BCC Minutes 10/15/1991 R Naples, Florida, October 15, lg9! LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commiss]oners in and for the County of Collier, and also acting as the Board of Zoning Appeals and as the governing board(s) of such special districts as hmve besn created according to law and having conducted bus~ness herein, met on this date at '9:00 A.M. in REGULAR SESSION in Building "~" of the Government Complex, East Naples, Florida, with the following members present: CHAIRMAN: Patricia Anne Goodnight VICE-CHAIRMAN: Michael J. Volpe Richard S. Shanahan Max A. Hasse, Jr. Burr L. Saunders ALSO PRESENT: 3ames C. Giles, Clerk; John Yonkosky, Finance D~rector; Wanda Arrlght and Debby Farris, Deputy Clerk:s; Neil Dotrill, County Manager; 3ennlfer Pike, Assistant to the County Manager; Ken C~yler, County Attorney; George Archibald, Transportation Services Administrator; [.add Ryziw, Transportation Project Management; Frank Brutt, Community Development Services Admin~strator; Bob Fahey, Solld Waste Director; Bryan Milk, Planner; Sue Ftlson, Administrative Asslstant to the Board; and Deputy Byron Tomlinson, Sher~ff's Offlce. Page ! October 15, 1991 0omtteeloner Ramme movadl, seconded by Commissioner Shanahen and that the agenda be approved with the following chan~ee .' Item #5B2 - Recognizing Brian L. Shtmer for his outstanding and exemplary efforts in representing the Collier County com- munity - Continued to 10/22/91. (Requested by Board of County Commissioners.) Item #?A - Robert May regarding District Eight Health Council, Inc., funding - Continued to 10/29/91. (Requested by Staff.) Item #12B! - An ordinance amending Ordinance 82-2 regarding property located we:at of Vanderbilt Drive and on the north side of the Cocohat,:hee River - Continued to 10/22/91. (Requested by Petitioner.) Item #5B3 - Presentation by Tax Collector of holdback check - Added. Item #16G2 - To appl:ove the budget for the Landfill Reclamation Technology Transfer Seminars for Fiscal Year 1992 - Moved to #8G1. (Requested by the public.) Item #14A - Discussion of the law suit regarding the April Circle project and the Taxpayers' Action Group - Added. (Requested by Commll~stoner Saunders.) Item #3B ~0M$~[T AQ,ENDA - APPROVED ~)/OR ADOPTED The Botlon for approval ¢,f the Consent Agenda is noted under Item Item P~.~MATION DESIGNATING THE WEIX OF OCTOBIR 19-27, 1991, AS NATIONAL Upon reading and presenting the proclamation to students from Pine Ridge Middle School, Comtesloner 8han~han ~oved, seconded by Commieeionmr Volpe and carried unanimously, that the Proclamation ~i~nating the week of October 19-27, 1991, as National Red Ribbon Mmmkbm mdoptad. ::3 08' Page 2 October 15, 1991 Plt~SEIg~&TIOH TO THE BOARD 0]' COUNTY CO~4ISSIONERS BY THE TAX COLLECTOR OF HOLDSAgE CH~GK - IN THE J~OUNT OF $1.8 MILLION Guy Carlton, Collier County Tax Collector, presented a check to the Board in the amount of $1.8 million. ~DG~'TAN~XZ:IiENT~ 91-417/420; 91-422/428~ 91-430 ~,TD 91-432/~33 - ~Ltssionsr Hume moved, seconded by CommAsstoner Sh~nahan and ¢~A~lln~ni~ly, to adopt Budget A~end~enta 91.-417/&20; 9~-422/428; 91-430 and 91-432/433. Itlm99&1 C~l~17~AL P~I~gIT 91-4 RH PETITION C-91-4, REVER~D JOSEPH A. SPINELLI, PASTOR OF ~T. ELIZABETH SETON CATHOLIC C]~URCH, R~QUESTING A P~I~MIT TO CON~KICT THEIR AIgNUAL F~STIVA~ FROM NOVEMBER 6 THROUGH NOVEMBER 10, ~991, ON ~ gI~IRCH GROUNDS, 532§ 28TH AVENUE S.W., GOLDEN GATE - ~PFRO~D Frank Brutt, Community Development Services Administrator, pre- sented Petition C-91-4, a request from Reverend Joseph A. Spine/l/, :~i Pastor o~ St. Elizabeth Seton Catholic Church, for a permit to conduct 'i their Annual Festival from November 6 through November 10, 1991. He sm~d all requirements have b,~en met for carnival perml~ procedures, ..~ w~th no exceptions being ask~d and Staff ~s recommending approval of th~s f'.., ~lllo~r Hues ~ved, seconded ~ Coatestoner S~~ ~d c~J~ ~l~ly, to apprc~e Carnival Psrmlt 91-4 reg~dtng ~titi~ C-91-4. Page 3 October 15, 1991 ROAD PROJ~,,,OT WITHIS ru~ 313 - APPROVE~ Transportation Services Administrator Archibald explained this item is a request to establish line items for project budgeting put- poses and to identify expenditure items that are subject to retmbur- sement in Fund 313, the Secondary Road Fund. He said the proposed i. amendment will affect the Livingston Road project, however, is merely ::3 an accounting procedure and does not represent any new expenditures or · -action regarding that project. In response to Commtssio:aer Volpe, Mr. Archibald stated the requested action will better enable the Finance Department to identify some of the costs associated with the Livingston Road project, in par- ttcular design and appraisal costs, when reimbursement funds become available. ¢~leeloner Volpe ~oved, seconded by Commissioner Shanahah and carrledunani~ousl¥, to approve the Budget A~end~ent establishing ~ddition~l expenditure codes and transferring funds within the North Naples Municipal Service Tax:[ng Unit Road Project within Fund 313. Items #8B3 E~ITION OF A Sl]BORDINATION OF UTILITY INTERESTS AGRKEMENT BKTWEEN FLORIDA PO~KR AND LI(IHT COMPJCNY AND COLLIER COUNTY R~LATIVX TO THAT CERTAIN ~MENT HHLD BY THE UTILITY KNCUMBERIN~ THK FEE INTEREST HELD B~ COLLIER COUNTY MHICH FORM!; A PORTION OF TH~ NORTH NAPLES ROAD~AY ILIVINGSTON ROAD) CORRIDOR - APPROVED Mr. Archibald presented a standard utility subordination agreement between Collier County and Florida Power and Light Company (FPL), involving the Livingston Roadi pro]ect. He explained there may be a conflict on portions of that project between the proposed road ~i construction and some existing utility lines. He said this agreement involves one single parcel located approximately 1,600 feet east of Old U.S. 41. He mentioned FPL is willing to enter Into the subor- dination agreement, putting their utility use second to the County's right-of-way, with one condition. He advised if any of FPL's utility must be relocated as a result of road construction, they request relm- .-- October 15, 1991 :[bursement for associated co:3ts. He commented Staff does not foresee uzlder the two-lane scenario, that any utility poles will need to be · relocated, however, under tile four-lane condition it may be necessary. He reported any costs incur]~ed by FPL will be subsidized by either the project through the M.S.T.D. or a developer through direct reimbur- $emsnt or impact fees, resulting in no expenditures on the part of the County. Frances Barsh with the Taxpayers Action Group (TAG), inquired why FPL uses County right-of-way free of charge, yet charges the County for relocation expenses? Mr. Archibald responded that utility companies are allowed to ask the County for a permissive use to locate their lines within the rights-of-way the County has acquired with associated costs for per- mirting purposes only. He i:ndtcated the County does have the ability to charge for that kind of al)proval, but currently and historically, cities and counties prefer that the land remain unencumbered leaving the County able to simply pu~: the utility company on notice when relocatton becomes necessary.. He added in this case, the utility com- pal~y spent money years ago f]'om the previous land owners for the right to locate their lines and although the County has now acquired the fee ;lmple right of the land, it remains encumbered by those previous · Commissioner Volpe questioned if costs associated with the ~elocation of utilities are anticipated and included when construction new road is contracted out, to which Mr. Archibald replied in the [ve 0 CoB~d~Aoner Volpe loved, seconded by Co~aiseloner Shanaban and unanlammly, to approve the execution of a !lubordtnstion of Interests A~ree~nt betweon Florida Power ~d Light Company ~ ¢ollimr CountIf relative to that certain easement: held by the uti- 1tt~F encus~merlng the fee tnte:~est held by Collier County which for~ a portion of the North Naples Roadwm¥ (Livingston Road) Corridor. Page October 15, 199! ~/' RESOLUTe01 01-722 RE PKT~T~! P~-91-6, )(ARIC LA)4O~ F~ ~~ ~A, L~. P.~., ~q~STINO A ~OV~SlO~ USK WbW OF ~ON 8.10 (ESS~I~ S~CKS) OF ~ A-2 ZONING DIS~ICT TO ~LOM A C~~T~ON T~ ~R ~OPKR~ LOCATKD ~ST OF U.S. 42 ~L), ~OX~LY 350 ~]~T ~ST OF T~ I~KRSECTION OF ~FOOT MZ~I~ ROE ~ ~IOK S2]~T IH SECTION 4, TO. SHIP 51 SOUTH, 2~ E~T, COLLI~ CO~, ~ORIDA, CONSISTING OF 2.39 AC~S - APFRO~D ~CT TO ~I~ ~IO~ OF 185 ~T Planner Milk presented P~:tttion PU-91-6, a proposal to obtain Provisional Use "b" of Section 8.10, Essential Services, of the Zoning District to allow a l[15-foot communication tower. He noted land to the north Is zoned PUD, Victoria Falls, Is undeveloped but approved for 157 multi-family dwelling units; and land to the east, west and south is zoned A-2, semi-developed and subdivided primarily Into 2.5 and five acre tracts:. He commented on the sequence of events which occurred during the pr¢,cesstng of this petition. He stated on September 9, 1991, the Board of County Commissioners adopted Ordinance 91-84, the Communication Tower Ordinance; on September 19th, the CCPC unanimously denied this petition; and on October 1st, the Board made interpretative adjustments to the Communication Tower Ordinance by specifying that communication towers located in all agricultural zonings may be allowed as a Provisional Use on a site of less than 20 acres, but the site cannot be accessory or related to any other Provisional Use. He added the applicant has amended the petition to reduce the tower height to 185 fe(:t, which makes this petition con- sistent with the Communlcatio:a Tower Ordinance He noted both the interpretative adjustments and amE:ndment occurred subsequent to the decision of the CCPC to deny 'this petition. He informed that no member of the public has spok(~n tn opposition to the proposal and a letter of no objection has be~n received from the property owners of Victoria Falls PUD. He concluded Staff is recommending approval of Petition PU-91-6 based on a ll~tter received from Young, Van Assenderp, Varnadoe & Benton, P.A., addr(~sstng the Petitioner's agreement to limit the tower to a maximum height of 185 feet. In response to Commtsstoni~r Volpe, Planner Milk said Staff's oft- Page 6 October 15, 1991 position against this petition was based solely on the proposed height of 280 feet and its Inconsistency with the ordinance. Commissioner Volpe suggested that adjacent developers in favor of this type of proposal be required to include notification tn their contracts of sale that there will be a Provisional Use for acom- muntcatton tower In the area. He explained a major issue with regard tO this subject has been members of the public purchasing property unaware of the Impending cometruction of a nearby communication tower. In answer to Commissioner Shanahan, Planner Milk explained that towers with heights of 185 fl:et or less are not required to meet the 1,000 foot buffer requirement, have a shared use plan or search out ' · other potential towers for shared use within the six-mile radius. ~,~'. · ,,a~. Attorney Bruce Anderson, repre, s_,enttng the petitioner urged the Board to approve Petition PU-91-6 Ich he stated has been amended to fully comply with the new Co~unt, Ions Tower Ordinance. Cos~/ssione~' Shanah~n ~oved, seconded by Co---tsstoner li~sse ~ad -~', c~t'~'ied ~l~usly, to approve Petition PU-91-6, thereby adopting 91-722. Page 7 October 15, ~9gl C01~J~CT SERVICES BY WILSON, MILLER, BARTON AND PEEK, INC., ACCEPTED leOIt Sl~-~NI~G I~PR~S TO AIRPORT-PULLING ROAD BETN~EN RADIO ROAD AND GOLDEN (lATE PARKWAY, INCLUDING APPROVAL OF SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT NO. · TO EFFECTUATE A FINAL PAYMENT FOR CIE PROJECT NO. 002 Ladd Ryztw with Transportation Services, presented a close-out of the engineering contract for the stx-lantng of Airport-Pulling Road. He said the engineering services consisted of a Joint utility design with the Olty of Naples as w,e11 as landscape design. He summarized the various costs of the project including change orders relating to additional landscape and utility design services. Mr. Ryziw concurred with Commissioner Volpe that the overall pro- Ject came in 30~ under budget. Mr. Ryziw continued, stating a ma~or portion of the 13.9~ increase over the original contract a~tount represents landscape design and improvements that were not part of the original contract. He said the other portion of the increase relates to design services on behalf of the City of Naples. He expla~lned the decision to combine the two pro- Jects results in saving construction dollars for both the City and County by not having to adJus. t utility systems or reconstruct inter- sections. He advised the final outstanding payment due the consultant is $40,415.g8, of which the City of Naples has an obligation of $22,04~.5~. He said the net pay-out by Collier County is $18,373.47. Oolld. alio~e~ Sh~n~h~n ~oved, lecondsd by Co~imslonsr H&sse and caFF~ed ~i~t~ly, to approve the final ~d actual del~ fees with N~, Miller, ~rton a Peek, Inc., in the ~o~t of 8317,056.52; IcC~t all ~lcll ~rfo~d ~ Con~lt~t ~d C~lr~ authorized to mte ~le~tal A~nt No. 4 u~n revlm ud approval ~ the O~W l~o~; ~t direct the Flmce Director to tens a ttmly f~l ~t to Comltut In the ~t of $40,416.98. Page 8 October 1§, 1991 ~TION~ TO AUthORIZE EXPANDED SERVICES BY WILSON, A~D P~EE, INC., FOR VANDERBILT BEACH ROAD ~TKNSION AND C.R. 31, INCLUDING APPROVAL OF SUPPLEMENTAL FOR CIK PRO:~CT NO. 023 - APPROVED WIT~ CONDITIONS Mr. Ryziw explained this. is a status report on the preliminary engineering and environmental services undertaken by Wilson, Miller, Barton & Peek, Inc., relating to the project to extend Vanderbilt Beach Road west of Airport Pulling Road, to intersect with the Junc- tmon of U.S. 41. He remarked this is a multi-phase project and due to environmental sensitivity, Staff is being cautious not to commit to a complete comprehensive engineering contract. He said to be cost effectAve, the project is being approached from an incremental stand- point. He reported Staff is asking for approval to proceed with an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) on the project, which will then c~lminata in the environmental approval of an alignment of Vanderbilt B. mach Road. He said Staff will subsequently ask the Board for appro- vml of an engineering contract for final design. He indicated the amount of approval above the original contract amount is $61,798.99, of which $18,500 ~s allocated to continue immed~ate services related to enviro]l~ental and water management issues on the project. He said more importantly, Staff is asking the Board to approve a total project appropriation of $183,923.99 for preliminary engineering and environ- mental assessment. Commissioner Volpe inquired if the EIS will be prepared by Transportation and Environmen'tal Services Staff or a consultant? Mr. Ryziw recommended the work be done by the consultant. He s~g~ested an environmental project team be formed to look at the environmental impacts of the proposed Vanderbilt Beach Road as a separate pro~ect. He indicat~d Staff will be able to provide support -- services on the environmental aspects, however, the necessary exper- rise wll! be provided by the consultant. Commissioner Saunders commented the Board is attempting to reduce the use of consultants wherever possible. He agreed that with this Page 9 October 15, 1991 ',!{:..'t~ Of project, outside ex~,ertise Is necessary to develop the ElS, however, all opportunities should be explored to utilize the County's Environmental Staff to reduce the associated costs. Commissioner Volpe stated the County Manager has indicated Staff has the expertise to conduct an EIS, however, does not have the time. County Manager Dotrill communicated this project can be added to the work program of the Environmental Staff, but cautioned it will be at the expense of another important project, i.e., the upland habitat protected species issues, th.~ eagle ordinance, the ground water pro- tection ordinance or the coa~tal zone barrier island elements. James Wallace, Vice President of Walbro, Inc., supported Staff's recommendations. He said the) Vanderbilt Beach Road project is the most critical issue in the entire North Naples area and, in his opi- nion, has not been given enough priority. Gilbert Erlichman, member' of the Taxpayer Action Group (TAG), suggested that It should not be necessary to hire an environmental consultant, because the County has the necessary personnel on Staff. Transportation Services Administrator Archibald countered that on this type of project, surveyors are needed to work in conjunction with environmentalists, Jurisdictional lines must be created and Iden- tified, biologists are needed, etc. He said many professionals need to be involved in this project anti the County does not have all the necessary personnel on Staff. As a result, he said, the coordination ix more effectively accompltslhed by a consultant who does employ the necessary personnel, and the only qualified firm in this area is Wilson, Miller, Barton & Peek, Inc:. i'~'I' Fred Tarrant with TAG, su~]gested that the road projects in the may be of a much higher: priority than other environmental pro- s. ]{e encouraged the Country to investigate utilizing the exper- tise and knowledge of State p~rsonnel regarding environmental projects rather than hire consultants for that purpose. Co~a~seloner Volpe ~ov~d, seco~ed ~ Co~isstoner Sanders ~d Page 10 October 15, 1991 ~'r]~d ~]~m~ly, to a~;~ the f~ ~ncrem of ~61,798.99 w~h 53' Page October 15, 1991 Commissioner Shanahan mentioned that tremendous interest has been ~ieplayed regarding redistricting and suggested the Board discuss its ~sition and invite the Schc,ol Board to provide input before the final decis$on is made by both bodies. Co~isstoner Volpe indicated from the amount of public input he has heard, he would like to see the School Board and Board of County Co~iss~oners' district lines closely aligned. Co~ssioner Hasse agreed that wou~d be beneficial, no~ only to the citizens but to the Supervisor of Elections Office, however, a problem exists w~th three members of the School Board residing in one ~eo~raph~ca~ area. In response to Commisslo~er Saunders, County Attorney Cuyler ~nd~cated the Board of Counk~ Commissioners does not set the School Board district linee. Co~issioner Goodnight r,~ported the NAACP is very interested in having Naples Manor become part of District 5. She disagreed with tha~ su~gestion, stating tha'~ areas within each district should be conti~ous. She a~so mentio~ed that the School Board 1Shes are drawn so as to have one member repinesent each of the five high schools in the Co~ty. She said while the boundary lines of the School Board and the Board of County Co~sstoners should be as c~osely aligned as that should not be accomplished to the detriment of students n the County. Nelson Faerber, member of the Collier County Schoo~ Board, empha- ~zed that the School Board has developed three proposals which have submitted at four outresch meetings. He said audiences at each of the meetings were very receptive with some minor considerations. He referred to Option 3 which is very similar to the Board of County Co~$esionere plan, however, Is not a mSrror image. He stated the Board of Co~ty Commiss~oners should not expect from the Schoo~ Board that red$skrickin~ will result $n mirror districts. He mentioned the October 15, 1991 School Board is willing to have its staff meet with the County's Staff :;'. ; pr~or to the fin&l meetings of both bodies to work out more details. This being a discussion item, no action was required. es ~*S~ 11~00 A.M. - Rec~nvened: 11:15 A.M. at which time Deputy Clerk F~r~ replaced ~ty Clerk ~rt~hl ~ It~ ~B6 C~ ~ ~ ~0~, I]iC. FOR INCLUSION OF ~ILI~ George Archibald, Transportation Services Director, announced th~s item involves a recommendation to add some utility work to the Radio Road Construction Contract, %;hich has Just been approved and is pre- sently underway. He reminded the Board of County Commissioners that in August a 1.65 million doletar contract was approved to four-lane a 1.1 mile segment of Radio Road, beginning at approximately Santa Barbara and extending to the west. He verified the project Is under- way to the low bidder, Harpel' Brothers, Inc. He stated the bid received from the contractor for Installation of the 12" water main represented a substantial savings over the engineer's estimate for the same amount of work. He concluded that the Board of County Gommtsstoners must consider whether or not to add the water main contract and, in so doing, must recognize that the alternative to adding that amount of work to the current contract is to bid it out separately. He proposed that, due to the big cost savings, the Board of'County Commissioners might con~tder waiving its bid process as set ~orth in the Count¥'s purchasing policy. He relayed the dollar involved for the contingent and inspection fees relating to pro~ect as well as costs involved for testing of the lines. He one conflict between the storm drain system and the water the resolution of which is estimated at $4,000. He concluded that staff is not only recomm~nding the $237,295, but adding the cost of testing and the resolution of one additional conflict box for an aggregate! total of $242,095. He confirmed the preparation by staff of a Sup~le~lental Agreement which reflects the change orders on a unit Page 13 October 15, 1991 price item &rid ta consistent with the proposal which is part of the bid package. Re expla/ned that, addit/onally, there is a 10~ con- t/ngency, or approximately $24,000, which staff ts requesting the Board of County Commissioners delegate to the Utility Division rela- tive to any other conflicts or rev/stons wh/ch might be considered for ~ndertaktng as part of the /nstallatton of the water main. He reflected that the Transportat/on staff needs to charge the Utlltty Dtv/sion for the inspection serv/ces for Installation of the line, the cost of which is set/mated at $?,830.74, or approximately 3~ of the work. He pointed out that tlAe add/t/on of a water main /s a change of scope and /s &llowed for, ba:sed t~pon the Elortda Department of Transportat/on speciftcation~ which are used, through a Supplemental A~reement /n the amount of $242,095.00. He related that consideration must also be given to wa/v/n!] the bid process, as set forth in the Co~l%t¥~s Purchas/ng Policy, based upon staff~s recommendation and the economic benef/ts of includlng the force main in this construction pro~ect. ~n reply to Commissioner Volpe, Hr. Archibald confirmed that the destgr~ phase for the rema/nd~r of the pro~ect has been completed and staff is currently in the r/flht-of-wa¥ acquis&tton phase. He expressed the hope that, whell time to put the package out for bidding under Phase ~, the added wo~k needed by the Ut/llty Division may be included in that second phas(~. Assistant Utt]/ties Admi~tstrator Bloetscher interjected that the line plans are complet~d for the next phase of Radio Road which be bid. In response to Commissioner Volpe, County Attorney Cuyler advised that, under the Purchasing Policy, when it is found in the County~s best interest to wa/ve the p~lrchas/ng policy, it can be done under R~quest for Proposals. He r~lated that Mr. Archibald has made a good argument that the Board of C¢,unty Commissioners might not have to waive based on the manner in which the project was bid out to begin wlth as well as the structure of the contracts. He reported that his Page 14 October 15, 1991 office has advised Mr. Arch:lbald that it is better to have the Board of County Commissioners con~tder the issue and actually waive the ~urchamtng policy. Coimissioner Volpe expressed reservations about not using the com- petitive bidding process. In response to Commissioner Volpe, Mr. Bloatschar estimated it ~fill take approximately 30 days .to bid the project and 60 days before actual construction might commence. In response to Commissioner Volpe, Mr. Archibald confirmed the existence of a provision for completion of a segment within a certain period of time and any delay will in turn delay that particular contract commitment. C~11~ml~r Shanahan ~d, seconded by Coutmsioner Hasam, to lUtlM~II · ~l~ntml A~em~nt for the R~io Road four-l~tng c~~l~ c~tract. Commissioner Volpe stated he is inclined to vote for the Motion ' baeed upon a finding that there is an emergency which will Justify waiving the competitive bidd:[ng as well as County purchasing prac- tices. Co~aimtoner Sh~nahmn ~nded his motion to Include the finding bidd~ u ~11 u Co~ty ~c~stng practices, ~d Coutseloner Hume ~~ his ~o~ accordtn~J~y. ~ clll for the ~estton, the sotion carried ~t~ly. NOTE: S~PL~NTAL AG~EMENT NOT ~CEIVED AS OF JUNE 19, 1992 Page 15 October 150 lg91 · T&TU~ ~ R~ ~ DOLL~ ISL&~D P~I~IT ~PPLICATION - ST~FF S,BJ~P'L!J~ ~ APFR0, PRIAT"K PZ,AC~S~ A]FD RKPORT STATUS MONTHLY Thomas E. Conrecode with the Office of Capital Projects Management, summarized the e.vents which have transpired relative to the ad~lintstrative hearing f:or the Sand Dollar Island Permit Application. He explained that in pursuing the Administrative Hearing the Cotmty will incur costs for expert witnesses and other related costs estimated at $45,000, with the proposed funding source for same being the Beach Front M.S.T.U. He relayed staff's recommendations to discontinue efforts relatinG! to the Administrative Hearing and the proposed dredging of Sand D¢,llar Island, and instead look at other alternatives while continuing to monitor the progress of Sand Dollar Island. He stated that the Board of County Commissioners were pro- vided with a second attachment outside the agenda (copy not provided for the record), and procee61ed to do a walk through of said document page by page. He commented that page ! of said document depicts Sand Dollar Island in 1989 and tflenttftes primary concerns regarding same at the time of application for the Beach Renourtshment Permit. He noted that page 2 of said dc,cument is a drawing of how Sand Dollar Island more or less exists today, and then proceeded to identify pic- tures contained on pages 3 fLnd 4. The following persons sl,oke regarding this issue: Harry Bussey Robert Vance SeraJ Odabas Philip C. Addison Arnold B. Palmer Aurelio Abatangelo Ray Lumpp Frank Blanchard * Charlotte Westman *Stated he thinks he has, agreement to speak for a recommendation from the Owners of the South Seas, Residents for Rational Renourtshment, as well as the Hideaway Beach residents. He specifi- cally requested that the Board of County Commissioners: Direct staff to obtain another 90 day extension to the November 21st deadline for ~he DER hearing, direct staff to vigorously seek alternate actions which will reduce or eliminuets the slit and algae problems, and have the Natural Resources Division sample the water at the south end of the waterway. **liepresenting the Leagues of Women Voters Concerns expressed tncl~tde the following: extremely happy with the island but deeply concerned with the potential health hazard and 00[) PAC',[ 67 Page 16 October 15, 1991 mtench from the water; If this were a commercial establishment ~lttin~ this smell and health hazard there would have to be a remedy imediarely; problems with the water; tests are not being made in the proper locations; there Is a~ terrible smell and the situation Is not healthy; the birds are comi£~9 onto the beach instead of being out at Sand Dollar Island, thus adgltn9 to the problem; the air in the area is so foul it hurts the eyes; there ts a silt and algae problem alon9 the ~ater's edge, betn9 the same problem noted in Stipulation 9 of the ~anuary 13, 1990 Permit; there continues to be a problem with the water and wet soils; it is inappropriate to continue to take samples of Gulf of Mexico water and say that it characterizes what the rest- dents of Narco Island are complaining about; the whole subject of dredgtn~ Is not appropriate; and objective consideration should be given to alternatives. In response to Commissioner Shanahah, Mr. Conrecode confirmed that the point of testtn~ for the water was stipulated in the Permit, and staff Is testin9 in the locatton prescribed by said Permit. He stated that one year's worth of testin9 of the water in the area is tracked and It has only been in the last two months that Sand Dollar Island has been breached, allowin9 Gulf of Mexico water to come Into the ?lgertatl Beach area. llotlo~de by Co~atsstoner Shanahah, seconded by Coatsetoner ~V~H~r~, tO: 1) ~ for at least another 90 day extension after the Ioml~l~r 2let degline; 2) mmmk ~ctton t~t will eliminate the ~obl~; 1) ~ the ~1tng in the appropriate places; ~d ~t a ~thly re~rt on the ~tter. In response to Inquiry regarding the Intent of Commissioner Shanties motion, Co~tsstoner Saunders clarified that the motion to direct staff to tnvesttDate alternatives and does not direct Coastlmd Engineers to do any studies in the area, to ~htch Co~lssioner Shanahah concurred. ~ c~11 for the ~stton, the ~tlon c~rted ss ~~: ll:O~ P.N. To Go Into Iconoalc ~velop~nt ~orkshop 8~si~ - ~convened Into le~lar S~sston APRIL C:£RCLI: LA~UIT October 15, 1991 Commissioner Saunders e~pressed his belief that this type of lawsuit is designed to quiet people. He implied that, should that be true in the Immediate instan.:e, he feels the Board of County Oommissioners should send a :strong message to the development com- munity that such a lawsuit will not be well thought of by this Board. He requested that the Board of County Commissioners direct the County Attorney to monitor the lawsuit, without becoming involved in it, to review the file and report back concerning the type of lawsuit, i.e. whether it is, in fact, a l~suit aimed at keeping the public quiet. Commissioner Volpe concurred with Commissioner Saunders' suggestion, adding that he must ascribe to the Taxpayer's Action Group and their comments in good faith and to the action that has been filed in good faith on the part of the litigant until shown otherwise. Robert Gephardt, Attorne'~ for Florida Affordable Housing, prof- feted his credentials and assured Commissioner Saunders that he would not put his name on a slap suit. Commissioner Saunders reiterated that he has not seen the lawsuit, does not know the facts of same, and that his comments are no reflec- tion on Mr. Gephardt's integrity. DX$~SI(~ OF OON~N~ATION PRO(~RAM OF COLLIER COUNTY - R~QUEST TO ~TAXN ~CE$ OF CONSULTANT DENIED Assistant Utilities Administrator B/oetscher distributed a package which included the actual scope of services included in the RFP as well as information extracted from the South Florida Permit. He briefly summarized the history of this Item, beginning with direction from the Board of County Commiss~oners back in April of 1991 to soli- cit RFP's. He explained that, although there were thirty-three propo- ~als picked up, the response from Brown & Caldwell was the only one ~ecetved. He pointed out that accomplishments to-date include the adoption of low flow plumbing fixtures as part of the Plumbing Code Page 18 October 15, 1991 update as well as low flow irrigation automatic sprinkler systems and detectors, and xertcecape as part of the Land Development Regulations. In response to Commissioner Volpe, Mr. Biostether stated that none Of the things mentioned readily identifies what kind of water savings will be realized. He stated that fairly conservative estimates were ':'~ made on the rate study. )~:.: Commissioner Volpe commented he is not in favo]~ of duplicating an :;;i~ ieffort which has already been done, adding that do¢~s not mean he is ,':T',not in favor of water conservation. ,,, ; Gilbert Erlichman distributed a copy of an article appearing in the Naples Daily News on October 13, 1991, and proceeded to read portions ! of same regarding the inverted rate structure. He concluded that, If the County intends to conserve water to the degree that It will cause :{:~.[ a'hardehtp In the amount of money collected by the Utilities · Department, it Is in a "cat¢ih 22 situation". He referred to a letter received from the Division of Administrative Services Human Resources Department on July 1, 1991, received in response to his request for a departmental breakdown of County employees. From the list, he · concluded there are 146 employees. He suggested polling these employees and taxpayers regarding ideas for conservation of water. He related that recently South l{ater Management District employed Brown & Caldwell to make a study on conservation, and questioned why Collier County did not utilize that ~tudy in assessing its water conservation ,ds. Thomas A. Stasko stated ~:hat his taxes have Increased at an ~larming rate. He concurred with Mr. Erlichman's suggestion to uti- lize existing data and repor,:s. ~ssloner Volpe ~ovsd,. seconded by Co~tssioner S~ and 4/0 (Commissioner Sa~md~ra not present) to deny the hirln~ of · consultant to address the Conservation Pro~ru in Collier County. l~em 9~01 (for~erly #16G2 on Consent) BUDfi~T FOR LANDFILL RECLAMATION TECHNOLOGYTRANSFER SEMINARS ~ORFY lgg2 - ~PP~D Solid Waste Management Director Fahey explained this item deals with the Ford grant funds of $~00,000 which were received by the October 15, 1991 County at the beginning of last fiscal year but were not included in last year's fiscal budget. He advised that one of the complicating factors here is the time frame of the seminars. In response to Commissioner Hasse, Mr. Fahey confirmed that $49,000 is the amount remaining from last year and, thus, currently being requested for approval. In response to Commissioner Volpe, Mr. Fahey stated there are bills presently coming in frc.m the first seminar that was presented. He acknowledged that a registration fee is being charged and that staff has asked the Ford Foundation how that revenue will be con- sidered. He commented that the ~ntent is to replenish and maintain a f~.nd to permit as many seminaars as possible. In reply to Commissioner Hasse, Mr. Fahey reflected that thirty people attended the seminar occurring on September 26th. Charlotte Westman, repre~enttng the League of Women Voters of Collier County, stated she ~ not opposed to seminars as structured under the award received. In reply to Mrs. Westman, Mr. Fahey advised that a fee was established to enable more monies to be put into the fund in order to offset some of the expenses ~ssociated with the seminars and extend the benefit of the grant funds to accommodate more people in the event it should become necessary. He added, however, that should the fee no~ generate sufficient revenues, all expenses will be paid out of the grant fund. In response to Mrs. West~an, Mr. Fahey conf~rmed that American Aimlines has offered a 40% d~[scount to anyone attending these semi- nars. He stated he is not a~are of any discount being offered on car rentals by persons attending the seminars. In answer to Mrs. Westman, County Manager Dotrill explained ~hat a cost center is a budget. Commissioner Volpe sugge~ted this ~s an instance where perhaps the Solid Waste Department could work with the EDC (Economic Development Council) utilizing their resources and networking to attract more Page 20 ~ndees to future seminars. October 15, 1991 Co~Liee~oner Volpe ~oved, seconded by Co~eeloner Shan~han 4/0 (Co~iseloner Sa~ndere not preeent), to approve the budget 91-723 APPOINTINa RICHARD BRAUN AND ED%IARD FERRINaER TO ~10LDEN~ATE ESTATKS CXTIL~N~ ADVlSORY CONMITTEE - ADOPTKD Administrative Assistant Filson advised that both Richard Braun and Edward Ferringer have sel'ved only one term and are eligible for another appointment to the Gc~lden Gate Estates Citizens Advisory Committee, and that both haw: requested reappointment. She confirmed 'receipt of an additional resume from John Gunnion. She relayed %'~staff's recommendation for rt~appointment of both Mr. Braun and Mr. get. ,,% Commissioner Goodnight s'tated that John Cunnion is qualified and would make an excellent addi't~on to the Golden Gate Estates Citizens Advteor~ Committee. :'~(" Jo~ C~nlon ~nferred that, although he would welcome an oppor- ~/'.~t~ty to be on the Golden Gate Estates Citizens Advisory Committee, ,he Is in a~reemen~ with the reappointment of Mr. Ferringer to repre- .~en~ Phase I. ~~i~ H~e ~ed, ~econded ~ Co~t~sioner S~ ~ ~~ 4/0 (C~ioeloner Sa~dero not present}, ~o a~r~e etaflee r~~tlo~ for rea~int~ of Rtc~rd Bra~ ~d E~rd !%rr~r to the ~olden ~tte [states Ctttz~n. A~i.o~ Conttt.., ~ttM ~solution 91-~23. Page 21 October 15, 1991 ~X t~e~ ~tlOB Administrative Assistant Filson confirmed that, in lieu of a i[:.::J'letter of resignation submitted by Margorie R. Ball, resumes have been i.,!11i," recotved from Marc Gertnet and Elizabeth A. Rhymer to fill the vacancy on the Library Advisory Board. She reported receipt of a Memorandum frou the Library Director advising that the Library Advisory Board is 'recommending the appointment of Elizabeth A. Rhymer to fill the remainder of ~he term, which wlll explre on December 31, 1992. Co~Iutoner Goodnight m~ved, seconded by Co--ieetoner Shanahen and c~rried 4/0 (Commissioner Saunders not present), to appoint Iltr.&beth a. ~r to the Libra~ A~tso~ ~d, there~ adopting z: .~... Page 22 October 15, 1991 ~ "'!~'~)~' Commissioner Volpe reported continued receipt of phone calls from ~i'.~ concerned residents regarding the water and sewer rates and the impact upon the single family residential citizens. In reply to Commissioner Volpe, County Manager Dorrtll stated that ~..; a 90 day period has been developed in which residents can consider and ,. evaluate going to a 3/4" meter at the nominal cost of 832.00. He pointed out that persons wttlh large potable water irrigation systems nay need a 1-1/4" meter. He reported that he has directed staff to !!~,evaluate whether last month':J bills are appropriate as a result of the rate increase. He confirmed that his recommendation and direction to staff was that the bills should be adjusted due to the inequity. In answer to Commissione:~ Hasse, County Manager Dotrill stated he is advising people not to pat their bills until such time as a final decision has been made and, ~:hose having already paid, will receive a Ji'!/credit toward their account ~lnd/or the cost of replacing the meter. In response to Commissioner Volpe questioning the availability of alternative sites for a spring training facility, County Manager Dorrtll confirmed a 15 minute meeting over a month ago with a gentle- man who indicated he represented a developer, and presented a site plan ~-~ for an lllternative site. He related that the conversation included problemt~ associated with scr~[b Jay habitat of the site. He stated he had heard nothing further regarding same until this morning when he was asked by reporters concez'ntng the status. In response to Commissioner Volpe, County ~anag,er Dorrtll stated he thinRs it incumbent on the ne~ development group to present their proposals for consideration prior to the public hearing. In reply to Commissioner Hasse, Commissioner Volpe confirmed receipt of a telephone message regarding an invitation for the Board of Co~ty Commissioners to attend a function at the Edgewater Beach Hotel. In response to Commissioner Volpe's inquiry regarding water within Page 23 October 15, 1991 Bay, County Manager Dotrill reported he haft sent the City Manager a letter notifying him of the Count¥'s tntlmt to switch over on November 4th. He confirmed the County does have the capacity, the pipeline is in place, and the only thing remaining to be done is i]'closing the City's side of the valve. He explained there will be a ~flushing period. He reported an Executive Summary pertaining to this matter will be included on next Tuesday's agenda. · ': oss Commissioner Shanaban Bovsd, seconded by Coatesloner Hasse ~ c~rrted unanimously, that the foll~tng tte~ ~r the con- (~.: ~t ~ ~ a~roved ~d/or adopted: see The water facilities to serve the project cannot be placed into service and n¢, Certificate of Occupancy shall be Issued until the Florida Department of Environmental Regulation fur- nishes a letter authorizing the placement of the sewer system into service and approving the water distribution system for service. 2. Bacteriological tet~ttng has met the County's requirements. The Fire Flow requ:[rements of the project have been satisfied, and the Fire District furnishes a letter accepting the fire hydrant for ownership and maintenance. 4. Receipt of payment for water usage from Utilities for bac- ~ tertologlcal testing. ,:. /tel #16~2 "~' MATER FACILITIES ACCEPTED ~}R NAPLES GREEN - WITH STIPULATIONS The water facilitt,es to serve the project cannot be placed into service and no Certificate of Occupancy shall be issued until the Florida Department of Environmental Regulation fur- nishes a letter authorizing the placement of the sewer system into service and approving the water distribution system for service, and; 2e Bacteriological testing has met the Count¥'s requirements, and; The Fire Flow requirements of the project have been satisfied, and the Fire District furnishes a letter accepting the fire hydrant for ownership and maintenance. and; 4. Receipt of payment for water u6age from Utilities for bactert_ologlc.al testing. It'am ~16A3 '.'. '~T~ FACILITIES ACCEPTED 113R TOLLGATE 0FF-SITE DITCH - WITH ~;' ~T IFULATIOII~ 00o 77 Page 24 October l§, 199! The water facilities to serve the project cannot be placed into service and no Certificate of Occupancy shall be issued until the Florida Department of Environmental Regulation fur- niehes a letter approving the water distribution system for service, and; Bacteriological testing has met the County'e requirements, and; The Fire Flow requirements of the project have been satisfied, and; Receipt of payment for water usage from Utilities for bac- teriological testil~g. See Pages :!i;RE~OLUTION 91-703 PROVIDING FOR ASSESSMENT OF LIEN FOR TH~ COST OF ABkT~M~IT OF FUBLIC NUISANCI| ON LOT NO. 16, BLUE HERON LAKE PARK, ~D~0NDOANDENEDIN& SOSA See Page s__~'-'~;:~-- "" It~OLUTIOI 91-704 ~OVIDING ~R USISS~ 0I LI~ ~R ~ COST 0F ~~ OF ~IC ~IS~C!~ ON ~~ 1ST ~D LOT 26, I~EE ? ~I~D ~~S~ INO. SeePages lt~ e1~4c ~~ON 91-705 PROVIDING FOR ASSESSMENT OF LIEN FOR TH~ COST OF , J~tI'BIBIT OF PON, IC IBISJJICI: ON SUNSRI!I~ PAR[ MOBILE HO~ES LOT NO: 49, ~ ,c~Lzs c. ~ teaaLES V. COLE i~OLUTION 91-706 PROVIDING FOR ASSESSMENT OF LIEN FOR THE COST OF A~AT~HNT OF FOBLIC NUISANCE ON LOT 13, BLOCK 101, MARCO BEACH, UNIT . ~.~!]~ CNARLES N. AND JOAN K. HICKS See Pages t~ ~/~OLUTION 91-707 PROVIDINI :~OR ASSESS!~]IT OF LIEN FOR THE COST OF OF FUBLIC NUISANCE ON LOT 31, BLOCK tL~___ AND MICHELE M. g1-~08 PROVIDING l~OR lSSlSSMENT OF LI~ ~R ~ COST OF ~LIC ~I~CE 0N I,OT 3S, BL~ U, CO~S V~ILT See Pages /'~ ' /~ / Page 25 October 15, 1991 91-709 PROVIDING FOR ASSKSSMEJFT OF LIKN FOR THE COST OF OF FUBLIC NUISANC!~ ON LOT~ 1 THROU(ZH 4, INCLUSIVE, BLOCK ~I~T~ UNIT NUMBER 2~ HALS~ F. SH~R'~D~ AS TRUSTEE / See Pages ~ ~' el~A4h 91-TlO ~OVIDIN~ ~R ~5~5~ OF LZ~ ~R ~ COST OF OF ~LIC ~I5~!~ ON LOT 20, BLOC~ RK~OLUTION 91-711 PROVIDING FOR ~SS~SSM~!~f OF LIEN FOR THE COST OF ABATB~IT O!~°FUBLIC HUISANC!: ON LOT 3:1, :32, AND :3:3, ROSKI~ItRY RIItZHTS, s.e Pages t (.-i0 7 '11:~,OL~FTIO~ 9:1-712 PROVIDING FOR A~S%SI~q~I~T OF LI~ ~R ~ COST OF [~.['[': I~L~ON 9~-713 ~OVZDZN~ ~R ASS2S~ OF LIXN ~R ~ COST OF :'~ J~I~ 91-716 ~DING ]~R ~SKS~ OF LI~ ~R ~ COST OF ~~ ~ E~A~S, VILAS OF N~ES~ INC. 91-717 PROVIDII~] II~)R ASSZBSMZ3FT OF L/KN ~R ~ COST OF ~ ~IC ~ZS~ ON LOT 632, ~ZT 4 OF RIVI~ GOLF 79 Page 2 6 $e~ Pages October 15, 1991 ']~10~'I01 Jl-?lS FR~VIDIN~ FOR A~SES51"~]IT OF LI~ ~R ~ C~T OF ,: ~U~ 91-T19 ~ZDZNG ~R ~S[~ OF LZ~ ~R ~ COST OF ':' ~~ 0F ~ZC ~l~ O~ L~ 635, ~ZT 4 O~ RZ~ GOLF ~~ OF ~ZC ~l~ ON LOT 632, ~IT 4 OF RIVI~ GOLF ~:,~' "]TI~IT O~ l~]~IC IUIS~IC]| ON LOT 637, DI~T 4 OF RI~ ~LF : . ]~A~I, ~ OF I~LES, INC. ~., ~ ~~ A ~QUI~ OF SDP ~89-133 I~ ~ ~ COerCE ~ ~ ~ ~L INSTR~5 ~I~ ~ST BE ~ IN ~ ~LIC ~=CO~S OF COLLI~ CO~ ?~i: '!f/ .13~CUT3COI OF &N FJI~M~Fr A~L~M~]IT FOR TH~ ACQUISITION OF ~N ~q~M~NT ~:; FC]R THI[ WIDI3FING OF RADIO ROAD Item ~16B3 OF QUIT CLAIM DKEI)S FOR TMO (2) TWELVE FOOT (12t} DRAINAGE ON THE P~T OF BERKSHIRE LAKES UNIT 5 SEE M;P~w ln, ]992!Public h~mring re AV-91-012 Item ~1~1 ~,eoxm~m~ OF ~ c~E ~ ~=SZD~ ~ ~OUZS HO~eS~ ~ VZCE THE RIVERCHA~ OWBXRS ASSOCIATION FOR UTILIZATION OF A COLLIER COUI~ EASEMENT FOR LANDSCAPINQ AND OTHER II 80 Page 27 October 15, 1991 '~i F~ICUTIOM OF !~TICI OF PROMISE TO PAY AIqD A~qr~(KNT TO KXTEHD PAYMX]FT ; Of ~ IMPACT FEES WITH RICHARD AND SANDRA DKSMOYKRS ~YTZOM OF MOTIC~ OF PRO~IS~ TO PAY &lqD &~ TO ~FERD PATI~NRT IMPACT !.KES WITH RICHARD ~ SARDRA DESWOYKRS ~"'i']01~'17~0110~ ~OTICI OF PROMISE TO PAY AND AGRKKM~3FT TO KXTEND PAYMI3FT :[[: See Pages 1 ~,~ ~" /'~ ~ ~. I~ ~16F1 ~;.,~** Jt~'~:FT~ OF JLDV/S~:~NT OF ~M%RG~ICY I~DICJtL S~'ICSS GR&RT OF iN IASlNIIT A~REDJEFf ~OR THE ACQUISITION 0! TWO ~ LYI!~ WITHIN PARCEL EL14-342 FOR THK PIBZ RIDGE INDUSTRIAL PAREM~rlClPAL SI3r~CES TAXIN0 AMD BK]IKFIT UNIT (SPECIAL ASSESSM~J~T com sFOm)sWcE - r LED i ,,/oa ",.',; The following miscellaneous correspondence was flied and/or ' ""') referred to the various departments as indicated below: 10. 12. October 1§, 1991 Copy to Commissioner Goodnight of letter dated October 2, 1991, to Brenda Troesch, Specialist, Real Property Management Department, from Attorney Angela M. Ab~11, re: Proposed Interlocal Agreement and Lease Agreement between Immokalee Fire Control District and Collier County. Copies to BCC, and filed. Copy to BCC of letter dated October 1, 1991, from Barbara Pickens, Deputy Clerk, Collier County, re: unpaid taxes and public auction on Lot 17, Block 791, Marco Beach Unit 25, Enriqueta de Gutierrez. Copies to Neil Dotrill, John Yonkosky, and filed. Copy to BCC of letter dated October 2, 1991, to Stephen M. Fain, Director of Pinance, Collier County Public Schools, from John Yonkosky, Collier County Finance Director, re: 1990-91 Federal Payments-in-Lieu of Taxes (P.I.L.T.). Filed. Letter dated September 27, 1991, to Commissioner Goodnight from Robert G. Nave, Director, Division of Resource Planning and Management, Department of Community Affairs, in response to a letter from Collier County Audubon Society. Copies to Nell Dotrill, Frank Brutt, BCC, and filed. Copy to Commissioner Goodnight of letter dated September 27, 1991, to Eileen Arsenault, President, Collier County Audubon Society, from Robert G. Nave, Director, Division of Resource Planning and Management, Department of Community Affairs, responding to assertion that Collier County failed to adopt certain land development regulations. Copies to BCC, Neil Dotrill, Frank Brutt, Bill Lorenz, and filed. Memorandum dated October 1, 1991, to All CDBG Recipients, from Lewis O. Burnside, Jr., Director, Division of Housing and Community Development, Department of Community Affairs, requesting Acquisition/Relocation Report. Copies to Nell Dotrill, Russell Shreeve, Frank Brutt, and filed. From the Department of Environmental Regulation, Rulemaking Notice appearing in the September 27, 1991, Florida Administrative Weekly. Copies to Neil Dotrill, Frank Brutt, Bill Lorenz, and filed. Letter dated October 4, 1991, to Chairman, BCC, from Jon M. Iglehart, Environmental Specialist, Department of Environmental Re~ulation, re: Collier County - WRR, File No. 112030859. Copies to Neil Dorrill, Harry Huber, and filed. Letter dated October 4, 1991, to Chairman, BCC, from Jon M. Iglehart, Environmental Specialist, Department of Environmental Regulation, re: Collier County - WRR, File No. 112030555. Copies to Nell Dorrill, Harry Huber, and filed. Letter to Chairman, BCC, dated September 25, 1991, from Sybil M. Dempsey, Surplus Property Supervisor, Department of General Services, re: Eligibility Update. Copy to Skip Camp, and filed. Letter dated September 27, 1991, to Commissioner Goodnight from Gail L. Lively, Director, Executive Secretariat, U.S. Department of Housi:ag and Urban Development, re: United Church Homes' Section 202 application. Copies to Neil Dotrill, Frank Brutt, Russell Shreeve, and filed. Letter dated Septem:Oer 27, 1991, to BCC from Tony D. McNeal, Engineer, Bureau of Coaetal Engineering and Regulation, Department of Natural Resources, re: request for Public I 000'~,r. 82 Page 29 October 15, 199! 13. 14. 15. Comment; File NumbE~r: CO-340; Applicant: Julius Fiske, Trustee. Copies to Neil Dorrill, Frank Brutt, Bill Lorenz, and filed. From the Department: of Natural Resources, Division of Beaches and Shores, Bureau of Coastal Engineering R.~gulation, copy of approved Permit Number: 02847 CO, Application Date: 9/24/91. Copies to Nell Dorrill, Frank Brutt, Bill Lorenz, and filed. Copy to BCC of letter dated September 30, 1991, to Guy Carlton, Collier County Tax Collector, from Darrell W. Smith, Administrator, Planning and Budgeting, Department of Revenue, re: approved Fiscal Year 1991-92 Budget. Copies to Nell Dotrill, John Yonkosky, and filed. Opinion filed October 4, 1991, in the District Court of Appeal of Florida, Second District, in Case No. 91-O2913, O'Sheas Restaurant v. Board of County Commissioners: Petition for writ of certiorari denied. Copies to Neil Dorrill, BCC, and filed. 16. Letter dated October 1, 1991, to Commissioner Goodnight from Guy L. Carlton, Collier County Tax Collector, re: payment of commissions due the Tax Collector for 1990. Copies to Nei] Dotrill, John Yonko:~ky, BCC, and filed. 17. 18. Memorandum dated Oc':ober 2, 1991, to Sue Buck, Senior Secretary, BCC, from Catherine M. Riehm, Assistant Controller, enclosing reports from the Immoka]ee Water & Sewer District requ:ired under Chapter 198, F.S. Filed. Memorandum dated October 8, 1991, to Sue Buck, Sen/or Secretary, BCC, froz~ Catherine M. Riehm, Assistant Controller, enclosing reports from the Little Hickory - Bonita Shores Fire Control District. Filed. 19. 20. 21. Minutes received and: filed: Pelican Bay MSIU/BU Advisory Committee Agenda for October 2, 1991, and Minutes of September 11, 1991. Marco Island Beachfront Renourishment Advisory Committee Minutes of September 4, 1991. C. Library Advisory Board Minutes of August 22, 1991. Board of Supervlsor~ of Port of the Islands Community Improvement District Minutes of August 15, 1991. Notice to Owner date,! September 25, 1991, to BCC from Florida Mining & Materials, under an order given by Tinchef Concrete Const, for ready-mix concrete, block and related building materials, for Collier County Library. Copies to Neil Dotrill, Steve Carne:[1, John Yonkosky, and filed. Notice to Owner date(! October 1, 1991, to BCC from Terraco Stucco & Drywall, In(:., under an order given by Cornerstone General Contractors, Inc., for all labor and materials to stucco exterior and a~11 labor and materials to hang and finish interior for the Community Center at East Naples Community Park. Copies to Nell Dotrill, Steve Camell, John Yonkosky, and filed. 22. Notice to Owner dated October 1, 1991, to BCC from Terraco Stucco & Drywall, Inc., under an order given by Cornerstone General Contractors, Inc., for all labor and materials to Page 30 23. 24. October 15, 1991 stucco exterior and all labor and materials to hang and finish interior for the Community Center at Immokalee Co~uauntty Park. Copies to Netl Dorrill, Steve Carnell, John Yonkosk¥, and filed. 25. Notice to Owner dated October 1, 1991, to Harper Brothers, Inc., and BCC, from M.D. Moody & Sons, Inc., under an order given by Manares Underground, Inc., for various rental equip- ment for Radio Road Widening Phase I. Copies to Neil Dorrlll, Steve Camell, John Yonkosky, and filed. 26. Copy to BCC of Preliminary Notice to Owner dated October 2, 1991, to Seaboard Surety from Thompson Pump & Mfg. Co., Inc., under an order given by Florida State Underground, for dewa- tering pumps/equipment for the improvement of the real pro- perty identified as Phase I Radio Road Widening. Copies to Nell Dorrtll, Steve Carnell, John Yonkosky, and filed. Notice to Owner dat,~d October 4, 1991, to Collier County from Lightning Protection Systems, Inc., under an order given by Hendry Electric, for lightning Protection System for Collier County Library. Copies to Nell Dorrtll, Steve Camell, John Yonkosky, and filed. Satisfaction of Ctv:[1 Judgment Lien in Case #89-4347-MMA bearing the date 7/:!9/91. Copy to Misdemeanor Department, and filed. Memorandum to BCC f~'om Sheriff Don Hunter enclosing Fiscal Year 1992 Budget fox' Collier County Sherlff's Office. Filed. 2,3 · Notice of Intent to Consider Development Agreement between 0onkltn Point Development Corporation and Collier County. Copies to Neil Dorr]11, Frank Brutt, BCC and filed. Xteu~16L1 K~Et~tITXON OF AM~NZ~NT TO A~I~KEMKNT FOR COLLKCTXON OF MANDATORY SOLID M[~TI[ OO~[~=TXON SPECIAL ASSBSSMKFrS See Pages There being no further business for the Good of the County, the i~il..i..meettng was adjourned by Order of the Chair - Time: 1:50 P.M. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS/EX oFFicio GOVERNING BOARDIS) SPECIAL DISTRICTS UNDER ITS CONTROL PATRICIA ANNE GOODNIG%~T, CHAIRMAN " These'nh[nutes approved by the Board on as presented or as corrected J! 84 Page 31