of the amendments to the Growth Management Plan on October 30, 2012; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County did take action in the manner prescribed by law and did hold public hearings concerning the adoption of the amendments to the Growth Management Plan on January 8, 2013; and met. WHEREAS, all applicable substantive and procedural requirements of law have been NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that: Words underlined are added; words struck through are additions; words with 1 * * * indicates a page break SECTION ONE: ADOPTION OF AMENDMENTS TO THE RECREATION AND OPEN SPACE ELEMENT OF THE GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLAN. The Board of County Commissioners hereby adopts the amendments to the Recreation and Open Space Element attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein by reference. SECTION TWO: SEVERABILITY. If any phrase or portion of this Ordinance is held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion. SECTION THREE: EFFECTIVE DATE. The effective date of these plan amendments, if the amendments are not timely challenged, shall be 31 days after the state land planning agency notifies the local government that the plan amendment package is complete. If timely challenged, these amendments shall become effective on the date the state land planning agency or the Administration Commission enters a final order determining this adopted amendment to be in compliance. No development orders, development permits, or land uses dependent on these amendments may be issued or commence before it has become effective. If a final order of noncompliance is issued by the Administration Commission, this amendment may nevertheless be made effective by adoption of a resolution affirming its effective status, a copy of which resolution shall be sent to the state land planning agency. PASSED AND DULY ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County this 'I 'day of January, 2013. ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK CLERK By J r BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIE OUNTY, LORIDA BY: GEQYQIA A/HILLER, ESQ. Chairwoman Words underlined are added; words struck through are additions; words with 2 * * * indicates a page break Approved as to form and legal sufficiency: ,�L I, - �i� YL, eidi Ashton -Cicko v 1 Managing Assistant County Attorney Attachment: Exhibit "A" This May ordinance ry of St t Of/ i e l i3 2f j that and acknowledgem�daY filina received thnr.2 8Y- 2011 EAR -BASED ADOPPTION- RECREATION AND OPEN SPACE ELEMENT Rev. 12/13/12 CP\ 12 -CMP- 00848 \93 Words underlined are added; words struck through are additions; words with 3 * * * indicates a page break Exhibit "A" As approved by CCPC on 10 -30 -12 EAR -based GMP Amendments Recreation & Open Space Element — to BCC for Adoption 12 -11 -12 INTRODUCTION: [Revised per DEO Comment, page 1, paragraph I] Chapter 163.3177(6)(e), Florida Statutes, requires each local government comprehensive plan to have "a recreation and open space element indicating a comprehensive system of public and private sites for recreation, including, but not limited to, natural reservations, parks and playgrounds, parkways, beaches and public access to beaches, open spaces, and other recreational facilities." Howey , 'r°" cr 9i 5.014, Fier- ida- Admirnr,,{r-a4iye Cede, whieh view of lee-el Reer-eafien-and Open Spaee Elements, has been deleted -- s,_w While the Recreation and Open Space Element remains a requirement for local comprehensive plans in the State of Florida, the format and contents of such an Element may be tailored to local needs, provided that the intent of the Statute is met. This Recreation and Open Space Element was meently updated, as recommended by the Community Character/ Smart Growth Advisory Committee, by Ordinance No. 2003 -67, adopted on December 16, 2003, to further implement the Collier County Community Character Plan and "Smart Growth" principles. * ** * ** * ** * ** * ** text break * ** * ** * ** * ** * ** GOAL 1: [No change to text, page 21 PROVIDE SUFFICIENT PARKS, RECREATION FACILITIES AND OPEN SPACE AREAS TO MEET THE NEEDS OF RESIDENTS AND VISITORS OF COLLIER COUNTY. OBJECTIVE 1.1: [No change to text, page 2] Continue to ensure that a comprehensive system of parks and recreation facilities is available from among facilities provided by the County, other governmental bodies and the private sector. Policy 1.1.1: [Revised text, page 2] Collier- Geua4y hereby adepts the felleA4ag level ef sen,iee standards for- faeflifies and 1 owned by the County or- available te the gener-al publie! - .. WATATAIMMM • ATAT! The standards for levels of service (LOS) of CouM parks and recreation facilities appear in Policy 1.5; subsection "G" in the Capital Improvement Element and shall be used as the basis for determining the availability of facility capacity and the demand generated by a development. * ** * ** * ** * ** * ** text break * ** * ** * ** * ** * ** Pohey ... [Policy deleted, page2] Words underlined are added; words stwsk thmugh are deleted. BCC ADOPTION Exhibit "A" As approved by CCPC on 10 -30 -12 EAR -based GMP Amendments Recreation & Open Space Element — to BCC for Adoption 12 -11 -12 Policy 1.1.5 b: [Renumbered Policy, page 3] OBJECTIVE 1.2: [No change to text, page 3] Protect designated recreation sites and open space from incompatible land uses through development of appropriate design criteria and land use regulations. * ** * ** * ** * ** * ** text break * ** * ** * ** * ** * ** OBJECTIVE 1.3: [No change to text, page 3] Continue to ensure that all public developed recreational facilities, open space and beaches and public water bodies are accessible to the general public. Policy 1.3.1: [Revised text, page 3] County -owned or managed parks and recreation facilities shall have automobile, bicycle and/or pedestrian access, where the location is appropriate and where such access is economically feasible, with specific consideration given to alternative forms of transoortation that would reduce VMT and green house gas. * ** * ** * ** * ** * ** text break * ** * ** * ** * ** * ** OBJECTIVE 1.4: [No change to text, page 3] Policy 1.4.1: [Revised text, page 3] Through the land development review process, Collier County shall continue to encourage developers to provide recreation sites and/or facilities within residential and mixed use Planned Unit Developments (PUDs), where appropriate. Policy 1.4.2: [Revised text, pages 3, 4] Collier County shall continue to coordinate the provision of recreational facilities and activities with other governmental jurisdictions that own or operate such facilities and activities within, or adjacent to, Collier County. Said Bever- ental entities shall inek� but not limited too Words underlined are added; words strdsk through are deleted. BCC ADOPTION 2 ._ NMA M, 71 Words underlined are added; words strdsk through are deleted. BCC ADOPTION 2 fRl�lli�Atii�i NMA Words underlined are added; words strdsk through are deleted. BCC ADOPTION 2 Exhibit "A" As approved by CCPC on 10 -30 -12 EAR -based AMP Amendments Recreation & Open Space Element — to BCC for Adoption 12 -11 -12 OBJECTIVE 1.5: [No text change, page 4] Through the PUD monitoring process, Collier County shall continue to enforce developer commitments for the provision of parks, recreation facilities and open space. Policy 1.5.1: [Revised text, page 4] Collier County shall maintain a current inventory of recreational facility and usable open space commitments made by developers through the development review process. * ** * ** * ** * ** * ** text break * ** * ** * ** * ** * ** OBJECTIVE 1.6: [No text change, page 4] Whenever possible and practical, utilize County owned property for recreational uses. * ** * ** * ** * ** * ** text break * ** * ** * ** * ** * ** [Deleted GOAL 2. goal, page ' ME- MEN • __\ •_ • Abjeetive-2-i [Deleted objective, page 4] By the year- 2010, the Geenty Parks and Reer-eafien Depaftment wili idenfi6, general areas where ght . st sites f a,.,,. „t,ber-> eed pafks. [Deleted policy, page 4] The Parks and Recreation Department will identify these Pal areas fef neighbor-heed parks with eitizen input to detefmine the types of feefeatie-n-Al tZkilitties paf4ieular eemmunities .,la 1;Le to „ „thin thei« „ x.1,1.,.. -1,, eds PoHey .. [Relocated policy, page 5] guests The Gowity shall affiend the band Development Code to fequife the developef of a Fesidefitial park, suitable neighbefheed detemiined on a ease by case basis, Nyhieh is, as required by Peliey&4 in the Futur-e Land Use Element, eempatiblewith the stirfounding development Pelie), 2.”: [Deleted policy, page 5] New neighbeFheod par-ks will be ear-efully sited and intentional!), ifltegfated into existing residential neighbor-hoods, and shall be designed aec-efdoing to !he principles of Crime PfeN,enfiefl Thr-ough F-fivir-enmental Design (CPT-ED), where these prineiples are appr-opfiate and other- r-ee-feational fa ies. Polley 2.1-4: [Deleted policy, page 5] The Cotinty shall investiga4e the utilization of tax er-edits or- other- ineentives t:br- pr-opef4y owners whe wish to dedicate land to the County to meet the Feer-eational needs of neighbor-hood par-lks. Words underlined are added; words stFUGk through are deleted. BCC ADOPTION 3 Exhibit "A" As approved by CCPC on 10 -30 -12 EAR -based GMP Amendments Recreation & Open Space Element — to BCC for Adoption 12 -11 -12 °" "ey 2.- .- . [Deleted policy, page 5] The County shall eneoufage the development of pedestrian pathways and bilEe lanes ffom the sufrounding al eemmtmifies to pafk site-s-. [Renumbered GOAL 3— & revised goal, p... GOAL 3 2: THE COUNTY SHALL PROMOTE A PARK SYSTEM THAT INCLUDES REGIONAL, COMMUNITY AND NEIGHBORHOOD PARKS WITH PEDESTRIAN PATHWAYS AND BIKE LANES TO PROVIDE USEABLE OPEN SPACE TO MEET THE RECREATIONAL NEEDS OF RESIDENTS WITHIN THE COMMUNITY. REGIONAL AND COMMUNITY PARK DEVELOPMENT WILL BE BASED ON THE LEVEL OF SERVICE STANDARD (LOSS) CONTAINED IN THE CIE. OBJECTIVE 32.1: [Renumbered and revised text, page 5] By the y-ear 20 1. In 2011, the Parks and Recreation Department developed a Community and Regional Park Plan to provide larger parks and recreational facilities as well as passive open space within a 15 to 20 minute drive of residents within the coastal Urban Designated Area, the Immokalee Urban Designated Area, and Northern Golden Gate Estates (this excludes Conservation designated areas, Agricultural/Rural designated areas, Southern Golden Gate Estates, and the outlying Urban Designated Areas of Copeland, Port of the Islands, Plantation Island and Chokoloskee). This plan will- includes the identification of future community and regional park sites (or general areas), park improvements, cost estimates, and potential funding sources. The principles of Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) will be integrated into the planning and development of the Community and Regional Park sites. Policy 32.1.1: Policy 32.1.2: Policy 32.1.3: [Renumbered text, page 51 [Renumbered text, page 6] [Renumbered text, page 6] Policy 32.1.4: [Renumbered and revised text, page 6] The County shall continue to update parks and recreation impact fees to beep - pace -mot# inefease i appropriately reflect land acquisition and development costs for the establishment of community and regional parks. Policy 32.1.5: [Renumbered text, page 6] Policy 32.1.6: [Renumbered text, page 6] Words underlined are added; words stMGk t#reugh are deleted. BCC ADOPTION 4 Exhibit "A" As approved by CCPC on 10 -30 -12 EAR -based GMP Amendments Recreation & Open Space Element — to BCC for Adoption 12 -11 -12 Policy 32.1.7: [Renumbered and revised text, page 6] By the 201 O-t The Parks and Recreation Department and the Transportation Services Division will continue to investigate the utilization of the existing canal and power line easements to create a greenway system within the coastal Urban Designated Area, the Immokalee Urban Designated Area, and Northern Golden Gate Estates (this exek%les Censei=vafion designated e&eas. Agr-ieultur-aVRural designated areas, Setithem Golden Gate Estates, and the etAlYing Urban designa4ed areas of Copeland, Peft of the islands, Plantatien island and Chokelesk as detailed in the adopted Community and Res;ional Parks Master Plan. G:ICDES Planning ServiceslComprehensive12011 EAR -BASED GMP AMENDMENTSIBCC Adoption - EAR -based GMPAslelementMROSE_BCC adoptn - MB111 -1 ROSE Exhibit EAR to BCC for Adoption.docx MB, cs Words underlined are added; words shGk thFough are deleted. BCC ADOPTION 5 STATE OF FLORIDA) COUNTY OF COLLIER) I, DWIGHT E. BROCK, Clerk of Courts in and for the Twentieth Judicial Circuit, Collier County, Florida, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of: ORDINANCE 2013 -11 which was adopted by the Board of County Commissioners on the 9th day of January, 2013, during Regular Session. WITNESS my hand and the official seal of the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, this 14th day of January, 2013. DWIGHT E. BROCK Clerk of Courts ': ar1q= Clerk Ex- officio to �oar�,d of County Commission*rs C . By: Ann Jennejohn, Deputy Clerk