CAC Agenda 10/12/2012 Meeting Agenda and Notice COASTAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE (CAC) THURSDAY, OCTOBER 12, 2012 - 1:00 P.M. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CHAMBERS THIRD FLOOR, COLLIER COUNTY GOVERNMENT CENTER 3299 TAMIAMI TRAIL EAST, NAPLES *Sunshine Law on Agenda Questions •2012 CAC MEETING DATES L Call to Order II. Pledge of Allegiance III. Roll Call IV. Changes and Approval of Agenda V. Public Comments VI. Approval of CAC Minutes 1. September 13, 2012 (Workshop) 2. September 13, 2012 (CAC Meeting) VII. Staff Reports 1. Expanded Revenue Report 2. Status of Emergency Beach Renourishment for Portions of the Vanderbilt and Naples Beaches. 3. Status of Marco South * Erosion Control Structure Rebuild * Beach Renourishment 4. Status of the Wiggins Pass Project. 5. Status of the Major Beach Renourishment Project 6. Clam Pass Emergency Status/Position. 7. Discussion of BCC Comments of Failures to Manage Beach Renourishment Timing. VIII. New Business 1. Approval of a Proposal v Review Planning Atkins to Perform and Analysis lof Quantities Cproposed for heenext Major 2. Approval of a Beach Renourishment. 3. Approval of a Revised Design for the Marco South Beach Renourishment. IX. Old Business X. Announcements XI. Committee Member Discussion XII. Next Meeting Date/Location November 8, 2012 Government Center, 3rd Floor XIII. Adjournment All interested parties are invited to attend, and to register to speak and to submit their objections, if any, in writing, to the board prior to the meeting if applicable. For more information, please contact Gail D. Hambright at (239) 252-2966. If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact the Collier County Facilities Management Department located at 3301 East Tamiami Trail, Naples, FL 34112, (239) 252-8380. Public comments will be limited to 3 minutes unless the Chairman grants permission for additional time. Collier County Ordinance No. 99-22 requires that all lobbyists shall, before engaging in any lobbying activities (including, but not limited to, addressing the Boa�neofBCounty Commissioners)i2seand Board of County Department,Commissioners and its advisory boards, register with the Clerk to OFFICE OF THE COUNTY ATTORNEY MEMORANDUM TO: Anthony P. Pires,Jr.,Esq.,Chairman Coastal Advisory Committee Clam Bay Subcommittee FROM: Colleen M. Greene, Assistant County Attorne (AG-- DATE: March 18, 2010 RE: Sunshine Law and Agenda question The issue presented is whether the Sunshine Law requires that an agenda be made available prior to board meetings. In summary,the answer is no. The Sunshine Law Manual (2009 Ed. Vol. 31)provides the following: The Attorney General's Office recommends publication of an agenda, if available, in the notice of the meeting;. if an agenda is not available, subject matter summations might be used. However, the courts have held that the Sunshine Law does not mandate that an agency provide notice of each item to be discussed via a published agenda. Such a specific requirement has been rejected because it could effectively preclude access to meetings by members of the general public who wish to bring specific issues before a governmental body. See Hough v. Stembridge, 278 So. 2d 288 (Fla. 3d DCA 1973). And see Yarbrough v. Young, 462 So. 2d 515 (Fla. 1st DCA 1985) (posted agenda unnecessary; public body not required to postpone meeting due to inaccurate press report which was not part of the public body's official notice efforts). Thus,the Sunshine Law has been interpreted to require notice of meetings, not of the individual items which may be considered at that meeting. However, other statutes, codes or ordinances may impose such a requirement and agencies subject to those provisions must follow them. Accordingly, the Sunshine Law does not require boards to consider only those matters on a published agenda. "[W]hether to impose a requirement that restricts every relevant commission or board from considering matters not on an agenda is a policy decision to be made by the legislature." Law and Information Services, Inc. v. City of Riviera Beach, 670 So. 2d 1014, 1016 (Fla. 4th DCA 19%). Today's Coastal Advisory Committee Clam Bay Subcommittee was properly noticed in compliance with the Sunshine Law on or about February 1, 2010. Further, the agenda for today's meeting was also publically noticed on the County's website on Monday, 2010. The related back-up materials for the agenda were supplemented and available on the County's website on Wednesday, March 17, 2010. In addition, a number of these materials also appeared on the agenda for the Coastal Advisory Committee meeting on Thursday, March 11, 2010. In my opinion,there is no violation of the Sunshine Law and no legal issue regarding the date the agenda was published. cc: Gary McAlpin,Director, Coastal Zone Management Cote-r County Public Services Division Coastal Zone Management TO: CAC Board Members FROM: Gail Hambright, Accountant DATE: December 1, 2011 SUBJECT: 2012 CAC Scheduled Meetings Please mark your calendar for the following 2011 CAC scheduled meeting dates: January 12,2012 February 9, 2012 March 8,2012 April 12, 2012 May 10,2012 June 14,2012 July 12, 2012 August 9,2012 September 13, 2012 October 11, 2012 November 8, 2012 December 13, 2012 All meetings will be held in the Board of County Commissioner's chambers,third floor,Collier County Government Center, 3299 Tamiami Trail East, Naples, unless otherwise noted. A public notice will be sent out before each meeting. ,0J.44 Calker County jai Zone Management•3299 Tamiami Trail East,Suite 103•Naples.Florida 34112-5748.239-252-2966•FAX 239-252-2950 www coIliergovnet'COastaIZOneman ement CAC October 11,2012 VI-1 Approval Of Minutes 1 of 3 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE COLLIER COUNTY COASTAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE/TOURIST DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL JOINT WORKSHOP Naples, Florida, September 13, 2012 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, the Collier County Coastal Advisory Committee and the Tourist Development Council in and for the County of Collier, having conducted business herein, met on this date at 6:00 P.M. in WORKSHOP SESSION in Administrative Building "F", 3rd Floor, Collier County Government Complex Naples, Florida with the following members present: TDC CAC CHAIRMAN: Murray H. Hendel CHAIRMAN: John urke Sorey, III VICE CHAIRMAN: Rick Medwedeff VICE CHAIRMA Randy Moity Susan Becker Clark Hill Anthony Pires Robert Miller Linda Penniman Ed (Ski) Olesky. Robert Raymond Joseph A. Moreland Victor Rios Wayne Waldack ALSO PRESENT: Gary McAlpin, Director, Coastal Zone Management Jeff Klatzkow, County Attorney Gail Hambright, Accountant Bill Lorenz, Director, Natural Resources Department Dr. Michael Bauer, City of Naples CAC October 11,2012 VI-1 Approval Of Minutes 2of3 Any persons in need of the verbatim record of the meeting may request a copy of the video recording from the Collier County Communications and Customer Relations Department or view online. I. Call to Order Chairman Sorey called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. II. Pledge of Allegiance The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. III. Roll Call Roll call was taken and a quorum was established. IV. Changes and Approval of Agenda Mr. Rios moved to approve the Agenda. Second by Mr. Waldack. Carried unanimously 8-0. VIII. New Business 1. Presentation and Discussion on Engineering and Design Considerations/Parameters Necessary to Successfully Renourish Collier County Beaches in 2013/2014. Stephen Keehn,P.E. of Coastal Planning and Engineering,Inc. presented the Slideshow"Collier County: Beach Design" dated for information purposes. The presentation outlined parameters for the Beach Design process for the proposed Beach Renourishment of Collier County Beaches that is anticipated to take place in 2013/2014. He reported: • The design is a"6-year design"based on the 2006 renourishment template using a concept of identifying quantities of sand required and placed based on detailed studies at monument stations. • Some areas currently require for no sand to be placed,while other areas will require placement to achieve the design parameters. • The project is anticipated to begin September 15, 2013 and completed by June 1, 2014 2. Review of Discussion of Quantities required for a 6-year; 8-year and 10-year design. Gary McAlpin and Stephen Keehn provided an overview of the quantity of sand that would be required to implement a 6, 8 or 10-year beach renourishment design and outlined funding sources available to complete the project. 3. Public Discussion/Comment Speakers , Bob Krasowski Nicole Johnson,Conservancy of Southwest Florida Mick Moore,Vanderbilt Beach Resort Marcia Cravens, Sierra Club Doug Finlay CAC October 11,2012 VI-1 Approval Of Minutes 3 of 3 Mr. Pires arrived at 6:55p.m. Gary McAlpin notified those in attendance of an anticipated timeline expected for the applicable Advisory Boards and the Board of County Commissioners to review the Beach Renourishment project. Coastal Advisory Committee—Immediately following tonight's workshop during the regular CAC Meeting Tourist Development Council—September 24, 2012 Board of County Commissioners—September 25, 2012 IX. Announcements None X. Committee Member Discussion None ***** There being no further business for the good of the County,the meeting was adjourned by order of the.Chair at 7:10 P.M. Collier County Coastal Advisory Committee John Sorey,III,Chairman These minutes approved by the Board/Committee on as presented or as amended CAC October 11,2012 VI-2 Approval of Minutes 1 of 5 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE COLLIER COUNTY COASTAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE Naples, Florida, September 13, 2012 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, the Collier County Coastal Advisory Committee, in and for the County of Collier, having conducted business herein, met on this date at 7:00 P.M. in REGULAR SESSION at Administrative Building "F", 3rd Floor, Collier County Government Complex Naples, Florida with the following members present: CHAIRMAN: John Sorey, III VICE CHAIRMAN: Jim Burke Anthony Pires Randy Moity Linda Penniman Robert Raymond Joseph A. Moreland Victor Rios Wayne Waldack ALSO PRESENT: Gary McAlpin, Director, Coastal Zone Management Jeffery Klatzkow, County Attorney Gail Hambright, Accountant Dr. Michael Bauer, City of Naples Edward Finn, Sr. Budget Analyst, OMB CAC October 11,2012 VI-2 Approval of Minutes 2 of 5 Any persons in need of the verbatim record of the meeting may request a copy of the video recording from the Collier County Communications and Customer Relations Department or view online. I. Call to Order Chairman Sorey called the meeting to order at 7:19 P.M. II. Pledge of Allegiance The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. III. Roll Call Roll call was taken and a quorum was established. IV. Changes and Approval of Agenda Mr. Waldack moved to approve the Agenda subject to the following change: • Hearing item VIII.5 Renourishment Options;Discussions and Recommendations Main Collier County Beaches after item V. Second by Mr. Rios. Carried unanimously 9—0. V. Public Comments Speaker Marcia Cravens VIII. New Business 5. Renourishment Options; Discussion and Recommendations Main Collier County Beaches Gary McAlpin presented the Executive Summary "Recommendation to approve a six year design and permitting plan for the FY2013/14 Vanderbilt, Park Shore and Naples beach renourishment of and make a finding that this item promotes tourism"dated September 13,2012 for consideration. Edward Finn reported after analyzing the budget, funding will be available to complete the proposed project, but will require use of all reserves. Speakers Bob Krasowski Marcia Cravens, Sierra Club Mr. Rios moved to recommend the Board of County Commissioners approve a six year design and permitting plan for the FY2013/14 Vanderbilt,Park Shore and Naples beach renourishment and make a finding the item promotes tourism. Second by Mr. Waldack. Carried unanimously 8 "yes"—1 "no." Mr. Pires voted "no." VI. Approval of CAC Minutes 1. August 9,2012 Mr. Rios moved to approve the minutes of the August 9, 2012 Coastal Advisory Committee meeting subject to the following change: CAC October 11,2012 VI-2 Approval of Minutes 3 of 5 • Page 2, Item VIII.New Business paragraph 1, line 6—from "...Beach Club(R61 — R633.5)."to"...Beach Club (R61 —R63.5)." Second by Mr. Raymond. Carried unanimously 9—0. VII. Staff Reports 1. Expanded Revenue Report—Gary McAlpin The Committee reviewed the "Collier County Tourist Tax Revenue FY12 TDC Revenue Report" dated through August 31, 2012. 3. FSBPS Conference on 9/26—28 Waldorf Astoria,Naples Gary McAlpin reported the 56th Annual Florida Shore & Beach Preservation Association Conference will be held September 26—28 at the Waldorf Astoria,Naples, Florida Speaker Bob Krasowski VIII. New Business (continued) 1. FEMA De-obligation Discussion Gary McAlpin presented the Executive Summary "Recommendation to direct the County Manager to pursue recovery of de-obligated Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) payments from Hurricanes Katrina and Wilma and authorize expenditures up to $100,000 for technical, legal and professional resources to support the recovery effort" dated September 13,2012 for informational purposes. ti 2. Local Management Funding Request(LGFR) to FDEP a. Collier County Beach Nourishment Project b. South Marco Island Beach Renourishment Gary McAlpin presented the copy of a letter from Stephen Keehn , P.E. of Coastal Planning and Engineering to Alex Reed of the Florida Bureau of Beaches and Coastal Systems dated September 18, 2012—Re: "Collier County Beach Nourishment Project Fiscal Year 2013/2014 Funding Request" for informational purposes. Speakers Bob Krasowski Marcia Cravens 3. Wiggins Pass Plans and Specification Proposal Gary McAlpin presented a letter from Stephen Keehn dated September 10, 2012 - Subject: "Scope of Work under Contract No. 10-5572—Plan, Specification and Construction Service Phase Task Order for Wiggins Pass Permitting. Modeling and Inlet Management" outlining a proposed scope of work for time and materials not to exceed an amount of$56,471.00 for consideration. Mr. Moreland moved to recommend the Board of County Commissioners approve the proposed Scope of Work at an amount not to exceed$56,471.00. Second by Mr. Burke. Carried unanimously 9—0. CAC October 11,2012 VI-2 Approval of Minutes 4 of 5 4. Peer Review Wiggins Pass Straightening Gary McAlpin presented a letter from Erik Olsen of Olsen Associates, Inc.—Coastal Engineering dated August 30,2012 -"Re: Peer Review for Wiggins Pass Channel Improvements"that outlined a proposal to complete a Peer Review for the Wiggins Pass Straightening Project at a cost of $36,500.00. The consultant is not a under contract with the County and work would be placed through Atkins, who is under contract with the County. To place the contract through Atkins, an additional 5 percent mark up fee and administrative costs are proposed to be added to the proposed expenditure. Mr. Waldack moved to recommend the Board of County Commissioners approve the Scope of Work as proposed. Second by Mr. Moity. Carried unanimously 8 "yes"—1 "no." Mr. Pires voted"no." Mr.Pires reported his"no vote" was predicated on concern the proposal does not comply with the Consultant Competitive Negotiations Act(CCNA). IX. Old Business Gary McAlpin reported it has been brought to his attention that an issue has arisen with the State of Florida, Department of Parks and Recreation questioning the property boundary for Delnor-Wiggins State Park. The issue may cause delays in implementing the Wiggins Pass Straightening Project. Mr. Moity expressed concern on the limited funds available for major beach renourishment. He recommended the committee reconsider the action taken at the August 9, 2012 CAC Meeting Beach and the Naples committee hot spots to be completed of after haul sand project eason(followed by Beach and Naples Beach hot spots renourishment anticipated in 2014). Staff and the Committee discussed the ramifications of the actions. Chairman Sorey polled the Committee on if the previous action should be re-considered. The Committee determined not to reconsider the previous action. Speakers Mick Moore,Vanderbilt Beach Resort Mike Walters,Naples Beach Hotel X. Announcements None XI. Committee Member Discussion Mr.Moity noted, given the current state of funding for beach renourishment, alternative funding sources need to be identified (commercial business contributions, establishment of a TIF, etc.). XII. Next Meeting Date/Location October 11,2012—Government Center,Administration Bldg.F,3rd Floor CAC October 11,2012 VI-2 Approval of Minutes 5 of 5 There being no further business for the good of the County,the meeting was adjourned by order of the chair at 8:38 P.M. Collier County Coastal Advisory Committee John Sorey,III,Chairman These minutes approved by the Board/Committee on as presented or as amended CAC October 11,2012 VIII-1 Staff Reports 1 of 18 COLLIER COUNTY TOURIST TAX REVENUE FY 12 TDC Revenue Report 30-Sep-2012 Budget FY 12(5%) Variance Actual I FY 12 Adopted I Reserved by 1 FY 12 I FY 12 to FY 12 Fund Budget Law Forecast Actual Forecast Description 89,600 Beach Facilities 183 2,153,300 2,045,600 2,368,600 2,458,200 TDC Promotion 184 3262,500 3,098,400 3,588,800 3,724,500 135,700 Non-County Museums 193 310,900 295,400 342,000 354,900 12,900 TDC Admin 194 1,516,100 1,440,300 1,667,700 1,730,800 63,100 BeachRenourishment 195 4,371,800 4,153,200 4,809,000 4,9900,900 181,9000 Promotion Disaster Recovery 196 0 - 0 County Museums 198 1,435,500 1,363,700 1,579,100 1,638,800 59,700 Gross Budget $13,050,100 12,396,600 $14,355,200 514,898,100 $542,900 Less 5%Rev Res (653,500) Net Budget 12,396,600 Collections %Actual Collected to %over FY 11 %over FY 10 %over FY 09 Month Actual FY 12 Cum YTD Date collections collections collections Oct 525,334 525,334 3.53% 9.71% 18.07% 31.38% % Nov 691,705 1,217,039 8.17% 10.65% 26.46% 15.79% Dec 924,729 2,141,768 14.38% 23.29% 24.11% 14.27% 7.17% Jan 1,208,561 3,350,329 22.49% 19.69% 14.2 16.67%1,907,069 5,257,398 35.29% 19.09% 13.61% 16.67% Mar 2,325,647 7,583,045 50.90% 14.78% 14.40 Ap r 2,787,652 10,370,697 69.61% 8.60% 15.86% 37.87% May 1,437,632 11,808,329 79.26% 5.96% 8.65% 24.82% June 934,544 12,742,873 85.53% 9.86% 18.35% July 730,332 13,473,205 90.43% 7.44% 24.99% 25.91% Aug 778,252 14,251,457 95.66% 6.50% 16.27% 21.70% Sept 646,793 14,898,250 100.00% 1.06% 11.91% 13.53% Total 14,898,250 14,898,250 11.88% 15.88% 20.68% Projected 14,350,200' Bal to Collect (543,050) Budget Comparison 5 Yr Collect 5 Yr Collect Budgeted Actual Month over Month ;Forecast Month History-Cum I History-Monthly I Collections I Collections I Valiance C AR SNtB Oct 3.4% 3.4% 441,513 525,334 83,821 .485861 Nov 8.0% 4.6% 597,184 691,705 94,521 656 ' Dec 13.8% 5.9% 765,938 924,729 158,791 842 b31 Jan 22.0% 8.2% 1,063,785 1,208561 144,776 1,170110 Feb 34.8% 12.8% 1,676,256 1507,069 230,813 1,B4 Mar 50.6% 15.8% 2,063,999 2525,647 261548 2,270..413 ` Apr 68.8% 18.2% 2,376,287 2,787,652 411,365 2. 3349'1,2 } May 79.2% 10.3% 1,348,215 1,437532 89,417 t4841-46''''-, June 85.3% 6.2% 804,559 934,544 129585 521 July 90.4% 5.0% 653,390 730,332 76542 1.18751 Aug 95.5% 5.2% 678,131 778,252 100,121 746848 Sept 100.0% 4.5% 580,844 646,793 65,949 $ o"� Total 100.0% 100.0% 13,050,100 14,898,250 1,848,150., '14; 000 1 100% Tourist Tax Revenue Collection Curve o c A o .- ---Budgeted al $15 { -Actual 3 ' .....__. _...__..... --Forecast $0.5 y fi O > v _ m ° v, Z o a 4 H:\Revenue Reporvnthly Gas,Sales.and TDC Receipts 10/1/20124-.25 PM t`M CAC October 11,2012 VIII-1 Staff Reports 2of18 Br:o3 208n 10/01/2012 COLLIER COUNTY TOURIST TAX - YTD REPORT BY CITY PAGE 1 ** NAPLES ** OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP TOTALS 124889 171672 257204 310088 463661 581690 646118 359807 239314 156429 192882 178108 3681862 __.. ** MARCO ISLAND ** OOT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP TOTALS 142329 171194 201691 244744 391683 485677 628522 372070 226574 231338 221306 186893 3504021 ** IMMOKALEE ** nc'i' NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP TOTALS 528 489 863 1067 681 740 983 879 807 709 635 614 8995 ** EVERGLADES CITY ** pi.^[' NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP TOTALS 4057 5607 7144 9161 12338 17648 18666 9921 6879 4220 4310 2760 102711 ** COLLIER COUNTY ** OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP TOTALS 253531 342743 457827 643501 1038706 1239892 1493363 694955 460970 337636 359119 278418 7600661 ** OTHER ** OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP TOTALS ** TOTALS ** OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP TOTALS 525334 691705 924729 1208561 1907069 2325647 2787652 1437632 934544 730332 778252 646793 14898250 CAC October 11,2012 VIII-1 Staff Reports 3of18 HEU330 RD 10/01/2012 COLLIER COUNTY TOURIST TAX - YTD REPORT BY ACCOUNT TYPE APARTMENT PAGE 1 APARTMENT OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP TOTALS 896 435 1497 863 5735 6040 10405 4081 1847 1221 166 64 33250 ** CONDOMINIUM ** !+CT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP TOTALS 39952 21515 35761 82154 118188 264235 531116 59412 47525 37085 14978 13141 1265062 ' ** CAMPGROUND/RV/PARK ** c ci' NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP TOTALS 1992. 3546 5271 11540 28012 27270 22208 7704 19524 2046 3239 2103 134355 -"' ** HOTEL/MOTEL ** OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP TOTALS 41.0547 599695 765114 796797 1113647 1478881 1662425 1202831 787911 585887 662575 552740 10619050 ** INTERVAL ** Oc'T NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP TOTALS 4990 7843 11914 14375 18080 18075 22054 23386 10833 11349 16720 6776 166395 - --- -- - ** MOBILE HOME PARK ** UCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP TOTALS 228 517 543 1455 1392 3710 4826 1441 466 126 156 157 15017 ** SINGLE FAMILY ** OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP TOTALS 45000 11899 21462 49877 28960 51324 151981 26449 21948 38055 14146 33708 494809 _"- ** REALTOR ** TOTALS OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 21829 46255 83167 251500 593055 476112 382637 112328 44490 54563 66272 38104 2170312 ** OTHER ** TOTALS OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP ** TOTALS ** OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP TOTALS !,25334 691705 924729 1208561 1907069 2325647 2787652 1437632 934544 730332 778252 646793 14898250 CAC October 11,2012 VIII-1 Staff Reports 4 of 18 COLLIER COUNTY TOURIST TAX NAPLE FISCAL TEAR OCTOBER NOVEMBER pECEMBER IANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MY WM Y AUGUST $SPTEMBER TEAM TOTAI$ 2005/2006 $76,843 $149,990 $236,963 $316,250 $512,938 $580,227 $570,569 $334,191 $217,611 $152,642 $175,256 $127,802 $3,451,282 2006/2007 $111,854 $151,746 $217,262 $291,277 $532,706 $589,595 $640,395 5340,926 $205,947 $156,476 $174,238 $145,286 $3,557,708 2007/2008 $122,094 $174,235 $231,470 $306,731 $564,747 $617,010 $664,907 $330,698 $233,938 $145,532 $172,641 $150,743 $3,714,746 2008/2009 $105,937 $154,246 $209,703 $298,657 $500,986 $528321 $471,924 $327,310 $179,344 $133,913 $159,039 $120,786 $3,190,166 2009/2010 $102,425 $147,706 $202,271 $304,284 $473,406 $536,310 $578,659 $314,492 $192,256 $129,009 $150,982 $123,268 $3,255,068 2010/2011 $107,247 $144,923 $207,947 $296,553 $469,260 $537,127 $620,402 $342,016 $210,346 $150,143 $191,212 $144,535 $3,421,711 2011/2012 $124,889 $171,672 $257,204 $310,088 $463,661 $581,690 $646,118 $359,807 $239,314 $156,029 $192,882 $178,108 $3,681,862 TOTAL: $751,289 $1,094,518 $1,562,820 $2,123,840 $3,517,704 $3,970,280 $4,192,974 $2,349,440 $1,478,756 $1,024,144 $1,216,250 $990,528 $24,272,543 CAC October 11,2012 VIII-1 Staff Reports 5 of 18 COLLIER COUNTY TOURIST TAX MARCO ISLAND NB,GLYf/1R OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER LAMB! jEBRUAR'( MARCH APRIL MAX MI MY AUGUSI ;MEMBER YEARLYJOTPLS 2005/2006 $71,763 $112,414 $147,512 $199,030 $344,074 $525,468 $576,530 $374000 $261,791 $218,203 $208,955 $150,041 $3,189,781 2006/2007 $73,397 $88,576 $141,951 $189,026 $335,898 $517,149 $595,449 $379,673 $225,816 $216,858 $194,291 $183,007 $3,141,091 2007/2008 $165,745 $166,397 $93,819 $321,400 $408,079 $503,575 $666,564 $507,602 $140,088 $322,017 $245,721 $151,743 $3,692,750 2008/2009 $99,516 $168,129 $185,986 $280,663 $372,230 $457,015 $473,292 $324,558 $204,748 $183,654 $186,855 $210,702 $3,147,348 2009/2010 $124,837 $158,522 $168,816 $229,316 $364,347 $466,758 $550,969 5361,520 $197,005 $167,786 $223,954 $215,814 $3,229,644 2010/2011 $149,854 $169,786 $175,540 $198,803 $307,625 5416,029 $571,019 $363,648 $210,320 $192,412 $210,599 5230,248 $3,195,883 20/11/2012 $142,329 $171,194 $201,691 $244,744 $391,683 $485,677 $628,522 $372,070 $226,574 $231,338 $221,306 $186,893 $3,504,021 TOTAL: $827,441 $1,035,018 $1,115,315 $1,662,982 $2,523,936 $3,371,671 $4,062,345 $2,683,071 $1,466,342 $1,532,268 $1,491,681 $1,328,448 $23,100,518 CAC October 11,2012 VIII-1 Staff Reports 6 of 18 COWER COUNTY TOURIST TAX IMMOKALEE FEBRUARY H I MI 101. f3$$ AUGUST ;EPIEMBER OEARLYTOTAI3 fISGLYEAfl OCTOBER NOVEMBER pECEMBER MUM y MARC �$ 2005/2006 $842 $1,151 $1,306 $1,450 $1,683 $1,837 $2,050 $1,786 $1,900 $1,774 $1,602 $1,372 $18,753 2006/2007 $1,306 $1,258 $1,837 $1,447 $2,307 $1,932 $1,982 $1,691 $1,466 $504 $786 $1,159 $17,675 2007/2008 $731 $746 $776 $966 $749 $828 $2,806 $1,501 $887 $650 $488 $530 $11,658 2008/2009 $410 $553 $686 $687 $808 $1,137 $952 $944 $618 $723 $671 $468 $8,657 2009/2010 $676 $624 $558 $754 $633 $912 $580 $596 $541 $965 $670 $663 $8,172 2010/2011 $625 $470 $639 $649 $649 $768 $928 $937 $440 $990 $517 $667 $8,279 2011/2012 $528 $489 $863 $1,067 $681 $740 $983 $679 $807 $709 $635 $614 $8,995 TOTAL: $5,118 $5,291 $6,665 $7,020 $7,510 $8,154 $10,281 $8,334 $6,659 $6,315 $5,369 $5,473 $82,189 CAC October 11,2012 VIII-1 Staff Reports 7 of 18 COWER COUNTY TOURIST TAX EVERGLADES CITY jISc6LXEAR OROBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER $&$I48Y FEBRUARY IM 821 AP3, MAX $V11E 1934! amat SEPTEMBER YEAREy T,DTAIS 2035/2006 $2,246 $3,922 $4,783 $6,921 $9,386 $15,217 $14,334 $13,423 $7,670 $3,754 $4,162 $3,331 $89,149 2006/2007 $4,678 $5,602 $5,705 $9,961 $12,884 $14,766 $16,860 $14,152 $8,653 $3,929 $4,101 $3,677 $104,968 2007/2038 $4,018 $5,424 $6,879 $9,724 $11,917 $16,032 $15,800 $11,327 $11,881 $4,136 $4,136 $3,481 $104,755 2008/2009 $3,443 $4,975 $7,186 $8,987 $11,486 $15,137 $15,206 $10,315 $5,932 $3,302 $3,729 $3,447 $93,146 2009/2010 $3,783 $4,473 $5,706 $8,704 512,423 $15,656 $18,852 $10,467 $6,149 $3,705 $4,019 $3,055 $96,992 2010/2011 $3,270 $5,011 $6,326 $7,626 510,020 $13,210 $17,210 $10,847 $6,870 $4,054 $5,237 $5,113 $94,794 2011/2012 $4,057 $5,607 $7,144 39,161 $12,338 $17,648 $18,666 $9,921 $6,879 $4,220 $4,310 $2,760 $102,711 TOTAL: $25,495 $35,014 $43,729 $61,084 $80,454 $107,666 $116,928 $80,452 $54,034 $27,100 $29,694 $24,864 $686,514 • • CAC October 11,2012 VIII-1 Staff Reports 8 of 18 C•LLtER COUNTY TOURIST TAX. COLLI R COUNTY Y AUGUST 3EPTEMB R YEARLYTOTAU FISCAL REAR OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCN APRIL MX LVbE �. r �' 2005/2006 $86,479 $255,807 $446,229 $534,560 $867,498 $1,119,215 $1,277,646 $777,494 $465,272 $357,870 $335,272 $262,452 $6,785,794 2006/2007 $245,217 $358,486 $492,296 $564,991 $952,204 $1,215,359 $1,354,022 $765,087 $465,420 $368,234 $336,767 $289,157 $7,407,240 2007/2008 $233,050 $342,484 $467,648 $602,044 $937,713 $1,172,727 $1,363,500 $726,065 5479,408 $332,957 $334,056 $280,120 $7,271,772 2008/2209 $190,563 $291,340 $395,097 $538,743 $749,012 $973,781 $1,060,618 $566,718 $358,045 $258,429 0289,170 $234,304 $5,905,820 2009/2010 $213,228 $235,663 $367,743 $514,622 $827,789 $1,013,235 $1,256,966 $636,092 $393,674 $282,867 5289,743 $235,133 $6,266,755 2010/2011 $217,861 $304,930 $359,617 $506,087 $813,768 $1,058,980 $1,357,406 $639,303 $422,707 $332,170 $323,179 $259,566 $6,595,574 2011/2012 $253,531 $342,743 $457,827 $643,501 $1,038,706 $1,239,892 $1,493,363 $694,955 $460,970 $337,636 $359,119 $278,418 $7,600,661 TOTAL: $1,439,929 $2,131,453 $2,986,457 $3,904,548 $6,186,690 $7,793,189 $9,163,521 $4,805,714 $3,045,496 $2,270,163 $2,267,306 $1,839,150 $47,833,616 CAC October 11,2012 VIII-1 Staff Reports 9 of 18 COLLIER COUNTY TOURIST TAX TOTALS NAPLES.MARCO ISLAND.IMMOKALEE.EVERGLADES CITY.COLDER COUNTY FISCALYEAR OCTOBER MVIRIPM MEMO I8$8$85X fEBRUARY MM808 arm, MAX 515$ L41Y AUGUST SEPTEMBER UAW TPTALI 2005/2006 $238,173 $523,284 $836,793 $1,058,211 $1,735,579 $2,241,964 $2,441,129 $1,500,894 $954,244 $734,243 $725,247 $544,998 $13,534,759 2006/2007 $436,452 $605,668 $859,051 $1,056,702 $1,835,999 $2,338,801 $2,608,708 $1,501,529 $907,302 $746,001 $710,183 $622,286 $14,228,682 2007/2008 $525,638 $689,286 $800,592 $1,240,865 $1,923,205 $2,310,172 $2,713,577 $1,577,193 $866,202 $805,292 $757,042 $586,617 $14,795,681 2008/2009 $399,869 $619,243 $798,658 $1,127,737 $1,634,522 $1,975,391 $2,021,992 $1,229,845 $748,687 $580,021 $639,464 $569,707 $12,345,136 2009/2010 $444,949 $546,988 $745,094 $1,057,680 $1,678,598 $2,032,871 $2,406,026 $1,323,167 $789,625 $584,332 $669,368 $577,933 $12,856,631 2010/2011 $478,857 $625,120 $750,069 $1,009,718 $1,601,322 $2,026,114 $2,566,965 $1,356,751 $850,683 $679,769 $730,744 $640,129 $13,316,241 2011/2012 TOTAL: $35049,272 $4,6301,294 $5,714,986 $7,759,474 $12,316,294 $15,250,960 $17,546,049 $9,927,011 $6,051,287 $4,859,990 $5,010,300 $4,188,463 $95,975,380 CAC October 11,2012 VIII-1 Staff Reports 10 of 18 COWER COUNTY TOURIST TAX APARTMENT FISCAL YEAR OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER IANUAAY FEBRUARY lbA8,411 APRIL him ME W11 AUGUST SEPTEMBER YEARLY TQTALS 2005/2006 $1,466 $198 $874 $1,987 $3,447 $6,076 $10,463 $1,504 $4,446 $1,740 $179 $29 $32,409 2006/2007 $2,403 $320 $1,387 $2,519 $3,479 $4,476 $7,976 $1,601 $674 $692 $1,447 $284 $27,208 2037/2008 $296 $2,797 $964 $2,770 $6,901 $4,396 $5,539 $2,817 $587 $1,045 $176 $158 $28,446 2008/2009 $675 $111 $1,162 $1,700 $3,571 $4,192 $7,489 51,210 $710 $349 $63 $41 $21,273 2009/2010 $367 $165 $947 $2,776 $3,910 $4,729 $6,041 $2,607 $1,350 $799 $133 $150 $23,974 2010/2011 $1,113 $260 $1,018 $2,495 $4,802 $5,119 $4,555 $3,300 $2,706 $879 $140 $133 $26,520 2011/2012 $896 $435 $1,497 $863 $5,735 $6,040 $10,405 $4,081 51,847 $1,221 $166 $64 $33,250 TOTAL: $7,216 $4,286 $7,849 $15,110 $31,845 $35,028 $52,468 $17,120 $12,270 $6,725 $2,304 $859 $193,080 CAC October 11,2012 VIII-1 Staff Reports 11 of 18 COLLIER COUNTY TOURIST TAX CONDOMINIUM E1104.1.08 OCTOBER MUSE DECEMBEif MUM FEBRUARY $M8$$$ AM, MAY 127,4 MX AUGUST UDR= YEARLY TOTAIS 2005/2006 $18,115 $9,286 $24,892 $46,267 $62,578 $172,726 $290,466 $55,985 $24,142 $17,905 $14,052 $10,670 $747,084 2006/2007 $17,081 $12,475 $21,751 $61,089 $79,540 $188,992 $323,240 $57,775 $23,138 $20,648 $14,595 $19,893 $840,217 2007/2008 $26,279 $14,948 $26,623 $60,871 $114,344 $203,054 5362,939 $60,403 $34,262 $19,440 $17,944 $15,076 $956,183 2008/2009 $18,344 $13,399 $23,789 $52,809 591,805 5192,617 5347,817 $58,346 $23,642 $19,728 $12,954 $10,983 $866,233 2009/2010 $19,477 $14,463 $32,182 $63,689 $67,669 $240,487 $412,028 $65,444 $26,234 $23,042 $50,203 $55,623 $1,070,541 2010/2011 $84,551 $18,112 $30,208 $63,785 $91,669 $231,388 $462,079 $56,684 $32,886 $37,981 $18,278 $15,431 $1,143,052 2011/2012 $39,952 $21,515 $35,761 $82,154 $118,188 $264,235 $531,116 $59,412 $47,525 $37,085 $14,978 $13,141 $1,265,062 TOTAL: $223,799 $104,198 $195,206 $430,664 $625,793 $1,493,499 $2,729,685 $414,049 $211,829 $175,829 $143,004 $140,817 $6,888,372 CAC October 11,2012 VIII-1 Staff Reports 12 of 18 COLLIER COUNTY TOURIST TAX CAMPGROUND-RV-PARK wanes O[TOBER FIOV$MBER pECEMBER +ANUARY FEBRUARY M8E±I HEN MAY MIL 502 AUGUST SEPTEMBER YEARLY TOMS 2005/2006 $2,009 $2,462 $6,622 $17,116 $21,543 $30,174 $33,024 $11,607 $5,331 $3,474 $3,313 $3,135 $139,810 2006/2007 53,579 $4,746 $11,676 $11,640 $20,946 $27,551 $38,732 $9,843 $5,634 $2,542 $2,679 $2,917 $142,485 2007/2008 $2,813 $3,141 $5,568 $14,015 $22,010 $27,176 $32,516 $13,625 $3,740 $3,059 $2,716 $2,530 $132,909 2008/2009 $2,648 $3,212 $4,849 $13,465 $39,031 $26,499 $40,324 $8,261 $3,491 $2,910 $1,959 $1,859 $148,508 2009/2010 $2,494 $2,999 $5,825 $13,772 $21,117 $30,227 $41,973 $7,260 $3,551 $1,501 $3,616 $1,954 $136,289 2010/2011 $1,903 $3,102 $5,296 $14,095 $18,919 $25,457 $42,028 $7,013 $3,961 $1,735 $3,441 $2,802 $129,752 2011/2012 $1,892 $3,546 $5,271 $11,540 $28,012 $27,270 $22,208 $7,704 $19,524 $2,046 $3,239 $2,103 $134,355 TOTAL: $17,338 $23,208 $45,107 $95,643 $171,578 $194,354 $250,805 $65,313 $45,232 $17,267 $20,963 $17,300 $964,108 CAC October 11,2012 VIII-1 Staff Reports 13 of 18 COLLIER COUNTY TOURIST TAX HOTEL-MOTEL FISCAL YEAR OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER MUM FEBRUARY X1685$$ MI 1156X WA 1$51 AUGUST SEPTEMBE6 MKT'WINS 2005/2006 $284,057 $467,480 $720,774 $761,245 $1,112,751 $1,512,646 $1,716,480 $1,253,822 $855,707 $647,441 $626,697 $488,099 $10,447,199 2006/2007 $371,144 $531,060 $735,510 $744,056 $1,163,479 $1,582,476 $1,772,635 $1,282,854 $829,704 $641,921 $614,936 $533,317 $10,803,092 2007/2008 $450,926 $600,629 $663,134 $899,608 $1,210,928 $1,557,503 21,811,406 $1,370,272 $738,197 $715,412 $647,247 $503,218 $11,168,480 2008/2009 $326,143 $547,238 $683,525 $804,914 $926,626 $1,244,914 $1,240,850 $1,012,168 $653,733 $484,556 $539,652 $482,466 $8,946,785 2039/2010 $367,978 $469,435 $611,459 $712,102 $1,010,110 $1,243,041 $1,434,996 $1,081,251 $698,121 $477,576 $532,222 $454,761 $9,093,052 2010/2011 $333,456 $555,623 $619,659 $684,174 $953,504 $1,315,029 $1,587,010 $1,132,637 $737,285 $567,319 $611,275 $569,446 $9,666,417 2011/2012 $410,547 $599,695 $765,114 $796,797 $1,113,647 $1,478,881 $1,662,425 $1,202,831 $787,911 $585,887 $662,575 $552,740 $10,619,050 TOTAL: $2,544,251 $3,771,160 $4,799,175 $5,402,896 $7,491,045 $9,934,490 $11,225,802 $8,335,835 $5,300,658 $4,120,112 $4,234,604 $3,584,047 $70,744,075 CAC October 11,2012 VIII-1 Staff Reports 14 of 18 COLLIER cOUNTY TOURIST TAX INTERVAL fISEAL YEAR OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER f 5t$53Y FEBRUARY MARCR APRIL M4Y $$8E LUX AUGUST SEPTEMBER YEARLYTOTAI$ 2005/2006 $865 52.254 $3,617 $4,037 $7,099 $8669 $15,490 $9,765 $8,182 $4,710 $7,116 $5,100 $76,904 2006/2007 $2,028 $3,691 59,886 $10,092 $19,130 $24,221 $26,340 $17,397 $9,043 $6,290 512,221 $6,099 $146,438 2007/2008 $6,597 $7,295 $10,353 $10,716 $20,438 $19,074 $20,960 $13,613 $7,614 $7,215 $7,767 $6,333 $137,975 2008/2009 $4,897 $5,623 $7,807 $10,438 $14,909 $13,650 $20,868 $21,687 $10,080 $11,449 $13,356 $13,307 $148,071 2009/2010 $10,156 $9,509 $13,274 $20,198 $17,462 $28,801 $34,980 $31,383 $12,115 $19,999 $15,197 $9,839 $222,913 2010/2011 $7,444 $5,816 $13,426 $18,029 $17,347 $22,275 $27,152 $28,303 $16,540 $6,406 $14,542 $9,450 $186,730 2011/2012 $4,990 $7,843 $11,914 $14,375 $18,080 $18,075 $22,054 $23,386 $10,833 $11,349 $16,720 $6,776 $166,395 TOTAL: $36,977 $42,031 $70,277 $87,885 $114,465 $134,765 $167,844 $145,534 $74,407 $67,418 $86,919 $56,904 $1,085,426 CAC October 11,2012 VIII-1 Staff Reports 15 of 18 COLLIER COUNTY TOURIST TAX, MOBILE HOME PARK FISCAL YEAR woo (NOVEMBER DECEMBER $A8I 9Y FEBRUARY BM= BM 5181 WUL BAT AUGUST SEVmmMBER YEARLYTOTAI1 2005/2006 $26 $312 $554 $517 $129 $779 $2,399 $45 $51 $89 $14 $2 $4,917 2006/2007 $3,093 $482 $203 $620 $1,110 $2,831 $2,017 $700 $828 $133 $160 $170 $12,347 2007/2008 $172 $288 $768 $1,444 $3,492 $1,941 $4,349 $557 $218 $461 $348 $450 $14,488 2008/2009 $43 $162 $1,057 $1,229 $1,982 $3,139 $4,012 $1,175 $702 $228 $249 $194 $14,172 2009/2010 $438 $746 $974 $1,688 $2,479 $1,940 $5,061 $2,170 $911 $516 $292 $464 $17,679 2010/2011 $352 $705 $1,477 $2,940 $3,895 $4,309 $5,743 $1,692 $879 $312 $266 $257 $22,827 2011/2012 $228 $517 $543 $1,455 $1,392 $3,710 $4,826 $1,441 $466 $126 $156 $157 $15,017 TOTAL: $4,352 $3,212 $5,576 $9,893 $14,479 $18,649 $28,407 $7,780 $4,055 $1,865 $1,485 $1,694 $101,447 CAC October 11,2012 VIII-1 Staff Reports 16 of 18 COLLIER COUNTY TOURIST TAX SINGLE FAMILY FlSCALVEAR OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER MUM 0EBRUARY M98£8 4E86, 1481 &NE LUX AUGUST SEPTEMBER YEARLY TOTALS 2005/2006 $9,710 $3,439 $4,409 $18,100 $17,773 $24,067 $52,042 $15,400 $5,945 $9,955 $6,729 $3,319 $170,888 2006/2007 $13,559 $4,549 $6,049 $20,838 $14,666 $23,955 $67,207 $13,573 $6,254 $16,936 $7,301 $8,453 $203,340 2007/2008 $17,673 $7,136 $12,482 $27,895 $15,617 $22,793 $82,815 $18,577 $11,121 $19,502 $8,797 $10,929 $255,337 2008/2009 $17,263 $11,147 $10,098 $33,205 $16,416 $33,371 $97,716 $19,903 $11,470 $23,375 $12,173 $9,587 $295,724 2009/2010 $24,226 $7,933 $12,349 $33,206 $16,749 $41,749 $113,111 $20,584 $9,537 $23,926 $12,516 $17,674 $333,560 2010/2011 $31,981 $9,989 $12,618 $39,011 $20,626 $40,342 $126,367 $27,892 $12,448 $28,622 $20,527 $9,345 $379,768 2011/2011 $45,000 $11,899 $21,462 $49,877 $28,960 $51,324 $151,981 $26,449 $21,948 $38,055 $14,146 $33,708 $494,809 TOTAL: $159,412 $56,092 $79,467 $222,132 $130,807 $237,601 $691,239 $142,378 $78,723 $160,371 $82,189 $93,015 $2,133,426 CAC October 11,2012 VIII-1 Staff Reports 17 of 18 COLLIER COUNTY TOURIST TAX IL I. FISCAL YEAR OCTOBER NOVEMBER pECEMBER JANUARY FEBRUARY mew BQ,811 9191 8111 143 AUGUST SEPTEMBER YEARLY TOTAIS 2005/2006 $21,925 $37,853 $75,051 $208,942 $510,259 $486,827 $320,765 $152,766 $50,440 $48,929 $67,147 $34,644 $2,015,548 2006/2007 $23,565 $48,345 $72,589 $205,848 $533,649 $484,299 $370,561 $117,786 $32,077 $56,839 $56,844 $51,153 $2,053,555 2007/2008 $20,882 $53,052 $80,700 $223,546 $529,475 $474,235 $393,053 $97,329 $70,463 $39,158 $72,047 $47,923 $2,101,863 2008/2009 $29,856 $38,351 $66,371 $209,977 $540,182 $457,009 $262,916 $107,095 $44,859 $37,426 $59,058 $51,270 $1,904,370 2009/2010 $19,813 $41,738 $68,084 $210,249 $539,102 $441,771 $357,570 $112,468 $37,806 $36,973 $55,189 $37,468 $1,958,231 2010/2011 $18,057 $31,513 $66,367 $185,189 $490,560 $382,195 $312,031 $99,230 $43,978 $36,515 $62,275 $33,265 $1,761,175 2011/2012 $21,829 $46,255 $83,167 $251,500 $593,055 $476,112 $382,637 $112,328 $44,490 $54,563 $66,272 $38,104 $2,170,312 TOTAL: $155,927 $297,107 $512,329 $1,495,251 $3,736,282 $3,202,448 $2,399,533 $799,002 $324,113 $310,403 $438,832 $293,827 $13,965,054 CAC October 11,2012 VIII-1 Staff Reports • 18 of 18 COLLIER COUNTY TOURIST TAX TOTALS APARTMENTS.CONDOMINIUM,CAMPGROUD/RV/PARK.HOTEL/MOTEL,INTERVAL,MOBILE HOME PARK,SINGLE FAILY.REALTOR FISCAL YEAR =MB NOVEMBER 9ECEMBER 1ANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL 856! L111IE 518! AUGUST 2EPTEMBF,B YEARLY T9TAIj 2005/2006 $38,173 $523,284 5836,793 51,058,211 $1,735,579 $2,241,964 $2,441,129 51,500,894 $954,244 $734,243 $725,247 $544,998 $13,334,759 2006/2007 5436,452 $605,668 $859,051 $1,056,702 $1,835,999 $2,338,801 $2,608,708 $1,501,529 $907,302 $746,001 $710,183 $622,286 $14,228,682 2007/2008 $525,638 $689,286 $800,592 $1,240,865 $1,923,205 $2,310,172 $2,713,577 $1,577,193 $866,202 $805,292 $757,042 $586,617 $14,795,681 2008/2009 $399,869 $619,243 $798,658 $1,127,737 51,634,522 $1,975,391 $2,021,992 $1,229,845 $748,687 $580,021 $639,464 $569,707 $12,345,136 2009/2010 $444,949 $546,988 $745,094 $1,057,680 $1,678,598 $2,032,871 $2,406,026 $1,323,167 $789,625 5564,332 $669,368 $577,933 $12,856,631 2010/2011 $478,857 $625,120 $750,069 $1,009,718 $1,601,322 $2,026,114 $2,566,965 $1,356,751 $850,683 $679,769 $730,744 $640,129 $13,316,241 2011/2012 $525,334 $691,705 $924,729 51,208,561 $1,907,069 $2,325,647 $2,787,652 $1,437,632 $934,544 $730,332 $778,252 $646,793 $14,898,250 TOTAL: $2,849,272 $4,301,294 $5,714,986 $7,759,474 $12,316,294 $15,250,960 $17,546,049 $9,927,011 $6,051,287 $4,859,990 $5,010,300 $4,188,463 $95,775,380 CAC October 11,2012 VII-2 Staff Reports 1 of 10 Staff Reports—CAC Meeting on 10/11/12 • Emergency Beach Renourishment for portions of the Vanderbilt and Naples Beaches o Executive Summary attached • Marco South Erosion Structure Rebuild o Design complete and Bid packages submitted to purchasing for posting o 30 day bidding process o Construction to begin in December 20112 and have beach rock work completed immediately. o FDEP permitting still not completed but FDEP has indicated that permit is pending with all technical issues resolved. USACE permit is completed. o Contract award is expected to go to the BCC in November 2012. o Work must be completed by 5/1/13. • Marco South Beach Renourishment o This work needs to be completed by 5/1/13. o Bid Package in purchasing with a 30 day bid posting. Package to be posted within the next week. o Renourishment needs to be integrated with rock rebuild work. • Wiggins Pass Channel Straightening Project o FDEP Permit • FDEP has deemed the Permit application complete—Ready to issue permit. • ST Overlay permit required for County to write The Letter of Consistency. • Letter of consistency is required prior to the FDEP permit issuance • Language on sand distribution with the State Park o USACE • Biological Opinion for Piping Plovers—FWS—Critical Path • Biological Opinion for Sea turtles -NMFS has recommended a dredge cycle during Daylight Hours only— resolution required • Army Permit drafted after FDEP permit and all BO are resolved o Peer Review • Notified that a peer review of design is required by County Management • Olsen Associates from Jax to conduct. • 8 weeks required with target completion date of 12/15/12 • Modifications to design may be required but not anticipated. o Technical items of concern • Hydraulic prism and pressure of straightened channel • Dredge cut of Channel • Time Value analysis of money • Independent dredging CAC October 11,2012 VII-2 Staff Reports 2 of 10 o Probable schedule • All work must be completed by the beginning of turtle nesting season on 5/1/13. • NMFS 12 hour dredge requirement is a project killer. • NMFS BO for turtles resolution by 11/15/12 • FWS BO for Piping Plovers by 12/15/12 • Peer review by 12/15/12 • Letter of consistency by Collier County by 11/1/12 • FDEP permit by 12/1/12 • USACE permit by 1/15/13 • Bid package and bidding complete by 2/1/12 • Presentation to BCC by 2/12/13 for award • Mobilization and begin Dredging by 3/1/13 • Substantial completion by 5/1/13 (All work complete) • Cleanup and demobilization by 5/15/13. • Major Beach Renourishment Project o BCC directed to move forward with a 6 year design: an Emergency Renourishment Truck Haul project for portions of the Vanderbilt and Naples Beaches and a reevaluation of the Marco South Beach renourishment design based on County wide funding reductions. o Peer review of the renourishment quantities of 420,000 CY of sand placements. o Design in process with FDEP and USACE permit submittal by 11/1/12. • Clam Pass Emergency Status/position From: Elligott, Linda A SAJ [mailto:Linda.A.Elligott @usace.army.mil] Sent: Thursday, October 04, 2012 3:19 PM To: McAlpinGary; Tabar, Jeffrey R Subject: SAJ-2006-02789 Clam Pass - BO status - update 10-4-12 (UNCLASSIFIED) Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Caveats: NONE Sirs, According to the USFWS reviewer, the draft Biological Opinion/BO that is being re-drafted for this project will be in internal agency review soon for subsequent release to the Corps for review. I understand that this is a result of document template changes. Upon receipt by the Corps (timeframe estimate: week of 22 October 2012), I will forward a copy for your review and comment. Be sure to review all Terms and Conditions and details for shorebird monitoring. If agreed upon in whole, I will coordinate with the USFWS to finalize the BO; the Corps CAC October 11,2012 VII-2 Staff Reports 3 of 10 would proceed to a permit decision after the BO is finalized. If there are any issues identified in your review of the re-draft BO, please advise. I will be in touch. Thanks, Linda Linda A. Elligott Project Manager U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Fort Myers Regulatory Office 1520 Royal Palm Square Blvd., Suite 310 Fort Myers, FL 33919 Telephone: 239-334-1975 x 22 • Discussion of BCC comments of failure to manage Beach renourishment Timing. o Memo attached. CAC October 11,2012 VII-2 Staff Reports 4 of 10 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Recommendation to approve the Vanderbilt and Naples Beach Emergency Beach Renourishment Resolution, make a finding that these beaches are critically eroded and TDC funds can be used for renourishment, allow an expedited competitive process to renourish these beaches, authorize the County Manager or his designee to approve the contract but not issue the Notice-to-Proceed until contract ratification by the Board, authorize the expenditure of up to $650,000 Category A Tourist Development Funds, and approve all necessary budget amendments. OBJECTIVE: To accomplish the emergency renourishment of beach from La Playa (Monument R26) to just south of the Ritz (Monument R30) approximately 4,000 linear Feet(LF) on Vanderbilt Beach and in Naples from Lowdermilk Park (Monument R61) to just south of the Naples Golf and Beach Club (Monument R63.5) or 2,500 LF of beach. CONSIDERATIONS: At the September 25, 2012 Board of County Commissioners (BCC) meeting the BCC approved the Vanderbilt and Naples Beach Emergency Beach Renourishment using a truck haul from an inland sand source and directed staff to provide a Resolution for BCC approval. The emergency beach renourishment will be from the La Playa (R26) to just south of the Ritz (R30) approximately 4,000 linear feet (LF) on Vanderbilt Beach and in Naples from Lowdermilk Park (R61) to just south of the Naples Golf and Beach Club (R63.5) or 2,500 LF of beach. The beach will be elevated to the top of the scarp at the vegetation line. The beaches will be higher (1-2 feet) at the vegetation line and extend the entire width of the beach to the Mean High Water (MHW) line. The beaches cannot be made wider. The sand must have a turtle friendly slope (1:4) so the renourishment at both locations will be very limited. Preliminary estimates are 12,000 cubic yards (CY's) at Vanderbilt and 12,000 CY's at Naples. Since sand is not placed in the water, a United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) permit is not required and an emergency renourishment can be authorized by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP). If this work begins in November, both locations will most likely be completed by the first of the year (see attached map). It is estimated that the truck haul beach renourishment on the Vanderbilt and Naples Beaches will cost approximately$650,000. The BCC must approve the attached Resolution declaring a State of Emergency and authorizing emergency repairs to these beaches. As a result of this declaration, staff is recommending an expedited competitive process to preserve competition under the County's Purchasing Policy and state statutes. This will allow staff to provide for a 10-day bid posting period rather than the standard 30-day period due to the emergency status of the project. Staff is also recommending that the County Manager or his designee approve this competitively bid contract but that the Notice-to-Proceed not be issued until the contract is ratified by the Board of County Commissioners. This allows the contract processing and planning to continue to move forward between Board hearing dates. CAC October 11,2012 VII-2 Staff Reports 5 of 10 ADVISORY COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS: At the September 13, 2012 Coastal Advisory Committee (CAC) meeting, the emergency truck haul was recommended for approved by an 8 to 1 vote. At the September 24, 2012 Tourist Development Council (TDC) meeting, the emergency truck haul was recommended for approval by a 7 to 0 vote. FISCAL IMPACT: Should the Board decide to fund this project a budget amendment moving dollars from (TDC) Beach Renourishment Fund (195) reserves in the amount of$650,000 will be required. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: There is no impact to the Growth Management Plan related to this action. LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This item has been reviewed by the County Attorney's Office. The proposed emergency truck haul is in compliance with Category "A" Tourist Development Tax Funding Policy approved by the Board on Nov. 1, 2005 (Item 16F1). Section 255.20, Fla. Stat., allows for waiver of competition in an emergency. The Board's finding of an emergency authorizes the Board to waive the purchasing policy or follow an expedited competitive procurement process as defined in this Executive Summary and attached Resolution. This item requires majority vote, and is legally sufficient for Board action.—CMG RECOMMENDATION,: Recommendation to: 1. Approve the Vanderbilt and Naples Beach Ehiergency Beach Renourishment Resolution finding that these beaches are critically eroded and TDC funds can be used for renourishment; 2. Allow for an expedited 10-day bid process; 3. Direct the County Manager or his designee to approve this competitively bid contract but not issue the Notice-to-Proceed until the contract is ratified by the Board of County Commissioners; 4. Authorize the expenditure of up to $650,000 Category A Tourist Development Funds; and 5. Approve all necessary budget amendments. Prepared by: J. Gary McAlpin, P.E., Coastal Zone Management,Natural Resources Department; William D. Lorenz,Natural Resources Director Attachments: 1) Map of Truck Haul locations, 2) Resolution CAC October 11,2012 VII-2 Staff Reports 6 of 10 RESOLUTION NO. 12- A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA DECLARING CRITICALLY ERODED BEACHES IN COLLIER COUNTY AND THE CITY OF NAPLES TO REQUIRE EMERGENCY RENOURISHMENT AND MAKING FINDINGS TO SUPPORT THE PUBLIC PURPOSE OF RENOURISHMENT. WHEREAS, the areas of Collier County beaches in Vanderbilt Beach and the City of Naples Beach just south of Lowdermilk Park have suffered severe beach erosion; WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners finds that this severe beach erosion requires emergency renourishment and that the Emergency Truck Haul renourishment proposed by the Natural Resources Department is a viable solution to the erosion; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners finds that the two areas identified are eligible for the use of Tourist'Development Tax funds in compliance with the TDC Category"A" Funding Policy (adopted November 1,2005) in that the areas are accessible to the public; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners finds that it is necessary to allow for an expedited competitive procurement process based on the public emergency; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners finds this it is necessary to allow the County Manager to approve this contract but not issue the Notice-to-Proceed until contract ratification by the Board of County Commissioners. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that 2005-001/40 CAC October 11,2012 VII-2 Staff Reports 7 of 10 1. The area of Vanderbilt Beach from La Playa (R26) to just south of the Ritz Carlton Hotel (R30) is approximately 4,000 linear feet (LF) and the area of Naples Beach from Lowdermilk Park (R61) to just south of the Naples Golf and Beach Club (R63.5) or 2,500 LF of beach have experienced significant beach erosion. 2. The Emergency Truck Haul renourishment proposed by the Natural Resources Department is a viable solution to the erosion. 3. The emergency renourishment is eligible for Tourist Development Tax Category "A" Funding based on the County's TDC Category "A" Funding Policy (adopted November 1, 2005). 4. An expedited competitive process will be utilized to preserve competition under the County's Purchasing Policy and Florida Statute Section 255.20. A 10-day bid posting period will be implemented rather than the standard 30-day period due to the emergency status of this project. 5. The County Manager is authorized to approve this contract but the Notice- to-Proceed shall not be issued until the contract is ratified by the Board of County Commissioners. PASSED AND DULY ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, this day of , 2012. ATTEST: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS DWIGHT E. BROCK, CLERK COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA By: FRED W. COYLE, CHAIRMAN Approved as to form and aI sufficiency: olleen M. Greene Assistant County Attorney 2005-001/40 CAC October 11,2012 VII-2 Staff Reports 8of10 I Attachment#1 • BAREFOOT BEACH 1 ' I I WK;rINS PASS ?/ TALLAHASSEE JACKSONVILLE 51 .' 4 DEL NOR-WS sr �v,.�- PROJECT--, STATE PARK I n.T3 LOCATSON \ ORLANDO ', .TAMPA ATLANTYC bb N OCEAN T 1 { HENDRY CO. 0 BOCA LEE - _._ RATON co. t1 r MIAMI \ NOERBILT C`a` ,�, Y .. GULF N 700000 VANDERt31L7 ; i cH ,. ' OF MEXICO 1 { .R.','"' GULF MONROE CO.` t .-..- ,.—^..', MEXICO cl ti r\\) 7 1 I 1 PAO t1 � )i CLAM PASS , Y 1 ) {I 1 ! Y SR 896 i N SKIM � � I I N PARK SHORE &O •• { NMI t , ARK CXXT♦ 'S PASS...�, ' / ....-....._ SR 886 .,- _.........._....., SR 856 • NAPLES jttu.s ------ N 660800 t.....- 1. N 660000 RT0.1 - } SRM ~`�,i T � • I LEGEND: `' t 1, \ ,: {�.-._-.....� fNi@RGENCY PROJECT AREAS l� 1'; t. a ka6 MEP MONUMENTS GULF ■OF 1 MEXICO ' CRT ROYAL NOTES: COPIDWN PASS 1. COORDINATES ARE IN FEET BASED ON FLOROASTATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM. 3 \ ..:`*. 1 EAST ZONE,NORTH AMERICAN 0 ,, _ \ DATUM OF 1883{NAD81l . GRAPHIC SCALE IN FT ti, 2. FILL WIDTHS ARE NOT TO SCALE. ,` • s J• I CAC October 11,2012 VII-2 Staff Reports 9 of 10 October 9, 2012 Discussion of BCC comments of failure to manage beach renourishment timing for the next maior renourishment of the Vanderbilt.Park Shore and Naples beaches. At the September 25, 2012 BCC meeting, it was discussed that staff failed to manage the upcoming beach renourishment. Specifically, it was stated that the 2005/06 renourishment was a six year design and renourishment should have occurred in 2012 with planning preceding this date. Below is the chronological history of activities and direction relative to the upcoming beach renourishment planned for FY 13/14. 1. The last renourishment was completed in May 2006. It was a six year design life project as a result of FDEP concerns and permit restrictions relative to sand encroaching onto the near shore hardbottom. The cost for the entire project including the renourishment,engineering, permitting,sand search, monitoring and mitigation reef was close to$25M. The sand placement,engineering, permitting and monitoring that would all be required for the next renourishment cost over$20M. Although this was a six year design project,funds were accrued on a ten year schedule and set aside at$2M per year. At the end of the six year interval in 2012, approximately$12M in renourishment funding had been set aside. This was insufficient to construct the next beach renourishment. 2. TS Fay damaged Collier County beaches on 11/19/2008 and a federal disaster was declared. Collier County had two Project Worksheets approved to mitigate these damages. 3. On May 26,2009,the BCC approved a budget request for$150,000 to re-evaluate and re-permit its beaches providing a more robust beach fill section for hot spots and/or other beach sections. The exact wording on the budget request was; "With TS Fay FEMA approval,Collier County has the opportunity to re-evaluate its beaches and re-permit a more robust beach fill section for hot spots and/or other beach sections. This funds that activity." 4. Beach renourishment planning began in the summer/fall of 2010,four years after the 2005/06 renourishment. A proposal to develop a conceptual design and various options was developed in the Fall of 2010 and approved by the CAC on 10/14/2010 and the TDC on 11/22/2010. 5. On 2/7/2011 the City of Naples City Council and the Collier County Board of County Commissioners directed staff to maximize the time between major beach renourishments with a comprehensive plan/solution that incorporated sand placement, hot spot mitigation and potential structural solutions. This changed the direction of planning performed to date and redirected efforts to a larger planning timeframe. 6. Conceptual design update report was presented to the CAC on 3/10/2011. 7. Draft Conceptual design report was presented to the CAC on 5/12/2011. 8. The RFP solicitation specifications was approved by the CAC on 9/8/11for Engineering Consultants for the next major beach renourishment. CAC October 11,2012 VII-2 Staff Reports 10 of 10 9. Final conceptual design report was approved by the CAC on October 13, 2011 and TDC on 2/27/2912. 10. Recommendation to approve a shortlist of firms for Beach renourishment Engineering Services was ratified by the CAC on 1/12/2012 and TDC on 1/23/2012. 11. Coastal Planning and Engineering Draft Contract;was approved by the CAC on 5/11/12 and the TDC on 5/29/12. Related to the discussion of beach renourishment planning,the beaches were not renourished immediately after TS Fay for the following reasons: 1. TS Fay occurred less than 3 years after the 2005/06 renourishment. The beaches were healthy and although they did receive 175,000 CY of sand loss attributable to TS Fay,they were not in need of immediate renourishment. 2. Renourishing in less than three years after the last major beach renourishment would not be effective because 175,000 CY's would be placed throughout the 8.5 miles of shoreline of the Vanderbilt, Park Shore and Naples beaches. Individual beach volumes and quantities would not have a significant impact and the cost to the County would be at least$2M in local cost share contribution. Additionally,the County would lose the opportunity to have FEMA pay for fixed costs on a combined project in the future. 3. Delaying renourishment and combining it with a "planned renourishment program"would provide a more technically and financially significantly project/solution and minimize the impact to the public. CAC October 11,2012 ► i,i t VIII-1 New Business 1 of 9 'CPE tit t 143561 September 12,2012 Gary McAlpin Collier County Government W. Harmon Turner Bldg. Naples,FL 34112 Subject: Scope of Work under Contract No.10-5572 Plan,Specification and Construction Services Phase Task Order for Wiggins Pass Permitting,Modeling&Inlet Management Dear Gary: This scope of work covers plans and specification development and the construction services phase of the Wiggins Pass Dredging Project for 2013. The work covers preparation of a draft biological opinion for FIX'S, site visits to the project area, and during construction assistance in support of the County inspection team. It also includes a final site visit, verification of pay volumes, preparation of a post-construction report, and certification of the project. The scope of work,rate sheet, and fee proposal for the work is labeled as Exhibits 1-3, respectively. The fee is based on time and materials not to exceed$56,471. If you have any questions regarding this scope of work,please call me. Sincerely, COASTAL PLANN NG&ENGINEERING,INC. 4 . phen Keehn,P. Se .• •astal Engineer cc: Nicole Sharp,P.E.,CPE Sheri Dindial,CPE 2481 NW BOCA RATON BOULEVARD, BOCA RATON, FL 33431 561.391.8102 • FAX 561.391.9116 • COASTAL PLANNING & ENGINEERING, INC., A SHAW GROUP COMPANY CAC October 11,2012 VIII-1 New Business 2 of 9 Authorized Corporate Signature Printed Name Title CLIENT: COLLIER COUNTY GOVERNMENT Acknowledgement and Acceptance: Authorized Representative Signature Printed Name Title Date f:marketing/proposals/fl counties/collier/2012/wp construction../cover letter cc wp plans,spec.... 2481 NW BOCA RATON BOULEVARD, BOCA RATON, FL 33431 561.391.8102 • FAX 561.391.9116 • COASTAL PLANNING & ENGINEERING, INC., A SHAW GROUP COMPANY CAC October 11,2012 VIII-1 New Business 3 of 9 Exhibit 1 Scope of Work 2481 NW BOCA RATON BOULEVARD, BOCA RATON, FL 33431 561.391.8102 • FAX 561.391.9116 • COASTAL PLANNING & ENGINEERING, INC., A SHAW GROUP COMPANY CAC October 11,2012 VIII-1 New Business 4 of 9 Exhibit 1 Scope of Work under Contract No. 10-5572 Plan, Specification and Construction Services Phase Wiggins Pass Permitting,Modeling & Inlet Management This proposal is for coastal engineering services for dredging of Wiggins Pass. This proposal is based upon the approval of the pending permit applications to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. This scope assumes that the plans and specification will be based on the permit sketches and project description described in the permit application currently on file (September 2012) with FDEP and effort will be limited to the time shown in the Fee Proposal on a T&M NTE basis. A. Plans and Specifications The construction plans will include plan views and cross-sections sufficient for the construction of the channel dredging project. The plans will provide survey control information which will allow the contractor to control and construct the channel. The spoil site will be delineated within the disposal locations allowed by FDEP and USACE permit conditions. The plans will be based on the 2012 SDI survey and previous plans and specification. The disposal area will be positioned to minimize channel shoaling. Specifications developed for the project will include: Technical Specifications with Environmental Protection Summary. We will integrate the QA/QC plan and permit conditions into the work. The Engineer will provide plans and specifications in Acrobat and Word format. We will submit two copies of the plans and specifications to FDEP and request the Notice to Proceed. The quantities will be based on the 2012 SDI survey. B. Prepare Biological Opinion The US Fish and Wildlife Service has promised to accelerate the development of a Biological Opinion needed for a federal permit if the County prepares a draft BO. Using a FWS supplied template for the Biological Opinion suitable to the Southwest coast of Florida, a draft Biological Opinion will be prepared. C. Bidding,Award,and Pre-Bid/Contractor Meeting CPE will assist the County in the selection of a dredge contractor for the inlet dredging project. CPE will attend the pre-bid meeting by phone, and will prepare a simple one page addendum if needed. We will assist the County in reviewing the bids. CPE will provide a recommendation concerning the selection of the contractor. D. Construction Observations CPE attend the pre-construction meeting for the inlet dredging project organized by the County. An overview of the project and scope of work will be presented along with a review of the CAC October 11,2012 VIII-1 New Business 5 of 9 construction methodology, technical specifications and the schedule. The permits will also be reviewed and discussed. During this phase, the cuts and volumes will be updated by CPE using the contractor's before dredge survey. The pre-, during and post construction surveys will be prepared by the contractor. A CPE engineer will advise County observers on technical matters. The inspection team will be led by County personal, who will be responsible for reviewing all the contractor's daily progress and quality control reports, including turbidity and dredge positioning reports. The County will be responsible to place those reports in the appropriate format and forwarded them to the FDEP weekly and at the end of the project in compliance with permit requirements. The CPE observer will attend two weekly meetings. Payment requests and survey data will be reviewed and recommendations for payment will be made by CPE twice during construction. E. Post-Construction Report and Certification CPE will develop and submit the post-construction engineering report to the FDEP within 90 days following completion of the post-construction survey, as required by the permit. The contractor will provide the bulk of information for the report. The report will address compliance with the plans and specifications, and adherence to the applicable permit and approval conditions. The report will be based on the contractor's post-construction survey, which CPE will use to verify dredge volume for final payment. Project closeout and final certification will be completed for the inlet dredging project. Following notification by the Contractor that construction activities are deemed to be complete, the County will inspect the construction areas along with any staging areas used. If applicable, the county will develop a punch list of items unfinished and presented it to the contractor. A final certification of the project will be prepared by CPE, with input for the County inspectors. CPE will provide a written statement of completion and provide the construction completion certification to the regulatory agencies based on contractor and county supplied information. G. Contingency—Construction Issues/Permit Issues/Modifications This task addresses project engineering and environmental contingencies, based on the assumption described above. Additional time sensitive engineering, environmental, or permit requirement may be identified prior to or during construction. This task can cover these requirements as they occur and should be approved by the County as part of the contract. Any work under this task shall be a notice to proceed item. f:marketing/proposals/fl counties/collier/2012/wp construction.../wiggins pass construction services scope of work 090712 CAC October 11,2012 VIII-1 New Business 6of9 Exhibit 2 Rate Sheet 2481 NW BOCA RATON BOULEVARD, BOCA RATON, FL 33431 561.391.8102 • FAX 561.391.9116 • COASTAL PLANNING & ENGINEERING, INC., A SHAW GROUP COMPANY CAC October 11,2012 , ; VIII-1 New Business 7 of 9 Attachment I Contract# 10-5572 Wiggins Pass Permitting, Modeling and Inlet Management Standard Hourly Rate Schedule for all disciplines -Personnel Category Standard Hourly Rate Principal $195 Senior Project Manager $165 'Project Manager $148 . Senior Engineer $155 :Engineer $119: :Senior Inspector . $85 L....................... ..... •Junior Engineer $85 Inspector ; $65 _ Senior Planner $140: i I'Planner ; X110:• ' Modeler - $110: • Junior Modeler : $75 Senior Designer $115 .Geologist/ Designer $100; • Environmental Specialist $115 Senior GIS Specialist $145 CADD I GIS Specialist $10 $100 Intern $60 Clerical $60 t CADD Technician $85 .Surrey Crew-2 man $130 :Surrey Crew-3 man : $160 Survey Crew-4 man $180 This list is not intended to be all-inclusive. Hourly rate fees for other categories of professional, support and other services shall be mutually negotiated by the County and Firm on a project by project basis as needed Please note: These rates apply to other Coastal Planning& Engineering, Inc. companies A)Coastal Planning & Engineering of North Carolina, Inc. B) Coastal Planning & Engineering of New York, PC C)Coastal Consultoria Ambiental Ltda. B-5 CAC October 11,2012 VIII-1 New Business 8 of 9 Exhibit 3 Fee Proposal 2481 NW BOCA RATON BOULEVARD, BOCA RATON, FL 33431 561.391.8102 • FAX 561.391.9116 • COASTAL PLANNING & ENGINEERING, INC., A SHAW GROUP COMPANY CAC October 11,2012 VIII-1 New Business 9 of 9 EXHIBIT 3 FEE PROPOSAL FOR COLLIER COUNTY 9800185 PASS CHANNEL REALIGNMENT CONSTRUCTION SERVICES September 11.2012 t,ABOR COSTS Senior Envlrsnnrnlal Clerical Task Item Senior Engineer Engineer Senior Marine Senior GIS/CAD CAD GIS Cost Principal Project (Coasts,) (Coastal) Bbb9bt Specialist gpeuaNal Technician 5poctalbt Book- Travel Manager Propel Oiobgisl k0., (Hours) (Hours) (Hours) (Hours) (Hours) (Howe) (Hours) (Noun) (Hours) (Hour.) (3) PHASE I:PRE-CONSTRUCTION SERVICES A Plans and Specifications $ 14.310 1 12 60 8 3 28 12 B Design Analysis end Re!corm $ 4,972 6 26 2 2 C Cost Estimate,Contractor Coordination.end Constnuct.Mlity 3 3 712 18 8 2 D Prepare Oralt Biological Opinon per FOSS direction $ 10.003 1 2 16 48 20 E Bidding.A0erd,and Pre..I Contractor Mooting Assistance 5 4.558 20 8 $304 PHASE II:DURING CONSTRUCTOR SERVICES 3 F Pre-Construction Meeting,Update Volumes and Cost Minimlxation S 4.828 6 24 2 5 2152 E Construction Observations,Pay Colons.Analysis and Technical Advise S 24,582 28 154 7 31.216 O Sand Sample Anaybia S 1.200 t 5 $700 PHASE III:POST-CONSTRUCTION SERVICES S - F Post-Construction Report and CeMlcalbn S 15,642 24 80 2 12 12 3152 _PHASE IV:CONTINGENCY H Contingency-Construction!muss/fame Issues/Modifi ations $ 9,548 11 60 0 5608 Total Hours• 1 127.9090809 0 424 24 48 5 49 20 40 52.280 Rate• 4195 3165 5155 $119 $130 $115 3145 $100 3100 380 1.0 Cost• 3195 521.105 SO $50,458 33.120 $5.520 $725 34.900 32.000 $2,400 $2280 0 LABOR $90,421 INDIRECT COST $2,250 PHASE I S 27,655 PHASE II 530,610 PHASE III 516,842 TOTAL $92,701 PHASE IV 59.646 xvrsH•P_aroeaerwarcuwcoascolA v Cantonal UM...Fa animas CAC October 11,2012 VIII-2 New business 1 of 3 Professional Engineering Services for Peer Review Services of Collier County Beaches for Coastal Management ATKINS is pleased to provide a scope of work for Collier County Coastal Zone Management Department.The intention of this Work Assignment is to provide peer review of the beach nourishment design methodology prepared for the County by Coastal Planning and Engineering. In accordance with Collier County Contract Number 09-5262-CZ the following scope of work is presented herein. SCOPE OF SERVICES Atkins will review the beach design template for Vanderbilt,Park Shore,and Naples Beach. Vanderbilt Beach will include range monuments R-25 through R-31,Park Shore will cover R-43 though U-55,and the Naples Beach fill template will address R-58A to R-73.Atkins will review documentation prepared by Coastal Planning and Engineering in support of the design process. Documents include: Collier County Conceptual Renouishment Project Analysis October 2011,Design Calculation Tables October 2012, and other design information that is relevant. Atkins will also use the results of the recently completed 2012 County Coastal Monitoring Report and Post-Tropical Debby Impacts Report to evaluate the predicted design life of the planned beach renourishment events.Atkins will review design drawings,calculations, modeling results and construction standards and write a memorandum that details the methods used and provides a review of our findings. The above analyses will provide a qualitative understanding of the proposed design project and the memorandum will be submitted as a bound printed document and on a disk in electronic .pdf format. ATKINS will prepare for,travel to and attend one(1)meeting. The meetings will be held to coordinate the project,meet with County staff, and to provide project updates/results to the County Project Manager and other stakeholder representatives as deemed necessary and appropriate. One ATKINS senior engineer will attend each of these meetings,again as deemed appropriate. Budget Estimate Work for this assignment will be performed for the lump sum amount of$15,905. Work will be billed to the County on a monthly basis based on the percentage of work completed for the preceding month. The budget breakdown per project area is as follows: Task 1 —Collier County Beach Design Template Peer-Review Analysis &Memorandum $15,905 Total .$15,905 Schedule Estimate The following schedule of completion is anticipated. 1. Submit draft reports within 30 calendar days following the Notice-to-Proceed and receipt of all required data(surveys)to complete analysis. 1 CAC October 11,2012 VIII-2 New business 2 of 3 Assumptions 1. All existing information/documentation including, but not limited to, survey data, project permits, environmental information,previous studies,etc.will be provided to ATKINS by the County. 2. This quote is base. "pon conversations with C_ottnty Staff on October 9,2012. 3. No modeli g a•a sis or designislocAtrnetiTs will be generated from this peer-review. r` •-�—► October 10,2012 Jeffre P*. rabar Date Proje t D`rector Atkins North American,Inc. 2 CAC October 11,2012 VIII-2 New business 3 of 3 PROJECT BUDGET Client: (Collier County t)1 Project: (Collier County Beach Peer Review Project No: ( TBD Prepared By: 14[113 Labor Costs Task Task 1 I Raw Multiplied :-- •:., It i i l . .,:.I..t I Monitoring Total Labor Labor Personnel Classification Rate Reports Manhours Cost Cost Project Manager $58.85 It) 10 $589 $1,795 Senior Engineer $42.92 .0) 30 $1,288 $3,927 Project Engineer $35.50 40 40 $1,420 $4,331 Engineer EIT S30.(X) 32 32 $960 $2,928 CAD Technician $30.00 24 24 $720 $2,196 Administrative $18.70 4 4 $75 $228 Total Hours 140 140 i 1.; !l, Molt Labor Cost lib Mill $15,405 $15405 1m 11 list t IIlli1ub Reimbursable Multiplied Reimbursable Costs TaskNo.1 � 6 Costs Costs a9,v:tturt�l X111 ,11 Travel $0 f1 � iI lsi „y i $0 $0 Lodging $0 ( ( (( � 1 $o $o Misc. $0 It g)i i v 1111 z 1 $0 $o . ca l.:�,��:;� tM i a Geotechnical Analysis $0 3 l l i, i l f so $o Beach Survey $0 1 1 $0 $0 Graphics/Reproduction $500 $500 $500 Total Reimbursables $500 $500 $500 Total Mult.Reimbursables $500 $500 $500 Total Project Budget $500 i it ER .;.€1L� <' d $15,905 1 3 CAC October 11,2012 VIII-3 New Business 1 of 2 From: McAloinGary To: HambnahtGail Subject: RN: Beach Fill Volume for South Marco Date: Tuesday,October 09,2012 3:51:43 PM 10/11/12 CAC meeting- New Business item 3 From: Michael Poff[mailto:mpoff @cecifl.com] Sent: Thursday, October 04, 2012 3:25 PM To: McAlpinGary Subject: Beach Fill Volume for South Marco Gary Per your request below is a summary of the volume analysis for the South Marco project. The comparison of the January 2007 to August 2012 surveys indicates that the project area from R147 to G4 eroded approximately 73,000 cubic yards. Source of this data is the 5-year monitoring report from Humiston and Moore and an email from Atkins who is completing the 2012 monitoring report on your behalf. This equates to an average erosion rate of approximately 12,800 cubic yards per year. Multiplying this average erosion rate times the 6-year period equates to approximately 76,800 cubic yards. This coincides with the volume identified as the erosion attributed to TS Faye, equal to 77,000 cubic yards, that is currently within the FEMA PW. Comparing this to the original design for the southern segment of the Marco Island Beach Restoration Project, this volume equates to the restoration of the design beach plus approximately 3.7 years of advanced nourishment. The main component of the design is a 100-ft wide section along the seawall, which is critical to the longevity of the gulf-front beach. Per our discussion we are revising the construction plans and technical specifications for the quantity of 77,000 cubic yards. We will strive to have these completed and submitted to you on Monday, October 8th. thanks CAC October 11,2012 VIII-3 New Business 2 of 2 i Michael Poff, P.E. Vice-President of Engineering Coastal Engineering Consultants, Inc 3106 S. Horseshoe Drive Naples, FL 34104 (239) 643-2324, extension 126 (239) 643-1143 (fax) mpoff`a,)cecifl.com Under Florida Law, e-mail addresses are public records, If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public records request. do not send electronic mail to this entity, instead_contact this office by telephone or in writing.