EAC Subcommittee Agenda 01/30/2013 Agenda Environmental Advisory Council LDC GMP Subcommittee Wednesday,January 30, 2013, 9 a.m. Conference Rooms 609/610, located at the Growth Management Division, 2800 North Horseshoe Drive, Naples, FL, 34104 1. Welcome 2. Designate a Subcommittee member to take minutes 3. Signup sheet provided —please remind all attendees to signup 4. Approval of Agenda 5. Approval of November 28, 2012 meeting minutes 6. Upcoming absences- Next Subcommittee meeting is scheduled for March 27, 2013 7. Topic(s) of discussion for EAC members: a. Low Impact Development (LID) Programs 8. Open Discussion between EAC members and public on topics of discussion from item#7 9. Public comment 10.Adjournment MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE COLLIER COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL ADVISORY COUNCIL "LDC / GMP Subcommittee." Naples, Florida, November 28, 2012 In Attendance: Andrew Dickman, Gary McNally, Brian Doyle, Jerry Kurtz, Summer Araque 1. Agenda, minutes, and next meeting schedule was approved 2. Subcommittee agreed to focus on low impact development (LID) for the next report and to coordinate work of the subcommittee for the report through Summer Araque. 3. Andrew agreed to draft the introductions of the LID report. 4. Discussion of using irrigation— "rainwater harvesting" — as part of stormwater management practice. 5. Discussion of using photograph examples of LID projects in the report. 6. Discussion of dry detention versus retention on private residential lots ("rain gardens") 7. Discussion regarding presentation of prior report to the planning commission on January 17th. Andrew will make presentation with support from Jerry. Encourage other EAC members to attend. 30 minute presentation max. Packets due by January 8th. 8. No public in attendance; meeting adjourned. 1 �� � �w�� ��°�� � LOW IMPACT DEVELOPMENT Pollution discharge into natural water systems is a nationwide and local concern. "The objective of this Act is to restore and maintain the cbnoxicu|, physical, and biological integrity of the Nation's waters." Clean Water Act, 33 U.S.C. §1251 et seq. (l972) Introduction. Collier County Watershed Management Plan Initiative l: Low Impact Development(LII)) Program Low Impact Development aims at minimizing the volume 01 runoff reaching the receiving water bodies and managing it as close as possible to where it is generated. Techniques defined as micro-controls are implemented in a dispersed fashion throughout a Site. General This initiative proposes implementation of a Low Impact Development(LID)program that would apply to all new development in Collier County. LID is ovvo|1 established approach to otoouvvadcrr000ugecocot that relies on hydrology-based site planning and design. LID aims at minimizing the volume of runoff and associated pollutant loads reaching the receiving water bodies and managing it as close as possible to where it is generated. Techniques defined as micro-controls are implemented in a dispersed fashion throughout a site. Following is a description of the program's background and recommended implementation strategy Description of the Recommended Lii.) Program As described above, MEP's studies (FDEP 2007 and FDEP 2010) have concluded that the current design requirements for stormwater Best Management Practices (BMPs) are not adequate to meet State law. The agency also concluded that,an update of the Florida Statewide Stormwater Treatment Rule was necessary and a draft new rule was developed. A main requirement of the drafted new rule is that post-development pollution loads should not exceed the pre-development loads. Pre-development is defined as the natural native landscape. This would make necessary the implementation of new approaches to remove the additional anthropogenic pollution load, including the implementation of treatment trains. TbcuppboutiouofihnpropnsedFl)El` aionnvvu\ozruiev/oo1dprovidcuucffecdvc approach to control water quality impacts of new development. However, it is unlikely it will be adopted in the near future. Therefore, it is safe to assume that the State's current regulatory requirements would remain in place over the foreseeable future and that 1 , vq , L,, a �� ^ ^ �— � pi~ mitigation of growth impacts at the local level will be critical to achieving environmental on goals. It is recommended that a new approach based on the preservation of a site's natura features be implemented to minimize pollution loads from new development and help preserve the natural system. Such an approach should be consistent with the concept of Low Impact Development(L1D). An approach to promote implementation of LID for existing development is presented herein as Initiative 2,which is described later in this document As indicated previously, LID aims at minimizing the volume of runoff reaching the receiving water bodies and managing it as closely as possible to where it is generated. This is accomplished through the application of techniques defined as micro-controls. These techniques are implemented in a dispersed fashion throughout a site. The basic principle is to attempt to mimic pre-development hydrology by retaining or treating stormwater runoff close to the source thereby replicating the natural pathways. Examples of LID techniques include a)use of pervious pavement to minimize runoff volume, b)000sbocdouof rain gardens, localized infi|tro1iunareas, ur created systems nffilter marshes to treat stormwater runoff c) storage and re-use of stormwater for irrigation purposes, and d)minimizing the extent of the directly connected er area (DCIA). The DCIA is the er area hydraulically connected to the stormwater conveyance system, and thence to the basins outlet point, without flowing over previous areas. Further descriptions of the LlI) concept are provided in Appendix A. The three options listed below were considered for implementation of the proposed new approach. They are all based on treating 50 percent of the basic ERI requirement. SFWMD regulations for water quality establish that the basic runoff treatment requirement for new development is one inch of runoff over the developed area or 2.5 i of imperviousness inches times the percentage, whichever is greater. The basic runoff treatment requirement described above applies to discharges to all water bodies considered to be \Vaters of the State,except for discharges into Outstanding Florida Waters(OFWs) or currently impaired water bodies. a) Require that the runoff volume equivoJcni to 50 percent of the basic ERP requirement he disposed of by retention and percolation. b)Require that a runoff volume equivalent to 50 percent of the basic ERI> requirement be bcutedb7l.}DteChniqucn. c) Require that the nutrient load associated with 50 percent of the basic EpL9 requirement be treated by LiD. The first option was considered impractical for application in areas of high groundwater table elevations. The second option was also considered not adequate because of the wide range in LID treatment techniques and corresponding treatment efficiencies. The third option was considered practical because it basically establishes pollutant removal goals based on post development conditions, while letting the designers choose the techniques that best suit local site conditions. The proposed L1.D treatment should be for the nutrient 1 ;- ~ • � load generated by 0.5 inch of runoff over the developed area or 1.2 inches times the percentage of imperviousness, whichever is greater. Based on input from local stakeholders, it is proposed that the current 150% treatment be maintained and the LID approach be set as an additional land development requirement. Application of the Recommended LID Program in practice, the LID techniques applied to a particular development should he left at the discretion of the designer as conditions may vary substantially between sites. [hc techniques could be applied at the lot level or at the subdivision level. Because runoff reduction is the most efficient method to reduce pollution loads, infiltration techniques should be considered when possible. From that standpoint it was estimated that for residential areas, based on typical lot designs for single-family homes under zoning categories R.SF-3 through RSF-6, and assuming an average DCIA of 25 percent and an SCS curve number(CN) of 74 for the non-DCIA areas (a CN ot74 represents soils type C),the design storm event for LID design should be 1.5 inches, which represents approximately the 93r percentile event. A storm is defined as a period of continuous rainfall separated from other events by at least a24-hours dry period. This means that the nutrient pollutan load associated with 93 percent of the storms would be eliminated by LID if infiltration methods are used at a site. For parking facilities, assuming a 90 percent I}[,lA,the design event is 1.30 inches. This rainfall event represents the approximately the 90 percentile. It is recognized that the construction of infiltration systems is not always possible in areas of high water table elevations. Design of appropriate LID techniques must consider this condition. Significant amount of information regarding LID design criteria is available from the literature. Documents that could be used as reference to facilitate the setting of design criteria include the "Stormwater Quality Applicant's Handbook" developed by FDEP as part of the draft stormwater rule and the Sarasota County, Florida, LID manual. The FDEP handbook defi criteria for numerous types of nes design from BMPs retention basins and eKfiltration trenches to swales,pervious pavement, and underground storage facilities. The Sarasota County manual focuses on detention with hiofiltration an pervious pavement. The establishment an adoption of design criteria for various types o f facilities should be part of the LDC amendment process. LID Cost Effectiveness Although the concept and application of LID has been promoted and studied for over 20 years, it is still considered a new and emerging technology and there is some apprehension in the development community as to installation costs. 'Ibis is particularly true at the initial stages of an LID implementation program because construction costs for LID technologies are often site-specific and develt and design. Also, the increases in site assess menopers may see some development community may be concerned with long- term uza1ntcouocecnotsnasooio1cdwithl.|Dtrcboiqueuinc)udiogon-sdcrumuugoououtof stormwater facilities. However,munoroue studies(Foss 2005; Conservation Research institute 2005; U.S. EPA 2005; Zickler 2004)have demonstrated that LID can compare favorably with conventional controls in a.side-by-side analysis of installation and 3 r�^� �6 ��� � * i,1 � ! maintenance costs. LII) costs may be higher in terms of installation of site s 'Oc technologies, but savings are accrued because of the reduce dst systems capacity needs and stormwater conveyance the reduced load of sediments to existing ponds, which eliminates the need of dredging to restore the facilities' treatment efficiency and aesthetic characteristics. In summary, consistent with current research, the implementation of the proposed LID program is expected to be at worst cost neutra for the development community. The main benefit of implementing the proposed program is the achievement of countywide water quality improvements of the County's water bodies due to pollution load reductions. Program Assessment within the State's Regulatory Framework The proposed initiative was presented to, and discussed with. SFWMD staff to determine how it fits within the permitting process. It was determined that the program complements and enhances the ERP permitting process. For example. one of the limitations of the State permitting process occurs when pre-development pollutant loads exceed those anticipated for post-development. In that case, the State is unable to require post-development treatment beyond those allowed by current rules. The propose County requirement is based totally on post-development conditions, which would eliminate the State's limitation. LII) implementation incentives Although the implementation of the proposed LID program is likely not to increase development costs, we believe incentives to land developers are necessary to help offset the perception that traditional designs are less expensive and perhaps more attractive to potential buyers than the osed approach. Various incentives are used through changes in the Land Development Code(LDC). They are listed in Table 3-2 by LDC chapter and refer mainly to modifications to road and parking design criteria. An important recommendation is for the County to revisit the road width criteria to consider the average daily traffic (ADT)needs. A minimum road width for local streets is recommended to beset at 18 ft based onnn/\DTnf less than 400. That results in roads serving either 36 single family homes or 60 multi-family units. The proposed design is consistent with the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AA8}lT[}) standards. The off-site parking recommendations refer to modified requirements for minimum parking spaces, parking aisle widths, and general design features. The new design features would not diminish the safety or aesthetic characteristics of the parking facilities. It should be considered that many of the current design standards for parking lots were established years ails)when cars were generally larger and more difficult to maneuver. 4 = Table 3'2. Low ln�0001 incentives �— - - -- 4.02.01 Dimensional standards for principle use. Allow 18-fl width on local roads having an ADT of 400 trips (36 single family homes). The recommended width is consistent p/ibb //\/\�}lT0) a1�u���d�. /\]}Ovvrc�uCin&t�c [rnc8yur� setback 18 ft if ` ' is designed with permeable pavement 4.04.00 Transportation System Standard 1. Promote design of shallow swales on local roads, as long as maintenance procedures are clearly defined. Z. Allow road medians to be designed as depressed surfaces that can collected and treat road runoff 4.05.02 Parking design standard 1. Promote parking lots design using surfaces with pervious materials that promote water 2. A infiltratiollow aisle width design to be reduced by 2 feet except for parallel parking. 3. Allow grassed swale dividers along opposing parking spaces. Parking space depth reduced from |8D:/tto \6.5tect if wheel stop is located 0.5 foot from edge of swale. 4.05.04 Parking space requirement. 1. Modify the LDCk` only address minimum counts for typical use/demand. Allow the developer or facility owner to provide what is believed necessary for peak use. 2. Reduce the minimum retail shop and store and department store parking requirement from \ per 250 square feet to L per 500 square feet of indoor/outdoor retail area. 3. Allow for upto25% grass spaces (or other suitable permeable vement) for developments regardless of parking count. There should be at least 3 paved s ces (excluding handicap parking). Allow use of identified grassed areas for locating dry detention facilities. 4.06.03 Landscaping requirements for vehicular use areas and rights'of-nal. Allow use of depressed landscape islands. 2. Allow rows ol'parking spaces to contain 20 spaces, instead of 10, between islands if drainage is directed to grassed swale dividers. 3. Allow swale divider area and grass parking areas to count as part ol the off-parking interiorvegetated areas. 4. Allow parking stalls to be up to lUO feet away from a tree. Allow one tree for every 500 square feet on interior landscaped area 6.05.01 Storrnwater management system requirement. 1. Allow in-ground percolation type retention systems to achieve water quality retention if designed per LID manual requirements. 3.0 Watershed Management Plan Conclusions and Recommendations l)evelop a Low Impact Development(LID)program as an incentive based program that requires on-site stormwater runoff treatment for new development. Appendix 3—A The Low Impact Development (LII)) Approach ��� ~^ " * l Research has shown the watershed imperviousness has a direct relationship with stream degradation(MWCG 1995). In addition,as indicated previously, exclusive reliance on conventional BMPs is not allowing streams to meet water quality standards. Therefore, a new approach based on the preservation of a site's natural features has been found to be an effective way to minimize pollution loads and help preserve the natural system. LID is a well established approach tootoonvvocz management that relies onhydrology- based site planning and design. I.iD aims at minimizing the volume of runoff reaching the receiving water bodies and managing it as close as possible to where it is generated. Techniques defined as micro-controls are implemented in a dispersed fashion throughout a site. The basic principle is to attempt to mimic pre-development hydrology by detaining and infiltrating ruiowatcrc}omctotbe source thereby replicating the natural pathways. LID techniques are often more cost effective than the conventional ot0oDv/ater management approach that relies primarily on fast drainage through storm drains,ditches andior canals that take runoff to central detention facilities or to open water bodies. |.\ Framework Meeting water quality standards and addressing the water surplus/deficit issues affecting the natura system requires application of a variety of new tools and approaches that need to be grounded on a common framework consisting of the following main elements: Hydrology Centric Site Planning. Site design should consider maintaining the natural site's hydrology, or helping restore hydrologic conditions if previously impacted. The objective should be the protection of hydrologically beneficial assets such as soils,native vegetation, wetlands, and natural drainage patterns. Hydrology centric site planning typically results in better site layout and reduced development costs. Water Quality Improvement. The Florida stormwater treatment rule is specifically aimed at reducing the input of nutrients to receiving waters. Nutrient load reduction is most effectively attained by both reducing runoff volume and reducing sources of nitrogen and phosphorus. if stormwater runoff treatment is necessary, controls should be based on appropriate unit processes:tbr pollution removal, particularly nitrogen and phosphorus,that considers the chemical characteristics of the pollutants. Habitat Protection. Runoff reduction and water quality improvement have a direct beneficial effeotonoutura\ habitat. Site development should strive to preserve and/or restore natural resources on site such as wetlands and native vegetation on site. Effective Land Use. Collier County is not yet as urbanized as other neighboring counties hut development pressure is mounting. Comprehensive planning at the county level and judicious site planning at the development level allows effective deployment of new 6 �sT A 8. � . � * infrastructure, reduced maintenance needs, enhanced co aesthetics, and access to natural resources for recreation. Whole-Life Cost-Effectiveness. The implementation of a stormwater management program should consider the costs oldevelopment in terms 0± 1)0th constTuction and operation and muintcuuucc(U6tM), as well as the potential gains associated with the environmental and social benefits to the community. Enhanced Aesthetics: Planning and engineering measures for stormwater control should be blended into streetscapes and landscapes and become assets to the community. 1.2 Implementation Techniques LID implementation techniques are divided into three categories: planning, stormwater controls,and pollution prevention. Following is a description of these categories, u1oug with the techniques that we believe can be implemented in Collier County. Planning Techniques. At the site level, planning techniques are aimed at taking advantage of existing assets, especially those that help maintain the hydrology of the site and minimize runoff volume through maximization of the hydrologic performance. These techniques include: Promote site design based on natural hydrologic patterns by conserving/restoring such features as drainageways,wetlands, stream corridors.riparian buffers, and forested areas. Maximize the extent of pervious areas and areas of absorbent landscape, while minimizing paved areas. Disconnect impervious surfaces from conveyance systems so that runoff discharges to on-site pervious areas. Manage runoff close to where it is generated by creating micro-controls adjacent to paved areas Protect areas of permeable soils. Design multiple storage systems throughout the site to maximize the assimilative capacity and create redundancy. Minimize site disturbance during construction. Research(Gregory, 2004)has shown that to maintain predevelopment infiltration rates, identified areas within a subdivision,or specific areas within a lot, should be left undisturbed because even a small degree of compaction nf imported soils has been found to drastically reduce iofi\inationcapacity. Protect native vegetation existing on site. Conserve as much as possible of existing trees and shrubs 7 �� �� � Use native species in landscaping plans and providing sufficient top soil to promote healthy plant development and minimize chemical application needs as well as irrigation needs Substitute turf with native species consistent with Florida-Friendly Landscaping guidelines Promote cluster development practices with higher densities that reduce road length and Utility footprint. Apply road width requirements that are consistent with actua average daily traffic needs based on the number of homes served. Collier County Watershed Management Plan Stormwater Controls Techniques. From its inception,the application of LID recognized that, depending on specific site characteristics, a versatile set of controls is needed for effective stormwater management. These techniques belong to a broad array of engineered features aimed at mitigating anthropogenic impacts in terms of both water quantity and quality. Key objectives are to minimize the volume of runoff discharged into the public collection system and design the stormwater controls in a way that is consistent with the chemical unit processes associated with the pollutants of interest. Disperse deployment of micro-controls throughout the site is emphasized, but the stormwater management strategy can also include end-of-pipe devices such as detention basins and constructed wetlands. The strategy to treat stormwater is summarized below: a) Runoff segregation. Rain that falls on rook should not he allowed to come in contact with fertilizers and other ground-level pollutants. 6) Stormwater controls in series. Stormwater controls should he installed in series to obtain incremental treatment levels. It should be noted that the upstream most controls provide the largest removal,when properly sized. The removal efficiency of additional controls downstream is much less because the influent concentrations have been reduced. Stormwater controls in series benefits system redundancy. c) Bionctondoo. Roof runoff should be directed to hioretention areas located in the fill pads devoted to building construction. Pad configuration may have to he slightly modified to locate the bioretention facilities at sufficient distance from the buildings. The bioretention facilities should be designed to exfiltrate the water into the surficial aquifer. Stormwater planters around buildings can also he used to treat roof runoff. The filter media in the bioretention facilities shall he engineered for nutrient removal. Guidelines have been provided in the 2008 publication Alternative Stormwater Sorption Media for the Control of Nut icnTo by Marty Wanielista and Ni-Bing Chang, researchers for the Stormwater Management Academy of the University of Central Florida. From the findings o[this publication, it is possible that limestone material from site excavation can. he used as a component of the engineered media. 8 i J) Filter strips. As implementation of imperviousness disconnection, filter strips should be added to receive runoff from paved areas and discharge it to hioretention facilities, vegetated swales, or other stormwater controls. e) Surface depression. Desian absorbent landscape areas as depressions that temporarily store stormwater and allow it to infiltrate. The drainage properties of these areas should ho designed no that they infi\tootethe water without becoming onuisance. � Permeable pavement. Permeable asphalt or concrete should be used in parking lots as much as possible. In combination with conventional pavement for high traffic surfaces, permeable pavement is an effective way to retain runoff The gravel reservoir below the pavement stores the water and exfiltrates ii through the bottom, If drainage through the bottom is limited by the fill material, perforated pipes can be used to drain the reservoir. Several studies of permeable pavement systems are available on the University of Central Florida(UCF) Stormwater Management Academy's website http://ak>oop/n(cr.unfcdu. g) Conveyance in vegetated swales. Provide vegetated swales between building pads and along streets and driveways. The swales should use the en ineered filter media described above. Check dams should he used to enhance infiltration. h) Pocket wetlands. Distribute pocket wetlands through the site, in series with other stormwater controls,to receive up to 10 acres of areas drained by upvoJcm. Pocket wetlands can also receive drainage from pervious pavement to restore the storage in the gravel bed. i) Central treatment facility. Performance of conventional stormwater treatment facilities such as detention ponds can be enhanced with littoral shelves; settling basins or phyto-zones; wetland areas, especially upstream of outfalls; and internal berms to lengthen the flow path. Floating wetlands can also he deployed. These central facilities need to be stocked with fish to control mosquitoes. j) Stonnwater harvesting. Runoff stored in a detention facility can he used as a source of irrigation water. In addition to reductions of pollutant loads to surface wat ry, stormwater harvesting can reduce potable water use. Other LID stormwater controls can be applied depending on the nature of the site and can lead to innovative solutions. The following are examples of these other alternatives: Vegetated roofs absorb rainwater and the excess can be directed to stomrwater planters or bioretention facilities as described above. Vegetated roofs provide additional benefits in roof'membrane longevity and cooling energy savings. These systems are most commonly deployed in large buildings with flat roofs. Rain barrels and cisterns can be used to collect runoff from conventional roofs. The water could be used later for irrigation but if not used, it must be drained from the cisterns to provide storage for the next rain event. Pollution Prevention Techniques. These techniques are aimed at minimizing pollutant loads and include the following: 9 Enforce fertilizer management ordinances • Designate elements of landscaping(e.g.,vegetated swalcy,hioretcodno facilities, and surface depressions planted with absorbent landscape) as stormwater management devices where no chemicals shall be applied • Educate homeowners about impacts on water quality of excessive chemical applications. A tool available for this purpose is the Florida Yard sand Neighborhood handbook. Growth Management. Intra County and Regional Coordination. Collier County is diverse. With urbanized, rural fringe, rural, agricultural, and conservation areas. We have both incorporated cities and unincorporated areas. Growth management and stomnvvatec management coordination is imperative. Uncoordinated decisions in one area likely will impact other areas. Preparation for population growth countywide within planning areas is vital. Understanding how other counties in our region accommodate development and manage stormwater is a necessity. The following provides a snapshot of regional stormwater strategies and offers recommendations for Collier County. Collier County • Les County Charlotte County } Miami- Dade County Research on LID for Monroe County has led me to this video and multi-county coop to address sustainable needs, though I have not found a spelled out IA!.) plan yet I have found that Monroe and its connected counties are aware and active iu educating and changing its nremo' Monroe County http://nnvvv.noonroecoun{y-O.Anvinccinccntecuypx'!\/ll)=4 bUpl*wvv.bruward.org/N&TUKA LRESOUKCES/CL A TECH AN GE/Pages/ 8outheos1P}ocidoRegioomkCUmoieCompoo1uxpz Sarasota County . Recommendations. Patricia L. Morgan From: BrownAraqueSummer <SummerBrownAraque @colliergov.net> Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2013 1218 PM To: Bob Kransowski; Brad C; Don; Doug Fee; Eric Staats (estaats @naplesnews.com);Jeremy Frantz;Judy Hushon; Laura Layman; Marcia Cravens; Minutes and Records; Nancy Payton; Nicole Ryan; Patricia L. Morgan; RKS (rks @jbglaw.net) Cc: DL-EAC Staff List; Bradford,Alison; Kurtz, Gerald; Lorenz, William; McKenna, Jack; PrestonMcCrary Subject: Reminder:January 30, 2013 EAC Subcommittee Meeting Attachments: Low Impact Development Rpt - Draft 012813.doc;January 30, 2013 EAC Subcommittee Meeting Attached is revised DRAFT LID report to be discussed at the Subcommittee Meeting tomorrow. See meeting notice information in email attached. Summer B. _Araque Senior Environmental Specialist/EAC Liaison Natural Resources Department Collier County Government 2800 N Horseshoe Dr. Naples, FL 34104 Phone: 239-252-6290 My Desk Fax: 239-252-6719 Older Florida l awr e addresses aro public r=cord.: if you do not wart your-o mail address rric.aaod <e3,>t,,,n.,,,to a public record rep.io.t do not semi c:octron o rr are to this ontoy..notead,contact this ofco by telephone or in wntrn!j. 1 LOW IMPACT DEVELOPMENT Pollution discharge into natural water systems is a nationwide and local concern. "The objective of this Act is to restore and maintain the chemical, physical, and biological integrity of the Nation's waters." Clean Water Act, 33 U.S.C. §1251 et seq. (1972). Introduction. The environmental Advisory Council is fully committed to doing whatever it can, within its jurisdiction, to clean and protect Collier's water resources. This is the environmental report that seeks to implement Collier's multimillion dollar "Watershed Management Plan" ("WMP"). Collier County Watershed Management Plan The WMP's first recommended initiative is a Low Impact Development (LID) Program Low Impact Development aims at minimizing the volume of runoff reaching the receiving water bodies and managing it as closely as possible to where it is generated. Techniques defined as micro-controls are implemented in a dispersed fashion throughout a site. This initiative proposes implementation of an LID program that would apply to all new development in Collier County, and can be retrofitted to existing communities. LID is a well established approach to stormwater management that relies on hydrology-based site planning and design. LID aims at minimizing the volume of runoff and associated pollutant loads reaching the receiving water bodies and managing it as close as possible to where it is generated. Techniques defined as micro-controls are implemented in a dispersed fashion throughout a site. As indicated previously, LID aims at minimizing the volume of runoff reaching the receiving water bodies and managing it as closely as possible to where it is generated. This is accomplished through the application of techniques defined as micro-controls. These techniques are implemented in a dispersed fashion throughout a site. The basic principle is to attempt to mimic pre-development hydrology by retaining or treating stormwater runoff close to the source thereby replicating the natural pathways. Examples of LID techniques include a) use of pervious pavement to minimize runoff volume; b) construction of rain gardens, localized infiltration areas, or created systems of filter marshes to treat stormwater runoff; c) storage and re-use of stormwater for irrigation purposes; and d) minimizing the extent of the directly connected impervious area (DCIA). The DCIA is the impervious area hydraulically connected to the stormwater conveyance system, and thence to a basin's outlet point, without flowing over pervious areas. In practice, the LID techniques applied to a particular development should be left at the discretion of the designer as conditions may vary substantially between sites. The techniques can be applied at the lot level or at the subdivision level. Because runoff 1 reduction is the most efficient method to reduce pollution loads, infiltration techniques should be considered when possible. LID Cost Effectiveness Although the concept and application of LIDs have been promoted and studied for over 20 years, LID is still considered a new and emerging technology and there is some apprehension in the development community as to installation costs. This is particularly true at the initial stages of an LID implementation program because construction costs for LID technologies often require site-specific development and design. Also, the increases in site assessment costs may be seen by some in the development community as a cause for concern, as well as the long-tem maintenance costs associated with LID techniques, including on-site management of stormwater facilities. However, numerous studies have demonstrated that LID can compare favorably with conventional controls in a side-by- side analysis of installation and maintenance costs. LID costs may be higher in terms of installation of site specific technologies, but savings are accrued because of the reduction in capacity of stormwater conveyance, the reduced load of sediments to existing ponds, which eliminates the need of dredging to restore the facilities' treatment efficiency, and aesthetic characteristics. In summary, consistent with current research, the implementation of the proposed LID program is expected to be, at worst, cost neutral for the development community. The main benefit of implementing the proposed program is the achievement of countywide water quality improvements of the County's water bodies due to pollution load reductions, recharge of groundwater, and reduced fresh water releases to estuaries. Research has shown the watershed imperviousness has a direct relationship to stream degradation. In addition, as indicated previously, exclusive reliance on conventional BMPs (NOT DEFINED) is not allowing streams to meet water quality standards. Therefore, a new approach based on the preservation of a site's natural features has been found to be an effective way to minimize pollution loads and help preserve the natural system. LID is a well established approach to stormwater management that relies on hydrology- based site planning and design. LID aims at minimizing the volume of runoff reaching the receiving water bodies and managing it as close as possible to where it is generated. Optimally, techniques defined as "micro-controls" are implemented in a dispersed fashion throughout a site. The basic principle is to attempt to mimic pre-development hydrology by detaining and infiltrating rainwater close to the source thereby replicating the natural pathways. LID techniques are often more cost effective than the conventional stormwater management approach that relies primarily on fast drainage through storm drains, ditches and/or canals that take runoff to central detention facilities or to open water bodies. LID implementation techniques are divided into three categories: planning, stormwater controls, and pollution prevention. The following is a description of these categories, along with the techniques that we believe can be implemented in Collier County: 2 1. Planning Techniques. At the site level, planning techniques are aimed at taking advantage of existing assets, especially those that help maintain the hydrology of the site and minimizing runoff volume through maximization of the hydrologic performance. These techniques include: • Promoting site design based on natural hydrologic patterns by conserving/ restoring such features as drainageways, wetlands, stream corridors, riparian buffers, and forested areas. • Maximizing the extent of pervious areas and areas of absorbent landscape, while minimizing paved areas. • Disconnecting impervious surfaces from conveyance systems so that runoff discharges to on-site pervious areas. • Managing runoff close to where it is generated by creating micro-controls adjacent to paved areas. • Protecting areas of permeable soils. • Designing multiple storage systems throughout the site to maximize the assimilative capacity and create redundancy. • Minimizing site disturbance during construction. Research (Gregory, 2004) has shown that to maintain predevelopment infiltration rates, identified areas within a subdivision, or specific areas within a lot, should be left undisturbed because even a small degree of compaction of imported soils has been found to drastically reduce infiltration capacity. • Protecting native vegetation existing on site by conserving as much as possible of the existing trees and shrubs. • Using native species in landscaping plans and providing sufficient top soil to promote healthy plant development and minimize chemical application needs as well as irrigation needs. • Substituting turf with native species consistent with Florida-Friendly Landscaping guidelines. • Promoting cluster development practices with higher densities that reduce road length and utility footprint. • Applying road width requirements that are consistent with actual average daily traffic needs based on the number of homes served. 3 2. Stormwater Controls Techniques. From its inception, the application of LID recognized that, depending on specific site characteristics, a versatile set of controls is needed for effective stormwater management. These techniques belong to a broad array of engineered features aimed at mitigating anthropogenic impacts in terms of both water quantity and quality. Key objectives are to minimize the volume of runoff discharged into the public collection system and design the stormwater controls in such a way that is consistent with the chemical unit processes associated with the pollutants of interest. Disperse deployment of micro-controls throughout the site is emphasized, but the stormwater management strategy can also include end-of-pipe devices such as detention basins and constructed wetlands. The strategy to treat stormwater is summarized below: • Runoff segregation. Rain that falls on roofs should not be allowed to come in contact with fertilizers and other ground-level pollutants. • Stormwater controls series. Stormwater controls should be installed in series to obtain incremental treatment levels. It should be noted that the upstream-most controls provide the largest removal, when properly sized. The removal efficiency of additional controls downstream is lessened because the influent concentrations have been reduced. Stormwater controls in series benefits system redundancy. • Bioretention. Roof runoff should be directed to bioretention areas located in the fill pads devoted to building construction. Pad configuration may have to be slightly modified to locate the bioretention facilities at a sufficient distance from the buildings. The bioretention facilities should be designed to exfiltrate the water into the surficial aquifer. Stormwater planters around buildings can also be used to treat roof runoff. The filter media in the bioretention facilities shall be engineered for nutrient removal. Guidelines have been provided in the 2008 publication"Alternative Stormwater Sorption Media for the Control of Nutrients" by Marty Wanielista and Ni-Bing Chang, researchers for the Stormwater Management Academy of the University of Central Florida. From the findings of this publication, it is possible that limestone material from site excavation can be used as a component of the engineered media. • Filter strips. As implementation of imperviousness disconnection, filter strips should be added to receive runoff from paved areas and then discharge it to bioretention facilities, vegetated swales, or other stormwater controls. • Surface depression. Design absorbent landscape areas as depressions that temporarily store stormwater and allow it to infiltrate. The drainage properties of these areas should be designed so that they infiltrate the water without becoming a nuisance. They may be landscaped with hydrophilic vegetation. • Permeable pavement. Permeable asphalt or concrete should be used in parking lots as much as possible. In combination with conventional pavement for high 4 traffic surfaces, permeable pavement is an effective way to encourage infiltration. The gravel reservoir below the pavement stores the water and exfiltrates it through the bottom. If drainage through the bottom is limited by the fill material, perforated pipes can be used to drain the reservoir. Several studies of permeable pavement systems are available on the University of Central Florida(UCF) Stormwater Management Academy's website http://stormwater.ucf.edu. • Conveyance in vegetated swales. Provide vegetated swales between building pads and along streets and driveways. The swales should use the engineered filter media described above. Check dams should be used to enhance infiltration. • Pocket wetlands. Distribute pocket wetlands throughout the site, in series with other stormwater controls, to receive up to 10 acres of areas drained by swales. Pocket wetlands can also receive drainage from pervious pavement to restore the storage in the gravel bed. • Central treatment facility. Performance of conventional stormwater treatment facilities such as detention ponds, can be enhanced with littoral shelves, settling basins or phyto-zones, wetland areas (especially upstream of outfalls), and internal berms to lengthen the flow path. Floating wetlands can also be deployed. These central facilities need to be stocked with fish to control mosquitoes. • Stormwater harvesting. Runoff stored in a detention facility can be used as a source of irrigation water. In addition to reductions of pollutant loads to surface waters, stormwater harvesting can reduce potable water use. 3. Other LID stormwater controls can be applied depending on the nature of the site and can lead to innovative solutions. The following are examples of these other alternatives: • Vegetated roofs can absorb rainwater and the excess can be directed to stormwater planters or bioretention facilities as described above. Vegetated roofs provide additional benefits in roof membrane longevity and cooling energy savings. These systems are most commonly deployed in large buildings with flat roofs. • Rain barrels and cisterns can be used to collect runoff from conventional roofs. The water can be used later for irrigation or, if not used, it must be drained from the cisterns to provide storage for the next rain event. 4. Pollution Prevention Techniques. These techniques are aimed at minimizing pollutant loads and include the following: • Enforcing fertilizer management ordinances. 5 • Designating elements of landscaping (e.g., vegetated swales, bioretention facilities, and surface depressions planted with absorbent landscape) as stormwater management devices where no chemicals shall be applied • Educating homeowners about impacts on water quality of excessive chemical applications. A tool available for this purpose is the Florida Yard Sand Neighborhood's Handbook. Growth Management. An LID program must be codified in the County's Growth Management Plan and implemented in the LDC. All advisory boards should make recommendations to incentivize LID tools when reviewing development proposals. land use decisions are critical to the success of an LID program and clean water resources. Examples of existing LIDs in the County are shown at the end of this report. Intra County and Regional Coordination. Collier County is diverse. With urbanized, rural fringe, rural, agricultural, and conservation areas. We have both incorporated cities and unincorporated areas. Growth management and stormwater management coordination is imperative. Uncoordinated decisions in one area likely will impact other areas. Preparation for population growth countywide within planning areas is vital. Understanding how other counties in our region accommodate development and manage stormwater is a necessity. The following provides a snapshot of regional stormwater strategies and offers recommendations for Collier County. Collier County 6 Lee County Charlotte County LID and BMP http://www2.charlottefl.com/CompPlan/main/view_doc.aspx?show_comments=t rue&docid=9#contentelement 5916 SWM Objective 3.3 Low Impact Development and Green Infrastructure To achieve long-term benefits such as improved water quality, improved air quality, improved groundwater infiltration and recharge, increased water storage, expanded wildlife habitat, expanded recreational opportunities and visual relief within the urban environment by incorporating low impact development design criteria and green infrastructure as part of the stormwater management system. SWM Policy 3.3.1 Low Impact Development Effort The County, in partnership with other government, non-profit, and private entities, shall seek grant funding to establish a Low Impact Development (LID) research and training facility to clarify best local area practices and to educate Charlotte the public and the development community about sustainable site development County best management practices. SWM Policy 3.3.2 Low Impact Development Research Prior to development of a full-scale LID research and training facility, the County shall establish an LID library and LID advocacy group that will arrange training from the SWFWMD, and others, that will be responsible for developing and maintaining the LID research and training facility. SWM Policy 3.3.3 Low Impact Development Design Criteria The County shall incorporate LID design criteria, best management practices (BMPs), and stormwater credits into its Code of Laws and Ordinances and capital projects practices within one year of the effective date of this comprehensive plan, and in coordination with State and WMD initiatives. Pre-design BMPs may include but are not limited to: 1. Tree, topographical, soil, and wildlife surveys; 2. The provision and preservation of native landscaping and natural water flows; 3. Narrow road designs; 4. The preservation of natural depressions; 7 5. The conservation of existing vegetation and resulting habitats. Post-design BMPs may include but are not limited to: 1. Bioretention areas, biofilters, and rain gardens; 2. Bioswales or grassed and vegetated swales; 3. Dry wells; 4. Filter buffer strips; 5. Green infrastructure; 6. Green roofs or vegetated roofs; 7. Infiltration trenches; 8. Inlet pollution removal devices; 9. Native landscaping; 10. Permeable or porous pavement and pavers; 11. Rain barrels and cisterns; 12. Soil amendments or soil augmentation; 13. Stormwater planters; 14. Tree planting and tree preservation; 15. Tree box filters; 16. Vegetated buffers; 17. Wetland restoration. SWM Policy 3.3.4 Best Management Practices The County shall encourage new development and redevelopment to design stormwater management systems to incorporate BMPs including, but not limited to, filtration marshes, grassed swales planted with native vegetation, retention/detention lakes with enlarged littoral zones, upland buffers, preserved or restored wetlands, and meandering flow-ways. Miami- Dade County Research on LID for Monroe County has led me to this video and multi-county coop to address sustainable needs, though I have not found a spelled out LID plan yet I have found that Monroe and its connected counties are aware and Monroe active in educating and changing its areas. County http://www.monroecounty-fl.gov/mediacenter.aspx?VID=4 http://www.broward.org/NATURALRESOURCES/CLIMATECHANGE/Pages/ SoutheastFloridaRegionalClimateCompact.aspx 8 Sarasota County Recommendations. 9 Patricia L. Morgan From: BrownAraqueSummer <SummerBrownAraque @colliergov.net> Sent: Tuesday,January 29, 2013 12:18 PM To: Bob Kransowski; Brad C; Don; Doug Fee; Eric Staats (estaats @naplesnews.com);Jeremy Frantz;Judy Hushon; Laura Layman; Marcia Cravens; Minutes and Records; Nancy Payton; Nicole Ryan; Patricia L. Morgan; RKS (rks @jbglaw.net) Cc: DL-EAC Staff List; Bradford,Alison; Kurtz, Gerald; Lorenz, William; McKenna,Jack; PrestonMcCrary Subject: Reminder:January 30, 2013 EAC Subcommittee Meeting Attachments: Low Impact Development Rpt - Draft 012813.doc;January 30, 2013 EAC Subcommittee Meeting Attached is revised DRAFT LID report to be discussed at the Subcommittee Meeting tomorrow. See meeting notice information in email attached. Summer B. ..Araque Senior Environmental Specialist/EAC Liaison Natural Resources Department Collier County Government 2800 N Horseshoe Dr. Naples, FL 34104 Phone: 239-252-6290 My Desk Fax: 239-252-6719 Under Florida Law,e-mail addresses are public records,if you do not want your c irnwl address released in response to a public records request,do not send electronic mail to this entity,instead,contact this office by telephone or in writing, 1 LOW IMPACT DEVELOPMENT Pollution discharge into natural water systems is a nationwide and local concern. "The objective of this Act is to restore and maintain the chemical, physical, and biological integrity of the Nation's waters." Clean Water Act, 33 U.S.C. §1251 et seq. (1972). Introduction. The environmental Advisory Council is fully committed to doing whatever it can, within its jurisdiction, to clean and protect Collier's water resources. This is the environmental report that seeks to implement Collier's multimillion dollar "Watershed Management Plan" ("WMP"). Collier County Watershed Management Plan The WMP's first recommended initiative is a Low Impact Development(LID) Program Low Impact Development aims at minimizing the volume of runoff reaching the receiving water bodies and managing it as closely as possible to where it is generated. Techniques defined as micro-controls are implemented in a dispersed fashion throughout a site. This initiative proposes implementation of an LID program that would apply to all new development in Collier County, and can be retrofitted to existing communities. LID is a well established approach to stormwater management that relies on hydrology-based site planning and design. LID aims at minimizing the volume of runoff and associated pollutant loads reaching the receiving water bodies and managing it as close as possible to where it is generated. Techniques defined as micro-controls are implemented in a dispersed fashion throughout a site. As indicated previously, LID aims at minimizing the volume of runoff reaching the receiving water bodies and managing it as closely as possible to where it is generated. This is accomplished through the application of techniques defined as micro-controls. These techniques are implemented in a dispersed fashion throughout a site. The basic principle is to attempt to mimic pre-development hydrology by retaining or treating stormwater runoff close to the source thereby replicating the natural pathways. Examples of LID techniques include a) use of pervious pavement to minimize runoff volume; b) construction of rain gardens, localized infiltration areas, or created systems of filter marshes to treat stormwater runoff; c) storage and re-use of stormwater for irrigation purposes; and d) minimizing the extent of the directly connected impervious area (DCIA). The DCIA is the impervious area hydraulically connected to the stormwater conveyance system, and thence to a basin's outlet point, without flowing over pervious areas. In practice, the LID techniques applied to a particular development should be left at the discretion of the designer as conditions may vary substantially between sites. The techniques can be applied at the lot level or at the subdivision level. Because runoff 1 reduction is the most efficient method to reduce pollution loads, infiltration techniques should be considered when possible. LID Cost Effectiveness Although the concept and application of LIDs have been promoted and studied for over 20 years, LID is still considered a new and emerging technology and there is some apprehension in the development community as to installation costs. This is particularly true at the initial stages of an LID implementation program because construction costs for LID technologies often require site-specific development and design. Also, the increases in site assessment costs may be seen by some in the development community as a cause for concern, as well as the long-tern maintenance costs associated with LID techniques, including on-site management of stormwater facilities. However, numerous studies have demonstrated that LID can compare favorably with conventional controls in a side-by- side analysis of installation and maintenance costs. LID costs may be higher in terms of installation of site specific technologies, but savings are accrued because of the reduction in capacity of stormwater conveyance, the reduced load of sediments to existing ponds, which eliminates the need of dredging to restore the facilities' treatment efficiency, and aesthetic characteristics. In summary, consistent with current research, the implementation of the proposed LID program is expected to be, at worst, cost neutral for the development community. The main benefit of implementing the proposed program is the achievement of countywide water quality improvements of the County's water bodies due to pollution load reductions, recharge of groundwater, and reduced fresh water releases to estuaries. Research has shown the watershed imperviousness has a direct relationship to stream degradation. In addition, as indicated previously, exclusive reliance on conventional BMPs (NOT DEFINED) is not allowing streams to meet water quality standards. Therefore, a new approach based on the preservation of a site's natural features has been found to be an effective way to minimize pollution loads and help preserve the natural system. LID is a well established approach to stormwater management that relies on hydrology- based site planning and design. LID aims at minimizing the volume of runoff reaching the receiving water bodies and managing it as close as possible to where it is generated. Optimally, techniques defined as "micro-controls" are implemented in a dispersed fashion throughout a site. The basic principle is to attempt to mimic pre-development hydrology by detaining and infiltrating rainwater close to the source thereby replicating the natural pathways. LID techniques are often more cost effective than the conventional stormwater management approach that relies primarily on fast drainage through storm drains, ditches and/or canals that take runoff to central detention facilities or to open water bodies. LID implementation techniques are divided into three categories: planning, stormwater controls, and pollution prevention. The following is a description of these categories, along with the techniques that we believe can be implemented in Collier County: 2 1. Planning Techniques. At the site level, planning techniques are aimed at taking advantage of existing assets, especially those that help maintain the hydrology of the site and minimizing runoff volume through maximization of the hydrologic performance. These techniques include: • Promoting site design based on natural hydrologic patterns by conserving/ restoring such features as drainageways, wetlands, stream corridors, riparian buffers, and forested areas. • Maximizing the extent of pervious areas and areas of absorbent landscape, while minimizing paved areas. • Disconnecting impervious surfaces from conveyance systems so that runoff discharges to on-site pervious areas. • Managing runoff close to where it is generated by creating micro-controls adjacent to paved areas. • Protecting areas of permeable soils. • Designing multiple storage systems throughout the site to maximize the assimilative capacity and create redundancy. • Minimizing site disturbance during construction. Research (Gregory, 2004)has shown that to maintain predevelopment infiltration rates, identified areas within a subdivision, or specific areas within a lot, should be left undisturbed because even a small degree of compaction of imported soils has been found to drastically reduce infiltration capacity. • Protecting native vegetation existing on site by conserving as much as possible of the existing trees and shrubs. • Using native species in landscaping plans and providing sufficient top soil to promote healthy plant development and minimize chemical application needs as well as irrigation needs. • Substituting turf with native species consistent with Florida-Friendly Landscaping guidelines. • Promoting cluster development practices with higher densities that reduce road length and utility footprint. • Applying road width requirements that are consistent with actual average daily traffic needs based on the number of homes served. 3 2. Stormwater Controls Techniques. From its inception,the application of LID recognized that, depending on specific site characteristics, a versatile set of controls is needed for effective stormwater management. These techniques belong to a broad array of engineered features aimed at mitigating anthropogenic impacts in terms of both water quantity and quality. Key objectives are to minimize the volume of runoff discharged into the public collection system and design the stormwater controls in such a way that is consistent with the chemical unit processes associated with the pollutants of interest. Disperse deployment of micro-controls throughout the site is emphasized, but the stormwater management strategy can also include end-of-pipe devices such as detention basins and constructed wetlands. The strategy to treat stormwater is summarized below: • Runoff segregation. Rain that falls on roofs should not be allowed to come in contact with fertilizers and other ground-level pollutants. • Stormwater controls series. Stormwater controls should be installed in series to obtain incremental treatment levels. It should be noted that the upstream-most controls provide the largest removal, when properly sized. The removal efficiency of additional controls downstream is lessened because the influent concentrations have been reduced. Stormwater controls in series benefits system redundancy. • Bioretention. Roof runoff should be directed to bioretention areas located in the fill pads devoted to building construction. Pad configuration may have to be slightly modified to locate the bioretention facilities at a sufficient distance from the buildings. The bioretention facilities should be designed to exfiltrate the water into the surficial aquifer. Stormwater planters around buildings can also be used to treat roof runoff. The filter media in the bioretention facilities shall be engineered for nutrient removal. Guidelines have been provided in the 2008 publication"Alternative Stormwater Sorption Media for the Control of Nutrients" by Marty Wanielista and Ni-Bing Chang, researchers for the Stormwater Management Academy of the University of Central Florida. From the findings of this publication, it is possible that limestone material from site excavation can be used as a component of the engineered media. • Filter strips. As implementation of imperviousness disconnection, filter strips should be added to receive runoff from paved areas and then discharge it to bioretention facilities, vegetated swales, or other stormwater controls. • Surface depression. Design absorbent landscape areas as depressions that temporarily store stormwater and allow it to infiltrate. The drainage properties of these areas should be designed so that they infiltrate the water without becoming a nuisance. They may be landscaped with hydrophilic vegetation. • Permeable pavement. Permeable asphalt or concrete should be used in parking lots as much as possible. In combination with conventional pavement for high 4 traffic surfaces, permeable pavement is an effective way to encourage infiltration. The gravel reservoir below the pavement stores the water and exfiltrates it through the bottom. If drainage through the bottom is limited by the fill material, perforated pipes can be used to drain the reservoir. Several studies of permeable pavement systems are available on the University of Central Florida(UCF) Stormwater Management Academy's website http://stormwater.uc£edu. • Conveyance in vegetated swales. Provide vegetated swales between building pads and along streets and driveways. The swales should use the engineered filter media described above. Check dams should be used to enhance infiltration. • Pocket wetlands. Distribute pocket wetlands throughout the site, in series with other stormwater controls,to receive up to 10 acres of areas drained by swales. Pocket wetlands can also receive drainage from pervious pavement to restore the storage in the gravel bed. • Central treatment facility. Performance of conventional stormwater treatment facilities such as detention ponds, can be enhanced with littoral shelves, settling basins or phyto-zones, wetland areas (especially upstream of outfalls), and internal berms to lengthen the flow path. Floating wetlands can also be deployed. These central facilities need to be stocked with fish to control mosquitoes. • Stormwater harvesting. Runoff stored in a detention facility can be used as a source of irrigation water. In addition to reductions of pollutant loads to surface waters, stormwater harvesting can reduce potable water use. 3. Other LID stormwater controls can be applied depending on the nature of the site and can lead to innovative solutions. The following are examples of these other alternatives: • Vegetated roofs can absorb rainwater and the excess can be directed to stormwater planters or bioretention facilities as described above. Vegetated roofs provide additional benefits in roof membrane longevity and cooling energy savings. These systems are most commonly deployed in large buildings with flat roofs. • Rain barrels and cisterns can be used to collect runoff from conventional roofs. The water can be used later for irrigation or, if not used, it must be drained from the cisterns to provide storage for the next rain event. 4. Pollution Prevention Techniques. These techniques are aimed at minimizing pollutant loads and include the following: • Enforcing fertilizer management ordinances. 5 • Designating elements of landscaping (e.g., vegetated swales, bioretention facilities, and surface depressions planted with absorbent landscape) as stormwater management devices where no chemicals shall be applied • Educating homeowners about impacts on water quality of excessive chemical applications. A tool available for this purpose is the Florida Yard Sand Neighborhood's Handbook. Growth Management. An LID program must be codified in the County's Growth Management Plan and implemented in the LDC. All advisory boards should make recommendations to incentivize LID tools when reviewing development proposals. land use decisions are critical to the success of an LID program and clean water resources. Examples of existing LIDs in the County are shown at the end of this report. Intra County and Regional Coordination. Collier County is diverse. With urbanized, rural fringe, rural, agricultural, and conservation areas. We have both incorporated cities and unincorporated areas. Growth management and stormwater management coordination is imperative. Uncoordinated decisions in one area likely will impact other areas. Preparation for population growth countywide within planning areas is vital. Understanding how other counties in our region accommodate development and manage stormwater is a necessity. The following provides a snapshot of regional stormwater strategies and offers recommendations for Collier County. Collier County 6 Lee County Charlotte County LID and BMP http://www2.charlottefl.com/CompPlan/main/view_doc.aspx?show_comments=t rue&docid=9#contentelement 5916 SWM Objective 3.3 Low Impact Development and Green Infrastructure To achieve long-term benefits such as improved water quality, improved air quality, improved groundwater infiltration and recharge, increased water storage, expanded wildlife habitat, expanded recreational opportunities and visual relief within the urban environment by incorporating low impact development design criteria and green infrastructure as part of the stormwater management system. SWM Policy 3.3.1 Low Impact Development Effort The County, in partnership with other government, non-profit, and private entities, shall seek grant funding to establish a Low Impact Development (LID) research and training facility to clarify best local area practices and to educate Charlotte the public and the development community about sustainable site development County best management practices. SWM Policy 3.3.2 Low Impact Development Research Prior to development of a full-scale LID research and training facility, the County shall establish an LID library and LID advocacy group that will arrange training from the SWFWMD, and others, that will be responsible for developing and maintaining the LID research and training facility. SWM Policy 3.3.3 Low Impact Development Design Criteria The County shall incorporate LID design criteria, best management practices (BMPs), and stormwater credits into its Code of Laws and Ordinances and capital projects practices within one year of the effective date of this comprehensive plan, and in coordination with State and WMD initiatives. Pre-design BMPs may include but are not limited to: 1. Tree, topographical, soil, and wildlife surveys; 2. The provision and preservation of native landscaping and natural water flows; 3. Narrow road designs; 4. The preservation of natural depressions; 7 5. The conservation of existing vegetation and resulting habitats. Post-design BMPs may include but are not limited to: 1. Bioretention areas, biofilters, and rain gardens; 2. Bioswales or grassed and vegetated swales; 3. Dry wells; 4. Filter buffer strips; 5. Green infrastructure; 6. Green roofs or vegetated roofs; 7. Infiltration trenches; 8. Inlet pollution removal devices; 9. Native landscaping; 10. Permeable or porous pavement and pavers; 11. Rain barrels and cisterns; 12. Soil amendments or soil augmentation; 13. Stormwater planters; 14. Tree planting and tree preservation; 15. Tree box filters; 16. Vegetated buffers; 17. Wetland restoration. SWM Policy 3.3.4 Best Management Practices The County shall encourage new development and redevelopment to design stormwater management systems to incorporate BMPs including, but not limited to, filtration marshes, grassed swales planted with native vegetation, retention/detention lakes with enlarged littoral zones, upland buffers, preserved or restored wetlands, and meandering flow-ways. Miami- Dade County Research on LID for Monroe County has led me to this video and multi-county coop to address sustainable needs, though I have not found a spelled out LID plan yet I have found that Monroe and its connected counties are aware and Monroe active in educating and changing its areas. County http://www.monroecounty-fl.gov/mediacenter.aspx?VID=4 http://www.broward.org/NATURALRESOURCES/CLIMATECHANGE/Pages/ SoutheastFloridaRegionalClimateCompact.aspx 8 Sarasota County Recommendations. 9