BCC Minutes 10/15/1991 W Naples, Florida, October 15, 1991 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County ¢ommt:sstoners in .< and fo~ the County of Collier, and also actfng as the Board of Zoning Appeals and as the governing board(s) of such special districts as have b~en created according to law and having conducted business herein, met on this date at 12:07 P.M. in WORKSHOP SESSIO}[ in Building "F" of the Government Complex, East Naples, Florida, with the following members present: CHAIRMAN: Patricia Anne Goodnight VICE-CHAIRMAN: Michael J. Volpe Richard S. Shanahan Max A. Hasse, Jr. Burr L. Saunders ALSO PRESENT: Debby FarrJs, Deputy Clerk; Nell Dotrill, County Manager; Ken Cuyler, County Attorney; Sue Filson, Administrative Assistant to the Board; and Deputy Byron Tomlinson, Sherlff's Office. ODo .? o:!.' Page 1 October 15, 1991 "~DU~TR~JI~ D~O~ AND ECOI~OHIC D]L~ELOP!~NT D~SCUS$~ON County Manager Dotrill pointed out that an "issue paper" has been distributed to the Board of County Commissioners relating to industrial development and economic development (copy not provided for the record). Bill Barton, OhaArman of the Economic Development Council for the year 1991/1992, confirmed that other members of the Economic Development Council present today Include the Chairman of the Marketing Oommittee, Chairman of the Government Affairs Committee, Vice President, Chairman of the Membership Committee, Chairman of the Education Committee, a Past Chairman of EDC (Economic Development Council), as well as the current Chairman. He distributed a handout alleged to be an agenda for today's meeting (copy not provided for the record). He concluded that today's objective is to continue to build a foundation upon which EDC (Economic Development Council) and the ,oard County Oommissioners c,,n work together. He provided a brief synopsis of the history of the Economic Development Council, com- mencing with its incorporation An 197S, explaining that it operates through a 15 person Board of DA]~ectors on an annual budget of approxi- mately $170,000, and As not Government supported. Mr. Barton reflected that clean research-type Industries which County might hope to at~ract place quality of life high on ~heir list. Mr. Barton confirmed that the Economic Development Council is Involved in a venture with Southwest Florida Land Preservation Trust, made possible by 50% funding from the Tourist Development Tax, to undertake a study to look at the urban area today in order to find the best ways and means of setting aside green space within the urban area. Mr. Barton stated that beach renourtshment is another area con- sidered extremely important by his organization. He concluded this is ' a critical issue which perhaps gets a lot of attentAon but does not ooo. 02 age October l§, 1991 seem to be getting a lot of direction at the present time. Regarding highway and road construction, Mr. flatton reported there are three primary areas which need to have continued discussion, one bsing the funding for same in order to meet the requirement of the Oount¥'s Growth Management Plan. Other areas identified by Mr. Barton as needing to be collectively reviewed include permitting constraints. He recognized the importance of the environmental issues, but stated that the permitting process, as currently established, is not necessary to safeguard the environ- ment. He included the Golden Gate Parkway Interchange on 1-75 among the important issues which the community needs to collectively work on. He suggested all important decisions need to be thought about in terms of the effect it will have one-to-two decades into the future. Me concluded that the Philharmonic has improved the cultural vacuum Collier County found itself in. He stated that with the openinG of the Community College and the promise of a Tenth State University, the barrier of higher education has begun to disappear. He included siting among the important elements conducive of attracting high q~ality firms to the area. In response to Commissioner Volpe, Mr. Barton confirmed that the Economic Development Council does currently have a strategic plan. Dudley Goodlette reflected that the Economic Development Council for some time urged Collier County to include in its comprehensive planning an economic element. He pointed out that the Economic Development Council believes that the plan which is needed is one of action and not Just a paper plan; that a task force approach to the development of such an element be included; that it be a broad-based community goal; and that it needs to address such things as housing, infrastructure, and industry incentives along with a balance of land uses. He suggested that the Economic Development Council be afforded the opportunity, at their expense, to bring to Collier County some of the expe~ts throughout Florida who have developed economic elements to present a workshop session on the importance and value of economic October 15, ~99! elements in the comprehensive planning process. Mr. Goodlette stated that a.n extremely valuable resource which perhaps should receive greater attention is the concept of airports that exist, including the Regional Southwest Florida Jet Port. He reiterated the importance of resources such as the proposed Tenth State University, and suggested it is an opportunity for intergovernmental coordination. Mr. Barton expressed pleasure at the Board of (:ounty Commiss~oners' consideration of a utilities authority. Mr. Barton related that one of the objectives in the green space study was to create a public/private partnership. CoDissioner Goodnight suggested that the Chail, man and the County Manager meet with the Chamber on a quarterly basis. Commissioner Shanahan confirmed that he wants 1:o work with the Economic Development Council to help promote, expand and diversify the economic opportunities which exist in ~his community. Fred Tarrant, Jr. stated he is not opposed to progress but is very s~spic~ous of groups that get hyped up on five and ten year plans. There being no further business for the Good o~: the County, the meeting was ad3ourned by Order of the Chair - Time: 1:00 P.M. Page 4