BCC Minutes 03/05/1991 R Naples, Florida, March 5, 1991
LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commissioners in
and for the County of Collier, and also acting as the Board of ZoninG
Appeals and as the governing board(s) of such special districts as
have been created according to law and havin9 conducted business
herein, met on this date at 9:00 A.M. in REGULAR SESSION in Building
"F" of the Government Complex, East Naples, Florida, with the
following members present:
Patricia Anne Goodnight
Michael 3. Volpe
Richard S. Shanahen
Max A. Hasse, Jr.
Burr L. Saunders
ALSO PRESENT: James C. Giles, Clerk; John Yonkosky, Finance
Director; Ellle Hoffman and Wanda Arrighi, Deputy Clerks; Nell
Dotrill, County ManaGer; Ron McLemore, Assistant County Manager; Ken
Cuyler, County Attorney; David Weigel, Mark Lawson and Richard
Yovanovtch, Assistant County Attorneys; GeorGe Archibald,
Transportation Services Administrator; Frank Brutt, Community
Development Services Administrator; John Boldt, Water Management
Director; Leo Ochs, Administrative Services Administrator; Guy
Carlton, Tax Collector; Mike McNees, Budget Director; Robert Fahey,
Solid Waste Director; Bill Lavetry and Robert Lord, Planners; Sue
Filson, Administrative Assistant to the Board; and Deputy Byron
Tomltnson, Sheriff's Office.
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Tape #l
Itel ~
e.. C~t.eloner $aunder. ab,ent a, reflected in 4/0 rot,.
March 5, 1991
Co~]aisstoner Shanahen moved, seconded by Commissioner Hesse and
carried 4/0, that the agenda be approved with the following changes:
Item #10B - Confirmation of previous vote authorizing
$15,000,000 Collier County, Florida Tourist Development Tax
Revenue Bonds (Original presentation February 19, 1991 -
Requested by County Attorney).
Item #6Cl - Petition PDA-89-16, Barbara Henderson Cawley of
Wilson, Miller, Barton and Peek, Inc., representing Amnon
Golan, Trustee for Orangetree Associates, requesting amend-
ments to the Orangetree PUD located on the east side of C.R.
846 - Continued to 3/12/91. (Requested by Petitioner and
;;;. Xtem
The ~otion for approval of the Consent Agenda is noted under Item
?he ~ottons for approval of the Clerk's Report are noted under
Iteu ~11A1, ~11A2 and ~11A3.
Item #~A
Cou~,sioner Ooodnight pre~ented Qlenn Price of the Environmental
Services D~vie~on with an Exceptional Performance plaque and a $50
c&~ award. She congratulated him and thanked him for him dependency
and dedication to Collier County Government.
Legal notice having been published in the Naples Dally News on
January 24, 1991, as evtden:ed by Affidavit of Publication flied with
the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider an ordinance amending
Collier County Ordinance N~.. 80-47, as amended, the Collier County
Parking Ordinance.
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Hatch 5, 1991
Assistant County Attorney Yovanovich explained that at the last
Legislative Session, Section 316.1967(6), Florida Statutes was
adopted. He indicated that this Section requires that counties adopt
an ordinance directing the Clerk of Courts to provide the Department
of Highway, Safety add Motor Vehicles with a magnetic encoded tape
which lists persons who have not paid parking violations relating to
the handicap ordinances.
Assistant County Attorney Yovanovich reported that the ordinance
aS drafted, includes a procedure whereby the Clerk may notify the
Department of people with three or more outstanding parking viola-
tions. He noted that this provision is permissive, but it is not
required that counties adopt this procedure.
Assistant County Attorney Yovanovich affirmed that the procedure
regarding the handicap parking violations is required to be adopted by
counties, with the Clerk providing the pertinent information.
Assistant County Attorney Yovanovlch stated that there are some
minor housekeeping amendments in the ordinance.
Commissioner Hasse voiced concern with people who are not han-
dicapped, but utilize the handicapped parking places and suggested
that these fines be increased. Attorney Yovanovich replied that fines
are not addressed in the amendment, noting that he merely incorporated
what the State Legislature mandated.
County Attorney Cuyler advised that he understands that the
Handicapped In Action will be requesting that this item be continued
so that they may provide additional information relative to fines,
etc. He indicated that he has informed this group that it wl]l be the
Board's discretion whether to continue or move forward on this ordi-
nance, but that this is statutorily required.
Commissioner Shanahan stated that he has no problem with moving
ahead with the mandated pot%ion of the ordinance but raised a concern
regarding the unmandated portion of same. He noted that it is almost
impossible for the Tax Coll~;cor to implement a program to support
this provision and it would place an unnecessary burden on him. He
O~C~ 08 Page 3
March 5, 1991
suggested that the mandated and unmandated portions of the ordinance
be separated.
Commissioner Hasse mentioned that there are many people driving
around with 40 or 50 unpaid parking tickets and if they were paid,
this would remove a burden from the taxpayers.
Commissioner Volpe reported that he has no problem with
Commissioner Shanahan's suggestion to separate the mandated from the
unmandated but questioned the magnitude on an annual basis of the
tickets that have been issued and are not collectable.
Clerk Giles replied that in 1990, parking fines levied by the
County were $31,000 and approximately $22,500 was co.11ected. He noted
th&t the County does not have a terrific amount of metered parking
that the City of Naples has. He indicated that he is not certain of
the number of persons that have violated the parking ordinance 3 or
more times.
Mr. Paul Rousseau, representing the Handicapped In Action,
requested that the Commission postpone the adoption of the ordinance
so that the various groups could come back with a comprehensive plan
to address the situation of handicapped parking. He Indicated that
76~ of these fines are being collected, but noted that he would like
to conduct a study to determine who the 24% are that are not paying
the fines, i.e. rental cars. He suggested that a workshop be sche-
duled in this regard.
Commissioner Shanahan stated that he has no problem obtaining
Input from the various groups to educate the public but questioned the
length of time that would be needed to produce an analysis. Mr.
Rousseau replied that he believes that four weeks would allow a suf-
itclent amount of time. ~
County Attorney Cuyler expl ned that the two issues may be
separated for purposes of ct,nsi~ration and recommended that the
Commission adopt the ordinance ~oday and after obtaining the report
from the Handicapped In Act J.%l, !urther direction could be given.
Tax Collector Carlton related that he bel.ieves that the Commission
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March §, 199!
should address the mandatory portion of the ordinance today and then
receive input relative to the concerns of the handicapped. He recom-
mended that the Commission not accept the permissive portion of the
ordinance since it is discriminatory in nature and inefficient by
design, He advised that he has no problem with the mandatory provi-
· sion of the ordinance.
In answer to Commissioner Volpe, Clerk Giles stated that the han-
dicapped portion of the ordinance is mandatory and noted that he is
obligated to provide the pertinent information regarding violators to
the Department of Motor Vehicles, He noted that he will be providing
a magnetic tape to the Department on a monthly basis, and they will
effectively flag those car owners that have reached the maximum of
three violations and the Tax Collector w]]] b{? adv~,ed not to renew
registrations or tags until those persons have paid their fines and
have received certification from the Clerk's Office.
There were no other speakers.
C~mmissioner Shmnahan moved, secondsd by Commissioner Hasse mnd
¢mXT~ed 4/0, to close the public hearing.
Commissioner Shmn&hmm moved, seconded by Commissioner H&sse and
¢~xT~ed 4/0, that the mandatory hand~capped portion of the Ordinance
mm n~ambered and titled below be adopted, and entered into Ordinance
Book Ng. 43:
Z~em ~SA
Mr. Martin Ellls of Prcf.'~sslonal Realty Consultants, Inc., stated
that Mr. and Mrs. Hool received a nuisance from the County on April
March §, 1991
"25, 1990.
He explained that he became Involved with this situation on
May 5, 1990 when he was the rental and property manager for Century 21
Realty Co. He reported that when he was assigned as agent for the
subject property, he discussed the citation with the tenants and had
the nuisance abated.
Mr. Ellis pointed out that Code Enforcement staff did not make an
immediate follow-up inspection and in the meantime, the tenants
vacated the premises and left trash and debris. He noted that there
were actually two nuisances involved, but the amount of the original
¢itatiorl continued to increase including administrative fees and the
total is now $425. He affirmed that a neighbor has testified to the
fact that the original nuisance had been abated. He explained that if
the owner had received notification regarding the second nuisance he
would have abated same.
Community Development Services Administrator Brutt advised that on
April 23, 1990, two violations were noted. He remarked that t]'e
Notice of Violation letter which was sent on April 25th, identifies
tWO violations: accumulation of mowable vegetation in excess of 18"
in height; and accumulation of garbage, trash and liquid wastes. He
disclosed that receipt of the letter was returned and signed for by
Mr. Hool. He revealed that reinspectJon took place on May 25, 1990
and noted that the trash still remained on the property but the
overgrowth had been mowed down. He indicated that the property owner
was given adequate time to clear the lot of the trash.
Mr. Brutt stated that bids to remove the trash from the property
were received from two contractors and they identified that a couch,
mattress, several broken chairs, etc. were on the lot as of June 12,
1990. Me revealed that the bid was awarded to Scott Macnicol Tractor
Service for the amount of $225. He noted that the owner was billed
$325 from June 13, 1990.
Mr. Brutt advised that in October, The owners agent, Mr. Ellis met
with staff to resolve the hK.%ter and there were conversations to the
fact of whether the'trash was actually there or not, but there was no
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March §, 1991
· .': substantiation that the trash was not there when it had been origt-
nally cited. He recalled that this matter was presented to the
Commission on January 22, 1991, and a resolution was adopted relative
to the owners paying the costs or placing a lien on the property.
In answer to Commissioner Hasse, Mr. Brutt replied that the cost
to do the work was $225, plus an additional $200 in Staff fees which
have been far exceeded by the amount of work involved in this par-
t~cular case.
Mr. Ellis stated the orlginal nuisance was abated some time during
the middle of May, 1990 but the owner continued to get bills from the
Mr. Brutt indicated that at the time Mr. Ellis met with staff, a
reqn/est was made for a notartzed statement from the tenants indicating
that the trash had been removed but staff did not receive vertfica-
t Ion.
Commissioner Shanahan questioned whether this is a situation to
waive the $200 administration fees and collect the $225 that was paid
to the hauler, to which Mr. Brutt replied in the negative, noting that
staff has expended more than the $200 in the amount of time that has
been spent on this particular case.
Commissioner Hasse moved, seconded by Commissioner Volpe and
carried 4/0, to support staff's recommendation with respect to ~he
&bate~ent and ~d~ntstrative fees.
Xtem ~9A1
Community Development Services Administrator Brutt stated that
this is a housekeeping item. He requested direction for staff to
amend the Zoning Ordinance by repealing Section 7.27, Subsection F.6,
"Multi-Family Entry Level Rental Housing Areas", as a result of the
adoption of Affordable Housing Ordinance on November 27, 1990.
Mr. Brutt explained that the definitions as previously used, have
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March 5, 1991
Co~lesioner Hasse moved, seconded by Commissioner Shanaban and
carried 4/0, that staff be directed ~o prepare ~ ~en~en~ to Section
?.2~ of Ordi~ce No 82-2 ~o repeal Subsec~ion F.6,
~ ~el Rental Housing Areas" ~d presen~ s~e to ~he Co~lssion.
Xt~ ~A2
~~ ~ ~AWGES
Growth Management Planner Lavetry advised that this item is to
address a recent challenge put forth by the Audubon Society. He indi-
cated that upon adoption of the Growth Management Plan on 3anuary 10,
1989, the County commit, ted itself to adopting thirty Land Development
Regulations (LDRs) required by the Florida Statues, by August 1, 1989.
He reported that as of March 5, 1991, twenty-six LDRs pursuant to
Chapter 163.3202 F.S. have been adopted including several LDRs that
are environmental in nature.
Mr. Laverty stated that the Audubon Society has raised allegations
regarding land use regulations contained in the Conservation and
Coastal Management Element. He revealed that the Audubon Society
notes that certain objectives and policies which they term LDRs have
not been implemented in accordance with dates stated in the Growth
Management Plan.
Mr. Laverty called attention to Attachment "B" which reflects the
various objectives and policies that the Audubon Society is
challenging. He revealed that staff contends that all required LDRs
in the Conservation and Coastal Management Element with the exception
of two, have been adopted. He remarked that the two remaining LDR's
for environmental issues are the Groundwater Protection Ordinance and
an ordinance regulating the use of septic tanks serving industrial and
manufacturing activities.
Mr. Laverty disclosed that Chapter 163.3202 lists eight categories
for which LDR's must be adopted, as provided in Attachment "C" He
indicated that this Chapter ~lso requires that the regulations under
this section be adopted no later than one year after submission of the
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March 5, 1991
Plmn to the Department. He noted that the County submitted its Plan
to the Department on August 1, 1988, thus requirinG that the LDRs con-
tain an adoption date of no later than August 1, 1989. He stated that
if an objective or policy does not contain the deadline of August 1,
1989, they are not LDRs under this particular section.
Mr. Lavert¥ explained that Collier County is required to provide
the Department of Community Affairs (DCA) with an adoption schedule
for any outstanding LDRs and must adhere to that schedule or the
Department will initiate action in Circuit Court.
Mr. Laverty advised that he will be presentinG a schedule for
those LDRs that had an adoption date of August 1, 1989 but have not
been adopted. He pointed out that some of the objective dates cited
by the Audubon Society which they contend to be LDRs are clearly
programmatic in nature, are not LDRs and do not require ordinances
pursuant to the definition in Chapter 163.
Calling attention to Item #9 in the Executive Summary, Mr. Lavetry
advised that a schedule must be adopted for the following outstanding
Groundwater Protection Ordinance
Unified Land Development Code
3. Airport Noise Zone Ordinance
4. Group Home and Adult Congregate Living Facility Ordinance
5. Protection of historically significant properties
Mr. Lavetry stated that Attachment "D" lists proposed public
hearing dates for Collier County Growth Management Plan Land
Development Re~ulations. He revealed that he has had several conver-
sations with staff and would like to recommend a change to the pro-
posed dates. He indicated that the Technical Advisory Committee will
be requesting a two month extension to complete their work regarding
the Untlled Land Development Code.
Mr. Lavetry requested that the first public hearing date for the
Unified Land Development Code be held on October 1, 1991; second
public hearing to be held October 15, 1991; final public hearing date,
if required, no later than .;?vember 5, 1991.
With regard to the Groundwater Protection Ordinance, Mr. Laverty
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March 5, 1991
requested that the first public hearing be held on July 23, 1991; and
the second public hearing to be held on August 8, 1991.
Commissioner Volpe remarked that these public hearings are to be
held in the evening, and he suggested that these meetings be held at
6:30 P.M. or 7:00 P.M. to allow the working public an opportunity to
A discussion took place relative to the proposed evening public
hearings that are scheduled for Tuesdays and because of the length of
the regular Board of County Commissioners meetings, it was the consen-
sus of the Commission that the hearings be scheduled for, i.e. the
week of October 14, 1991 rather than the specific date o~ October 15,
Dr. Keith Waterhouse cited that Policy 12.1.1 states that by
August 1, 1990, there are to be regulations concerning land alteration
activities to ensure the conservation, sensitive reuse, preservation
of significant historic and archaeological resources, or appropriate
mitigation in accordance with state standards, and this is not being
done. He noted that Collier County is the only county in South
Florida not to have complied. He pointed out that he appeared before
the Commission in October, 1989, requesting protection of the eviden-
ces of the past and Staff was instructed, at that time, to prepare an
o~dtnance to that effect. He recalled that at the same meeting, he
noted that the Southwest Florida Archaeological Society would seek
financing for a survey of the archaeological sites in Collier County.
He announced that an agreement has been received from the state and
will be signed this week, and the Archaeological Society will match
funds fo~ a $20,000 survey to be conducted. He ~evealed that the
survey should be completed by 3uly or August, 1991.
Commissioner Volpe stated that it appears that the survey would be
a prerequisite to the actual finaltzation of an ordinance relative to
the p~eservation of historical sites. Dr. Waterhouse indicated that
the development of the ordJ~%'zce is separate from the archaeological
work to produce the map, and the language of the ordinance merely
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March §, 1991
needs to reflect that a map of sensitive areas will be provided by
Collier County.
In response to Commissioner Shanahan, Mr. Lavetry advised that
staff's original approach was to amend the Zoning Ordinance and the
Subdivision Regulations, but when presenting same to the Collier
County Planning Commission, staff was instructed to further review
this matter. He noted that when staff requested additional direction
from the Board of County Commissioners, the Public Services Division
was assigned the task of drafting the ordinance. He stated that Ron
Jamro of the Museum, feels that he has gone as far as he can, pro-
fesslonally. He related that he believes that staff can iron out any
differences in a timely manner, and present a draft ordinance by June
4, 1991.
Mr. Arthur Lee, Southwest Florida Archaeological Society Trustee,
advised that there is a survey on hand that was conducted 3 or 4 years
ago but because of inadequate financing it is not very thorough. He
affirmed that he is pleased to learn that the direction of the ordi-
nance is placed somewhere other than the museum. He suggested that
smaller properties also be considered for examinations of sensitive
properties during the permitting process in addition to regulations
for land alteration for public utilities. He indicated that this
would take adequate care of the developers to enjoy the resources
available to them, i.e. setbacks, tradeoffs and green space provi-
sions. He reported that something similar to the overlay process
that is used for special treatment areas could De utilized and if
this is done adequately, Collier County could be available for cer-
tification as a Certified Local Government and this would open up add-
Itional sources of funding from the State for historical preservation
Ms. Eileen Arsenault, representing Collier County Audubon Society,
questioned whether the County Attorney's Office concurs with Mr.
Lavefry's openinG remarks relative to the deadline dates.
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March §, 1991
County Attorney Cuyler replied that Assistant County Attorney
Student has reviewed all the Chapter 163 considerations and she con-
curs with 8taff's evaluation of same.
Ms. Arsenault stated that Collier County is the fastest growing
metropolitan area of the country. She indicated that her reading of
DCA's response letter relative to the Audubon Society's letter did not
specify that these regulations can be programmatically worked in.
She revealed that she is under the impression that each of these regu-
lations need to be looked at, noting that she questions staff decision
that these will be worked into the program.
County Attorney Cuyler explained that staff is not saying that
these do not need to be done, but the question ls manpower and
· deciding which should be done first and those that will be developed
Environmental Services Administrator Lorenz disclosed that the
Plan was adopted in January, 1989, and at that time, a budget was put
together for the next fiscal year and because of the need to cut
resources, his division was eliminated 8 positions. He noted that as
of December, he has staffed up ? of the 8 positions, and recovery
schedules are being developed with regard to habitat protection. He
explained that when the Environmental Policy Technical Advisory Board
is created, the first step will be the task of the Coastal Barrier
Management Plan and the Habitat Protection Ordinance.
Ms. Arsenault pointed out that DCA's letter states that the sche-
dule for the adopt]on of the required regulations 1s to be 120 days
from the date of receipt of the Department's initial letter which is
'February 5, 1991. She questioned why hearings are being scheduled for
October. since this is beyond the 120 days.
Mr. Lavetry advised that Chapter 9J-24 of the Florida
Administrative Code and Chapter 163 provide the County the option to
request DCA to extend the 120 day deadline upon showing evidence that
work has been done and work ~annot be physically accomplished to
complete the ordinance within that time frame. He reported that upon
OOO, : 17 Page 12
March 5, 1991
adoption of the schedule, a letter will be forwarded to DCA showing
what has been done and requesting an extension on the final adoption
Mr. Gary Beardsley stated that out of 25 objectives and polices
: that relate to LDRs, g were due in 1989, 25 were due in 1990 and 1 is
due this year. He called attention to Policy 1.1.i which states:
"By August 1, 1989, appoint and establish operation procedures for a
technical advisory committee to advise and assist the County in the
activities involved in the development and implementation of tile
County Environmental Resources Management Program." He remarked that
this still is not in place, noting that if a committee was in place
there would be citizen input on a professional level.
Commissioner Shanahan remarked that he feels that dates need to be
established to schedule reviews of the Goals, Objectives and Policies
that are past due to determine new dates that are realistic and
attainable. He questioned how quickly the things that need to be done
can be accomplished.
Mr. Lavetry advised that the schedule provided for the LDRs will
serve the immediate purposes for response to the Department. He noted
that he feels comfortable with the dates as provided. With regard to
other programs with adoption dates that were raised by members of the
public, he explained that the Growth Management Department is working
on the annual monitoring and evaluation report which determines the
status of every Objective and Policy in the Plan, and this will be
presented to the Commission as part of the annual update and inventory
report to seek direction to amend certain dates that cannot be met.
There were no other speakers.
C~lsetoner Shanahah moved, seconded by Commtastoner Volpe and
~mXTte~ 4/0, %O mppr~e the schedule for final adoption of L~d
~1opmt R~lattons as Mollie:
8rmllMl~ater Protection - Week of July 22 and August 5, 1991.
Ul~ifie~ Lan~ Developmen~ Jode - Week of September 30 and October
14, 1991.
Airport Nolee Zone Ordinance - Weak of April 15 and May 6, 1991.
Group Ho~ and Adult ConGra~ata Livln~ Facility Ordinance - Week
of April I and April 15, 1991.
Protection of historically si~ntficant propertte~ - Week of May 20
an~ Jnne 3, 1991.
March 5, 1991
C~msion~r Shanahah moved, seconded by Co~tssloner Volpe and
c~rried 4/0, to nthorize the Chalrm~ to submit a letter to ~A pro-
vi~ ~ scale infomtion.
Page 14
March 5, 1991
Recee~: 11:15 A.M. - Reconvaned: 11:25 P.M. at which
Deputy Clark Arrighi raplaced Deputy Clerk Hoffman
Environmental Services Administrator Lorenz gave a brief update
regarding the Solid Waste Mandatory Collection Program and provided
recommendations to help make the program self-sufficient. He noted as
· background that during F¥ 1989-1990 the Board acted on various propo-
sals to cause the implementation of mandatory solid waste collection
effective January, 1991. He advised that of the $4,033,770 which
should have been collected only $3,075,000 was collected which equates
~, ;..' to a 76.2% collection rate.
Solid Waste Director Fahey clarified that the single family rate
includes all homes with less than five units involved which includes
duplexes, etc. He affirmed that part of the collection problem now is
the fact that the process is in the start-up phase. He pointed out
' :. that 3000 errors in the billing roll have been corrected to which
,:~7'~ County Manager Dotrill concurred.
Solid Waste Department Superintendent Russell explained that the
3000 errors had mainly tc do with condominiums and townhouses, and he
:' added that all those bills have been mailed out. He advised that
~' ' billing is on improved property only. He affirmed that collection is
being handled by Environmental Services using the Property Appraiser,
,.. the Tax Collector, Development Services and the Finance Department
rather than creating a separate billing instrument. He informed that
approximately 200 new units are being brought on line per month which
brings the total units billed to about 40,000. He noted that new
· units are put on line after f~hey receive the certificate of occupancy.
Mr. Lorenz pointed out that this slmllar mandatory program in Lee
County is administered by fl!ve people. He emphasized that the start-
up alone of the subject profz?.m has slowed down the overall
Department's operations; and after some review of what will be routine
Page 15
~arch 5, 1991
· ~- activities for this program, two additional positions have been iden-
tified in order to implement the administration and billing of this
program. He noted that the specifics as to the type of work which
: will be performed is included in the executive summary. He advised
that the majority of the work for collections will be required during
the months of October through January with the rest of the months
available to maintain the current accounts and coordinate the new
In response to Commissioner Volpe, Mr. Lorenz explained that
although the Tax Collector handles the actual collection of the fees,
the inquiries and complaints from the public are handled by his
Mr. Russell advised that the Tax Collector handles primarily the
collection of the fees, but the problems are directed to the Solid
Waste Department who coordinates the necessary actions required to
solve the issue which is an extremely involved process. In response
:~;. tO Commissioner Hasse, Mr. Russe]l affirmed that a quarterly billing
will add time and labor to the collection process; however, it will be
a considerable benefit to the senior citizens and individuals on fixed
~'~'"::". incomes.
Commissioner Shanahan commented that one additional position seems
to be Justified, but feels that the other position should be reviewed
· ag&in in six months. Commissioner Volpe stated that the request for
both positions should be brought back for consideration at the time of
the establishment of FY 1991-1992 budget, unless the program is
: falling into a considerable shortfall.
In response to Commissioner Shanaban, Mr. Fahey informed that the
contract specifically cites the responsibilities of his department
.- which would be accomplished by the proposed two positions.
'~i'j Mr. Russell commented that it is the responsibility of the County
to assure that compliance i? met by the contractors.
Commissioner Shanahan pointed out that if a contracted carrier
i- does not pickup in his area, he is the one receiving the phone call,
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March §, 1991
'and he refers the call to the contracted carrier resulting in an
instantaneous response for the most part.
Commissioner Hasse commented that the public needs to be better
informed as to who to call with complaints and needs.
Mr. Fahey stated that the positions required are not intended to
be used as field inspectors, but rather to attend to the tremendous
amount of paperwork required to make the program work efficiently.
Mr. Lorenz reported that a great deal of time is spent by his
staff on the creation of the assessment roll and reacting to this
additional workload.
Oommtssloner Volpe suggested that there be cross training from
other departments where the workload is diminishing such as
of this possibility can be done; however, he pointed out the program
has been very time consuming for the existing staff, and now they must
correct a tremendous amount of errors that have been found in the
system which prevents them from providing the other services they are
responsible for.
:!.ii~ Gounty Manager Dotrill responded to Commissioner Shanahan by
.~:.:<' ·
'~i;::: .rating that no dir.ctlon h&s specifically b~en given by the Board to
' :?~:~ begin the process for quarterly billing which will create more admi-
nistrative work. !
Oom~ssloner Hasse remarked that he supports quarterly billing,
and added if staff cannot be interdepartmentally transferred for tem-
porary purposes, an additiohal position should be authorized.
Clerk Giles commented t~at in 1992 the subject fee will be part
of the t~.~ roll which will change the administration of the process
considerably; therefore, the current concerns may not be the same for
next year. He pointed out that if the direction is given now to
proceed with quarterly bill.t.g, then research needs to be given as to
how it can be billed on an annual tax bill, and ]f not on the tax bill
then consideration needs to be given to the issue of recording liens.
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March 5, 199!
Charlotte Westman, representing the League of Women Voters of
Collier County, stated thattthe League supports quarterly billing for
the Solid Waste Mandatory Gollection fee. She suggested in regards to
the requested two poslttonslthat a short term, temporary position be
created to help during the start-up period.
County Attorney Cu¥1er pointed out that the quarterly billing
decision is not part of thi~ agenda item, but rather staff
reqllesting additional positions based on their current situation. He
affirmed that an ordinance ~or quarterly billin9 has been drafted and
is in the process of revlewlfor preparation to present to the Board.
Commissioner Volpe suggested that the County Manager be directed
tO look into interim transfer of personnel to provide some relief to
the Solid Waste Department during the period of start-up. He added
that the complete issue of mandatory solid waste collection and the
responsibilities of the Solid Waste Department, the Tax Collector,
Property Appraiser and the franchisee be reviewed for consideration of
adjustment in the contract and the possibility of quarterly billing;
and be brought back before the Board.
County Manager Dotrill noted that he will evaluate the possibility
of interim transfer. In regards to quarterly billing, County Manager
Dotrill pointed out that there may be additional costs involved with
this method which will undoubtedly be paid by the customer. He
suggested that hardship cases be considered as well as the delinquent
accounts. He stated that the analysis requested can be brought back
before the Board in 30 days
In response to Commissioner Volpe, County Manager D~rz'ill com-
mented that the objective for the success of the Mandatory Solid
Waste Collection in regards to the issues of quarterly billing,
contract administration and responsibilities can be added to the
Strategic Plan to track for the remainder of the year.
Commissioner Goodnight ',cared that no motion is needed because
County Manager Dorrill has acknowledged the direction from the Board
and will bring the requested information back to the Board.
Page 18
'~'-'~ '~-' March 5, 1991
~ INi)T,,!CY I~)R ~ 1991-1992 - APPROVED AS AMgNDED
Commissioner Goodnight requested that the directions and guide/t-
nes given to staff regarding the FY 1991-1992 budget be followed and
not changed by the Board during the the budget workshop in July as has
happened in the past.
OMB Director Mike McNees informed that there are seven general
areas where budget policy recommendations will be presented. He noted
that the first consideration is regarding limits on appropriations.
He advised that the recommendation is to apply a 7.5% limit for the
personal service appropriations which includes funding for pay for the
performance program at the current level, funding for the pay plan
adjustments based on market place surveys annually, and a 1% increase
for retirement contributions for each employee which is a State man-
date. He stated that the recommendation for all other operating
expenses is that they be capped at a 5% inflationary increase. He
added that an increase of $10.00 per month per employee for employee
contribution to dependent medical coverage is also proposed.
In response to Clerk Giles, Mr. McNees informed that the average
pay increase for the year works out at 7.6%.
Commissioner Volpe stated that more adjustments need to be made
regarding salary increases and that perhaps the cost of living be used
as a base.
M~. McNees Informed that an annual review is conducted as to the
County pay adjustments compared with other cities, and it is found
that a 2% adjustment should be made which is included in the proposed
limitation of 7.5%.
Commissioner Goodnight pointed out that the pay for performance
system seems to be very successful, and suggested that the recommen-
dation be to stay with it rzther than using the cost of living as
basis for pay adjustments.
County Manager Dorrtll clarified that the 7.5% funding for payroll
for the Board's office includes 4.5% funding for pay for performance,
Page 19
March 5, 1991
2~ funding for maintenance and pay plan adjustments, and 1% funding
for the Florida retirement. He explained that the pay for performance
structure is based on 0% increase for needs improvement; 5% increase
for satisfactory, 7.5% increase for above average, and 10~ increase
for outstanding.
Administrative Services Administrator Ochs explained that the
market survey is from the Florida Public Personnel Association and is
a project survey for FY 1991-1992. He related that there are pay
&dJustments for 324 positions anticipated in FY 1991-1992.
Commissioner Volpe expressed concern with the 2% funding for pay
plan ad3ustments because he feels that the County employees are paid
competitively. He suggested that a lesser number be derived and set
aside with its use to be determined at a later time.
Commissioner Shanahan commented that salary maintenance is very
important for the success of operations.
Commissioner Goodnight suggested that when the pay plan is pro-
vided to the Constitutional Officers, the ?.5% is specifically
detailed to point out that 1% of this is mandatory for each employees'
~etirement plan, and the rest can be for merit raises or pay adjust-
ment increases to be used at their discretion.
Commissioner Volpe pointed out that some of the Constitutional
Officers did not receive the maintenance ad3u~tment last year and the
Board needs to prepare itself for this discussion.
Clerk Giles commented that he hopes it is the intent of the Board
not to deviate from the plan for the ?.§~ for FY 1991-1992. He
questioned what is meant by other operating expenses. Mr. McNees
~esponded that operating expenses include capital expenses and all
expense~ not involved with salaries.
In regards to expanded service requests, Mr. McNees recommended
that as a matter of policy t.~ey be allowed when a current operating
expense is being eliminated releasing moneys for another expanded ser-
vice or if there is a new revenue source or growth revenue that would
fund a specific expanded service.
Page 20
March 5, 1991
In response to questions regarding the projected revenue for FY
1991-1992, Mr. McNees informed that for purposes of the proposed eva-
· luatton an assumption was made of flat reassessments and a 4% increase
for new construction.
Mr. McNees recommended that the limitations be applied to all
County agencies whose budgets are reviewed by the Board of County
Mr. McNees stated that the second consideration deals with man-
dated funding for non-County agencies. He recommended that the Board
request these agencies' budget submittals specify what portion of
the budget request results from a State or Federal mandated cost and
what is discretionary. He pointed out that this will provide the
Board with the proper information to make a decision on requests for
funding over what is mandated.
County Manager Dotrill clarified that the mandated services will
show on the budget as required funding and all new requests will show
as expanded services. Mr. McNees pointed out that a cap is not being
.proposed to these agencies.
Commissioner Volpe suggested that a cap should be established for
: :!!11 .. the non-mandated requests; however, Commissioner Shanahan suggested
that the agencies be told that the County will fund only mandated
'.. requests. Commissioner Shanahan emphasized that if there are requests
by these agencies for additional funding, they should be scrutinized
very carefully based on comn~unity need.
The third consideration, Mr. McNees explained is to continue to
levy one mill for non-CIE c~pital improvements with limited ability at
the Board's discretion for leverage in lease purchases or other finan-
cial needs.
Commissioner Volpe comm~,~ted that he is in favor of continuing the
one mill; however, does not feel it should be used as leverage for
borrowing. He added that this fund should remain as pay-as-you-go.
Mr. McNees noted that the intent of the policy is to provide
Page 21
March 5, 1991
flexibility for the shortfall requirements.
Mr. McNees Informed that proposed policy four is a restatement of
a current policy regardinG impact fees arid uger fees which would maxi-
mize these fees to their fullest level.
Regarding proposed policy five, Mr. McNees advised that this is an
Indirect Cost Allocation Plan by which costs that are incurred by the
general fund can be allocated to various enterprise special revenue
funds who receive benefit. He recommended that the Board review and
revise this plan as necessary.
Clerk Giles q~estioned if the proposed Indirect Cost Allocation
Plan would be brought before the board after its review for separate
adoption because it shows the specific costs incurred from other
departments' budgets which drive up indirect costs. Mr. McNees
affirmed that this can be brought back for separate adoption.
Mr. McNees stated that proposed policy six is to ask the Board to
continue with its contract services such as landscaping.
Commissioner Volpe questioned if these are personal services
contracts to which Mr. McNees concurred.
County Manager Dotrill pointed out that it is proposed that the
contracts will be reviewed and continued where they prove to be cost
effective; but if found a project can be accomplished for less funding
in-house, then the contract would be eliminated.
Mr. McNees explained that proposed policy seven is a suggestion to
create a general fund reserve for cash flow of $1.5 million which will
be in excess of the 5% contingency reserve.
In response to Clerk Giles, Mr. McNees informed that he does not
foresee that any cash will need to be borrowed during the first month
or so of the year because the Budget Office and the Finance Department
will work together in the transferring of funds. Finance Director
Yonkosky stated that there a.~,r:uld be $8 million available in reserve
at the beginning of the year. Mr. McNees stated that in the worst case
the County would have to borrow $1 million to $3 million for the first
month or two of the year. Mr. Yonkosky suggested that the Board
Page 22
March 5, 1991
address a policy to direct finance and staff to prepare to borrow the
money because the County will not be able to borrow money on December
30 for January. Mr. McNees stated that the Budget Office and Finance
Department can work out a plan to handle this situation.
In response to Commissioner Volpe, Clerk Giles informed that in
August or September a Joint cash management plan from the Budget
Office and Finance Department will be submitted to the Board for con-
County Manager Dotrill suggested that the $1.5 million cash flow
be left as a policy and consider the cash management plan separately.
Clerk Giles noted that it is likely that there will be some
borrowing necessary, and if the money is borrowed from other funds,
then people are being taxed because they have less interest earnings
to off-set ad valorem tax increases they may receive in subsequent
Chief Gall Addison, of the Sheriff's Office, stated that she
received the budget policy last week. She explained that after
reviewing the policy, she believes that the Sheriff's Office can live
with same, with a few exceptions.
Ms. Addison reported that there is legislation pending that may
result with paying retirement on education incentive pay which would
effect her department by $90,000. In addition, she noted that
legtelstton is pending to increase the amount per mile and the per
diem is expected to increase from $50 per day to $66 per day. She
advised that there are workers compensation lssues which may have an
adverse effect. She indicated that the Sherlff's Office will try and
live within the 7.5%, but this will not be possible unless these
legislative moves change that.
Commissioner Goodnight c3:plained that the Commission will have no
choice re~ardtnG anything that is mandated by the Legislature. She
noted that if the Legislation does pass, the Commission will be
required to fund these things. She indicated that these items would
"" March 5, 1991
be funded separately. She reported that the Sheriff is to have his
budget in by May 1 and suggested that it be presented without the man-
dates and during the later part of May or 3une, the mandates will be
Ms. Addison affirmed that she does not believe that the property
casualty insurance allocation method is in the best interest of the
Sheriff's Office and requested that her department be included in any
policy decisions with regard to how these are allocated. She revealed
that she understands that these are allocated out based on the
operating budget versus the actual square footage of the building.
Administrative Services Administrator Ochs advised that the allo-
¢&tion for casualty insurance Is based on the net operating budget,
and the allocation for property insurance for the coming year will be
based on square footage instead of net operatlng budget.
Ms. Addison reported that the initial premium notification has
been increased from $216,000 this year to over $300,000 for next year.
Commissioner Goodnight suggested that Mr. Ochs work with Ms.
Addison to resolve this issue and that any problems that cannot be
resolved be brought back to the Commission.
In answer to Commissioner Volpe, Ms. Addison advised that the
Sheriff's Office does not have a Pay for Performance Plan, noting that
' there is a 5% Step Plan. She indicated that some of the people that
have reached the top of their range received a one time bonus of 4%
and they receive a 6% step increase on their anniversary. She
explained that the Sheriff is trying to keep expanded services at a
Public Health Unit Business Manager Evans stated that it appears
that additional funding, with regard to specific program areas, that
has been brought to the Comm~ssion's attention in the past, will now
have to stand up to the requ_rement versus mandate.
Commissioner Shanahan recalled that the Commission indicated that
State mandated programs would be funded but nothing more than what was
funded for 1991, above the state mandate would be funded.
Page 24
March 5, 1991
Commissioner Volpe suggested that Mr. Evans break out the programs
that are mandated by the state to be funded and those that are not.
Mr. Evans reported that the references to mandate associated with
public health programs are less specific than realized. He noted that
personal health programs are included in F.S. and the Florida
Administrative Code in a comprehensive manner as opposed to specific
program elements and it is the comprehensiveness of this program which
makes it work. He indicated that to defund any element of this, will
make the program less effective. He suggested that the budget office,
County Attorney's office, and the Health Unit get together and define
what may be considered a workable definition.
Mr. Evans affirmed that the State is making specific efforts with
regard to cost reductions in the HRS system and is very carefully
sparing the health side of the organization. He revealed that they
are almost making a commitment to not impact the service delivery
areas and instead to focus its reduction of costs and overhead on the
higher levels of management.
Commissioner Goodnight advised that the Commission will fund 100~
of the State mandates but suggested that anything over that be brought
back to the Board. She indicated that the budget office has been
informed that there is the possibility that 100% of the level which
was funded in the 90/91 budget will be funded. She explained that the
Gommisston will meet with the various public agencies to determine
which are the most .important programs to the people of Collier County.
Dr. Jane Polkowski, Public Health Unit Director, stated that she
Just returned from a District level meeting and will be going to
Tallahassee to review the budget issue. She reiterated Mr. Evans com-
ments regarding the emphasis on reducing at the management level and
the higher levels, but attel:i:ttng to keep the money at the service
level where the people need it.
Mr. George Keller, President Collier County Civic Federation,
stated that he hopes the final analysis of this year's budget does not
exceed the total of last year's budget. He related that this year's
000PA6[ 3~ Page 25
sales t~L~ receipts and gas taxes may decrease.
March 5, 1991
He indicated that he
does not believe that the general public will accept a 7.5% increase
in personal services, noting that the state Government will be laying
off 3,000 employees and the School Board is threatening to lay off 300
teachers. He related that he does not believe that anyone will be in
favor of increasing ad valorem taxes and he doubts that the Commission
will be increasing service charges, i.e. road and water fees. In
addition, he revealed that he does not agree that all employees should
receive a 4.5% increase since many of these people will be happy to
keep their Jobs and work at their present rate.
In answer to Commissioner Volpe, Mr. McNees explained that if a
Reserve Account is increased by $1.5 million, measures can be taken
now to offset what may be harder economic times in the future. He
d~sclosed that based on the information at hand today, and with no
more than a 6% increase over the rollback tax rate, there is the abi-
lity to do the things as proposed by increasing the reserves a bit and
be p~epared for next year. He noted that the affec~ of the hiring
freeze will improve the increase over the rollback number.
Mr. McNees stated that Supervisor of Elections Morgan disclosed
that the~e will be a numbe~ of special elections in Fiscal 1992 and
~e~ested that the Commission be sympathetic ~n this regard if she is
not able to meet these policies.
For purposes of clarification, Mr. McNees inquired as to whether
the Co~tsslon ls accepting the first recommendation with the caveat
~hat the 2% for pay plan adjustments may be up for further discussions
Co~sstoner Volpe replied that he ls not supportive of the 2~ as
Commissioner Goodnight %~ggested that in early April, staff bring
the available information back to the Commission with respect to the
C~mm~ms~on~ Shanahah moved, seconded by Commissioner Goodnight
· ~ad cax~ed S/1 (Co~isstoner Vol~ op~sed), that the first ~dget
N~rch 5, 199!
policy b~ ~dopted with the ?.5~ Including the 2~ and the 5~ for lnfla-
ti~, with the caveat that the 2~ is open for further consideration,
which gives the Coalssion the flexibility of removing sa~e.
Commissioner S~a moved, seconded by Conlssloner Hesse ~d
~i~ 4/0, to adopt the second ~dget poll~ ~tth verbiage added to
~ tb~ ~cia at a ~i~, of the act;el 1991 adopted ~dget
~ssl=er S~~ =v~d, seconded ~ Coalsstoner ~sse ~d
c~lg 1/1 (Coatesloner Vol~ opposed), that budget ~1tctes 3
t~ T ~ MopPed u reco~nded ~ staff.
Co~tsstoner Volpe advised that one of these policies Include the
1 mill capital improvement levy and he is no~ in suppor~ of same.
Coatsstoner Volpe suggested that a policy be set with respect to
the contract agencies, noting that if the County is not in a position
to fund these, they will begin to look at other alternatives. He
disclosed that the Productivity Committee recommended that these agen-
Cies be eliminated but muggeared that rather than eliminating same
that there be a cap amount ~tth an express policy that the Commission
is beginning to phase out the funding of these contract agencies.
Co~ty Manager Dotrill advised that $185,142 in these funds was
received by 12 agencies this current budget year, and the fibre for
next year is $204,000.
Commissioner Shanahan suggested that $185,000 be programmed for
this year, $1OO,000 for next year, and no funding after that.
County Manager Dotrill explained that funding to these agencies
'~'.~'".. range from $3,000 to the County Forester, $30,000 for Project HELP,
and $46,000 for the Soil and Water Conservation District. He indi-
cated that if two years no~ ~ :e is given with $150,000 in funding this
year, they can be phased beginning with the following year.
~ion~r Volpe ~oved, seconded by Coatestoner Hose, to adopt
a bu~t policy for FY 91/92 that funding for contract agencies be
' li~itedto $150,000.
Page 2 ?
March 5, 1991
Commissioner Goodnight revealed that she feels that the funding to
the Forester is very important, considering the number of fires that
have taken place in the County over the past few years; and the Soil
and Water Conservation District money is used for office staffinG that
the state does not provide for and they have provided a soil survey
for the County and they help in water management conservation areas.
She stated that she prefers to look at the individual programs since
many are essential but to say that those budgets will be reduced may
ultimately affect the County.
for the question, the motion carried 3/1 (Co--tsstoner
· '~ Recess 3:25 P.M. - Reconvened 3:25 P.M.
In summarizing the last item, County Manager Dotrill stated that
the Board has previously given staff instructions relating to ad
valorem taxes and special assessments or fees which may be on tax
bills. He cited an example of a house that is assessed at $150,000
aiTd qualifies for the homestead exemption: taxable value of the house
is $125,000. He pointed out that the school board's taxes are almost
twice the amount of the county-wide taxes.
County Manager Dorrill called attention to what next year's tax
bill may look like in the event of a $35.00 County-wide road
assessment in con3unction with the increased impact fees, a $3.50
Stormwater Utility assessment and a $99 Solid Waste Fee assessment.
He explained that the total assessments would be $176 that would be a
30% increase over the County-wide taxes that are fees attributable to
the Board of County Commissioners. He reported that he believes that
the Stormwater Utility charge will need some closer scrutiny as a
result of the rate increase, and the County-wide road assessment seems
a bit high. He noted that ~.,; is trying to prepare the Commission for
the shook value that may take place later in the summer
Com~missioner Volpe suggested that the Stormwater Utility be billed
through Mr. Arnold's division on a monthly basis. Commissioner
Goodnight indicated that the people in Golden Gate Estates, Marco,
Page 28
March §, 1991
Immokalee, and Everglades do not receive a bill [rom Mr. Arnold's
:'~,,i. Utility Department.
County Manager Dorrtll reported that 25% of the people who live in
the unincorporated area of the County receive a County water/sewer
bill. He explained that the only other acceptable method would be to
include this as part of the current third party billing that is being
done for mandatory garbage collection.
,' . In answer to Commissioner Hasse, Mr. Dorrill advised that the
~'::'>:"Commission previously instructed staff to come back with alternatives
for mandatory collection. He remarked that he will continue to sup-
port that being included on the tax bill for no other reason than the
high percentage collection rate. He affirmed that typically 97% of ad
valorem taxes are collected and the balance goes to certificate sale
and the rest of the money is obtained through the certificate process.
Commissioner Volpe pointed out that the Tax Collector already has
a mechanism for quarterly billings for solid waste and suggested that
0ou31ty Manager Dotrill explore the possibility of utilizing this
Assistant County Manager McLemore recalled that in June, 1990, the
~ .:' Commission took action to succeed to the principal functions and
->.111/ dutie~ of the Pelican Bay Improvement District (PBID). He announced
:- that decision was based upon two findings: At that time, the
'' leadership of the District was moving in the direction of making dect-
stone that were not compatible with the County's long range plan of
development, particularly a3 it relates to regionalized water and
sewer; and the County could .in fact provide services as economically
and efficiently as the District, itself. He noted that these findings
were prope~ and consistent with law and the Commission did in fact
succeed to the functions of the District,
Mr. McLemore reminded the Commission, that in October, 1990,
Page 29
March 5, 1991
favorable Final Summary Judgement was obtained relative to the
challenges of the Board's right to succeed to the principal functions
of the PBID. He advised that this Judgement was appealed by the
Complainants and still remains in the process of litigation. He noted
that the Dissolution Plan is being presented at this time since there
is a Bill which provides for a referendum relative to the question of
incorporation. He remarked that this could lead to the capture of the
water/sewer utility which would be detrimental to the long range plan
of the County to operate a regionallzed utility system. He stated
that there is no reason for the District to exist, parallel to general
purpose government since the County has demonstrated the ability to
provide these services.
Mr. McLemore explained that the lease arrangement in the Sun Bank
Building has been extended through February, 1992 but if the Board
determines not to continue the maintenance of that local office,
everything will be integrated with the County staff and that office
will be closed. He noted that this would result in $75,000 worth of
overhead savings, i.e. rent, light bills and management.
County Manager Dorrill indicated that some of the programs offered
at the Pelican Bay Beach Pavilion, and the recreational complex are
ftznded by the Foundation of Pelican Bay and will not be affected as a
result of anything that the County is doing. He related that the
0olanty is responsible for the existing maintenance building at the
Sewage Treatment Plant site.
In response to Commissioner Volpe, County Manager Dorri]l advised
that staff is in the process of evaluatin9 the Utility Division
computer needs and looking at alternatives of application with the
Clerk, and noted that he is hopeful that everything will be trans-
ferred to that system.
"~n answer to Commissioner Volpe, Assistant County Attorney Lawson
advised that there is an agreement that states that the responsibility
for providing potable water to Pelican B~y wi]] be assumed by the
County and the Collier County Water Sewer District.
Page 30
March 5, 1991
Assistant County Attorney Lawson disclosed that the agenda packet
includes two resolutions containing a series of findings by the
Governing Body of the Pelican Bay Improvement District and other fin-
dines by the Governin~ Body of Collier County and Collier County Water
Sewer District. He revealed that the resolutions identify exactly
what the County will be doing.
Mrs. Berrie Gulacsik stated that in the 1970's, the Florida
Statutes allowed formulation of the Pelican Bay District. She
remarked that it was stated, at that time, that when the County could
provide the utilities for the PBID, they would be transferred to
Gollier Gounty. She noted that the District could not furnish itself
sufficient water and was buying same from the City of Naples. She
related that this indicates that Pelican Bay cannot take care of their
water or sewage needs and they are in the County's ReGional Utilities
District. She declared that she believes that the time has come for
the dissolution of that District, and for the County to take over
those utilities.
Mrs. Oharlotte Westman, representing herself and the League of
Women Voters of Collier County, read to the Commission a letter dated
March 2, 1991, addressed to The Honorable Fred C. Jones, State
Representative Chairman of the Community Affairs Committee,
Tallahassee. She called attention to Concern #2 of the letter which
notes the following: long term position of the League supports the
establishment of a County-Wide publicly owned water/sewer system; the
Pelican Bay System lies com~letely within the Collier County System
and has outgrow its usefulness; a Regional System has been designed
and structured favorable to all residents, rate payers and land owners
in Pell~an Bay Improvement District and the Collier County Water/Sewer
District; a water agreement 'Jr November, 1986, between Collier County,
City of Naples and Pelican Bay states that the County will provide
water to Pelican Bay, no later than November, 1991; the PBID plant
works best at .7 MGD but they were over-pumping and had insufficient
plant capacity; and the continued study has strengthened the League's
Page 31
~arch 5, 199!
support for County ownership of the PBID facilities.
In summary, Mrs. Westman advised that the League supports the
establishment of a sewer system of regional scope and encourages the
Commission to adopt the plan of d~ssolution and to bring the regional
plan into factual activity.
Assistant County Attorney Lawson stated that the first resolution
to be adopted contains "PBID" at the top of the first page. He noted
that this resolution dissolves the District from the Charter, effec-
tive at such time as the Board of County Commissioners acting as the
Governing Board of Collier County Water/Sewer District accepts that
~stoner $har~mhmn moved, seconded by Commissioner Hasse and
c~%-rte~d 4/0, that Resolution 91-216 be adopted.
Coall~mli~ntr $hmnahan ~oved, seconded by Coeumis~ioner Huse and
..~x~'~ &/O, TJ~lt Re~olution 91-217 be adopted.
Page 32
March 5, 1991
~- aas~s - APPXOV~D
County Attorney Cuyler advised that the final stages of the
challenge on the Growth Management Plan are qu!ckly approaching. He
noted that the Administrative Hearings will b~.. onducted very soon.
He explained that Mr. Merrill has coordinated with legal staff on man,.y
occasions and he is extremely familiar with the Comprehensive Plan
and Land Development Regulations.
County Attorney Cuyler asked that the Commission approve his
recommendation for the Chairman to execute the Continuing Retention
Agreement with the law firm of Icard, Merrill, Cul]is, Ttmm, Furen &
.': Ginsberg, P.A. for legal services to be provided to the County on an
~iuloner $hanahan moved, seconded by Commissioner Hasse and
CaXT~ed 3/0 (Co~mt~sioner Goodnight out of the room), to approve the
: l~s~s~!~tto~ of ¢ouaty Attorney ~u¥1er.
Page 33
March 5, 1991
County Attorney Cuyler explained that this is an unusual item.
indicated that this item was heard on Februar'/ 19, 1991, and it
appears that as part of the discussion, the Commission had in fact
made a motion approving this item with a 3/2 vc~,, (Commissioners Volpe
and Saunders opposed). He disclosed that the Clerk to the Board has
advised that in reviewing the tapes, there is a lot of discussion
relative to a motion, but there is some question as to whether the
motion was actually taken.
County Attorney Cuyler requested that a motion be made to adopt
.the resolution, authorizing the issuance of Collier County Bonds not
to exceed $15,000,000, as presented o~: February 19, 1991.
O~mm/s~i~r Shanahah moved, seconded by Commissioner Hasse ud
carried 3/~ (¢oB~/ssioner Volpe opposed), to confirm the previous vote
~ut3mor~zing $15,000,000 Collier County, Florida, Tourist Development
and that the issuance of the Bond Resolution does
~t ~it ~ B~ard of County Commissioners to issum"'.ce of the bonds
or to m~F ~neral or specific baseball pro3ect. The purpose of the
~Frovml of th~ Bond Resolution is to commence the bond validation
p~~n~ auld to assure that the Board of County Commissioners has
· ~ le~ml nthori~y to Issue the bonds at such future date as the
~ ~ ~r~riate.
Finance Director Yonkosky requested that Budget Amendments
91-106/107 and 91-112 be adopted.
Commissioner Volpe.questioned the expense coming out of the
General Fund for the demolition of the Copeland water tower.
they authorized the destruction and removal of the tower. He indi-
Page 34
Finance Director Yonkosky stated that staff felt there was an
emergency and a threat to the health of the citizens in that area and
March 5, 1991
cared that the budget amendn .nt as presented is to move the money out
of General Fund Reserves lnt! a line item in the budget to pay for
Commissioner Volpe reca~
was an issue with regard to
emergency was. He noted
,ed that when this situation came up there
~ho's responsibility it was and what the
the amount of the expenditure exceeds
the $6,000 amount which the County Manager is authorized to approve.
He indicated that Mr. McLemore has requested that the County Attorney
place a lien on that property to make sure that the County is reim-
bursed. He questioned the likelihood of being reimbursed for the
$9,000 that was expended.
Gounty Attorney Cuyler advised that he has asked the same
question, and noted that one of his assistants is currently reviewing
the manner by which the lien will be placed and the chances of
collecting that lien. Commissioner Volpe replied that the likelihood
of recovering the $9,900 is slim and none, and therefore will not sup-
port this budget amendment.
County Manager Dotrill pointed out that he thought that
discussions were held with the Board well in advance of this issue.
He indicated that the ulti.,~le legal responsibility as to who is to
pay, is a legal matter, but the County has the immediate respon-
sibility to abate a public nuisance that has been certified to be a
threat to life and safety and this was done as a result of the fire
that occurred at this facility. He advised that the fire chief cer-
tified this as an unsafe structure and an inspection was performed by
a structural engineer who indicated that the water tower had been
weakened as a result of the fire. He reported that the tower was also
a threat to a County road right-of-way and as a result, noted that he
authorized the emergency work order.
Gounty Manager Dotrill disclosed that quotes were taken to remove
the tower, as communicated to the Commission via inter-office
correspondence, confirming conversations with each Commissioner, and
staff is now seeking money from the Reserve Fund. He remarked that he
Page 35
March 5, 1991
is not overly anxious to recover all the money if the lien is
foreclosed since the value of the parcel, for tax purposes is about
Commissioner Shanahen affirmed that he authorized the action since
he felt that this was an emergency and this was an action that had to
be taken. He noted that he has no problem with the budget amendment
and acknowledged that the Commission received a letter outlining the
entire situation and substantiating the telephone conversations.
Commissioner Volpe recalled that he voiced his opposition, early
on, when it was suggested that this was some type of an emergency and
whose responsibility it was since this was private property. He indi-
cated that he continues to question whether it was the County's
responsibility to step in and actually remove the tower at its
Commissioner Hesse suggested that staff attempt to recover the
C~sione~ Shanahen ~oved, seconded by Coamissione~ Hume and
ca~ed 3/1 (Co~a~mmione~ Volpe opposed), to approve the expenditu~e
of $9,~OO for th~ Copeland eater Tower, and that Budget ~nd~ent
91-112 b~ gopt~d.
(k:~dmaton~r Shanahen moved, seconded by Coatsstoner Hmmse and
~~ 4/0, that Budget &~end~ents 91-106/107 be adopted.
~:~ 91-95; 91-99/102; 91-104/105; 91-108; &ND 91-111 -
C~d~ton~r Shanahen moved, seconded by Commissioner Hume and
.~:~ ~1~ ,/O,.th~t Budget &~end~mnts 91-95; 91-99/102; 91-104/105;
:-, ~ ~.~ ~SOL~ION 91-14 - ~D
C~111ami~ton~r Shanahah moved, seconded by Commissioner Hasme and
carried ,/0, that Budget A~end~ent Resolution 91-14 be adopted.
Page 36
March 5, 1991
~/II~ION $UBGRJLI~T AWARD g1-c$-28-09-21-01-036 -
Lieutenant Byron Tomlinson of the Sheriff's Office, explained
that this item Is a request to revise the budget line item as pre-
viously approved on 10/9/90, for the Enforcement/Apprehension Subgrant
Award 91-CJ-28-09-21-01-036 to establish a separate cost center for
The Naples Police Department portion of this Grant.
Lieutenant Tomlinson stated that the original budget for the
Enforcement/Apprehension Grant referenced in this modification was
approved on the October 9 1990 Consent Agenda. He advised that this
request is to accommodate record keeping for each segment of the
{uton~r $h~nahan moved, seconded by Commie~ioner Volpe and
~1~ 4/0, to a~rove the r~ts~ ~dget uenaent for ~force~nt/
A~t~ ~~t i~d 91-0J-28-09-21-01-036.
Co~tsstoner VolDe requested an update on the South County
Wastewater Treatment Plant
County Manager Dorrill stated that the repairs as reflected in the
change order approved last week will be completed at the end of this
week. He indicated that the interpasses have been repaired and the
Sewage Treatment Plant is in service. He reported that the general
contractor is on schedule. He explained that the civil engineering
firm has not been paid since November and $250,000 of their fee is
being held as leverage, per the advice of the special attorney who is
handling the potential situation of litigation.
Commissioner Goodnight reminded the Commission that next Tuesday,
March 12, 1991, is the "Know Your County Government" 4-H luncheon and
the Commission will ad3ourn around noon and reconvene at 1:00 P.M.
Commissioner Goodnight requested that the Board recognize the
military troops that will soon be returning home. She suggested that
Page 37
March 5, 1991
the support groups be contacted to advise when the soldiers will be
coming home on leave and that they be recognized at the Tuesday
Commission meetings.
County Manager Dorrlll stated that staff could ascertain through
the Veterans Service Office who might be coming home. He indicated
that he will explore this issue. He noted that two of Collier
County's employees will also be returning from the Middle East.
Commissioner Shanahan advised that since the beginning of the war,
a support group on Marco Island has been putting up yellow ribbons,
and in conjunction with same, they wanted to display American flags
from the 12 light poles across the Marco Island Bridge. He reported
that this group has run into a number of obstacles with respect to the
3' x 5'. flags since the State has indicated that there are a number of
things that must be adhered to. He requested that the County be the
entity to put the flags up and support the group. He referred to a
letter from the State which says: "Requirements - (A) Agreement bet-
ween a responsible group or entity and the Department (FDOT); (B)
an agreement with a government entity would not require special liabi-
lity insurance; (C) time frame, maintenance, removal specs, hardware
and materials, method of c~c,;tion, traffic control provisions." He
advised that the group has worked out arrangements with the Sheriff's
Office and the Fire Department, but the state has put these roadblocks
up which preclude them from erecting the flags. He noted that it
would be a remarkable accomplishment to see those flags draped over
the bridge, in support of the troops returning home.
Commissioner Hasse stated that he supports this idea completely
and suggested that the Fire Department erect the flags.
Commissioner Shanahan suggested that this item be placed on next
week's agenda.
County Attorney Cuyler stated that he will advise as to the
insurance, and liability.
· ''~ Cc~misstoner Shanaban ~mved, seconded by Coalssioner
~d c~x~ied 4/0, that the following Items under the consent agenda
~ ~ and/or adopted:
OB 000
Page 38
M~'¢h 5~ 1991
.-~&1~.&~lD-~l~)t /~l~lt~ IN 'PL&RT&TZON' AND RELE&SING ~AIIlTE/~CE
See Page /~
See Page //~
The watel' and sewer facilities to serve the project cannot be
placed into service and no Certificate of Occupancy shall be
issued until the Florida Department of Enuironmental
Regulation furnishes a letter authorizing the placement of
the sewer system into service and approving the water distri-
bution system for service.
2. Bacteriological testing has met the County's requirements.
The fire flow requirements of the project have been
satisfied, and the Fire District furnishes a letter accepting
the fire hydrant for ownership and maintenance.
OR Book ~ Pages
See Pages /// ,* // ~)
Accept the Irrevocable Letter of Credlt as securlty for
maintenance of the infrastructure until the Board of County
Commissioners grants final acceptance of all improvements.
Authorize the recording of the final plat of "Riverwood East,
Unit 4, Phase III."
Authorize the Chairman to execute the attached Maintenance
Agreement for Preliminary Acceptance and Resolution
authorizing preliminary acceptance.
Preliminary acceptance of the improvements will not become
effective until water and sewer facilities have been conveyed
to Collier County Water-Sewer District.
See Pages / /~ /~/
Page 39
The water facilities to serve the project cannot be placed
into service and no Certificate of Occupancy shall be issued
until the Florida Department of Environmental Regulation fur-
nishes a letter authorizing the placement of the sewer system
into service and approving the water distribution system for
Bacteriological testing has met the County's requirements.
The fire flow requirements of the project have been
satisfied, and the Fire District furnishes a letter accepting
the fire hydrant for ownership and maintenance.
The Plat Book and page number information for the recorded
plat is incorporated in the legal documents.
OR Book /~ Pages ~
See Pages
See Pages
County perform detailed inspection by street, and provide a
cost estimate of in-house work (employee/equipment/material)
and cost estimate of contract work.
Based upon the estimates outlined above, Farm Workers Village
will be issued an invoice for the value of the contract work.
Upon receipt, the County Housing Authority should make a
security payment in the amount of the estimate.
Upon receipt of the above-noted security by Collier County,
Collier County Transportation Services shall proceed with the
road repairs as estimated by the County and approved by the
County Housing Authority. Upon completion of the work, the
County will render an invoice for the total amount less the
amount previously deposited with Collier County.
Item Jl~a
000 PArdi I04 Page 40
See Pa e.]22'
~arch 5, 1991
See Page
-T~*.*~ ....~'~ ~. 1 ~ ~ ~ CO~CT WI~ HIL~ P~T CO.
~.', ~ ~ ~ $22,248
: ~1:~S~=1~~~'S OFFICE
No. 259 Dated 02/19/91
NO. 191 Dated 02/06/91
No. 155 Dated 02/20/91
No's ?9/82 Dated 02/12 - 02/22/91
~T~&'-~ T~ POR I~ NO~S. 43513, 16922, 66710, 69842, 5~284,
85998~"85~60~ 31610~ 43875~ 60060, 35625~ ~ 52847
Page 41
March 5, 1991
Thm following miscellaneous correspondence was filed and/or
referred to the various departments as indicated below:
Letter dated 2/19/91 to Chairman from Maeve Reddin,
Executive Director, Area Agency on Aging of South Central
Florida, Inc., re required annual fiscal monitoring report
for Collier County Services for Seniors. Filed.
2 o
Financial Statements dated 9/30/89 for the East Naples Fire
Control and Rescue District, as prepared by Wentzel, Berry,
Bartlett & Swope, P.A. Filed.
Annual Financial Report of Units of Local Government 1990/
East Naples Fire Control & R(~scue District for Fiscal Year
Ended September 30, 1990. Filed.
Department of Law Enforcement Administrative Services Bureau,
from Susan M. Usher, CPA, Senior Accountant/Deputy Clerk,
with attached quarterly report of activity within the
Confiscated Property Trust Fund. Filed.
Public Notice dated 2/8/91 from Department of the Army
District Corps of Engineers, re Permit Application No.
90IPK-00193, re project located between Sand Dollar Island
and Marco Island. xc: Nell Dotrill, Harry Huber and filed.
CC of letter dated 2/19/91 to Mr. Jack G. McKenna, Agnoli,
Barber & Brundage. ~nc., from Bertil A. Hetmer, Chief, South
Permits Branch re application submitted on behalf of Collier
County for proposed work on the Goodlette-Frank Road
Extension. xc: Netl Dotrill, George Archibald and filed.
Letter and agenda dated 2/6/91 to Hall of Fame Member from
Joe DeSalvo, Executive Director, Florida Sports Hall"hi Fame
and Ron Stafford, Director, Florida Sports Foundation. xc:
Neil Dorrill, Commissioner Goodnight and filed.
Letter dated 2/12/91 to BCC Chairman re Collier County-WRR,
File ~111923785 from Jon M. Iglehart, Environmental
Specialist, Department of Environmental Regulation. xc:
Nell Dorrlll, Frank Brutt, Bill Lorenz and filed.
Letter dated 2/18/91 to BCC Chairman re Collier County-WRR,
File #11926265, from John M. Iglehart, Environmental
Specialist, Department of Environmental Regulation. xc:
Neil Dotrill, Harry Huber (map), and filed.
Memo dated 2/14/91, to "Distribution List", re Summary
Report: Impact of the Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Grant
Program, from Larry Schneider, Program Administrator, EMS,
Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services. xc: Nell
Dotrill, Jay Reardon and filed.
Letter dated 2/11/91 to Commissioner Goodnight from David L.
Ferrell, Field Supervisor, U.S. Department of the Interior,
Fish and Wildlife Service, re the consideration of approving
March 5, 1991
improvement of access into the Golden Gate Estates South
Blocks. xc: Neil Dotrill, Frank Brutt, Bill Lorenz and
CC to BCC of letter dated 2/12/91 to Richard Dubois,
President, Le Dauphin Development Corporation, from Richard
White, Administrator, Records Management Section, Bureau of
Coastal EngineerinG and Regula'tton, Department of Natural
Resources, re Approval of Permit Transfer, Permit File
#CO-2§4, New Permittee Name: Le Dauphin Development
Corporation. xc: Nell Dotrill, Frank Brut[, BIll Lorenz and
Letter dated 2/12/91 to BCC from Tony McNeal, Engineer,
Bureau of Costal Engineering and Regulation, Department of
Natural Resources, Request for Public Comment, File #C0-310,
Applicant, Stephen and Caryl Thompson. xc: Nell Dotrill,
Harry Huber, Frank Brutt and filed.
Minutes Received and Filed:
Golden Gate Fire Control & Rescue District agenda for
Golden Gate Parkway Beautiflcation agenda for 2/12/91
and minutes of January 8, 199t.
Marco Island Beachfront Renourishment Advfsory Committee
agenda of 2/6/91.
Letter dated 2/14/91 to Clerk Jim Giles, from Chairman Art
Johnston, North Naples Fire Control & Rescue District,
announcing approval of James L. Jones, Chief, as registered
agent for the District. Filed
Notice to Owner dated 2/13/91 to BCC, from Hertz Equipment
Rental Corporation, advising that they have furnished general
equipment rental for the Intersection of SR-951 and Golden
Gate Blvd., under ~., order given by Mid Continent Electric,
Inc. xc: Nell Dotrill, Steve Camell, John Yonkosky and
Notice to Owner dated 2/15/91 to BCC, from Saf-T-Green of Ft.
Myers, advising that they have furnished rental equipment for
the EM$ Complex/Golden Gate Parkway, under an order given by
Hampton Construction, Inc. xc: Neil Dotrill, Steve Camell,
John Yonkosky and filed.
Notice to Owner dated 2/11/91 to BCC, from Richard Flanders
Enterprises, Inc., advising that they have tested and
balanced the HVAC systems at the Collier County Health
Services Building, under an order given by B.C.H. Mechanical
Inc. xc: Nell Dotrill, Steve Camell, John Yonkosky and
Notice to Owner dated 2/18/91 to BCC, from Acme Pumps &
Wellpoints, Inc., advising that they have furnished dewa-
tering equipment for the East & South Naples Wastewater
Collection Facilities, under an order given by Guyman
Construction Co. xc: Neil Dotrill, Steve Carnell, John
Yonkosky and filed.
Letter dated 2/19/91 to Permittee, from Benjamin C. Pratt,
P.E., P.L.S., Assistant to the Director, Surface Water
Management Division, South Florida Water Management District,
re Application #910213-107, Notice of Intent to Construct
Works at CC Agricultural Center. xc: Nei] Dotrill, Linda
Denning and filed.
~ 0O0P~r'~7 Page 43
March 5, 1991
Letter dated 2/19/91 to Permittee, from Benjamin C. Pratt,
P.E., P.L.S., Assistant to the Director, Surface Water
Management Division, South Florida Water Management District,
re Reduced Threshold Area, Water Use General Permit:
ll-00795-W, CC Agricultural Center. xc: Neil Dotrill, Mike
Arnold and filed.
Certification of Costs, Twentieth 3udiclal Circuit, State of
Florida v. Alton Lavonne Giles, Case #90-01834-MMA. Filed
Letter dated 2/14/91 to Chairperson Goodnight, from Gail
Vanderhoogt, Chief, Wetlands Planning Unit, United States
Environmental Protection Agency, re Rookery Bay area. xc:
Neil Dotrill, Bill Lorenz and filed.
There being no further business for the Good of the County, the
meeting was ad3ourned by Order of the Chair - Time: 4:45 P.M.
· These. minutes· approved by the Board on
as presented ~ or as corrected
Page 44