Agenda 04/28/2010AGENDA Pre - Hospital Care 5 pm April 28, 2010 Naples Chamber of Commerce Topic Opening Remarks Presenter G. Moebius /Others Data Review - Sub committee update J. Bloom /E. Morton a. Discussion on expert b. Existing Data points i. What makes reasonable sense as a key point ii. Why such points iii. When such points and do some data points work in different areas of Collier County c. Other items ALS and BLS standards and training — Sub committee E. Morton /J. Gauta MD a. What are the standards and training required for different potential providers b. Best Practices c. other items Equipment and Supplies and Communication — Sub committee J. Bernard a. What are the standards that should be used for different potential providers b. Best Practices, hospital and county c. What, where and frequency of key issues d. other items Other Issues/ Next meeting ALL