BCC Minutes 09/18/1991 B Naples, Florida, September 18, 1991
LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commissioners in
and for the County of Collier, and also acting as the Board of Zoning
Appeals and as the governing board(s) of such special districts as
haw~ been created according to law and having conducted business
herein, met on this date at 5:05 P.M. in BUDGET SESSION in Building
"F" of the Government Complex, East Naples, Florida, with the
following members present:
CHAIRMAN: Patricia Anne Goodnight
VICE-CHAIRMAN: Michael J. Volpe
Richard S. Shanahan
Max A. Hasse, Jr.
Butt L. Saunders
ALSO PRESENT: Ellte Hoffman, Wanda Arrighi, Annette Guevtn and
Debby Farrls, Deputy Clerks; Nell Dotrill, County Manager; Tom Olltff
Assistant to the County Manager; Ken Cuyler, County Attorney; Mike
McNees, Budget Director; Michael Smykowskt, Edward Finn and Robert
Bryne, Budget Analysts; Martha Skinner, Social Services Director;
Frank Brutt, Community Development Services Administrator; George
Archibald, Transportation Services Administrator; Bob Blanchard,
Growth Planning Director; Mike Arnold, Utilities Administrator; Tom
Conrecode, Office of Capital Pro3ects Management Director; Murdo
Smith, Acting Parks and Recreation Director; Don Hunter, Sheriff;
Lieutenant Byron Tomlinson, Sheriff's Office; Gayle Addison and
Gry~tal Blankenship of the Shertff's Office; and Sue Filson,
Administrative Assistant to the Board.
September 18, 1991
Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on
September 15, 1991, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed
with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider a proposed tax
increase and the Fiscal Year 1991/92 Budget for Collier County.
County Manager Dorrtll announced that this is the second of two
pllbltc hearings to adopt the Board of County Commissioners Fiscal Year
91/92 Budget. He recalled that as a result of the first hearing, he
and the Constitutional Officers were asked to prepare potential budget
cuts and present same to the Commission this evening.
County Manager Dotrill remarked that an additional budget request
is being made to reinstill the arterial street lighting in the greater
Naples area.
County Manager Dorrill advised that the Commission directed staff
to prepare budget cuts in the amount of $3.85 million. He called
attention to the hand out which reflects budget cuts totaling $7.1
million under the County Manager and County Commission portion of the
bu. dget, and a grand total of $7.7 million in cuts.
Mr. Dotrill explained that out of the 67 Counties in the State of
Florida, Collier County ranks 67th or last in terms of the total
County-wide and operating millages with a combined millage of 3.35.
He indicated that Collier County taxes are $335 per $100,000 of
taxable value. He reported that of the total $13 billion taxable
value in the County, almost 20% is for vacant property. He affirmed
that there is an additional 12% of industrial and commercial property.
He revealed that of the $335, only $150 per year goes to the Sheriff's
Office which Is a very good bargain. He related that the total County
Manager operating budgets for that same house valued at $100,000 is
$89 per year, and all other Constitutional Officers, Court System and
the Board's Departments are less than $60 per year.
Budget Director McNees called attention to Page 1 of the agenda
packet reflecting property taxes and proposed millage rates. He
announced that the General Fund proposed millage rate is 3.3910 for an
increase over the rollback r~ate of 7.0%. He pointed out that the
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total County-Wide millage rate Is 4.4741 or an increase of 6.3% over
the rollback rate.
Mr. McNees referred to Page 2 of the agenda packet and noted that
tile proposed aggregate millage rate is 5.1876 or an 8.8~ increase over
the rollback rate. He indicated that the primary reasons for the tax
increases are due to expanded services to staff new facilities that
will come on llne next year which are growth management related parks
and libraries expansions in addition to maintaining the current Levels
of Services.
Mr. McNees called attention to Page 10 of the agenda packet,
listing the potential budget cuts. He explained that the three page
handout Includes this list as well as the Constitutional Officers
Items and their potential cuts.
Mr. McNees recalled that at the last budget hearing, a gentleman
representing the Turnbury Lighting District, requested that that
District be deferred. He advised that staff researched this issue and
has no objection to deferring the creation of that Lighting District
for one year, pending the Commisslon's approval.
Commissioner Hasse suggested reducing '~he operating expenses and
additional staff for the Library Expansion to approximately $65,000;
deleting the expanded funds request in the. amount of $130,000 for the
Public Health Unit; deleting the $32,900 for Contract Agency requests
over budget policy; deleting the $240,000 for the first-quarter hiring
freeze; deleting $2,000,000 for the Jail Expansion Preliminary
Engineering/Design Work; deleting the $~!29,000 for the EMS Substation
on Golden Gate Parkway & Airport Road; deleting the $300,000 for the
Shertff's Department Gun Range; and deleting the Government Center
Water/Sewer Improvements in the amount of $2,§29,000.
In response to Commissioner Hasse, County Attorney Cuyler advised
that he has voluntarily deferred hiring the tenth attorney for his
office until after the next fiscal quarter.
Commissioner Masse suggested that travel expenses for each
Commissioner be reduced from $3,500 per year to $2,500 per year.
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A discussion ensued with regard to the proposed reductions
relating to operating expenses and additional staffing for the Library
Expansion. Library Director Demarest explained that of the $115,700
associated with this item, there is one position involved:
Professional Reference Librarian. He noted that it is unthinkable to
be operating a library of its size with only one such position and
therefore, a second position is proposed when the move to the new
b~ildtng occurs. He noted that this is a phased-in position and does
not represent a full year's cost. He suggested that if there are to
be cuts, that the $32,200 figure associated with that position be
taken out of his budget. He remarked that $83,500 deals with
illcreased insurance, electricity, and all the utilities and items
required for a building four times the size of the old building.
County Manager Dotrill announced that there are four unfilled
P~ofessional Librarian positions affected by the hiring freeze. He
noted that when the move takes place into the new facility, it will be
ullder staffed. He reported that he may try and fill some of those
positions in the fall, however, noting tha': he still needs to save
$250,000 in the hiring freeze.
Commissioner Saunders referred to Page 1 of the three page han-
dout, and requested clarification of Item #4: "Further reductions in
salary adjustments/budgeted positions. County Manager Dotrill replied
that in lieu of deferring all pay raises and adjustments by six
months, he is proposing alternatives of either cancelling the pay plan
maintenance for the coming year or permanently eliminating some addi-
tional positions. He indica~ed that he has already eliminated 26
positions in his budget.
Commissioner Saunders stated that the Commtsston's objective is to
reduce taxes as much as possible. He recalled that the Manager was
directed to come back to the Board with a O~ Increase in the rollback
millage rate. He observed that Mr. Dotrill and the Constitutional
Officers have done a commendable Job in providing a menu of items to
select from to accomplish same. He explained that if all the cuts are
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implemented as suggested, the County will be beyond the 0% increase in
the rollback millage rate and there will be a negative number. He
related that this is commendable but only if it does not result in a
reduction of essential services to the community.
Commissioner Volpe questioned whether the elimination of addi-
tional positions has been identified. County Manager Dorrill stated
that beyond the 26 proposed positions, he has not identified further
positions. He noted that he would be requesting 90 days in order to
identify those positions and to give reasonable notice to the
employees who would be affected.
Commissioner Volpe suggested that consideration be given to
deferring the proposed wage increases for the current employees rather
than eliminating positions which would result in a reduction of ser-
vices to the tax paying publ.ic.
Mr. Jeff Cox stated that he is a member of the Sheriff's Office.
He indicated that he has been a member of the Shertff's Firearms
Training staff for 13 years; member of the PR-24 Baton Training staff
for 8 years; honor guard member for 12 y~ars; and the District 7
S~[b-Statton Supervisor. He ~fflrmed that there are several areas of
liability relating to law enforcement: firearms, vehicle accidents
and insurance, and special response teams. He advised that the pro-
posed Training Range would be used for firearms training, officers
training to drive under stressful conditions, and a training course
for the Special Response (SWAT) Team. He related that the effec-
tiveness of the SWAT Team along with the effectiveness of every
officer in the agency depends upon training. He explained if the
money for the Training Range is cut from the budget, any one lawsuit
could easily pay for that range several times over. He ci'{ed the
importance of the helicopter which in many instances is the only way
to get injured civilians out of an area and reinforcement people with
supplies in; and searching for missing children and the elderly
encountering medical problems. He noted that these are life saving
measures. He reported that he is 150~ in favor of cutting those
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things that may currently be an inconvenience but could be picked up
later, but this portion of the law enforcement budget is not a con-
ventence, its life saving measures that is an absolute must.
Ms. Vicki Vaughn, Public Relations Consultant, read a letter to
the Commission from Sheriff Ellison DeFore who was Lieutenant Governor
candidate with Governor Bob Martinez. The letter addressed the
Sheriff's proposed helicopter acquisition, citing the efficiency and
effectiveness of same in law enforcement to cover a vast amount of
te~ritory in short order; and citizens are greatly reassured by
hearing the sound of the helicopter overhead at night. She urged the
Commission's support of the purchase of the helicopter.
Mr. Walter Kissel, Member of the Fire Commission Steering Group of
Collier County, called attention to Community Development Services
Fund 113, relating to trained, certified and commence of new construc-
tion for a fire protection system inspecto.c. He advised that the Fire
De~,artments in Collier County currently ha~e 15 certified ~nspectors
for' new construction and reinspection. He questioned why the County
intends to certify its own employees to duplicate an existing service
that has no direct costs to the County.
Community Development Services Administrator Brutt replied that
the development industry has indicated that there is a lack of con-
sistency by the inspections performed by the Fire Districts, notinG
that the County strives to provide consistency by having all the
inspectors under the leadership and guidance of one individual. He
explained that members of the development industry support the fact
that the County's individuals are trained, managed, and they are
satisfied with what is being done.
Commissioner Hasse remarked that the Commission is attempting to
find ways to reduce the budget. He stated that since the fire
departments are adequately staffed and trained to do an effective Job,
and suggested that perhaps tile issue of uniformity relating to inspec-
tions could be worked out with the various departments.
Mr. McNees pointed out that Page 17 of the agenda refers to this
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issue. He affirmed that the County's billing department collects the
inspection fee, forwards same to the appropriate fire department and
proposes to continue in this manner. He noted that this revenue has
newer been budgeted since it has been handled as a balance sheet
account. He advised that a budget has been added to account for that
money and appropriated same in order for it to be distributed to the
flr~ districts.
Commissioner Shanahan stated that staff needs to meet with the
Steering Committee to resolve this matter.
Mr. Michael Willis, representing the Sexual Abuse Treatment
Program for Children and Families in Collier County, stated that this
agency has been operating for five years under funding from the United
Way, HRS, and the general budget from Lee County. He noted that this
program is currently being operated by the Concerned Citizens for the
Sexually Abused Treatment of Citizens of Lee and Collier County. He
affirmed that as of October 15, 1991, the program will cease to exist,
due to funding problems. He indicated that Lee County can no longer
find. the funds to operate the Collier County budget. He revealed that
he has a petition containing 300 signatures, requesting the Commission
to approve a program to handle this situation. He explained that
there has been a 300% increase over the past three years in sexually
abuse cases. He asked that the Commission and the public review this
budget and that the County provide the funding. He related that the
proposed budget to operate the Collier County branch would be
County Manager Dotrill advised that the David Lawrence Center is
the designated Mental Health Agency in Collier County. He pointed out
that Mr. Willks is speaking about a Lee County contract agency and
these people did not file an application to be eligible fox' contract
funding. He suggested that ~he Commission weigh and balance Collier
County needs before Lee County needs are balanced. He announced that
approximately $600,000 per year is provided to the David Lawrence
Page 7
In answer to Commissioner Shanahan, Mr. Willis stated that United
Way had $10,000 in their budget for the (Jollier County program,
however, the funds have gone back to that agency since the remaining
part of the budget is not feasible. He indicated that there are State
Fllnds which may be applied for by Colliel~ County.
Commissioner Saunders suggested that Mr. Willis contact staff in
order to get into the process for next year.
Mr. Don Price provided two charts depicting the Sherlff's
Department operatlon costs for the past ten years. He indicated that
the Shertff's budget has skyrocketed since 1989. He noted that the
Shez'iff's Office has operated very nicely without the helicopter and
ques~tioned the number of deputies that would be cut to pay for the
fuel, maintenance and a new buildinG in which to store the aircraft.
He stated that a fully equipped police helicopter, capable of pursuit
rescue assist operations, night operations and over water operations
is needed, however, this could be purchased for under $230,000 and a
cost of $65 per hour to operate as opposed to the $300 per hour tur-
bine engine as proposed by the Sheriff. He suggested that a line by
line review of the Sheriff's budget be conducted. He urged the
Commission to consider zero base budgeting.
***Depu%~ Clerk Arrtghl replaced Deputy Clerk Hoffman at this time***
Mr. Miguel Fernandez questioned what has been done in the County
regarding the data processinG centers since the study of 19897
County Manager Dotrill advised that this year the Manager's office
has entered into a cooperative agreement with the Clerk of the Circuit
Court from whom they will receive their support and system which is a
Digital product. He noted that they are in the conversion process at
this time which should be completed by November, 1991. He related
that the other Constitutional Officers remain independent from this
Mr. Fernandez Indicated that the County as a whole should have a
master plan to bring all their data processinG needs Into one system
rather than duplicating efforts.
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Commissioner Saunders agreed with the comments of Mr. Fernandez
and recommended that the Citizens Cost Reduction Committee review this
issue with all the Constitutional Officers. Commissioner Shanahan
supported the comments by Commissioner Saunders.
Commissioner Goodnight affirmed that the Board's office has been
working together with the Sheriff's Department, the State Attorney's
Office, and the Clerk's Office which should result in having an
integrated system by December, 1991.
Mr. John B. Lepore expressed his concern about rising taxes and
stated that a 10% reduction in the budget for all the Constitutional
Officers should be strictly adhered to. He emphasized that the budget
is very confusing as presented to the average citizen.
The effort to explain the capital spent per person in Collier
County per year by Mr. McNees and Commissioner Saunders was not to the
sat:[sfaction of Mr. 3ohn Lepore.
Mr. Scott Lepore commented that priorities must be set for the
County and budgets cut. He expressed grave concern regardinG the high
salaries made by top level management in Collier County. He
questioned specific items tn the Sheriff's budget such as the need for
the helicopter, the shooting range, and ~the amount budgeted for heat
in the County Jail. He requested that the Board approve a rolled-back
millage rate.
Mr. George Keller, President of Collier County Civic Federation,
stated that there appears to be no explanation offered in the budget
rega~rding the expense of $1] million to which County Manager Dorrill
explained that the revenue w~11 be acquired through sales and gas tax
as well as through six impact fees.
Mr. Keller sug!)ested that the millage rate could be rol].ed-back to
4.093. He added that the County should be looking toward smaller pay
rais~ee or none at all.
Mr. Robert Bla~coe, representing Sou~h Florida Welfare and the
Cocoon Program, presented to the Board of County Commissioners a docu-
men~ proposing a new program to commence on October 1, 1991. He
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stated that these organizations are helping the homeless and the
senior citizens who need the help from the County. He remarked that
any amount provided by the County will be Greatly appreciated.
,,4, Rectlud: 7:05 P.M. - Reconvened: ?:20 P.M.
Mr. Bob Riley, a self-employed taxpayer in Collier County,
speaking on behalf of Project Help, informed that this organization is
a licensed, validated, and non-profit agency which he volunteers his
time to. He advised that this agency is helping to maintain public
health, safety, and welfare. He provided credibility to the program
and requested that support continue for it at its requested amount.
Mr. William M. Richards, business man and taxpayer of Collier
County, requested the continued support cf Project Help and provlded
information as to its importance in the community.
Ms. Linda Winston, Executive Director of Shelter for Abused Women
of Collier County, expressed her concern regarding the level of sup-
port the State and County is affording the social services agencies of
Collier County and requested that the County support the Shelter.
Ms. Jane Varner, member of the Taxpayer Action Group, stated that
she supports not increasing the wages of government employees.
Mr. Dick Loeber, representing himself and the Taxpayer Action
Group, stated that they feel very stronqly that the line must be held
on taxes and spending. After pointinG out the increase of County
employees over the past five years, he inferred that the charts pre-
sented by the County's staff distorts the progression of the rela-
tionship between Government employees and population which it is
intended to portray. He noted that the County should provide the
essential services to its citizens. He expressed his support for
deferring the wage increases of the County employees and suggested
cutting back on over staffing.
Mr. McNees commented for the record that the number of Collier
County employees per thousand population has decreased over the last
two years.
Mr. Steven Hill, business man of Collier County, expressed his
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support for the request of the Shertff's Department for a gun range.
He commented that the training of a law enforcement officer is of
great benefit to the officer and the public.
Mr. David Land, an economist who lives in Immokalee, noted that
four plans developed as part of the Immokalee Master Plan are not part
of the proposed budget. He stated that the four plans include a
housing study, a redevelopment plan for South Immokalee, an economic
study, and a labor market study. He informed that all these studies
are required to effectively begin addre~3sing the needs of Immokalee
and are required to be in compliance of the Comprehensive Plan. He
informed that the funding for these studies is in the range of
$115,000 to $165,000; however, he is requesting $25,000 be included in
the budget for I~okalee related, economic and statistical studies.
Mr. Edward A. Morton spoke on behalf of supporting the Sheriff's
Department. He specifically requested that the stop light currently
budgeted for installation on C.R. 951 in front of Lely Elementary
School be expedited which would help ensure the safety of 750
Mr. Jim McGrath communicated that the County needs to relook at
how it is doing business and learn to consolidate which would result
in a lower budget, benefiting the c~ttzens of the County.
Dr. Jane Polkowskt, pointed out the importance of support for
ba,3tc health care for those in need which can make a big difference in
life time costs for a person. She noted that poor health can be
dt:rectly associated with an increased dependency on society and tax-
payers. She tnfommed that the request for $130,000 is for clinical
and field staff for the matelrnal child health and communicable disease
programs. She emphasized that a decision for preventive health care
is a savings for taxpayers.
Ms. Berrie Gulacstk, speakin~ on behalf of the League of Women
Vo~ers of Collier County, expressed strong support to budget Dr.
Polkowski's requef~t.
Mr. Fred Tarrant, speaking on behalf of the Taxpayer Action Group,
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declared that the budget should be cut and specifically commented that
there are too many lawyers, consultants, managers, and projects
included in the budget.
Mr. Charles R. Rhoades, representlnil h~mself and a member of the
Taxpayer Action Group, supported the funding in the budget requested
by the Shertff's department including the funding for the helicopter.
He pointed out that the police are the County's first defense.
Deputy Clerk Guevtn replaced Deputy Clerk Arright at this time **
Richard Ltlten spoke in support of allocating funds to the
contract agencies, in particular victim assistance groups such as
Pz'o~ect Help.
Randall Brown advised he is a hot line volunteer for Project Help,
speaking on behalf of victim programs. He asked the Board to keep in
mind the tremendous amount of good the contract agencies do for the
citizens of the County.
Emily Maggio urged the Board to consider cutting from the budget
the beach parking fee being paid to the City of Naples. She suggested
using that money to pay County employees to man County beaches and let
the citizens park free.
Joanne Herriss suggested that in order to cut government spending,
the County look into prtvatization of services that could be better
performed in private industry. She also urged the Board to freeze
wages and benefits of County employees for one year. She proposed all
spending appropriations that are not a necessity be cut from the
budget. She said the County does not need a baseball stadium, a
bicycle czar or a police helicopter.
Commissioner Shanaban stated the proposed agreement for the base-
ball stadium provides a guaranteed maintenance contract to protect the
interest of Collier County citizens so they will not have to pay.
He said the stadium project Is guaranteed at absolutely no cost to the
citizens, and the Board of County Commissioners insisted on those
facts being part of the agreement before the Issue went to referendum.
With regard to the bicycle pedestrian program, he said, the County is
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allocating $10,000, not $105,000 as referred to by Ms. Harrtss. He
said there is a very strong demand in the community for bike paths.
Frances Barsh with TAG, questioned the figure of $1,220,300 for
affordable housing under special revenue funds.
Commissioner Volpe explained that figure anticipates revenues
based upon the linkage fee fair share consultant's report which will
bl~ presented to the Board at a future meeting. He said the linkage
fee will be paid by primarily commercial property owners with a fair
share paid by single family residents.
Dave Enttng, speaking on behalf of t:he Volunteer Center of Collier
County and the Retired Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP), communicated
tile Volunteer Center has placed over 2,000 volunteers with agencies
including County government during the first four years of its
existence. He indicated volunteers working for Collier County govern-
ment have saved $50,000 in salaries over the past nine months. He
at~ked the Board to support allocations to the contract agencies,
adding he would support a decision to reallocate a portion of funds
directed to the Volunteer Center Into a contract agency, if that deci-
sion becomes necessary.
Mark Cherney, Chief Pilot with the Sheriff's Office, said the
purchase of a helicopter will benefit a number of agencies including
f:[re departments throughout Collier County, the City of Naples Police
Department and the local Customs office. He stated during his
research, he discovered only seven of Florida's 67 counties utilizing
the Hughes 300 aircraft. He added only three of the seven counties
are flying solely Hughes 300 aircraft while the remaining four coun-
ties have bigger aircraft and utilize the Hughes 300 as a back-up
v~htcle. He indicated the Shertff's Office is trying to find
something that will be a multi-mission helicopter in order to do the
most amount of Jobs for the least amount of money.
Commissioner Shanahan questioned the hard dollar cost of the
Crystal Blankenshtp with the Sheriff's Office, responded the pro-
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3ected cost is $800,000 to $1.2-million over a four to five year
period, depending on the interest rate. She said $168,000 has been
included in the budget for capital lease payments in FY 92.
Commissioner Volpe asked if impact fees or the Confiscated Trust
Fund could be used to partially fund the helicopter7
Ms. Blankenshtp advised impact fees can only be used for future
growth and not for an existinG deficiency. She said there may be a
problem since the helicopter is a replacement of an existing asset,
however, that possibility can be investigated with the consultant spe-
cializing in impact fees. She stated the same issue arises with using
the Confiscated Trust Fund, although extra equipment that would be
newly acquired for the helicopter may be purchased through that fund.
Earl Jacobson commented he has personally flown the Hughes 300
model in a law enforcement role. He said that aircraft is marginally
adequate for law enforcement because of its low range, low endurance
and very limited weight carrying capability.
Wayne Hook gave his support to the purchase by the Sheriff's
Office of the proposed helicopter.
$'' Ricesled: 8:55 P.M. - Reconvened: 9:05 P.M. see
Commissioner Shanahan asked why the Sheriff's Office cannot use
the Ford test track or the Naples Police firing range in the training
p:rocess of his Deputies7
Sheriff Hunter advised the Ford Motor test track Is a wonderful
resource to the Sheriff's Office. He indicated, however, the test
tmack is not of the proper dimensions, a,~d]ng it does not have the
insurance that would permit him to perfo:rm certain tests and vehicle
driving situations. With regard to the Naples Police firing range, he
said there is no such thing. He stated the Naples Police train at the
Gollier County Sheriff's Office firing range at the landfill, along
w~th U.S. Customs Service, the Drug Enforcement Administration, and
the Federal Bureau of Investigations.
In response to Commissioner Volpe, Sheriff Hunter explained he has
not asked for any additional positions in his proposed budget, even
~age 14
September 18, 1991
though the numbers of calls for service have increased and the popula-
tion base has increased. He said they are asked to do more with less,
and the helicopter is a method of attempting to accomplish that.
Commissioner Volpe communicated he will need to be convinced to
approve funding a helicopter instead of additional road patrols.
Sheriff Hunter reported road patrol deputies cannot be added while
holding the budget at a ?~ increase. He said he had to formulate a
strategy to somehow accommodate patrol while not increasing the number
of people in the budget, and that will be accomplished with the heli-
In answer to Commissioner Goodnight, Mr. McNees stated of the
$401-mllllon referenced earlier, $91-mtllton is cash balance brought
forward from the current fiscal year. He said another $118-mtllion
ar,~ transfers and internal service funds which are dollars that are
counted twice, because they are paid from one department to another.
He pointed out if those two items are removed from the revenue side,
th~ new money becomes one-half of the earlier quoted figure.
In response to Mr. Lepore, Mr. McNees stated the $91-millton carry
forward will be appropriated into a reserve account. He said the
CotLnty has a 5~ State mandated revenue reserve and a number of man-
dated debt service reserves, particularly in utilities in the area of
$10-12-mtllton, as well as contingency reserves in every fund at the
level of approximately 5~ to meet cash flow needs.
Co~isstonsr Shanahah moved, seconded by Commissioner Hasse and
carried unanimously, to close The public hearing.
Commissioner Volpe remarked the bicycle/pedestrian coordinator
position has not been recommended to be cut from the budget, however,
there has been discussion regarding that issue that needs to be
Commissioner Shanaban stated approval has already been given on
that position, and the MPO has moved on a request for State funds.
Commissioner Volpe indicated the Sher:iff's helicopter deserves
additional discussion.
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Commissioner Shanahan mentioned items3 have been asked to be
included that are not in the current budget, such as the Immokalee
Economic Statistical Study and a request to consider accelerating the
traffic light at C.R. 951 and the Lely Elementary School.
Commissioner Goodnight suggested the Board review the list of
potential budget cuts provided by the County Manager.
Commissioner Shanahan agreed with Commissioner Hasse that the
following expanded service items previously approved should be left in
the budget: $54,200 and $51,200 respectively for staffing at the East
Naples and North Naples Community Parks; and fourth quarter phase-in
of 855,100 in staffing for multipurpose facility at the East Naples
Park, as well as $27,400 for maintenance of new baseball fields at the
Golden Gate and North Naples Parks.
Commissioner Volpe concurred.
Commissioner Saunders stated that for purposes of discussion, he
agrees the items should be ]eft in the budget, however, he will not
make any commitments until the Board reviews the entire list of pro-
posed cuts. He suggested several major Items on the list be examined
which may accomplish the goal of the Board of no increase over the
roll back millage rate.
Commissioner Goodnight suggested the Board review each item as it
occurs on the list and if necessary, readdress them after each
Commissioner has the opportunity to express his opinion.
$$ Del~¥ Clerk Farrts replaced Deputy Clerk Guevtn at this time ,e
Regarding East Naples Community Park ($54,200) and North Naples
Community Park ($51,200) (page 10 of the Budget packet), it was the
consensus that, initially, there is no problem with leaving these
items in the budget.
Regarding the elimination of fourth quarter phase-ins for East
Naples Community Park ($55,100) as well as Golden Gate and North
Nap]es Parks ($27,400), Commissioners Shanahan, Hasse, Goodnight and
Saunders stated they have no problem with leaving these items in the
budget, while Commtsslone~ Volpe ~ndlcated he has no problem leaving
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September 18, 1991
these items in subject to his earlier statements concerning item #4 of
the Current Service Options.
Regarding operating expenses and additional staffing for the
Library Expansion ($115,700), Commissioner Hasse suggested the amount
of $83,500 be approved, to which Commissioners Shanahah and Volpe con-
curred, while Commissioner Saunders suggested'leaving the amount at
$115,700 at this point.
Regarding the expanded funds for the Public Health Unit
($130,000), Commissioner Hasse stated he feels the $130,O00 can be
dispensed with, to which Commissioners Shanahan and Volpe concurred,
while Commissioner Saunders stated he feels the $130,000 should be
left in the budget as it will actually save significantly more tax
dollars over the years by preventing certain types of illnesses and
birth problems. Commissioner Goodnight concurred with Commissioner
Saunders' comments.
Regarding the Beach Parking Fee to the City of Naples ($96,200),
Co~nissioners Shanahan, Hasse, and Saunders agreed that this amount
should be left in the budget, while Commissioners Goodnight and Volpe
felt it should be eliminated.
Regarding the Contract Agency requests ($32,900), Commissioners
Shanahan and Goodnight voted to leave this amount in the budget;
ComI~tssioner Hasse voted to take it out; Commissioner Volpe stated
that $150,000 was the amount agreed upon as a budget policy and he
understood that the majority of the Board of County Commissioners
sug~;ested it was the intent to get out of the Contract Agency busi-
ness; while Commissioner Saunders proposed the amount of $185,000 be
funded, with an increase of up to $25,000 to Project HELP.
Commissioner Goodnight stated the Board of County Commissioners
seems to be at an impasse and, therefore, they will proceed to the
next item.
Regarding the First-quarter hiring freeze, Commissioner Saunders
agreed that the hiring freeze should be continued and perhaps even
expanded, to which Commissioners Volpe, Hasse, Goodnight and Shanahah
September 18, 1991
Regarding the further reductions in salary adjustments and
budgeted positions, Commissioner Saunders voiced approval.
Commissioner Volpe stated that, without the cooperation of all the
Con~3tituttonal Officers, he feels it unfair to single out the County
Manager's Agency for that purpose. He added that he will go along
with the recommendation as a compromise position on the County
Manager's part.
Commissioner Goodnight stated she does not support the proposal,
to which Commissioners Hasse and Shanahah concurred.
Commissioner Goodnight summarized the position of the Board of
County Commissioners regarding reductions in salary adjustments and
budgeted positions by stating that amount of money will remain in the
Referring to the Capital Projects category listed on page 11 of
the Budget package, Commissioner Shanahah stated that the $2,000,000
for Jail expansion should be cut from the budget, to which
Commissioners Hasse, Volpe, Goodnight and Saunders concurred.
Regarding the EMS Substation at Golden Gate Parkway and Airport
Road ($229,000), Commissioner Hasse supported cutting the amount from
the budget, to which Commissioners Volpe, Goodn~ght, Saunders and
Shanahan concurred.
Regarding the EMS Substation in North Naples ($707,2OO),
Comm~issioner Hasse supported leaving this amount in the budget, to
which Commissioners Volpe, Saunders, Shanahan, and Goodnight con-
In reference to the Sheriff's Department Gun Range (listed at
$~O0,O00), Commissioner Goodnight stated this amount has been reduced
$200,000 pursuant to the She¥tff's recommendations.
Commissioner Hasse suggested cutting $200,000 from the budget per
Sheriff Hunter's request, leaving $1OO,O00 budgeted for the gun range,
for which the consensus was to concur with Commissioner Hasse's
Page 18
September 18, 1991
Regarding the proposed Government Center Water/Sewer Improvements,
i.e. Engineering and Construction ($1,235,000) and Impact Fees
($1,500,000), County Manager Dotrill stated if the Board of County
Gommtssloners prefers to remove these two items from the budget at
this point, it may become necessary for him to again request $235,000
should it be determined that fire hydrants in and around the north
side of the Jail and the Public Services Building are a necessity.
Commissioner Shanahan suggested cutting $2,500,000 and leaving the
$22.5,000 in the budget at this time.
Gommlssioner Volpe suggested el/m/nation of the entire amounts at
this time ($1,235,000 and $1,500,000).
Commissioners Hasse, Saunders, and Goodnight concurred with
Gommlsstoner Shanahan's suggest/on.
Referring to page 12 of the Budget package, the 1991 prepayment and
1992 lease payments totalling $369,000, it was the consensus to cut
this amount from the budget.
Pursuant to Commissioner Goodnight, Crystal Blankenshtp of the
Sheriff's Office explained that the lease payments are vehicle
pa%~ments that were due next year which have been paid this year and,
therefore, the capital expenditures under vehicles will be cut
$369,000 for next year.
In response to Commissioner Volpe, Ms. Blankenship explained that,
although some vehicles will be purchased, the Ford Motor Company has
donated eight Lincoln Towncars over the past several years. She
explained that two Thunderbit'ds are to be delivered within the next
week or so and several Escorts are being used as well for an aggregate
of approximately $240,000 in savings to taxpayers represented by the
donations of these vehicles.
Sheriff Hunter reported that his office does not select the
vehicles to be loaned for their use.
Pursuant to Commissioner Shanahan's Inquiry regarding the increase
in anticipated revenues ($239,900), Ms. Blankenship explained that
this represents revenues already recognized this year which will be
Page 1 9
September 18, 19gl
reflected in the turn back in the budget this year.
Regarding the expanded Minutes Secretary position ($24,100) and
the half time courier ($9,000) which come under the Clerk's purview,
it was the consensus to agree with cutting these amounts from the
Commissioner Shanahan pointed out there remains the matter of the
$6,000 in Mary Morgan's (Supervisor of Elections) budget. He stated
it is foolhardy to cut this amount from the budget due to the fact she
did not consider the proposed postal rate increase when she proposed
this cut.
It was the consensus to leave the amount of $6,000 in the budget.
Commissioner Hasse suggested removal of one Assistant County
Attorney position as the current vacancy has not yet been filled.
Commissioner Saunders stated he feels the Board of County
Commissioners should follow the recommendation of the Cost Reduction
Committee to staff the County Attorney's Office at a level of ten.
Commissioner Hasse commented he could agree with Commissioner
Sa'unders' remarks if he could see that work was being done in-house
instead of directed to outside attorneys.
Commissioner Volpe stated it troubles him that the County is
deferring Park Rangers due to the hiring freeze and, therefore, the
position in the County Attorney's Office should be subjected to the
hiring freeze as well.
Commissioner Shanahan stated he agrees with following the recom-
mendation of the Productivity Committee but also agrees with
Commissioner Hasse's remarks that the County Attorney's Office should
look for every opportunity to reduce outside legal expense.
Commissioner Goodnight stated the consensus is to leave the posi-
tion with the County Attorney's Office ]n the budget.
Regarding the reduction of travel e~pense, Commissioner Saunders
voiced support for cutting the travel budget by $1,000.
Gommissioner Goodnight pointed out that will amount to an aggre-
Gate reduction of $§,000.
Page 20
September 18, 1991
The consensus was to cut the travel budget.
Pursuant to Commissioner eoodnight's ]~eguest of an analysis of
what has been cut, Budget Director McNees summarized that: Item #1 on
the first page is funded; Item #2 on the first page is funded; Item #3
ii~ cut from $115,700 to $83,500, for a $32,200 reduction; the $130,000
request in Item #4 is not funded; Beach Parking Fee to City of Naples
in the amount of $96,000 is funded; Contract Agency requests are
uncertain at this time; First Quarter Hiring Freeze has been accepted
and accounts for $240,000 cut in the budget; Item #4 was not accepted
and those funds are left in the budget; the jail expansion was cut;
the first EMS Substation was cut; Item #3, the North Naples EMS
Substation is funded; the Shertff's Department Gun range is funded in
the amount of $100,000, $200,000 havinG been cut; the Government
Center water/sewer improvements are funded in the amount of $235,000,
$2,500,000 having been cut; under the Sheriff's Office, the 1991 pre-
payments were accepted for a $369,000 cut; the increased revenues were
accepted with a $239,900 cut; under the Clerk of Courts, the recommen-
dations for both the Minutes Secretary and half-time courier positions
were accepted for an aggregate of $33,100 cut; and $5,000 is cut from
the Board of County Commissioners travel expense, for a total of
Commissioner Goodnight pointed out that the $6,000 in Mary
Morgan's budget is to remain, to which Budget Directo~ McNees
acknowledged that is his understanding as well.
Regarding the helicopter requested by the Sheriff's Office,
Co~uaissioner Saunders verified he has come full circle and now sup-
ports the Sheriff's request for same.
Co~uaissioner Volpe stated he could not support the expenditure of
$[68,000 for the helicopter this year, adding he would like to see the
monies used to add additional road pat]~ols.
Commissioners Goodnight, Hasse, and Shanaban voiced support for
the helicopter.
Commissioner Shanahan stated there has been considerable criticism
Page 21
September 18, 1991
relative to the lighting problem in North Naples where a number of
lights were turned out, reflecting a sum of $97,000. He commented the
issue of whether safety is being sacrificed for savings has come up.
He suggested that an analysis should be done to determine which lights
should be turned back on, to which Commissioner Hasse concurred.
In response to Commissioner Hasse's inquiry regarding the opera-
tion of the lights, County Manager Dorrill reported they operate indi-
vidually on a photoelectric cell and run in series.
Commissioner Nasse suggested utilization of a timer to turn the
lights out at midnight, and Transportation Services Administrator
Archibald confirmed that is a possibility.
Transportation Services Administrator Archibald stated they are in
s position to continue a study which will indicate whether or not the
lights are serving a function for people travelling the corridors on
bicycles or as pedestrians. His analysis to-date is that the lights
at night are not of any great benefit to the corridor. He confirmed
that the use of timers will not result in a savings during the first
County Manager Dotrill reported the lights are presently turned
out to the tune of $97,500. He relayed staff's position that the
lights are not a safety issue, but added that there is a service issue
regarding same.
Gommissioner Hasse stated he wants to see the amount for the
lighting added back into thf~ budget.
Commissioner Saunders concurred with putting the $100,000 back
into the budget, and requested that the Board of County Commissioners
direct Transportation Services Administrator Archibald to turn the
lights on while the study is being performed.
Commissioner Volpe declined to support putting the money back in
aLt this point in time.
Commissioner Shanahan concurred with adding the money back in.
Commissioner Goodnight ~;upported taking the money out.
County Manager Dotrill acknowledged that the results of the Board
Page 22
September 18, 199!
of County Commissioners' action was a 3/2 vote to add $97,500 back
into the budget.
Budget Director McNees stated that the sales tax subsidy to the
Road and Bridge Fund will be increased by that amount and ad valorem
taxes will be raised to replace the sales tax.
Regarding the Turnbury Lighting District, Commissioner Volpe
suggested, pursuant to recommendations of staff and the Turnbury pro-
perty owners, deferring the matter for one year.
The consensus was to comply with Commissioner Volpe's recommen-
Regarding the Lely Elementary School stoplight, Commissioner
Goodnight pointed out that Transportation Services Administrator
Archibald will follow up on this item as it is not a necessary budget
item. She stated there is a need to put up school signs, if they are
not already there, and to reduce the speed limit.
Transportation Services Administrator Archibald reported that,
although there is no school zone, there is school signing. He stated
the matter of whether the intersection meets the warrant requirements
will be looked into and a report will then be provided to the Board of
Oount¥ Commissioners.
Gommissioner Shanahan suggested that the possibility of lighting
tlhe entrance with regular lightinG versus a flasher be addressed in
Mr. Archibald's study.
Pursuant to Commissiong~ Saunders' inquiry regarding the requested
$130,000, Dr. Polkowski, Pub.llc Health Administrator, verified the
amount is for maternal, child health and communicable disease control.
She verified receipt by the Health Department of the Davis
Productivity Award due to the IPOP program's success in effectively
reducinG the poor pregnancy outcomes, the number of babies requiring
intensive care center treatment, and the number of tax dollars
required to pay for these babies.
Com~es~onmr Saunders moved, seconded by Conissioner Goodnight,
to ~t the 8130,000 back into the b~dget.
Page 23
September 18, 1991
Commissioner Hasse commented he will accept the $12,000 for the
Norplant contraceptive.
Gommissioner Volpe reported hearing from the Naples Community
Hospital that last year it wr'ote off $40,000,000 in indigent health
care and that every member of the Collier County Medical Society wrote
off no less than $20,000. He pointed out that these amounts, in
essence, are being subsidized by every taxpayer as well.
Dr. Polkowski stated tha'C most of the patients seen in the clinic
are intact families working in Collier County but who are unable to
afford private health care. She commented that the other part of the
request is for communicable disease control, which is basic public
U~on call for the question, the motion failed 2/3 (Commissioners
Volpe Has~e, and Shanahen opposed).
Commissioners Volpe and Hesse expressed a desire to track the
Norplant program for a period of five years.
Co~aisatoner Saunders moved, seconded by Co~miseloner Goodnight
~nd cm~-~ed 3/2 (Co~missionsrs Volpe and Hesse opposed), to fund the
p.rogrm at $65,000.
Commissioner Saunders requested funding the Contract Agencies at
$185,000 and, receiving no support, amended the request to $177,900.
He asked that some of the money be targeted for project HELP.
Commissioner Goodnight stated she has no problem with funding the
Contract Agencies at $177,900, but added she has no wish to move any
money around.
Commissioner Shanahah concurred with $177,900.
Commissioner Volpe stated he does not support leaving the funding
for Contract Agencies at $17Y,900, and Commissioner Hesse concurred
with his comment.
Commissioner Shanahen reiterated that the requests made by Messrs.
B].ascoe and Michael Wallace have been denied and, therefore, no addt-
tt. ons have been approved.
Pursuant to David Land's request, Commissioner Goodnight relayed
Page 24
September 18, lg91
her understanding that the Regional Planning Council is working with
other counties to do an employment study which will inadvertently save
money by counties joining efforts with the Council in an attempt to do
something Collier County has already agreed to do and which is part of
the Immokalee Master Plan as well as the Growth Management Plan. She
verified that Lee County has budgeted for this already.
Budget Director McNees reported that there are three Resolutions
which the Board of County Commissioners needs to adopt after the
millages have been established,
Commissioner Saunders moved to:
for ~__he_ 1992/X993 budget cycle; 2)
l) explore zero base budgeting
direct the Productivity Co-mittee
to investigate with the Cor~titutional Officers regarding how to
haz~lle the co~puter operatione; 3) have the Productivity Committee
evaluate the poeeibilit¥ of a Joint Fleet Maintenance Program with the
Sheriff'~ ~rt~nt; 4) have the Co~ty M~a~er ra~rt on
reduce top level ~agement in the Co~ty in terms of the n~ber of
~rso~el ~d salaries, with eaid report to be provided relatively
8son. He defined "top level m~agement" as ~tng from Department Head
on up.
CommissAoner Volpe suggested that these are suggestions which
should be brought up during the strategic planning session.
~tA~ faAled ~e to lack of a second.
C~io8ioner Vol~ moved to address the four i~ems men~ioned in
Com~io~Aoner Sanders' previous mo~ion during the Board of
Co~Ao~i~ero' ~trategic pl~ing session.
It m The co~en~ ~o toner wAth Conissioner Vol~'s mo~ion
~r~o the ifeu during the ~tra~egic pl.~ing session.
Budget D~rector McNees reiterated the need to adopt Resolution
91-645 which formally adopts the changes to the tentative budget,
including those changes made tonAght. He stated that his department
will provide additional backtip for tonight's changes for the
ChaA~man's s~gnature tomorrow.
(:mAo~Aoner Sh~ moved, ~econded by Co~Assioner Hasse ~d
Pa~e 25
c~z't~d m~nimously, to adopt l~aolution 91-645,
{kdol,t~d T~tattv~ Budget.
$epteab~r 18, 1991
Page 26
September 18, 1991
$* Rocoee: 10:30 P.N. - Reconvened: 10:40 P.N. **
Budget Director McNees reiterated the need to adopt two more
Resolutions, the first beinG Resolution 91-646 which adopts the fiscal
year 1991 millage rates to be levied. He stated he is required by law
to read the Resolution into the record and proceeded to do so. He
itemized the millage rates for the various funds, concluding that the
total county-wide adopted millage rate is 4.0706, which represents a
3.3% decrease from the rollback rate. He reported that the aggregate
weighted average millage rate is 4.7539, which represents a .2%
increase over the rollback rate.
Commissioner Hasse moved, seconded by ¢om~tosioner Sh~nahan and
carried unanimously, to adopt Resolution 91-646.
Page 27
September 18, 1991
Budget Director McNees confirmed that Resolution 91-647 adopts the
FY 1991-92 Final Budget pursuant to the actions taken by the Board of
County Commissioners tonight.
Co~issioner Shanahah moved, seconded by Co~atssioner Hesse and
carried unmni~ou~l¥, to adopt Resolution 91-647 adopting the FY
1991-92 F~nml Budget.
Page 28
September 18, 1991
There being no further business for the Good of the County, the
meeting was adjourned by Order of the Chair - Time: 10:50 P.M.
ATTEST:. '~.
Th~e.mAnut~'approved by the Board on
as presented' ~ or as corrected
Page 2 9