Minutes 05/17/2012E' EIVED
MAY 179 2012
ATTENDEES: Joe Langkawel, Chairman
Jim Hughes, Advisory Committee Member
Jim Gault, Advisory Committee Member
Alan McLaughlin, Fire Chief
Barbara Shea, Minutes Preparer
Joe Langkawel opened the meeting at 6:35 p.m. Biala
11. OLD BUSINESS Coletta
A. Chief's Report.
B. April 19, 2012 Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes.
1. Copy of Minutes distributed.
2. Motion to approve April 19, 2012 Minutes by Jim Gault.
a. Motion seconded by Jim Hughes.
b. Motion carried unanimously.
c. Minutes signed off by Chairman Langkawel.
C. Report from Isles of Capri Budgetary & Oper. Investigative Committee Phase 2.
1. BCC is considering an Emergency Services straw ballot for Aug. 24, 2012.
a. "Would you support consolidation of Fire & EMS under the Sheriff?"
b. To include 5 independent fire districts, 2 dependent fire districts, EMS.
c. Janet Vesey of the Productivity Committee has proposed this idea.
d. If the voters overwhelming vote in favor, the next step is unclear.
e. The Fire Steering Committee will discuss this on 05/21/12.
2. This Committee continues to work on forming a dependent special district.
Disc. Corres: a. The Committee is working on formulating the required ordinance.
Date: o \Q \ �'2. 1. John Rogers spoke with Laura Donaldson.
a. Her expertise was recommended by the County Attorney.
Item #: 2-IR b. Committee has determined she cannot be used.
2. A body of documents has been found to use as a model.
Copies to: 3. Chief Murphy is assisting the committee in this endeavor.
b. Nothing will be brought to the BCC prior to Aug. 24.
c. After Aug. 24, the Committee plans to bring the ordinance to the BCC.
D. Status of Hummer sale.
1. Executive Summary prepared.
2. County Attorney legal review completed.
3. Item must be approved by the Collier County Board of Commissioners.
a. ICFD must obtain approval for funds to be returned to our MSTU.
b. Executive Summary must be approved pre- auction.
c. BCC May 22 meeting is hopeful.
d. After approval, the hummer will be put up for auction quickly.
4. Funds from the sale will increase our FYI carryforward and reserves.
E. Forestry grant for the purchase of a skid unit has been awarded.
1. The 50/50 grant will result in grant funds to ICFD of $4,900.
2. Award approval will be on the 05/22/12 BCC Agenda item 16F1.
F. FF/EMT Dave Thomas will be awarded the Phoenix Award on 05/22/12.
G. ICFD FYI Budget Draft discussion.
1. County Manager has reviewed and approved the ICFD budget draft.
2. BCC Budget Hearings are scheduled for June 28 & 29.
3. ICFD will be notified of preliminary property values on June 1.
4. ICFD budget is millage neutral.
H. Holiday Pay update.
1. HR current estimate of 2 years of backpay is approximately $25,000.
2. County Attorney has completed a legal review.
3. County Attorney is in agreement of the 2 year time frame for payment.
4. Holiday Pay payment is currently under review by the Clerk of Courts.
I. Update on a possible plan of management job sharing between ICFD & Ochopee.
1. Jim Hughes asks for an update on this proposal.
2. Joe Langkawel states that this proposal is not being considered.
J. Update on inquiry by Philip Brougham of Fiddler's Creek.
1. Chief McLaughlin spoke to Mr. Brougham about his concerns.
2. It appears that it is just this one resident who is seeking a fire district change.
3. It does not appear that any large group is behind Mr. Brougham.
A. ICFD received a "Thank You Letter" from Peggy & Frank Kloiber.
1. A copy of the letter was distributed.
2. The letter complemented our emergency services responders.
B. Public Comment.
1. Does ICFD have plans to activate CERT?
a. Chief McLaughlin is not aware of an active CERT team.
b. Chairman Langkawel states that CERT fell apart 5 years ago.
c. Chief McLaughlin states that we can revisit this issue.
d. Chief McLaughlin will contact Ann Hall regarding CERT.
1. Are residents interested?
2. Interested residents should contact ICFD if interested.
2. What is the status of hiring a new ICFD Fire Chief?
a. Chairman Langkawel states a Chief will not be hired until October.
b. Chairman Langkawel states the County Manager controls this.
c. Personnel issues are not handled by the ICFD Advisory Committee.
d. Chief McLaughlin will continue his supervisory position at ICFD.
3. Does ICFD have a Fire Marshall or a Fire Inspector?
a. Chief McLaughlin states that we have 2 state - certified inspectors.
b. This is an additional function of a firefighter.
c. Lt. Perry was overzealous in referring to himself as a Fire Marshall.
d. Lt. Perry has been counseled to not represent himself as such.
4. Is the ICFD notified of outside County law enforcement investigations?
a. Chief McLaughlin replies affirmatively.
5. What is the status of the FF Tomei investigation?
a. Chief McLaughlin replies that all charges have been dropped.
C. The next ICFD Advisory Committee Meeting will be held on July 19, 2012.
A. Motion to adjourn the meeting by Jim Gault at 7:32 p.m.
1. Motion seconded by Jim Hughes.
2. Motion carried unanimously.