BCC Minutes 04/06/1994 B (Budget Workshop) Naples, Florida, April 6, 199¢ LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Co~Isstonere In and for the County of Collier, and also acting aa the Board of Zoning Appeals and ae the governing board(s) of such epectal district8 as have been created according to law and having conducted business herein, met on this date at 9:00 A.M. in BUDgeT ~O~Y~![OP ~BSZQN In Building ~[s of the Government Complex, East Naples, Florida, stth the following members present: CHAIRMAN: Timothy ~. Constantine VICE-CHAIP~tAN: Betrye J. Natthews ~ohn C. Norris (Absent) Michael ~. Volpe Burr L. Saunders ALSO PRESBh~F: Sue Barblrettl, Recording Secretary; Michael Smykowski, Acting Budget Director; Ed Finn and Bob Byrne, Budget Analystst Nell Derrill, County Manager; Bill Hatgatt, Assistant County ~anager; Dick Clark, Acting Community Development Services Administrator; Wayne Arnold, Acting Planning Services Director; Bob Nulhere, Acttrig Planning and Technical Services Director~ ~eff Perry, NPO Chief; Oreg Nihaltc, Housing and Urban Improvement Chief; Bill Smith, Acting Code Enforcement Director; Barbara Cacchione, Long Range Planning Chief Planner; Tom Kuck, St. Engineering Project Nanager~ and John Drur~, Airport Authority Director. Page Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on April 3, 1994, as evidenced by Affidavit of Pub~ication filed with the Clerk, a workshop was he~d to review program budgets for 1994-95. Dick C~ark, Acting Conununit¥ Development Services Administrator, etated that the personnel costs for Community Development were reduced by more than $~ million in Sanusry, 1994. He said that the top priority has been set ae better customer services and improved control. He remarked that the January ~a¥offs have caused Prosres changes through the reorganization. Nr. C~ark indicated ~hat a new computer program is vital for better customer service. Nr. Clark indicated that the second expanded program ta requested b~ Housing and Urban Xmprovement. He explained that the impact fee waivers program wall be funded by SHXP grant monies. In response to Commissioner Norris, Hr. C~ark stated that he would rank the Base ~eve! and the NXS Xntegrated Computer Program as Xt was the consensus of the Board to rank these programs as Wayne Arnold, Acting Current Planning ~anager, explained that this department is ~ co~b~nantton st ~PO, ~ong Range Planning and Engineering. ~n response to Conuaiooloner ~atthewe, ~r. Arnold stated that the Base Level is "Nandator¥". 2n response to Commissioner Natthews, County Manager Derrill stated that he does not recommend severs! programs due to adding new staff positions and pro,acts that he views ae a limited pro~ect ~ature. 2n answer to Co~misoloner Norris, Mr. Dorrii! etated there to a Phase 22 to the 2mmokalee Neater Plan and the Housing Study. Co~unissioner Natthews recalled that the possibility of using Page 2 April 6, 1994 budget hearings. County Manager Dorrlll stated that Contract Employees is an option. Ne said that in lieu of hiring full time employees or contracting consultants, full time temporary employees could be hired. He said that the period of time would be project specific. Commissioner Matthews suggested hiring employees based on a cer- tain number of hours per year. Commissioner Norris remarked that the suggestion is not dissimilar from Captain Day'f proposal. Commissioner Saunders stated that the Board must recognize that these Planning llements must be accomplished. He suggested that the County Manager be directed to determine how the projects may be accomplished tn the most economical way. Commissioner Norris agreed. In response to Mr. Dotrill, Mr. Arnold explained that Program 6 would encompass unforeseen projects that come up during the year. Commissioner Matthews stated that she ts not Interested In hiring a full time employee for something unforeseen. County Manager Dorrlll suggested that Program 6 be ranked "Not Recommended", Programs 2, 3, 4, 5, ? and 8 as "Essential" and note that they may not have full time staff associated with them. It is the consensus of the Board to rank Program 1 ae "Mandatory", Programs 2, 3, 4, 5, ? and 8 as "Essential" and Program 6 as "Not Recommended". Mr. Clark explained that the personnel in the Building Department have been consolidated under the same management. Mr. Clark etated that Interest has been generated tn establishing a Marco Island Permitting Office. He stated that one factor against the idea is that several contractors that contract on Marco Island live in Naples. He remarked that it is an inconvenience for those contractors and homeowners that live on Marco Island. Commissioner Matthews commented that the permitting office in Page 3 April 6, 1994 Immokalse lea full time office but zoning is also dons there. County Nan·get Derrill etated that his rationale for not recom- mending Program 2 is that a pilot program on Narco leland proved that the number of permits Issued · week did not support a full time office. Hs stated that the majority of contractors that work on Narco Island have a Naples business address. Commissioner Saunders agreed with County Nan·get Derrill. Commissioner Natthews agreed and stated that she might consider something on · part time basle. Countsstoner Norris agreed and noted that if Everglades City was aware of · part time office open on Marco Island better compliance may be achieved. It was the consensus of the Board to rank Prograa 1 as "Mandatory' and Program 2 aa "Not Recommended/Dtscrettonary". Bill Smith, Acting Code Enforcement Director, noted that Program is "Mandatory". He explained that the 15 employees allow for the response time that he feels to necessary to enforce the Ordinances that are mandated by the Board. It was the consensus of the Board to rank Program 1 as "Mandatory" and Programs 2, 3, and 4 Mr. Smith explained that under the reorganization plan Code Enforcement has assumed some of the duties and Inspections of the Engineering Department. He at·ted that the Base Level ts mandated. He said that whether we want · 1 to 3 day response as opposed to · 7 to l0 day response is discretionary. It was the consensus of the Board to rank Program 1 as "Mandatory" and Programs 2 and 3 as "Essential". Mr. Smith stated that the Contractor'o Licensing Base Level Nandated. He revealed that the response time there for complaints is running 1 to 7 days. He said that cases that are handled are up approximately 20~ from last year. Mr. Clark remarked that the Contractor Licensing personnel are paid with fees collected through the contractors, Page · It was the consensus of the Board to rank Program 1 as nMandatory" and Programs 2 and 3 as "Essential". Mr. Smith explained that the four full time employees are necessary for the level of service that is presently provided. In response to Contestsnet Norris, Mr. Smith confirmed that this is the same staffing level ao laot year. It was the consensus of the Board to rank Programs 1, 2 and 3 as Housing an dUrban I~rove~ent Oreg Mlhalic, Rousing and Urban Improvement Chief, stated that the Base Level ie mandated. He reported that the Affordable Housing Co~mtssion ia mandated if the Board wishes to continue with the SHIP funding. In response to Commissioner Matthews, Mr. Mihallc replied that 10~ of the SHZP funds will be used for administrative costs for the expanded services. He stated that in order to establish a Rehab Program and a Downpay~ent Assistance Program additional personnel will be necessary. He explained that the Rehab Program must work with the cooperation and manpower of Code Enforcement. Mr. Clark etated that there tea gap in the system. He explained that Code Enforcement cannot prosecute a violation case in Court if the property o~ner does not have the funds to correct the violation. In response to Commissioner Matthews, Mr. Mthalic replied that Program 5 le necessary for the implementation of the Immokalee Housing County Manager Derrill stated that he considers Progra~ 5 as nMot Recommended' because he feels that it could be a dupl~cation of Code Enforcement activities. Mr. Mthalic remarked that Code Enforcement Identifies problems and this program will fix them. In response to Co~tsaloner Norris, Mr. Mihaltc stated that Program 4 ~mplements economic development efforts in conjunction with Page April 6, 1994 the Economic Development Council (EDC). Xn response to Connieeisner Norris, Mr. Derrill replied that this Is not a duplication of effort. He said that this is an area that should be explored In order to provide support with the EDC. It was the consensus of the Board to rank Program ! as ~Mandatory", Programs 2 and 3 aa ~Essential", Program 4 as ~Dlacretlonary~ and Program 5 as ~Not Recommended~. ~ohn Drury, Airport Authority Director, stated that the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) has categorized the Collier County airports as Resource Airports. He explained that this will allow for 90X funding on many items. Mr. Drur~ revealed that the Economic Development Administration in Atlanta is offering a ~500,000.00 grant for the Inmokalee Airport. Mr. Drury explained that he has budgeted the same expenses for adainletratlve costs as last year. It was the consensus of the Board to rank Program ! as "Eooentialw . In response to Commissioner Matthews, Mr. Drury explained that Program 1 for the Innskales Airport lo the cost associated with the operation of the airport. In response to Commissioner Matthews, Mr. Drur¥ stated that he would rank this program as mandatory in order to insure the oafsty of the airport. It was the consensus of the Board to rank Program 2, page 3, as nMandatory" and Program I, page 5, as ~Mandator¥". Mr. Drury requested that the discussion on the Marco leland Airport be tabled until the Airport Manager arrives. Mr. Drur~ read the sununary he presented to the Board regarding the Capital Improvement Program. (Copy not provided to the Clerkto Office. ) Mr. Drury announced that a total project cost for the three O? Page 6 April 6, 1994 airports is 84,113,802.00. He stated that the gr~nts received will total $3,110,722.00, leaving a request for a loan amount of $1,003,080.00 from the Collier County Board of County Commissioners. He e~/atned that the loan amour w111 be /eve=aged to obtain the g=ant ~mo~t for the capital tmp=ovement p=o~ects. In =..ponse to Co~.stone= Natthe~, N=. D=u~ confirmed that the Board must earmark 84 m/ll/on for the project. ~hlch ~Lll be ref~ded b~ the ~t~ n~ the~ are completed. He e~latned that the State ~tll refund In 3ul~, 1995, however, if projects tn other airports are not completed this year, montes for refunding may be available before that time. Nr. D~ confirmed that the money ~ould be reimbursed An draw~. ~e said that the cash flo, w111 be very de~atled as the budgeting pro- Ce~ co~t~nue~. Zn response to Co~/ss/oner ~atthe.s, Co~ty M~ager Dotrill replied that in the ,star case scanarAs, the Co~t? could draw age/net the/r lane of credit in order to avoid cash flow problems. Nr. D~ry stated that the FDO? value~ Collier Count~ airporte a~ ~ tntr/cate part of the ear treeporter/on system. He stated that the Z~okalee Airport could be a tel/ever aArpoft for Southwest Florida Znternattonal Airport. Hr. Drury a~o~ced that presently X~okalee Airport t~ not ~ aArpoft, it ts a l~dtng ~trtp. He expla/ned that a ~erm/nal building, fuel farm and hangers are necessar~ to convert the l~dtng strtp Ants ~ aArpoft. N~. D~u~y e~l~tned the marketing technl~e~ th~ ~tll be used to attract lndust~ tn~o the a~e~. He said that ~t~po~ts ~e eesentt~l to ~ flexible economy. ~r. D~ stated that ~ ent~ce road, small terminal building, · fuel farm ~d h~nge~s a~e p~oposed fo~ thts at~po~t. Btll Ra~gett, Assistant County Hanage~, asked if ~y conditions w111 be ~e~l~ed fo~ the Economic Development g~ants? Page ? April 6, 1994 · Mr. Drury replied that he ts presently unaware of any performance requirements. Mr. Drury explained that the grant was issued five years ago and If the funds are not used by next year that will be forfeited. Mr. Drury presented photographs of the Everglades City Airport. He etated that 20-30 airplanes utilize the airport daily. He pointed out that there te no terminal, fuel or restroom facilities at present, Mr. Drury stated that the Everglades City Airport has tremendous potential to attract and accomodats tourism in the area. Mr. Drury proposes to build a small terminal building, an eight unit T-hanger and small fuel farm. Mr. Drury emphasized that this is a window of opportunity for Collier County. He said that airports make the econom~ more flexible. Mr. Drury stated that the Marco Island Airport is a self suf- ficient airport in maintenance operation. He said that a plan is pro- posed to cut mangroves which are offending the approachs to the Airport at an estimated cost of 8600,000.00. He confirmed that FDOT considers this a safety Item and would refund the money for this Item before ~uly, 1995. Mr. Drur~ pointed out that there is a waiting list of over lO0 for hanger space at the Naples Airport. He said that Marco leland is the perfect place to handle the overflow. Mr. Drury emphasized that the Federal Aviation Association (F~) and the County funded a master plan for the Inokalee Airport in 1985. None of the projects suggested were ever completed. He stated that the FAA also participated in a master plan for Everglades C~ty that was never completed. He said that the FAA will not be participating In any master plans until the County chooses to co~u~tt to the alr- porta. Cometsstoner Saunders cohented that he would agree to the funding. He asked what the funding source8 would be? Conlsstoner Matthews suggested that the $! million loan be Page 8 April 60 1994 included in the Capital Improvement Budget with ad valorem taxme dedi- cated to that purpose. Conmiesioner Constantine announced that it ta the consensus of the Board to fund the loan. Oeorge Moore, Marco Island Airport Director, stated that the Base Level is nasdstory for basic airport operations. He said that Program 2 is essential in distinguishing the airport from a landing strap. He reported that Program 3 is mandatory in the airports' operation. He said that Program 4 As essential to the airports' growth. In response to Comnlseloner Constantine and Commissioner Natthews, Hr. Drury confirmed that every lane Item will be Justified as the budget process progresses. It was the consensus of the Board to rank Program X ae "Handstory~, Program 2 as "Essential', Program 3 ae "Mandatory" and In response to Hr. Drury, At was the consensus of the Board that he be directed to begin the appropriate paperwork to pursue the grants discussed. ~Fg~l~cyM~dAoal SsFVACeS DLane Flagg, Education Quality Control Manager, stated that she Let with Mr. Woodruff, City Manager. She reported that as n result of that Leering, Hayer Nuenzer feels that accepting Medicaid/Medicare assignments t8 a step in the right direction. Ms. Flagg stated that according to Mr. Nuenzer's letter, he feels that accepting Medicare assignments will address the collection per- centage. She said that in utilizing ad-valoren, hie interest would be to see if the ad-valorem could be capped between $400/500,000.00, so that anyone In the County would pay the millage for that amount only. In response to a comment made by Commissioner Norris, Me. Flagg orated that Dr. Woodruff would meet with the Attorney ~eneral to see if a nechaniem to acconplieh this could be put into place. In response to Commissioner Constantine, Me. Flagg replied that Page 9 April 6, 1994 there are 411 parcels worth over $! HL21Ion tn the County. It was the consensus of the Board that serious concern be expressed on this Item. Conisstoner Saunders stated that the Board should reaffirm Its conmlttment to make the charging of Emergency Nedtca! Services fair. Copiestoner Natthews agreed, There being no further business for the ~ood of the County, the meeting was adjourned by Order of the Chair - 11505 Page