Minutes 08/16/2012 ''012 ISLES OF CAPRI FIRE/RESCUE ` = ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES AUGUST 16, 2012 ISLES OF CAPRI FIRE STATION ATTENDEES: Joe Langkawel, Chairman Jim Hughes, Advisory Committee Member Jim Gault, Advisory Committee Member Dan Summers, BES Director Alan McLaughlin, Fire Chief Barbara Shea, Minutes Preparer Fiala Hiller Henning I. CALL TO ORDER ^ .1e , Joe Langkawel opened the meeting at 3:30 p.m. II. OLD BUSINESS A. Chief's Report. B. May 17, 2012 Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes. 1. Copy of Minutes distributed. 2. Motion to approve May 17, 2012 Minutes by Jim Hughes. a. Motion seconded by Jim Gault. b. Motion carried unanimously. c. Minutes signed off by Chairman Langkawel. C. Motion to recognize Member Kevin Walsh participating by telephone. 1. Motion made by Jim Gault. 2. Motion seconded by Jim Hughes. Misc. Comes: 3. Motion carried unanimously. Date: 1111 Si 1'2— D. Department brush truck successfully auctioned off in July. 1. Sale proceeds were $27,100. Item#: 2. Funds will be returned directly to ICFD's budget. Conies to: E. ICFD paid out $26,313 for back pay holiday pay owed. 1. Nine firefighters received their checks on 08/10/12. 2. $26,313 includes salary and related benefits. 3. Resident Matt Crowder believes he was told the amount would be $400,000. 4. Chief McLaughlin reiterates that an amount of$400,000 was never forecast. F. Forestry grant award update. 1. Total cost of the skid unit is $9,800 . 2. This 50/50 grant requires an ICFD contribution of$4,900. 3. The skid unit has been ordered. 4. Completion date expected to be during the first half of September. G. No changes to the ICFD proposed budget by the BCC at the June or July meetings. 1. Minimal updates have been made to the May ICFD proposed budget. 2. September Public Hearings will be held by the BCC on all budgets. H. Update on ICFD FY13 and FY14 budgets discussed by Barbara Shea. 1. Without a carryforward, the FY13 budget shows a shortfall of$223,500. a. Total annual revenues are $1,034,100. b. Total annual expenses are $1,257,600. 2. ICFD is using up $180,000 of our total carryforward each year. 3. Currently, best budget projection for FY14 is a deficit of$100,000. 4. Currently, best budget projection for FY15 is a deficit of$223,500. 5. An additional $115,000/year would be lost if Fiddlers Creek secedes. I. Fiddler's Creek update. 1. For ENFD to change its boundaries, approval by the state is required. 2. The expected time for this issue to go to the state legislature is one year. 3. The legislature may ask the BCC if they support a change of boundaries. 4. It is unknown who is the greater power: the BCC or state legislature. 5. Phil Brougham was sent an invitation to our ICFD Adv. Comm. meeting. a. Mr. Brougham has not contacted any Adv. Committee members. b. Mr. Brougham has not attended any ICFD Adv. Comm. meetings. c. Chrman. Langkawel believes Mr. Brougham does not want contact. 6. There appears to be no recent progress on this issue. III. NEW BUSINESS A. ICFD's July 2012 application for a FEMA SAFER grant. 1. ICFD applied for a grant to fund four firefighters for two years. 2. The grant funds 100% salaries and all benefits. 3. The grant does not require ICFD to hire the four firefighters after 2 years. 4. ENFD and GGFD recently were awarded SAFER grants. 5. There are multiple benefits to ICFD if the SAFER grant is awarded. a. Elimination of all overtime and jobbanker expense for 2 years. b. All shifts would be staffed with four firefighters. c. Minimum manning requirements would be met most of the time. 6. Dan Summers endorses this program. 7. State legislators have sent letters of support on behalf of ICFD. 8. Awards will be announced between October 2012 and May 2013. B. New station window tinting was installed on a majority of the Station 90 windows. 1. The dept. achieved a 10% savings in electricity expense from June to July. 2. Suggestion to check with FPL on their window tinting customer rebates. C. The Collier County Public Safety Authority (PSA)has been created. 1. The PSA does not determine county policy. 2. The PSA is a product of the Chamber of Commerce Blue Ribbon Comm. 3. The PSA is solely for EMS Services delivery, not fire suppression. 4. The PSA creating ordinance states the CCFCA will make appointments. 5. Chairman Langkawel has received a letter from CM Ochs regarding PSA. a. The letter requests the ICFD Adv. Committee names a PSA rep. b. Dan Summers state that naming a PSA rep. is optional. c. ICFD Advisory Committee chooses not to name a representative. D. Discussion of the method of raising the millage cap for ICFD. 1. Kevin Walsh questions whether the BCC can raise the ICFD millage cap. a. Mr. Summers assumes the BCC is authorized to raise the cap. b. Mr. Summers would like to confirm this with the County Attorney. c. Mr. Walsh suggests educating ICFD residents on raising the cap. d. Mr. Walsh suggests further discussion on raising the cap. 1. This discussion should be held prior to year end. 2. All five advisory committee members should participate. e. Kirk Colvin asks what millage rate would cover future deficits. 1. Approximately 2.5 millage rate would cover operating deficits. 2. A higher rate may be needed for capital needs. f. Chairman Langkawel states that millage rates are continuously discussed and a possible increase has been discussed for 3 years. g. Chief McLaughlin provides a history of the Ochopee millage cap. 1. The BCC has raised the Ochopee cap a number of times. 2. The millage rate increase is really a"tax restoration." E. Report from Isles of Capri Citizens Budgetary Committee Phase 2. 1. A draft copy of the ordinance was provided to all Adv. Comm. Members. a. Mr. Summers did not receive a copy of the draft. b. Chief McLaughin did not receive a copy of the draft. c. County Attorney Klatzkow was sent a copy of the draft. d. It is an enabling document for a dependent special district. e. This draft is the final product of the Citizens Committee. f. It includes recommended steps to proceed. g. The Committee states, "Our work is complete." 2. Chief McLaughlin, "The BCC directed you to include staff input." a. At the February BCC meeting, the BCC directed the Citizens Comm. to include Collier County staff involvement in all future work. b. There has been no staff involvement in this Committee's work. 3. Chairman Langkawel thanks the committee for its time and efforts. F. Discussion of forming a Special District by the advisory committee members. 1. The ordinance provides $18,000/year to commissioners for service. a. These payments are $300 per commissioner per meeting. b. Commissioners may elect to not accept their payment. c. The ordinance can be amended to eliminate or change this item. 2. The Citizens Committee believes approval is needed by the BCC only. 3. The Citizens Committee believes no state approval is required. 4. The ordinance describes the special district's commissioners as follows. a. One Fiddler's Creek representative. b. One Hammock Bay representative. c. Two Isles of Capri representatives. d. One representative who resides anywhere within the ICFD district. 5. Advisory committee members' concerns. a. If Fiddlers Creek secedes, the district loses $115,000. b. If Fiddlers Creek secedes, there is reluctance to pursue this issue. c. If a special district is formed, will the County make future loans to us? d. Would the Clerk of Courts still act as our auditor? e. During summer months, it is often difficult to gather a quorum. f. How would lawsuits affect the special district? g. How to simultaneously bring forward a millage rate increase and a change of entity to the residents of the fire district. h. A lot of work still remains. 6. Mr. Summers and the BES are committed to an "open door policy." a. Mr. Summers is agreeable to mutual planning. b. The county has a policy of budgeting conservatively. 7. Chairman Langkawel states, "We do not have operational authority." 8. Resident Jeri Neuhaus states, "We need operational control of this district." 9. Resident John Rogers asks, "Can 5 people do a better job than the district's current management? G. Discussion of a Planning Workshop for Special District consideration. 1. Motion to hold a workshop for special district consideration by Jim Gault. a. Motion seconded by Jim Hughes. b. Motion carried unanimously. 2. Workshop scheduled for Monday, August 27 at 1:00 p.m. 3. Workshop must be publicly advertised. 4. Committee members to formulate discussion topics prior to August 27. a. County staff to be provided topics prior to August 27. b. Staff will provide information on topics/questions requested. H. The next ICFD Advisory Committee Meeting will be held on September 21, 2012. IV. ADJOURNMENT A. Motion to adjourn the meeting by Jim Gault at 5:35 p.m. 1. Motion seconded by Jim Hughes. 2. Motion carried unanimously. Approved: '% i Date: y2_//