Bayshore Gateway CRA Adv Minutes 04/06/2010 16 �1 nning r 10 2010 Coyle " '�°7 THE BA YS Atf pp�it �JOP t AY TRIANGLE REDEVELOPMENT �OG1EN�CY Scar_ e OMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY 4069 BAYSHORE DRIVE, NAPLES, FL 34112 PHONE 239.643.1115 FAX 239.775.4456 BAYSHORE/GATEWAY TRIANGLE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT LOCAL ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES OF THE APRIL 6,2010 MEETING The meeting of the Bayshore/Gateway Triangle Community Redevelopment Advisory Board was called to order by Chairman Mr. Lindsey Thomas at 6:00 p.m. at the CRA Office Meeting Room 4069 Bayshore Drive. 1. Roll Call: Present: Advisory Board Members: Lindsey Thomas, Jill Barry, Larry Ingram, Steve Main, Peter Dvorak, Maurice Gutierrez, and Karen Beatty. Excused: Bruce Preble and Chuck Gunther. CRA Staff Present: David Jackson, Executive Director, Jean Jourdan and Sue Trone, Project Managers. 2. Adoption of Agenda: Mr. Thomas asked if there were any additions or corrections to the published agenda; hearing none Mr. Thomas asked for a motion to approve the agenda. Motion: Ms. Barry. Second: Mr. Gutierrez.Approved 7-0. 3. Adoption of Minutes Mr.Thomas asked for any changes to the February 2,2010 minutes; hearing none Mr.Thomas asked for a motion to approve the minutes. Motion: Mr. Dvorak. Second: Ms. Barry. Approved 7-0. 4. Executive Director's Report: a. Project Updates. Mr. Jackson advised that in the Board packages there was a projects update memo and that the most significant information was that three Gateway Triangle streets (Calusa, Bayside and Caledonia) would get sidewalks installed in fiscal year 2013. Mr. Dvorak gave an update on the FDIC project timeline at the Bayshore Club Apartments and that Gruelle was the selected demo contractor and the project would take 6 to 8 weeks. Presentations: i. Collier Code Enforcement. Mr. Jackson introduced Ms. Diane Flagg, Code Enforcement Director and Ms. Patti Petrulli, Code Enforcement Supervisor. The quarterly presentation was to be given by Ms. Azure Sorrels, the CRA's new Code Enforcement Office. Ms. Sorrels presented foreclosure information in Collier County to include number of units in process, amount of money expended by banks to maintain house to Code and the status of the demolition project at Bayshore Club Apartments. In discussion the Board asked about identifying vacant houses and from the audience Mr. Dennis Zylla asked if there was a program to get banks to pay association fees, Mr. Thomas thanked the Code Enforcement staff for their faithful service to the community. ii. RWA — CRA Overlays Update. Mr. Jackson introduced Mr. Chris Scott, Mr. Patrick Vanasse and Mr. Bob Mulhere of RWA. Mr. Scott gave a synopsis of the consultants work completed to date and a timeline of the project. Mr. Ingram asked if the new overlay would take into account Burt Harris implications, to which Mr. Scott stated yes. Mr. Thomas thanked them for their time and efforts and was looking forward to the next update. 5. Old Business: a. Request for Payment of Services. Mr. Jackson presented the Pizzuti Monthly Report for March and two invoices for $4,771.35; and two RWA invoices in the amount of $27,389.60. Mr. Thomas asked for a motion to pay Pizzuti Solutions and RWA for services rendered. Motion to approve Ms. Barry. Second: Mr. Gutierrez. Approved 7-0. b. 1991 Tamiami Trail East. Mr. Jackson stated that this item was discussed at the last meeting and that it was requested to be on this agenda. He added that there are two commercial businesses interested in the building and that it would Ittli$cbetrfos:the CRA April 6 2010 CRA-AB Minutes Date: Item#: Copies to: 4 161183 • , . to lease the site instead of moving into it. He also added that the current location was the most appropriate site for the office at this time. After a round table discussion, Mr. Thomas asked Mr. Jackson to contact the bank and find out the status of this building's foreclosure and determine a cost per square foot more in line with the current market, which seems to be at$10psf. 6. New Business: a. CRA Advisory Board Applicant Interviews. Mr. Jackson advised the Board that one eligible candidate's applications were received per available seat: Ms. Beatty for Bayshore Resident; Charles Gunther for Gateway Triangle Resident. Motion by Mr. Ingram to recommend approval to the CRA Board. Second: Mr. Dvorak.Approved 7-0. 7. Advisory Board General Communications. a. Ms. Beatty asked that the discussion on sponsoring the next CRA event include Bayshore Cultural and Performing Arts (CAPA) group. Ms. Doepke (CAPA) outlined her group's desire to sponsor and conduct an event on January 29-30, 2011 at Sugden Regional Park. The CRA-AB was supportive and asked staff to include staff support and funding for CRA-related activities in the FY2011 budget. b. Mr. Thomas asked for the CRA-AB to consider placing signage on the 17 acres and triangle properties. Ms. Beatty asked that residential lots also be included. The Board agreed and Mr. Thomas asked staff to investigate and return with a design and a cost. 8. Citizen Comments. Ms. Karen Eldred commented on foreclosures and short sales. 9. Adjournment: The regular meeting was adjourned at 7:00pm. % A,+'ved and f• "!Teed .y Lindsey Thomas, CRA-AB Chairman. April 6 2010 CRA-AB Minutes