Resolution 1990-498 (DO 90-5)DEVELOPMENT ORDER 90- 5 OCTOBER 16, 1990 RESOLUTION 90- 498 DEVELOPMENT ORDER AND RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA FOR THE HALSTATT DEVELOPMENT OF REGIONAL IMPACT, AMENDING DEVELOPMENT ORDER 90 -3, RESOLUTION 90 -292, PURSUANT TO THE TERMS OF A STIPULATED SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS, SOUTHWEST FLORIDA REGIONAL PLANNING COUNCIL AND THE HALSTATT PARTNERSHIP, FOR PROPERTY LOCATED IN SECTIONS 24, 25, AND 26, TOWNSHIP 49 SOUTH, RANGE 25 EAST, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA. WHEREAS, on June 6, 1990, the Board of County Commissioners, ci7 at an open public hearing in accordance with Section 380.06, Florida Statutes, considered the Application for Development of Regional Impact for Halstatt Partnership submitted by Mark Morton, F Agent; the report and recommendations of the Southwest Florida F: Regional Planning Council (SWFRPC); the certified record of the documentary and oral evidence presented to the Collier County Planning Commission; the report and recommendations of the Collier County Planning Commission (CCPC); the recommendations of Collier County Staff and Advisory Boards; and the comments upon the record made before this Board of County Commissioners at said meeting, and did approve the Development Order 90 -3 by Resolution 90 -292; and WHEREAS, on or about July 27, 1990, the Florida Department of Community Affairs (DCA) appealed Collier County Development Order 90 -3 for Halstatt Planned Unit Development pursuant to Section 380.07, Florida Statutes, following which the SWFRPC intervened in that proceeding; and WHEREAS, the parties have negotiated and reached agreement as to specific revisions of the Development Order which, if adopted, resolve the issues raised in the DCA appeal Petition. The specific revisions are set forth in this amendment to the Development Order; and 0 000 Fir-i 35 .-Words-underlined are additions;.Words struck- through are deletions. a -1- OCTOBER 16, 1990 y WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 380.031, Florida Statutes, the f., DCA has the authority to enter into agreements which effectuate the intent and provisions of Section 380.06 of the Florida Statutes; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 186.505, Florida Statutes, the SWFRPC has the authority to enter into agreements which effectuate the intent and Provisions of Section 380.06 of the Florida �� Statutes. WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners must approve the revised language in an amended Development Order. "'- NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, that Development Order shall be amended as follows: SECTION ONE: That Development Order 90 -3 (Resolution 90 -292) as adopted on ` June 6, 1990, is incorporated herein by reference and approved except as specifically clarified and amended in this Resolution. SECTION TWO: Development Order 90 -3 (Resolution 90 -292), Findings of Fact, Paragraph 4., is amended to read as follows: 4. The applicant proposes the development of Grey Oaks Planned Unit Development for 1,601 acres which includes: 120.4 acres of commercial uses to include 250 hotel rooms, 653,453 square feet (gross leasable floor area) of office commercial, 649,638 square feet (gross leasable area) of retail commercial, 2,700 residential dwelling units, 54 holes of golf, and 266.7 acres of conservation, lakes and water management, which includes preservation areas. SECTION THREE: a �" ` • Development Order 90 -3 (Resolution 90 -292), Paragraph 4, Hurricane Evacuation, shall be amended to add the following paragraph "i" as follows: J.s All deeds- Jeeds-to p o e Gated w'thi the development shall be accomnnn;PA ti,,, . . M 000 PAGE 36 ':Words underlined are additions;.Words sbrnek- threugh are deletions. OCTOBER 16, 1990 POUR: Development Order 90 -3 (Resolution 90 -292), Paragraph 5, Transportation shall be amended to read as follows: TRANSPORTATION: nr �2te- app }# cent -er- his- sneeessers- she } }- be -fn } }y reopens #b }e - fer- a #te -re} aced - roadway - end - intersection- #mprevements regn #red- within- the- Ha}statt -BR }r- -The- applicant- shall -be- required to -pay- the -fu}} -east -fer- any - site - related- interseet#en improvements- {ine }ud #ng -bet- net - } #m #tad -te- signs} #satien; -tarn }nnea- end- additi ens } - through- }ones } - found- to -be- necessary -by eel}ier- eeunty- fer - the- preieet4e- aeeess- #nterseet #ens - Onto- A#rpert Reed- {eR- 34 }; -6e }den -Gate- Parkway -{eR- 886} -and- the - future b #vingsten- Reed: -- Attached- hereto- as- Exhib #t- u£u- #s- a- } #at -ef access- interaeetiens- approved -fer- the- pre�eet- and- ehnnges -that -are Or- may- be- neeessary -#n- order -te- meet - the -long- range- transpertatien p }ans- fer - the - area--- A- eepy -of- the - signs }- pregressien- analysis requested -by- the- eeun ty- Transpertat #en- Bepartment- is- ineorperated by- reference- and- cepies -have- been -snbm #tied- tO- 6WPRPe7- ee}}ier eeunty- end - the- eity -of- Nap }esr - -The- proposed- site - overpasses }inking- the - quadrants -of- the- projeet- over - Airport -Read- and -6e }den Gate- Parkway - will -be- designed- se -as- net -te- interfere - with -the eventual- widening -ef- these- readways- br 9?he -fallowing- regional- roadways- and - intersect #ens -ere pre�eeted- te- be- s #gn #fi cant }y- #Mpaeted- {5$- of- b66 -B - -- peek -henr- peak- season } - prier- te- pre�eet- buildel3tr Roadways: Airport- Reed- {eR -34} Vanderbilt- Beeeh- Reed - {eR- 863 } -te- Red #e - Read - {eR -856} Golden - Gate- parkway-{eR -886} Geed }Otte- Read - {eR- 854 } -te- Santa- Barbera - Boulevard Pfne- Ridge- Read -{eR -896} Airport- Reed- {eR- 3 } }- to - } -�5 interfert#enss A4rpert- Reed- {eR- 34 } -at- Pine- R #dge- Reed - {eR -896} Airport- Reed- {eR- 34 } -at -6e }den -Gate- Parkway - {eR -886} Airport- Reed- {eR- 3 } }- at- Nereantile- riventte Airport- Reed- feR- 34 } -at- Red #e - Reed - {eR -856 6e 1den -Gate- Parkway -{eR- 886 }- at- 6eediette- Reed - {eR -854} 601den -Gate- Parkway -{eR- 886 }- at- bivingsten -Reed er the- Applieent- sha}} - mitigate -its- impacts -en- the- regiena} and - lees} - roadways- and- #nterseetiens- #dent #f #ed - herein- as- fe } }ews- {i} �Phe -App} #cant- sha }} -make- the - improvements - specified in -5 {a }- hereof: {ii} �Phe -App} #cant- she}} - dedicate- apprex #mutely- twenty- ffve - {25 }- acres- te- aeeemmedate- the- expnnaien -ef- the -fe }lowing tranapertntien- fie #fit #esl- b #v #ngaten- Read,- -6o }den - bate- Parkway- and- expans#en -ef- the - intersection -at- Belden -sate- Parkway -and Airport- Read- te- a } }ew_a_ grade - separated - urban - interchange -with 6e }den -bate- Parkway - being- the - grade - separated- roadway: - -the nmennts- ef- r #ght -ef- way -en- each - roadway- and- #nterseetien -which wi}}-be-dadieated- ere -spec #tied - #n- the- PHB- Beenment- {6rdinanee -Ne- 98- 48 } :-- the- dedieatiens- she } } -be- :Wade- when - the- eennty -is- reedy -te make- the - improvements- necessitating- the- dedieatien- {i##} the- app }leant- she } }- be- snb�eet- te- a } }_ }awfn } }y edepted- tranapertat #en- impact -fees- ® Goo PAGE 37 Underlined are additions;.Words.struek- through are deletions. -3- OCTOBER 16, 1990 {iv} the- Applicant- shell - build -et- its - expense- bivingeton Read - from - holden- bete - Parkway- seutk -te- the - beginning -ef -the northern - approach -to- the - bridge- ever - hoiden - bete - Hanoi -- -hie -reed improvement - shell -be -a- two - lone - rural- design - built -te- county spe�ifieatiens -end- the- eenstruetion- ehall- occur -in -e- time - period will - which -ee #Heide- with - the- eenetruetien- ef- bivingsten- Reed -from Radio- Reed - Werth -to- holden- bete - Hanel- end- eenetruet #on -ef -e- bridge ever -6el den - bete- Ganal : -- the -Appl #cant- she } }_ have -ne responsibility -for- right -of- way- eequieitien- except -as- specified -in S:e : {ii }- hereof: ��'.. -' {v} the- Applicant- she # #- be- sub�cet -te- the- Heneurreney Management- Bystem- of- tke- Heunty -as- set - forth- hereinr {v#} �2te- App}# ennt- ske } } -be- entitled- te- credits -for dad #cations - ender- 5 :e : { # # } -es- set - forth -in- the -PHB- document : - -�Phe ApplieaHt- shell -be- entitled -te- reed- impeet- fee- credits -for -the eonstruetien- ef- bivingston -Rood- {paragraph- 5- e- { #v }� -ns- mandated by- Seetien- 388 -86 {l6 } {e };- Florida- Statutee- {4989 }: d: the- regiona }- readwey- segments- end- #Htereeet #one -en -which this- pre loot - has- subetantia }- impacts- ere - wholly- within -the �urisdietien- ef- Hellier- Heunty :-- 'fhe- Heunty -has -mode- the - decision to -plan -for- end - manage - the - impacts -of- this -BRl- through- its -duly adopted - comprehensive -plan- {including - the - remedial - plan- amendmente agreed -te- between- eellier- eeunty- end - BHA,- - pursuant -te- that - certain Stipulated - Settlement- Agreement - between - the - parties- {BAAH- ease -Ne- 89- 42996H }j:-- The- eaunty -hes- considered- the - regiona} - roadway segments- end - regional- roadway- intersections- set - forth- in -5 7b: hereef- end - has - determined -te- require- the - project- te- be- sub#eet -to end- te- eemply -with- the- eeneurreney- Management- System - {HMS } -of Hollier- Heunty -es- adopted -in- its- 6rewth- Hanegement -Plan -end implemented -by- the- reeently- adopted- Adequate- Publie- Facilities an ee- {APF }- {erdinenee- Ne-- 99- 24 }- -a- copy -of- which -is- attached ereto -es- Exhibit- uFu7 -- After- due - cons #deretien -ef -the heret alternatives;- the - Bounty -has- determined - that -to- require- cemplience with- eeneurreney -es- mandated -by- the - HMS; -in -odd #lion -te -the -ether mitigatien- required- in -5re:- hereef; -is- the - appropriate- way -te aeeemmedate- the- impaets -of- this- prejeet- and -to- assure -that transpertatien - facilities- are - provided- eeneurrently -with -the transpertatien- impaets -of- this- pre?eetr e: the- Adequate - Public - Facilities- Ardinanee- {APF }- requires tke- 6rewth- Hanegement- Bireeter -te- complete- an- Annua }- Hpdate -and Inventory- Report- {AHIR } -by- Hey -4 -ef -each- year -en- reads - and - public transpertatien- feeilities- based -en- the- edepted- level- ef- servieer the- epplieant- shall - provide- within - fifteen - {45 }- days -of publication- each - veer -a- copy -ef- said- ABlR -en- the - regional feeilities- set - forth- in- 5rb : -te- the - Southwest- Florida- Regional Planning- Heuneil- and - the- Bepartment- of- Hemmunity- 14ffeirsr fr The- Beard- ef- eeunty- eemmissieners- is -required-by- the -APF te- establish - Areas- ef- Bignifieant- Influence- {ASl }- around- any -read segment- er- interseetien- which -is- operating- at- en- unaeeeptable level- of- serviee- {beS }- or- is- prejeeted -to- operate -at -an ttnaeeepteble -%AB- end -is- net - scheduled - for- improvement -in -the capital- Improvement - Element- feiE } -ef- the- earprehensive- Plan -in -a manner- and - time - which - would- meet - the - mandates- Of- eencurrency pursuant -te- said- eMB:-- Prejeets- within - the- beunderies- ef- en -ASI ere,- -with- few - exceptions,- - prohibited- from - further- development which- impaets- the - deficient -er- potentially- deficient- faeility7 The- applieent- shall_netify- SWFRPH- and - BHA - within - five - {5 }- working days- after- reeeipt -ef- notice -ef -a- public- hearing -te- determine -the benndaries -of- any- ASl -en- any- feeilities- listed -in- Section -#Te, hereefr 0 coo PA;E 39 OCTOBER 16. 1990 J�pgr BeR- end- SWFRPe- ere - invited- end - conferred- standing -to ertie #pate - #n -any- public- hearing- to -esteb }fish- nn- It6 } -en- any -ef the -foe #lilies- set - forth- in- Seetien -ore -- hereof -en- which- Grey -eaks is- for- w # } # -w #thin -one- year} - knee- a- usubstantia }- impaetu -en -said faeilityr- -Belt- end- SWFRPe- ere - granted - status- ms- usnbstantia } }y s'+ affeetedu- persons -fes- provided -in- ehapter - 4228-- F }erida- Statutes} te- eha }lenge- the- beundar #es -of- any -1,6 }- established -with- regard -te � any -ef- the - fee # }# ties - set- fertk - #n- subsection - Ore : -on -which -Grey ` eaks -is- for -will— within -one- year} - have- a- u subs tent ial— impaetu -t w-. the - extent -that- said - boundaries- inelude -er- exclude -Grey -eaks: o hr Because -of- concerns- about- the- assntnptiens -en -the divers #enary- #nfluenee -ef- new- fae #1 #t #es- inherent - #n- the- Prejeet -Ls ! traff #e- ana }ys #s, -- end - about- the- #neerpornt #en- of- p }nnned -but uneemm#tted- improvements - #n- the - list -ef- needed - improvements -for Phases -ii- and_iii;- the -app} #cant- she } } - submit - prior -te -the commeneement -ef- Phase - iii- ffer- eeunty -- regional- and - state - review} a- reanal ysi s -of- transportation- eenditions -in- the -area- and -the antic #gated- impacts -of- the- Hnlstatt -BRi -- -This- reanalysis - shall -be in— the - form -ef -a- complete- update- ef- QUestien- 3 } - -ut# }icing -a taethedele gy- accepted- #n- advanee -by -all -the- review- ageneies- -end its- �oneluai ens - she } }_be - Used -te- modify - the - conditions -ef -the Bevelepment- order- as -te- Phase- iii-_if- appropriate.- - -The- reana }ysis may- be -requi red - earlier- during - Phase- ii -if- the -p }armed- pare } }e} facilities-intended - to -reli eve - Airport- Read,-- Pine - Ridge - end -Ge }den Gate- Parkway -as- identified - #n- the- BRi-- #neluding- bivingsten -Rend end- Vanderbilt - Beach- Reed - extension,-- are - dropped -from- the- eeuntyts plans- or- s #gnif #cent }y -de }aged; - and - add #tienal - previsions -te provide- these -foci }#ties -have- net - been - made,-- er- sheU }d -the r construet#en -of- the- i- :�5- interehange -at -6e }den -Gate- Parkway -be x aeeelerated -se- that- #t- will_be- completed- mere - than -two -years -prier X, to -the- end -of- Phase -ii- it collier- county- and - the - applicant -tray -eons #der -ether opt #ens -te- provide- adequate - commitments -for- needed - improvements -te tranapertnt #en- fee # }# ties - set - forth- #n- subseet #en -ubu- hereof prev# dad- that - said -opt# ens - meet - the - following- eriter #n- the- transpertnt #en- itnpaeta -te- the - reeds -and interseetiens -ant }fined- herein - shell -be- addressed - eons #clout —with SWFRPe- peke #es - end -sa #d -opt #ens -er- mitigative- measures - shall -be adopted - #n- accordance -with- Sect #en- 163r3��6- 463x3$43, -- Florida Statutes,-- whieh- anther#aes- leea}- government- development agreementsr-- Any -sueh- development- agreement - shall- be- eensistent with - the- eMS -ef- the- Grewth- Management - Plan- ef- eollier- eeunty -end subject- te- ehallenge- by -BeA- end- SWFRPe -te -the- extent - the -same would- net - fulfil}- the- ceneurreney- requirement - under - said -eMS- whieh -eMS- has - been - deemed -by- Belt -to- meet - the - mandates -of eenenrreney- Under- ehapter -4637- Part -117- Florida- Statutes- f }9B9 }- si nee - remedial- plan_amendments -have- been - adopted - pursuant -te -said Stipulated - Sett }ement - Agreement- fB9AH- ease - Nor- e9- 4n'99GM }x A,. The aiJDlicant nr hi- the full cost for anv site - rota *ate snag u d to intersection improvements 1lncludina but not limit d to s�gnalizatio t additiona _throuah lanoal f,..,..a L n urn lanes and ® Q� Pa, 39 ■ a aI `t 1 m I t t A i w s a I ■ 1 ■ . OCTOBER 16, 1990 .`' c L -M The applicant shall file a Notice of Change within sixty :(60) days from the date the County creates an ASI for such a INI �� LVL uuL4JVSu5 oz Lnis aevelopment order, the DRI shall be deemed to have a substantial impact upon a deficient road segment if its traffic- impacts exceed five percent (5 %) of the level of service "D" peak hour peak season capacity of the roadway. 141 The County shall provide the reguisite public Notice and hold a public hearing on the Notice of Change as exneditimimiv ac •%nccii,le L'—1 I ... < -_ - - - a. vt uct w L uuuru 1Ls determination whether or not the DRI is having a substantial impact upon the deficient road segment or otherwise should not be included within an ASI for the deficient road segment In making this determination the County shall include the impacts resultins from all development to occur pursuant to the Certificates '* Public Facility A eguacv previously issued to the of DRI The j�l amendment to the--Development Order s appealable pursuant to subsection _280,06(19) and Section 380.07. Florida Statutes (7) hearinn nn f•ha If neither u., *4.,e DCA nor Sw participate „c �► ... - -- - - -- in the public -- - - i =lu=lil 5 seems ncluain t e Co leer County's APF Ordinance will -be implemented and enforced by the Qovernments. m OCTOBER 16, 1990 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution be recorded in the minutes of this Board_. Commissioner Shanahan offered the foregoing Resolution and moved for its adoption, seconded by Commissioner Goodnight and upon roll call the vote was: AYES: Commissioner Shanahan, Commissioner Goodnight, Commissioner Volpe, Commissioner Saunders, and Commissioner Hasse .` NAYS: `ABSENT AND NOT VOTING: 1 Done this 16th day of October , 1990. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS •. C:FA OUNTY, DA JAMES C. GILES,�'.CLERK . HAS E, JR., C OVER AS TO_,'FORM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: ORIE M. STUDENT ISTANT COUNTY ATTORNEY NULSTATT DEVELOPMENT ORDER W ® 000 PA1,E 43 Words underlined are additions; .Words struek- through are deletions.