Bayshore Gateway CRA Adv Minutes 10/05/2010 Bala
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DEC 10 2010 Henning --C'�
Board of County Commissioners y
4069 BAYSHORE DRIVE NAPLES, FL 34112 PHONE 239.643,1111 FAX 239.775.4456
The meeting of the Bayshore/Gateway Triangle Community Redevelopment Advisory Board was called
to order by Vive Chair Ms. Barry at 6:00 p.m. at the CRA Office Meeting Room 4069 Bayshore Drive.
1. Roll Call: Present: Advisory Board Members: Jill Barry, Chuck Gunther, Steve Main, Peter
Dvorak, Bruce Preble, Karen Beatty, Maurice Gutierrez, and Larry Ingram. Excused: Lindsey
CRA Staff Present: David Jackson, Executive Director, Jean Jourdan, Project Manager, and
Ashley Caserta, Grants Coordinator.
2. Adoption of Agenda: Vice Chair Barry asked if there were any additions or corrections to the
published agenda. Hearing none, she asked for a motion to approve the agenda as advertised:
Motion: Mr. Main. Second: Mr. Gutierrez. Approved 8-0.
3. Adoption of Minutes:Vice Chair Barry asked if there were any additions or corrections to the
September 7, 2010 minutes. Motion to approve: Mr. Gutierrez. Second: Mr. Main. Approved 8-0.
4. Executive Director's Report:
a. Project Updates. Mr. Jackson stated that all the project updates for the month were
in the first Board memo and that if anyone wished more information to please ask.
b. Mr. Jackson asked Ms Jourdan to give an update on south Bayshore Drive Project
and the CRA's Residential RFP.
5. Old Business:
a. Request for Payment of Services—CRA Contracts. Mr. Jackson presented monthly
invoices from CRA contractors: RWA (CRA Overlays) in the amount of $4,047; Q.
Grady Minor (Triangle Tertiary Stormwater Construction Plans) in the amount of
$5,460; HSA Engineers & Scientists (Bevin's Welding Shop parcel clean-up) in the
amounts of $353.67 and $5,251; Pizzuti Solutions (17 Acre Mixed Use Rezone) in
the amounts of $18,680, $5,250, $30,000 and $624.47; and JRL (Triangle
Streetscape Design) in the amount of$4,412. Motion to pay for services rendered
by Mr. Dvorak. Second: Mr. Gutierrez.Approved 8-0.
6. New Business:
a. CRA TIF Grant Approvals. Mr. Jackson introduced Ms. Caserta, Grants Coordinator,
to present five CRA TIF Grant applications.
i. C-BIG 01-2011. 360 Restaurant at 2891 Bayview Drive in the amount of
$30,000 for exterior improvements and up to $20,000 for interior improvements
provided the exterior improvement cap is met. Motion to forward the CRA Board
pending County Attorney approval: Mr. Dvorak. Second: Ms. Beatty. In
discussion several Board members asked the applicant, Ms. Maddox, about the
restaurant operations. Mr. Ingram asked what her mortgage was. Approved 8-0.
ii. C-BIG 02-2011. Haul-It-All commercial business at 4097 Bayshore Drive in the
amount of$30,000 for exterior improvements. Motion to forward the CRA Board
pending County Attorney approval: Mr. Main. Second: Ms. Beatty. In discussion
Mr. Ingram asked what his mortgage was.Approved 8-0.
iii. C-BIG 03-2011. K-Star LLC commercial business at 2479 Kirkwood Avenue in
the amount of $15,715 for exterior improvements. Motion to forward the CRA
October 5, 2010 CRA-AB Minutes Misc.Corres:
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Board pending County Attorney approval: Mr. Gunther. Second: Mr. Main.
Approved 7-1. Mr. Ingram against.
iv. C-BIG 04-2011. Bayshore Lofts commercial business at 3570 Bayshore Drive in
the amount of $1,498 for exterior improvements. Motion to forward the CRA
Board pending County Attorney approval: Mr. Dvorak. Second: Mr. Main.
Approved 8-0.
v. SIG 01-2011. Richard & Michele Jarvis residential property in the amount of
$8,000. Motion to forward the CRA Board pending County Attorney approval:
Mr. Gutierrez. Second: Mr. Main. Approved 7-1. Mr. Ingram against.
7. Board Communications: None.
8. Citizen Comments. Ms. Barry asked if there were any comments from the audience and Mr.
Cugno stated that he wanted the Board to know that the CRA staff, specifically Ms. Caserta, was
extremely helpful in completing the grant applications and that she should be commended. Ms.
Barry stated that she was pleased to hear that the citizens were happy with the process.
9. Adjournment:The regular •-eting as adjourned at 6:23pm.
•p 3roved and • •e'd by Lindsey Thomas, CRA-AB Chairman.
October 5, 2010 CRA-AB Minutes