1999/2000 ------~----~ --- --- --- - - ---------------- County of Collier CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT COLLIER COUNTY COURTHOUSE 3301 TAMIAMI TRAIL EAST P.O. BOX 413044 NAPLES, FLORIDA 33941-3044 Dwight E. Brock Clerk 'X )/"()~ I aD OFFICIAL RECEIPT When Validated , ',., i ..1 <9" 4 tJ ,~:-:~::t <.) . I;: ~" '..Ii'. BRANCH OFFICES: GOLDEN GATE 4839 GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY GREENTREE SHOPPING CENTER 2386 IMMOKALEE ROAD IMMOKALEE 101 S. FIRST STREET MARCO ISLAND 1040 WINTERBERRY DRIVE .'::if':., .; f ~-:', f."1t ~OOJOD (SEAL) COLLIER COtmTy 3301 Tarniarni Trail, East Naples, Florida 34112 BOARD OF COtmTy COMMISSIONERS LOBBYIST REGISTRATION FORM NAME Douglas Rankin DATE 5-10-99 BUSINESS ADDRESS Douglas Rankin Attorney at Law 2335 Tamiami Trail North Suite 308 Naples, FL 34103 q~ I 2-;JZ- o~ C(9V;':> /-"'<7 h~~"1 NAME AND BUSINESS ADDRESS OF EACH PERSON OR ENTITY REPRESENTED: Deloris Rankin, 410 11th St NW, Naples, FL 34120 1.) Deborah and Ross. Jesse 440 11 th .St .NW,naples,. FL..}4120 ._-~-..",.., M~~~/../~ ItVl4Zo0f~7Y Collier County Republican Executive Committee 2, ) , , .. : ~,/a~r-~ r::..a7f Cypress Lodge # 295 F & 1250 9th St. North, Naples, FL 34102 F_~ ~/i';.i~ A,M, G;,rI/lL. U ~, ,J'<-<L 3. ) Cypress Masonic Lodge P.O. Box 7083.,. Naples, F~ 34101; .!, The foregoing registration was sworn to this the ____ day of ~ ~ersona:u.y kn9wn to me' 0: w , , '~S-rl..l-Sb- as 1 ent1f1c 3s 0-0 ' , .~---- and subscribed before me on , by produced ~l \ , and ~ take an oath. Deputy Clerk Please note: 1.) Pailure to renew this registration ~ the renewal date will result in the placement of this registrant on a "status unknown" list. 2.) Zf one wishes to revoke this registration a "Lob~ist Withdrawal" fO%m IIlUst be filed with the Clerk to the Board. 09/15/1999 13:30 9412522092 DOUGLAS RANK I N PAGE 02 ELDER LAW CORPORATION AND BUSINESS LAW GENERAL PRACTice REAL ESTATE WILLS, TRUSTS. & ESTATES LAWOFFICE DOUGLAS L. RANKIN MOORINGS PROFESSIONAL BUILDING 2335 TAMlA!A1 TRAil NORTH SUITE 306 NAPLES. FLORIDA 34103 OFFICE (941)2IJ2.006. FAX (941) 262.2092 CERTIFIED The Fkrt1a Bar *'IllJ,~11SWI\ CERTIFIED The Fmla Bar ~ IfIlMMlUli HENoRANDUM .. TO: Collier County Commission Minutes and Records Dept. VI~ FACSIMILE DELIVERY: 774-8408 FROM: Douglas L. Rankin DATE: September 15, 1999 RE: Addition to Lobbyist List (#R02l00) -------------------------------~---------------------------------- Please add the following names to my list: Habitat for Humanity of Collier County, lnc, 11550 East Tamiami Trail, Naples, Florida 34113; and William Gallagher, 1883 Harbor Lane, Naples, Florida 34104. If there are any questions or problems with the above, please do not hesitate to call me immediately at the above phone number. 09/15/1999 13:30 9412522092 DOUGLAS RANKIN PAGE 01 ~ '---' ELDER LAW CORPORAflON AND BUSINESS LAW GENERAL PRACilCE . RIAL eSTATE , , WILLS. nlUSTS. & ESTATES LAWOFFlCE DoUGLAS L. RANKIN. . MOOlllNGSPROI'ESSIONAL8UILOINC 2335 TAIiIIAMI TIWl.NOImt sum; 30f *"U!8. R.ORIOA 34103 0FFlC&(1I4112112.0081 Mx(8411.-- 'l'r<<.w,.npIER CDVJm LE'l'TRR TO: TIMIrI {', j G re- )i~,\ ~~~q~ .Ibt1- xy()~ ~Dbb'-1lcl J..-.ifSb Douglas L. P-Jlld '1, 18q., or a ru .: RB: FROM: - TOTAl. 11UM18R or PAGU, DICoUDnna CDVD ......3:1 q . The doeuuzeqta lIIleO~ tIIiI~. w 11--; '-. '......'If .. -ft a- tile Jaw .. t1I DOUGLAs I.. RANJaN .mich q., -. '.... rtI1dIor IepJbo pdyiJepd. DIe ~ . "',-.4-1 CIIIb' tbr the Ilk 0( tile lDdiridvaI or eatIty __ GII tills U--' '9Il..... If,,,,, _ -tIae ....-1Ia.l recipie:lt, 1011 -hereby I\>"'W tIIU............... aJP1iDr. ~ or... .....at...... ia I'ellaDceClllthe_.__ oCtIIiI.-. ,<4L,1l ..........lIl:rictIypll'ho~JiI,...tlllttlle ~ ~..... be returQed to tbia 6nn 1--..:.....,.. fa CIU ftllllnI, lrJIN hate I 3...4 ... "-' 'b ia ....., p/eMe DotUT ue by telepbou immediateIy. tIIU ..... ..._ tbr tIat retutu atu.lII~ "'---,t. to 111 at DO coat to you. ""'mD1'l'rn. Im'PII! MESSAGE: h \ If you h.~ trouble racai~~"ioo. pl.... eell 941- 262-0061 _nd _sk for: Q . ER 09/15/1999 15:07 ELDER LAW CORPORATIOtI AND BUSINESS LAW G6NERAL PRACTICE REAL'ESTATE WILLS, TRUSTS. & ESTATES !lIZ . - CERTIFIED The Florida 8ar 1IIU1ftlmltstIQ 1M TO: FROM: DATE: R8: 9~12522092 DOUGLAS RANKIN L;.WOFFICE DOUGLAS L. RANKIN PAGE 02/02 MOORINGS PROFESSIONAL BUILDING 2335 TAMJAMI TRAil NORTH SUITE 308 NAPLES, FLORIDA 33940 OFFICE 19'1) 262-0061 FAX (941) 262-2092 6Jl I.CE..' RT.. 1F1ED TheFlorklaBar tYlm,11U. I"" MEMORANDUM ,. '.0(' :') ," ~ "~ Collier County Commission Minutes and Records Dept. VIA FACSIMILE DELIVERY: 774-8408 Douglas L. Rankin September 15, 1999 Addition to Lobbyist List (#R02100) ----------------------------------------------------~------------- Please add the following name to my list: Debbie Nichols of N~chols Reality, Inc. 1933 CR 951, Naples, Florida 34116. If there are any questions or problems with the above, please do not hesitate to call me immediately at the above phone number. N~law/l'11a, 09/15/1999 15:07 9412522092 DOUGLAS RANKIN PAGE 01/02 IJIWOFFlCE DoUGLAS L. RANKIN' . ELDER LAW COAPORAnONAN08US~e5SLAW GENERAl PRAcnCE FlEALESTATE . WllLS. TRUSTS. & ESTATES lIOORlHGlIl'IlOFIl88IONALSUILDING ZD5TAM1M1l1lWl.NOR'l1i SUITE 308 IW'I.E8. fl.ClflIOA 34103 0FFlCe(l4')__' MX (141)212 .., 'l'BL1I:COPIBR COVZR t.KJt-rzH ~Dall '3 '0 (0 p (Y\ DAD. ~.I '5"1 /Ci'i<1 (J~~_ ~Q\vv)N'l'l'H'~ ~ ) /~- ,?~O?r ~ lIIL.i' ~ ~ 1Y"o...-hJu'f'L1 f- iY:4 Douql.. L.Jtaakin. E8q., or Il Ml PAX .: lIB: PROII. 7.'OT.AL IlUMBD oP naa, DCL1JD:t1IG COw_ _: r:;; ....nlIWl..~_.I.T_ .. The doeumeata.. -r-"1iDr uu. Ia/alafr ...."'""<"""~ -.... ~ ... ftwa tbe law lIrm at DOUGLAS L. llANION wbidJ. ia -.. ..... ~ IlIpJIr ~ 'DMt' . ~_ .iM_da,f 0llI7 tor thAI - of thAI iadi9iduaI ClI' tD:ity ~ llIl &bit tr.. ., 'I ..... 11 JIIIl- .. ."-'. ....., I"'cipiem. 1011 are hllrebJr....-... tbI& ..,M ......... -...~ ..._~ ..- ... taIdDr at..lICt.illIl ill nliaDcellD&be-."'l...at...... tilll'. .' -.iI...,p' . ~....;a...tWtIIe., '.lIbauJd be n!tunuId to tbI8 &ilia /. --. ...,. fa tIIiIl'IpI'd, irJllllIlll"H 1.... t1ii11' .... ill mar,...... uodfY us b.r t.~~ Mnnadl&j,q." ....... .. lor dlentunl at....J -' _ -t. to U8 at no co.t to you. IIZ.SAGE I If you have Uouble receivinlJ thi~mis.iOD, pl.... a.ll 941- 262-0061 and ask for: SmmBK '