Bayshore Gateway CRA Adv Minutes 03/02/2010 i
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4069 BAYSHORE DIUVE, NAPLES, FL 34112 PHONE 239.643.1115 FAX 239.775.4456
The meeting of the Bayshore/Gateway Triangle Community Redevelopment Advisory Board was called
to order by Chairman Mr. Lindsey Thomas at 6:00 p.m. at the CRA Office Meeting Room 4069 Bayshore
1. Roll Call: Present: Advisory Board Members: Lindsey Thomas, Jill Barry, Larry Ingram, Steve
Main, Peter Dvorak, Bruce Preble, Karen Beatty, and Chuck Gunther. Excused: Maurice
CRA Staff Present: David Jackson, Executive Director, Jean Jourdan and Sue Trone, Project
2. Adoption of Agenda: Mr. Thomas asked if there were any additions or corrections to the published
agenda. Mr. Thomas asked for a motion to approve the agenda: Motion: Mr. Preble. Second: Mr.
Dvorak.Approved 8-0.
3. Adoption of Minutes Mr.Thomas asked for any changes to the February 2,2010 minutes. Mr.
Dvorak stated that his name was left of the attendance and asked that a sentence be added to
the minutes under 5b—Old Business: "Each member of the Board was asked to visit the 1991
Tamiami trail CRA owned building and return to discuss the site as a possible CRA office at a
future meeting". Motion to approve the February 2, 2010 meeting minutes as amended: Mr.
Preble. Second: Ms. Barry. Approved 8-0.
4. Executive Director's Report:
a. Presentations:
i. Linwood Avenue-Commercial Drive-Linwood Way Streetscape Concepts. Mr.
Jackson introduced Ms. Gail Boorman of Boorman and Associates that was
contracted to develop streetscape improvements and "conceptual" designs.
Ms. Boorman presented her conceptual plans for all three streets. She
addressed a few questions from the Board and audience. Mr. Thomas
thanked her for her time and work.
ii. Thomasson Drive-Hamilton Avenue Streetscape Concepts. Mr. Jackson
introduced Mr. John Ribes of JRL Design and Mr. Jeff Curl of PJ Studios who
were a joint team contracted by the Bayshore MSTU Committee to develop
"conceptual" designs for these two streets. Mr. Ribes and Mr. Curl presented
their conceptual design and recommended improvements, than answered
questions from the Board and audience. Mr. Thomas thanked them for their
time and efforts.
b. Project Updates. Mr. Jackson advised that in the Board packages there was a projects
update memo that included a HSA Scientist and Engineers report on 2068 Davis Blvd
CITGO gas station the CRA has under contract for purchase.
5. Old Business:
a. Request for Payment of Services.
i. Mr. Jackson presented the Pizzuti Task 2 Report that included a draft
rezoning application for the 17 acre site. Mr. Thomas asked for a motion to
pay Pizzuti Solutions invoice in the amount of$3,500. Motion to approve Ms.
Barry. Second: Ms. Beatty.Approved 8-0.
ii. Mr. Jackson presented a Q. Grady Minor invoice for Grant Writing Services in
the amount of$843.75 and a quote to provide construction plan development
for the Shadowlawn residential area's stormwater improvements $164,200.
The construction documents are needed to bid the eventmicctuNction of
the improvements and needed in order to expend the $2.7M grant re eived
March 2 2010 CRA-AB Minutes Date: 0 0:
Item#: 0 l.. i '!
Copies to:
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from HUD DRI Grant. Motion to approve: Mr. Dvorak. Second: Mr. Gunther.
Approved 8-0.
6. New Business:
a. CRA Grant Approvals:
i. C-BIG 06-2010 Davis Blvd - Commercial. Ms. Trone briefed the Board on a
matching grant application: A commercial grant for to renovate the exterior
and interior of the former gas station at the intersection of Davis Blvd and
Airport-Pulling Road, in the amount of up to $30,000 (50% match) from the
CRA for exterior work, and up to $20,000 (50% match interior— provided the
full $60,000 exterior project is completed) from the CRA for interior work. Also
if the exterior and interior project was completed, and additional $2,947.22
was available (no match) to cover sign/sealed architectural/engineering
documents. Motion to approve Mr. Dvorak. Second. Ms. Beatty. In discussion
the Board weighed the merits of the Commercial Grant process, the high risk
nature of start-ups and specifically restaurants, and the impact of this
business on other mom & pop businesses in the area. Approved 5-3.
Dissenting: Mr. Ingram, Mr. Preble, and Mr. Gunther.
ii. SIG 04-2010 2818 Gulfview Drive— Residential. Ms. Trone briefed the Board
on a Site Improvement Grant application: A residential grant to replace
windows and doors with hurricane impact materials. The CRA provides a 33%
match in the amount of not to exceed $1,094.98. Motion to approve: Mr.
Gunther. Second: Mr. Main.Approved 7-1; Mr. Ingram dissenting.
b. CRA Grant Funding FY2010 and FY2011 Grant Applications Update. Mr. Jackson
informed the Advisory Board that the CRA has allocated the full $170,000 grant budget
this year. He recommended that with the Board's split decisions on grant this year that
staff will review, revise and/or update all CRA grants and return to the Board for review
and approval. He recommend the Board pass, by motion, to not recommend any more
grants this year, not increase the grant budget this year, authorize a thorough review of
the grant programs to correct any administrative deviations and streamline the approval
process. Motion: Mr. Gunther. Second: Ms. Beatty. Approved 7-0; Mr. Thomas absent.
c. New CRA Hire for Bayshore Beautification MSTU. Mr. Jackson advised the Board that
the MSTU desired to hire a full time project manager for 3-5 years to assist in their
streetscape projects. County HR and Manager desired to have the position assigned to
the CRA under the Executive Director and that the MSTU inter-government transfer
funds to the CRA to fund the position. Motion to support the MSTU new hire request: Mr.
Dvorak. Second: Ms. Beatty.Approved 6-1; Mr. Ingram dissenting; Mr. Thomas absent.
d. History Volunteer. Ms. Beatty advised that Ms. Bolin had volunteered to assist the CRA
develop and area history for marketing, and that she had requested a Board volunteer to
help her. Mr. Gunther stated that he volunteered for that work.
e. Walkable Communities Survey Proposal. Mr. Jackson presented the Board with the
cover sheet and executive summary of a County Transportation Division study
performed in Naples Manor. With the Study, the County was able to acquire$750,000 in
grant funds to install the improvements cited in the study. Mr. Jackson presented a
Transportation quote to do the same study in the entire CRA boundary, and that the fee
would be the staffs hourly rate based on their salaries of those involved. This in-house
work would be between $7,000 and $10,000 — a significant savings over having a
private consulting firm do the work. Mr. Jackson asked the Board to consider funding
1/3rd of that that work provided the MSTU would fund 2/3rds of the work based on
acreage of the Triangle and MSTU Bayshore areas. Motion to perform the Walkable
Community Study in the Triangle area provided the Bayshore (MSTU) agreed to pay for
the remaining area within the MSTU boundary: Mr. Gunther. Second: Mr. Main.
Approved 7-0; Mr.Thomas absent.
March 2 2010 CRA-AB Minutes
7. Advisory Board General Communications. Ms. Beatty asked that the discussion on moving the
office space to US41 be placed on the agenda.
8. Citizen Comments. Ms. Barry, Vice Chair asked if there were any comments from the audience.
9. Adjournment: The regular mee ' g was adjourned at 7:33pm.
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ed and fo►, ...c(ed by Lindsey Thomas, CRA-AB Chairman.
March 2 2010 CRA-AB Minutes