Bayshore Gateway CRA Adv Minutes 06/08/2010 � F CE NED � Fiala
DEC 11
2010 1611 Henning
nn��F QQ Coyle
4069 BAYSEHORE DRIVE NAPLES, FL 34112 PHONE 239.643.111.3 FAX 239.773.4456
The meeting of the Bayshore/Gateway Triangle Community Redevelopment Advisory Board was called
to order by Chairman Mr. Lindsey Thomas at 6:00 p.m. at the CRA Office Meeting Room 4069 Bayshore
1. Roll Call: Present:Advisory Board Members: Lindsey Thomas, Chuck Gunther, Steve Main,
Peter Dvorak, Jill Barry, Karen Beatty, Maurice Gutierrez, and Larry Ingram. Excused: Bruce
CRA Staff Present: David Jackson, Executive Director, Jean Jourdan, Sue Trone and David
Buchheit Project Managers and Ashley Caserta, Grants Coordinator.
2. Adoption of Agenda: Chairman Thomas asked if there were any additions or corrections to the
published agenda. Hearing none he asked for a motion to approve the agenda: Motion: Ms.
Barry. Second: Mr. Main.Approved 8-0.
3. Adoption of Minutes: Chairman Thomas asked if there were any additions or corrections to the
May 11, 2010 minutes. Mr. Thomas asked that the minutes reflect that the Advisory Board had
approved a summer recess schedule. Motion to approve the May 11,2010 regular meeting
minutes as amended: Motion: Mr. Gunther. Second: Mr. Main. Approved 8-0.
4. Executive Director's Report:
a. Project Updates: Mr. Jackson stated that all the project updates for the month were
in the first Board memo and that if anyone wished more information to please ask.
Mr. Jackson then introduced the two new CRA employees: Mr. David Buchheit, to
serve as MSTU Project Manager; and Ms.Ashley Caserta to serve as CRA Grants
b. MSTU Beautification Master Plan. Mr. Gutierrez gave the Board an update on the
MSTU's activities which included a MSTU-funded Master Plan for the Advisory
5. Old Business:
a. Request for Payment of Services. Mr. Jackson presented Pizzuti Monthly Report
invoices from the CRA's contractors. Mr. Thomas asked for a motion to pay for
services rendered. Motion to approve by Mr. Dvorak. Second: Ms. Beatty. Approved
b. 2068 Davis Blvd Purchase. Ms. Jourdan informed the Advisory Board that the seller
of the min-triangle site would not be able to deliver a FDEP No Further Action report
on the site due to the contamination that existed on and off-site. She recommended
the CRA-AB recommend to the CRA Board that they terminate the purchase
agreement and repay 5/3 Bank the $1.114M held in the CRA Trust Fund for that
purchase. Motion Mr. Ingram. Second: Ms. Beatty. Approved: 8-0.
6. New Business:
a. FY2011 Budget & CRA/MSTU Property Values. Mr. Jackson advised the Board of
the Collier Property Appraiser's June 2010 property values for the CRA and MSTU
areas. He also outlined the projected amount of TIF the CRA would receive in the
next fiscal year.
b. Mobile Home Lot Offers to Purchase. Mr. Jackson outlined t ��Xne home lots
that were presented to staff as potential CRA acquisition sites. a site detailed in
June 8,2010 CRA-AB Minutes Date
Copies to:
1611 B3
the Board's memo had been retracted by the owner. The other site was still offered
in the amount of$38,900. Mr. Gunther made a motion to decline the offer. Second:
Mr. Ingram. Approved: 8-0.
c. Triangle Streetscape Guidelines for CRA Overlay. Ms. Trone detailed the MSTU's
Master Plan and streetscape guidelines being developed and that it made sense for
the CRA to have similar guidelines for the Triangle area to go into the CRA overlays.
The MSTU's contractor, JRL Design, made and initial quote of $48,600 and Staff
negotiated a contractual amount of$27,400. Motion by Mr. Main to accept the terms
of the scope of work. Second: Ms. Barry. Approved 8-0.
d. FY2011 TIF Grants. Ms. Trone reviewed the proposed changes to the existing CRA
TIF Grant Programs that had been reviewed by the County Attorney and asked for
CRA-AB approval to submit to the CRA Board. Motion to submit to the CRA Board,
Ms Barry. Second: Mr. Gunther. Approved: 8-0.
e. FY2011 Artists' Incentive. Ms. Trone outlined a proposed set of artists' incentive to
work hand-in-hand with the CRA's TIF Grants and conceptual Cultural District
boundaries. After some discussion by the Advisory Board, motion to approve and
forward to the CRA Board provided the County Attorney's review was satisfactory by
Mr. Dvorak. Second: Mr. Gunther. Approved: 8-0.
7. Citizen Comments. Mr. Thomas asked if there were any comments from the audience and none
were noted.
8. Board Communications: Mr. Ingram made a motion for all future invoices for payment that all the
back-up be provided to the Board for thorough review prior to approval. Second: Mr. Gutierrez.
After Board discussion motion failed 3-5 (Barry, Dvorak, Thomas, Beatty and Main against).
Motion by Mr. Main to have a copy of invoice back-up material available to the Board at the
meeting. Second Mr. Ingram. In discussion Mr. Main pointed out that every Board member
receives an electronic and hard copy the Friday before the meeting, and if a Board member has
a question they can visit the CRA's financial files ahead of time. Approved 8-0.
9. Adjournment:The regular ee wig was adjourned at 7:30pm.
Approved - arded by Lindsey Thomas, CRA-AB Chairman.
June 8,2010 CRA-AB Minutes 2