Minutes 05/18/2012 Call to Order. The meeting was called to order by Michael Facundo at 8:35 A.M. Roll Call and Announcement of a Quorum. Advisory Committee/EZDA Members Present: Mike Facundo, Ski Olesky, Jeffrey Randall, Kitchell Snow, Floyd Crews, James Wall, Eva Deyo, Daniel Rosario, Melissa Martinez, Robert Halman, Carrie Williams and Lt. Drew Lee. Advisory Committee/EZDA Members AbsentlExcused: Julio Estremera, Melissa Martinez and Robert Halman. Action: A quorum was announced as being present. Qthers Present: Cee Cee Marinelli, Steve Hart, Jerry Blocker, Randy Johns, Dean Blocker, Tim Hancock, Chris Curry, and Rev. Jean Paul. Staff: Penny Phillippi, Brad Muckel, Marie Capita, and Rosemary Dillon. Introductions. All present introduced themselves to the Committee. Announcements. a. No announcements were made at this time. B. Adoption of Agenda. Action: Mr. Jeffery Randall a motion to approve the Agenda, Ms. Eva Deyo seconded the motion and the Agenda was approved by unanimous vote. E. Communications. a. The Communications Folder containing the Public Notices, a flyer for the Immokalee Cup soccer tournament and the Airport Authority's June 1 groundbreaking was passed around the room for review. Consent Agenda. a. Approval of Minutes. Fi,ala i. CRA Advisory Board April 20, 2011 HH11ler. f 1 hI d. ennmg Approval 0 Consu tant Mont y Reports an InvoIces Coyle i. R W A, Inc. Coletta April Monthly Activity Report and Invoice Camp Dresser & McKee, Inc. (CDM) April 2011 Activity Report and Invoice Action: Mr. Jeffery Randall made the motion to approve the Consent Agenda, the motion was seconded by Ms. Eva Deyo and the Consent Agenda was approved by unanimous vote. G. Old Business. a. Commercial Fayade Improvement Grant Program. Brad Muckel provided a brief update on the Commercial Fayade Grants stating that that $ I 9,954 was paid to Florida Specialties and that five other businesses are in various stages of the design and application process. One awarded grant has not yet begun construction. Immokalee Stormwater Master Plan - Update. i. Collier County Bid Process Timeline - Brad Muckel, CRA Project Manager, reviewed the Collier County Bid Process Timeline with the Advisory' Committee to ensure that they understood the bid process may cause the grant to go over the time limit by as much as four months. ii. Project Budget Discussion - Mr. Muckel then discussed the Project Budget and the cost of the stormwater project and that the cost currently exceeds the grant by almost $1 million. He has met with the Immokalee Water and Sewer Department who has agreed to pitch on the cost. The Collier County Stormwater Department has agreed to , Misc. Corres: Date: ~'lO\ l \ Collier COunty Community RedeveIopmenlAgency IMMOKALEE eRA Enclosure 2 RECEIVED JUN 2 1 2011 i The Place fo Call Home ! , MINUTES Immokalee Local Redevelopment Agency May - 18, 2011 'io;;ro of County CommiSSIOners A B. C. D. F. b. 11. b. Item 1:\ L.a:t:-:z.A 2-1 C.:,!es to: fund one aspect of the project. However, depending upon how the bids come in (over or under) will determine how much of a shortfall remains. Immokalee Transportation Improvements. i. Lake Trafford Road and SR29 Intersection Improvements - Brad Muckel provided an update on the improvements at Lake Trafford Road and SR29 Intersection Improvements per the request of the Advisory Committee providing maps and visuals to describe the upcoming changes. ii. County Swale Maintenance Schedule - Mr. Muckel also reviewed the County Swale Maintenance Schedule with the Committee. Immokalee Business Development Center Report - IBDC Manager, Marie Capita, provided the April Report Advisory Committee, citing the success of the first IBDC Entrepreneur School, the USDA RBEG application, various site visits, trainings, the new web page, and the new enrollee in the IBDC program. CRA Lease Agreement Package - The CRA Executive Director, Penny Phillippi, presented a Power point presentation of the Barron Collier Building and the CRA Lease Agreement Package. Cee Cee Marinelli from Barron Collier Company attended the meeting to discuss the terms of the lease agreement and to negotiate the agreement with the Advisory Committee for recommendation to the CRAlBCC. Action: Mr. Jeffery Randall a motion to recommend the Lease Agreement to the CRA Board for approval, Ms. Carrie Williams seconded the motion and the Agenda was approved by unanimous vote. Action: Chairman Mike Facundo requested that Item F be heard at the end of the agenda. The Committee agreed by consensus. g. Immokalee MSTU Activity. Ms. Phillippi provided an update on the last MSTU meeting where in the MSTU Advisory Committee asked the CRA to return for the May meeting with an Executive Summary, list of reasons to transfer the MSTU administrative functions to the CRA and to provide a budget. Ms. Phillippi will provide the items next Wednesday to the MSTU Committee. Street Lights on Westclox Street. During the April meeting a citizen requested that the CRA check into the darkness or lack of street light at the north end of town near Westclox. While attending the MSTU meeting, the Executive Director was informed that the street lights were out in that area for a period of several weeks. She was informed that the street lights are now functioning properly and no further action will be necessary. Action: Drew Lee asked that the CRA send a formal request to FDOT for a signal light to be placed at the intersection of New Market Road, SR29 and Westclox. i. Marketing - Presentation: Steve Hart provided a presentation of the current CRA/IBDC marketing activities. Code Enforcement Highlights: Kitchell Snow provided an overview of Code Enforcement activities in Immokalee. He stated a clean-up day is scheduled for the South Side during the month of June. Immokalee Area Master Plan. Ms. Phillippi advised the Committee that the Immokalee Area Master Plan will be brought back before the BCC on May 24th. She provided a short video of the discussion for last Tuesday's BCC meeting as an update for the group. Mr. Hancock made a brief presentation to the Committee on behalf of his client, Jerry Blocker reiterating the statements he had made to the BCC on the 10th of May. New Business. Citizen Comments. Next Meeting Date. Adiournment. .. '. H. I. J. K. c. d. e. h. J. f. Regular Meeting June 15,2011 at 8:30 A.M. The meeting adjourned at 10:20 A.M. 2 1. The CCPC did not support inclusion of the Density Blending provisions and there was a motion to specifically recommended removal of these provisions. These provisions were suggested by the owner of the majority ofland in the Lake Trafford/Camp Keais Strand System Overlay (L T/CKSSO). The EAC supported adoption of the Density Blending Provisions at both the Transmittal and Adoption Hearings. The CCPC did not support this policy at either Transmittal or Adoption. The BCC left the Density Blending provisions in the Transmittal version that was sent to DCA (and DCA did not object to the policy). The BCe asked that the consultant for the land owner provide additional data and analysis relating to any potential impacts on the RLSA program. The consultant provided that additional data and analysis to the CCPC, but the CPCC still did not support the policy. Staff suppOlied the policy, but agreed after transmittal, that additional data and analysis was required. The Consultant also supported the policy once the additional data and analysis was provided. The EAC supported the policy both at Transmittal and Adoption. The BCC, at its Adoption hearing, will need to make a final determination on this matter as to whether or not to include the Density Blending provisions in the lAMP. This issue relates to item number 2 below, in that if the Density Blending is allowed, it gives the owner of the majority of the land in the Overlay, an option to move the development rights from the highly valuable urban wetland and flow way lands in the Overlay to adjacent but less sensitive lands in the RLSA area. 2. The second issue also deals with the LT/CKSO. The Overlay was adopted several years ago in the Coastal and Conservation Management Element of the GMP. Staff asked that while preparing the lAMP, we include the Overlay in that document as well. We did that, and several issues came up. The above discussed Density Blending being one issue, and the other centers on the amount of preservation of Native Vegetation that should be required in the LT/CKSSO. The CCME Policy directs one to the RFMU (Rural Fringe Mixed Use) preservation standards; however, there are several different standards that apply to the various RFMU designated lands, including Sending NRP A, Sending Non-NP A Neutral and Receiving. Since these lands contain very high value wetlands, it would seem readily apparent that the highest preservation requirement (Sending NRP A) makes sense. The additional concern that staff, the County Attorney's Office, and the County consultants have relates to the degree to which the Policy may be alleged to be a Take or partial Take, under federal and state laws. The Overlay covers land that differs significantly from the RFMU lands in that the L TICKS SO land is Urban. It allows for up to 4 units per acre, and requiring 90 percent preservation would, in the opinion of staff, not allow for use of the property as is currently allowed, even under a clustered design at 4 units pel' acre. Therefore, staff recommended the 60 percent preservation requirement, not to exceed 45 percent of the site, as currently applies in Neutral lands. The CCPC recommended adoption (with no specified amount of preserve) and coming back in the 2012 GMP amendment cycle with a recommendation based upon further data collection and analysis. Staff and the consultants support adoption of the 60 percent Neutral requirement, even if that includes a requirement to further analyze the issue and if supported by the additional data and analysis, coming back in the next (2012) GMP amendment cycle with any greater or more specific preserve requirements. 2 Action: Floyd Crews made a motion to follow Stcif.!'s recommendation to 110t require an)' preservation standards and recommend that the issue be fin'ther studied in the next Comp Plan Amendment Cycle. Carrie Williallls seconded ht emotion and it passed by unanimous vote. The third issue was Policy 6. I 7 pertaining to existing mobile home parks. MI'. Mulhere reviewed the ramifications of the Policy and the sequential background of the review through the EAC, the CCPC and the BCC. He further recommended that Policy 6. I 7 be stl'l1ck, in its entirety which will put evelything back to where it was before we proposed to regulate mobile homes, mobile homes owners will deal with issues under conditions as they currently exist under the existing Plan. Public speakers were asked to speak and to limit their' comments to 3 minutes each. The first speaker was Randy Johns who submitted the professional opinion of Bob Mulhere into the record. He fmiher indicated that the removal of Policy 6. I 7 would not solve Jerry Blocker's or other mobile home owner's issues. He continued to discuss the Jerry Blocker mobile home park issue. He then distributed a package to enter into the record The second speaker was Jerry Blocker who further discussed the issue on his trailer park. He flll'ther indicated the removal of Policy 6. I 7 would infringe on property rights and offered SUPPOlt of tweaking the Policy in question. Jacqueline Hubbard then spoke to set the litigation record straight regarding the Blocker Trailer Park. She reviewed the entire histOlY of the litigation between Jerry Blocker and the Collier County. Fred Thomas spoke about the histOlY of redevelopment, blight and federal Relocation Act requirements. He further discussed the pros and cons of industrial vs. residential zoning land values and the lack of int1'astructure in Immokalee. He recommend changes to the Policy 6.17 (b), ending the policy at "in all Subdistricts:' Paul Midney stated that he felt the highest and best use of the land where the mobile home park in question is Industrial to facilitate ease in industrial development. Jeny Blocker was permitted to speak a second time, reviewing the items contained in the packet that was earlier distributed to the CRA AdvisOlY Board by Mr. Randy Johns. He stated the County is trying to put him out of business. He suggested a line be added that will stop all litigation and proposed we sit down to discuss options. Action: Mr. Randal/made a motion to remove the Polic)' 6.1.7 and references to Policy 6.1.7 throughout the lAMP, A1s. Williams seconded Ihe motion and it passed wilh a vote of 10 to 0 with Afr. Snow abstcdningfrom the vote. Als. Williams then made a motion to recommend the lAMP 10 the BCC for approval with the recommended changes, lvIr. Randall seconded the I/Iotion alld it passed by unanimous vote. H. New Business. a. Resolutions for Grant Applications - Brad MuckeI reviewed the two resolutions needed to recommend submittal of the CDBG and RBEG grants to the BCC for approval. 3 I. Citizen Comments. Verdier Clement stated that there is a need for more lighting at night in Inul10kalee as there are areas where he feels unsafe. Action: Ms. Williams made a motion to transmit a letter to the lmmokalee MSTU Beautification Committee with the citizen concern and request for more lighting. Afr. Snow seconded the motion and it passed by unanimous vote. J. Next Meeting Date. Regular Meeting May 18,2011 at 8:30 AM. K. Adjournment. The meeting adjoul1led at 9:50 A.M. 4