CAC Agenda 08/09/2012Meeting Agenda and Notice COASTAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE (CAC) THURSDAY, AUGUST 9, 2012 - 1:00 P.M. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CHAMBERS THIRD FLOOR, COLLIER COUNTY GOVERNMENT CENTER 3299 TAMIAMI TRAIL EAST, NAPLES *Sunshine Law on Agenda Questions •2012 CAC MEETING DATES I. Call to Order II. Pledge of Allegiance III. Roll Call IV. Changes and Approval of Agenda V. Public Comments VI. Approval of CAC Minutes 1. June 8, 2012 VII. Staff Reports 1. Expanded Revenue Report VIII. New Business 1. Beach Renourishment; Emergency Truck Hauls Options and Discussion IX. Old Business X. Announcements XI. Committee Member Discussion XII. Next Meeting Date /Location September 13, 2012 Government Center, 3rd Floor XIII. Adjournment All interested parties are invited to attend, and to register to speak and to submit their objections, if any, in writing, to the board prior to the meeting if applicable. For more information, please contact Gail D. Hambright at (239) 252 -2966. If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact the Collier County Facilities Management Department located at 3301 East Tamiami Trail, Naples, FL 34112, (239) 252 -8380. Public comments will be limited to 3 minutes unless the Chairman grants permission for additional time. Collier County Ordinance No, 99 -22 requires that all lobbyists shall, before engaging in any lobbying activities (including, but not limited to, addressing the Board of County Commissioners) before the Board of County Commissioners and its advisory boards, register with the Clerk to the Board at the Board Minutes and Records Department. OFFICE OF THE COUNTY ATTORNEY MEMORANDUM TO: Anthony P. Pires, Jr., Esq., Chairman Coastal Advisory Committee Clam Bay Subcommittee FROM: Colleen M. Greene, Assistant County Attorne � DATE: March 18, 2010 RE: Sunshine Law and Agenda question The issue presented is whether the Sunshine Law requires that an agenda be made available prior to board meetings. In summary, the answer is no. The Sunshine Law Manual (2009 Ed. Vol. 31) provides the following: The Attorney General's Office recommends publication of an agenda, if available, in the notice of the meeting;. if an agenda is not available, subject matter summations might be used. However, the courts have held that the Sunshine Law does not mandate that an agency provide notice of each item to be discussed via a published agenda. Such a specific requirement has been rejected because it could effectively preclude access to meetings by members of the general public who wish to bring specific issues before a governmental body. See Hough v. Stembridge, 278 So. 2d 288 (Fla. 3d DCA 1973). And see Yarbrough v. Young, 462 So. 2d 515 (Fla. 1 st DCA 1985) (posted agenda unnecessary; public body not required to postpone meeting due to inaccurate press report which was not part of the public body's official notice efforts). Thus, the Sunshine Law has been interpreted to require notice of meetings, not of the individual items which may be considered at that meeting. However, other statutes, codes or ordinances may impose such a requirement and agencies subject to those provisions must follow them. Accordingly, the Sunshine Law does not require boards to consider only those matters on a published agenda. "[W]hether to impose a requirement that restricts every relevant commission or board from considering matters not on an agenda is a policy decision to be made by the legislature." Law and Information Services, Inc. v. City of Riviera Beach, 670 So. 2d 1014, 1016 (Fla. 4th DCA 1996). Today's Coastal Advisory Committee Clam Bay Subcommittee was properly noticed in compliance with the Sunshine Law on or about February 1, 2010. Further, the agenda for today's meeting was also publically noticed on the County's website on Monday, March 15, 2010. The related back -up materials for the agenda were supplemented and available on the County's website on Wednesday, March 17, 2010. In addition, a number of these materials also appeared on the agenda for the Coastal Advisory Committee meeting on Thursday, March 11, 2010. In my opinion, there is no violation of the Sunshine Law and no legal issue regarding the date the agenda was published. cc: Gary McAlpin, Director, Coastal Zone Management TO: CAC Board Members FROM: Gail Hambright, Accountant DATE: December 1, 2011 SUBJECT: 2012 CAC Scheduled Meetings Please mark your calendar for the following 2011 CAC scheduled meeting dates: January 12, 2012 February 9, 2012 March 8, 2012 April 12, 2012 May 10, 2012 June 14, 2012 July 12, 2012 August 9, 2012 September 13, 2012 October 11, 2012 November 8, 2012 December 13, 2012 All meetings will be held in the Board of County Commissioner's chambers, third floor, Collier County Government Center, 3299 Tamiami Trail East, Naples, unless otherwise noted. A public notice will be sent out before each meeting. Collier County Coastal Zane Management • 3299 Tamiami Trail Cast, Suite 103 • Naples, Florida 34112 - 5746.239- 252.2966 • FAX 239- 252 -2950 voNw.coll ierg ov.ne }Jcoastalzonemanagement CAC August 9, 2012 VI -1 Approval of CAC Minutes 1 of 5 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE COLLIER COUNTY COASTAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE Naples, Florida, June 8, 2012 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, the Collier County Coastal Advisory Committee, in and for the County of Collier, having conducted business herein, met on this date at 1:00 P.M. in REGULAR SESSION at Administrative Building "F ", 3rd Floor, Collier County Government Complex Naples, Florida with the following members present: CHAIRMAN: John Sorey, III VICE CHAIRMAN: Jim Burke (Excused) Anthony Pires Randy Moity Linda Penniman (Excused) Robert Raymond Joseph A. Moreland Victor Rios Wayne Waldack (Excused) ALSO PRESENT: Gary McAlpin, Director, Coastal Zone Management Colleen Greene, Assistant County Attorney CAC August 9, 2012 VI -1 Approval of CAC Minutes 2of5 Any persons in need of the verbatim record of the meeting may request a copy of the video recording from the Collier County Communications and Customer Relations Department or view online. I. Call to Order Chairman Sorey called the meeting to order at 1:02 PM II. Pledge of Allegiance The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. III. Roll Call Roll call was taken and a quorum was established. IV. Changes and Approval of Agenda Mr. Rios moved to approve the Agenda, Second by Mr. Raymond, Carried unanimously S — 0. V. Public Comments None VI. Approval of CAC Minutes 1. May 11, 2012 Mr. Rios moved to approve the minutes of the May 11, 2012 meeting as presented, Second by Mr. Raymond, Carried unanimously S — 0. VII. Staff Reports 1. Expanded Revenue Report — Gary McAlpin The Committee reviewed the "Collier County Tourist Tax Revenue FY 12 Revenue Report" dated through May 31, 2012. 2. Project Cost Report — Gary McAlpin The Committee reviewed the "FY 201112012 TDC Category "A: Beach Maintenance Projects" updated through 6/1/12. 3. Tropical Storm Fay TDC Comments Gary McAlpin provided the memo "TS Fay Funding Renewal Discussion " last revised June 5, 2012 for information purposes. Speaker Bob Krasowski 4. Renourishment - Updates Gary McAlpin provided an email string from Gail Hambright dated June 5, 2012 "Subject: FW.• — Beach Renourishment Permit" for information purposes. * Main Collier Beaches CAC August 9, 2012 VI -1 Approval of CAC Minutes 3of5 * Marco Island * Consultant Contracts to BCC Speakers Bob Krasowski Marcia Cravens 5. Sand Volume - Public Discussion Gary McAlpin provided an email string from Gail Hambright dated June 5, 2012 — "Subject: FW: Beach " for information purposes. He reported that Staff intends to schedule a workshop for October or November on the subject of beach renourishment. Speakers Bob Krasowski Marcia Cravens Mr. Pires arrived at 1:31pm VIII. New Business 1. Discussion - TDC Fund Redistribution by Jack Wert * 6/7/12 Revision for TDC Fund Redistribution Jack Wert, Tourism Director reported that the purpose of this item, was to garner feedback from the Coastal Advisory Committee (CAC) on the recommendations generated by the Tourist Development Subcommittee, The Committee's comments will be forwarded to the Tourist Development Council (TDC) and the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) He also presented a Sl ideshow "'Destination Marketing Funding Proposal, Coastal Advisory Committee, May 11, 2012" which outlined the following suggestions /recommendations from the TDC Subcommittee. Suggested Reallocation of TDC Funds 1. The overall goal is to increase marketing and promotion allocation from 25% of the total Tourist Development Tax (TDT) Revenue to 45% (that will generate $4.0 million per year for destination marketing efforts). 2. Reduce the Beach Park Facilities Annual Allocation of Category A funds from 16.67% to 6% ($2 million per year to $600, 000 per year). 3. The Collier County Museum Operating fund to be reduced after five years (FY 17) from 11 % to 0% (Any future funding would revert to the General Fund) supplemented by the following new revenue sources: ♦ Charge admission to non - residents ♦ Apply for state, regional and national Museum grants ♦ Annual major fund raising efforts ♦ Tourism Department to direct more TDC funds to Heritage Marketing CAC August 9, 2012 VI -1 Approval of CAC Minutes 4of5 4. Increase allocation to "Category A " Beach renourishment from 33.33% to 34% Annually ($100k). 5. Increase the allocation to tourism administration from 11.60% to 12.60% ($13k). Recommendations for Destination Marketing Enhancements 1. Request BCC recognizes excess TDT revenue above current year projections for immediate use in destination marketing. 2. Extend the allocation of interest earned on each TDT fund to Fund 184 for destination marketing for an additional three years through FYI S 3. Aggressively pursue State and Federal cost share funding for our beach renourishment projects through legislative lobbying and education. 4. Increase air service marketing funds by $50, 000 per year from base of $100, 000 to attract more direct service and enhance and expand existing air service especiallyfrom U.S. West Coast. 5. Expand Community Relations efforts to encourage more local and regional media coverage of the impact and importance of tourism to our community. 6. Tourism Dept (CVB) included as equal participant in economic development planning for the County. Committee discussion occurred on the pros and cons of each item. Speakers Bob Krasowski Marcia Cravens The Committee recommended Chairman Sorey formulate a written response to the necessary parties on the CAC's position for the items identified below. The Committee reached consensus on the following in regards to "Suggested Reallocation of Funds:" • #I — Nonsupport • #2 — Non support — Request that the BCC consider re- allocating a portion of the Reserve funds to Beach Renourishment; if necessary and to stress that the funds are critical for acquisition of public beach access. • #3 — Support • 44 — Non Support — Recommend that the allocation be increased from "34 %" Annually to "40 % Annually." • #5 — No position The Committee reached consensus on the following in regards to "Recommendations for Destination Marketing Enhancements:" • #1 — TDT revenue above current year projections be allocated to the individual accounts on a pro rata basis as defined in the Ordinance. • #2 — TDT interest on funds be allocated to the individual accounts generating the interest. • 43 — Support — It is the current practice. CAC August 9, 2012 VI -1 Approval of CAC Minutes 5of5 • #4 - #6 — Not within the scope of the Coastal Advisory Committee. IX. Old Business 1. Wiggins Pass Straightening - Discussion Gary McAlpin and Mr. Moreland (Chairman of the Wiggins Pass Subcommittee) provided an update on the Wiggins Pass Straightening project. Mr. Moreland moved to direct Staff to prepare a report on the history of County expenditures in relation to the Wiggins Pass project, Second by Mr. Rios, Carried unanimously 6 — 0. X. Announcements Gary McAlpin reported that Staff will be implementing a policy of uploading the "meeting packet" on -line for members and the public to view; providing a "hard copy" of the packet to members at the meeting. XI. Committee Member Discussion None XII. Next Meeting Date/Location August 9, 2012 — Government Center, Administration Bldg. F, 3rd Floor There being no further business for the good of the County, the meeting was adjourned by order of the chair at 3:16 P.M. Collier County Coastal Advisory Committee John Sorey, III, Chairman These minutes approved by the Board /Committee on as presented or as amended August 9, 2012 VII -1 Staff Reports 1 of 18 COLLIER COUNTY TOURIST TAX REVENUE FY 12 Revenue Report 31-Jul-2012 Budget 5 Yr Collect 5 Yr Collect Budgeted FY 12 (5 %) Month over Month Forecast Month History-Cum History- Monthly FY 12 Adopted Reserved by FY 12 Net FY 12 Variance to FY 1 3.4% Fund Budget Law Budget Forecast 12 Budget 8.0% 183 2,153,300 (107,700) 2,045,600 2,368,600 215,300 13.8% 184 3,262,500 (164,100) 3,098,400 3,588,800 326,300 22.0% 193 310,900 (15,500) 295,400 342,000 31,100 34.8% 194 1,516,100 (75,800) 1,440,300 1,667,700 151,600 50.6% 195 4,371,800 (218,600) 4,153,200 4,809,000 437,200 68.8% 196 0 2,787,652 0 0 0 791% 198 1,435,500 (71,800) 1,363,700 1,579,100 143,600 85.3% Gross Budget $13,050,100 (653,500) $12,396,600 $14,355,200 $1,305,100 90.4% Less 5% Rev Res (653,500) 730,332 76,942 716734 Aug 95.5% Net Bud et 12,396,600 0 Na 745,948 Set Collections 4.5 °h 680,844 0 Na 838 932 Total 100.0% 100.0% 13,050 100 % Budget 1,662-.079 " 14 355 200: Collected to % over FY 11 % over FY 10 % over FY 09 Month Actual FY 12 Cum YTD Date collections collections collections Oct 525,334 525,334 4.026% 9.71% 18.07% 31.38% Nov 691,705 1,217,039 9.326% 10.65% 26.46% 11.70% Dec 924,729 2,141,768 16 412 % 2329% 2411% 15,79% Jan 1,208,561 3,350,329 25.673% 19.69% 14.27% 7.17% Feb 1,907,069 5,257,398 40.287% 19.09% 13,61% 16,67% Mar 2,325,647 7,583,045 58108% 14,78% 14,40% 1773% Apr 2,787,652 10,370,697 79.469% 8.60% 15.86% 37.87% May 1,437,632 11,808,329 90.485% 5.96°/ 8.65% 16.90% June 934,544 12,742,873 97.647% 9,86% 18,35% 24.82% July 730,332 13,473,205 103.243% 7.44% 24.99% 25.91% Aug 13,473,205 103.243% Sept 13,473,205 103.243 Total 13,473,205 13,473,205 12.79% 16.05% 20.99% t.t Bal to Collect 881,995 Budget Com arison 5 Yr Collect 5 Yr Collect Budgeted Actual Month over Month Forecast Month History-Cum History- Monthly Collections Collections Variance Collections Oct 3.4% 3.4% 441,513 525,334 83,821 485,667 Nov 8.0% 4.6% 597,184 691,705 94,521 656,907 Dec 13.8% 5,9% 765,938 924,729 158,791 B4207, Jan 22.0% 8.2% 1,063,785 1,208,561 144,776 1,170,170 Feb 34.8% 12.8% 1,676,256 1,907,069 230,813 1,843493. Mar 50.6% 15.8% 2,063,999 2,325,647 261,648 2,270,413 Apr 68.8% 18.2% 2,376,287 2,787,652 411,365 2,613,932' May 791% 10.3% 1,348,215 1,437,632 89,417 1,483,046 June 85.3% 6.2% 804,559 934,544 129,985 885,021 July 90.4% 5.0% 653,390 730,332 76,942 716734 Aug 95.5% 5.2% 678,131 0 Na 745,948 Set 100.0% 4.5 °h 680,844 0 Na 838 932 Total 100.0% 100.0% 13,050 100 13,473,205 1,662-.079 " 14 355 200: 110.00% Tourist Tax Revenue Collection Curve $3.0 ,....._ c _. ... .......... .......... ... __....... 0 i$2.5 ___. __.. .......___....._ $2.0 ;.._. 2 t+ $15__ 0 _. __. _.. _'_'Budgeted ---- Actual $1.0 ;._..... _ ___ ....,...Forecast - $0.s F i o Mt201212.28 PM H. \Revenue ReportWonthy Gas. Sales. and TOC Receipts August 9, 2012 VII -1 Staff Reports 2of18 BED320RD 08/01/2012 COLLIER COUNTY TOURIST TAX - YTD REPORT BY CITY PAGE 1 ** NAPLES ** OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP TOTALS 124889 -------------------------------- 171672 257204 310088 463661 --------------------------------------- 581690 646118 359807 239314 ------------------------------------------------------------ 156429 3310872 ** MARCO ISLAND ** OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP TOTALS 142329 ------ -- 171194 ------ --- 201691 - - - --- 244744 — ------- 391683 ------ ------ 485677 - - ---- 628522 — ----------------------- 372070 226574 231338 ------- ----- ---- -- -- ------- 3095822 ---- — ------------------------ ** IMMOKALEE ** OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP TOTALS 528 ------ ------ 489 — -- 863 ------- 1067 - - - --- — 681 --- ----- 740 -------- 983 — ------------------------------------ 879 807 709 ---- -- -------- 7746 ----- -- ---- - - ---- — ------ --- - - - -- ** EVERGLADES CITY ** OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP TOTALS 4057 5607 7144 9161 12338 17648 18666 9921 6879 4220 95641 ** COLLIER COUNTY ** OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP TOTALS 253531 - - - - -- -- 342743 — -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 457827 643501 1038706 1239892 1493363 694955 460970 337636 6963124 ** OTHER ** OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP TOTALS ----------- -------- --------- ---- ---- - ----- — ------- ** --------- TOTALS ** — ------ --- - ---- — ------ ---- ------- ------ -- - - -- — ----------------------- OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP TOTALS 525334 691705 924729 1208561 1907069 2325647 2787652 1437632 934544 730332 13473205 August 9, 2012 VII -1 Staff Reports 3of18 BED330RD 08/01/2012 COLLIER COUNTY TOURIST TAX - YTD REPORT BY ACCOUNT TYPE PAGE 1 ** APARTMENT ** OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP TOTALS 896 435 - --- 1497 -- ---- 863 ---- — ---- 5735 -- --------- 6040 - --- 10405 4081 -- — ---------------------------------------- 1847 1221 33020 * CONDOMINIUM ** --- ---- ---- --------- --- -- --- --- — -- - --- OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP TOTALS 39952 21515 -- ---------- 35761 82154 ----- ---- 118188 - -- - -- 264235 531116 59412 -------------- -- ----- 47525 ---- 37085 1236943 ** CAMPGROUND /RV /PARK ** ----- -- ------ - --- -- -- - -- ------------------------------- OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP TOTALS 1892 ------- 3546 ----- 5271 --- ------ 11540 --- - - 28012 - --- — -------------------------- 27270 22208 7704 19524 2046 129013 ** -- HOTEL /MOTEL ** ------- ----------- --- -- - - -- — -------------------------------------- OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP TOTALS 410547 --------------------- 599695 765114 ---- 796797 ---- ------ 1113647 ------- 1478881 ---- - 1662425 1202831 -- - -- --- ----- -------- 787911 ---- 585887 9403735 ** INTERVAL ** -- ---- — -- ----- ---- --- --' ------------------------------ OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP TOTALS 4990 7843 ------ 11914 -------- 14375 ----- -- 18080 ---- ------ 18075 - ----- 22054 23386 ------------------------------------------ 10833 11349 142899 ** MOBILE HOME PARK ** ----- --- ---- ------- ------ ------ — -- - ----- OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP TOTALS 228 --- --- --- 517 - - ---- 543 — -- ---- 1455 ---------- 1392 ---- ---- 3710 --- — 4826 1441 — ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 466 126 14704 ** SINGLE FAMILY ** OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP TOTALS 45000 ------------------------------- 11899 21462 49877 28960 -------------- 51324 --- 151981 26449 ----- - -- -- -- — ---- 21948 38055 446955 ** REALTOR ** ------ - --- -- — -- — ------------------------------------------------ OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP TOTALS 21829 - 46255 -- - - --- 83167 — -- — -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 251500 593055 476112 382637 112328 44490 54563 2065936 ** OTHER ** OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP TOTALS ----------------------------------------------------------------- ** TOTALS ** --- ---- -- ---- ------ -- --- - --- — ------------------------------------- OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP TOTALS 525334 691705 924729 1208561 1907069 2325647 2787652 1437632 934544 730332 13473205 August 9, 2012 VII -1 Staff Reports 4 of 18 OLLIER COUNTY TOURIST TAX NAPLES FGCALYEAR OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY )UNE LM AUGUST SEPTEMBER YEARLY TOTALS 1005/2006 $76,843 $149,990 $236,963 $316,250 $512,938 $580,227 $570,569 $334,191 $217,611 $152,642 $175,256 $127,802 $3,451,282 2006/2007 $111,854 $151,746 $217,262 $291,277 $532,706 $589,595 $640,395 $340,926 $205,947 $156,476 $174,238 $145,286 $3,557,706 2007/2008 $122,094 $174,235 $231,470 $306,731 $564,747 $617,010 $664,907 $330,698 $233,938 $145,532 $172,641 $150,743 $3,714,746 2008/2009 $105,937 $154,246 $209,703 $298,657 $500,986 $528,321 $471,924 $327,310 $179,344 $133,913 $159,039 $120,786 $3,190,166 20D9/2010 $102,425 $147,705 $202,271 $3D4,284 $473,406 $536,310 $578,659 $314,492 $192,256 $129,OD9 $150,982 $123,268 $3,255,068 201012011 $107,247 $144,923 $207,947 $296,553 $469,260 $537,127 $620,402 $342,016 $210,346 $150,143 $191,212 $144,535 $3,421,711 2011/2012 $124,889 $171,672 $257,204 $310,088 $463,661 $581,690 $646,118 $359,807 $239,314 $156,429 $3,310,872 TOTAL: $751,289 $1,094,518 $1,562,820 $2,123,840 $3,517,704 $3,970,280 $4,192,974 $2,349,440 $1,478,756 $1,024,144 $1,023,368 $812,420 $23,901,553 August 9, 2012 VII -1 Staff Reports 5of18 LLIER COUNTY TOURIST TAX MARCO ISLAND FMCALYEAR OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY LM Lm AUGUST SEPTEMBER YEARLY TOTALS 2005/2006 $71,763 $112,414 $147,512 $199,030 $344,074 $525,468 $576,530 $374,000 $261,791 $218,203 $208,955 $150,041 $3,189,781 2006/2007 $73,397 $88,576 $141,951 $189,026 $335,898 $517,149 $595,449 $379,673 $225,816 $216,858 $194,291 $183,007 $3,141,091 2007/2008 $165,745 $166,397 $93,819 $321,400 $408,079 $503,575 $666,564 $507,602 $140,088 $322,017 $245,721 $151,743 $3,692,750 2008/2009 $99,516 $168,129 $185,986 $280,663 $372,230 $457,015 $473,292 $324,558 $204,748 $183,654 $186,855 $210,702 $3,147,348 2009/2010 $124,837 $158,522 $168,816 $229,316 $364,347 $466,758 $550,969 $361,520 $197,005 $167,786 $223,954 $215,814 $3,229,644 2010/2011 $149,854 $169,786 $175,540 $198,803 $307,625 $416,029 $571,019 $363.648 $210,320 $192,412 $210,599 $230,248 $3,195,883 20111/2012 $142,329 $171,194 $201,691 $244,744 $391,683 $485,677 $628,522 $372,070 $226,574 $231,338 $3,095,822 TOTAL: $827,441 $1,035,018 $1,115,315 $1,662,982 $2,523,936 $3,371,671 $4,062,345 $2,683,071 $1,466,342 $1,532,268 $1,270,375 $1,141,555 $22,692,319 August 9, 2012 VII -1 Staff Reports 6 Of 18 LLIER COUNTY TOURIST TAX IMMOKALEE FKCALYEAR OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL bmC LM 1LJli AUGUST SEPTEMBER YEARLYTOTAIS 2005/2006 $842 $1,151 $1,306 $1,450 $1,683 $1,837 $2,050 $1,786 $1,900 $1,774 $1,607 $1,372 $18,753 2006/2007 $1,306 $1,258 $1,837 $1,447 $2,307 $1,932 $1,982 $1,691 $1,466 $504 $786 $1,159 $17,675 2007/2008 $731 $746 $776 $966 $749 $828 $2,806 $1,501 $887 $650 $488 $530 $11,658 200812009 $410 $553 $686 $687 $808 $1,137 $952 $944 $618 $723 $671 $468 $8,557 2009/2010 $676 $624 $558 $754 $633 $912 $580 $596 $541 $965 $670 $663 $8,172 2010/2011 $625 $470 $639 $649 $649 $768 $928 $937 $440 $990 $517 $667 $8,279 2011/2012 $528 $489 $863 $1,067 $681 $740 $983 $879 $807 $709 $7,746 TOTAL: $5,118 $5,291 $6,665 $7,020 $7,510 $8,154 $10,281 $8,334 $6,659 $6,315 $4,734 $4,859 $80,940 August 9, 2012 VII -1 Staff Reports 7of18 LLIER COUNTY TOURIST TAX EVERGLADES CITY FISCAL YEAR OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL mu JUNE LVII AUDI SEPTEMBER YEARLYTOTALS 2005/2006 $2,246 $3,922 $4,783 $6,921 $9,386 $15,217 $14,334 $13,423 $7,670 $3,754 $4,162 $3,331 $89,149 2006/20D7 $4,678 $5,602 $5,705 $9,961 $12,884 $14,766 $16,860 $14,152 $8,653 $3,929 $4,101 $3,677 $104,968 2007/2008 $4,018 $5,424 $6,879 $9,724 $11,917 $16,032 $15,800 $11,327 $11,881 $4,136 $4,136 $3,481 $104,755 2008/2009 $3,443 $4,975 $7,186 $8,987 $11,486 $15,137 $15,206 $10,315 $5,932 $3,302 $3,729 $3,447 $93,145 2009/2010 $3,783 $4,473 $5,706 $8,704 $12,423 $15,656 $18,852 $10,467 $6,149 $3,705 $4,019 $3,055 $96,992 2010/2011 $3,270 $5,011 $6,326 $7,626 $10,020 $13,210 $17,210 $10,847 $6,870 $4,054 $5,237 $5,113 $94,794 2011/2012 $4,057 $5,607 $7,144 $9,161 $12,338 $17,648 $18,666 $9,921 $6,879 $4,220 $95,641 TOTAL: $25,495 $35,014 $43,729 $61,084 $80,454 $107,666 $116,928 $80,452 $54,034 $27,100 $25,384 $22,104 $679,444 August 9, 2012 VII -1 Staff Reports 8of18 COLLIER COUNTY TOURIST TAX COLLIER COUNTY FISCAL YEAR OROBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER )ANUARY FEBRUARY MARC fj APRIL mm JUNE LVIX AUGUST SEPTEMBER YEARLY TOTALS 2005/2006 $86,479 $255,807 $446,229 $534,560 $867,498 $1,119,215 $1,277,646 $777,494 $465,272 $357,870 $335,272 $262,452 $6,765,794 2006/2007 $245,217 $358,486 $492,296 $564,991 $952,204 $1,215,359 $1,354,022 $765,087 $465,420 $368,234 $336,767 $289,157 $7,407,240 2007/2008 $233,050 $342,484 $467,648 $602,044 $937,713 $1,172,727 $1,363,500 $726,065 $479,408 $332,957 $334,056 $28D,120 $7,271,772 2008/2009 $190,563 $291,340 $395,097 $538,743 $749,012 $973,781 $1,060,618 $566,718 $358,D45 $258,429 $289,170 $234,304 $5,905,820 2009/2010 $213,228 $235,663 $367,743 $514,622 $827,789 $1,013,235 $1,256,966 $636,092 $393,674 $292,867 $289,743 $235,133 $5,266,755 2010/2011 $217,861 $304,930 $359,617 $506,087 $813,768 $1,058,980 $1,357,406 $639,303 $422,707 $332,170 $323,179 $259,566 $6,595,574 2011/2012 $253,531 $342,743 $457,827 $643,501 $1,038,706 $1,239,892 $1,493,363 $694,955 $460,970 $337,636 $6,963,124 TOTAL: $1,439,929 $2,131,453 $2,986,457 $3,904,548 $6,186,690 $7,793,189 $9,163,521 $4,805,714 $3,045,496 $2,270,163 $1,908,187 $1,560,732 $47,196,079 August 9, 2012 VII -1 Staff Reports 9Of18 COLLIER COUNTY TOURIST TAX TOTALS NAPLES, MARCO ISLAND. IMMOKALEE, EVERGLADES CITY, COLLIER COUNTY FISCALYEAR OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL mm !VEIL )JIM AUGUST SEPTEMBER YEARLYTOTALS 2005/2006 $238,173 $523,284 $836,793 $1,058,211 $1,735,579 $2,241,964 $2,441,129 $1,500,894 $954,244 $734,243 $725,247 $544,998 $13,534,759 2006/2007 $436,452 $605,668 $859,051 $1,056,702 $1,835,999 $2,338,801 $2,608,708 $1,501,529 $907,302 $746,001 $710,183 $622,286 $14,228,682 2007/2008 $525,638 $689,286 $800,592 $1,240,865 $1,923,205 $2,310,172 $2,713,577 $1,577,193 $866,202 $805,292 $757,042 $586,617 $14,795,681 2008/2009 $399,869 $619,243 $798,658 $1,127,737 $1,634,522 $1,975,391 $2,021.992 $1,229,845 $748,687 $580,021 $639,464 $569,707 $12,345,136 2009/2010 $444,949 $546,988 $745,094 $1,057,680 $1,678,598 $2,032,871 $2,406,026 $1,323,167 $789,625 $584,332 $669,368 $577,933 $12,856,631 2010/2011 $478,857 $625,120 $750,069 $1,009,718 $1,601,322 $2,026,114 $2,566,965 $1,356,751 $850,683 $679,769 $730,744 $640,129 $13,316,241 2011/2012 $525,334 $691,705 $924,729 $1,208,561 $1,907,069 $2,325,647 $2,787,652 $1,437,632 $934,544 $730,332 $13,473,205 TOTAL: $3,049,272 $4,301,294 $5,714,986 $7,759,474 $12,316,294 $15,250,960 $17,546,049 $9,927,011 $6,051,287 $4,859,990 $4,232,048 $3,541,670 $94,550,335 August 9, 2012 VII -1 Staff Reports 10 of 18 COLLIER COUNTY TOURIST TAX APARTMENT FISCAL YEAR OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER JANUARY FEBRUARY MA CH APRIL MAY Lm JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER YEARLYTOTA15 2005/2006 $1,466 $198 $874 $1,987 $3,447 $6,076 $10,463 $1,504 $4,446 $1,740 $179 $29 $32,409 2006/2007 $2,403 $320 $1,387 $2,519 $3,479 $4,476 $7,976 $1,601 $624 $692 $1,447 $284 $27,208 2007/2008 $296 $2,797 $964 $2,770 $6,901 $4,396 $5,539 $2,817 $587 $1,N5 $176 $158 $28,446 2008/2009 $675 $111 $1,162 $1,700 $3,571 $4,192 $7,489 $1,210 $710 $349 $63 $41 $21,273 2009/2010 $367 $165 $947 $2,776 53,910 $4,729 $6,041 $2,607 $1,350 $799 $133 $150 $23,974 2010/2011 $1,113 $260 $1,018 $2,495 $4,802 $5,119 $4,555 $3,300 $2,706 $879 $140 $133 $26,520 2011/2012 $896 $435 $1,497 $863 $5,735 $6,040 $10,405 $4,081 $1,847 $1,221 $33,020 TOTAL: $7,216 $4,286 $7,849 $15,110 $31,845 $35,028 $52,468 $17,120 $12,270 $6,725 $2,138 $795 $192,850 August 9, 2012 VII -1 Staff Reports 11 of 18 COLLIER COUNTY TOURIST TAX CONDOMINIUM FISCAL YEAR OCFOBER NOVEMBER DEC EMBER 2ANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL mu Lm JULY AUGUST SEPFEMSER YEARLVTOTALS 2005/2006 $18,115 $9,286 $24,892 $46,267 $62,578 $172,726 $290,466 $55,985 $24,142 $17,905 $14,052 $10,670 $747,084 2006/2007 $17,081 $12,475 $21,751 $61,089 $79,540 $188,992 $323,240 $57,775 $23,138 $20,648 $14,595 $19,893 $840,217 2007/2008 $26,279 $14,948 $26,623 $60,871 $114,344 $203,054 $362,939 $60,403 $34,262 $19,440 $17,944 $15,076 $956,183 200812009 $18,344 $13,399 $23,789 $52,809 $91,805 $192,617 $347,817 $58,346 $23,642 $19,728 $12,954 $10,983 $866,233 2009/2010 $19,477 $14,463 $32,182 $63,689 $67,669 $240,487 $412,028 $65,444 $26,234 $23,042 $50,203 $55,623 $1,070,541 2010/2011 $84,551 $18,112 $30,208 $63,785 $91,669 $231,388 $462,079 $56,684 $32,886 $37,981 $18,278 $15,431 $1,143,052 2011/2012 $39,952 $21,515 $35,761 $82,154 $118,188 $264,235 $531,116 $59,412 $47,525 $37,085 $1,236,943 TOTAL: $223,799 $104,198 $195,206 $430,664 $625,793 $1,493,499 $2,729,685 $414,049 $211,829 $175,829 $128,026 $127,676 $6,860,253 August 9, 2012 VII -1 Staff Reports 12 of 18 LLIER COUNTY TOURIST TAX CAMPGROUND -RV -PARK FISCALYEAR OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER IANVARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY LVM L AUGUST SEPTEMBER YEARLYTOTALS 2005/2006 $2,009 $2,462 $6,622 $17,116 $21,543 $30,174 $33,024 $11,607 $5,331 $3,474 $3,313 $3,135 $139,810 2006/2007 $3,579 $4,746 $11,676 $11,640 $20,946 $27,551 $38,732 $9,843 $5,634 $2,542 $2,679 $2,917 $142,485 2007/2008 $2,813 $3,141 $5,568 $14,015 $22,010 $27,176 $32,516 $13,625 $3,740 $3,059 $2,716 $2,530 $132,909 2008/2009 $2,648 $3,212 $4,949 $13,465 $39,031 $26,499 $40,324 $8,261 $3,491 $2,910 $1,959 $1,859 $148,508 2009/2010 $2,494 $2,999 $5,825 $13,772 $21,117 $30,227 $41,973 $7,260 $3,551 $1,501 $3,616 $1,954 $136,289 2010/2011 $1,903 $3,102 $5,296 $14,095 $18,919 $25,457 $42,028 $7,013 $3,961 $1,735 $3,441 $2,802 $129,752 20110012 $1,892 $3,546 $5,271 $11,540 $28,012 $27,270 $22,208 $7,704 $19,524 $2,046 $129,013 TOTAL: $17,338 $23,208 $45,107 $95,643 $171,578 $194,354 $250,805 $65,313 $45,232 $17,267 $17,724 $15,197 $958,766 August 9, 2012 VII -1 Staff Reports 13 of 18 COLLIER COUNTY TOURIST TAX HOTEL -MOTEL FISCAL YEAR OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH 11M MAY JUNE JULY AVOU5T SEPTEMBER YEARLYTOTALS 200512006 $284,057 $467,480 $720,774 $761,245 $1,112,751 $1,512,646 $1,716,480 $1,253,822 $855,707 $647,441 $626,697 $488,099 $10,447,199 2006/2007 $371,144 $531,060 $735,510 $744,056 $1,163,479 $1,582,476 $1,772,635 $1,282,854 $829,704 $641,921 $614,936 $533,317 $10,803,092 2007 /20DB $450,926 $600,629 $663,134 $899,608 $1,210,928 $1,557,503 $1,811,406 $1,370,272 $738,197 $715,412 $647,247 $503,218 $11,168,480 2008/2009 $326,143 $547,238 $683,525 $804,914 $926,626 $1,244,914 $1,240,850 $1,012,168 $653,733 $494,556 $539,652 $482,466 $8,946,785 2009/2010 $367,978 $469,435 $611,459 $712,102 $1,010,110 $1,243,041 $1,434,996 $1,081,251 $698,121 $477,576 $532,222 $454,761 $9,093,052 2010/2011 $333,456 $555,623 $619,659 $684,174 $953,504 $1,315,029 $1,587,010 $1,132,637 $737,285 $567,319 $611,275 $569,446 $9,666,417 2011/2012 $410,547 $599,695 $765,114 $796,797 $1,113,647 $1,478,881 $1,662,425 $1,202,831 $787,911 $585,887 $9,403,735 TOTAL: $2,544,251 $3,771,160 $4,799,175 $5,402,896 $7,491,045 $9,934,490 $11,225,802 $8,335,835 $5,300,658 $4,120,112 $3,572,029 $3,031,307 $69,528,760 August 9, 2012 VII -1 Staff Reports 14 of 18 COLLIER COUNTY TOURIST TAX INTERVAL FISCAL YEAR ocroBE,B NOVEMBER DECEMBER JANUARY fEBRUARY MARC tj AVRIL mm LM LM AUr SEFTEMBER YEARLYTOTALS 2005/2006 $865 $2,254 $3,617 $4,037 $7,099 $8,669 $15,490 $9,765 $8,182 $4,710 $7,116 $5,100 $76,904 2006/2007 $2,028 $3,691 $9,886 $10,092 $19,130 $24,221 $26,340 $17,397 $9,043 $6,290 $12,221 $6,39 $146,438 2007/2008 $6,597 $7,295 $10,353 $10,716 $20,438 $19,074 $20,960 $13,613 $7,614 $7,215 $7,767 $6,333 $137,975 2008/2009 $4,897 $5,623 $7,807 $10,438 $14,909 $13,650 $20,868 $21,687 $30,08) $11,449 $13,356 $13,307 $148,071 2009/2010 $10,156 $9,509 $13,274 $20,198 $17,462 $28,801 $34,980 $31,383 $12,115 $19,999 $15,197 $9,839 $222,913 2010/2011 $7,444 $5,816 $13,426 $18,029 $17,347 $22,275 $27,152 $28,303 $16,540 $6,406 $14,542 $9,450 $186,730 2011/2012 $4,990 $7,843 $11,914 $14,375 $18,080 $18,075 $22,054 $23,386 $10,833 $11,349 $142,899 TOTAL: $36,977 $42,031 $70,277 $87,885 $114,465 $134,765 $167,844 $145,534 $74,407 $67,418 $70,199 $50,128 $1,061,930 August 9, 2012 VII -1 Staff Reports 15 of 18 COLLIER COUNTY TOURIST TAX MOBILE HOME PARK FISCALYEAR OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER YEARLYTOTAIS 2005/2006 $26 $312 $554 $517 $129 $779 $2,399 $45 $51 $89 $14 $2 $4,917 2006/2007 $3,093 $482 $203 $620 $1,110 $2,831 $2,017 $700 $828 $133 $160 $170 $12,347 2007/2008 $172 $288 $768 $1,444 $3,492 $1,941 $4,349 $557 $218 $461 $348 $450 $14,488 200812009 $43 $162 $1,057 $1,229 $1,982 $3,139 $4,012 $1,175 $702 $228 $249 $194 $14,172 2009/2010 $438 $746 $974 $1,688 $2,479 $1,940 $5,061 $2,170 $911 $516 $292 $464 $17,679 2010/2011 $352 $705 $1,477 $2,940 $3,895 $4,309 $5,743 $1,692 $879 $312 $266 $257 $22,827 2011/2012 $228 $517 $543 $1,455 $1,392 $3,710 $4,826 $1,441 $466 $126 $14,704 TOTAL: $4,352 $3,212 $5,576 $9,893 $14,479 $18,649 $28,407 $7,780 $4,055 $1,865 $1,329 $1,537 $101,134 August 9, 2012 VII -1 Staff Reports 16 of 18 COLLIER COUNTY TOURIST TA% SINGLE FAMILY FISCAL YEAR OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER ANl UARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JUL'( AUGUST SEPTEMBER YEARLYTOTAIS 2005/2006 $9,710 $3,439 $4,409 $18,100 $17,773 $24,067 $52,042 $15,400 $5,945 $9,955 $6,729 $3,319 $170,888 2006/2007 $13,559 $4,549 $6,049 $20,838 $14,666 $23,955 $67,207 $13,573 $6,254 $16,936 $7,301 $8,453 $203,340 2007/2008 $17,673 $7,136 $12,482 $27,895 $15,617 $22,793 $82,815 $18,577 $11,121 $19,502 $8,797 $10,929 $255,337 2008/2009 $17,263 $11,147 $10,098 $33,205 $16,416 $33,371 $97,716 $19,903 $11,470 $23,375 $12,173 $9,587 $295,724 2009/2010 $24,226 $7,933 $12,349 $33,206 $16,749 $41,749 $113,111 $20,584 $9,537 $23,926 $12,516 $17,674 $333,560 201012011 $31,981 $9,989 $12,618 $39,011 $20,626 $40,342 $126,367 $27,892 $12,448 $28,622 $20,527 $9,345 $379,768 2011/2011 $45,000 $11,899 $21,462 $49,877 $28,960 $51,324 $151,981 $26,449 $21,948 $38,055 $446,955 TOTAL: $159,412 $56,092 $79,467 $222,132 $130,807 $237,601 $691,239 $142,378 $78,723 $160,371 $68,043 $59,307 $2,085,572 August 9, 2012 VII -1 Staff Reports 17 of 18 OLLIER COUNTY TOURIST TAX REALTOR FISCALYEAR OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL mm )UNE lf�Y AUGUST SEPTEMBER YEARLYTOTAIS 2005/2006 $21,925 $37,853 $75,051 $208,412 $510,259 $486,827 $320,765 $152,766 $50,440 $48,929 $67,147 $34,644 $2,015,548 2006/2007 $23,565 $48,345 $72,589 $205,848 $533,649 $484,299 $370,561 $117,786 $32,077 $56,839 $56,844 $51,153 $2,053,555 2007/2008 $20,882 $53,052 $80,700 $223,546 $529,475 $474,235 $393,053 $97,329 $70,463 $39,158 $72,047 $47,923 $2,101,863 2008/2009 $29,856 $38,351 $66,371 $209,977 $540,182 $457,009 $262,916 $107,095 $44,859 $37,426 $59,058 $51,270 $1,904,370 2009/2010 $19,813 $41,738 $68,084 $210,249 $539,102 $441,771 $357,570 $112,468 $37,806 $36,973 $55,189 $37,468 $1,958,231 201012011 $18,057 $31,513 $66,367 $185,189 $490,560 $382,195 $312,031 $99,230 $43,978 $36,515 $62,275 $33,265 $1,761,175 2011/2012 $21,829 $46,255 $83,167 $251,500 $593,055 $476,112 $382,637 $112,328 $44,490 $54,563 $2,065,936 TOTAL: $155,927 $297,107 $512,329 $1,495,251 $3,736,282 $3,202,448 $2,399,533 $799,002 $324,113 $310,403 $372,560 $255,723 $13,860,678 August 9, 2012 VII -1 Staff Reports 18 of 18 OLLIER COUNTY TOURIST TAl( TOTAL5 APARTMENTS CONDOMINIUM, CAMPGROUDIRV /PARK, HOTEL/MOTEL. INTERVAL, MOBILE HOME PARK, SINGLE FATLY. REALTOR FISCAL YEAR OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE IM AUGUST SEPTEMBER YEARLY TOTALS 2005/2006 $38,173 $523,284 $836,793 $1,058,211 $1,735,579 $2,241,964 $2,441,129 $1,500,894 $954,244 $734,243 $725,247 $544,998 $13,334,759 200612007 $436,452 $605,668 $859,051 $1,056,702 $1,835,999 $2,338,801 $2,608,708 $1,501,529 $907,302 $746,001 $710,183 $622,286 $14,228,682 2007/2008 $525,638 $689,286 $800,592 $1,240,865 $1.923,205 $2,310,172 $2,713,577 $1,577,193 $866.202 $805,292 $757,042 $586,617 $14,795,681 2008/2009 $399,869 $619,243 $798,658 $1,127,737 $1,634,522 $1,975,391 $2,021,992 $1,229,845 $748,687 $580,021 $639,464 $569,707 $12,345,136 2009/2010 $444,949 $546,988 $745,094 $1,057,680 $1,678,598 $2,032,871 $2,406,026 $1,323,167 $789,625 $584,332 $669,369 $577,933 $12,856,631 2010/2011 $478,857 $625,120 $750,069 $1,009,718 $1,601,322 $2,026,114 $2,566,965 $1,356,751 $850,683 $679,769 $730,744 $640,129 $13,316,241 201112012 $525,334 $691,705 $924,729 $1,208,561 $1,907,069 $2,325,647 $2,787,652 $1,437,632 $934,544 $730,332 $13,473,205 TOTAL: $2,849,272 $4,301,294 $5,714,986 $7,759,474 $12,316,294 $15,250,960 $17,546,049 $9,927,011 $6,051,287 $4,859,990 $4,232,048 $3,541,670 $94,350,335 CAC August 9, 2012 VIII -1 New Business Page 1 of 9 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Review and Discuss Beach Renourishment and Emergency Truck Haul Options OBJECTIVE: To review and discuss with the CAC the Beach Renourishment and Emergency Truck Haul options. CONSIDERATIONS: The BCC and the Naples council originally directed staff to maximize the time between the next renourishment. This direction lead to the development of a 10 year design with the next renourishment scheduled in FY 13/14. Recently as a result of thinning beaches, TS Debbie and hotelier concerns, the BCC directed staff to develop a modified plan to move the renourishment up a year to FY 12/13 focusing on duplication of the 05/06 design. Attached are options available for discussion FISCAL IMPACT: Funding for this project will be from Tourist Development Tax, Fund 195. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: There is no impact to the Growth Management Plan related to this action. LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This item has been reviewed by the County Attorney's Office, requires majority vote, and is legally sufficient for Board action. — RECOMMENDATION: To review and discuss Beach Renourishment and Emergency Truck Haul options. PREPARED BY: J. Gary McAlpin, P.E., Director, Coastal Zone Management Department CAC August 9, 2012 VIII -1 New Business Page 2 of 9 8/3/12 Beach Renourishment Options BCC and the Naples council originally directed staff to maximize the time between the next renourishment. This direction lead to the development of a 10 year design with the next renourishment scheduled in FY13/14. Recently as a result of thinning beaches, TS Debbie and hotelier concerns, the BCC directed staff to develop a modified plan to move the renourishment up a year to FY12/13 focusing on duplication the 05/06 design. Staff engaged in physical meetings with FDEP, USACE and BOEM over the past two weeks. The USACE on July 31, 2012 indicated that a Biological Opinion will be required prior to permit issue for the next renourishment regardless if it is a modified 6 year design or a 10 year design. The timing of the issuance of this Biological Opinion will preclude any renourishment other than a small scale truck haul project this year. A project time line and the USACE email are attached. Options available are as follows: Emergency truck haul sand to the hotspots in Vanderbilt Beach and Naples Beach Immediately after turtle nesting season is complete followed by a comprehensive renourishment in 2014. The area cover would be from the La Playa (R26) to just north of the Ritz (R30) approximately 4,000LF on Vanderbilt beach and in Naples from Lowdermilk Park (1161) to the Naples Golf and Beach Club (R63.S) or 2,500LF of beach. Sand cannot be placed in the water and only on the dry beach. The sand must have a turtle friendly slope (1:4) so the renourishment at both locations will be very limited. Since sand is not placed in the water, a USACE permit is not required and an Emergency Renourishment with FDEP can take place. Essentially, the beach will be elevated to the top of the scarp at the vegetation line and carry that the remaining width of the beach. The beaches will be higher (1 -2 feet) at the vegetation line and the entire width of the beach to the MHW line. The beaches cannot be made wider. The additional protection will be limited but should resist an additional storm event. Preliminary estimates are 12,000 CY's at Vanderbilt and 12,000 CY's at Naples for a total cost of $750,000. If this work begins in November, both locations can be completed by the first of the year. The renourishment in 2014 could either be modified 6 year design duplication the 05/06 renourishment or a scope managed longer life design depending on funds available. Do nothing immediately and continue with the 9/15/2013 to 6/1/2014 renourishment. Beaches typically accrete during the summer. The beach at the Vanderbilt beach resort is approximately 40 foot wide to the MHW line now. Unknowns are hurricane season and the winter storms on the beaches. The renourishment in 2014 could either be modified 6 year design duplication the 05/06 renourishment or a scope managed longer life design depending on funds available. CAC August 9, 2012 VIII -1 New Business Page 3 of 9 McAlpinGary From: McAlpinGary Sent: Wednesday, August 01, 2012 2:31 PM To: LorenzWilliam; CasalanguidaNick; OchsLeo Cc: 'Keehn, Stephen' Subject: RE: Collier County Coordination (UNCLASSIFIED) All, As requested, the attached email from the USACE confirms that a Biological Opinion will be required for the next Collier County renourishment regardless of the scope or timing of the renourishment. The issuance of this Biological Opinion will preclude any renourishment other than a small scale emergency truck haul this year. Revised options will be developed and discussed with Nick and Bill this Friday. The CAC meeting of 8/9/2012 will also be discussed. - - - -- Original Message---- - From: Dey, Monika J SAJ [ mailto :Monika.J.Dey @usace.army.mil] Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2012 6:07 PM To: Keehn, Stephen Subject: RE: Collier County Coordination (UNCLASSIFIED) Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Caveats: NONE Please see my answers to your questions below: 1. I reviewed the FWS BO you provided and Jeff is correct, page 33 states that the BO is for a single -use event, therefore the Corps must reinitiate formal consultation in order to obtain a revised BO from FWS to match the DA permit. I missed that sentence in my original review, I apologize for the oversight. Not all BO's contain limiting language, but this is one of them. 2. As I understand the question at #2, the project would need to be coordinated with NMFS anyway since we need their concurrence with a may affect, not likely to adversely affect the smalltooth sawfish. We should not need a BO since no designated Critical Habitat for the smalltooth sawfish would be affected. The informal consultation, although not quick, would be much shorter than formal. Any consultation on Essential Fish Habitat, with NFMS -HCD would likely occur within the same time frame as the informal. As far as I know, Mark Sramek was reviewing EFH determinations. We would attempt to resolve any EFH Conservation Recommendations provided by HCD during the permit review. The EFH process is not as time consuming generally or as burdensome as ESA. 3. As we discussed, please submit a modification letter request with supporting documentation (i.e. project description, BA, NMFS 7 -page questionnaire (see attached blank form for your use) and clean set of project plans with any notations, deviations showing hot spots etc. A letter from permittee stating they desire the modification to the existing permit and stating that your firm is the designated agent can be the cover letter. Please provide any FDEP permit modifications that provide the WQ /CZM for the proposed work (we have to have valid state permits prior to issuance of DA permit). I guess we will be working this through as a joint process. I guess I should cc BOEM on my ESA coordination letters for their NEPA documentation. CAC August 9, 2012 VIII -1 New Business Page 4 of 9 I will check to see if this is the correct NMFS tomorrow. I looked for the link on our website, but couldn't locate it for some reason. Monika - - - -- Original Message---- - From: Keehn, Stephen [ mailto :Stephen.Keehn @shawgrp.com] Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2012 4:56 PM To: McElwain, Tunis W SAJ; Dey, Monika J SAJ Cc: McAlpinGary (GaryMcAlpin @colliergov.net); Sharp, Nicole; Floyd, Lauren Subject: FW: Collier County Coordination Monika Tunis In order to complete our initial coordination for the Collier County nourishment project, I need clarification on three points. We need the clarification so that we can select the course of action best suited to complete the permitting process in a timely and predictable fashion and provide a project suitable for the County's tourism industry. 1. The need for a BO by the FWS is the critical issue. In a conversation with Jeff Howe last week, he said the statement on page 33 in the paragraph before "Conservation Recommendation" in the BO dated Jan 24, 2004 means it is a single use BO, and that any future project would require re- initiation of consultation with FWS, which could result in a new BO (for piping plovers). Does the Corps still believe we can repeat the 2006 project without FWS consultation, or do you think we will need to consult and then wait for a new 80? 2. Our second question is about operational (staging) areas needed offshore for cutterhead /scow operations, which will be located closer to the shoreline than the operational areas used for hopper dredges during the 2006 project. BOEM and NMFS have stated we will not need a NMFS BO (a relatively long process) if we build the project using cutterhead dredges and scows instead of hopper dredges. We received a permit modification from FDEP in February 2006 for staging areas further offshore for hopper operations, but I don't think we needed any permission from the Corps, although the Corps was notified. The proposed staging areas for scows are being positioned where we believe there is no hardbottom habitat. If the County pursued a project using only cutterhead /scow operations, would we need a Corps permit modification, and /or agency (NMFS /USFWS) consultation? 3. If you need to initiate consultation with FWS on this project, what documents do you need from us to start the process? Is a permit modification letter with a project description stating we are repeating the 2006 project with minor modification along with a copy of the BA sufficient? Our project will be very similar to the 2006 permitted and constructed project, but with a smaller alongshore length, cross shore width and volume. A few profiles within the County will be designed with greater densities to account for hot spot areas. I have attached a project drawing showing the 2006 permitted offshore operational areas, which were used for hopper dredges, and the proposed nearshore operational areas for cutterhead /scow operations (located near the 20 ft. contour). z CAC August 9, 2012 VIII -1 New Business Page 5 of 9 Thanks Stephen Keehn, P.E. Senior Coastal Engineer Coastal Planning & Engineering, Inc. Shaw Group Direct 561- 361 -3151 Office 561- 391 -8102 (fax 9116) Mobile 561 -441 -5499 stephen.keehn @shawgrp.com ""Internet Email Confidentiality Footer * * ** Privileged /Confidential Information may be contained in this message. If you are not the addressee indicated in this message (or responsible for delivery of the message to such person), you may not copy or deliver this message to anyone. In such case, you should destroy this message and notify the sender by reply email. Please advise immediately if you or your employer do not consent to Internet email for messages of this kind. Opinions, conclusions and other information in this message that do not relate to the official business of The Shaw Group Inc, or its subsidiaries shall be understood as neither given nor endorsed by it. The Shaw Group Inc. http: / /www.shawgrp.com Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Caveats: NONE 3 CAC August 9, 2012 VIII -1 New Business Page 6 of 9 Collie County Beach Nourishment Permit Milestone item Date Coordination meetings with permit agencies July 12 & 14 CPE submits Draft BA to County and BOEM Aug, i BOEM provides BA comments to CPE Aug. 16 (2 wk) Planning meeting with GM Aug, 16 'PE submits final BA and permit mod to Corps # Aug. 23 (3 wk) .PF, submits final BA to BOEM # Aug. 23 (Iwk) Survey Data Available Aug. 20 BOEM requests consultation with NMFS, Provides BA Sep. 23 (30d) Corps requests consultation with USFWS, Provides BA Sep. 23 (30d) #Complete Preliminary Design & Drawings Sept. 7 Presentation to BOCC Sept. I I Submit minor permit modification with biological monitoring plan to FDEP** Sept. 18 NMFS and /or FWS Send RAI Oct. 28 CPE responds to NMFS/FWS RAI Nov. 21 NMFS determines info is complete, Starts 135 day time clock* Dec. I USFWS determines info is complete, Starts 135 day time clock* Dec. 1 Received 1st RAI from FDEP Oct. 18 CPE Responds to FDEP RAi Nov.18 CPE submits draft EA to BOEM Nov. 17 BOEM provides EA comments to CAF. Dec. 10 CPE submits final EA to BOEM Dec. 20 Early FDEP Permit Approval Jan. 18 Final design with supporting field data, analysis, and modeling Jan. 17th Start Bidding & Award Process Jan 24th # #Plans, specifications, and bidding complete Apr. 20 End Bidding and Award Process Apr. 20 FWS issues BO for Project Apr. 15 (135d) NMFS issues BO for Borrow Area T1 (and for Corps if needed) Apr. 15 (135d) BOEM signs FONSI May. i BOEM issues borrow area lease May. 15 Early Corps Permit Approval May. 15 Early Construction Start Sept. 15 2013 Late Construction Finish Date I May 31, 2014 *This does not account for any delays that may occur if agencies (USFWS and NMFS) request more than one additional request for information or take more than the authorized time. #This includes NMFS & FWS Checklist, project description and 2006 permit sketches. * *The permit modification is more than minor, since 9 profile lines must be expanded to address hot spots, but it should meet FDEP policy for repeating a project. # #The goal is to design the largest feasible project for permitting, which will provide flexibility to develop the most economical refined design for construction. CAC August 9, 2012 VIII -1 New Business Page 7 of 9 2012 Collier County Berm Restoration Project Preliminary Volume & Cost Estimate Item Quantity Units Unit Cost Cost Mobilization 1 L.S. $25,056.00 $25,056.00 Naples Segment R61 -R64 As -built Survey 1 L.S. $16,092.00 $16,092.00 Sand Transport & Placement 12,909 Ton $11.45 $147,812.63 Pit Price Steward Mining 12,909 Ton $7.50 $96,820.50 9,221 C.Y. Turbidity Monitoring 1 L.S. $1,100.00 $1,100.00 Sand Analysis 12 Samples $277.71 $3,332.52 Bond $2,868.81 Sub -total $293,082.46 Vanderbilt Segment R26 -R30 Re- mobilization 1 L.S. $16,070.00 $16,070.00 As -built Survey 1 L.S. $15,433.00 $15,433.00 Sand Transport & Placement 12,109 Ton $11.45 $138,643.47 Pit Price Steward Mining 12,109 Ton $7.50 $90,814.50 8,649 C.Y. Turbidity Monitoring 1 L.S. $1,100.00 $1,100.00 Sand Analysis 12 Samples $277.71 $3,332.52 Bond $2,620.61 Sub -total $268,014.10 Naples Segment with 15% Contingency & Inflation $337,044.83 Vanderbilt Segment with 15% Contingency & Inflation $300,105.12 Total 25,018 Tons $637,149.95 17,870 C.Y. Unit Price Per Ton $25.47 Per C.Y. $35.65 Based on March 2011 bid price Cubic Yard Price comparable to dredge Production : 1700 cy /day. 10 9 7 6 4 3 2 1 0 .1 .2 -3 -4 CAC August 9, 2012 VIII-1 New Business Page 8 of 9 F.',W.11 Distance from Monument (ft) CAC August 9, 2012 VIII -1 New Business Page 9 of 9