BCC Minutes 03/15/1994 RNaples, Florida, March 1§, 1994 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commissioners in and for the County of Collier, and also acting as the Board of Zoning pea and ae ls the governing board(s) of such special districts as have been created according to law and having conducted business herein, met on this date at 9:00 A.M. in REGULAR SESSION in Building "F" of the Government Complex, East Naples, Florida, with the '~i?'~i following members present: CHAIRMAN: Timothy $. Constantine VICE-CHAIRMAN: Betrye J. Matthews John C. Norris Burr L. Saunders ALSO PRESENT: Marilyn Fernley and Charlene Metz, Recording Secretaries; Neil Dotrill County Manager; Ken Cuyler, County Attorney= David Bryant, Assistant County Attorney; Tom Olliff, ~bl~c Services Administrator; Mike McNees, Office of Management and Budget Director; Wayne Arnold, Acting Site Development Review Dtrector; Tom Conrecode, Office of Capital Projects Management ~.;.'..:'D~rector; Dick Clark, Acting Commu. nity Development Services ~?~:~;:.:Administrator; George Archibald, Transportation Services Administrator; Bill Lorenz, Environmental Services Adm~nistrator; Leo Oche, Administrative Services Administrator; Bob Mulhere, Acting Current Planning Manager; Deputy Rosa Hernandez-White, Collier County -Sheriff~e Office; and Sue Filson, Adm~nistrative Assistant to the ,oo OO0,,o, Ol March 15, 1994 P..,o~loaSoner ~orr~m m~md, ~econded by ConSsgSoneF Volpe ~d ~~~~ly, to a~r~e ~he agenda w~th the ch~geo ~ the ~d~ C~go ~eet, ~d the foll~lng mddlt~o~l 2d Item ~8D1 - Approval of Amendment to Agreement between Collier County and Imperial Golf Club, Inc. for the Dellver~ of Effluent for Irrigation (Moved from Consent Agenda Item ,16D3) Item ~14A - Discussion regarding street vendors. Item #15B - City of Naples and Board of County Commissioners 3mint Meeting in con~unctton with MPO meeting of April 8, 1994 regarding Gordon River Bridge. Item ~15C - Lely Ribbon Cutting Ceremony on March 16, 1994, Page 2 A(~NZ:)& - APPROVgD At;D/OR Hatch 15, 1994 The ~otlon for al~rova! of the consent agenda is noted under Itea (296) Ztem 4/3 ~ OT ~ REaUrJ~ ~"fINO OF FEBRUARY 22, 1994 - APPROV~D Co~aAssloner Matthe~ moved, seconded b~ toutseisner Norris and carried 'u~lntlou~l¥, to a~r~e the Minutes of the Re~lar Meeting of Feb~ 22, ~994. (20() Co~tos~oner Constantine welcomed the visitors from the Lely Palms Retirement Co.unity who are touring the County ffactl~tles today. ~220) Cometseisner Volpe congratulated the following employees for eervtce with Collier County Government: Diane C. Day - 5 Years, Utilities Administration Nour A. Shehadeh - 5 Years, Office of Capital Projects ~. Zte~4B FR~S~NTATZON TO ~ BOARD OF COURTYC~ZSSZOR"gR~ OF A PL&QU~ FROM ~-DZ~ C~, G~- AC~ Presented Presented BAll Neron, Director of Government Affairs for the Economical ' Development Council of Collier County, presented a p~aque to the Board ~.. of County Commissioners on behalf of Lahn-Dtll County, Germany tn :.,::,"appreciation for the tour and of the County Landfill in February 1994. D'~SZG'N~TI'NG If~D!IZSDAY, W~ 30, 199&, ~ WCO ~:~r ~ ~ DAY ' ~~ Upon reading the Proclamation, COnillloner Constantine loved, seconded b~ Commissioner Norrim and carried unanl~lounly, that the ',~ProclieatJon deg~gnat~ng I/ed~ee~a~, Naz'ch 30, PetterIon accepted the Proc/anatJon. Ma~ch 15~ 1994 1994~ u Narco Xe2and Page 4 Hatch 15, 1994 AND PROCLAMATION DESIGNATING TUESDAY, MA~CN 15, 1994 AS L~'"LY SCHOOL VARSITY BASKETBALL TEAM DAY - ADOPTED Upon reading the Proclamation, Co~ataetone= Norris .mved, esconded b~Co~sslonar Matthews and carried ~n~sly, that the 'V~s~~t~11 Te~Day~ adopted. ~e Lely H~gh School coaches, managers and ~eam membero accepted the pls~e ~d Procl~ation. Page March 15, 1994 ',Rzcoaxz zox oz nRS Z.a.H.X. - x vzN Hn ZcXs R~CO~FZ~D Karen Kocses, Quality Improvement Coordinator, Introduced Kevin .. : Hendricks of the Real Property Department as the first I.D.B.A. sub- ;~f~ mtttero Ns. Kocses stated that the I.D.E.A. program was approved on October 26, 1993 and in operation ~anuary 1, 1994 to encourage and · - recognize employee driven improvements to service. She explained that ,' Nr. Hendricks Idea involves elimination of the time consuming and costly metes and bounds legal descriptions on property the County Is acquiring for various road, utility and other project when a .. elmpier legal description Is sufficient. She stated that this Idea will result In a $10,000 savings a year to the County. Commissioner Matthews presented Mr. Hendricks with an Z.D.E.A. baseball cap, a one (1) week family swimming pool pass, a coffee mug, a reserved parking pylon to be utilized in any employee parking place for one (1) month and a certificate of appreciation. Ztem,5 94-224, 94-244, 94-250, 94-252/253 -ADOPTED Acting Budget Director Mike Smykowekl requested adoption Of the five (5) routine Budget Amendments as sho~n tn the Executive ' Summary. Comlissto~r Norris c~riH ~l~ly, 94-252/253 ~ (8os)- ',tu ~ ~ - MO ACTZO!I TAIC~N Commissioner Constantine stated that the Clerk's Report is for !nforimttonpurposes only. Page 6 · George Keller stated that the Go]den Gate Estates Area Civic 'Association Is requesting that signs be posted informing the public that littering Is against the law and subject to a fine. Mr. Keller stated that the Civic Association has been maintaining :Golden Gate Boulevard under the Adopt A Road Program for a number of years but the extent of trash has Increased tremendously and something ~ust be done. He explained that 32 bags of trash, two (l} ttres, an · old rug and a sheet of plywood were removed from the highway at S.R. 951 ~nd Golden Gate Boulevard for approximately one (11 mile east. Mr. Keller pointed out that aliiIons of dollars are spent to beautify the medians yet no fines are Imposed for people disposing trash from automobiles onto those medians and highways. He explained that the Civic Association does not object to cleaning the area and saving the County money but requests that Staff be directed to post signs to assist In the effort. County Attorney Cuyler stated that littering of highways Is covered by State Statute. Hr, Keller stated that the fine for littering sign could be iounted under the Adopt A Road sign. He explained that it will also ;-~; Ilslet if notification Is placed In the newspaper informing people that fines will be tapssad for littering, Coutseloner Volpe questioned If the Civic Association has focused i,' on uplifting couuntty pride without imposing additional regulatory author i !"i; Mr. Keller responded that the Civic Association does not have the ~'.fundl to publicize the unsightly condition of the highways. He /:i'expl&lned that he Is not a member of the Golden Gate Chamber of but It Is possible that they might be willing to do i.. County Nanager Derrill stated that he will look Into the matter ~ltncs the Adopt A Road Program has been such a success in Collier Page 7 · .,~March 15, 1994 ' ' Transportation Services Administrator Archibald stated that Staff is preparing a report that lists over two (2) dozen businesses in the community that have participated in the Adopt A Road Program for over two {2) years. He explained that participation in the program by the businesses represents over $250,000 savings a year to Collier County and Staff recommends posting signs at critical locations indicating that there are fines up to $500 for littering. In response to Commissioner Matthews, Mr. Archibald explained that enforcement is very difficult which As part of the problem. He stated that the signs may result in community action and reaction to the "problem. Commissioner Matthew8 stated that the Shertff's Office should be ,'requested to enforce the littering law a few times and notify the public through newspaper advertisement that it will be enforced to assure better cooperation from the citizens. Mr. Archibald stated that the tipping fees that the County paid to Solid Waste for disposal of the trash collected through the Adopt A Road Program are approximately $30,000 a year which represents a large a~ount of tonnage going into the landfill. ltea~'/B - Continued to April 5, 1994 Meeting ~'.~'(122~) CAI~fIVALPI~MIT NO. 94-2, RE PETITION C-94-2, RICI~t~D POIRIER ~KPF~ESENTING T~ [NIGHTS OF COLUMBUS, REQUESTING A PERMIT TO CONDUCT A CA~NIVALN~RCN 1T TI~t0UCH MARCH 20, 1994, IN IMMOKALE! - APPROVED Bob Mulhere, Acting Current Planning Manager, stated that Staff received a petition for a Carnival Permit from the Knights of Columbus 'to conduct a carnival March 17 through March 20, 1994, tn Immokalee and a request for waiver of the Surety Bond. Co~imstonm~ Matthew~ ~ovsd, seconded by Commissioner Saunders and ~l~n~nl~musly, that Ca~lvml Pe~lt No. 94-2 for Petlt~on C-94-2 Page 8 March 15, 1994 .ACC~SN&~G~T CO~I~OLS APPLICABLE TO TRAFFIC CONDITIONS R~SULTING ![.[.FROHCOI~ION R0~ ~O~AGK OF~SZD~Z~ CO~CZ~ ~ USES - Transportation Services Administrator Archibald stated that this item relates to traffic control measures for locations In the County /*'where residential and commercial/Industrial land uses abut. He 'explained that as a result of a public petition presented to the Board ~. at the meeting of January 18, 1994, the Transportation Staff and Development Services Staff have compiled controls presently in place !' : that control, reduce or remove the commercial traffic conflict on .residential streets. Mr. Archibald explained that the older subdivisions in the ~.~ ' ~untty such as Naples Manor, Naples Park, Pine Ridge and Myrtle Cove .,have commercial zoning that abuts residential areas presenting the · potential for a conflict between usages, He stated that truck traffic is usually the number one problem tn such cases and the access control measures represent an informal policy to address the problems and assure that the problems do not occur in the future. Mr. Archibald stated that the controls are assembled In order of severity with the intent that implementation should be progressive, ~ but only as necessary to address and resolve problems as they occur. He explained that under the access control measures, Staff has iden- tified controls on driveway usages, I.e. hours of usage, type of trucks, frequency, as well as driveway modifications and directional controls. Mr. Archibald stated that there are measures that the County has control over when it comes to granting or allowing access ':between properties, residential collector and arterial streets. Mr. Archibald stated that the o~ners of Narco Office Supply, the i:]commerclal property involved in the petition presented on January 18, · has taken a number of steps to control the type of trucks making dell- ~:. varies, the frequency and after hour use of the driveway. He i.~' explained that the one (1) issue that remains to be resolved ts the Page 9 'driveway, but Staff is proposing to expand one driveway and elimi- nate the driveway between the residential and commercial land uses to solve the problem. He stated that the owner of the commercial pro- i:~.perty Is attempting to purchase additional land to implement the pro- posed driveway relocatton. Nro Archibald recommended that the informal traffic control measure, which is consistent with the County right-of-way ordinance, be approved and Staff be directed to work with Narco Office Supply ':.[ relative to the site plan and ultimate removal of the driveway from Tamtam! Court to eliminate the problem entirely. In response to Commissioner Volpe, Nr. Archibald stated that all driveway connect/ohs are through a permitting process and that process createa a permissive right to property owners to gain access. He explained that if a permit is Issued for access only by a property owner, the County can implement controls that modify, relocate or remove driveways that are secondary in nature and driveways that create a conflict. Mro Archibald explained that the problem to be addressed in the futura is created by the older, existing subdivisions. He indicated that the County wants to encourage access between the arterial and .collector streets and even the local street if a conflict is not created or if good controls of traffic exists. Mr° Archibald explained that if the problem did not exist with truck traffic in the case of Narco Office Supply, the existing drive- way is appropriate if utilized only by cars and pick-up trucks. In response to Commissioner Norris, Hr. Archibald explained that the property owner has been very cooperative and has already elimi- nated approximately 90 percent of the problem. He pointed out that as long as there is any truck traffic on the existing driveway, especially after hours, the residential owner wll! have a valid concern. Nro Archibald indicated that gaining access from U.S. 41 and controls placed upon the land owner by the Florida Department of Transportation and Collier County attempting to accommodate the bus/- Page Narch 15~ 1994 heSS created the driveways as they exlst. He explained that the per- ~'~lt ts considered permissive use only so controls relative to safety and conflict In use are under County Jurisdiction to some degree but access cannot be denied. ~ Ph~p Penzo, co-owner of Harco Off~ce Supply° stated that two and one half (2 1/2) years ago the business was established but has become a n~ghture. Nr. Penzo explained that his property has always been zoned C-4, Co~erc~al0 and the property owner behind the business knew that when he constructed his home. ,~ , Nr. Penzo stated that $20,000 of business capital was Invested and bus~neas ~s the only one on the East ?am~aml ?rail to construct a turn ~ane ~n order to accommodate the traffic f~ow. He pointed out · that the building was designed for a back exit and a ramp and fork~ft .were purchased for that purpose but unloading is now occurring at the · lde of the building to alleviate the problem. Nr. Penzo explained that negotiations are underway re~at~ve to the ~, ~ purchase of addttJona~ property to redesign accesses. He requested the County's patience, and noted ~f the exit ~s eliminated the bust- s!, heSS ~s ~n ~eopardy of closing. He stated that the purchase of the ?~ot ~a f~nal~zed but the County ~ust grant permission for the exit onto Raintree Lane or the purchase wll! be useless. Hr. Penzo stated that the lot east of Narco Office Supply ~s zoned co.mercia! and has ',~.. no exit except onto Tam~amJ Court which ~akes it useless to the owner. Zn response to Co=u~tsstoner Volpe, Hr. Archibald explained that Staff Is requesting that the Board approve the ~nforma! access control "~easures to address the problem at hand and a~so to realize that the controls mrs necessary to address future problems as the older sub- ~' a~v~e~ons are developed. He indicated that sufficient controls are · necessary $n the s~te development plan process to prohibit access between residentis! and commercial properties unless dictated by sole ~ccsJs or the proposed controls. ~'~ ' Co~u~$esloner Hatthews stated that the tnfor~a! ~rltten guidelines .... ~represent a step process to follow whenever there ~a a zoning Page March 15, 1994 ©o~flict and the property o~ners are not as amenable so that both par- ties Involved kno~ the procedure for eliminating the problem. Tom Olllff, Public Services Administrator, stated that the rac- quetball courts at the Narco Island Racquetball Center have experienced solstufa Intrusion that has caused the wood floors to ~i ;buckle and warp. He explained that one (l) of the two (2) courts had 'to be closed because tt Is a safety hazard. ,. Hr. Olliff stated that when requests for quotes first went out, · Staff felt the best way to repair the probles was by replacing the floor and installing Internal wall panels to prevent asiatufa lntru- *i-lion, He explained that since then, Staff has located the point of water entry and some ~asonry work Is required but that ~ork can be completed in-house. Mr. Olllff etated that Staff received two (2) quotes and one (2) no bid to replace the wood floor and the lowest quote Is $10,250; i"i/hmeever, the lose bid did not Include resoval and disposal of the old ./.11floor and the quality of the floor specified was not set as Staff Is recommending that the floor replacesent be awarded to Hallman, Inc., in the amount of $14,800. Nro Olllff pointed out that the original · estimate to complete the work is $40,O00. ~':' Nr, Olliff stated that Staff Is also requesting that the Board ' approvw appropriate budget amendments and waive the formal bidding Coemlssloner Constantine stated that Staff nmst assure that the ~ter intrusion problem has been corrected before the ne~ wood floor installed. Page 12 Hatch I5, 1994 Hr. 0111ff explained that the Building Hatntenance Staff ts con- .~ fidant that the problem of water Intrusion has been Isolated and the · ~. repairs can be satisfactorily accomplished and the problem will be .:i...i closely monitored so it can be prohibited from damaging the new floor. In response to Commissioner Volpe, Hr. Olltff explained that the existing floor dates back to the original construction in the early .:;,. Commissioner Volpe questioned whether the usage of the racquetball courts Justify the expenditure of funds? Hr. Olllff explained that loss of usage will result if the repairs are not completed, noting that this Is the only indoor racquetball · facility the County o~ns. He stated that the County made a commitment ,to Increase revenues by revising rate schedules last year and usage during the season Is high. In response to Commissioner Volpe, Mr. 011tff stated that Staff has not considered alternatives to a wood floor and maintenance of the ,:[",!.floor is not high. Hr. 011tff Informed the Board that the facility was purchased by the County In 1982 or 1983 and at one point prtvattzatlon was con- sidered but no Interest was expressed He explained that a campaign was then started to increase usage and generate the additional reve- nue. Francis Barsh spoke on this item. Comalssioner Norris ~oved, seconded by Commissioner Saunders and c~led unani~ouely, that the fornal bid process ~ ~lved, ~d r~lac~t of the ~od floor ~ awarded to Holl~, Inc. In the ~t of 814,800 with the additional ~rk ~rformed ln-h~e. ~8D1 Co~..iseloner Norris smved, seconded by Conatssloner Saunders and 4/0 (Commissioner Volpe abstained) to approve the a~endment to 33' Page 13 March IB, 1994 between Collier County and l~rlal Golf Club, Inc, for of treated mtmter effluent for golf Page March 16, 2.994 DEPOSIT OF $360,000 IN A DEDICATED TRUST FUND FOR THE PURCHASE OF LAND FOR PRESERVATION AS MITIGATION FOR LANDFILL DEVELOPMENT - APPROVED AND COUNTY ATTOKNEY DIRECTED TO MONITOR PROCESS Bill Lorenz, Environmental Services Administrator, stated that this Is a new approach to how mitigation requirements by the State have been met. Mr. Lorenz stated that when the Naples Landfill was cleared for preparation of lined Cell Six, Phases One, Two and Three, the State required mitigation for the removal of wetlands. He explained that an opportunity was identified to replace the original mitigation requirements estimated at $480,000 with an off-site mitigation cost of 'i!;~. $360,000. He stated that the South Florida Water Management District approved the proposed off-site mitigation and one (1) of two (2) alternatives is required. · Mr. Lorenz explained that Alternative No. ! ts to restore 70 acres ..of man-altered wetlands along Henderson Creek at an estimated construction cost of $360,000 but Staff will have to monitor and main- tain at least an 80 percent plant survival rate for five (5) years. He ateted that approximately 800 hours of Staff time or $25,000 will be required for the maintenance of plants portion of Alternate No. 1. Mr. Lorenz stated that Alternative No. 2 ts to deposit $360,000 in m dedicated trust fund, administered by the Southwest Florida Land Preservation Trust, for use by the State of Florida Rookery Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve toward the purchase of an 83 acre parcel of land as part of the Reserve. Mr. Lorenz explained that this particular area is within the same watershed as the Naples Landfill and, therefore, meets the mitigation requirement. Mr. Lorenz stated that the asking price for the parcel is more than the $360,0001 the assessed value is $43?,000. He explained that one (1} benefit to utilizing the Preservation Trust is that private donations can be solicited In addition to other funding sources for pl~rchase of the land. He pointed out that the Trust has three (3) Page 15 Narch 15, lgg4 years to collect additional funds and close on the purchase or the · County will have to revert to Alternative No. 1, Mr. Lorenz stated that 1! conditions that will be included In the ~A~reement between Collier County and the Southwest Florida Land ~- Preservation Trust are listed In the Executive Summary and the Agreement will be presented to the Board when completed for official approval. In response to Commissioner Constantine, Nr. Olltff stated that the funds will be used for out-of-pocket expenses but not for general aduinistrative costs and specific assurances for expending funds can .:' be incorporated into the Agreement. ~.: The following people spoke on this item. GafF Lytton David Addison In response to Co~miesioner Volpe, Kathleen Pass~domo, President of the Southwest F~orida Land Preservation Trust, stated that the Preservation Trust was contacted by Nr. Lytton and County Staff to .help coordinate efforts to acquire the land. She explained that no · ~ount¥ funds will be expended for the efforts by the Trust. She advised that al! of the $360°000 is dedicated to the acquisition and !~i:.any mdd~tional expenditures, which are based on purchase ,include title insurance, an appraisal, if necessary and recording i!~i costs. She informed the Board that Hr. Nalt, the owner of the pro- ~perty0 has an existing appraisal at $435°000. Ns, Passido~o stated that the Trust has spoken to Rookery Bay regarding the acquisition of the property but no specific fund raising · h~s taken place as yet. She explained tha~ the State was negotiat~ng ~'!~ With Nr, Nalt regarding the purchase of the property and there was no need for the Trust to get involved but now the Trust can be of benefit. ?~ Robert Nalt~ owner of the property, stated that he has been ~ork~ng ~lth Oary Lytton and other State and County Staff for purchase of the property and negotiations are between the $360,000 and the Cowlty Tax Assessors figure of $437,000. Page 16 Hatch 15, 1994 In response to CoHtssloner Volpe, Hr. Lorenz stated that sltlga- tlon b~nking has been approved but one does not exist in Collter ~County. He explained that the State wll! give Collier County credit off-site mitigation if the purchase 1s successful. Nr. Lorenz stated that the Trust involvesent allo~s for raising sddttlonal funds to close on the transact/on and the parcel is larger th~n the County can purchase with only the $360,000, while still fulfilling the altigatton requirements. In response to Commissioner Norris, Ms. Passldoao stated that the ~.[11and will be deeded to Rookery Say. Ns, Passldoao informed the Board that the Preservation Trust was successful in acquiring 96 acres near Higgins Pass. She explained that the property was valued at $400,000 but through negotiations, the land owner sold the property for less than $100,000 as a bargain sale transaction and the o~ner received tax benefits for the $300,000. She stated that the Trust can coBpiers the purchase more quickly because the Trust is not required to have public hearings, etCo to negotiate ithe purchase of the property. In response to Coulssioner Volpe, Ms. Passldo.o stated that the .results of negotiation with Hr. Halt are unknown and if he is willing to accept $360,000 the County can complete the purchase without the Trust. She explained that fund raising for acquisition of this pro- perry will being when the purchase price is established and a contract Is signed. i~.! In response to Commissioner Constantine, Mr. Lorenz stated that the 312 acres which comprise the Naples Landfill does not include the 'ipurchass of land for expansion. County Attorney Cuyler stated that the decision sade today must assure that the County audit procedure is followed, I.e. where the funds are going and how they are to be utilized. .~.';. Co.~lssloner Constantine asked Hr. Halt If he would accept a ':$360,000 offer fro~ the County for purchase of the property? Page 17 March 15, 1994 Malt Informed the Board that he prefers to utilize the Tax ~:Assessor'8 figure qf $437,000 or the appraisal figure of $435,000 when ;negotLatAng the purchase of the property. Commissioner Volpe stated that he Is uncomfortable with the County fundAng $360,000 in a three (3) year window since he is uncertain of the process utilized to complete the negotiations. Ms. Paseidomo stated that the County approached the Preservation Trust because of the positive results in negotiating acquisition of ,. She pointed out to the Board that no one on the Preservation Trust Board receives remuneration through acquisition funds and every penny ie accounted for in a trust fund. She explained that most Board members volunteer their time and the Executive Director ts paid through other fund raising activities. Co~A~Aoner NorrAm moved, ascended by Commissioner Yelps and carrAedunanA~musly to a~r~e Alte~te No. 2, defeat of 8360,000 In a d~t~ t~t ~d ~d the C~ty Atto~ey d~rected to monitor the Deleted see Recording Secretary Metz replaced Recording Secretary Fernlay at this time see (2~o) ~ Iteu~eH1 i'/,PROFESSIONAL SERVICKS AGRKEMKNT WITH HOLE, MO~S ~ASSOGIA~S, INO., ~R ~ S0~ CO~ RKOION~ W~T~ATKR ~~ P~ IN ~ AGCO~ ~ ~IOR BO~ DI~GTION - ~PRO~D~ STI~TIONS Tom Conrecede, Office of Capital Projects Management Director, recalled that on December 19, 1993, the Board of County Commissioners aelected Hole, Montes & Associates to perform the engineering work for the South County Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion Program. He poAnted out that in February, 1994, the Board discussed the proposed ,ofesslonal services agreement and directed staff that only limited of the work were to be ~nittated. He noted that those items are o~tltned In the Executive Summary under Item *3. He revealed that -.An addition, Staff is requesting that $15,000 be approved for the CapacAtyAnal¥sts Report. .~. , Page 18 Narch 15, 1994 Nr. Conrecede asked whether the Board will seat an Odor Advisory Panel. He requested approval of the recommended Items in the Executive Summary. Conlss~oner Norris reported that the Boardes direction is not to :~Imrsue any expansion Items until the problems previously discussed are solved. Conditioner Hatth~e~ ~ed, ~econded ~ Co~ss~er S~der~, ~ ~A~~t~ly, to a~r~e the a~eenent b~ed on the otl~- lati~ tht there ~e no conltent ~t~l that ~rt~on pr~ly d~o~o~ ~e c~eted, ~d t~t n Odor Control P~el ~ establ~ohed. Page March 15, 1994 ~!DlSCUSSI0~O, APPZAL O, ~ S~C0AS? C0RPO~ATION VS COLLIER C0UF~ 0~DER- COUNT~ATTO~TEYDIRECTED NOT TO PROCEED WITH TH~ APPEAL Mr. David Rynders, representing Suncoast Corporation, addressed the Board's concerns regarding the appeal of the Judgeta decision to order the County to approve a particular zoning. Mr. Rynders revealed that the language used in the Suncoast case #as copied verbatim from the order in the Rockwell Gust case, and was signed bF the same Judge. He related that the County appealed the decision in the Rockwell Gust case, by raising the same issue. He disclosed that the County argued that the Court cannot lawfully compel the Board of County Commissioners to act favorably on a rezontng .request. Mr. Rynders indicated that the same issue was argued in the Rockwell Gust case to the Second District Court of Appeals. Mr. ;RFndere pointed out if the Board pursues this appeal, the same Issues will be argued again and will result In the same ruling. He stated that In his view, appealing something that has been appealed and ruled against Is a frivolous appeal, and is recognized by the Federal Court as an abusive process. He declared that an abusive process causes his ~llent damages. Mr. Ryndera revealed that the Board of County Commissioners is ttnder a writ from the Circuit Court to approve Commissioner Volpets original motion to approve this particular project. Commissioner Volpe noted that tf the Board does not appeal, the governing Ordinance for this property is the original motion. Responding to comments made by Commissioner Volpe, County Attorney Cuyler etated that the Second District Court of Appeals upheld the lower court ruling regarding the power of the Judiciary to direct the Board of County Commissioners to fezone certain property. He main- ' telned that It has not been decided If that Is the only issue that ,:Wll~ be pursued. Commissioner Saunders requested that the County Attorney's Office Page 20 March 15, 1994 ~:maka the recommendation regarding whether the Board should appeal. Commissioner Volpe reported that he Is not in favor of the appeal. He stated that the Issue should be pursued by the Florida Association of Counties rather than using tax dollars and runnAng the risk of being drawn Into Federal Court. He advised that there is no finding Indicating Inconsistencies with the Comprehensive Plan and noted that the property will be rezoned at some point. '/. Mr. Rynders advAsed that the precedent An this case and the '" Rockwell Gust case gives a very good Idea of what the outcome of these Cmiselonsr Saunders amved, seconded by Commissioner Volpe, and carried 3/2 (Co~missloners Norris and Constantine opposed), that the Count~Attorne~be directed not to proceed with the appeal to enter into the resolution that has been proposed. Mr. Rynders suggested that the Board vote An favor of the issue · because Suncoast CorporatAon is facing a damage Issue regarding the state's loan program which requires zonAng approval by April. Mr. Cuyler communicated that the issue will be put on the April 5, A994 agenda, and pursuant to the Board's action, that Mr. Rynders provide a full release to the Board from all claAms, and liabilities i..i ~ by March 16, 1994. Nro Rynders replied that no action will be pursued against the County for any deprivation of rights, but the current action was ori- ginally filed as a request for costs and fees. Mr. Cuyler related that that Issue has not been discussed. :.'~. DZSCUSSZONAND UPDATB REGARDZNG POZNT MARCO PARKING LOT - COUNTY &~TO REPORT BACE TO TH~ BOARD County Attorney Cuyler declared that a schedule wall be developed for conveyances of property to the County and MICA, and that the pro- perty will be ~ubJect to 2994 taxes within 60 days after the exchange of all releases and settlement of the lawsuit, He suggested that the PUD be amended for clarAflcatton. Mr. Cuyler revealed that the sate Page 21 March 15, 1994 developer has offered to do the County's site plan simultaneously with the site plan being done for MICA, which will result in a cost savings to the County. Mr. Cuyler Indicated that the developer will absorb his attorney fees In excess of $27,000 if the settlement goes through as set forth in the handout. Mr. Cuyler reviewed the items in the handout and reported that the Issue of MICA's attorney fees has not been resolved. He noted that In e/1 eminent domain case the County pays the costs and fees of those 'f'~parttes who have a compensatory interest. Mr. Cuyler recalled that the position taken in this case ts that MICA does not have a compen- eatery interest, but this Is an open question at this point. He suggested that tf the County agrees to pay 50~ ($11,§00) of the eminent dosaim fees, MICA will find that acceptable. County Attorney Cuyler revealed that this will be a final resolu- tton, and with the exception of the issue regarding pa~ent of the attorney's fees, it appears there will be an astcable resolution to the is~uee the Board previously discussed. Responding to Commissioner Volpe, Mr. Cuyler stated that he has not talked with FPL and United Telephone regarding their attorney ~:i fees, but tf the easement question Is resolved to their satisfaction, ';'~, i there will be minimal fees. i,, The following people spoke on the Issue. ~.~ Mr. George Keller Mr, George P. Cares Co~tesloner Constantine inquired regarding the cost to the County '" to develop the 70 parking spaces as outlined In the agreement. Public Services Administrator ellill replied that there will be approximately $75,000 tn Inittel construction costs and an estimated $35°000 for operating expenses the first year and $30,000 each year thereafter. i.. Co~ualestoner Constantine pointed out that while 70 spaces Is not the ideal, It will settle the issue tn the best possible manner for taxpayer dollars. He complimented Coalsstoner Volpe for the co~pro- mlsa effort. 000,, 50 Page 22 Hatch 15, 1994 ~LooerVolpenov~d, to accept the of£er eutmittedb~KICA. Mr. Cuyler revealed that he only needs the general consensus of the Board without any specific wording, and that he will bring the docu~ent&tion back to the Board. Co~mimio~et- Volpewlthdrww his ~otton. Co~uaissioner Saunders agreed that this is not the appropriate time to ~ake a ~otion. He remarked that this Issue should be on the adver- tlied agenda to allow for sufficient public Input. Co-~Issioner Norris asked that the representatives from MICA be ~resent at the public hearing in order to agree to all of the con- dltiona. Comlssioner Hatthews asked if the Items listed In the handout are the pro~craed 10 points on the deed restriction, to which Mr. Cuyler replied in the affirnative. He pointed out that the last item regarding no cost for permits to construct the facilities Is misleading, and that they expect to pay for the wall permit and wha- tever is necessary for the construction. Coaissioner Matthews expressed firm reservations to Mr. Cu¥1er regarding several of the items listed in the handout. Ms. Matthews pointed out one of the problems is that the number of parking spaces restricted to 70 flat space parking spaces. She asked if a five (5) story garage would be permitted on the property? Commissioner Constantine confirmed that there will be a number of questiona regarding this issue. Collnt~, Attorney Cu¥1er disclosed that he will advise the Board regarding & date that this lexus can be brought back before the Board. ~'COlIE01XTT SSCO'RXTT (IZXGB:BOI~OOD CRXI~ !'Iq.~e'~ETX~ FRO433tBJ4) - TO B~ Conuaissioner Constantine explained that Collier County does not have a problem with violent crines like the .urders and rapes that are reported In other metropolitan areas, however, there is a problem Ln various neighborhoods with vandalism and theft. He reported that Page 23 March 15, 1994 research has shown that the over~helsing saVortry of these activities take place in the early sorning hours between kidnight and 6~00 A.N. Commissioner Constantine pointed out that the recommended action wt]! take aspecia! act of the legislature to all~ communities with a limited number of access points, to hire community security for check points at each of the ingress/egress points. Commissioner Constantine stated that the check points will act as & deterrent to crime. He explained that this wtl! not give the security personnel the ability to patrol or to pull over moving vehicles. He noted that the communities listed In the Executive Summary are among the areas that kay be Interested, and noted that there are several Lore. Commissioner Volpe called attention to the Safe Neighborhoods Act. He advised that he has been working with the City Hanager and the Sheriff to sponsor a symposium later this spring to address these kinds of concerns. He reported that he Is in support of Identifying the concerns, but does not see this recommendation as a viable alter- native in Collier County. Commissioner Saunders indicated that he agrees with Commissioner Volpe that this specific proposal ta inappropriate due to some serious constitutional and state statutory lspedlments. He suggested that more money be funded In the $hertff's budget to provide extra police patrols on the streets of these neighborhoods. He pointed out that the proposed solution will take years because of the requirement to change current legislation. The following people spoke on this Issue. Nr. Larry Tobe Hr. William C. Telford Ns. Emily Naggio Hr. George Keller Responding to comments made by the public speakers, Commissioner Saunders asked Nr. Cuyler if stopping a vehicle at the entrance of a community to find out who they are and where they are going Is legally permissible. Nr. Cuyler responded that stopping cars will take a special act of the legislature. Page 24 Narch 15, 1994 Co-~isstoner Constantine withdrew his recoeu~endatton as reflected in the Executive Sugary to direct the County Attorney to determine appropriate ordinance changes and affected state statutes to allow for co~.unlt¥ security. Co.mlssloner Constantine agreed with Commissioner Volpe that these issues will be addressed at upcoming workshops. Ztel#20B R~,OLOTXO!194-272 ~i'POX~ITXNG DAVZD ~, BRANDT~HARY LEI TO T!~COZZ. I~tCOU~ITYPUBLXC !IEALTl~U~TADV~$ORYBOARD -ADOPTED Administrative Assistant to the Board Filson explained that this item is a request to appoint two (2) members to serve three (3) year teru on the Public Health Unit Advisory Board. She reported that the Public Health Unit has recommended the appointment of Dolores Reardon. and the second choice Is David Brandt or Nar¥ Lee Nontgomer¥o She pointed out that Ns. Reardon Is not an elector, and therefore. Is not eligible. Co.~,lLone~ ~or~le moved, seconded by Co.~LssLoner Saunders. and c~--z-Ledlmant~ou~Iy, to appoint David E. Brandt and Nary Lee Nontg~a~y to th~ Collier County Public Health Unit Advisory Board, thereb~dopttng Resolution 94-2?2. Page 25 Hatch 15, 1994 ~T~O~TOADOFTR~SO~UTIO1~APPROVII~O AN~D~O31TS TO TI~ FISCAL County Manager Dorrtll requested that this ~tem be continued for one ~ek. Comm/~lom~ ~orrle moved, ~econded byCommtssloner $mmdere, ~ ~X~~i~I~, to c~tt~ this it~ to t~ ~ch 22, 1994 ~tl~. ;D~S~~~~ - ~ B~ ~ ~~L 5, 1994 A~A Commissioner ¥olpe reported that he received a telephone call regarding a vendor selling newspapers standing In the middle of the itreet It Pine Ridge Road and Airart Road. He revealed that he dtl~l~ed this Issue ~lth Co~ty Hanager Dorrlll. Co~l~lloner Vo3~ cited ~ advertisement In the ~aples Daily leaking ~ggrelo~ve lales o~ented ~ndlv~duals for weekend street lilel, for the Naples Daily Co~11~1oner Vo/pe suggested that the Board direct the Count~ Atto~ to rev~ th~s Issue In regard to whether ~treet vendlng · h~3d ~ e13~ed and If so, the circumstances al1~1ng vendors to lell on the ~treet, He pointed out that there are tssue~ of traffic and Illsty to be addressed, C~ty Attorney Cuyler Indicated that he has let with the Sherlff'l attorney and representatives from the newspaper regarding th~s ls~e. He noted that h~s research to date indicates that the ~r e~11 have the ability to sell the ne~spaper~ In the rlght-of-~ay ~der certain clrc~s~mces. He ~lnted out that the paper has taken ~ co. laxative approach to these sales to date. Commissioner Volpe stated that these sales are occurring tn the ledl~n at Airport Road and Pine Ridge Road, one of the busiest inter- aectlons In the County. He asked what can be done to restrict the m/mber of sales people. ,oo, 55 Page 26 March 35, 1994 Mr. Cuyler pointed out that the Board can place restrictions on · the street vendors such as time, place, manner, wearing apparel, and wither CoT~dltlQne, ~e divulged that a list of tho~e restrictions discussed with the newspaper. ~e Indicated that the newspaper will forward a letter listing those restrictions the paper will voluntarily place on themselves. Nr. Cuyler agreed with Commissioner Volpe that restrictions regarding street vendors should be incorporated Into the County'a legislation and regulations. Con~s~oner Volpe suggested that the ~ssue be placed on the Apr~ ~ ~, 1994 agenda. DIS~SI~ ~I~ ~ST ~R ~O~S~ FOR FIN~CI~ ~SOR - Co~aisstoner Constantine revealed that a Request for Proposal (RFP) was Issued earlier this year for a Financial Advisor. He disclosed that the Selection Committee will select and rank the top three firms, and the Board will Interview and select a final can- d~date. County Manager DartIll revealed that he received a short list of / the three top ranked candidates, which is scheduled for the Board's final selection on the March 22, 1994 agenda. Tape ( oo) County Manager Dorrtl! stated that the City Manager requested a Special 3otnt City/County meeting to discuss the maintenance of a traffic plan and the temporary redesignarian of U.S. 41 In conjunction #lth the Gordon River Bridge renovation. Mr. Dorrtll suggested that m ~olnt City/County meeting be advertised in conjunction with the next regularly scheduled Metropolitan Planning Organization (NPO) meeting on April 8, 1994. Page 27 Hatch I5, 1994 C~M~'~Y2 TO BOARD OIP COUNTY COMMTSSIONKRS BUDGET REVIEW SCHEDULE - MARCH 2S, 1994 BUDGET WORKSHOP TO Bg HKLD FROM 10:00 A.M. TO 12:00 MARCH 23, 1994 BUDGI~-T WORKSHOP TO BE H~LD I~ROH 9:00 County Nanager Doff/l! advised that the Lely Ribbon CurtLeg cere- mony t8 scheduled Ln conflict with the Budget NeetLeg scheduled at 9:00 A.H. on Hatch 16, 1994. He stated that the Budget Workshop w11! begin at 20:00 A.H. and dismiss at noon. He further advised that the Budget Workshop scheduled for Wednesday, Hatch 23, 1994 haa been reacheduled from 9:00 A,H. to 11:00 A.H. to accommodate those who wish to attend the luncheon wLth Hr. 3eb Bush. (170) Xtem,15C LELY RIBBON CUTTING CERENORY - WEDHESDAY, H&RCH 16, 1994 - THI~K (3) COHHZSBIOB~R~ TO PARTZCZPAI~ County Hanager Dotrill announced that three (3) conunlssionere will participate in the dedication and ribbon cutting ceremony for the ~oadway to Le~y HLgh School begtnnlng at 8:45 A.H. on Hatch 16, 1994. ace CmtmsL~er Rorr/m m~ed, seconded c~1~ ~~1~, tht the foll~tng lte~ ~deF the coneant agenda ~ ~ ~d/or adopted: Ac~~ OF ~ ~OM ~L~SENA E~KR~SES, ~NC. ~N ~ ~0~ OF ~1,445.00 ~ S~l~ FOR L~SC~ZNG FOR SITE D~LO~ NO. 93-65, '~LZS~A K~ZSES See age Ztet #16A2 ACCL"PTANCH OY PKI~YORMAHCK BO]fi~ AS SECURITY FOR LANdSCAP3:]((3 DKV~LOPHXI~T FTULN NO, ~1-61, ~NOR~WKST PASSAGE PARle~ :[t~ #16A3 ACCEPTANCE OF CHECK AS SECURT'2~ ~0R LANDSCAPING FOR SX~ D~LO~ ~ ~, 95-03, 'COLO~ ROYCE SALKS FACZLZ~~ ACCEPTANCE OF CHEC][ AS SKU~kZTY FOR ~SC~ZNG FOR SXTK D~O~ ~ ~. 8~162B, "~*S TAP H* See Page Narch 15, 1994 &Cf~KPTAJJC~ OF CHICK FROM CEFFEX REAL ESTATE CORPORATIOR IN THE AMOUFF OF $864.88 AS SKC~RITY FOR LAH~SCAPIRG FOR SlaTE DKVELOPMKFT PLAN See Page ACCKPTA!fCE OF C~C~ AS SECURITY FOR LANDSCAPING FOR SITE DKVKLOPMEHT ~ JWOo 92-97, "CONCORD AT See Page' /~ Itml #36A7 ACCEI~'A]~ O~ MAIJFTKRARCg BORD AS SECURITY FOR LA]FDSCAPIRO FOR $ITK DKVI:~O~ PLA~ NO. 93-46, "SPZ~ ~I~ AT ~ST~" See Pages ~%~'° Item ~36A8 ACCKPTAJCK Or ZR.R~VOCABLE STANDBY L~ 0F ~DIT AS SE~Z~ FOR ~CAVATI~ ~T N0. 59.478, Itel ~26A9 ACb'"~A~C~ O!~ IRR~VOCABLK STANDBY LKTTKR O~ CRKDIT ~ SK~Z~ FOR ~~l~O FOR SI~ D~O~ ~ NO. 93-42, "COLLI~'S ~AT Itel #16A10 See Pages ACCI:1~&]I~'~ OF NAPLES SEA rOODS° CHECK IN THK ;.MO~FT OF $1,255.00 AS SL'~2RITY fOR LAXDSC~ING FOR SITE DKVET~I~ERT Fr. lLN NO. 92-152o "F~NG 3:tel See Page. AC~13Pr~ O~ IRREVOCABLE STAWDBT LKTTKR OF CRKDXT AS SKCURXTY FOR LAJrDSC~P~3~ FOR SITE DKVKLOPMKFF PLAN WO. 92-56, "REGISTRY OFFICK PARK (]rgll~11 cl]rrlR) - See Pages ACCKPT~ OF XRRKVOCABLK STANDBY LETTAR OF CREDXT AS SKCURXTY FOR BXTI DKVILOPMKFr PLA~ NO. 8g-56B, "#lOGINS LAK~" ,., OO0-,,: 58' Page 29 See Pagme JtESOLOT~OM 94-160 PROVIDX~G FOR ASSKSS!q~FF OF LXKN, FOR THE COST O, 00010-030, RECORD OMWER: THOI~AS P. KANEY3R. & LOR! S. KAWEY See Pages ~ ~- ~ lte~ #16A14 ~I:~SOLOT~(~M 94-161 ~XDXNG FOR ~SES~ OF LX~, FOR ~ COST OF ~ ~~ OF ~LXC ~XS~CE - C~I~Cg S~XCES Itel J16Al$ RISOLUTXO1J 96-162 PROVIDXRO FOR ASSESSMENT OY LXKN, FOR THE COST OF TI~ ABATKMKIFf OF PUBLXC WUXSAMCE - COMPLXANCE SERVICES CASE MO. S0713-039, RECORD (:~rNt~: R K REALTY OF 1~, XRC. Jt~SOLUT~OI 94-163 PROVIDXNG FOR ASSES~ Off LXEH~ FOR ~ COST ~ ~~ OF ~LXC ~XS~CE - C~X~CE S~XCES CASE SeePages Xte~16&l? - Deleted J~:)LUT~O~ 94-164 PROVTDXRG FOR ASSESSMENT OY LXK~, FOR THE COST OF MO. S082~-O21, Iq~CORD OWA~R: GKNE FOGLE See Pages ~(~/~- ~;~,~ Item' ,16A19 F. gSOLUT~OM 94-165 ~ZDZNG ~OR ASSES~ OF LX~, FOR ~ COST OF ~ ~~ OF ~LZC ~ZS~CK - C~LZ~CK SKRVZC~S C~K ~0, ~0623-032, ~CO~ ~: B~S~, XHC. See P,g.,. - /0/ Xte~ e/S~20 J~ TO ~PORT K:XCKSS KXCAVATED MATERIAL FROM L*AMBXANCK AT FKLXCAM BAY (Frf, ICAM BAT FUD) TO THE FKLICAN MARSH POD FROPKRTY - MXTH TKE ~TXF~TXOM9 AS LXSTKD lW THE KXECUTXV~ SUMMARY 74 :gg4 See Pa~es Xtem#16A22 R~SOL~TIOH 94-167 AuthORIZING PRELIMINARY ACCEPTANCE OY THE ROADMAY, DRAXNAG'~, MATERA]TO SKWER IMPROVEMENTS IN SPI~~Z~AT~ST~ (~S~ ~ ~ ~) ~0M ~ D~LOP~ F0R ~~CR OF ~ RO~Y, D~XNAGE, ~A~R ~ S~R Z~0~S FOR A MZNZ~ OF O~ Xtem#16&23 ACCKI:'TA]ICB OF MATER FACILITIES YOR DOVER PARC, PHASE X -tfITH TH~ STIFULATI~AS LXSTKD ZNTNK KXKCUTIV~ SUMMARY IOTE: DOCUHEMTATIOM NOT RECEIVED AS OF ]tAT 9. 1994 XtErmSI6A24 RK$OLUTZOW 94-168 AUTIIORIZZNG ~ ACCEPTANCE OF KENSZNG~FOR PARK, PHASE TWO, A ~T OY A ~R~ON OF A ~OUSLY ~C0~ED ~T ~ ~ ~X~ P~, ~E O~ - ~X~ ~ ST~T~0NS AS LXS~ X~ ~ 94-169 AUT~0RXZZRG PRKLXMINARY ACCEPTARCg O~ TH~ ROADWAY, MACUSER I~O~S IN l~O~g AGRXCOM P~, ~ AC~ZN~ ~ ~0C~LE LK~ OF ~DZT (POSTED~ ~ ~ D~LOPKR FOR ~Z~KN~CE OF ~ RO~AY, D~XNAGK ~ Z~O~S FOR A MINI~ OF 0~ ~ See Page .... Item#/6C1 All ZI~3RZASE OF 8200.00 lH CASH MATCH FOR OLDER AMKRICA~S GRART ~XNG ~A~~TXOR TO SX~ C~H CO~I~, S~Y I~0~TXON~ ~XO ~ ~ FO~S See Pager ///- ~WZTHRKCRF. AT/ONAL FACILITIES OF AML~ICA, INC. TO OPERATE Till RIECRKATXOJZILL MATKRCRAFT CONCESSION LOCA~D AT TXGKRTAXL BEACH Xtem ~16C3 RKSOLUTXOJ~ 04-170 MODIIfYZNG COF. LXKR COUNTY PUBLTC LIBRARY POLXCY REGJUtDIJ;(3 FXIFKS AND lIKES Page 31 SATiSFACTiONS O~ NOTICE OF PROMISE TO PAY AND AGREEMENT TO ~ PA~ OF ~ I~A~ ~ES FOR ROBERT ~ BE~IC~ Dv~~O; BRUCB ~0~lES 4; ~ ~S0R P~ ~0P~TZKS 5 s.. P.g., / Item ~16D3 - Moved to Item ~8D1 ~ten#16E1 BUDGET~ APPROPRIATING ADDITIORA~ CARR~ FORWARD ~A~ ~ 521 B~DGET~ ~NMO~OR PO0~ ¢API?AF, RECOVERY In~ND ~22 INCREASING CAPITAL B3[FKNDITURES BY DECREASING RKSERV~ FOR CAPITAL OUTLAY WORE ORDER ~-KZ-9 I~R ADDXTZONAL DRAFTING SERVICES ON COUNTY-H~DE DRAINAGE ATLAS MAPS UNDER THE CURRENT ANNUAL PROFESSZONAL SERVICES A~R~; M1;TH ;OHNSON E~INKKRISg, INC. IN THE AMOUNT OF Item #16H1 - Deleted Xtem~/6~2 SUFPLKMKHTAL A~ NO. 21 ACCEPTING COMPLKTED CONSTRUCTION OF &IRPORT-I~F.,IN~ ROAD BE~KKN U.S. 41A]FD RADIO ROAD, APPROVI~ A BUDGET ~ IN THE AMOUNT OF $23,275.~! INCREASING THE CONTRAC~ AMOUNT TO $~,689,735.27, AND RELEASE O~ FINAL PAYMENT TO APAC-FLORIDA~ IIt~C. ON COUNTY ROAD PRO3KCT NO. 66033 Item ~26E3 BST~NLI~]~J:~I~ T~O ~IT~OH~ ~S (140 ~ 141) fOR ~Z~CK OF ~ ~X~ P~ ~ PZ~ RZ~E ~US~Z~ P~ ~ ~CO~ZZIN~ ~D~~ C~ ~~ IN ~S 132 ~ 138 ~R CONS~U~Z~ R~D ORDI:RI~O. LBB-13 M~TH AGHOLI, BARBER & BRUNDAGE, XNC., IN TH~ $6,640 FOR DESIGN OF CLAM PASS PARK UTILITIES Narch 15, 1994 ~T~X~ ~T ~O~L-~D ~I~S ~ V~D ~ ~0~ See Pages /~,.~ CORRKSPOIIDEIICE - I~LKD ARD/OR RKI~RRED The following uiscellaneous correspondence was filed and or referred as presented by the Board of County Comm1ssioners: Page 33 !~.~ . March 15, I994 I/~!/ .. Item ,1631 ~?j.~ Ag90 T~ ROLL W~mber Date 349 02/25/94 1991 TAX ROLL 260 02/25/94 1992 TAX ROLL 02/25/94 154/257 1993 TAX ROLL 02/03/94-03/01/94 1993 TANGIBLE PERSONA~ FROFERTY 1993-I28/129 02/25/94 KX'fRA GA.T~ T~ ~ ~ NOS. 57243 ~ 69845 THE ~LIC DEFENDER There being no further business for the Good of the County, the Iceting wai adjourned by Order of the Chair - Time: 12:30 P.M. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS/EX o icIo SO D(S) SPECIAlDISTRICTS UNDER ITS C0NT L T~~O~TgN~ CN~IP~AN