BCC Minutes 05/21/1991 RNaples, Florida, May 21, 199! LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commissioners in and for the County of Collier, and also acting as the Board of Zoning Appeals and as the governing board(e) of such special districts as have been created according to law and having conducted buslnest~ herein, met on this date at g:00 A.M. in RIQULAR SI:SBION in Building "F" of the Government Complex, East Naples, Florida, with the oli'ow ng members preeent ;~ ~ CHAIRMAN: Patricia Anne Goodnight VICE-CHAIRMAN: Mtcha,e! J. Volpe Richard S. Shanaham Max A. Hesse, Jr. Burr L. Saunders ALSO PRESENT: James C. Giles, Clerk; John Yon]¢osky, Finance Director; Debby Farrts, Wanda Arrtghi and Annette Guevin, Deputy Clerks; Nell Derrill, County Manager; Ron McLemore, Assistant County County Attorney; William Lorenz, Environmental Services Administrator; Robert Fahey, Solid Waste Director: George Archibald, Transportation Services Administrator; Start Litsinger, Growth Management Director; Ed Magulre, Compliance Services Bentor Engineer; Frank Brutt, Community Development Services Administrator; Martha Skinner. Social Services Director; Robert Demarest, Library Director; Sue Fileon, Administrative Assistant to the Board; Don Hunter, Sheriff; and Deputy Byron Tomltnson, Shertff's Office. m 000,,0, Ol OommAooAoner Saunders ioved, ascended by Con~oslonor lbJoe and c&rrAed a/O, that the agenda be approved with the following changes: Item #10A added - Robert Davenport regarding adequa:e public facilities. (County Attorney's request). Item #10B added - Discussion regarding qualification of applicants to advisory boards (County Attorney's request). Item #8B - Patrick H. Neale representing Boltz - ZRO exemption application. (Mr. Neale's and County Attorney's request) Continued to 5/4/'91 meeting. 4e Item #12D - Appointment of Digna Barrose to the Immokalee Water and Sewer Advisory Board. (Commission Office's request). Withdrawn. Item #16Cl - Recommendation that the Board authorize a grant revision for Older American Act Funding for in-house services for Collier County elderly residents. (Staff's request). Withdrawn. Item #16C2 - Recommendation that the Board authorize the signing of renewal of agr()ement with Southwest Florida Center for Independent Living, Inc. for group respite care. (Staff's request). Withdrawn. Item #16B6 Moved to 9B3 - Recommendation to approve the short list of engineering consultants to fulfill design, right-of-way, and permitting requirements for roadway improvements to Santa Barbara Boulevard/Logan, Santa Barbara Boulevard, and County Barn Road Including authori- zation for staff to commence with contract fee negotia- tions (Commissioner Volpe's request}. Item #6B1 - Petition R-go-37, George L. Varnadoe of Young, van Assenderp, Varnadoe & Benton, P.A., representing Point Marco Development Corporation (Jack Antaramtan, President) requesting a fezone from PUD and RT to PUD authorizing a resident/a/ development to be known as Point Marco for property located at the southern tip of Marco Island in Secs. 19 and 20, T52S, R26E, consisting of 33.04 acres - Continued to 5/28/92. (Staff's request}. Xtom#aA COI~3~:I~,AG~ - APPROVED AHO/OR ADOPTED The motion for approval of the Consent Agenda to noted under ltea~6. '~Xtel;dt3B CLB:HK~$ REPORT - LPPROVKD ~Tlm motton~ for approval of the C~erk'a Report &re noted under Page 2 Hay 21, 1991 MINUTES OF REGULAR BCC MEETING OF API~IL 2, 1991 AND $PZCIAL MEEUING OF APRIL 2, 1991 - APPROVED AS PRESENTED Comtamtoner Hasse ~oved, eeconded by Commissioner Shanahan and c~rrlmd unamlmoumly, ~o mppr~m the BCC Ntnutem of the Re~lmr P~e~Ang of ~rtl 3, 1991 ~ t~ 9~Aml M~ttn~ o~ AprZ1 3, 19~1 ~ preented. Co~issloner Volpe presented Eu~ployee Service Awards on behalf of the Board Jorge Alvafez, Road and Bridge, Sonny Dvorak, Co~unlky Development/Comp. Service - 10 ~ears ~tonlo T. Damasco, Road and Bridge, Dist. 2 - 5 years David N. Russell, Solid waste - 5 years ~TX~ ~XMZNG ~ -, Upon presentation of the proclamation to Commander John Scarlett, Co~a~mmloner Shanahah ~oved, ucon~d by Cont~mtonm~ ~u ~d curl~ ~t~ly, t~t t~ ~oclmtton demt~tt]~g 3~e 2-8, 1991, u WmtA~/ Safe ~ttng ~k ~ ~opted. Colander John Scarlett urged those which have not taken a safe boating course to do so. Page 3 ~a~ 21, ~99! PltOC~tI~TZON FROCLAIMIN9 TILItT TH~ CONNUNITY PMtK IN NORTH NAPLES SI!~LL BE DESII~NATED ~ KNOWN AS VET~.qN$ PAR~ AND THAT A SUITABLE NONU!~NT SH~LL BE ERECTED IN SAID PARK TO HONOR OUR SERVICK I~N AND WOMEN, SAID MONUI~NT TO BE DKDICATED ON M~dORIAL DAYr 1992 - ADOPTED Upon presentation of the proclamation to Mr. Gilbert Erllchman, Co~ieetoner Saunders ~oved, seconded by Co~alse~on~r Volpe and carried unantl~usly, that the Proclarion proclaiming that the com- ~un~W p~rk ~n North Naples shall b~ designated and known u ¥steran~ P~rk end that a suttable monument be erected In said park to honor O~Lr fez'vice ~ and women, said monument being dedicated on MelK)rlsl Day, 1992 be adopted. Connieeisner Saunders pointed out that there is to be a brief dedication ceremony at the Veterans Park In North Naples on Memorial Day this Fear. Page 4 May 21, 1991 PROCLAMATXON RKCO~NIZIN(~ (~lOR(3E K~LLKR FOR HIS S~RVICK TO COLLIKR COUJF~ CITIZENS AHD THE BOARD OF COUNTY COIO(I$SXONKRS - ADOPTKD Upon presentat/on of the proclamation to Mr. George Keller, CommtooJon~r hoe moved, oecondod b~ Conicsloner Shanaham and ~ax-rte~t~u~ly, th&t t~ Proclarion recoilzing Mr. ~11er for ~ ~t~ to t~ co~i~ ~ adopted. ~r. ~eor~e Keller reco~tzed various members o~ the Collier Co~t~ Civic Federation, both preoen~ and past, for ~he~r endeavors or~tzat~o~ and prom~tion of the Federation. Co~tss~oner Saunders expressed appreciation ~or ~r. Keller and citizens like him that provide a positive impact on the co.unity. Page Hay 21, 1991 T~MPORAR~ US'~ P~]~TXT (HZD~&Y BEACH] - NO ACTION Fr~k Bru~, Co~unt~y Deve~opmen~ Services Administrator, s~a~ed this revest was from Joseph M, Bryn. He su~artzed ~he Issues re/a- t/re to this item, adding that it has been found that the Permit ~estton is indeed being violated. He expressed appreciation for Mr. Bry~ bringing this matter to the attentlon of the County, and reported that appropriate act/on has been taken. In reply to Co~es[oner Hasse, Mr. Brut~ sta~ed ~ha~ notice has been given to cure this situation or the ma~ter w111 the Code Enforcement Board. Commissioner Shanahan relayed hi-- understanding that action has already been taken to cure the situation. In response to Commissioner Volpe, Mr. Brutt reported that staff has researched the Temporary Use Permit and Section 10.6 of the Zoning Ordinance in making their determination regarding tht~; matter. N~ ~tion m requtre~ on this item. !~ECO~MENDATION R~GARDING ESTABLISHMENT OF A H~ARING DAT~ FOR TH~ ~ZON OF ~ ~O~SED COLLI~ CO~ BUILDING CONStrUCTION ~S~TI~ CODE, ~ PROPOSED COLLIER CO~ GAS, ~IC~, PL~G, BUILDING ~ ELEC~IC~ CODE 0~IN~CES, ~ ~ O~IN~CE ~ZNG O~IN~CE 83-16, ~ COLLIER CO~ ~D OF ~S~S ~ ~~ - ACCEDED Fr~k Bru~t, Co~untt~ Developmen% Services Administrator, './F~elt~d th&~ June 25, lgg~, be ee~mb~ohed as the hear~n~ date for this item. Commissioner Hesse reported receiving a lot of mail as well as telephone calls relating to the Count¥'e Inspect/on system and, spect- ficall¥, questioning whether one inspector for all facets of building ts the proper route to pursue. Mr. Brutt commented on the certification and training require- ments of inspectors performing res/dent/a/ building Inspections. He Indicated that his experience in the r~tsldentia! field verifies that the quality of individuals certified to perform inspect~ons ts such · 14 Page May 21, 1991 that they have the mental capacity, with adequate training, to b~ able to perform various types of inspections. Xt~.~B1 ~~ O~ ~O~, ~S, ~ ASS~XA~, X~C. ~ CO~S~TX~G ~G1~ X-75 ~ C.R. 951), CXE ~O~CT RO. O0S, SAXD A~~T ~ED TO ~~ C~~TXOR PRO~SXORS DE~ ~CESS~ B~ CO~ A~O~, Transportation Services Administrator George Archibald summarized the issues relative to this item, and as detailed in the Executive Summary. He indicated that the construction time table for this pro- Ject is in FY94/95, but staff is in the process of proceeding with the deaig~ phase to allow permitting and acquisition. HE~ commented that the design schedule established is consistent with the management CIE schedule. He said that the predesign date of JanuarT/9! was met and that the start date of June/9! will hopefully be met as well. He reiterated the concern for financing, as brought out by the Finance Director in his comments. He stated that there is not enough money in the bank to award the contract. He added that staff recommends pro- ceeding with the contract recognizing that, although all the money is not in the bank, there is sufficient monies to cover the projected cost of less than $~50,000 in the current year, as w~11 as additional security of the line of credit to meet contractual obligations rela- tive to having the monies in an account prior to the award of the contract. He suggested, as an alternative, to proceded with a contract provision detailing that a specific amount of work b~ done between now and the end of the current year, through September, with the ~dea of a supplemental agreement to be effective October let, 1~Y91/92. He reported both scenarios involve funding from 313 and from impact fees in FY91/92 for complete funding of the project. Commissioner Hasse questioned whether any o~ th~ necessary design Nay 21, 1991 work has previously been done and, if so, can it be utilized to offset the cost of this project. Mr. Archibald replied that many of the action ,steps already approved by the County have been Incorporated, such as the preliminary right-of-way map previously prepared by staff and approved by the Board of County Commissioners. In response to Commissioner Hasse, Mr. Archibald said that staff has been behind the production curve, as pertaining to roadway design. He expressed a desire to be able to pursue projects in advance and put projects on the shelf. He added that, from the environmental per- mirting standpoint, the mechanism was in place to insure that the per- mite received are active. In answer to Commissioner Volpe, Mr. Archibald confirmed that the 1/91 analysis does not show this se~ent of Immokalee as being one nearing deficiency. Commissioner Volpe questioned whether this project was one which should be prioritized to proceed with at this time in light of the llmtte~ dollars and the time frame. Commissioner Volpe asked how the design phase could proceed prior to the issues relating to the new stadium beAn!~ resolved and ~ken into consideration. He questioned whether the design to Incor- porate the new transmission lines from the water treatment plant on S.~. 9§! has been taken into consideration. ~e stat~d it seems that this particular contract might be premature. Mr. Archibald stated he felt it appropriate for the County to do some ~ood planning from the standpoint of determtntn~ current levels of service, and also expressed the need to determine growth rates and projected levels of service so that designing, permttttn~ and of-way acquisition might be done In a timely fashion and thereby be coat-saving measures in themselves. He said that th~ construction cost of future roadwork could not onl~ double, but possibly triple due to right-of-way costs exceeding the cost of construction without advanced planning. Na~ 21, 1991 Comaissioner Saunders commented that Commissioner Volpe has raised some valid points. He added, however, he feels it is staff's objective to do pre-planning to permit that, in 1994/1995 when the road needs to be constructed, right-of-way will have been acquired with the necessary planning completed to facilitate construction of the project proceeding more smoothly,. Mr. Archibald pointed out that not only was that the objective but was set forth in the Growth Management Plan. H.~ stated that, under the CIE project schedule for this particular Job, time frames are specified for commencement and completion of ac~ivitiee and attempts are being made to meet those time frames. Commiesloner Saunders suggested that, had that practice been followed in the past, perhaps the County would not be faced with the problems currently being encountered regarding right-of-way acquisi- tion, etc. Commissioner Saunders questioned whether there is a need to develop a regional mitigation concept versus doing mitigation on a road segment as the work is done. ,Mr. Archibald verified that the proposed contract will be con- sistent with the regional mitigation concept, Commissioner Saunders stated that this road segment will be cri- tical for hurricane evacuation. Commissioner Shanahan shared Commissioner Saunders view, adding he feels the County is behind on preliminary designs resulting in road construction falling further behind. Commissioner Volpe stated he supported planning for the future and anticipating potential issues. lie reiterated his concern over the funding status and the fact the project is 4?6 days into the future. He questioned whether, in light of the limited available dollars, it i, more important to follow through ,,tth construction on Ooodlette-Frank Road to relieve the pressure on Pine Ridge Road and U.S. 41 or to take half a million dollars to talk about a project scheduled in 1994/1995. 21, 1991 Mr. Archibald stated this project is not stagged in dollars against the construction of another Job elsewhere. He said this pro- Ject involves a contract which could end up totalling $440,000, but tho~e dollars are not going to be expended between today and the end of FY 91/92. He stated the County Is not relying on Its line of cre- dit except to support the concept that there are funds totalling $440,000 for the entire contract amount, adding the actual amount to be spent in the remainder of this year is expected to be less than $150,000. He broached the subject of adding a provision prohibiting the design consultant from performing more work tha~ there are available funds for in a given year. In reply to Commissioner Volpe, Mr. Archibald said that the exception to the rule of putting the utility design with the road design as a cost-saving tool is in determination of whether or not there is a location of those utilities, and whether or not that loca- tion is going to conflict with either the future road construction or the design. He said that in this particular case, there is a designated corridor hopefully enabling the utility division to locate their lines within an already established corridor. In response to Commiss~oner Volpe, Mr. Archibald stated that the actual expenditures occurring in the present year which ends September 30th are not going to be large enough to create an overbearing problem. He added that the dollars are available to perform the necessary work required between now and the end of this year and that dollars are budgeted in FY 91/92 in impact fees to allow continuance of that work next fiscal year. Commissioner Shanahan reiterated that $150,000 is proposed to be allocated between now and September 30, 1991, with roughly $300,000+ to be allocated ~n FY 91/92. Finance Director John Yonkosky pointed out that the Board either needs to have the cash in hand or h~tve it appropriated before letting a contract. He added there is only $150,000 available agains~ this $450,000 contract. He recommended that, should the Board of County 00() P,V.,,~ 18 Page ! 0 Hay 21, 1991 Comut~tonere decide to approve this contract, they do so subject to *~'.'etaff's development of a financial plan and resolution permitting appropriation of money from the line of credit. In reply to Commissioner Saunders, Mr. Archibald confirmed that the ¢on'~ract contains a cancellation provision. Commissioner Saunders suggested adding verbiage to allow that, if there is no appropriation of funds An FY 91/92, the contract can be terminated by the County. He suggeBted the County Attorney amend the language to accurately reflect this cancellation provision. Commissioner Volpe suggested d()fsrring the entire matter to FY 91/92. Commissioner Saunders expressed the need to plan ahead and that, in light of potential money savings in right-of-way acquisition, there is no po/nt in putting this matter off. In response to Commissioner Yelps, Mr. Archibald stated that some of the right-of-way acquisition is taking place now based upon a pre- liminary right-of-way map that was approved over a year ago. Mr. Archibald suggested the addition of a termination clause con- raining a dollar limitation for the current year. that ~le0 M~ntee, and A~soctates, Inc. be approved u Consulting for the dest~n of the four lantng l~rovements to Immokalee Road end that the Engineering Servicers Agreement be amended to include cancellation provisions deemed neceenary ~ the County Attohey, that $150,OOO is the maxtmuRexpendtturee allowed in FY 90/91, and that oatd-sgTeement Incorporate the regtona! mitigation concept. Commissioner Volpe remarked that, In his review, preplanntng includes financial preplanntng. He indicated he doe~J not disagree with what is being said but that it seems it would b(~ better to wait until next fiscal year and look at an entire f~nancing package in order that the person undertaking to do the work under this contract knows that there are sufficient monies appropr/ated In order ~or him ,::: to do the Job he Is hired to do. Hay 23, 2991 Commissioner Saunders expressed the desire to prevent the '* . audience from incorrectly determining that the Board of County t Co~u~issioners is approving a contract without the ability to pay for it. He added that the termination provision is a technical legal maneuver to &llow approval of the contract at a time when next ¥ear's budget has not yet been approved. Co~atseloner Shanahen stated he is convinced that there is econo- -;i,-' mtc benefit to moving ahead. ,~ Volp~-~m~ed). ****NOTE SEE PAGES-~ Page 12 Nay 21, 1991 oe&-rib.~:~4: 10:20 A.M. - Reconv~msd: 10:30 A.M. et which tABs Deputy Clerk &rrlghl replaced Deputy Clerk Farrio oeo FOR APRIL CIRCLE AFFORDABLE 110USIB13 PRO~KCT - S~KDULKD fOR Assistant County Manager McLemore informed that this Item is for consideration for a rehearing of Resolution 01-339 regarding the exemption of Impact fees for the April Circle Project. County Attorney Cuylsr explained that allocations have been made that the Board of County Commissioners did not receive certain Infer- sation nor were distinctions made that should have been, and the Board will n~ed to decide whether this occurr~d or not. Mr. McLemore Indicated that a report has been provided to the Commissioners regarding the April Circle Project (not provided for record). He reported that tf the Board is not satisfied with the fin- dings in the report, he then recommends the Board schedule a rehearlng to determine whether the April Olrcle project requires a total Impact fee waiver in order for it to be a feasible project. Commissioner Saunders Interjected that he submitted the memorandum asking for the reconsideratica of this project because of the factual Inconsistencies as to whether or not the developer needed the full waiver of impact fees in order to obtain the approval for the State Assistance Loan program. He added that If the full waiver is not necessary then the project should be reheard to provide the minimum waiver needed to make It viable so the County can maximize th,~ number of affordable housing projects to be made available. Commissioners Shanaham and Haose confirmed that there should be a reheartng to clarify the questions posed. ~?[-'~--.-~lff~Jl--S~ ~d~ t~ Iprll Circle lffor~bl~s ~J~ ~ ~ ~ J~ 4, 1991. Hr. Lober, representing T~payers Action Groug (TA,I), requested that a copy of TAG's views on the said subject be placed In the record Page 13 (provided to the Clerk). County Attorney Cuyler clarified that although Commissioner Volpe voted against the motion to approve the waivers originally, It would be appropriate for him to participate in the vote for reconsideretlon. Charlotte Westman, representing herself and the League of Women Voters, stated that the League wanted their letter to go on record requesting that the Board not reheat this subject. Mr. Nicholas, representing CURE, stated that he rt~quests the Commissioners not reheat the April Circle Impact fee waiver Issue. ~.~/1 £~ the qUiltion, the ~otion curled &/1 (Co~lseloller pposed). Commissioner Saunders suggested that a time certain be set of 10:00 A.M. on June 4, 1991, for the reheating of Resolution 91-399 to which the Board concurred. OF THE INFORMATION AND REFERRAL BLUE RIBBON TA~K FORCE - TWO ACCEPTED WITH DIRECTION TO LIBIIARY DIRHCTOR TO WOR~ WITH THE TASI~FORC~ TO PRotrlDE A DATA BASE AND RETRIEVAL SYSTEN THROUGH ~]~g Acting Public Services Administrator Skinner requested that the Board approve the report submitted by the Information and Referral (I&R) Blue Rtbbon Task Force as presented and appoint an Initial Board of Trustees as outlined in the report. Donna Ftals, Chairman of the Blue Ribbon Task Forc,e, Informed that the Task Force has been meeting since [6arch, 1990. In answer to Commissioner Saunders, Ms. Flala alleged that the submitted report has been approved by the majority of the Task Force and a minority report has also been filed. Commissioner Shanaban commented that he has a copy of the minority report which has four signatures. Ms. Ftala explained that the Task Force, is proposing to create an overall comprehensive Information and referral system for Collier County which would provide one number for the public to call to receive information regarding County requirements for a fishing license to a child care facility. She added that th~ service would &llow the caller to be transferred to the agencies they need to talk to which is a considerable benefit In a crisis situation. Commissioner Hasse agreed that a centralized Information and referral system would be a benefit to the County. Ns. Ftala emphasized that the proposed system Is not trying to change or eliminate any service that currently extstl,; but rather pro- vide ~n expanded tool to enhance these existing services. She advised that the non-confidential data maintained in the system will be available to all callers who will be helped by trained staff to ~cq~tre the information requested. In response to Commissioner Volpe, Ktm Wilson, from the Task Force,.advised that a private agency Is being envisioned to operate the proposed service. She noted that this agency may be one that already exists and has the capability to expand their present system t?.!;:. Into a comprehensive clearing house which would be determined through a request for proposal. She Informed that this service will be a computerized system which will cross reference the different services. She explained that other agencies as well as government planners can feed information into the system to keep it updated and serve th~ public better. She asserted that this system will be operated on a nonpartisan and non-bias basis. She reported that the Board Is being requested to appoint the Initial members for the Board of Trustees which will serve as a "think tank" for the system and will be comprised of experts on information and referral systems. She informed that this group will be able to search out grant oppor- tunities. She pointed out that United Way is making this system available In Lee County. Responding to Commissioner Hasse, Ms. Wilson concurred that ~he proposed system will be more than for information and referrals, but will also Include data analysis and monitoring for the community and possibly provide trtltngual services as well as maintaining a followup on the services provided. She informed that the othe, r areas of Page 15 May 21, 1991 ~*' Florida that have this system or something like it are Tallahassee, ~Sarasota, Tampa, and Miami. Ran Halcomb, who has setup systems such as the one proposed, reported that no funding is being requested at this time. He reiterated that what is being requested is that the Board of County Commissioners appoint the tnlt/al Board for Trustees who will evaluate and select the best suited of the existing services providing infer- marion and referral in Collier County or possibly creating a new ser- vice to handle what is being proposed. Be related that the funding for the service is envisioned as coming from public contributions through a charitable organization and possible government grants. He pointed out that the Board has voted for the hardware and software systems for the Library which could be tapped and utilized as part of the proposed system. Commissioner Shanahah questioned what the financial impact has been for a similar system that Mr. Halcomb has installed? Mr. Halcomb replied that the system would be as expensive as the service required, but the m/ntmum for the hardware and software would i,' be in the range of $30,000 to $35,000 and the operating budget at a ~aj~'?'minimum would be $60,000 to $70,000 for the first year. However, he explained that hopefully an existing agency will be qualified to -.:~,, expand their services which the Board of Trustees would help them do and will also seek fundAng from other organizations for startup put- posea. After discussion regarding why the Board should appoint the int- tia! Board of Trustees for this service, Conunissioner Saunders noted that it appears that a certain authority will be provided to the group of trustees by this action which would be a worthwhile objective for credibility reasons. Jan Kalnback of the I&R Blue Ribbon Task Force stated the minority report points out that the Task Force never did a current needs assessment of existing I&R servers in the County nor did they ask any of these existing I&R servers if they would be willing to be the pro- am 000. : Page 16 Nay 21, 1991 posed central I&R location. She noted that she had requested this needs assessment survey several times but to no avail. She pointed out that the Library has been granted a large sum of money by the Board of County Commissioners and has the capability to do generic I&R. She Informed that the Library is willing to co~tputerize all the data necessary from other sources and network it with the existing I&R servers. Library Director Demarest explained that the library is very Involved in information and referral and would expect to be one of the agencies to receive telephone calls from a centraltz~d I&R. He Informed that the library will become a completely alltomated system in January, 1992, for which the funds have been budg~ted. He advised that it will be very easy to incorporate an IaR syst~m into the com- putere and the terminals will be available to the public in all the library facilities. He reported that the libratyre ability to mount the I~R system and make it accessible to other agencies In the com- munity is something the Task Force d~d consider. He specified that the library would only provide the space on their co~nputer for the I&R service, and the development and maintenance of the data will be completed by the IaR agencies involved. He disclosed that there are protoctions built into the system to keep confidential and legal data confidential. In response to Commissioner Saunders, Mr. Demarest advised that a volunteer could be trained to provtd~ the I&R service. He explained that the system will be available and will be very easy for any orga- nization to tie a phone line into th~ system to provide a 24 hour ser- vice. He added that dial-up ports will be available which allows anyone in the County with a personal computer to search the data base. Ms. Kalnbach referred to the dts~enting report ~htch Indicates that there does not need to be a Board of Trustees ~ppointed because of the duplication of existing services in the County. She added that · to crsa~e this Board would be adding another bureaucratic agency to the County. ;Bill Rs, an ex-member of the I&R Blue Ribbon Task Force, agreed eatlone by Hr, Damsteer; Mr. Roy pointed out several reasons that a newly created centralized I&R could be a problem which include that there are many other agencies in the County handlAn~ ;s;~t~es,'.:'people at. used to calitn9 911, the person ~ertn9 the a centralized I~R location'would need to be very well train~.d~. and ~stton~d who would be~ accostable for this org~tza- '- ~'Beth Knake concurred that the use of the 1tbra~.y ~at~ly. satisfy th~ needs of an IaR system for this County. ?Co~tsatoner Saunders suggested' that there be a number to call for <Infection and referral and the o~rator recetvtn~ the ca/is be con- nected.to the library system. .,.- ~onse to Coatsstoner Goo~t9ht, Ns. Skinner noted it has been'f~d In revt~ln~ this type of service tn other communities that ~..:. it is ·very costly. She concurred that the service is needed; however, alth~Gh the Initial funding can bed found through Grants and one time ~pporters of the pro,ram, it should be determined ~ho will fund the pro~ after ~tartup. She affirmed that worktn~ through the library ~ears to be the most appropriate method available. ~M ~ly, t~t t~ ~JorlV ~d mt~rA~ l~f~tt~ ~ferral Blue Rlb~ Tuk Force ~ accord, ~ act/~ ~;: '~:~~ t~ ~abltsh a ~d of T~t~s, d/rectt~ ~ GI~ for ~ LA~ Dieter to ~t with t~ T~M Force to ~te~tne '~~ ;re 9~1~ t~ ~ta ~ ~d retries1 ~t~ thr~ the :'-. ~t~ t~l~ls to ~ly r~sted lnfo~tlon · ' ~t~.:DI~ ~tll c~te in p~tdtn~ t~ access ~ tnfor- at~t~ ~fomti~ ~ refe~al ~1~ will c~- s~sston on the extension of the Blue Ribbon Task Force, Page 18 ii.:['-,':it was pointed out by Mr. Deanrest that the Task Force has already · been, extended until January, 1992. ~~N e1-385, APPROVINO A MA~TER FIVe-YEAR ~NVIRONN~NTAL MITI~OI[PLAN ~YPPORTING TH~ COUNTYeS FIVE-YEARARTERIAL ROAD Transportation Services Administrator Archibald stated that the proposed resolution ts for the purpose of an overall environmental miti~ation pro,ram supporting the Count¥'s five-year arterial road L pro,ram.; He advised that the Count¥'s design staff As tn the process of per~ltting several road projects which wall be impacting environ- z,..mental areas and some natural resources of the Count~. He noted that ;.:'~theee t~rpacts need to be mitigated on a broader scale than they are currently being addressed. --- Conmtsstoner Saunders stated that he wants to make sure that the :.,proposed resolution provides the appropriate framework to go to the EPA and the DER with a regAonaltzed mitigation program, and if tt does then he is satisfied with the resolution. ~' Commissioner Goodnight reported.that she would lake to make sure :that mitigation can be done by purchasing property An the southern part of Golden Gate Estates or in the CREW project or areas such as and,not necessarily An the area that the road wAI! be ~onst~'ucted. N~,Archtbald Informed that the proposed resolution is regional ..",from'the standpoint that tt zeros An on our need to protect natural resources within our urban boundary. Resolut/on supporting the CounW'e lAve-year arterial road Volpe indicated that he does not see that the resolu- tion 'addresses the comments made by Commissioner Goodnight and further explanation. ,, tbald agreed that staff has not investigated mitigation outside the urban boundartes l however the concept can be expanded. ~O~missioner Saunders suggested that an element number six be added to section two of the resolution which alleges that the County will?investigate other regionalized concepts of mitigation so as to lithe protection 'and preservation of the environment and to ~"maximize the County's ability to work with State and ~edera! agencies ~:- .to this type of mitigation. ~ Shanaham. agreed that this sixth element should be .~,.. · ...~ . . .~. . .the resolution. ' 'i.:!"~.~nresponse to Commissioner Yelps, Nr. lrchtbald explained that a framework of addressing site specific areas for mitigation, butsthese areas will have an overall Impact or will be designated for .(...preservation and areas outside the urban boundary can be Included. He the most important element of,the resolution Is to Identify I'iitigatlon areas precisely. Bruce Anderson, representing Barron Collier Companies, Indicated that:section three of the proposed resolution identifies five specific :~':areae~'for mitigation, and he suggested that this be removed If the concept for mitigation is to be regional. Commissioner Hesse commented that the County is not limited to the ..five;areas,,., Commissioner Shanahen added that the County wants to keep }lsxtble approach to whtch Commissioner ~oodntght concurred and indicated that she does not want to imply that the County is not in the five specified. areas of mitigation by eliminating Bill.Barton cemented that he endorses the proposed resolution; k ha noted that there-are poeential liabilities such a. the of private properties as preserve areas which need to be ; resolved, to Commissioner Saunders, County Attorney Cuyler the proposed resolution is general enough in nature not :to. cause'.a problem at this time, but agreed that there are complex .ons~..that will need to be answered in the future. May 21, 29~917 ?!;i::!" 000,,,,-,,. 28 ag. overlay possibilities which has a negative effect on the ability of a ~!~:.ProPert¥.owner being able to develop or sell his property. 'M2~. Archibald asserted that the problems mentioned will be addressed through site specific resolutions. Commissioner Saunders commented that he will stay with his ortgi- Ommm/smt~ ~ ~on~m~ th~ motion. In response to Commissioner Volpe, Mr. Archibald replied that the resolution If adopted will be submitted to the permitting ,. ~ ',.£, ..~'., 'x~,~? · ~ ~ · agencies to sho~ that the first step by Collier County has been taken. OO0,'a 29 Page 21 Trao~portation Ssrvice~ ~dnini~trator ~rch~bald explained that /nvolv~m · report to the Board on the result of the mmlsc- conmidmratlon of t~mlvs wut~mittals mmdm rs~m.-dtn~ road dmmign projects. He rm~k~ t~lt the t~ pr~ ~lmrd, Cl~ ~32; ~ Co~ty ~ Road, ~ ~ t~ir a~ittal, ~d the mmco~ mt~ lie. R~ tnfo~ ~t the ~vd c~ c~lder ~-~ to a~ with t~ ~lmctt~ cmitt~'s ~c~ ~/orit/ze t~ mho~-l/mt thiselm. He ad tht Ridge Ro~d be POStix)ned. He explained that it is that ~or this portion o2 Santa ~arbarm the Count~ design it i~-houmm ~or two-lmnmm and postports the four-lanlng for m future :~?-~:, ?lit ~ to Co~e/mmioner Volpa, Hr. ~,~chib~ld cl~t£i~d that ;::'=.~ cur~e~ti? the Crusty is going through the selection process ~nd this '.~r,,. will-he £mllo~e~ by the contract negotiation process. He notrod that . th~ ,rls~ltlng contract is not going to be expanding mon~z in 1991. '!!:'i . · .C~lis~t~ Volp~ questioned if these projects wrs identified in -.$~ul-lt~: interim financing program? !,~'. lrchibald ~pl/~ Pa[le 2 2 ':~Offlc~ of Capital Pro~ects Na~a~e~ent D/rector Conrecode stated ,:staff te seeking approval of the conceptual plan for the 9.58 - acre~c~w~us expansion and di~ectton to pursue a dsstgn construction plaitfor the pa~k~ng ~o~ e~ston. He e~atned that based on the -]t~tted-sco~ of ~o~A involved wttA Phase ~ of tats p~an ~hAch 1s the p~k~ng ']o~ ~d the sho~ ~tme sp~ dest~ed to accomp~tsh it, staff ,.'~eco~ds a fast t~ack, ~n-house ~og~a~ to des~, pe~mt~ and ' co~c~ the p~o~ect which wt~ ~nvo~ve the Road and doing ~he constockton and being ~pplemented by ~nual ;... c0nt~ac~s fo~ surveying, Du~chase of specific mate~ta]s, ~d p~acement ~:~'- of a~lt ~face on the pa~ktng a~ea. He advised that the ~o~k sub- ~ec~ ~o cont~ac~tng and subse~en~ Board consideration tnc]udes -,possible l~dscaptng ~mp~ovements, lighting, sto~= d~atn facilities, ~d concrete curbing ~he~e necessa~. He informed ~hat a conceptual .~ ~ste~ pl~ fo~ the property has been completed, ~d upon app~ova~ by ~"~.the Bo~d, staff wtl] co~ence wtth the dest~ ~d pe~mttttng of the '~ t~p~e~ents concurrent ~lth the Road and B~tdge Department. Co~tsstone~ Vo]pe noted ~ha~ ~he~e was a bond ~s~e to p~chase gtulo p~ope~ty which included ~500,000 fo~ Phase ~:~Phasa'.'I~ts to be completed tn-Aouse through ~he Road ~d Dep~n~, then ~hat wt~1 the 8500,000 be u~ed fo~? County ~age~ ~ Do~tl~ ~esponded t~a~ this money wt1~ be used fo~ p~opo~onate co~c~t~ costs o~ the ~bcon~ac~o~ costs ~d t~e Road and B~ldge ~staff::.vt~ the 1n-house ~k as a cos~ savings and a ~tme savtngs. Co~tsstoner Hasse ~esttoned whether additional land use for the ~s~ was t~en ~nto consideration ~n the plan? Mr. Conrecode afford that he has spoken w~th the ~seum D~rector. ,~.Conrecode noted that phase one consists of overcoming the parking deficit with ~ additional ~500 spaces, and phase.~o wtl~ provide for a road ~ealtgn~ent with the traFftc ~r~ly:-at U.S. 41 for the ~al-~art store ~d also provide a dece- Page 23 · . !erstion-lane for a right turn in at the existing entrance to the cam - ~;ms.from U.S. 41. .... lnJa~wer.to Conicsloner Volpe, Mr. Conrecode said the budget for next".~a~ for this project'Is t~l~'planned for a DRI Assistant to ," the C~ty ~ager OllAff e~latned that there are ~est/ons regarding whether the c~pus w111 be considered in the category allowing addt- ~)*~* t/one to ~ exlst/ng proper~y because originally At ~as built before there ~re DR/ ~les. Hr. Olltfff reported ~ha~ ~hether or not the . in this catego~, a DRZ wall not effect phase one of the r: * Hr.. Conrecode responded to Commissioner Volpe by stating that ::~.total. addtt/onal parking spaces ant/ctpated for phase t~o wail be · .. controlled by the size of the buildings constructed, allow/n~ one park/ng'~ace ~r 200 s~are foot of first floor office space ~d one P~k/ng'space per 125 s~are foot of second floor office space ~d so ~:*:~e~/nted out that different ~Aid/ng uses will re~lre d/f- ~*ferent.~park/ng retirements. ~r*';'~;Conrecode adv/sed that phase three includes the development out:~rcela that could ultimately be ~old to f~d the campus pro- 8C~. ~b:..Xn response to Co~tss/oner Sanders, Co~t~ Manager DotrAil · ~.~: :...~;.:~l;t~t the re,eat being proposed 1s for the conceptual appro- :va1(of.phase one only whtch Is for add/ttonal parking spaces and space ~ ;, : *.., . .. ~'.;:~.,:Chrt~ Lombardo, President oT the Frtends o~ Collier Co~t~ ~,. mtated that he ~ants to make ~ure that the concerns of the Huseum are ~:~,~constdered.tn the future pla~ln~ for the campus area He e~lalned ~- .. *~ 1990 a ~th pl~ for the ~ee~as presented to the ~oard '.provided a conceptual drawtn~ oF the cnm~s, however, the .'~ ference~een staff~s dra~tnG and the ~se~s is that the like to see the ~ooded area preserved. He advised that the · ]~,~s~s events have Grm conetderablU in attendance, and the e~t~Ole~t~tbe has o~fered to build an amphitheater at~thetr "if the land is available. He added that s group of developers have .greed to build a Seminole war fort for the Nueeum, but the land needs to be Lade available which the Indicated wooded area would pro- Mr. Lombardo indicated on the display maps the differences bet- the County staff is proposing and what the Museum is proposing. He noted that the basic change is that the Nueeum would like~to see the road moved to go around the wooded area, and he added that this would not effect the out parcels. Hr. Lombardo advised the objective is to expand the museum grounds more festivals. He said as a result, much notice is · being taken, primarily by the Seminole Tribe. He noted the Seminole :!"Tribe has committed to providing the museum with an exL3anded 200-seat amphitheater at their expense, If the land can be provided. He added there Is also a tentative agreement for a substantial gift that,~ay possibly pay for the enttre cost of building a Seminole would house a collection of their artifacts as well as a collection in the Smtthsontan that is being offered to be repatrlated to the Seminoles. He enumerated his concerns with Staff's conceptual --~- Commissioner Saunders suggested the Board approve the use of funds :for. the'parking area, while at the same time directing Staff to meet Mr. Lombardo to work out a site plan that accommodates desires of .the museum. He commented that he Is not in favor of ~!seiit~g'~/he two out-parcels. Osceola etated that not only ta the Seminole Tribe of Florida offering to build a 200-seat amphitheater, the Osceola family plans to ':'rebuild .and renovate the Indian Village currently in place. She said she is also speaking on behalf of the Seminole Tribe~a need to have an ;archival depository for its artifacts. She reported that even though !{~l:~0~n~y has paid 8400,000 per acre for the land, the Collier County Museum, hopes to rates more than $1-mtlllon In private donations which contingent on that land. She stated the Seminoles are interested 37 Page 25 their village where the r~tentlon pond ts proposed to be *:'She concluded on behalf of*~t~e ~rtbe ~d the O~ceo]a the Board to move fo~ard with the pro~ect and ~votd further stereo~tcal t~ges of Semino/es. lm~ntmov~l¥, to dtr~c~ Staff to meet with relu~sentattves of ~2~.~W ~ to ~r~ nt~ site plo t~t ~co~rates u~ptblt ~ site pl~ ~t~ ~ t~ m; t~t the ~-~ ~ ~d is not n~~tly f~rtn~ t~ cnc~t of ~~~ nt-~ls, alt~ t~t ~tu u ~tin~ ~ Staff to Co,tsstoner Volpe suggested as part of the exploration of a/ter- plus, that a certain parcel of property within the acttvtty ~.center~:be Investigated for possible out-parcel exchange of some of portion in order to acco~6~ate the mseu~. DISCU~OIIOFP~OPOSEDM~LLFl~ELD~ILITATION~! - Mike Newman, Water Director, presented a Staff proposal to Insti- tute a wellfield rehabilitation program at the regional wellfield .:'.located in east Golden Gate. He explained that three years ago, the Utilities Division became aware that there was active bacteria that wellfield. As part of the on-going investigation i'.~prtor..;to-the final design preparation for the upcoming North County :er.l.~Treatment Plant, he said, Staff. h/red a professional consultant, Lalrne-Hestern Company, Inc. He noted a test rehabilitation was Insti- tuted on November 20, 1990, for County Well #15, which Involved tng of ~he well, followed by brushln~ and acid washing of the before placing it back Into operation. He said after completion · of.the,rehabilitation, an initial specific capacity test on the well 242~ increase in water. He indicated Staff has solicited a ,?~rom Layne-~estern to Institute an on-going rehabilitation Page 26 .'" May 21, 1991 ~/~'~prog~m~.~for this problem. He concluded with Staff'$ recommendation ~o ~pFo~eed w~h b~dd~ng of ~he Fe~ed services ~o ~ns~i~u~e MF,=~"~ agFeed w~h Co~{8o{o~e~ Shanahen ~ha~ the pFo~ w~l :~:~en~lly pay fo~ ~oelf. He e~la{ned tha~ ultimately, ~he wells w~l~ ~dec~ease ~n ~he~F ab~y ~o produce ~a~e~, Fesul~ng ~n add~- ~:::~onal wells ~ing dF~lled. He 8~a~ed $102,000 FepFeoen~a ~he ~n{~{al co8~:~o ~mp~emen~ ~he pFog~ ~h~ough ~he Fema~nde~ of ~ 91, which ~:~- ~nc~udeo $5,000 ~F wel~ ~ni~{a~ coo~ ~o Fedeve~op ~he well back ~o o~g~na~ condition. He es~ma~e4 ~8,250 pe~ well wi]~ be neceooa~ on an a~ua~ bao~8 ~o ma~n~aln ~he ~e~lo ~n ~ha~ o~g~nal con on. <2In/~M~ ~o Co~is8~one~ Vo~pe, MF. ~e~an ~epl~ed f~d8 fo~ ~he Fema{nde~ of ~h~o f~scal yea~ w~l~ come ou~ of contingency f~ds and 'w~3~..be ~dge~ed ~ua~ly ~n ~he fu~e. Bob F~ey, Sol~d Waste D~re=tor, explained th~s item ~s a recom- mendation to authorize the Chairman to si~ a contra=t which Staff has ne~ot~ate~ w~th Post, Buck~ey, S=h~ ~ Jern~, In=., for work to ~?~develo~ additional landf~l~ capability. He sa~ the contra=t ~e of three pa~t,. He noted the 1nittel pa~t ts the selection o~t~.l~d'to be purchased, followed by the dest~ o~ the fact]try to ~t'on tha~ piece of land. He sta~ed the ~ht~d phase consists of :mtSc/il~eous tasks necessa~ fo~ the ope~atton of the So~td ~aste ~p~.~n~,.:, He ~e~ested approval of ~hls contract, which the Board ,..~..': 'dt~ec~ed Staff to negotiate In Feb~a~. Page 27 Commissioner Volpe mentioned he has been provided with corrected Information and asked Mr, Fahey to /dsntlfy the difference. Fahey responded that the total As the same. He noted the principal difference t~ the area to be photographed and ~]envlro~ental standpoint which has_been expanded on. He aoreed ,fCo~to~toner Volpe that the ~trst phase o~ the project t~ bas/- and aerial photography, along with an assessment of to pursue. Cowriestoner Volpe inquired why the surveyors under contract with ~:~ Collier. County are not being utilized for this project? with Post, BuckleyjSchuh and 3ernigan, Inc., stated his ~'~ftr~.ts planning to handle the actual field surveying, which is a very minor. p/ece of the project. He indicated, however, that has company wIll,,.be agreeable to Staff getting a bad on the surveying after iden- tifying the effort his firm would make. · Commissioner Volpe called attention to the portion of the first dealing with aerial photography; He recalled that the County archives presumably contain the necessary photos. Mr. Dyer Indicated the aer/al photography Is also a minor expense, addAng~.the evaluation of the aerials, which will identify what 'acreages within the two separate BOO-acre parcels contain wetlands, Is %:-/where the major expense will occur. ~':,::?f.~CommtssAoner Saunders mentioned that landfill mining and maxi- mizing recycling were discussed tn a recent meeting. ~e aa~d there ,appear to be anything in this contract that deals with [:the County on how best to maximize the benefits of landfill and recycling. M~,Fahey advised those items will be covered in Phase III of this deetoner Saunders requested that the County Attorney review ! ;?: ?:[f,,..¥~' '~'tract to ensure Phase III ts sufficiently defined to expand .-Smith Indicated that Staff should Invest/gate whether or not this/request is for a single contract, for which th~ Board Is :?~' · authorizing the fee and the notice to proceed for Phase I. He said :~;;:. the fee for Phase Ir cannot be negotiated until Phame ! is completed. /"*' Nay 21, 1991 ,i.' aerial. photographs are available which may have been obtained by various environmental agencies, rather than expending $14,000 for new · photos.- County Manager Derrill suggested that the Board direct Staff to :-,.perfor~ ~ evaluation of existing aerial photograph and field surveys, prior~to ftnaltzlng this contract. ~111**~l~t ~Ject with ~.,' .~ ~ ~ft~tt~ ~ stated ~ ~ Att~ to ~val~te ~et~r this ~ t~ ~fftci~t to ~r- In ~er to Co~tsatoner Volpe, County Manager Derrill clarified !i,i~;~Xn.:reeponse to Commissioner Volpe'e concerns, Mr. Lorenz explained that Staff specifically discussed the contract with Assistant County Attorney ~etgel to ensure the RFP was broad enough to cover all tasks In the three phases of the project. He noted it has been separated into phases in terms of dollar amounts, simply because the latter pha- ses are dependent on the results and conclusions of Phase I. He said, therefore, Staff will be returning with a new contract with this same firs because the RFP was broad enough. the qu~tton, th~ motion carried u. nantmously. Page 29 County Attorney Cu¥1er explained that at a recent meeting, Davenport petitioned the Board asking that his mobile home park be not to be subject to the Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance (APFO). He summarized a memo he prepared for the Board, which he said outlined Mr. Davenport's arguments. (Copy not provided to'~the Clerk to the Board.) ,;)"-In.answer to Commissioner Volpe, County Attorney Cuyler concluded that the construction of internal infrastructure does not constitute an exemption from the APFO. He concurred with Staff's interpretation i[~J that tie down permits for a mobile home park take the place of · building permits for establishing that point in time when impact is ..... caused to public facilities. He added although tie down is not spect- :::.'. ftcally addressed in the APFO, the term ~development order~ is defined to include, ~any other official action of Collier County having the [:~[..: effect of permitting development as defined in this ordinance". That ~eectlon, he said, together with the liberal construction provision and the purpose section of the ordinance, is what Staff has relied on to make a determination that the APFO and the Certificate of Adequate Public Facilities are operational and come Into effect at the time of tie down per~tt. To clarify the situation, Commissioner Goodnight explained that Nr. Davenport contends he installed Infrastructure and was open for · ' business before the APFO was adopted, therefore, he should be exempt froa Its requirements. She said $t&ff~s position In the mobile home · park has not been fully occupied and 52 units remain empty, requiring '-~iC~m~llance with the APFO. In response to Commissioner Volpe, Orowth Nanag,sment Director Litsinger stated there is no provision In the ordinance for waiver of application fee. He advised the f~e for Mr. Davenport will be · plus $25 for each remaining empty mobile home pad. He cautioned ~ OCOF~'t~"'£ 97 Page 30 ~;:.: ~ Nay 21, 1991 also that certificates issued to Mr. Davenport this date expire after three years.~ He said if Mr. Davenport has not exercised his right to pl~ce-~blle ho~ee on those lots b~ that time, he eust re-apply for n~ certificates and be ~bJect to ~he status of public Facilities at ' "Coo~ssloner Sanders asked the County A~torne~ ~ff the Board c~ ~n th~s s~tuatlon, ~nterpret that a tie do~ permit Is more e~valen~ to a certificate of occupancy as opposed to a building permit? County Attorney Cuyler Indicated he has investigated that line of thought and is not comfortable with that Interpretation. Mr. Davenport commented that at the time of application for a site development plan, a developer can also apply for adequate pub)it faci- a:with no fee Involved. He said, therefore, ~f the APFO was in effect at the time the work was completed on the 1nlrastructure for his ~oblle home park, he could have had adequate public facilities charge. Contestsnet Goodnight communicated her concern with the fact that no one receives a building permit and a certificate of occupancy twice fo~ moving Into a building, yet each t~me a mobile home moves onto the same lot, it requires a tie down permit. She said for that reason, tla down permits should not be Interpreted as equivalent to building ber.~1to the. facts u pre~ented, that the f~ be ~t~ for Dm~rt ,~.??~-;Co~tentoner Volpe asked for an~mrance from Mr. Davenpor~ that he wtll.,not pass on the fee to ~ople moving into the mobile home park. · Mr, Davenport Indicated he would not do so. County Attorney Cu¥1er advised that this situation should not occur tn other cases, because owner~ are now being given the opt/on of paying for the certificates at the building permit stags when the pads ./~ are ~nstalled or delaying it until the tie down stage. Page 31 May 21, 1991' co{;{Irr~-~ ~ SKiff) A LKTTKR OF EXPLAIqATION TO THE OOV'B3'~WOR Co~ty AttoFney Cuy~er a~vise~ that his office ~a8 contactea re~ding membeFship on the I~okalee Water/SeweF Board. He reminded 'the BoiFd that u~on initial LnveotLg~tLon, two a~licant8 ~ not ~alify, howeveF, ~he circumstance has now chan~ed. He redested authority to send a new resolution ~o the Sovernor'$ Office indicating t~ ~oseph Matthews does meet th~ ~altflcattons and if Ophelia Allen also~meets the re~irements, he would like authority to include her ~':.me a~ ~11. ~iF '. .. ' Co~tsstoner Goodnight suggested instead that County Attorney Cuyler eend a letter explaining an error was made in the original resolution regarding Mr. Matthews. She said she has been told by the : Oo~rnor'a Office that they will check all applicants, therefore, they ~tll Investigate Ns. Allen's ~altftcattons. ~~~ly, to dtre~ t~ Co~ itton~ to ~s n letter 1991 91-17e 91-17! m~d 91-184 - g::~r:L~/~,*~r~i:lmi:Y~z~ly, that Bgldgmt Ammn~nto 91-176/177, 91-179, ~l~mmmtmm~Z~, to mdo~t RmmoZutton 91-~86 &p~otnttngl~m~/ ,C~t~.tmt~m~ldmnGate Communtt~Cente~ &dvtso~yCom~tttem. Page 33 Nay 2~ ~99! Sue Ftlson, Administrative Assistant to the Board, reported that two.remtgnat~ons from the County Government Productivity Committee have been received, and Staff ta recommending the appointments of /..'. Wlllta~ McDaniel and John Hustler for the remainder of those terms. · ~Coutsaloner Shanahen auggeared the appointment oF Bernard Layne beca~lse of hie recent experience on the City of Naplem Efficiency Committee. C~mm/mmio~m~ ~ ~, ~ecom~e~t~, Commtmmtone~ ~munderm mnd g~ZTle~d~ly, tO ~dopt Rmmolutton 91-387 appotntin~ Jo~n M. ]b~t.tet. emdl ~ ~ to the County Oovmrn~nt Productivity Page County Manager Derrill recalled that this item was continued from ' an earlier meeting in order to provide the Board with a legal opinion with reGard to providing law enforcement, which is included in the Executive Summary, and a survey from the Shertff's Office, which he indicated has been submitted under separate cover. (Copy of survey not provided to the Clerk to the Board.) .[:.i. i Sheriff Don Hunter stated that, to his knowledge, there are currently seven counties in Florida with unincorporated area M.S.T.B.U. es to fund law enforcement similar to what Collier County currently has. Be added there are three counties with specific M.$.T.B.U. es for law enforcement. He explained he was approached by Pelican Bay for the presence of law enforcement in that area which .they did not hal/eye they had. He indicated agreements were drafted which reflected Increased law enforcement services to Pelican Bay for which they were willing to tax themselves for. He advised that area has v~rtually no crime suppression patrols due to the fact that the services they pay for are moved to the higher crime rate areas. Be asserted Immokalee, East Naples and some parts of North Naples enjoy c~imefsuppression patrols well in excess of what Pelican Bay currently ....... . Sheriff Hunter explained the Deputies, if this is approved, would report to him and respond to hie directives, policies and procedures, as well as State Statute and federal Constitution prescriptions. He said they are not Intended to be private security. He mentioned that other parts of the County may enjoy some benefits from the M.S.T.B.U. ~ [f'!f'e,tablished, because there should he spill-over effects for con- . .tiguous areas to Pelican Bay. He added the County would have five additional people available during an emergency as well as the addi- tional visibility of at least three marked patrol vehicles. He *userted he does not wish to away the Board in its decision, rather he Page 35 '!.*~**', * · May 21, I991 is making them aware of constituent requests for additional services and identifying the only funding source available. , ,. Commissioner Saunders asked Sheriff Hunter if be supports the request, since his presentation Indicated Its postttve benefits to the community? Sheriff Hunter responded that it would be unwise of him not to recognize the need to preserve low crime areas because other- wise,,:he will be dealing with an entire County problem as opposed to being able to focus on particular areas. He concluded in that sense, ?';.~ha. Is In favor of responding to the constituents' request. He added, however, that this may not be the best device for funding. Commissioner Saunders declared that it is Imperative for him to .know. in his decision making process if the chief law enforcement officer in Collier County is in favor of the proposal. Sheriff Hunter reiterated that he is in favor of additional ser- vices,for Pelican Bay to preserve a low crime rate area. He again stated his belief that the M.S.T.B.U. may not be the best vehicle for g,~ however, that Is the Board's decision to make. Sheriff Hunter affirmed for Commissioner Saunders that to the best of hie ablltty to identify costs, all expenses associated with the additional personnel have been included In the agreement, from ";training to retirement. ~, ' Commissioner Saunders inquired If there is a demonstrated need in ?:i~: Pelican Bay for this agreement7 Sheriff Hunter replied for reduction :of 'fear and the visibility of law enforcement services as well as to ulntain the lo~ crime rate they currently enjoy, he believes there is iii~,a demonstrated need. !;,11 ./iCommisstoner Saunders qussttone~ if this agreement is approved, can Ccnlnty residents be guaranteed ~hat there will be no erosion what- ,,' soever,o~ the base service being received In all other areas? Sheriff Hunter. reported this a~Teement is an addition to services and does not take:away anything from other areas, ,Co~m/saloner Saunders asked from talking to people in those coun- 'ties that currently have this type of arrangement, what is the percap- Page 36 the wealthy receiving better police protection? ~' '"Sheriff Hunter said that seems to be the major issue. He stated what in fact happens is the wealthier people with higher evaluations pay the larger tax, but the paid for services tend to go to the pool ".~nd a~e directed to the need In high crime areas. He declared this a~reement will not provide the wealthy with extra law enforcement pro- tection, it will only bring them up to where everyone else Is. Com~ieetoner Volpe communicated he has received a number of phone calls from his constituents asking what they are going to receive with :.,.this,proposal over and above what they are already entitled to under "[the!,b~sic level of service. Sheriff Hunter stated the agreement proposes an Increase in the level of service to Pelican Bay, not an enhancement of services. Commissioner Volpe stated if the agreement is approved, he would find i~ very difficult In the future to refuse similar requests. · Sheriff Hunter agreed it would be a difficult task. He advised that he has told other groups who have approached him to go to the Board of County Commissioners and s=pport the general budget to reflect what they are willing to pay for. He stated that outside contracts and M.S.T.B.U.'s are not needed, because they do not support the'~lexibtlitF he needs. Bill Kerrigan stated he continues to be against this proposal. He comauntcated his belief that the Board of County Co~mtsstoner~ should .approve a potentially radical change in the funding In the Sherlff~s budget without the $hertff's wholehearted approval. He questioned if the Sheriff would support a County-wide Increase In the " level of service? !] Sheriff Hunter communicated he has asked for that for the past two years · ~ Mr. Kerrlgan suggested if this Issue were put on a ballot, it wo~ld receive the proper forum to be addressed by the public. george Keller proposed that res/dents in Pelican Bay increase ooo,,, lo? Page 37 :personal security service they currently have if they desire addi- protection. _~t~.¢l~rF~rrtm r~placed Deq~u~yClerk Gu~vtn at this time · The following persons spoke In opposition of the Petition stating i' reasons which included: Hiring a group of hessians versus having a ~f;'). Sherlffts Department; Sherlff~e Office should not compete with the private sector~ morale problems; because voting 'He" is the right thing: to dog because law enforcement is not a service, it t8 a govern- merit reclutrement, and private security should supplement the fundamen- 'tel Government requirement; promotes fragmented levels of service throughout the community based on wealth; precedent being set encouraging other groups to request "extraordinary law enforcement". Jim McGrath Fred Tarrant Lots Leebar Richard Leebet Kathy Tomllnson * Berrie Gulacslk *presented material to Mr. MoLemore to be entered into the record (not provlded to Clerk to Board) :**The following persons spoke In favor of the Petition stating · reasons which Included: Increased level of law enforcement services needed now and residents are willing to pay for It; thought this was the direction we were to take when the Commission created the MSTBU. FOR PETITION Jim McMurphy Ben Brtggs representing Pelican Bay Foundation August Rocco President of Foundation Sheriff Hunter stated Collier County is not a high crime rate county and, In fact, enjoyed a 15~ reduction in crime this year and a 9~.reductton last year. He said that private security, by State can never be law enforcement, adding that he has neither the !~:jabtlity nor the Intention of competing with private security. Regarding MSTU accounting procedures, he remarked he has an accounting section and finance group next to none. He Indicated he will be happy ~.~to utilize the Board~s MSTU accounting procedures to document the cost with the Pelican Bay MSTU, if directed to do so. He Page 38 ~ay 21, 299! ~uaranteed, to the best of his ability, that all costs associated with this NSTU have been properly documented and the Board of County Commissioners has been informed of them. He restated some of the terms contained in the Agreement relative to the MSTU. He confirmed that.the Sherlff's Office is not Interested in providing any special police services. He expressed a desire to substitute the wozd " 'increased' for the word "extraordinary" in referring to services pro- il,I vided Pelican Bay as the Sheriff's Office cannot presently afford to provide these services due to an insufficient number of personnel. He added it is ~andated b~ the State of Florida that 172 members of his staff:are required to staff the Jail. Be pointed out the necessity of the 100 investigators who follow up on crimes and the dispatchers who dispatch the deputies to the scenes and monitor the traffic. He expressed his feeling that the dollars being spent in the Sherlff's budget are well spent. He verified his knowledge of the current set- vice levels in the Sheriff'e Office but added he is unable to Isolate theee..levele of service by addresses. He added that, although law enforcement is not an exact science, the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, Florida Sheriff's Association, Internal Association of Chiefs of Police Consultants, and the Board'e own consultant on impact .feee:~h~s adopted his method of generating statistics such as these. He reiterated that the Issue, as he sees it, ts that Pelican Bay resi- dents are requesting visibility they are not currently enjoying and are willing to pay for it. contract. He added he is in favor of this situation if there is no alternative funding available. He made reference to an Attorney General's Opinion Issued approximately 10 years ago which dtd not address the issue of authority or ability of the Sheriff to contract services but addressed only the issue of accounting for those He stated that the Florida Highway Patrol is working under He voiced his belief that this is a dual standard and reported petitioning the Attorney General to reconsider this situation. He said there 18 legislation proposed which will authorize the sheriffs in the State of Florida to enter Into any contract they May 21, 1991 ~V~'to be in the beat Interests of the public, the Intent of which is to permit the Sheriffs to enter Into contracts for the good of the public for law enforcement services. }re expressed his preference to :' :have'the.general operating accounts and the General Fund of the Board of County Conicsloners pay for the salTIces that the public wants and the constituency Is demanding, adding that, unfortunately, for two years he has not received the monies in the General Fu'nd to support the levels of service established by the public for the last ten years.- He affirmed that, regardless of how the vote on this Issue ~oee, he will continue to maintain the good law enforcement that the County enjoys to the best of his ability. ,Commissioner Hasse questioned why so much crime suppression is ~;,- ~necesoary In an area said to have so little crime. He commended the ]/~ Shertff's Office. He asked why this i~aue was brought up now Instead ~;!?: of a~ budget time. He explained that he feels It will oreate problems 'in th~ attitude of the general public of Collier County to the extent they will think that high Income areas will get better law enforcement ~/---8ervices. Commissioner Saunders stated he has a philosophical problem with this petition In that he is concerned about the perceptions in other ! parts.of the co~uaunlty. He Indicated that tn order to be supportive of this concept he needed the unequivocal support of same by the Sheriff. He referred to Sheriff Hunter's comments that he is In favor of this concept if there is no other way to do It. He stated he also needed clear and convincing evidence of the need for this concept by the Pelican Bay community. He referred to Sheriff Hunter's comments regarding the perception that there is no law enforcement In the com- munity, adding that is not the showing of a clear and convincing need. He expressed concern for the potential of creating problems by 'eltlbltlhing an MSTBU for law enforcement. He stated that law enfor- Page ,0 · :;.' cement is so basic that the way to addt, ess the issue is through the .:.,budget process, on a county-wide basis, or establishment of a muntci- psi service taxing unit county-wide for law enforcement. He indicated that,without the Shertff"a unequivocal support for this and the ~;;~show,ing. pf clear and convincing evidence as to need, he does not think the precedent should be set by establishment at this time. It was the consensus of the Board that a county-~tlde MSTO or 'should be explored. . as-, ~ion~r Shmaa~mn ~oved, ~conded by Cm-uimaloner am~ c~r~tg ~ani~o~sl¥, that the following its rider the .. ~m~lat &g~n~l b~ approved ~nd/or adopt~ ~ZC~V~TI~ F~IT IO. 59.421, B~Y~HOI~ ~ ESTATES, LOCATED IN ~ 23, ~ 50 SOUTH, R~ 25 ~ - BOUNDKD ON TH~ NORTH BY ~ IXtl'Vl MED ON T~ MS? F~ BA~Sff0RE DRXV~ - #XT~ STXI'Ur. dtTXC~S The excavation shall be limited to a bottom elevation of -4.0 ft. NGVD, All disturbed ere;~s proposed for lake excavation shall be excavated to a minimum elevation of -4.0 ft. NGVD. No excavated material shall be removed from the project site. Where groundwater is proposed to be pumped during the exca- vating operation, a Dewatering Permit shall be obtained from the South Florida Water Management District, and a copy pro- vided to Project Review Services for approval prior to the commencement of any dewatering activity on the site. 4. No blasting will be permitted unless issued a separate permit by Collier County Prelect Review Services. 5. A monitoring program shall be submitted and approved prior to ~.-, excavation permit Issuance. · ,6. All provisions of Collier County 0rdlnance No. 88-26 shall be adhered to. BOI:~IT~ RECZOEST BY~PORTATXON SERVXCES DXVXSXON RELATXN~ TO U'EI~XTT~~~ BY !~0RXDA POWER AID LIGHT COMPANY FIt0N 'Q.R,-'.~I TO $.~, o81 - X~T~ aJ~nrr or ~23~rooo FAL'*3:LXTXI:I !~L~TIONA~R~MKNTWITR TLORXDA POWKRAI~ LIGHT COMPANY !ILITI:IITO f.R..981 !~3UR LA!lq18 ~ BZTWEEJrU.S. 41 MID .PORT~AI~ ROAD~ C:l~ PStOJKCT WO. 012 - NOT TO KXC'KKD ~226;734.00 Page 41 2 - MAthdrawn 21, 1991 BID ~91-1699 FOR CONSTRUCT10W OF THE CARlCA ROAD PUKP STATIOR AND N&T~RTJUIE AWARDED TO CARDINAL CONTRACTORS IN THE AMOUNT OF ~$,470o995.00 Xte~:#i6D2 CHANG~ ORDER NO. I (FINAL) TO CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT WITR DOUGLAS N. HIGGI]I~,'..INC. FOR PINE RIDGE ROAD NATER FACILITIES IMPROVENENTS, PHASE -REDUCTION IN TH~ AMOUNT OF ~41,011 Itmm.#16E1 M~I~'O1~RN1;~B~RVL-3 UNDER TH~ ANNUAL CONTRACT FOR ARCHITECTURAL 8~7'ZC~I NI'TH VICTOR 3. LATAVXSN, ARCHITECT, FOR DESIGN OF A HEATING SYSTEM IN BUZLDIN~ J IN THE EXISTING HVAC SYSTEM AND RELATED WORK - NOT TO ~XCE~D S~4,780.00 RESOLUTION NO. 91-382 ACCEPTING $820.00 OF MATCHING I~NDS FOR MAINTENANCE AND SERVICES OF EMERGENCY COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT NITH THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS Ztem~lSG1 See Pages RESOLUTION NO. 91-383 CERTIFYING A SUPPLEMENTAL ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR MANDATORY GARBAGE COLLECTION FEES FOR THE 1991 SERVICE YEAR AND AUTHORIZING CHAIRMAN TO EXECUTE CERTIFICATES OF CORRECTION C0~tP~L$~ONDING TO THIS RESOLUTION -' Xtem.e16II See Pages i:*;!,~ATI~PACTXON OF LXEN FORABA~ OF NUISANCE FOR ET. MARD H. PELC AND T~,!l~]~ll~' ~. PED~, LOT 15, BLOCK 2, UNIT 1, PART 2 G0?)EN GATE See SATISFACTION OF LIEN FOR ABATEMENT OF NUISANCE FOR CARLESIMO, CELESTE & MERX,'~ ONORIA CARLESIMO, LOT 15a BLOCK 195a UNIT 6 GOLDEN GATE S&TI~FACTION OF LIEN FOR ABATEMENT OF NUISANCE FOR CELESTE CARLESIMO AND'~CARLESIMO, ~ ONORIA CARLESIMO, LOT 15, BLOCK 195, UNIT 6 SATISFACTION OF LIEN FOR ABATeMeNT OF NUISANCE FOR ALPHONSO CAMPBELL, EXECUTOR OF THE ESTATE OF CHARLIE RICHARDS, LOTS 29 AND 30, BLOCK A, BONDURANT SUBDIVISION Page 42 See Pages May 2~, 1991 SATZSPACTZON.OF LZEN FOR ABATEMENT O~ NUZSANCK FOR Z~ARD 3. ~AVEHD~.'PELCf LOT 36, BLOCK 240f..GOLDEN GATE, UNIT NO. 7 See Pages /~ PELC AND SATIHFACTION OF LIEN FOR ABATEMENT OF NUISANCE FOR BENNETT, EAYE, AND $CHO~LY,:PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE OF THE JOAN BARRY ~ISMILLER ESTATE, ~OT ~. B~0C~ 136 OF MARCO BF~tCH UNIT FIVE See Pages . /~'~ SATIS?ACTION OF LIEN FOR ABATEMENT OF NUISANCE FOR DR. PATRICIO B~LTIt~N GONIm LOT...Sm. BLOCK 325 OF MARCO BEACH UNIT TEN see Pages SATISFACTION OF LIEN FOR ABAT~3fKNT OF NUISANC~ FOR CONSTANCE L. MKE~ERf LOT. If BLOCK 112r OF MARCO BEACH UNIT THREE See Pages SATISFACTION OF LIEN FOR ABATEMENT OF NUISANCH FOR $. W. $. I~FE~,.INC., LOT...3?, BLOCK.81,......O~LDEN.GATE UNIT NO, 3 .... See Pagea .... ~T~At~T~0N OF LZ~N FOR ABATEMENT OF NUISANCE FOR J. W. 3. 1~,. INC., LOT 38, BLOCK 81~...GOLDEN GATE .UNIT NO. 3 See Pages SATISPACTION OF LIEN FOR ABATEMENT OF NUISANCE FOR J. W. J. rNV~,. INC., LOT.39~ BLOCK 81~ ~OLDEN ~A.TE UNIT NO. $ . Pages SATISFACTION OF LIEN FOR ABATEMENT OF NUISANCE FOR EDWARD J. PHLC ' AND ~AVE~DA L. PELC~ LOT 36~ B~OCK..24.0, GOLDEN OATH, UNIT NO. See Pages ./~/,~ SATISFACTION OF LIEN FOR ABATE~E~T OF NUISANCE FOR MICHAEL DENICOLA, LOT $4, BLOCK 352~ OF MARCO BEACH UNIT ELEVEN See Pages /~ SATISFACTION OF LIEN FOR ABATEMENT OF NUISANCE FOR JEAN M. HO~E~ UNIT NO. ~0~ WEST WIND MOBILE ESTATES See Pages HATI~FACTION OF LIEN FOR ABATEMENT OF NUISANCE FOR E%rELYN GAIL LEWIS, THE R~ST 100 FEET OF THE EAST 200 FHET OF THE SOUTH 215 F~ET OF THE WEST ONE-HALF OF THE NORTHEAST ONe-QUARTER OF SOUTHinEST ONE-QUARTER OF NO1~I"HF. AST ON~-QUANTER OF SECTION 9, TOWNSHIP g? SOUTH, RANGE 29 EAST, ,~n~.~ CX~INT~, FLORIDA, SUBJECT TO AN EASEMENT OVER T~E NORTH S0 FEINT F~'~AD~ o~ way See Pages /'~" ~ SATInACTION OF LIEN FOR ABATEMENT OF NUISANCE FOR ARTHUR AFFEL, LOT !?;' ~ .~35 OF NARCO BEACH UN!T..F~VE See Pages /JW Page 43 Nay 21, 2992 LIEN FOR ABAT~M~IT OF NUZSANCK FO~ ~S ~~ See ~ages /~ See Pages 01--884 R~POINTING ~ ~, D&VID BITNER, See Pages ;Ro. 266 No. 251 1980 TAX ROT.,T., 1090 TA~ ROLL Dated 05/09/92 Dated 05/09/91 - 1000 T~N~IBL~ PE~ONA~ PROPERT~ TA~ ROLF~ ,No.. 1990-99/102 Dated 05/07/91-05/10/91 T]:]IBFOR INMATE NOtS. 61387 AND 70233 .The fol.Towing m.t. scellaneous correeponde~¢e was filed a~,~/or ~..... referred to the vartous departments as indicated below: ; -1';.,,Report dated April 15, 2991 from Robert C Stroh, Ph.D. :: Acting Director, Center for Affordable Housing, University of Florida, Gainesvil1e. xc: Filed. Letter dated 5/2/91 to Chairman Goodnight, Board of County Commissioners, from Lewis O. Burnside, Jr., Director, DCA, Division of Housing and Co~munit¥ Development re Contract Number 91DB-57-09-21-01-E19. xc: Filed. Letter dated 4/18/92 to Chairman Goodnight and Sheriff Don Hunter from Virgil L. Choate, Department of Corrections, Correctional Officer Inspector II, Sebring, re Inspection Report dated 4/9/91. xc: Filed 4e Rulemaking notices dated 5/3/91 from the Florida Department of Environmenta! Regulation, Tallahassee. xc: Netl Dotrill, Bill Lorenz, Prank Brutt and filed. 5. Letter dated 5/10/91 to Chairman, Board of County Commissionera, from Jon M. Iglehert, Environmental Page 44 May 21· 199! Specialist, Florida Department of Environsrental Re~ulation, Fort Myers, re Collier County - WRR File Ho. 111965685. xc: Neil Dotrill, Bill Lorenz· Frank Brutt and filed. Letter dated 5/8/91 to Chairman, Board of County Commissioners, from Jon M. Iglehart, Envlx'onmental Specialist, Florida Department of Environmental Regulation, Fort Myers, re Collier County - WRR File No. 1119651?5. xc: Neil Dotrill, Harold Hubez, azl f!l~d. Letter dated 5/10/91 to Chairman, Board of County Commissioners, from Jori M. Iglehart, Environmental Specialist, Florida Department of Environ~lental Regulation, Fort Myers, re Collier County - WRR File No. 111965?05. xc: Nell Dotrill, Harold Huber, and filed. Notice of Exemptions, based on forms, drawings and documents submitted/revised on 4/19/91 and 4/22/91, from Florida Department of Environmental Regulation, Fort Myers. xc: Neil Dotrill, John Yonkosky, Steve Camell and filed. Letter dated 5/7/91 to John Barber, A~nolt, Barber & Brundage, Inc., from Tony D. McNeal, Engineer, Bureau of Coastal Engineering and Regulation, DNR, Tallahassee, re Permit Number C0-314, Permittee Name - Collier County Board of County Commissioners. xc: Neil Dorrtll, Harold Huber and filed. f 10. Letter dated 5/8/91 to Collier County Board of County Commissioners from Tony D. McNeal, Engineer, Bureau of Coastal Engineering and Regulation, DNR, Tallahassee, re Request for Public Comment, File Number C0-312, Applicant: S. William Smith, Jr. xc: Nell Dotrill, Harold Huber and filed. 11. Letter dated 5/2/91 to Collier County Board of County Commissioners from Alfred B. Devereaux, Jr., Chief, Bureau of Coastal Engineering and Regulation, Florida Department of Natural Resources, Tallahassee, re Public Notice, File Number: CO-308 ATF, Applicant: Coastal Engineering Conmultanta, Inc., on behalf of Collier County Board of County Commissioners. xc: Nell Dorrtll, Frank Brutt and filed. 12. Letter dated 5/9/91 to Chairman Goodnight from Carol Ann Breyer, Executive Director, Florida Governor's Alliance for Employment of Disabled Citizens, Tallahasf~ee, re revision of regulations determining eligibility for handicapped parking in the State of Florida. xc: Neil Dorrtll, Ken Cuyler, Guy Carlton and filed. 13. Letter dated 5/9/91 to Commissioner Hasse from Gerald G. Lott, P.E., District Traffic Operations Engineer, Florida Department of Transportation, Tallahassee, re Notification of changes in traffic re~ulations. xc: Neil Dotrill, George Archibald and filed. 14. ¸15. Letter dated 5/6/91 to Chairman Goodnight from Alan D. Whirworth, Principal Planner, Department of Community Services, Division of Planning and Construction, Lee County, Fort Myers, re application for vacation of a portion of Bonita Beach Road right-of-way that lies within the Bonita Beach Subdivision. xc: Nell Dotrill, Board of County Commissioners, George Archibald and filed. Agenda of Golden Gate Fire Control & Rescue District, dated 5/8/91, received and filed. Page 45 May 21, 1991 16. A~ended Notice to Owner dated 5/6/91 from Patricia Shields, agent for Krehllng Industries, Inc., advising that they fur- ntshed concrete and/or all other related building materials under an order given by Jim Dean Masonry for the Community Center located on Thomasson Drive. xc: Nail Derrill, Steve Camell, John Yonkosky and filed. Amended Notice to Owner dated 5/6/91 from Patrtc/a Shields, agent for Krehling Industries, Inc., advising that they fur- ntshed concrete and/or all other related building materials under an order given by Jim Dean Masonry for the North Naples Community Park. xc: Nell Derrill, Steve Carne11, John Yonkosky and flied. 18.. Amended Notice to Owner dated 5/6/91 from Patricia Shields, agent for H. K. Service Corporation, advising that they fur- ntshed concrete pumping service under an order given by Jim Dean Masonry for the North Naples Community Park. xc: Net1 Derrill, Steve Carnal1, John Yonkosky and filed. 19. Notice to Owner from Wade's Heatlog & Cooling, Fort Myers, Florida, advising that they furnished services or materials for HVAC work under an order given by Cornerstone General Contractors for real property identified as Section 26, T48S, R2§E, Collier County, Florida consisting of 40 acres Nail Derrill, Steve Carne11, John Yonkosky and filed. 20. Notice to Owner from Waders Beating & Cooling, Fort Myers, Florida, advising that they furnished services or materials for HVAC work under an order given by Cornerstone General Contractors for real property Identified as Section 4, T4?S, R29E, Collier County, Florida. xc: Nell Derrill, Steve Camell, John Yonkosky and filed. !/: . 21. Notice to Owner from Waders Heattng& Cooling, Fort Myers, Florida, advising that they furnished services or materials for HVAC work under an order given by Cornerstone General Contractors for real property identified as Section 24, T50S, R25B, Collier County, Florida. xc: Nail Derrill, Steve Camell, John Yonkosky and filed. 22. Notice to Owner dated 5/3/91 from Rinker Materials Corporation, Ft. Myers, Florida, advising that they furnished ready mix concrete and/or miscellaneous other building supplies under an order given by J. D. Masonry Inc. for the North Community Center located on Immokalee Road. xc: Nel! Derrill, Steve Camell, John Yonkosky and filed. 23. Notice to Owner dated 5/?/9! from Teresa McCronte of Bonita Limestone Transportation, Inc., Bonita Sprb~gs, Florida, advising that they furnished materials, equipment, and trucking related service under an order gtw~n by Tony Bowman Trucking for the North Naples Community Park. xc: Nail Derrill, Steve Camell, John Yonkosky and flied. 24. 25. Notice to Owner dated 5/?/91 from Teresa McCronie of Bonita Limestone Transportation, Inc., Bonita Springs, Florida, advising that they furnished materiala, equipment and trucking related service under an order given by M.D. Hatwell Excavating for the North Naples Community Park. xc: Nail Derrill, Steve Carnell, John Yonkosky and filed. Notice to Owner dated 5/3/91 from Robert L. Johnston, Agent for Florida Contr. Rental & Sales, North Miami Beach, Florida, advising that they furnished equipment rental under an order given by M.D. Ratwell Excavating for the East Naples Community Center. xc: Nel! Derrill, Steve Carne11, John Yonkosky and filed. Page 46 30. 32. 33. May 21, 1991 Notice to Owner dated 5/7/91 from Karen Price, Agent for Jim Smith Electric Service Inc., Bonita Springs, Florida, advising that they furnished electrical labor, materials and fixtures under an order given by Armon Inc. for the Agricultural Extension Office Building NOC 1608/2399 041891 located on Immokalee Road. xc: Nell Dorrill, Steve Carnell, John Yonkosk¥ and filed. Notice to Owner dated 5/7/91 from Karen Price, Agent for Ruck Brothers Brick, Inc., Fort Myers, Florida, advising that they furnished Brick and masonry materials under an order given by Voyager Construction Co. for the Collier County Library located on Central Avenue. xc: Neil Dorrill, Steve Camell, John Yonkosky and filed. Copy of letter dated 5/3/91 addressed to Lynch Construction of Naples, Inc. from Albert G. Taworski of Advanced Mechanical Systems, Inc. regarding payment by Lynch Construction of Naples for services rendered on the Frank Mackle Community Center. xc: Neil Dorrtll, Steve Camel1, John Yonkosky and filed. Letter to Board of County Commissioners, c/o Harry F. Huber, Technical Services Supervisor, dated 5/6/91 from Alfred B. Devereaux, Jr., Chief, Bureau of Coastal Engineering and Regulation, DNR, Tallahassee, regarding Notice of Apparent Permit Violation, Permit Number DBS 88-208 CO, for a beach restoration project along Marco Island. xc: Filed. Xerox copy of an approved Permit pursuant to Section 161.053 OR 161.052, Florida Statutes, Permit Number 02823 CO DNR, dated 5/3/91 pursuant to project for Royal Seafarer. :~c: Neil Dotrill, Harold Nuber, and filed. Notice to Owner dated 5/7/91 from William D. Meeker, Jr., NACM Services Corp., Tampa, Florida, advising that they fur- nished fencing and related products under an order given by ARC/Tech Fence Systems Inc. for the Collier Village Immokalee Florida "PUD infrastructure project". xc: Neil Dotrill, Steve Camell, John Yonkosky and filed. Letter dated 5/6/91 to Nell Dorrt11 from Rhonda K. Archer, Finance Director, Port of the Islands Community Improvement District, Cora! Springs, Florida, complete with enclosures, re transmittal of Annual Financial Report and Audit - FYE 9/30/90. xc: Filed. Letter dated 4/12/91 to Board of County Commissioners from Kim Patrick Kobza of the Law Office of Treieer, Kobza, Leigh & Hagsman, Naples, Florida, re Vanderbilt Beach MSTU - Landscaping, Beautlftcation and Lighting and enclosed copy of letter dated 4/12/91 to David Weigel from Attorney Kobza re same. xc: Filed. ooo ,,, ].17 Page 47 Ida¥ 21, :1991 '!There being no further business fo~' the Qood of the County, the ., "i.meettng. was adjourned by Order of the Chair - Time: 4:50 P.M. · <~-'... BOARD OF CO~ CO~ISSIO~R5 -~;~. ' 'BO~D OF ZONIN~ APPRALS/EX ~?~J'~ ' O~ICIO GO~IN~ BO~D(S) OF f" SPECIAL DISTRICTS ~ER ITS /: CONTROL ,roved by the Board on~/~// or ae corre=t.d