BCC Minutes 12/17/1991 R Naples, Florida, December 17, 1991 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commissioners in and for the County of Collier, and also acting as the Board of Zoning Appeals and as the governing board(s) of such special districts as have been created according to law and having conducted business herein, met on this date at 9:00 A.M. in REGULAR SESSION in Building '"F" of the Government Complex, East Naples Florida, with the following members present: CHAIRMAN: Patricia Anne Goodnight VICE-CHAIRMAN: Michael J. Volpe ALSO PRESENT: Richard S. Shanahan Max A. Hasse, Jr. Burr L. Saunders James C. Giles, Clerk, John Yonkosky, Finance Director; gllte Hoffman, Debby Farrts, and Annette Guevtn, Deputy ~ C]erks; Nell Dorrtll, County Manager; Tom Olltff and Jennifer Pike, Assistants to the County Manager; Ken Cuyler, County Attorney; Brenda Wilson and Marjorie Student, Assistant County Attorneys: Frank Brutt, Community Development Services Administrator; George Archibald, " Transportation Services Administrator; Leo Ochs, Administrative Services Administrator; Michael Arnold, Utilities Administrator; Fred Bloetscher, Assistant Utilities Administrator; Tim Clemons, Wastewater Director; Pat Hantftn, Data Processlng/MIS Director; Jeff Walker, Risk Management Director; Robert Mulhere and Ron Ntno, Planners; Sue Ftlson, Administrative Assistant to the Board; and Deputy Byron Tomlinson, Sheriff's Office. Page "Yap~ #I 2tP. n #3A December 17, 1991 AND CONSENT AGEXDA - APPROVED WITH CHANGES Comtesloner Shanaban Bored, Bacondad by Coulasioner Haesa and carried unan~moualy, that the agenda and coneant agenda be approved with the following changes: Item #8B1 - Report on contract fee negotiations with Mcgovern Construction Corp, for State Road 29 Pedestrian Overpass Improvements - Added. (Requested by Staff). 7 o Item #8D2 - Recommendation to approve and execute the Notice of Promise to Pay and Agreement to extend payment of Sewer Impact Fees for A.H. & M.B. Corporation - Added. (Requested by Staff). Item #8D3 - Recommendation to award purchase of Network Communications Equipment for Collier County Utilities - Added. (Requested by Staff). Item #8D4 - Recommendation that the BCC accept the Statutory Deed and Quit Claim Deed for right-of-way acquisition for the North County Regional Water Treatment Plant - Added. (Requested by Staff). Item #SH1 - Consent by the BCC for Nabors, Glbltn & Nickarson, to provide to Coast Communities Corp. legal and financial consulting services to review and analyze and upon subsequent Board approval, implement and assist in f~nancing the provision of large scale development infrastructure through cooperation with Local Government - Added. (Requested by Staff). Item #9F - Recommendation to authorize awards and negotiate contracts under RFP-91-1762 for the procurement of Court-Appointed Legal Services - Added. (Requested by Staff). Item #gG - Recommendation that the BCC accept payment of the remainder of the monies owed and proffered by Telesat Cablevision, Inc. in resolution of the franchise application fee dispute - Added. (Requested by Staff). Item #9H - Discussion and update regarding Tourist Development Tax Legislation and related matters - Added. (Requested by County Attorney). 10. 11. :12. Item #9I - Pocket of Poverty Funding for Immokalee Non-Profit Housing (Sanders P~nes) - Added. (Requested by County Attorney). Item #gJ - Consideration of an Emergency Ordinance Suspending Enforcement of Ordinance No. 9:1-19 relating to regulation and permits for commercial mullet vessels - Added. (Requested by County Attorney). Item #7A - Public Petition re Anchor Reef Club - Continued to 1/7/92 or 1/21/91. (Requested by Petitioner). Item #12C3 .- Petit/on AV-9:1-0:15 to vacate Tracts M and N and Pl~t of Falling Waters - Continued to 1/7/92. (Requested by Staff). Page 2 December 17, 1991 13. Item #&3B1 - Petition CU-91-14, George Varnados, Esq., of Young, van Assenderp, Varnadoe and Benton, P.A., representing Highway Pavers, Inc., requesting Conditional Use "1" of the A Zoning District for earth mining and related processing on property located 1/2 mile west of Immokalee Road and approxi- mately 2-1/2 miles north of Randall Blvd. - Continued to 1/7/92. (Requested by Commissioner Goodnight). 14. Item #8G2 - Recommendation to award the "Reclamation/recyclinG of Construction and Demolition Materials", Bid # 91-1796, and to consider a modification to the annual rate resolution in early 1992 - Continued to 1/7/92. (Requested by Commissioner Goodnight). Item #10D AUTHORIZAYION FOR THE COUNTY MANAGER TO APPROV~ CERTAIN CONSENT AGENDA ITEM~ IN THE BOARD'S ABSENCE FROM DECEMBER 18, 1991 THROUGH JANUarY ~, 1992 - APl~ROVED Co~atastoner Yelps ~oved, seconded by Coastsstoner Hesse and cmrrted unanimously, to authorize the Cotu%ty Manager to si~n off on routine ite~ during the Cow~tsmton's abst~nce from December 18, 1991 through Jmnu&r~ 6, 1992. Item #3B CONSENT AGENDA - APPROV~D AND/OR ADOPTED NIT~ CHANGES The motion for approval of the Consent Agenda is noted under Item ~IK~flS OF ~¢ M~ETIHGS O! 9/3/91 REGULAR, 9/4/91 BUDGET, 9/9/91 SPECIAL, 9/10/91 ~GULAR, 9/11/91 BUDGET AND 9/16/91 SPECIAL - ~PROVED Co~lmaloner Shanahen ~oved, seconded by ComAseisner Hesse and carried unanimously, that the minutes of the BCC meetings of Septemir 3, 1991 R~i~, Septemir 4, 1991 Budget, Septemir 9, 1991 Special, Soptear 10, 1991 Railer, Septemir 11, 1991 Budget ~d Septemir 16, 1991 S~cial, ~ approved as presented. ItmR 95A1 · '/: ~~TION DESIGNATING ~ ~ OF DEC~B~ 15, 1991 AS CIVIL AIR ? :,' PA~OL ~KK - ~D Upon reading of the proclamation by Commissioner Shanahan, Contraeisner Sanders ~vmd, seconded ~ Co~tomioner Sh~ ~d carried ~tmoumly, that the Procitation demt~mttng the week of Page 3 Decsaber ;?o l~ce~btr 15, 1991. aa Civil Air Patrol ~eek be adopted. Commissioner Shanahan presented Proclamations to Natalie Cherney of the Naples Senior Squadron, Lee Lemasters of the Naples Cadet Squadron and Monty Lazarus of the Marco Squadron. In addition to the proclamations, Gommisstoner Shanahan presented a plaque, in memorandum of Major Clayton A. Reid and Major James Mathews, who sacrificed their lives while saving a vessel in distress. Mr. Lazarus accepted the plaque. Page 4 ,,.y~? ~ ':. ': X'l:m,t I1~5A2 · .!AMEI,IA ~2[HART A~A..RD - PRESENTI~D December 17, 1991 Commissioner Shanaban presented the Amelia Earhart Award to Danny R. Peloqutn, for completing all requirements given at National Headquarters, Civil Air Patrol Auxiliary, of the United States Air ,i" Force. ~,.Item #SB Commissioner Saunders presented Employee Service Awards to: William A. Lacy, Utilities/Wastewater Operations - § years Owen A. Butler Purchasing - 10 years Finance Director Yonkosky requested that the Commission adopt seven Budget Amendments: three budget amendments involving matters not previously discussed and four budget amendments Involving matters that have been previously discussed. ¢oeunta.loner Haaae moved. a~conded by Co--t~atonar Shana.hen and cmrz'ted ~l~usly. that ~dgat ~en~ents 92-~ ~d 92-~9/84 ~ Flnanc~ Director Yonkosky announced that this report is prepared annually by the Clerk's Office and Is divided into three major parts. He advised that the Summary of the local gas taxes intergovernmental revenue begins on Page 2. He noted that the summary gives a com- par![son of what has been received over the past few years and the · budget for this year. He indicated that the increase for the 1992 budget over the 1991 actual is a conservative 4 2~, adding that there was $3 million under budget in receipts but staff has modified ~'i: spending patterns in relationship to those reports. f' Mr. Yonkosk¥ stated that the second portion of the report depicts $:>, six graphs of the major revenue sources. Page 5 :~.: December 17, 199:1 :j.i~ . Mr, Yonkosky explained that the third segment of the report begins on Page 8 and shows the revenues received over the year and the funds that those revenues have been budgeted. Conuniss.toner Saunders pointed out that there have been discussions with respect to a review of the upper level staff positions and con- siderations as to where some of those functions could be consolidated to reduce the upper level staff payroll, County Manager Derrill related that the initial work has been co~pleted and the Commission w~11 be presented with a final report after returning from the holiday recess. Commieeloner Shanahah moved, seconded by Commiaeloner Haase and accept the Local Gas Taxee and Intergovernmental Revenue Report. Page 6 December 17, 1991 COOP~ltATIVE AGREEMENT WITH COLLIER COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY TO SECURE CONTRACTS WITH THE FEDXRAL GOVERNMENT FOR 1,000 UNITS OF LOW-RENT HOUSING - APPROVED Community Development Services Administrator Brutt stated that this item is a request for approval of a Cooperation Agreement with the Collier County Housing Authority to enable the Housing Authority to secure contracts with the Federal Government for loans and annual contributions for approximately 1,000 units of low-rent housing. Mr. Fred Thomas, Executive Director, Collier County Housing Authority, explained that this situation goes back to 1937 when the Housing Act was passed. He indicated that the Federal Government required that any local Jurisdiction desiring to take advantage of those monies for public housing would guarantee that for payment in lieu of taxes, the local municipality would provide the normal ser- vices that are provided to any other multi-family landlord. Mr. Thomas reported that in Collier County, Government does not control all services, i.e. Fire Districts and Mosquito Control District. He indicated that the language in the agreement relating to these services was amended, however, HUD did not accept the language, citing that units could only be built in those areas where the County controlled the utilities. He stated that he recently learned at a National Conference of Housing Officials that Collier County was not alone in this situation, reporting that Boise, Idaho is experiencing a similar situation and they have put together a Cooperation Agreement which has been approved by HUD. Mr. Thomas advised that he forwarded to the County Attorney's Office, a copy of the language contained in Boise's Cooperation Agreement. He affirmed that the County Attorney's Office approved that language. He remarked that the Agreement merely allows for application to be made for the units, and if approval is obtained, a location will need to be found. Co=missioner Volpe questioned whether the payment in lieu of taxes is determined at the time the units come on line. Mr. Thomas replied Page December 17, 1991 that the Federal Government has developed a formula relative to payment tn lieu of taxes and the percentage of the ad valorem taxes they would receive. Co~mtg8toner Shanahen moved, seconded by Commiestoner Saunders ~nd carried unani~oualy, to approve the Cooperation Agreement between the Collier County Housing Authority ~nd the Collier County Board of County Co~issioners ~nd Chairman to execute aa~e. Page 8 December 17, 1991 0RDINARCI 91-109, RE PETITION PUD-91-10, NICH&EL FERRARDEZ OF AGNOLI, BARBER AND BRUNDAGI, INC., REFR~SENTING WILLIAM SCHWEIKHARDT AS TRUSTEE, FALLS 89 LIMITED PARTNERSHIP/THE FALLS LTD., REQUESTING REZONK FROM PUD TO PUD FOR A COMMERCIAL D~"v'ELOPME~ LOCATHD AT THE CORNER OF AIRPORT-PULLING ROAD ARD PINE R~DGE ROAD - ADOPTED WITH CHANGES Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on November 20, 1991, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider Petition PUD-91-10/Michael Fernandez of Agnoli, Barber & Brundage, representing William Schweikhardt, as Trustee for the Falls 89 Limited Partnership/The Falls, Ltd. Planner Nino stated that the Falls of Naples is an approved PUD consisting of a Development Order which would allow 90,000 square feet of commercial floor space and 220 dwelling units. He indicated that the petitioner desires to eliminate 220 dwelling units and in its place add an additional 190,000 square space of commercial floor space, which would bring the total commercial to 280,000 square feet. Mr. Nino pointed out that staff has determined that the equivalent impact of the 220 dwelling units amounted to 70,000 square feet of commercial floor space. He related that the recommendation to the Planning Commission and subsequent acceptance of s~ame was that this project should have the right to proceed with an equivalent develop- ment of 160,000 square feet of commercial floor space. He noted that this PUD, as proposed, is consistent with Future Land Use Element (FLUE) of the Growth Management Plan. In response to Commissioner Volpe, Mr. Nino advised that the Growth Management Plan addresses Activity Centers as being areas of 160 acres in most cases, with the exception of the activity boundaries at interchanges. Commissioner Volpe recalled that this development was approved as a mixed used PUD within that quadrant of the Activity Center, and noted that staff is now recommending that mixed u~3e be changed to a use which is entirely commercial on the basis that there is con- 54 Page 9 December 17, 1991 ststency since staff reviewed the other quadrants of the Intersection and one is not yet developed. Planner Nino stated that one of the drtvtng forces of the FLUE to react favorably to a rezonlng petttlon in an Activity Center is the requirement that a market study be completed and that Justification be sho~n with regard to additional commercial space. He affirmed that this requirement has been fulfilled. He reported that the market study reveals that there is a need for additional commercial floor space above the request of this applicant. Mr. Ntno remarked that there is a problem with respect to the inadequacy of the Level of Service on Airport Road. He cited that the petitioner believes that this project is consistent with the Traffic Element of the Growth Management Plan since the added impact of the development, as amended, does not exceed 5~ of the Level of Service (LOS) "C" test. He noted that Policies 5.1 and 5.2 indicate if LOS "C" is abrogated, adequate mitigation can offset that situation and thereby, the project could be approved and deemed consistent with the Traffic Element of the Growth Management Plan. Planner Nino affirmed that the petitioner has accepted the mirtEa- tton request to dedicate all the land required for the stx-lanlng of Airport and Pine Ridge Roads and the land required for a future flyway over Airport Road. He indicated that this is a substantial amount of land dedtcatlon. He announced that traditionally, credits are given for impact fees for that type of activity. He divulged that staff proposes that that dedication be made without the taking of a credit toward Impact fees, and the petitioner concurs with same. Commissioner Volpe remarked that he does not concur with staff's conclusion that this is not an ideal location for residential develop- ment. He Indicated that later in today's meeting, staff will be presenting the Carillon PUD which has 180 units at the same intersec- tion and staff is recommending approval of that mlxed use. He noted that those residents will be subjected to noise, traffic and congestion from the subject development. [[ 55 Page 10 December 17, 1991 Mr. Ntno stated that this development Is more compatible with its neighbors than what could be expected from another multi-family pro- Ject. He remarked that the standards in the PUD document are higher than those of C-3 or C-4 properties. He reported that setbacks of 25' are required under traditional zoning, however, this PUD has the requirement that no building may exceed a maximum height of 45' He explained that there will be a setback of 50' from Pine Ridge and Airport Roads; C-3 and C-4 setbacks will be 25'; and landscaping requirements exceed those required in the Zoning Ordinance if this property were zoned RMF-16, C-3 or C-4. Planner Nino remarked that this development mee, ts the keystones of what makes for a good zoning decision. He reported that the Planning Commission voted 7/1 in favor of this rezontng. Transportation Services Administrator Archibald advised that staff proposes to modify the design contract with the firm doing the six lane design of Pine Ridge Road. He indicated that the modifications to include the stx-laning of all four legs of the Pine Ridge/Airport Road Intersection will be presented to the Commission in January. He stated that not only will the stx-lantng of Pine Ridge Road be accomplished, but the intersection capacity will no longer be the weak link of the Airport Road corridor or the Pine Ridge Road corridor. In response to Commissioner Shanahah, Mr. Archibald explained that the Level of Service at the Intersection and the Level of Service on Airport Road would be maintained at "E" through the period when the six-laning of Airport Road would occur and then the LOS would be brought up to "A". Commissioner Volpe voiced concerns with respect to traffic exiting the proposed development onto Pine Ridge Road and traveling west. Mr. ', Archibald remarked that one of the anticipated improvements is a closed loop signal system that would tie into one of the entrances to coincide with the development both north and south. He explained that two driveway connections are proposed with a possible signal system which would accommodate traffic movements traveling east and west. He Page 11 December 17, 1991 revealed if that signal system is not installed, the majority of the movements into the shopping center would be eastbound traffic constrained to right turn in and right turn out. Planner Nino noted for the record that staff is recommending changes to the PUD Document with regard to the last sentence in the Transportation Element. He presented the Commission with a copy of the revision. (Copy not provided to the Clerk's Office). Attorney George Vega affirmed that the main question relative to this petition is traffic. He divulged that the applicant paid to have a traffic analyst study the intersection. He indicated that the cost for the required right-of-way is $700,000 and the petitioner is pro- viding $350,000; improvements are $800,000 and the impact fees are $778,000. He reported that every requirement has been met and the co~unercial density has been lowered. In response to Comm~ssioner Volpe, Mr. Vega replied if there is a need for additional right-of-way, the petitioner is willing to sell sazme at a low market price to the County, and the applicant would asylums the responsibility for the proper mitigation. Mr. Jack Bart of Bart Dunlop & Associates, stated that Messrs. Archibald and Nino covered many of the points with regard to traffic impacts and mitigation requirements. He affirmed that there are problens with respect to access to Airport Road, south of the pro3ect and there are growing problems forecast for the future which may or may not develop. Mr. Bart pointed out that the approved PUD limits the development to two access points on Pine Ridge Road and two acc~ss points on Airport Road. He advised that the major access points are lined up with the access points that currently exist on Pine Ridge Road and those that are proposed on Airport Road opposite the site. He noted that the other access points are right turn in, rlght turn out. He explained that the nearest access point to Pine Rid~;e Road is 760' from the intersection and almost 600' on Airport Road from the inter- 1300 ,. ! 57 Page 22 · ~ December 17, :199:1 section. Mr. Bart recalled that questions have been raised with regard to extent of the impacts. He indicated that the net increase due to approval of this development would be 2,3~ of the capacity which is substantially less than Policy 5.2 regards as substantially signifi- cant. He remarked that there wall be some diversion of traffic away from thls intersection when road improvements are completed for the Vanderbilt Beach Road Extension, Goodlette Road Extension to Immokalee Road, Livingston Road and Santa Barbara Boulevard. Mr. Burr stated that the cooperation of the applicant to provide right-of-way over and above the impact fees, and right-of-way adequate for everything ever needed on Airport and Pine Ridge Roads and a future flyover at that location ls a tremendous problem solver. Commissioner Volpe called attention to the 2-1/2 quadrants at this intersection that are not developed. He questioned whether there would still be the magnitude of the problem that is being addressed if nothing is done with this PUD which would have 90,000 square feet of commercial and 220 residential units. Mr. Barr replied if there is any growth In traffic regardless of whether or not the quadrants coming into play, there would be increased problems. Mr. Michael Fernandez of Agnoli, Barber and Brundage, Inc., related that this project is consistent with the Growth Management Plan and is surrounded by residential communities. He noted that there is very little commercial between this development and the Grey Oaks project. He revealed that one of the main problems in the past was the multitude of entrances and exits from the project since they would cause a great deal of the traffic problems. He reported that the petitioner hired a consultant to do a specific flyover design for that intersection to define the amount of right-of-way that would be given up in the future. Mr. Fernandez explained that the right-of-way to be donated to the County is valued at $! million. In addition, he affirmed that an additional acre of land is being reserved and may be acquired by the Page 13 December 17, 1991 County, in addition to the 2.5 acres which is already beinH donated. He indicated that the most prime piece of property on th~ subject site will include a lake to serve as a public amenity. He presented a ren- dering of the project showing the quality of same. Commissioner Volpe pointed out that in the PUD document, as one of the permitted conditional uses, the Petitioner is requesting mixed residential and commercial uses. He questioned why the applicant would consider residential uses in this PUD since ~]taff indicates that this is not an appropriate location for that use. Mr. Fernandez replied that that was included before staff's analysis, noting that he has no problem deleting same. Mr. Dick BastllI, Real Estate Director, Jewel-Osco Stores, advised that his company is part of the largest grocery chain in the United States. He divulged that his company has a strong interest in the subject intersection, and plans to hopefully construct a 75,000 square foot grocery store in this area. Clerk Fartie replaced Deputy Clerk Hoffman at this The following persons spoke in opposition to the Petit/on for reasons which include: Too much commercial will be built for the market to absorb causing some developments to be left with empty spa- ce; long time residential and commercial interests will have their taxes increased to pay for additional paving, sophisticated traffic controls and the Chinese wall fly-over; existing retailers throughout Collier County will feel the affects of new retailers and everyone will have to be content with a smaller "piece of the pie"; concern for surface water management at the proposed PUD fezone and potential for the proposed gasoline station to contaminate the water system in the . ;;aples Bath and Tennis Club: John White Frank E. Wilson · Gerald F. Kierce Thomaa Donegan General $tan Sheridan George Keller, President of Collier County Civic Federation Bill Kerrigan 'Copy of speaker'e comments provided for the record Although the majority voiced concern for traffic conditions, the following persons spoke in favor of the Petition for reasons which 000. .: 59 Page December 17 1991 include: Commercial which can be developed under the present zoning ,:an be less beautiful and desirable than what is being proposed by This and architectural aspect of the buildings proposed is in con- Junorion with the beautiful homes of the ,urroundin~ areas: William Seabury, President of Forest Lake Golf and Tennis Club · victor Chainas Harold Lowes. President of Fairway Forest Villas Condo Assoc. John P. Brown Paul Donnelly. member of the Quail Run Golf Club 'Read a letter with the heading "Joint Efforts Can Solve Shopping ,~enter Problems" he allegedly wrote to the Editor of the Naples Daily News the previous week (copy not pl~ovided for the record). Sewell Corkran stated the biggest "player" and consideration affecting the Junctlon and transpo]~tatton element is Grey Oaks. He concluded the problem faced by Collier County, developers and staff is · '. the fact that Collier County is not complying with the State Growth Management Act of 1985 and 1987, Statute 163, Part 2, ~n particular. June Gibbs, resident of Woodshire Lane, prefaced her comments with the assumption that the Petition will be approved. She requested that the berm be at least 3' higher than the highest point of their present berm. Mr. Vega presented a copy of a letter addressed to Commissioner Volpe from Vita Didio, Secretary of Fairway Forest Garden Villas, Inc. dated December Commiss~oner Saunders announced he is part-owner of two Individual condomlntum units in the Naples Bath & Tennis Club property and that he owns a very small interest in the clubhouse facilities. He questioned whether tht~, presents a conflict of interest on his part to vote on any issues involving this matter, to which County Attorney Guylet rendered his opJnion there is no prohibited conflict. Commissioner Saunders pointed out the most significant objection is a concern of traffic: In and out of Naples Bath & Tennis Club in an efficient and safe manner. He questioned whether Mr. Vega's client would be willing to pay a fair share of traffic signalizatton to the south. Mr. Vega responded they are willing to pay more than their fair 6o Page 15 i~,. · December 17, 199! ;~)[i.!; share, and Transportation Administrator Archibald indicated that when ~'~"' ' the signals are warranted the fair share may be based upon traffic volume considerations. Commissioner Saunders requested that staff meet with appropriate entities, including the Naples Bath & Tennis Club, to evaluate the traffic flow on Airport Road and Improvements to various existing pro- _Jects in the area. In response to Commissioner Saunders, Mr. Archibald remarked staff is considering ways to improve traffic and buffering in the area of the Pine Ridge Road entrance to Forest Lakes. Commissioners Hasse and Shanahah instructed staff they want the issues of traffic signalization, buffers and flooding conditions addressed if they aT to vote positively on this issue. In answer to Commissioner Volpe, Mr. Archibald acknowledged this intersection is considered among the half dozen in the urban area causing concern, i.e. it is likely to be one of the most Intense intersections in all Collier County. In reply to Commissioner Volpe, Growth Planning Director Blanchard concurred that approximately 75-80~ of the activity center will be developed as commercial. Pursuant to Conzmissioner Volpe, Mr. Blanchard stated that any com- mercial zoning within an activity center is not considered under the zoning revaluation program. Discussion ensued between Commissioner Saunders and Commissioner Volpe regarding feasibility of affordable housing developing in the area being discussed. Co~miewtoner Shanah~n moved, a,econded by Couiswioner Saunder~ and carried unanimously, to close the public hearing. Planner Ntno interjected that the Ordinance before the Board of County Commissioners has an incorrect citation in that it should cite Ordinance 82-62 in lieu of Ordinance 82-18 shown. He referred to the handout identified as Proposed Modifications to Falls of Naples PUD Page December i?, 1991 Document, stating that staff's legal opinion is that paragraph 4 should be amended by deleting the last two sentences. Commissioner Shanahen ~oved, seconded by Conicstoner Hasme and carried 4/1 (Conisotoner Volpe opposed), to approve Petition POD-91-10 with all the covenants, a~end~enta, etc. discussed today, and only with the Naples Bath & Tennis Club signalizerich taken Into consideration in the final analysis; that the barrier, betming and buffering for protection of the properties along Pine Ridge Road be Included in the plan; that the flooding consideration be reevaluated to tn~ure a problea Is not created for the Naples Bath i Tennis Club; that the re~alnder of the stipulations proposed by staff shall apply after deletion of the pertinent sentences froa ~4; that the require- ~ent for architecturally integrated projects be added; with the provl- sion that Petitioner contribute the 'more than fair share~ of the traffic elGnaltzatton to the south, as agreed; thereby a~optinH the Ordinance u numbered and titled below and entered Into Ordinance Book No. 50: ORDINANCE 91-109 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NUMBER 91-102 TIlE COLLIER COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE WHICH INCLUDES THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING R~GULATIONS FOR THE UNINCORPORATED ARIL~ OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA AND AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONIHG ATLAS MAP NUMBEP~D 9§14N BY CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF THE HEREIN DESCRIBED REAL PROPERTY FROH "PUD" TO "PUD" PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT KNOWN AS TH~ FALLS OF NAPLES, FOR PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF AIRPORT-PULLING ROAD AND PINE RIDGE ROAD, IN SECTION 14, TOMNSHIP 49 SOUTH, RANGE 25 EAST, COLLIER CO~TTY, FLORIDA, CONSISTING OF 35.4 ACRES: PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ORDINANCE NUMBER 82-18, THE FORMER FALLS OF NAPLES PUD; AND BY PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Item PAUL PXN~ON R~PR~S~NTING TE~ CHILDREN'S SKRVXCE3 COUNCIL R~GARDING BALLOT LANI~IAGE SELECTION - APPROVIID FOR REFEREND. UN Frank Baker requested those present today on behalf of this Issue stand, and a number of p~rsons stood. He stated the number of children In crisis in Collier County continues to grow at an outstanding rate, with evidence showing that every $1.00 invested for prevention saves approximately $15.00 in the future. He explained Page 17 :-.)i.. · December 17, 1991 there are ten persons on the Children's Services Commission, five appofnted by the Governor, one from the Board of County Commission, and four other individuals named by statute. He verified a needs assessment study has been conducted. He reflected that various stu- dies performed over the past several years have confirmed the need for the Children's Services Council. The following persons voiced support for granting the Ghildren's Services Council the authority to each year levy an ad valorem tax not to exceed one-quarter (1/4) mill for services for children, thereby supporting a referendum ballot for reasons which include: This will coordinate the delivery of services and the fundin!; of programs, will consolidate various services to give a more cost effective approach in the delivery of children's services, and will consistently maintain the level of accountability to the taxpayer and citizen; an ounce of prevention and early intervention is worth a pound of cure, not Just in dollars but in the quality of human life here In Collier County; and there is no way to continually support all these necessary ser- vices Just out of the generosity of people's heart~: Jackson Hall Charles Dauray David Schimmel Sergeant Jim Hansen Dawn Litchfield *Barbara Cortes *Nick Smith Bea Harper, Chairperson of Children's Service Council Mark S. Weber, representing Immokalee Child Care Center *Student from Lely High School representing all students of Collier County Chuck Mohlke explained that presenting this issue to the voters as the single referendum issue provides the opportunity to explain the pierpose of the Children's Services Council In bringing forward this ql~estton for voter consideration and is likely not to have a great number of competing concerns before the voters at the same time. Commissioner Volpe questioned the lack of response from service providers to the survey distributed by Mr. Mohlke, who in turn sum- marized the manner in which his firm undertook the task of data ee 63' Page 18 ' gathering. December 17, 1991 Commissioner Volpe relayed his understanding that legislation, as written, will allow the Children's Services Council to request the Board of County Commissioners supplement Identified needs in sub- ee.c[uent years. Mr. Baker pointed out the question at hand is whether legally all the prerequisites to present this matter to the voters have been met, '~'"" and concluded that they have. ~' ' In response to Commissioner Volpe, Assistant County Attorney Wt. lson confirmed that the Board of County Commissioners, if it so chooses, can appropriate an amount to the Children's Services Counril for administration to the various contract agencies. Discussion ensued regarding the FY 1991-92 budget appropriation of $524,425.00 to social service programs in Collier County. Ms. Harper stated every penny spent on the Children's Services Council has come from private donations. Discussion ensued regarding the number of persons present today in support of this item while monetarily benefitting should same be approved. The following persons voiced opposition for granting the Children's Servtce~; Council the authority to each year levy an ad valorem tax not to exceed one.-quarter (1/4) mill for services for children, thereby not supporting a referendum ballot for reasons which include another level of bureaucracy would be added to what we already have; this proposal gives, a blank check to an unelected group to spend as they see fit; and there appears to be no way to get rid of the tax, i.e. if we do not like it we are stuck with it forever: George F. Keller W. Earl Marlin Fred Tarrant see Delmty Clerk ~uevtn replaced D~Imt¥ Clerk Farris ~t this tt~e s$e Commissioner Saunders suggested that a unanimous vote in support of the ballot question will show all those who have spent a signlit- 61 Page 19 December 17, 1991 amount of time and effort on community issues, that the Board of County Commissioners supports and appreciates them. He said it will also show that the Board has enough conriddance in the intelligence of the citizens of Collier County to let them make the decision through a referendum. He suggested that the Board, by not having a unanimous vote, will only cloud the issue. Commissioner Volpe said he is also appreciattw~ of what the people in Collier County are doing for charitable organiz~tions. He said the problem he has had since the inception of Children's Services Council has still not been addressed with the needs assessment, which in his opinion, fell short. Secondly, he said, the State Statute was amended in 1990 to require a plan to identify for the local governing body what the Council will do, how it will do it and with whom. He indi- cated he has not seen such a plan from the Council, and he is not pre- pared to delegate this kind of authority without knowing in advance what the plan is. He commented the legislation passed by the Board of County Commissioners troubles him, because it stipulates that the Children's Services Council shall not be sub3ect to change or modifi- cation by the Board of County Commissioners or any other authority. He said as an elected representative, he is not prepared to delegate that responsibility to a group of people who are not elected by the citizens. Furthermore, he said the ballot question being proposed would require an amendment to the Ordinance, and lastly, he is troubled by the fact that schools are being excluded from the entire process. Assistant County Attorney Wilson communicated the proposed ballot question is in substantially the same form as what is referenced in th~ ordinance. She said if the intent of the question remains, then the requirement has been met. She explained the intent is to let the voters know there will be a certain amount of money used for Children's Services, and that intent has not been changed by the pro- posed question. She gave her le~al opinion that it is not a violation of the ordinance to change the amount being requested from one-half to 65 December 17, 199! .~?..,'one-quarter mill. ~' In response to Commissioner Hesse, As~istant County Attorney Wilson stated the Childl'en's Services Council ie required by State Statute and County Ordinance to submit a budget and how the monies are spent by July let of each year. Bea Harper commented the Community Foundation provided $35,000 for a minimum document to show there is a need in this community for children. She said the assessment was done over a six month period of time by two staff members and one volunteer. She mentioned Palm Beach County spent 18 months and $200,000 for their needs assessment, which was done after their referendum pas:3ed supporting a Children's Services Council. Commissioner Shanahen remarked he would like to give voters an opportunity to voice their opinions regarding funding the needs of children. He said he is convinced that advocates of the Children's Services Council will be preparing specifics on how the money will be spent and what the priorities will be if they want to succeed on the March ballot. He strongly suggested that advocates quantify and q~/altfy to the voters of Collier County that spending $! will save A discussion ensued regarding the ballot question language as pro- posed in the ExecuTive Summary va. what was reviewed, by Assistant County Attorney Wilson. Co~missioner Saunders moved, seconded by Co~se~oner Shanahen, to appl~v~ the l~ngu~ge for the ballot question on the March lO, ~992, referendum, to read: "Shall the Children's Services Council of Co21Aer County be granted the eutho:~ity to fund the early intervention mrs! prevention, developmental, treatment and other I~ervtcea by the levyin~ each year of an ad valorem tax not to exceed one-quarter (1/4) mill for services for children tn Collier County." In answer to Commissioner Hesse, Assistant County Attorney Wilson explained the Children's Services Council is all independent, established district which is not answerable to the Board of County Page December 17, 1991 Commissioners in that they are the overseers of the monies. Commissioner Goodnight mentioned the Board of County Commissioners will submit 15 names to the Govern,or, who will choose five people to be members of the Council along with a member of the Board of County Commissioners, a member of the School Board, the Superintendent of Collier County Schools, a Juvenile Judge and the Health and Rehabilitation Services Administrator. Assistant County Attorney Wllw)n recalled that process is something recommended by the advocates of the Children's Services Council in order to give the Board input into the composition of the Council. She said that procedure .is not required by State Statute. Commissioner Hasse stated he feels very strongly that s, ervices for children are needed, however, he i~ concerned with potential problems with the adm~nistration and accoun~abtlity of the funds. He said the key factor pursuadtng him is to allow citizens of Collier County to vote on the issue. ~ c~11 for the question, th~ motion carried 4/1 ~s~ Recess~: 2:15 P.M. - Reconvened: 3:15 P.M. OI~DINANCE 91-110 R~ PETITION CP-91-DRI-1, WILLIAM R. VINES WITH VINES AND ASSOCIATES, INC., REQUESTING AN AMENI)~NT TO ~{E FUTUR~ LAND USE · LEMENT TEXT FOR T~E ACTIVITY CENTER SUBDISTRICT - ADOPTED AS AMENDED Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on December 4, 1991, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Glerk, public hearing was opened to consider P{ltition CP-91-DRI-1, filed by William R. Vines with Vines and Associates, Inc., requesting an amendment to the Future Land Use. Element Text for the Activity Center Subdistrict. Commissioner Volpe advised he will abz~taln from voting on this i~em because he has an Interest in a small piece of property which will be affected by this amendment. He noted he has filed a Memorandum of Voting Conflict. (On file with the Clerk to the Board from the meeting of December 10, 1991.) 67 Page 22 December 17, 1991 Planner Elly Soto said this is the second public hearing to con- sider the Growth Management Plan amendments submitted by Tollgate Plaza. She stated the purpose of the amendment is to amend the text of the Activity Center Subdistrict within the Future Land Use Element (FLUE) to allow light industrial land uses within the interchange activity centers located at 1-75 and C.R. 951 and the southern quadrants of 1-75 and Immokalee Road. She referred to a map denoting the various land uses, both approved and proposed, within the interchange activity centers, noting this amendment would be appli- cable to only the southeast and southwest quadrants of the Interchange activity center at Immokalee Road and 1-75. She advised on December 5th, the CCPC recommended the Board approve and forward the petition back to the Department of Community Affairs (DCA). She recalled the proposed amendment was originally transmitted to DCA in June, 1991, who forwarded their comments, known as the ORC Report, to Staff in October. She noted Staff's responses to the objections, recommen- dattons and comments of DCA are attached to the Executive Summary. She said an analysis of existing and approved land uses within each of the PUD's in the three interchange activity centers shows a wide variety of commercial/retail uses, commercial uses oriented to the traveling public, light industrial uses, and residential uses, both built and not yet constructed. She indicated Staff is recommending light industrial land uses within 'the two Identified interchange acti- vity centers because of the efficient use of land, the transportation linkages, the public facilities and services to the new developments. She said certain land uses may be located in interchange activity cen- ters if appropriate design, compatibility and development standards are provided. She mentioned that particular attention has been paid to ensuring compatibility with the proposed light industrial land uses with the approved and permitted existing uses. She communicated the proposed language would require such design features as landscaping, buffering, betming along the Interstate, fencing, etc., which would ensure an aesthetically pleasing area along the Interstate. She said Page 23 December 17, 1991 Uses along the Interstate have been limited adding that outside storage and display have been proh.lbited. f.. She mentioned a meeting has taken place within the past week with ? : a representative of DCA, resulting in preliminary comments on Staff's ~> responses to the ORC Report. She advised that Staff has added a i<. clarifying sentence to their response that will incorporate the light industrial land uses into the County's soon to be completed land use study. She said the access management plans to the two affected interchange activity centers have addressed limited access points and adequate handling of truck traffic. She mentioned language is being added to the plan to ensure buffering of adverse impacts from noise, glare and fumes. She said lastly, Staff is addressing DCA's concern of groundwater protection by forwarding 1:o them the County's recently adopted Groundwater Protection Ordinance. She concluded with Staff's recommendation to approve the amendment, adopt the Ordinance approving the amendment to the Growth Management Plan and authorize the Chairman to sign a letter submitting the plan to DCA for compliance review. In response to Commissioner Shanahan, Planner Soto advised that DCA's representative has indicated the additional language being pro- posed by Staff would adequately address their concerns. Co~misaloner Saunders moved, seconded by Commissioner Haese and Carried 4/0 (Commissioner Volpe abstained), to close the public hearing. Co~aisetoner Saunders ~oved, seconded by Cometssioner Shanahan and carried 4/0 (Commissioner Volpe abstained), to approve Petition CP-91-DRI-1, ~ubJect to the revised langnage proposed by Staff, thereby adopting the Ordinance as numbered and titled below and entered into Ordinance Book No. 50: ORDINAN, OE 91-110 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE 89-05, AS AMENDED, THE GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, BY AMENDING THE FUTURE LAND USE ELEMENT TEXT FOR THE ACTIVITY CENTER SUBDISTRICT OF THE FUTURE LAND USE DESIGNATION DESCRIPTION SECTION TO ALLOW LIGHT INDUSTRIAL USES WITHIN THE INTERCHANGE ACTIVITY CENTER DIRECTLY RELATED TO TOLLGATE COMMERCIAL CENTER DEVELOPMENT OF REGIONAL IMPACT; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Item #8H1 Page 24 December 17, 1991 CONSENT BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COM)!ISSIOFERS FOR ],tABORS, GIBLIN & NICKERSON, P.A., TO PROVIDE TO COA~;T COMMUNITIES CORPORATION LEGAL AND FINANCIAL CONSULTING SERVICES TO R~:VIEW AND ANALYZE, AND UPON SUBSEQUENT BOARD APPROVAL, IMPLEMENT AND ASSIST IN FINANCING THE PROVISION OF LARGE SCALE DEVELOPMENT INFRASTRUCTURE THROUGH COOPERATION WITH LOCAL GOVERNMENT - APPROVED Tom Olliff, Assistant to the County Manager, advised this item was first heard by the Board on November 26th, however, was continued because a representative of Nabors, Gtbltn & Ntckerson, P.A., was not present to answer questions posed by Board members. Commissioner Saunders recalled understanding this request to be an indication there may be a conflict of interest, and the Board would be agreeing in advance to that conflict. Mark Lawson with Nabors, Gibltn & Ntckerson, P.A. (NG&N), ,:~:,':.. clarified his firm has responded to a request from Coast Communities · Corporation with a proposal to analyze various government alternatives for delivery of large scale infrastructure. He sald it was made clear to Coast Communities that NG&N would not undertake any type of project unless encouraged by the Board of County Commissioners, because their practice is representing local government. He indicated their propo- sal made it clear as part of the scope of services, that anything done by NG&N would be looked at not only from the standpoint of Coast Communities but from the standpoint of local government in an attempt to retain the public policy prerogatives. He remarked it is their reasonable belief that this will not create a conflict, however, the conflict of interest rules specifically stats when a representation may limit a lawyer's responsibility to another client, that he should not undertake that repre~entation unless he reasonably belleyes that the representation will not adversely affect both clients, and he receives the clients' consent after consultation. Attorney Lawson explained they are hoping to do a white paper as a Phase I proposal, adding he has sent a copy of the proposal to all Board members, and after dtscusstons~, has received general support from the County Manager and County Attorney. He mentioned also having talked with Tom Conrecode, Director of Capital Management Projects, Page 25 December 17, 1991 who was very supportive and indicated he would be happy to monitor the process on an on-going basis. He reported a condition has been agreed upon by Coast Communities that any time NG&N or the County feels any of this activity is not in the best interests of the County, NG&N cease their representation. He indicated a specific parcel, which ts adjacent to the County's landfill on the north sid,~ of the Intersec- tion at 1-75 and C.R. 951, will be the focus and will provide the fac- tual information on what type of infrastructure needs looking at. He said the parcel is referred to as the White Construction parcel. He expressed they believe these types of issues will come to every deve- loping County in the State, and NG&N would like to be involved in the sense of preserving those public policy prerogatives for local govern- ments. He said they would be able to assert themselves on the Count¥'s behalf to retain a way to create the infrastructure, and ensure that it falls back into the County's hands while not creating for the community any type of credit blemish or ill consequences that are not disclosed at the time someone comes in seeking this type of activity. Commissioner Saunders asked if the potential exists for a special district, whether it be Coast Communities Corporation or another district, to be involved in the issuance of bonds to build a privately owned water and/or sewer plant to service the communities? Attorney Lawson stated that would not be feasible the way this property is positioned. He said if there ever would be a special district positioned like that, NGRN would provide in their white paper that it is unnecessary in Collier County. He said If they were involved in that for any reason, there would have to be a mechanism through some form of interlocal agreement to make those facilities fall into the hands of the County for a nominal conoideration. Me reported those are the typ,~s of public policy prerogatives that NGRN is looking to reserve for local government. Commissioner Volpe asked what would NG&N's representation be of Coast Communities Corporation in connection with the White Lake Page 26 Industrial Park? December 17, 1991 Attorney Lawson advised that parcel will be reviewed within the scope of services to derive the facts on whatever infrastructure they want to deliver to that piece of property. Be said if a conflict ari- ses, his firm would not be available to the County as an advocate in a lawsuit. Commissioner Volpe, for clarification, commented if a conflict is discovered, N&NG would not be able to represent either the County or Coast Communities. Attorney Lawson agreed, as to any matter relating to the White Lake Industrial Park. In response to Commissioner Volpe, Attorney Lawson stated he is required to disclose and discuss the proposal with the Board, and not go forward without the Board's consent. Commissioner Volpe communicated this is an important project to the commun/ty and should be done, however, he would feel more comfor- table if NG&N were doing the work for the County. Commissioner Shanahah uoved, seconded by Cobb-Isotoner ¥olp~, to cor~ent to Nabors, Giblin a Ntckerson, P.A., providing le~l and financial consulting services to Coast Co~a~ntttea Corporation. County Attorney Cuyler commented developers who are seeking this type of service will ultimately find It from someone. He said the question is whether the Board wants an attorney or firm it has not dealt with and who is zealously representing Its client va. someone the Board is familiar with, who knows these types of things and whose client knows the attorney will be representing the County and com- muntty's Interest as well as that of the client. Commissioner Saunders remarked that NG&N will have an obligation to zealously represent Coast Communities on this proposal. Attorney Lawson disagreed, stating the condition of this represen- tation is to do an analysis both from Coast Communities perspective as well as from the public policy prerogatives vested in local govern- Page 27 December 17, 1991 Commissioner Saunders stated he will not rely on a report prepared for Coast Communities Corporation involv2ng legal issues affecting Collier County. In answer to Commissioner Hasse, County Manager Dorrt]l stated in this case it is very clear that the attorney is representing the developer to explore the legal mechanisms to create community develop- ment district type concepts. He said he is interested in NG&N doing the work because that law firm happens to represent more local gover- nments than any other firm in the State, and their particular bias is I protecting government. He indicated when Coast Communities returns with their own petition, that is an entirely different matter. Attorney Lawson clarified his firm will not go further than the first phase of this project at this point. He said from a business as well as an ethical standpoint, NG&N does not wan't to undertake this project if the Board is uncomfortable with it. Upon call for the question, the motion carried 4/1 (Conlsetoner Saundera opposed). Item ~12B3 ORDINANCE 91-121 RE PETITION PUD-91-12, GEORGE L. VARNADOE OF YOUNG, VAi~ ASSENDERP, VARNADOE & BENTON, P.A., REPRESENTING WALLACE L. LEWIS, JR., TRUSTEE, AND WILMA SOUTHEAST, INC., REQUESTING A REZON~ FROM ~A-2N AGRICULTURE TO "PUD" PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPME~ FOR THE CARILLON PUD, A MIXED USE COMMERCIAL AND RESIDENTIAL DEVELO~NT FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF AIRPORT-PULLING ]tOAD AND PINE RIDGE ROAD - ADOPTED SUBJECT TO PUD DOCUmeNT A/FD ADDITIONAL STIPULATIONS Legal notice having been published in the Naples; Daily News on November 28, 1991, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing ~as opened to consider [~etition PUD--91-12, filed by Seorge L. Vernadoe of Young, van Assenderp, Vernadoe & Benton, P.A., representing Wallace L. Lewis, Jr., Trustee, and Wilma Southeast, Inc., requestinG a fezone from "A-2" Agriculture to "PUD" Planned Unit Development for the Carillon PUD. Planner Nino presented Petition PUD-PI-12, requesting a fezone that involves the southeast quadrant of P.ine Ridge Road and Airport-Pulling Road. He sa~d the property is currently zoned Agricultural and the land is actively being farmed. He noted the Page 28 December 17, 1991 :Carillon PUD in Its entirety Is located ~tthtn an activity center informed the project consists of 1E0 multi-family dwelling units at the density prescribed for residential development in activity cen- · .; ters, and 319,000 square feet of commercial activity. He said the commercial land uses generally tend to be the uses allowed in C-3 and C-4 zoning which basically allow the whole range of retail, service and office type uses. He commented the Carillon PUD fits the proto- type envisioned by the Comprehensive Plan. He advised from the land use point of view, this PUD is consistent with the Growth Management Plan, however, there is a problem with the traffic relationships. He Informed this PUD exceeds the §~ significance test provided under Policy §.1, however, that policy also provides for the Board approving the project if the mitigation response t~3 found acceptable. He noted as the mitigation response, the petitioner has agreed to donate all the land required for the ultimate widening goals of Collier County on both Pine Ridge and Airport-Pulling Roads. He said they have also ~.: agreed not to ask for a credit towards impact fees. He indicated the developer is making a substantial monetary contribution that will allow the County to improve the level of service condition on a defi- cient link of roadway that can be done in a timely manner to be con- sistent with the actual likely opening of any commercial establishments on thls property. With that mitigation response, he said, along with other commitments involving conservation, environ- ;~-: ment, water management and utilities, Staff finds Petition PUD-91-12 to be consistent with all elements of the Growth Management Plan. He informed that the CCPC reviewed this petition and has forwarded a una- nimous recommendation of approval to the Board. Planner Ntno mentioned certain conditions have arisen recently that are not reflected in the PUD document. He provided the Board with language Staff is proposing be added in order to limit the number of establishments allowed to sell alcoholic beverages, as well as a modified Exhibit "E" listing access conditions. In answer to Commlssioner Volpe, Planner Ntno stated the PUD Page ~ 9 December 17, 199! permits an automobile service station. Commissioner Volpe mentioned an interesting part of this proposal is the monitoring mechanism that will require this development to track the improvements propoeed for Pine Ridge and Airport-Pulling Roads. He asked if that means the County is requiring the infrastruc- ture to be in place prior to the pro~ect being developed? Planner Nino clarified the PUD state~ that by December 1, 1992, or upon the letting of the contract for the six-lantng of Pine Ridge Road, a Certificate of Adequate Public Facilities will be required. Commissioner Volpe questioned if a sate plan will be incorporated into the PUD document at this time? Attorney George Varnedoe, representing the petitioner, replied there is a pending SMP, however that is not part of this fezone req~'lest. Commissioner Volpe referred to a CCPC recommendation that a cial development commitment agreement be made part of the PUD Document that will address issues relating to access points. Attorney Varnadoe explained that agreement is Exhibit "E", which locke in the access points and how they function under both the four- lane and six-lane conditions. Commissioner Volpe inquired if this proposal has been structured in such a way that the residential component cannot be eliminated in the future in favor of additional commercial area? Attorney Varnadoe referred to a drawing, stating under the pro- posed plan with the commercial and residential areas situated as iljustrated, there would be no way to convert the residential port/on into commercial0 because there would be no market for commercial hid- d.~n from the roadway. In response to Commissioner Volpe, Attorney Varnadoe stated the commercial development contains two anchor tenants with a combination of 74,000 square feet of space. Commissioner Hasse questioned if the dedication of 12 feet of Page 30 December 17, 1991 right-of-way along Airport-Pulling Road is sufficient? Planner Nlno advised the Transportation Department has indicated that amount of footage is all that is required. He said during the preliminary subdivision plat phase, there will be a requirement for sidewalks and bike paths along both Pine Ridge and Airport-Pulling Roads. Commissioner Volpe asked if the developer is willing to integrate architectural controls into the PUP Document, to which Attorney Varnadoe replied in the affirmative. Attorney Varnadoe inquired if the discussion concerning transpor- tation issues which took place earlier in the meeting regarding The Falls PUD can be included for purposes of this record? County Attorney Cuyler indicated the issues are closely enough related for that to be acceptable. In answer to Commissioner Volpe, Attorney Varnadoe replied the residential component of the project will be developed at 36 units per acre. Attorney Varnadoe communicated the petitioner has talked with the land owners to the south and east. He provided the Board with letters in support of the project from both those parties. He said the peti- tioner has made considerable effort to buffer the project from the adjacent propertie~ and to be compatible with their proposed land uses in the future. Commissioner Volpe mentioned it is Staff's opinion that the Carillon PUD would be consistent with good transportation if At=port-Pulling Road were six-laned for an appropriate distance south of the intersection of Pine Ridge Road, and that the work be done at the same time as the six-lanlng of Plne Ridge Road. Otherwise, he.. said, $taff'e recommendation is that the petition should only be approved under the condition that no final Development Orders be approved until the six-lanlng of Airport-Pulling Road or a Level of Service "D" or better is achieved. Attorney Varnadoe related the wording has been changed to be more 76 Page 31 consistent with that of The Falls. December 17, 1991 He said the petitioner is pro- viding the other half of the solution and has agreed to dedicate the right-of-way required for the six-lantng of both Pine Rtdge and Airport-Pulling Roads w~th no impact fee credits. He said the peti- tioner has also agreed to provide the commercial Impact fees at the time the County is working on that Intersection In order to make the stx-lantng improvements at the Alrp,ort-Pulltng Road intersection at the same time as the improvements of Pine Ridge Road. Alan Reynolds with Wilson, Miller, Barton & Peek, Inc., stated the subject property is an ideal location for this kind of project for many reasons, including great access Immediately adjacent to a canal that provides for a positive outfall; availability of both potable water and sanitary sewer immediately adjacent to the property, which has reserved capacity for the project; and the total lack of environ- mental constraints due to the past agricultural activities. He referred to the site plan, indicating the proposal includes two storm- water management lakes which will serve both the commercial and resi- dential areas as well as act as a buffer between the two. He said by having an integrated water management system, the required stages for water management can be reduced. He mentioned the petitioner is also able to utilize the landscaping and open space requirements where they are most effective. He said the project has 30% of the total area devoted to open space and landscaping which has been located.along per/meters, at key points of access to the project, separating the residential from the commercial, and will create three tiers of landscaping between the roadway and the building Itself. He reported many changes have been made to the ~ite plan over the past several months to address Staff's concerns regarding access. He stated one of · the access points has been eliminated and another has been con- solidated and relocated further to the east on Pine Ridge Road. He advised with two full and three limited accesses, very significant controls have been imposed for access management. He noted the pro- Ject's main access is approximately 1,000 feet away from the intersec- '7'7 Page 32 December 1~, 1991 ~ tion which provides for very good transitions for turn lanes. In response to Commissioner Volpe, Mr. Reynolds stated the PUD master plan will control the number of outparcels, adding there are a total of five outparcels for the entire center which he estimates will contain a maximum of 30,000-40,000 square feet. Attorney Varnadoe, after consultation with his client in response to concerns of Commissioner Volpe, stated the petitioner will delete the hotel use from the PUD to eliminate any confusion, and agrees not to seek any impact fee waivers for the residential portion of the pro- Ject. Sewell Corkran commented that the project itself may be a perfect plan, however, the County has a timing problem with respect to rosd conutruction in order to maintain the Level of Service standards set forth in the Growth Management Plan. Robert Gebhardt communicated he is opposed to this project. He noted if this petition is approved, the County should mandate the residential portion be affordable housing. He indicated over 2-million square feet of commercial space are proposed at this inter- section, which will req~'re approximately 4,000 employees. He suggested for the stgnift~ant financial gain the developers will realize, they should be required to provide social compensation in return. He added the Level of Service on the affected roadways will only be raised to a "D" Level after the improvements are made on what is considered the gateway to the community. In answer to Commissioner Shanahan, Transportation Services Administrator Archibald advised Staff has been concentrating with the developer on improving t~e capacity of that corridor by first improving the intersection from a four-way system with four lanes in all directions, to a four-way system with six lanes in all directions. He said that intersection improvement, which will extend beyond the intersection itself more than 1,000 feet in all foum directions, will provide capacity so that the corridor will be maintained at Level of Service "E" until the six-laning of Airport-Pulling Road occurs, which Page 33 ~?'. is scheduled for 1993-1994. December 17, 1991 Mr. Gebhardt questioned, assuming the improvements are made and the 2-million square feet of commercial is constructed, what wall be the Levels of Service on Pine Ridge and Airport-Pulling Roads? Transportation Services Administrator Archibald replied the Growth Management Plan requires that corridor to be at Level of Service "E", which is why the intersection Improvements must be concurrent with those of Pine Ridge Road. Attorney Varnadoe commented his understanding that when the six- laning improvements are completed on both Airport-Pulling and Pine Ridge Roads, Airport-Pulling Road will revert to Level of Service "A". In response to Commissioner Volpe, Transportation Services Adninistrator Archibald stated Impact fee payments from both The Falls and Carillon PUD's, which will be paid at the point in time the County Is ready to undertake those improvements, will fund all four legs of that construction. He said the County's timeframe for construction will most likely result in the Impact fees being paid after the expected increase occurs in those fees. Commissioner Volpe asked if the developer would stipulate that the impact fees be paid at the new amounts? Attorney Varnadoe remarked the earliest Impact fees can be paid is at the Subdivision Master Plan (SMP) stage. He said he would hesitate to agree to Commissioner Volpe's requested stipulation, but is hopeful the increase will occur before the aMP is approved. Jeff Perry, Growth Planning, explained the Adequate Public F~cJ. ltttes Certificate can be taken out at any point in time, however, the fees are paid as an escrow towards the future payment of impact fees to be collected at the time of building permit issuance. He said if the fees are increased in the Intervening time, the developer will pay the difference. He advised if this developer will be paying impact fees for use on this ~ntersectlon before they obtain a building permit, the County will need an agreement which states they will pay whatever difference there may be upon issuance of the building permit. December 17, 1991 Co~atseloner Volpe ~oved, seconded b~ Couteeioner Hesse ~nd c~rrted umant~a~uely, to close the ~bltc hearing. Cmtestoner Vol~ noved, seconded ~ Coatestoner Hesse ~d cvrt~ ~t~usly, that Petition PUD-91-12 ~ approved ~bJect to sddttt~l stl~la~lons r~trtng Integration of m architectural pl~ for all the pro. rites; the ccittsent that the develo~r ~tll pay the entlr~ cost for the traffic st~al associated etth the ~Cl; deletion of t~ ~tttg ~e for hotels/~otels ~d tr~stsni lodging facility; the cst~t t~t the ~mer of the pro~rty ~d Its ncc~ssors not ~t a ~t~r of l~act fees for the residential co~nen~ of the ~; ~ a~roprtate stt~latton that the aontes to ~ ~ld as a deceit ~dtng t~ct fees to ~ held in eocr~ c~ ~ used, ~ dtffe~ce will ~ paid at the tt~e of ~tldtng ~ntt there~ ~d~itng the Ordtn~ce as numbered ~d titled ~1~ md ~ts~ed Into Ordtmce Book Io. ~0: O~IN~CE 91-111 AN ORDINANCE A~ENDING ORDINANCE NUMBER 91-102. THE COLLIER COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE. WHICH INCLUDES THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING REGULATIONS FOR THE UNINCORPO~ATED A~EA OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA. AND A~ENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING ATLAS ~AP NUMBER 9513N BY CHANGING TH~ ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF THE HEREIN DESCRIBED REAL PROPERTY FRO~ "A" TO "PUD" PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT KNOWN AS CARILLON PUD, A HIXED USE CO~NERCIAL AND RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNE~ OF AIRPORT-PULLING ROAD AND PINE RIDGE ROAD, LOCATED IN SECTION 13, TO.SHIP 49 SOUTH, ~NGE 25 EAST, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, CONSISTING OF 43.21 AC~ES; AND BY ['ROVIDIN6 AN EFFECTIVE DATE. *** C~tsstoner Sanders left the ~eettng ~t this rise C~~ ~IT 91-6 ~ PETITION C-91-6, ~Y COOK OF COLLI~ CO~ 1~I~~ Ifil [ ~5ITION, INC., ~STIN~ A PE~IT TO CO~U~ l C~~ ~ ~Y 10, 1992, ~OUGH J~Y 15, 1992, ON ~E C~i~eloner Vol~ ~oved, seconded ~ Co~t~toner Haeee ~d 4/0 (C~isssloner Sanders out), to approv~ Carnival Petit 91-6 r~ding ~tltton C-91-6, to con~ct the Collier Co~ c~t~l/fair, ~bJec~ to consideration of the ~tvers for the ~nd, C~lval Feo ~d Oc~tional License Fee. Page 35 December 17, I991 et~ :~Commt~tone~ S~ndars raturnad to the meeting at this time Mr Itel ~8B1 R~PORT ON CONTRACT F~E NEGOTIATIONS WITH MCGOV~RN CONSTRUCTION CORPO~ATION FOR STATE ROAD 29 PEDESTRIAN OVERPASS IMPROVEMHNTS - STAFF DIR~D TO REBID THE PROJECT Responding to Commissioner Goodnight, Transportation Services Administrator Archibald advised that McGovern Construction Corporation has submitted a counteroffer to the County reducing the price of their bid by approximately $125,000. Me recalled the original bid was $697,000. Me reported Staff is still concerned whether or not something would be gained if the contract is rabid. He explained Staff is aware of the importance of this project to the Immokalee area, while at the same point, the bid is above the budgeted amount of $500,000. He added Staff has asked for a third party estimate from a structural consultant, which is expected in the near future. }{e tndl- dated Staff's recommendation is not to make a final decision until that estimate is received, and if the revised bid of $573,000 exceeds the third party estimate by 10~, to rabid the project. In answer to Commissioner Volpe, Transportation Services Administrator Archibald advised that Staff made the decision that enough money was at stake to Justify spending $350 for the third party estimate, which will include additional evaluation of the plans and will develop a construction sequence and maintenance of traffic plan that may or may not be the same as what is included in the specifica- tions. He said that may give credence not only to rabid, but to reduce the contract work. Commissioner Goodnight communicated her concern that the project was put out to bid in October with only one response, and the economy is no worse this date than it was then. She asked how can anyone be sure if the project is rabid, that the responses will not be a~ a higher price, resulting in the County not being able to proceed and holding up the project again as it has been for the past three or four years? Transportation Services Administrator Archibald noted at the time Page 36 December 17, 1991 ~i'.!, of the County's bid, the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) was also bidding projects, which may be an important factor in why only one bid was received. He said Staff expects to receive at least three responses if the project is rabid at this point in time. Butch McGovern, Vice President of McGovern Construction Corporation, thanked the Board for directing Staff to attempt a nego- tiated figure on the contract. He said they have provided a coun- teroffer of $573,000, which is approximately l~ over Staff's estimate. He said if the process is delayed, whether to rabid or by waiting for the third party estimate, his company does not anticipate rebidding the project. He explained the reduced amount of their coun- teroffer was based on negotiations with their suppliers and sub- contractors, and they do not anticipate being able to come in with an amount lower than their current negotiated price. He also pointed out if awarded the contract at this meeting, his company would be able to start the project beginning the first of the year, and erect the pedestrian overpass itself over the school entrance during the Spring break, which is a crucial factor. Commissioner Saunders asked if Transportation Services Administrator Archibald is advising the Board to rabid the project? Transportation Services Administrator Archibald responded that Staff*s recommendation is subject to the third party estimate, which may project a County savings of $30,000-50,000 by rabiddiag. He indicated his belief that the potential of that amount of savings exists, however, he does not have the report in writing. He stated because the Board will not meet again until January, 1992, he recom- mends if the pro~ect is rabid, that it be done in a process that will allow Staff to get bid packages to a number of contractors very quickly and possibly have a bid opening within 30 days. Co~isstonsr Hames ~oved, seconded by Commissioner Saunders and carried unanimously, to direct Staff to rabid the project for Stste Road 29 Pedestrian Overpass I~prove~ents. *** l)~pnty Clerk Hoffman replaced Deputy Clerk Ouevln a~ this time *** X~e~ ~8D1 Ps~e 37 Assistant Utilities Administrator Bloatschar reported that this item was presented to the Commission two weeks ago and staff advised at that time that they were attempting to work out an agreement to move the Foxflre Wastewater Treatment Plant to Everglades City. He stated that the agreement has been completed. Mr. Bloetscher explained that the County has no further need for the packaged plant and the salvage value is minimal. He noted that $25,000 had been previously budgeted to remove the plant from the sate, however, rather than doinG that Everglades City would acqn/ire the plant and reimburse the County over a period of time and there would be no net loss of revenue to the Collier County Water/Sewer Oemm/Ntoner Saunders moved, seconded by Commtaatoner Hmsae to mpp~eve the contract conveying the Foxfire Waatewmtsr Treatlent Plant to ~e~glmde~ City. Commissioner Volpe noted that Finance Director Yonkosk¥ has raised issues with regard to the fact that there are past due payments for fire protection and a sum of money that is owed the County. In addi- re-sodding of the site will be provided by the County, however, the bulk Of the cost for cutting up the equipment and moving same will be t/on, he asked who would be responsible for the mitigation at the plant site. In response to Commissioner Volpe, Mr. Bloatschar stated that reimbursed by Everglades. Finance Director Yonkosky advised that the City of Everglades made a payment of $17,000 this date, but noted that the July payment is stall outstanding. County Manager Dotrill remarked that he spoke with the Mayor of Everglades and indicated that he was not aware that the invoice was unpaid and that arrangements would be made to process payment. Upon call for the question, the aotion carried unanimously. Page 38 December 17, 1991 ~TIC~ OF pROMISle TO PAY AND A~P,~KM~NT TO ~I'KND PAYP~'NT OF -~l~'l~ I'MP&CT I~g$ FOlq A.H. & N.B. CORPORATION - APPROVXD Assistant Utilities Administrator Bloetscher advised that this item relates to a day care center with a failing septic system that needs to connect to the East/South System. He reported that this is a commercial financing arrangement requiring approval by the Commission. Coe~t~loner Voll~ ~oved, seconded by Couissioner Raise ~d c~l~ ~~ly, that the Chat~ exe~te the ~ottce of ~o~t~e to ~ ~ A~t to ~tend Pa~ent of S~r ~.te~ I~ct [ee~ for 0co Page 39 December 17, 1991 OF NET~OI~ CO~(UNICATIONS EQUIPMENT FOR COLLIER COUNTY DIVISION - AWARDED TO TRILO(tIC CORPORATION IN TR~ AMOUNT OF M.I.S. Director Nan/fin requested that the Commission award a bad for network communications equipment for the Utilities Division in order to connect back to the main data center in Building "F". He revealed that the bid was originally awarded to another vendor due to a $3,000 calculation error. He recommended that the bid be awarded to Trilogic Corporation. Mr. Hanifin stated that this is the final component of the items required to bring the Utilities Division on line with the utility billing system. In response to Commissioner Volpe, Mr. Hantfin reported that the purchase order was let to what was perceived to be the low bidder and they notified staff and advised that they wanted to re-bid. He affirmed that he informed the vendor that it was not possible to re- bid since this was a sealed btd. Com~imeloner Saunders moved, seconded by Conisaloner Volpe and carried unant~rasly, to award the ~rchase of ne~rk co~lcations ~t~t to Trtlo~tc Coreretlon. It~ ~SD4 STA~ DEED ~ QUIT C~IM DEED ~R RIGHT-OF-WAY ACQUISITION ~R ~ NO~ CO~ ~GION~ WATER ~EA~ P~ - ACCE~D Assistant Utilities Administrator Bloetscher stated that this Item relates to the right-of-way acquisition for the North County Regional Water Treatment Plant. He noted that there is a statutory deed from the Collier County Water/Sewer District to condemn the water plant site to the County and a quit claim deed from the Archdiocese of Venice which is the property owner between C.R. 951 and the water plant site. C~tutoner Saunders ~oved, seconded by Cow~lseloner Hume ~nd c~rr~d lan~nl~u~l¥, to accept the Statutor~ Deed and Quit Clail Deed for right-of-way for the North County Regional Water Treatment Plant. 00D,, .125 Page 40 December 17, 1991 GROU~ZC~ ~ PLAN DESCRIPTION CHANGZS A~D INI~EM~TfATION OF Ad=tnlstratlve Servlces Admtnlstrato~ Ochs recommended that the Commlsslon approve a serles of changes to the Collle~ County G~oup Nedlcal Plan. He reported ~hat the changes a~e recommended by staff to control the rls~ng cos~s of provlding healrib ca~e se~vlces to County e=ployees and at ~he same time maintain a competlt~ve beneflt package. He noted that the specific changes cover 15 areas of the benefit plan, as de~ailed in the Executive Mr. Ochs explained that ~f the 15 plan design changes are imp/e- mented, there would be a sav~ngs of app=ox~mately $250 000 through bal~ce of th~s fiscal year. In response to Comm~seioner Hasse, Mr. Ochs revealed that there are some reauc~ons ~n benefits and sh~fting of costs, depending upon ~he choices made by ind~v~dual employees, no~ng that unfortunately, there is no other way ~o save money without modifying the plan. Hr. Ochs stated that In addition to the 1~ plan design changes, staff ~s also recommending a~proval of the main~enance drug program. He affirmed that this program allows employee~ who re~larly purchase maintenance t~es of drugs, i.e. h~gh blood p~:essu=e, etc., to purchase same from a wholesaler In 90 to 120 day allotments. He related that these p=esc=lp~lons a=e filled with gene=~c e~va~ents which reduces costs and those drugs are provided at approximately 20~ below the average wholesale price. He lndica'ted that th~s program will save approximately $50,000 th~s fiscal C~seloner Vol~ moved, seconded by Co~ss~on~ Sh~ to ~~ the Grip Medical S~ PI~ Descr~l~tton ch~s ~d the i~l~ntatt~ of m ~lnten~ce d~g pro~ ~etth Hooks-Su~, Inc., Co~ssioner Volpe questioned whether th~ ~e an area where the Co~ty could cooperate w~th the C~y of Naple~ and have one admi- n~strator for all the munlclpa~ employees. ee Page 41 , December 17, 1991 · County Manager Dorrtll replied that Commt:sstoner Volpe's suggestion could be explored, but noted that he would want to look at the City's loss experience in the past to det,~rmine whether they would * be a viable partner. Upon call for the queation, the Lotion ca:Fried unantLoue'ly. REQUEST THAT ~C G~ CO~CTING S~VIC~S, INC. WIDOW ~IR BID ~ ~ BID ~9~-~804, D~INA~E S~ FOR CELL SIX, N~LES ~FILL, ~ ~ICO, INC. 0F ~. ~S - APPR0~D Solid Waste Management Engineer Boucher stated that this item is a request to award Bid #91-1804 to FOURLIC0, Inc. of Ft. Myers, in the amount of $1,391,6§0. He indicated that this project is a follow up to Board action of October 22, 1991, when a portion of the /eachate collection system was awarded and accepted staff's recommendation to re-bid the sand port/on of the project. Mr. Boucher advised that the apparent low bidder was ERC General Contracting Services, Inc., however, within minutes of the bid opening, the Purchasing Department was notified that the contractor made an error in his bid, therefore, staff is requesting that this vendor be allowed to withdraw his bad and proceed with the award of same to the next lowest bidder. Commtemtonar Volpe Loved, seconded by 0oeltsatoner Saunders and cax'r/ed n~ani~el¥, to allow ERC General Contracting Services, Inc. to withdraw their bid and award Bid ~91-180A to FOURLICO, Inc. of Ft. Myers, An the am(mxnt of $1,391,650; that the Chairman si~n the ending contrac~ m~ree~ent; and that the corresponding budget a~endment be approveS. F~AN~I~ FE~ ~ETTLEMENT AGI%EEI~XITr WITH PALM~H COM~{UNICATION~, INC. - APP~X;~ PALMER TO PAY ADDITIONAL $~,0~8 IN ~NTEREST FROM ~0/3~/9! TO Assistant County Attorney Wilson advised 'that this item was discussed at a prior meeting and approved in ,:oncept. She recalled that the Commission inquired as to whether staff could further nego- tiate with Palmer with regard to a couple of :Items. She indicated Page 42 December 17, 1991 ~'~i'.:that County Manager Dorrtll has negotiated with Mr. Ryan, CEO of Me. Wilson stated that Page 3 of the Agreement contains additional .', language providing that Palmer will pay auditing costs which pre~ i;" viously were to be split between Palmer and the County, up to the t . amount of $§,000. She noted that it is estimated that auditing costs '~".' will be approximately $3,000 - 84,000. She explained that Palmer has i~. agreed not to have any pass through of funds that will be paid to the ~. County charged to the subscribers She noted that there is also a new ~"." Exhibit "C" which is a sample of the audit letter form and the second ~" . page of same sets out that the auditors will represent to the County ,:[,' that the future monies that are auditing do not show that there are :i" any monies paid by the subscribers to cover this cost. :!' In response to Commissioner Shanahen, Ms Wilson pointed out that [ the next item on the agenda deals with the transfer of Palmer A Communications, Inc. cable television franchises to Palmer Cable Associates. She remarked that because the transfer is taking place, Palmer has offered a suggest/on dealing with a structure to protect the consumers from paying the bill that Palmer owes the County. She explained that the future franchises will be receiving the future funds paid by the subscriber and the present franchises is the entity who would be paying the monies to the County. Comm~ssioner Hasse questioned whether provisions are Included to prevent Palmer from increasing subscriber rates. County Manager Dotrill reported that Palmer advised that Federal law does not allow local governments to regulate local cablevision rates. He indicated that there are some exceptions within the FCC guidelines for same, however, they have to do with limited service areas, but Collier County does not qualify as a limited service area. Ms. Lee Layne stated that the North Naplem~ residents would like to be treated the same as other Palmer subscribers. She revealed that each Tuesday when watching the Board of County Commissioners meeting, the North Naples residents are cut off from program viewing at various Page 43 December ~17, ~1991 times, i.e. 5 P.M., 7. P.M. and 11 A.M. this week. She cited that the areas south of Pine Ridge Road receive CommisfJion meetings and City Council meetings for as long as the meetings Fun. She requested the same consideration as the rest of Collier County. County Manager Dotrill stated that histor:[cally the North Naples area was served from Bonita Springs, but noted that he will be happy to explore this matter. Clerk Giles remarked that he has previously advised of the types of Palmer's //ability and problems with indepe~ndent auditors. He noted that as pointed out in the executive summary, he believes that additional interest is due, but the response from the County Attorney's Office indicates that this is a negotiated ~nterest. In response t.o Commissioner Volpe, Finance Director Yonkosky cited that he does not understand the method by which the interest was calculated. He noted that basically Palmer's ~nterest stops as of January l, ~99! and the County is not receiving any interest for this full year. He stated that he took the actual amounts that Palmer is not contesting, applied simple ~nterest to same up through 12/31/91 and that amount is $140,454, however, Palmer is offering $39,000. Assistant County Attorney Wilson stated that Palmer is not obli- : gated to pay any interest at all. She revealed that negotiations were held to get interest. She noted that in any set of circumstances interest would be due on the unpaid balance but the payments for this year have not yet become past due and unpaid. She remarked that the November, ~988 date was selected since there is an interest require- ment in the ordinance and Palmer~s attorney was willing to concede the interest issue in that if they were bound by the ordinance it would not have begun until November 1, 1988 when the ordinance was adopted. She remarked if the amount of $39,000 is not accurate, based on that premise, the County would be entitled to receive more monies. Finance Director Yonkosky indicated that the money is based on funds due Collier County for fiscal 1990 through March 15, 1991. Commissioner Volpe remarked that he assumed that the interest Im Page 44 December 17, 1991 ~" would go back five years and there would be preJudgment interest as part of the settlement, citing that he did not understand that the interest would be calculated from 1985 going forward. Attorney Dudley Goodlette, representing Palmer Communications, reported that calculations were based upon the assumption that if any tional interest amounts are owed to the County up to the time of approval, those numbers should be calculated and included as part of Interest was due at any time under any agreement it would be under the Franchise Ordinance. He indicated if interest was calculated effec- tive November 1, 1988, the date of the ordinance, the amount would be $39,954. Attorney Goodlette advised that he has g~ven Assistant to the County Manager Pike a check in the amount of $39,954. Finance Director Yonkoeky explained that his calculations include interest through December 31, 1991 and the money due was based on calendar year 1990 and due March 15, 1991. Ms. Wilson stated that the interest is accrued through October 3let, since it was at that time that this agreement was being pre- sented to the Commission for the first time. She indicated if addi- the audit. Mr.. Goodlette remarked that an additional $4,018 would be due from October 31, 1991 through yesterday and his client has given authoriza- t~on to pay this amount. He advised that he will forward a separate check in this amount. Mr. John Keschl declared that West Winds had. a 15 year contrac~ w~th Crystal Vision, however the service was very poor and taken over by Palmer. ~e noted that a 10 year contract et~ll remains w~th Crystal Vision and should be honored by those that purchased that com- pany. He cited that Palmer's service is terrible and the rates have been increased. He noted that rates are required to be pa~d three months in advance to his homeowners associat~on which is acting as a collection agency. He remarked that he questions whether Palmer has Page 45 December 17, 1991 In response to Commissioner Saunders, Ms. ~Itlson revealed that she contacted Miller Holbrooke and requested an estimate of fees if they completed the research as referenced in their letter as well as filing suit. She reported that she received a written response indicating the minimum for research and getting into position to sue would be approximately $100,000, however, this amount could be as much as i!...$3oo,ooo - S OO,OOO. Commissioner Saunders stated that he feels that there comes a time to either accept etaff's recommendation or litigate. He noted that he believes that the Commission should rely on Ms. Wtlson's recommen- dation. Co~A~ionar Saunders ~v~d, seconded by Cozmisstoner Shanaban and carried unanimously, to approve the Franchise Sottle~ent A~ree~entI and that Pal~er l~Y the additional interest in the amount of $4,018. 000,, :132 Page 46 Xt~ ~9D December 17, 1991 ~j(:', TRILI[~]~ OF P~ COg~K]NICATIONS, INCORPORATED CABLE TELEVISION ~/:*(*. F~AII~F/$E~ TO P~ CABLE ASSOCIATHS, A FLORIDA GEI~ERAL PARTNERSHIP - Cc~a~leelonar Saunders moved, emcondad by Commissioner Shanahen and carried unanimously, to approve the transfer of Palear Co~munAcations, Incorporated cable television franchises to Palmer Cable Associates, a Florida ~eneral Partnership. Xta~gF :: RFP 91-1762 FOR PROCUREMENT OF COURT-APPOINTED LEGAL SERVICES - VARIOUS FI~ APPROVED AS RECO~ENDED BY STAFF Assistant County Attorney Mafialtch advised that he has worked with the selection committee, Clerk's Office, Court Administration, Judiciary, Local Bar and the Manager's Office to present the concept of a contract to provide for legally mandated dependency, guardianship and Involuntary treatment cases when attorneys are appointed to be compensated. He explained that Florida Law requires that the County pay for court-appointed counsel who handle these types of cases. Attorney Mafialich stated that he was approached one year ago by Judge Brousseau who requested that this matter be pursued due to increased case loads. Mr. Mafialich indicated that the selection committee met and after an interview process, recommended the law firm of Faerber & Hissam as the primary firm to handle Collier County's dependency case load and Tretser, Kobza, Leigh & Hag&man to serve as backup In that category of cases. With respect. to guardianship and involuntary treatment area, Mr. Mafialich revealed that the selected proposer is the firm of Burzynski & Burzynski. Mr. Mafialtch explained th~? the benefits of the contract approach of these types of services would render greater efficiency in Juve- nille dependency Intake court, since there would be a firm functioning in the same manner as the Public Defender does in the criminal system, and there may be a savings in time and fees that are being charged. Page 47 '" December 17, 1991 ~[i":;In addition, he remarked that this would allow the Judiciary to have ,greater ease of appointments. !~:'( " ~issioner Shanahah moved, seconded by Conissloner Hasse and co/Tied ~nmniBcmsl¥, to award RFP-91-1762 to Fasrber & lllsm, T~eloe~, gobza, Leigh & Hagam&n, and Burzlrnskt & BurzynsklI and that staff ~timte and prepare agreements for subsequent Board approval. Its ~ I~CO0~BIfD~TXON TO ACCEPT PAYI~NT OF TH~ RL~AXNDER OF NONXES OWeD AND FROI~3t~D BY T~LESAT CABL~'ISlON, INC. IN R~SOLUTION OF F~q.q~fCHISE ~tFPLXC&TXON F~ DISPUTE - APPROVED Assistant County Attorney Wilson advised that she has received a proposed settlement from the attorney representing the FPL Group. She divulged that originally the County was paid a $10,000 application fee. She Indicated that the Cablevision Ordinance allows reasonable expenses to be recouped that are tied to the review of an appltca- 820,000. amount. tton. Ms. Wilson stated that It has been determined that Telesat owes monies in excess of $32,000 and they have offered to pay the County She Indicated that she recommends acceptance of the lesser With regard to the $32,000, she reported that statements have been received and some are ambiguous as to whether the Telesat appli- cation or the Cablevision Ordinance was being reviewed. Coeetsslener Volpe moved, seconded by Coanisstoner Hasse and carried u~ant~ously, to approve the proposed settlement of the applic~tton fee dispute with Telesat by accepting the m~ of $20,000 as final payment from Telesat Cablevision, Inc. ~SEE~PAGES 414 - 415 ~,. Iteu d~OH UPDAT~ R~ TOURIST DEVELOPMENT TAX LKGISLATION AND RELATED MATTERS - STAFF TO WORK WITH NABORS, GIBLIN RE DRAFTING OF CURATIVE LEGISLATION TO BE FRE~NT~D TO FLORIDA LEGISLATURE Assistant County Attorney Wilson recalled 'that the Commission pre- viously directed staff to go forward with whatever was necessary to investigate the possibility of curative legislation. She announced that it was discovered that Dads County had a problem similar to Collier County's problem. She revealed that Dads County is attempting Page '48 December l?, 199! ~.~:to'deal with their problem at the Special Session of the Legislature. Ms. Wilson stated that staff Investigated to determine what Collier County would need to do to accomplish the same thing, however, time did not permit this to be accomplished during the Special Session, but noted that commitments have been received from some of the Legislatures Indicating that they look favorably upon providing assistance at the regular session of the legislature which starts In January. She requested approval to utilize the law firm of Nabors, GtblIn in this regard. Commissioner Goodnight stated that she ha~3 been working with Sarah Blakely, of Nabors & Gtbltn. She Indicated that Ms. Blakely's exper- rise is needed to write the legislation and she is located In close proximity to the lawyers working at the Legislature and would be there to ensure that discussions are channeled to the right people. She asked that the Commission conceptually approve this request. Cos~/elton~r Saunders ~oved. seconded by Co--~tsetoner Shanaban carries un~nt~oully, to retain the se~tces of Atto~ey S~ Bl~ely for the ~~e of ~afting ~rattve legislation; ~d Co~ Atto~'s Office to do what.st ~sstble in order to present t~t lmgtslatton b~fore the Florida Legislature ~nd work with the Dads County I, egislatton if there is a way to obtain sulrport. ~ OF POIFKRTY FUNDING FOR IMNOKALEE NON-PItOFIT HOUSINO (SANDERS PINE~} - C(KIIFI~ ATTORNEY'S OFFICE TO TAKE NECESSARY ACTION TO PROTeCT POCE~T OF ~ ~ Assistant County Attorney Wilson reported that this Item has been added on as an emergency. She explained that approximately $119,000 of Pocket of Poverty funds have not been disbursed. She reported that all the projects have been completed with the exception of the Sanders Pines pro~ect which is being built by Immokalee Non-Profit Housing. Ms. Wilson advised that there is currently litigation between the builder and Immokalee Non-Profit Housing as to who has caused the pro- ]ect to go as long as it has and why it has not been completed. She indicated that the County Attorney's office has been involved with Page 49 December 17; 1991 .'-attempting to facilitate the project needs for completion since there .are four units that have not received C.0..'s. She reported that at 2:30 P.M. this date she received a mitigation plan which was required for the County to approve the completion of those final units. She requested that if the mitigation has not been completed so that County could issue the C.O.'s by December 31, 1991, the County Attorney's office be given the authority to transfer the funds into a trust, sub- Ject to a trust agreement, and represent to the State of Florida that the funds had been disbursed. She revealed that all the projects were to have been completed by the end of this year. In addition, she requested that the trust agreement include a provision to protect the County so that whatever monies may be necessary for mitigation would be set aside. In response to Commissioner Volpe, Commissioner Goodnight stated 'that the money has been set aside and is still owed to the developer who is supposed to complete the mitigation, however, if this is not accomplished, the County would complete the mitigation with that money. C~toner Saunders moved, seconded by Comiesioner Shanahen and that the County Attomey's Office take the action to protect the Pocket of Poverty funds. ee DeputF Clerk Ferris replaced Deputy Clerk Hoffman at this tt~e '' Xte~ ~9J ~D~LA~D. ORDINANCE 91-112 RE SUSPENDING ENFORCeMeNT OF ORDINANCE NO. 91-19 RELATING TO REGULATION AND PE]~I~ ~R COMMERCIAL MULLETVE~"LS-ADOPTED C~lssioner Saunders moved, seconded by Comtesloner Volpe and carried unani~lu~ly, to declare an emergency tn reference to enfor- client of Ordinance 91-19. Assistant County Attorney Wilson explained that Ordinance 91-19 has been questioned by the Florida Marine Fisher/es Commission, which has advised that they may request an Attorney General opinion. She reported receipt of complaints regarding the provision of the Ordinance providing for a time deadline for obtaining the permit. She Page 50 December 17, 1991 ?:~.relayed ataff's recommendation to suspend enforcement off Ordinance and allow staff to submit the question to the Attorney General's Co~iuloner Volpe loved, seconded by Co~missioner Saunders and carrt~ un~ni~ously, to close the ~bl~c hearing. Co~tntoner Volpe loved, seconded by Co~iasioner Shanahan and carried unani~ouel¥, to suspend enforcement of Ordinance 91-19, thereby ~pttng the 0rd~n~ce as n~red ~d t~tl~ ~1~ ~d ~te~ into ~imce ~ok No. 50: O~IN~CE 91-~12 AN ~R~KNCY ORDINANCE SUSPENDING TH~ ENI~)RCEMENT OF COLLIER C(K~T~ 0~DINANCE NO. 91-19, SAFETY P~RMITS FOR COMMERCIAL MULLET VESSELS, FOR A PE~IOD OF ONE YEA~; FROVIDING FOR THE PURPOSE OF THIS TEMPOrarY SUSP~IqSION~ FROVIDING FOR ]~0TIFICATION OF TH~ ENACTMENT OF THIS 0~DINANCE; PROVIDING F011SEVE~ABILITY~ DECLARING AN ~G~N~; I~0VIDING AN ~FF~CTIVE DATE. Ite~#10A ~OLUTIO~ 91-817 APPOINTING TOM HENNING AND LINDA TISCHLL~R TO THE ~0LDEN ~T~ CO~qUNITY CENTER ADVIS0NY COMMITTI~E - ADOPT~D Sue Fllson, Admtnis~rattve Assistant to the Board, reported two terms are expiring on December ~st without a request for reappoint- ment. She relayed staff~s recommendation for ap~ointment of Tom Henning and Linda Tischlet. ~inA~er Shanahan loved, seconded by Co--ies~oner Hasee and carriedu~anA~u~17, to ap~int To~ He~ing ~d L~n~ Tischlet to the ~ ~te Co~~ Center A~A~o~ Co~ittee, there~ adopting Page 51 December 17, 1991 Xtest#iOB 71;,' ' RESOLUTIOl[ 91-818 APPOINTIN~ ROBERT #. COCHRAN AND LLOYD MOOLSKY TO ~i.i~ THI: Xgv.,B~ .....OF CAPRI FIRE COIFl*ROL DISTRICT ADVISORY CONNXTTI~.E - ADOPTK~ Sue FAlson, Administrative Assistant to the Board, explained there ks a need for two appointments to The isles of Capri Fire Control District Advisory Committee. Conditioner Shanahen ~oved, seconded by CouAeeloner Saunders and carried unanl~u~l¥, to appoint Robert W. Cochran and Lloyd #ooleey to The Xele~ of Capri Fire Control DistrAct Advisory Co~aittee, thereby ~toptingResolution 91-818. Page 52 December 17, 1991 RESOLUTION 91-819 APPOINTING ROB~RT C. COLE A~ MARY BUSCH~LMAN TO THE LELY ~OLF ESTATES BEAUTIFICATION ADVISORY CO.lITTlE ~ .ADOFTED Sue Fllson, Administrative Assistant to the Board, announced the receipt of two resignations necessitating the appointment of two mem- bers to the Lely Golf Estates Beautificatton Advisory Committee. She confirmed three resumes have been received, but Victoria A. Tracy later withdrew hers. C~eatuloner $hanahan ~r~ed, seconded by Couisstoner Saundez~ and ,... C~-Ttetm~ntsousl¥, to appoint Robert C. Cole and Mary Buschel~an to the ~1¥~1! lmtates l~autiftcatton Advisory Comettree. thereby a~optiN !~solutton 91-819. Page 53 G,=orge R. Droblnskt, County Probation Director, explained this program has been administered since FY 1989/90, the purpose being to need for continued group accident insurance, and recognize and set the cover Defendants who have been sanctioned community service and are provided Insurance, at their cost, while performing work hours. He related the request is for $2.00 for the 50 hour placement. He stated that revenues have not been an issue until this year. He requested the Board of County Commissioners waive the bid process, recognize the Increase at $2.00. County Attorney Cuyler Interjected that, subsequent to this, there will be a Court Order by the local Administrative Judge to set these fees. He stated that both he and Finance Director Yonkoaky think that an appropriate course. Mr. Drobinski announced he had County Attorney Cuyler prepare ~an Administrative Order for the Chief Circuit Judge to sign, but it cannot be submitted to the Judge until Finance can supply an account number. which in turn cannot be done until the Board of County Commissioners approves the need for insurance. Co~miNtonsr Hasse moved, seconded by Commissioner Shanaban and cazTt~unant~l¥, to approve in~r~ce coverage thr~gh the C~ ~ti~ ~t~nt. ~~ ~ZO~ ~ ~ ~E ~LE CRE~K PUD ~C~ ~ ~STER P~ ~ ~[~ D[~IION 0F !i ACRES 0F ~CT N (~~Y ~ K) ~R ~~ ~A~D ~ST OF S.R. 9~1 ~ SOU~ 0F U.8. 41 IN 5IC5. .,~ 4~ T~IS~ R=6~ {C~ION TO AGENDA IT~ 19B2 - A~ED This Item was discussed in conjunction with Item #12B2. Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on November 28, 1991, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider an Ordinance amending Ordinance Number 91-102, The Collier County Land Development Code, in 160 Page 54 December 17, 199! :)ill, he matter of Petition PUD 8§-8(4). ~: . Planner Mulhere explained that Petitioner has requested fezone of two acres of Eagle Creek PUD to C-4 in support of open space require- ments for the Eagle Creek Shopping Plaza located adjacent to the PUD on th~ corner of S.R. 9§1 and U.S. 41. He explained that loss of the 2 across does not significantly affect the denott¥ of the Eagle Creek Residential PUD. He relayed the recommendation of the CCPC (Collier County Planning Commission) that the total number of units be reduced by 4. He reported a typographical error contained in the Executive Summary in that the total should go from 660 to 656 Instead of the §§6 He verified the error is also contained in the Ordinance and will be corrected. Commissioner Shanahah pointed out another typographical error in that what is referred to as C.R. 951 should be corrected to S.R. 95~, and Planner ~tulhere concurred. In response to Commissioner Vo]pe, Planner Mu~here confirmed the site plan presented reflects commercial development totalling 211,000 sq. ft. Planner Mulhere reported approximately 25 telephone calls requesting information regarding this petition. He stated there were two telephone calls and three letters of objection. He reported the CCPC (Collier County Planning Commission) unanimously recommended approval of this Petition with one stipulation that the total number of dwelling units be reduced to 656. Alan Reynolds, representing the Petitioner, verified the revised PSDP has the same square footage it had without the 2 acres. He expressed concern about agreeing to a cap because it is not required in any conventional zoning district. In response to Commissioner Volpe, Mr. Reynolds stated he objects in principle to this being tied to a cap of commercial square footage as that le not otherwise a requirement of Collier County. Commissioner Volpe remarked he wants to see a cap on the commer- ctal sq. footage in the Immediate situation. Page 55 December 17, 1991 Oms~i~lo~er H~se ~ov~d, seconded by Couissioner Shanahen and carriedmmat~ousl¥, to close the public hearing. Cos~ielioner Volpe ~ved, seconded by Co---tletoner Shanahen and c~-Tted unanimously, to approve the fezone of 2.0 acres of land currently p~rt of Eagle Creek PUD (co~panion Petition R-91-10) to thereby m~opttng the Ordinance as numbered and titled belo~ and ~nterwd into Ordinance Book No. 50: ORDINANCE 91-113 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NUMBER 91-102 THE COLLIER COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE WELCH INCLUDES THE C0~REHENBIVE ZONING REgKILATIOI~ FOR THE UNINCORPORATED AREA OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA BY AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING ATLAS MAP NUMBERED 1603N; BY CHAN~ING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF THE ITEREIN DESCRIBED REAL PHOPE~FY FROM "PUD" TO "PUD" PLANNED UNIT DEV~LO~ KNOWN AS ~AGLE CREEK COUNTRY CLUB PUD, FOR PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE WEST SIDE OF C.R. 951, APPROXIMATELY 1000 FEET SOUTH OF U.S. 41, IN · gCTIO~ 3 AND 4, TOWNSHIP 51 SOUTH, RANGE 26 EAST, COLLIER COUNTT, FLORIDA, CONSISTING OF 298--+ ACRES; AND BY PROVIDING AN OItDINA~CE .1-114 RE PETITION R-91-10, ALA~ REYNOLDS OF WILSON, MILLER, BARTON& I~EEE, INC., FOR EAGLE CREEK PROPERTIES, INC., R~QUBSTING REZOI~ F1qOI, I POD TO C-4 FOR -+2 ACRES TO BE UTILIZED FOR OPeN SPACE FOR PROPERTT LOCATED WEST OF S.R. 951 AND SOUTH OF U.S. 41 IN SECS. 3 AND 4~ T51S, R26E (COMPANION TO AGENDA ITEM 12B2 - ADOPTED This item was discussed in conjunction with Item #12B1. Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on November 28, 1991, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider an Ordinance amending Ordinance Number 91-102, The Collier County Land Development Code, In the matter of Petition R-g1-10. Conditioner Hesse ~oved, seconded b~ Commissioner Shanahah and c~rri~du~mimou~l¥, to close the public hearing. C~i~loe~r Volpe moved, seconded by Co~mlsstoner R~ee and carrted~an/~ously, to approve Petition R-91-10, subject to sttlmla- tton~prope~s~ by staff ~d the CC~ (Collier C.~ty Plmtn~ ~~i~), ~ with the additional stl~latlon regarding ~ ~t ~ t~ Ntittoner that comrclal ~are f~ta~ will ca~ at 220,0~, there~ adopting the Ordtn~ce as ~red ~d titled bele~ ~d entered Into Ordinance Book No. 50: Pa9~ 56 Decembe~ 17~ I99! OI~DINA~OE 91-114 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NUMBER 91-102, THE COLLIKR COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODK WHICH KSTABLISHED THE COMPItKHKNSIVK ZONING REGULATIONS FOR THE UNINCORPORATED AREA OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA B~ AMENDING TH~ OFFICI&L ZONING ATLAS MAP NUMBER 1603N BY CHANGIRG TN~ ZO~IN~ CLASSIFICATION OF THE HEREIN DESCRIBKD PROPERTY LOCATED ON TH~ NEST SIDE OF C.R. 951, APPROXIMATELY 1000 F~T SOUTH OF U.S. 41, IN SECTION 3, TOWNSHIP 51 SOUTH, RANGE 26 EAST, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, FROM PUD TO C-4 FOR OPEN SPACE CONSISTING OF 2.0 ACR~; FROVIDING FOR STAFF AND PLANNING C0~ISSION STIPULATIONS; AND B~ PI~OVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Ztea#12C2 BAR 91-36 TBItOUGN 91-46 APPROVING AMENDMENTS TO FY 1990-91 ADOPTED BUD(~ AND BAR 92-2 TH~t0UGH 92-8 APPROVING AME~N~T$ TO FY 1991-92 Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on December ll, ~991, as evidenced by Affidavit of Pub//cation filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider amendment of Collier County's Fiscal Year 1990-91 Adopted Budget and Fiscal Year 1991-92 Adopted Budget. Finance Director Yonkosk¥ explained that, of the eleven budget amendments relative to FY 1990-91, one has not previously been discussed by the Board of County Commissioners and is for a $500 contribution from the Golden Gate Kiwanis Club for painting the Community Center. He reported there are seven budget amendments rela- tive to FY 1991-92. Referring to page 40 of the agenda package, he pointed out this is a new concept in the hope of elimination of future presentations by staff requesting reappropriation of funds dealing with encumbered Purchase Orders. He revealed that staff has analyzed the Purchase Orders at year end and rolled them forward automatically .';: in the system, allowing all to be done at one time as opposed to i.'/.. individually. CoumtNioner Hames moved, seconded by Centsstoner .Saunders and carrledunentmoumly, to close the public hearing. CommAstoner Haame moved, seconded by CoBBiestoner Shanahah and carrted un~nl~m~ly, to adopt BAR 91-36 through BAR 91-46 approving Amend~te to FY 1990-91 Adopted Budget. Hume moved, seconded by Centsstoner Shanahen and .,0 PaVe 67 December 17, 1991 mmmai~nmly, to adopt ~ 92-2 t~gh ~ 92-? I~r~tng 1991-92 Adopted Page 58 December 17, 1991 1~O~ ga--820 S~'Tf'rNa F~H ~ TO USE ~I~ ~OD OF Legal notice having been published tn the Naples Dally News on November 22, 1991, November 29, 1991, December 6, 1991, and December 13, 1991, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider adoption of a Resolution setting forth its intent to use the Uniform Method of Collecting Special Assessments for roadside improvements within Euclid and Lakeland Avenues roadside improvements Hun/c/pal Service Benefit Unit. Transportation Services Administrator Archibald announced this item is to consider a Resolution Involving the Euclid and Lakeland Avenues Storm Drainage Project, the purpose of which Js to allow the uniform method of collecting special assessments tn accordance with Florida Statute 197.$632. He confirmed this Resolution will allow the non ad valorem assessments to be placed on the 1992 tax bills. Commissioner Volpe reported receipt of telephone calls from resi- dents of the Turnbury Subdivision indicating they would like the opportunity to address the amount of their assessment as well as questions regarding the acreage to the north. Mr. Archibald stated the assessment district was created based on a total of 1,027 units at an assessment cost of $740.20, adding that it is anticipated the cost will be reduced as the project proceeds. Jack Pointer, representing Willoughby Acres, affirmed support for the measure before the Board of County Commissioners regarding this item. ~iuloner Sb~n~h~n ~oved, seconded by Conilltoner HIIll ~nd c~zTled vmant~ou~ly, to clome the public hearing. Ccm~iemioner Sh~nahan ~oved, seconded by Commissioner Names and carriedunmni~ou~ly, to u~e the Unifozm Method of Collecting Speciml ~e~ente u provided in Section 197,3632, Tlorldm Statutes, for the Euclid Imd L~kolmnd Avenue8 Roadside IlproveJlntm Municipal Service Benefit Unit, thereby adopting Reeolution 91-920, Page 59 December 17, 1991 SETTING FORTH INTENT TO USK UNIFORM MET~0D OF HFECIAL ASSESSMENT FOR COLLECTION OF NON-AD VA~0REM &$$E~M~NT~ FOR RIGHT-OF-MAY M&INTENANCE, WATER MANAGEMENT 0PHRATIONS MAINT~]IANCE &ND DKBT SKRVICE ON OUTST&NDING WATER MANAGEMENT BONDS FOR P~LICAN BAY SKlqVICKS DIVISION Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on November 22, 1991; November 29, 1991; December 6, 1991; and December ~*'<~'~ 13 1991, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the * Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider adoption of a Resolution .~.,,~ setting forth its intent to use the Uniform Method of Collecting ,,.~,?. operations maintenance and debt service on out~tanding Water Manage- ment Bonds for Pelican Bay Services Division. James Ward, Division Administrator, confirmed this Item :c* establishes the procedure to be utilized in Pelican Bay for the ,*., ~', levying and collection of non-ad valorem taxes for next year. In response to Commissioner Volpe, Mr. Ward stated the Intent to allow the taxes to go out on the tax bills for next year and the procedure ~n question will permit putting that mechanism in place. Cc~t~/oner Saunders moved, seconded b~ Co---tsstoner Shanaban and carrle~ unanimously, to close the public hearing. C~t~i~ner Saunders ~oved, seconded by Contsoloner Shanahah and carr/edu~nA~usl¥, to approve the untfor~ method of collecting the for collection of non-advalorem assessments for rt~ht-~f-~e~F ~tntenance, water ~nage~ent operatton~ and ~tntenance ~d delft ~ervtce ~n outstanding water ~u~age~ent bonds for the Pelican Division, thereby adopting Resolution 91-821. Page 60 December 17, 1991 R.~O~ ~91-'~22 AND ~ 91-]' P.~ UNZFORM METHOD 0P' O0r. r.~0TZB'G NON'-AD .'~ ....VILT~O~ ~ ~OR DTSTRZCT I IX)CiTED ~THZN ~AST AITD 80UTR Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on November 22, 1991; November 29, 1991; December 6, 1991; and December 13, lg91, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication flied with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider adoption of a Resolution .setting forth its intent to use the Uniform Method of Collecting Special Assessments for District 1 located within the East and South ' Naples Sanitary Sewer Project. This item was discussed in conjunction with Items #12C8, #12C9, !!J#12ClO and #l~Cll. Utilities Finance Director Cook pointed out the Resolution rele- vant to all five districts contains a typographical error in that it should reflect nineteen (lg} equal annual Installments instead of the twenty (20) presently contained therein. C~ssdsst~aer 8h~n~h~a ~ov~d, seconded by toutsstoner c~rrl~d~m~nt~u~ly, to close the public hearing. Co~tNion~r Sh~n~h~n ~oved, seconded by Co~taetoner HNee ~nd ctrri~ =t~o~sl¥, to approv~ the Ontfo~ N. thod of Collecting Non- :'.,. ~d ~m ~te for District 1 wtthtn the ~ast ~nd $ovth Naples ':!,/'.'. SmnttL~F Sewe~ Project, thereby adopting Resolution 91-822 and CMS Page 61 Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on November 22, leg1; November 29, 1991; December 6, 1991; and December 13, 1991, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider adoption of a Resolution setting forth its intent to use the Uniform Method of Collecting Special Assessments for District 2 located within the East and South aple. S itary sewer 'roJect. This item was discussed in conjunction with Items #12C?, #12C9, · 12C10, ~d ~12Cll. carrled~mantmou~l¥, to close the public hearing. Commtulonmr Hume moved, aeconded by Commissioner Shanahan and c~rrtedmnanimousl¥, to mpprovs ths Uniform N,ithod of Coilacting Non- for District 2 within the East and South Naples Sanitary ~e~er Project, thereby adopting Resolution 91-823 and C1~ 91-8. Page 62 December 17, 199! ]t:~OE.UTIOI 91-~24 AID CWS 91-9 RE UNIFORM METHOD OF COLLECTING NON-AD VALO!~M ~ FOR DISTRICT 3 LOCATED ~J:TRIN ~ ~ AND SOUTH RAPT,,]]~ I,&l*I.. TART ~ PRO3'~CT - ADOPTED NI.TH CHAR. OE Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on November 22, 1991; November 29, 1991; December 6, 1991; and December 13, 1991, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the . Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider adoption of a Resolution 'setting forth its intent to use the Uniform Method of Collecting Special Assessments for District 3 located within the East and South Naples Sanitary Sewer Project. This item was discussed in conjunction with Items #12C?, #12C8, #12C10 and ~mmd~to~er Eme moved, seconded by Col~tsmione= Sh~nahan and carrted~nl~ly, to a~r~ the ~tfo~Nethod of Collecting .. ~ ~d v~/oz~ ~~ta for District 3 within the Eut and South Naples '~ ~mntt~-F ~mmrr P~o~ect, thereby ad~ttng Re~olutton 91-824 ~d ~ Page 63 December l?, 199! Ztm ~1~C10 ~SOMITZ0~ 91-,a28 A~D CWS 91-10 ~ ~Z~ ~OD OZ ~LL~Z~ ~OW-~ V~ ~ ~R DIS~I~ 4 L~A~D NI~IN ~ ~ ~ Legal not/cs having been published in the Naples Dally News on November 22, 1991; November 29, 1991; December 6, 1991; and December 13, 1991, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider adoption of a Resolution setting forth its intent to use the Uniform Method for Collecting ;:~;* '. Special Assessments for District 4 located w/thin the East and South Naples Sanitary Sewer Project. This item was discussed in conjunction with Items #12C7, #12C8, #12C9 and #12C11. Conditioner Shanahah ~oved, seconded by Com~iasionsr Huee ~nd carr/ed~n~ntmou~l¥, to a~r~ the Unifo~ Nethod of Collecting Non- · d ValorssAss~ss~ents for District 4 within the Zest ~nd South Naples S~nit~t~F ~r P~oJect, thereby adopting Resolution 91-825 ~nd Ct~J 91-10. Page 64 December l?, 1991 PJ~OL~ON 91-~6 ~nd CN~ 91-11Rg UNIFORM MIITHOD 0F CO~Z~ ~N-~ Legal notice having been published In the Naples Dally News on November 22, 1991; November 29, 1991; December 6, 1991; and December 13, ~991, as evidenced by Affidavit of ~lbltcation filed with the Clerk, public hearin9 was opened to consider adoption of a Resolution setting forth its intent to use the Uniform Method for Collectin~ Special Assessments for Dlstr~ct 5 located within the East and South Naples S~itary Sewer Project. ~t~ ~t~ly, to appr~ the ~tfo~ Method of Collecting Non- ~ V~om ~ts for Dtstrtct 5 ~lthtn the lut ~d S~th Santta~F~r Project, thereby adopting Resolution 91-826 ~nd 91-11.. Page 65 "~OA~D ~F ~ ~SSXO~RS' C~!C&TIOMS December 17, i991 Commissioner Saunders requested County Attorney Cuyler's opinion regarding whether or not it is a violation of the County Manager's Ordinance for a County Commissioner to ask a Department Head or staff person to place an item on the agenda. l~e announced he will review the facts with County Attorney Cuyler tomorrow. Commissioner Volpe announced receipt of a hand-delivered copy of · the memorandum from Mr. Griffin to Mr. Reardon regarding EMS Overtime .~part-time hours analysis. :'" In response to Commissioner Volpe, Tom 011iff, Assistant to the County Manager, announced his office should be in receipt of a drafted /~!'~Y ' 'report regarding the EMS situation tomorrow morning and, perhaps, have a report ready for distribution by the end of the week. It was the consensus of the Board of County Commissioners to place the matter on the Commission Agenda for January ?th for discussion. Co~issioner Goodnight acknowledged this is her last formal meeting as Chair. She stated she will tender written suggestions regarding possible division of Board responsibilities between now and J~uary 7th. ~t ~ ~ a~r~ ~d/or adored: lte~ #1~A1 ~t~OLUTION 91-810, AUTHORIZING PRELIMINARY ACCEPTANCE OF ROADWAY AND DRAINAa IMPROVEMENTS IN GLEND~VON R~PLAT AT WYNDEMERE AND ACCEPTING IRREVOCABLE LFTTE~ OF C~DIT FROM TH~ DEVELOPER FOR MAINT~NANC~ OF 1~ FOR A MINIMUM OF ONE YEA~ - WITH STIPULATIONS 1. Accept the Irrevocable Letter of Credit (posted with the Clerk) as security for maintenance of the infrastructure until the Board of County Commissioners grants final accep- tance of all improvements. See Page: ~i,: &CC~PTA~'~ OF ~R FACXLITIgS FOR The Florida Department of Environmental Regulation furnishes a letter authorizing the sewer system to be placed in ser- vice. Page 66 December 17, 1991 ~! OR Book 1691 Pages 23 - 35 '! "" R~OLUTION 91-811, AUTHORIZI~ PRELIMINARY ACCEPTANC~ 0F RO~AY, . ~~ OF ~~ ~R A NINI~ OF O~ ~AR - WI~ STI~TIONS Accept the Construction, Maintenance and Escrow Agreement (posted with the Clerk) as security for maintenance of the ~nfrastructure until the Board of County Commissioners grants f~nal acceptance of all ~mprovemen~s. Preliminary acceptance of Improvements will not become effec- tive until water and sewer facilities have been conveyed to Collier County Water-Sewer District. See Page ~C~~ OF ~tT~t FACILITIES FOR SHADO%IMOOD PARK - N~TH ST!I~ILATIONS 1. Bacteriological testing has met the County's requirements. 2. The Fire Flow requirements of the project have been satisfied, and the Fire District furnishes a letter accepting the fire hydrant for ownership and maintenance. 3. Receipt of payment of water usage from Utilities for bac- teriological testing. 4. No further Certificates of Occupancy be issued for project until such time as Shadowwood Park R(~plat is recorded. OR Book 1693 Pages 992 - 1003 P~K~OLOTIOJJ 91-812, GRANTING FINAL ACCEPTANCE OF THE ROADMAY, DRAINAGE, MATERA liD ~ IMPR~ FOR 'TIFE CROSSINGSm AND RELEASE OF It~16A6 &C~AII~ OF $~ FACILITIES FOR I~ST ~R0~ POI]TI~, ~ ~ ~ P~T F (A/~/A ~~ VILAS CO~IXI~] - ~ ~l~TION That the Board of County Commiss~onere accept as surety the Irrevocable Standby Letter of Credit No. 91-705 ~n the amount of $~2.0o. ~DA D~~ OF ~~ATION (~ION ~ OF CO~ ~16B2 ~ ~ ACCK~CK OF COerCE ~R RI~-OF-MAY A~ISITION ~~ TO ~ DKSI~ OF tie ~0~ NO. 022 (~SION '~ Page 67 000 December 17, 199! T-H~II~R ~ BETWEEN COLLZER COUNTY, A POLITZCAL ~UBDIVZSZON OF TH~ ~T&T~ OF FLO!tlDA, AND ;OHN APTE, FOR THE UTILIZATION OF T-HANGER See Pages ~ ~ BETWEEN COLLIER C0UNT~ AND TH~ $TAT~e OF FLORIDA DEP~ OF CORRECTIONS FOR USE OF INMATES FROM HENDRT COR~tECTIONAL INSTXTUTION FOR PUBLIC ~RKS PROJECTS See Pages a~" c~7 STATU~ REPORT ON THE LAND DEVELOPI~NT AND PLANNING OF T1XE I)~OKALEE AIRPORT PltOJ~CT INCLUDING RECOTD~DATION FOR COWPENSATION FOR THE CONSULTING ENGINEERING SERVICES RENDERED BY DELTA ASSOCIATES Itel #I~Cl CONTRACT FOR CONTINUATION GRANT UNDER OLDER AMERICANS ACT FOR PERIOD ~/1/92 T~XOOGN 12/Sl/92 ............ Item ,1~C2 ~ lid l~tOC~S #AIVED; AUTI~ORIZATION FOR SOLE SOURCE PURCHASE FOR ~ JkOC~XSITXON OF T~O ITEM~ OF EQUIPMENT FOR ~ NEW LIBRARY JUE~JlI~IT TO CO~I~IJI/T~ CARE FOR TH~ ELDERLY CONTRACT R~ VENDOR ~ ~ [~EXBIT~D SPENDING OF GRANT FU~.~DS FOR LOBBYING Item#16E1 See Pages (u,c r, JurD nU]Ft qOn~'TIONNAI~.! ~ICE sun sE FJtILED TO ]t~$IDE]g/I ~ e~T~ E~T&T~S R~ REC~ATIONS FOR ~XPENDITURE OF FUNDS ~.C UUm TmmT R!30LOTIOII 91-813, AUTHORIZING CHAIRMAN TO ~XI~CUTK TNO STATUTORY DKEDS TO TI~ SCOTT~.DAL~. Co.f A F~.ORIDA cOR..PORATTON See pages BID 1~91--1e07 FOR ~IRFLUS RADIO EQOIP~E]IT SA~S - ANARDED TO SCHAFER DX~R~E~IT OF PUND~ FOR FIRST QOJLRTER PAYMENTS RENDERED TO DISTRICT Page 68 ' :***i' December 17, 1991 ;'~ Itet #1601 f"* '/B~3DG~T ~ FOR VICTORIA PARK DRAINAGE MSTU FUND 114 - IN THE .i:~,*,.. · ~ ~ FOR RANKSRIDGE PUMPING STATION ~ ~ 154 - IN A~~. ~ ~I~IM FIN~CI~/N~T~~ 0F ~ ~ ~ATION See Pages Item CURRENT ANNUAL CONTRACT N/TH JOHNSON ~NGIN~RING INC. ~gl~rlCES ASSOCIATED NITH PREPARATION OF C0~TRT~-NIDE See Pages Item R~OLUT/OM 91-814, ~HTTING JANUANT 28, 1992, AT 9:00 A.N. FON PUBLIC RP~LRIII~ P~RTAINING TO TH~ NAPLES PRODUCTION PARK IMPR~ A~ DISTRICT Item #16H2 SO~ ~ ORDER FOR FLORIDA ~ AND LIGHT TO INSTALL UNDERGROUND ELECTRICAL SERVICE LINE TO TH~ BATH HOUSE AT BAREFOOT BRACH PRESERVE - Ztem~16H3 CONT~IkCT ~ BID NO. 91-1800, MITIGATION FOR CLAM PASS PARK - ANARDKD TO NJkl~riL~ ~]IVIROID~E~TAL S~RVICKS, INC. IN AN ANT. NOT TO ~XC~ED Xte~m ~16H~ - 16H8 - Deleted RI~OLIITIO)I 91-81~, R~ BldtBlilT EAS~I~IT FOR INSTALLATION OF ~LECTRICAL ~~ LIIIH ~ L~ COUNT~ ~LKCTRIC COOPERATIVE, INC. FOR THE DmO~i~Z. COm~...TY cgFnm. (I~p.~XL.~.E c .o~...ITy P~- Item ~16118 I~B~OL~I~ON~ 91-818/91-816A, AGREEMENT MITH TH~ CITY OF NAPLES TO SUPPLYMATER TO CLAM PASS PARK AND ASSURANCE TO DEP~ OF NATITRAL RH~~ THAT THg UTILITY KASEM~NTNILL BE PROPERLY MAINTAINeD I~em ~16H9 CONTIt&CT WITN GEE AND JENSON, ~NOIN~ERB-ARCHITECTS-PLANNERS, INC. mun ssIo AL sg v ,cHs .Fo com Tw p0 T LA ,C FOR Page 69 See Pages December 17, 1991 TANGIBLE PERSONAL PROPKRTY Nots. 47/50 Dated 12/6/91 and 12/13/91 ~' .. 1991 No's. 90/92 ~', "' No's. 94/102 ; ' ~ ~W T.IMK ~R Z~TK NOES. 47883 A~ 71114 Dated 12/3/91 and 12/9/91 Dated 12/9/91 - 12/16/91 · ATI~FACTION OF LI~N FOR $ERVICKS OF TH~ PUBLIC DKFENDER See Pages w sc ,r,&Wm s COJUtXSPO D Ce - FXLED JU ./Oa R ..EmU D There being no objection, the Chair directed that the following miscellaneous correspondence be filed and/or referred to the various departments as indicated below: Memo dated 11/20/91 to All Small Cities Community Development Block Grant Eligible Communities from Lewis O. Burnside, Jr., Director, Division of Housing and Community Development, Department of Community Affairs, re Use of Community Development Block Grant Funds for Historic Preservation. xc: Nail Dotrill, Bill Lorenz and filed. 2o 3e Letter dated 12/2/9! to Chairman Goodnight from Robert Penhock, Chief, Bureau of Local Planning, Department of Community Affairs, re public hearing to adopt the proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendment. xc: Bill Lorenz, Nail Dotrill and filed. Letter dated 11/26/91 to Chairperson from Trudte D. Bell, Environmental Supervisor, Wetland Resource Reg~latton, Department of Environmental Regulation, re File 112051909, Yacht Club of Marco Corporation. xc: Nell Dotrill, Frank Brutt, Harry Huber and filed. Letter dated 11/27/91 to Chairman from Jon M. Iglehart, Environmental Specialist, Department of Environmental Re~ulation, re File 112052235. xc: Nail Dotrill, Frank Brutt, Harry Huber and filed. Letter dated 11/27/91 to Chairman from Jon M. Iglehart, Environmental Specialist, Department of Environmental Re~ulation, re File 11205221§. xc: Nail Dotrill, Frank Brutt, Harry Huber and filed. Index to Laws of Florida Special and Local Laws 1971-1991, received from Joint Legislative Management Committee, Division of Statutory Revision. Filed. 000 225 Page December 17, 1991 7e Letter dated 12/2/91 to Commissioner Goodnight from Time Ireland, Representative, District 74, Florida House of Representatives, re Local Initiatives Support Corporation. xc: Nail Dotrill, Russel/ Shreeve and filed. Department of Community Affairs, Petitioner, and Mathias L. Tari, and Donald Segreto, Intervenors, va. Collier County, Donald Segreto's Notice of Filing Appendix to Petition to Intervene. xc: Frank Brutt, Bill Lorenz, Ken Cu¥1er (original and attachments) and filed. 9e Certification of Costs, State of Florida v. Brent L. Bryner, Case #91-1729-TM-CAE. Filed. 10. Minutes Received and F/led: A. Library Advisory Board agenda and report of 10/21/91. Golden Gate Fire Control & Rescue District agenda of 12/11/91. Ce Marco Island Beautification Advisory Committee agenda for 12/4/91. 11. Notice to Owner dated 11/25/91 from William D. Meeker Jr./NACM Services Corp., advising that they have furnished services and/or materials for the "East Golden Gate Wellfield Expansion" under an order given by Rocket Industries. xc: Steve Camell, John Yonkosky and filed. 12. Memo dated 11/27/91 to Clerk of the Circuit Court, from Don Hunter, Collier County Sheriff, re Fiscal Year End Reports. Filed. 13. Letter dated 12/5/91 to Commissioner Goodnight from Robert L. Patton, Controller, Tax Collector's Office, re distribution of Current Ad Valorem Tax to the BCC after Tax Co]lector's commissions. xc: Budget and filed. There being no further business for the Good of the County, the meeting ,was adjourned by Order of the Chalr - Time: 7:25 P.M. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS/EX OFFICIO GOVERNING BOARD(S) OF SPECIAL DISTRICTS UNDER ITS CONTROL PATRICIA ANNE GOODNIGHT, )roved by the Board on '/~'""'"~ or as corrected 0oo P,G .226 Page 71