BCC Minutes 05/19/1994 W (Golden Gate Area Townhall Meeting)1 COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PUBLIC HEARING ORIGINAL May 19, 1994 ?:30 p.m. GOLDEN GATE COMMUNITY CENTER 4701 Golden Gate Parkway Naples, Florida Reported by: Terri L. Schultz Deputy Official Court Reporter 20th Judicial Circuit OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS Carrothers Reporting Service, Inc. 20th Judicial Circuit - Collier County 3301 East Tamiami Trail Naples, Florida 33962 TELE: (813) 732-2700 FAX: (813) 774-6022 OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FL 33962 BOARD MEMBERS: Tim Constantine, Chairman John Norris, Commissioner Betty Matthews, Commissioner Mike Volpe, Commissioner Jim Stuart 2 OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FL 33962 3 MR. CONSTANTINE: Well, we've got three of the five with us thus far. My apologies; I understand the newspaper said ?:00 p.m. Our agendas and the original schedule was for 7:30; I was on Loveday & Lytle tonight from 6:00 to ?:00 and Jeff kept saying to me, "Aren't you supposed to be up at that meeting at ?:007" And I'm thinking, "Gee, I thought it was ?:30." Anyway, we'll get started. We have a list of items here for discussion; we'll also be open -- if there are any topics that are not covered on here, we're open to those as well. We'll run through these, and then we'll open it up for whatever it is you'd like to talk about. I understand Jim Stuart, who is hosting tonight, has a couple of comments in reference to the agenda. MR. STUART: Welcome to the Golden Gate area Chamber of Commerce's program, Town Hall Meeting this evening. We'll start with the invocation with Pat Coucher. MR. STUART: MS. COUCHER: Please stand. Bow your heads, please. Lord, thank you for gathering us together, giving us this opportunity as a community to express our needs. OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FL 33962 And we hope that with your wisdom and guidance, that you will guide us for the betterment of our community, Amen. MR. STUART= And now we have Tom Henning who will step forward and lead us in the pledge of allegiance. (Mr. Tom Henning led the pledge of allegiance.) MR. CONSTANTINE= Jim, if I might, we want to Just take about 20 seconds of silence for Mr. Sigretta who was with us at the last meeting that passed away. (Moment of silence.) MR. CONSTANTINE= Thank you. MR. STUART: It's my pleasure to welcome to Golden Gate three of our Board of County Commissioners. First of all from the first district, which is Marco Island and East Naples and the Naples -- eastern part of the City of Naples, Commissioner John Norris. From the second district, which includes a portion of North Naples and Pelican Bay and -- MR. VOLPE: All the way up the Lee County line. MR. STUART= All the way up the Lee County line, Commissioner Mike Volpe. And from the third district, we have our very own Tim Constantine. We also have in our presence today quite a number of county staff people. Rather than introduce all of OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FL 33962 them, I'd like to ask all the county staff people to stand and be recognized. And County Attorney Ken Cuyler is here. And Ken had one announcement that he wished that we would make, and that is that the issues of the APEC expansion and the issues relating to the Florida City's water, the County Attorney's Office asked that we not address those issues; the reasons being that APEC and the expansion of the Florida City Water Plant are issues that are before the Board of County Commissioners that are in a situation that could lead to litigation against the county~ and therefore, it's inappropriate for the Board to make any comments about that at this time. Is that an accurate reflection, Ken, of what you wish? MR. CUYLER: Yes. MR. STUART: Thanks. The issues that we have involving Golden Gate are many. And our area's expanding at a rapid pace~ many see the expansion as being a very favorable thing, and some people view the expansion as not too favorable. One of the areas of expansion that we have is a commercialization of the Golden Gate Parkway, the OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FL 33962 2 business section, including issues such as beautification and wide turn lanes on Golden Gate Parkway and Santa Barbara. I'd like to ask the commissioners each to address these issues then throw open for the public to make comments on the specifics of the issue. Also I note that Commissioner Bettye Matthews, who represents the Fifth, which is Golden Gate Estates, the good bit of Golden Gate Estates, also Immokalee and eastern Collier County, has Just stepped in. Commissioner Constantine, if you'd like to lead off. MR. CONSTANTINE: As far as Golden Gate Parkway and the business section, one of the things we have all complained about in the initial planning of Golden Gate was all the multi-family units that were placed on our major roadways. As you look on the east end of Golden Gate Parkway or you look on Sunshine or any of those, the entry ways to our community are not always the places of which we are most proud because they are virtually all multi-family. The end of Golden Gate Parkway, Just east of Santa Barbara, was initially zoned multi-family as well. The OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FL 33962 Board saw fit to change that to com~ercial and are looking forward to hopefully, in the not too distant future, having development there commercially. There are a few things that are of concern there in that the lots are not very deep. And with the required setbacks, some of the requirements that have been placed upon lots county wide and specifically there, it will take more than one lot, and thus possibly more than one owner cooperating, in s~e cases, I think as many as four owners cooperating, to be able to legally zone -- meet the zoning requirements there. So we want to try to encourage the business development there so we have a more appropriate welcome to our community as you drive into the area, but we need to address how to do that. It's legally possible now. It's within this Board's ability to make that easier for the business community to develop that. I think that's something we need to move forward with. MR. STUART: If any of the other commissioners would like to address that issue. MR. VOLPE: I've lived in Collier County for 14 years. The first seven years of my life in Collier County were spent on 41st Street Southwest here in Golden OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FL 33962 Gate. So I am, I think I safely can say, I am the senior member of this panel this evening. Mr. Saunders has not yet arrived. I've been here for 14 years~ lived and worked in the community. Some of you are familiar, some of you are not familiar to me. My point would be that a lot of people who I meet have been here five years or less. I have seen changes in the Golden Gate Community that some of you may not have seen. Again, I came here in 19 -- late 1979 when, Golden Gate Parkway was two lanes, when we used to go to Naples to buy our groceries when we did not have a supermarket in Golden Gate. There have been some changes, as we all recognize in the community. The Golden Gate Master Plan, which was adopted by the Board in 1989, I think addresses the issues as it relates to the commercialization along your major corridor, Golden Gate Parkway. Mr. Constantine's mentioned what safeguards have been put in place to ensure that we don't have strip commercial along the Parkway. There is the requirement -- and we've got Mr. Arnold from our Growth Management Department and from Developed Services who can help. My recollection ~s that OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FL 33962 9 those commercial tracts are required to be developed in planned Unit Developments so that we might end up with a better plan than Just the strip commercial. I got here at 7:00 o'clock, believing what I read in the newspaper, which was my first mistake. And so I siezed upon the opportunity to drive around Golden Gate. Not that I haven't done it recently, but I was killing some time. And the medians are beautiful~ I remember when you first started doing the beautification program. You need some help, in my opinion~ something needs to be done with the northwest corner of 951 and Golden Gate Parkway. That whole area. You've got a shopping center that's dead. You've got some commercial parcels back in there that 1end themselves to -- they're C-4 zoning -- that somehow that whole area needs to be developed. And I think that that is important. We're talking about the Gateway of the Golden Gate Community coming from the west. But when you hit 951 and you're coming in from 951, which is where a lot of your people, people visiting our community come from, that needs to be -- in my opinion, we need to do something about that to the extent that we could help in planning OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FL 33962 10 and do some things to improve that area, I think, are important. We are in the process of beginning the four-laning of 951 going to the south beyond Davis Boulevard. It is going to be what the community envisions as the beltway, kind of like Washington, developing the sites of the beltway, but most of us -- except those of you in Golden Gate Estates. But the point is that it's really -- it's the alternate route, so people will be coming from Marco, will be coming from 1-75 and going around 951 and picking up Immokalee Road and going on into Lee County. That's why if you are aware, and I'm sure all of you are, that what we did on Immokalee Road was kind of accelerated the four-laning of Immokalee Road. We've done it from U.S. 41 to Airport Road, and we're doing it as a part of -- if you haven't been out there. Most of you have probably been out to Sam's, so as you go further to the east, it's being four-laned and eventually will be four-laned all the way to 951 so that will make the four-laning around. So the commercialization is -- I think we've tried to address it. You've helped us in that process; you've done it in an orderly way. Santa Barbara is going to OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FL 33962 11 have a significant impact upon the Golden Gate Community once that S-Curve is completed and it takes the traffic. All of you have driven along Santa Barbara. Santa Barbara is another area that needs to be plannea better than it has been. We did, as a part of the Golden Gate Master Plan, we planned Santa Barbara. We need to make sure that that corridor within your community is developed properly. 'Medians along Santa Barbara need to be addressed. That's going to be a major north/south corridor, at least from Pine Ridge Road to Davis Boulevard, and we'll see what the future decides. I think we've done some good planning, but you all need to'be sensitive to those issues, and I'm sure you are. But particularly the 951 area that I mentioned, I think it is an area that needs to be addressed by the community, by the chamber, and the other is Santa Barbara as it goes to the north. MR. STUART~ Any one of the commissioners have any comments? We'll open this up then to the county staff. Do any of you want to address anything on 9517 I believe you brought a graphic on Golden Gate Parkway and Santa Barbara, if you don't mind doing that. One of the issues that we had wished to address was the OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FL 33962 12 potential of -- the potential of adding turn lanes on Golden Gate Parkway and Santa Barbara. MR. ARCHIBALD= If I can, let me start from the east and work to the west. Can everyone here me? PUBLIC: No. MR. STUART= George, if you don't mind using this. MR. ARCHIBALD: How about that? MR. STUART: This is George Archibald who is -- MR. ARCHIBALD: Good evening. My name is George Archibald. I'm the Transportation Administrator for Collier County. And very quickly, let me cover a couple of items on Golden Gate Parkway. Let me start from the east of the intersection of 951 and work our way to the west. The first item that's been addressed is the landscaping at the intersection of 951 and Golden Gate Parkway. I think everybody is aware that there is a taxing district where, in fact, you're taxing yourselves approximately one half of a mill per year for the purposes of landscaping right now. The majority of that money is going towards the maintenance of the landscaping on the Golden Gate Parkway. To expand that landscaping to either Sunshine or OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FL 33962 13 Tropicana or 951, will require the existing ordinance to be amended. So one of the topics that you all need to consider in the very near future would be whether or not you want to expand that landscaping district to include more than Just Golden Gate Parkway. Obviously, there's some esthetic benefits, but there's also value benefits as that landscaping is considered for expansion. The county is starting a program out on 951 at the intersection of Golden Gate Parkway, and we're going to be planting wildflowers. That project was started back in April and delayed due to receipt of all of the materials and the special seed that was necessary. That project has started~ we expect actual planting to be done before the end of May, and hopefully that will be a good trial project. And possibly we'll want to extend that concept to either Tropicana or Sunshine in the very near future. Coming down Golden Gate Parkway to the intersection of Santa Barbara, the Board had approved a funding of a project that would provide for right-turn lanes at all approaches to the intersection. I think those of us that use that intersection realize that as you come into it, OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FL 33962 4 14 there's no right-turn lanes to make right turn movements during the red cycle of the signal. The staff through the OCPM Office has gone ahead and designed the intersection. We're in the process of acqu~ring the rights-of-way, an~ right now that project looks like it may start before the end of the year. And it's all dependent upon one item~ it's dependent upon whether or not we can acquire the rights-of-way involved. Right now there's three parcels necessary~ we've acquired two of them. The remaining parcel may have to go through eminent domain or condemnation to be acquired. If it does, it's going to double the cost of the right-of-way acquisition process and delay things until, most likely, 90 to 120 days. So that's one problem that the county is trying to address. And until we acquire the rights-of-way, we won't be able to start construction on that project itself. And again, the construction alone is estimated to cost in -- about a quarter of a million dollars. I think those were the items that you wanted me to touch on. MR. CONSTANTINE: Just a little humor on it. In about January of this year, I was talking to our staff about the wildflower program you mentioned. And our OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FL 33962 15 agriculture guy said it would probably be best if we had native Florida flowers in the median, and we did a little research. And the only place you could find the seeds for the native Florida flowers was in California. MR. STUART= Does anybody in the public wish to address the issue of the Golden Gate area, the Golden Gate Parkway area? Commercialization? Any issues that we've talked about to this point? I guess not. MR. CONSTANTINE= Just one final other thing on that, Jim. Commissioner Volpe mentioned the plaza that used to be the Woolley's Plaza down there. Of course, with the big store vacancy is not in the best interest of the community. I've been trying to talk with some of the larger businesses around the state and around the country to draw some interest. And the one I thought would be most interesting and perhaps most beneficial was called Theaters; however -- and they actually initially had some interest, but they were also trying to move forward with their 20 Cinema complexes~ they have devised a ruling and are moving forward with that. With those 20 and the 10 up north and they're looking at doubling the number down in Town Center, they don't feel they can support any OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FL 33962 16 additional theaters. So the search continues for businesses there. If anybody has any tips on that, we're certainly open to them. Hopefully, we will not leav~ that vacant for any great length of time. MR. STUART= The next issue on the agenda tonight is the interchange which has been proposed for 1-75 and Golden Gate Parkway. That interchange has been on again-off again, and where do we stand? Are we now off again? MR. CONSTANTINE= We're not necessarily off again, and perhaps our staff can address the particulars, but I can give a quick overview. Before we can make a formal request, if you will, for that, the FDOT has to complete their I-?S study as to what the needs are down the road on the interstate itself all the way up. That's not expected -- Jim, help me here -- that's about another 18 months before that's completed? MR. STUART: Yes. MR. CONSTANTINE: At that time we can move forward to our study for a need. I guess, even though there isn't one, I suspect the word will be: Yes, there is one, a need for an interchange there at Golden Gate Parkway. OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FL 33962 17 Assuming that everything goes smoothly, we are still past the year 2,000, 2,002, at this point, before it will actually be constructed and open to business, and that's Just kind of the way things unfold. Unfortunately, the wheels of government seem to turn awfully slow on some of that. That's working with both state and federal government, that's not Just a local thing. MS. KLUEVEN: Jim, this is not for that particular interchange, but for those of us who are coming off of Exit 16 trying to make a left-hand turn to come this way. Is there any plans for a light there? MR. CONSTANTINE: The question is: Right now -- George, I don't know if you heard the question. The question is: For those of us coming off Exit 16 and trying to turn left and come north, that's pretty tough to do right now. What are the plans there? MR. ARCHIBALD: The State has not only approved that designs, but it's under contract. MR. CONSTANTINE: He says the State has not only approved that, but it's currently under contract. MS. KLUEVEN: When can we expect that? MR. ARCHIBALD: I'm not sure of the contract time, OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FL 33962 18 but I would expect something in the neighborhood of six months. MR. PERKINS= We're Just waiting for death to happen right there at that path. That's bad news. Especially if you're driving a truck and you can't see out through the window. MR. VOLPE= What some of. you may not know is that the five of us sit as members of the Metropolitan Planning Organization which plans the transportation network for the urban, and now the rural areas of Collier County, among other things. I think Mr. Constantine was a little optimistic about where we are about the possibility of the interchange at Golden Gate Parkway and 1-75. I sat through the last meeting with the Metropolitan Planning Organization, and the plans that the State has for actually six-laning 1-75, which is back in 1979 and '80 and probably up through '84, we didn't have 1-75. The plans are really in the distant future about the six-laning. So I'm not as optimistic as Commissioner Constantine is that we're looking at the year 2002. That's my own personal view. I think it's going to happen later than that. OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FL 33962 The other thing that I have heard is that there are mixed reviews in the Golden Gate Community about whether or not people really do want an interchange there, what the impacts will be upon that area of Golden Gate Estates, what that will do. Because around our interchanges, it becomes to some extent, interchange commercial, and what impact will that have in terms of the development in that area as the very upscale of Golden Gate Estates areas. There's some very, very expensive homes in that area that will have -- will be impacted. And also, the question about the flow of traffic into and out of your community. George, when are we planning on six-laning Golden Gate Parkway? MR. ARCHIBALD: The segment that is between 1-75 and Airport Road is outside our five years. The segment that's between 1-75 and Airport Road is right now outside our five-year plan. MR. VOLPE= And how about from the 1-75 coming to the east? MR. ARCHIBALD: I believe you're looking at something more like the year 2010, within that time-frame. OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FL 33962 2O MR. VOLPE= So my point is, you know, you're going to put an interchange there, you're looking at six-laning Golden Gate Parkway. And the other thing that our transportation people are going to tell you is that we are planning in the next ten-year planning horizon, something that you and I have not seen, and that is urban interchanges, flyovers, overhead flyovers at Golden Gate Parkway and Airport Road, Golden Gate -- Airport Road and Pine Ridge Road, Pine Ridge Road and U.S. 41. It's a change, change is a little bit different than what we've been accustomed to. So as a part of that planning program, you know, one of the things that we become a little sensitive to is the transportation network. We need to move people around the community, but we're all going to adjust to what are known as urban interchanges. And the Grey Oaks Project, which as all of you know, Grey Oaks Project, is primarily at the intersection of Golden Gate Parkway and Airport Road. At each one of the quadrants, there are 40 acres at minimum of office commercial and retail, at those -- that quadrant. So start thinking about, you put an urban interchange, you put an 1-75 interchange~ it'd be different. OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FL 33962 21 MR. STUART: How many people -- I'd like to see a show of hands of how many people here would be generally in favor of an interchange, 1-75 to Golden Gate Parkway and how many people -- let's do generally in favor. How many people would generally be opposed to an interchange there? Pretty well split. MR. PERKINS: One other question. How many people live close to.it? MR. CONSTANTINE: What do you define as "close"? MR. VOLPE: It'll all be very ¢1ose before you know it, let me tell you. MR. PERKINS: You talk about the flyovers, you're talking about Broward County? MR. VOLPE: No, I was talking about Collier County. MR. CONSTANTINE: Just for the record, can we get names of all speakers? MR. DEWULF: Richard DeWulf. One-third of all the traffic that gets off at the interchange at Pine Ridge and 1-75 has to go down to Airport Road and head south on Airport Road, and that overloads Airport Road. Now, I know Airport is going to be six-laned, but if it's going to come to Golden Gate Parkway having an interchange within five years, you can bet your bottom dollar, OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FL 33962 because you're going to get traffic gridlocked on Pine Ridge Road. MR. COLETTA= Jim Coletta. I have one question= If they ever get to that point and have to six-lane the Parkway, are we going to lose the median, or we still have the right-of-way on both sides if we can get that extra lane in? MR. ARCHIBALD= We'll lose it. MR. CONSTANTINE= Theoretically, we could lose it. I think what you're talklng about for six-laning -- the first section would be six-laned, potentially, would be on the west side of the bridge from 1-75. By the time you got in here six-lane, you're pretty far away. Theoretically, we would lose the -- we're maybe 15 or 20 years from that~ you can correct me if I'm wrong. We could potentially lose the beautification. MR. LAKER= I'm Bill Laker from Golden Gate Estates. I'm talking about four-laning say Immokalee Road and 95 south of Davis Boulevard. Now, I have noticed that the speed limits there are 55 miles an hour, but all the time that they have four-laned it, after they have four-laned it, they've slowed it to 45 miles per hour. How come? OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FL 33962 MR. CONSTANTINE: George? MR. ARCHIBALD: It's a legal requirement based upon design criteria. Whenever we go from a rural design to urban design using curbs and gutters, and wherever you have a curb line, they require you to reduce the speed limit from 55 to 45. It's a design criteria. We're going back on a couple roadways, and fortunately, I think we're going to be doing studies that may Justify increasing t~at speed limit in a number of locations~ primarily on 951, but not on Airport Road from our status. MR. STUART: who? Now George, these standards are set by MR. ARCHIBALD: The federal government. MR. STUART: Really, it's not the county that makes that decision, it's the federal government. Anybody else? MR. GRAHAM: My question is: Are they going to have to six-lane this out in front of here on the Parkway from 951 to Santa Barbara? MR. CONSTANTINE: If we could get a name. MR. GRAHAM: My name is Tom Graham. MR. ARCHIBALD: Let me correct what I Just said OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FL 33962 24 about the medians. The question was whether or not the median would be lost on the Golden Gate Parkway. And I was thinking in terms of the median on that segment to the west of Santa Barbara~ that median will be lost. The median in Golden Gate City itself from Santa Barbara coming back to the east, that does not plan on being expanded to six lanes through the year 2010. MR. HARVEY: Hi, Tim Harvey. And the little comment about the federal government telling what the speed limits are on a particular portion of the road. And the couple of snickers I heard, reminded me of the fact that I've sent information to all the commissioners today with an invitation to either attend or send a representative, someone in the county government, or someone we can trust, to a conference taking place in Ocala, which has to do with the power and authority of county government and as related to a number of counties out west that have somehow adopted the Constitution of the United States as an ordinance, or something to that effect. I don't really know about it -- and even perhape adopted the state constitution as a county ordinance, which puts a tremendous local power back into the county OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FL 33962 25 government. And I hope that a number of you have gotten that information that I faxed to you. But I have some copies here I can give to you if not. Anybody else that's interested, myself and my wife are going up~ we Just found out about it several days ago. But there are some very impressive people coming to give this talk. And as I understand, one of the people in Fort Myers that I talked to who is going is evaluating it, and my part would be to evaluate it also to see if it's really serious; does it mean anything~ is it sensible~ and if so, to invite that conference to be held either in Lee or Collier County or somewhere close by where we can have more people attending. But this will play into many areas where federal government or state government is overpowering local decisions in many areas that I personally feel has been overdone. And in using the hammer of tax dollars which we have sent to Washington or to Tallahassee, and saying we can't have it back if we don't comply with certain things. And I didn't mean to take that much time, but -- if anybody's interested in this information, let me know. MR. THESIN: George Thesin, Golden Gate Estates. You say the federal government regulates the speed limit, OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FL 33962 26 but state and local county regulated the new speed limits to come into effect in Golden Gate Estates. Any questions on that? MR. ARCHIBALD: Can you repeat that? MR. STUART~ Yes. The question~ Did the county regulate the new speed limits in the Golden Gate Estates? MR. ARCHIBALD: The speed limits on certain roadways are designatedby state statute. Those state statutes are in turn based upon federal guidelines or federal laws. In the case of the Golden Gate Estates speed limits, those were revised in certain locations to either, one, reinforce the existing speed limit, or two, establish a speed limit without question. And that power local government does have. MS. COUCHER: My name is Pat Coucher. Mr. Archibald, I noticed that in the past few days, 16th Street -- no, excuse me, 23rd Street has been patched where -- for pavement. But then on 27th Street, a street that's not heavily traffic between -- I'm talking about out in the estates, between White Boulevard and Golden Gate Boulevard -- that 27th Street was completely repayed. Is there plans for all the streets tO be repaved, and why was 23rd only patched when I felt that OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FL 33962 27 it was more heavily traveled? MR. ARCHIBALD= There's two ongoing programs in the Golden Gate Estates to maintain the roads. One program is funded through a GAC Trust. And that program upgrades existing limerock roads to a paved-road standard. So you've got the one ongoing program that, depending upon traffic volume on a certain roadway, allocates funds and makes improvements from limerock to paved-road standard. so on the limerock road you've mentioned, that particular road was upgraded using that GAC Trust. In the case of existing roads out in the Estates that need to be resurfaced -- and we have many, many -- what we do is a service life review of the condition of the roadway. And what we're attempting to do is resurface those roadways to extend their life. So we've got a second program that, in fact, is roadway resurfacing that only applies to those roadways that are currently paved. And in those cases what we're doing is, based upon service life using those resurfacing dollars to resurface and extend the service life based upon a condition survey, which takes into consideration not only the condition, but the subgrades and the ty~e of damage that's occurred over time. OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FL 33962 28 MS. COUCHER= The 27th Street was not a limerock road. It's pavement. MR. ARCHIBALD= Again, it takes into consideration the condition of the street, and in many cases where we have what's called double surface treated roads, in certain cases, they're beginning to unravel. And if we don't go in and resurface the roadway, then we have to end up coming in and reconstructing the base. And the cost of restructuring that roadway is many times the cost of resurfacing. I would expect that if we look at the service life of the adjacent roadways, those may also be on the list to be resurfaced. The funding only allows three to four miles of that resurfacing a year. MR. PERKINS= My name's'A1 Perkins. As long as we're talking about transportation and roads in the estates, I want to bring something up. When's the commission going to pursue getting proscriptive rights to Miller Boulevard Extension so that there's no more accidents and fatalities out there? Right at the present time, they put up all the signs because two people got killed and other people could possibly get hurt. Now, when is that evacuation OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER.COUNTY, NAPLES, FL 33962 29 route from Marco Island and Goodland going to be put in place? It's strictly up to you people to take and do it. Now, we've collected over three million dollars a year out there that is not being spent in the Estates south of the~Alley or in the Belle Meade area. I want to know where their money goes. Did they take and buy nice new Jeep vehicles? Because it didn't go into very fancy wages. Salaries? MR. CONSTANTINE= ~o Jeeps any more. MR. PERKINS= But the point is, before we kill anybody else, we need to take and put that evacuation route in place. Whether you people know it or not, the conservancy representing the Department of Natural Resources, the Government of the State of Florida, all stopped any progress out there and had the signs taken down at Art Surface Road intersection. We had two people get killed out there in a car accident, and one of them could'rs probably been saved, the way I understand it, if an emergency vehicle could have gotten there fast enough. The road was not prohibited. There was two commissioners; one of them is not here tonight, who put OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLESv FL 33962 3O down the spending of a lousy $3,000 to be able to get that emergency vehicle in quick enough to save either your kids, your grandchildren, or my kids, or any strangers that happened to be out in a recreaction area that is a designated, under the cart project, which is conservation recreation. They don't want anybody in there, but at the same time, people are going to be in there, the roads are in place. The evacuation from Marco Island to Goodland has to be put in place versus planting flowers on the Boulevard over here. Thank you. MR. NORRIS: I'd like to see if Mr. Cuyler can address -- Mr. Weigel. Are you here? Mr. Weigel, could you come forward and perhaps talk a bit about the proscriptive rights to ease Mr. Perkins' crusade on it? MR. WEIGEL: I'm David Weigel, Assistant County Attorney. And in regards to proscriptive rights, whether · they would be pursued by Collier County or any group of persons claiming that an easement right existed over property based on usage, the requirements, you may have heard -- the requirements to establish a proscriptive easement are difficult and intensive and require a rather exhausting amount of detail, and they must be proved by OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FL 33962 31 clear and abundant evidence. It requires a period of 20 years of uninterrugted use, which is not consensual, over the private property that may have been used by members of the public. If there is a breakage of the continuity of use by the adverse interest, meaning someone other than the private property owner, by means of signage being replaced, posting for a period of time, consensual use by the owner of the private property for the use of anyone else, which implies by law that consensual use can be revoked. All of these elements prevent the proving of proscriptive easement. So it's a very difficult process, at best. It requires records dating back at least 20 years, because that's the minimum requirement by law that must be proven. And as I mentioned, the elements are very difficult to prove because the legislature is determined with the law that it's provided for proscriptive easement, that the taking of private property shall not be done lightly or easily. HR. NORRIS= Mr. Weigel, are you familiar with the particular road signal that Mr. Perkins is concerned with? OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FL 33962 32 MR. WEIGEL= No. I know it from the map, but I don't know it from personal travel. MR. NORRIS= Perhaps some day next week or in the next couple of weeks if you can take a look at that and see if there may be a basis for proscriptive rights or not, so that Mr. Perkins can be -- his concerns will be put to rest one way or the other. MR. PERKINS= May I respond? George, do you care to respond on it? Because you have all the information and law that went through the county on this. And because of the four commissioners in 1992, Mr. Volpe was one, Saunders was another one, Max Haas was another one, Shanahah is another one. Anne Goodknight voted for it to take and put that $3,000 worth of filling in place. Now, there was no proscriptive rights at that time, but since we made fatality lawsuits against the county and all the rest of them, it's time that this county hack At to take and get that evacuation improved. Would you respond, please? MR. ARCHIBALD= The staff has made a survey of the roadway, and we have been able to confirm and provide evidence to indicate that it has been opened and under public use for over 20 years. OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FL 33962 33 Unfortunately, that's only part of the expense that the county would incur. In going ahead and acquiring those rights-of-way, either by some formal method or the proscriptive right method, would involve a very large cost. In addition, there's been a very strong indication by the permitting agencies that any road improvements that the county may consider would also be very difficult to permit. So in addition to having to overcome the proscriptive rights criteria, we're looking at an endeavor that would be very expensive. MR. PERKINS: What's the cost of one life? You've already lost four out there. What's the cost of one life, especially the kids that live on Marco Island and Goodland area and the ones along 41 that are in the doggon campgrounds over there, and all the new developments. What then? Where are we at? Are we spending -- don't forget, you're talking three million dollars out there. You're sure not giving me anything for my money. If I need a cop, by the time I need him -- MR. NORRIS: Mr. Perkins, we're trying to conduct a meeting here, if you would please. How many accidents OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FL 33962 34 are we concerned about out there? MR. PERKINS= six lawsuits. MR. NORRIS= One person? So far, I think you're involved in On that one road? Is that the only road in the county that we've had a fatal accident on? MR. PERKINS= No. But it's the only road in the county that nothing's been done about. MR. NORRIS= Well, thank you, Mr. Perkins. But I think you heard from some of the county staff that something has been attempted to be done about that. So the statement that nothing has been done is a bit of -- MR. PERKINS: Okay. We need more done then. MR. NORRIS= Okay. MR. STUART= Anyone else have any further comments or questions concerning road improvements in the Golden Gate area? Got several hands. MR. EAGLESTON: Courthey Eagleston, in reference to. beautification on the S-Curve at Santa Barbara and Logan. I'm informed by your staff that they're planning on putting up the six-foot chainlink fence around the retention area, which does not fit into the community. MR. ARCHIBALD: The three retention areas that are required as part of the four-laning of the Santa Barbara OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FL 33962 S-Curve. In all three cases, from the security standpoint, we do plan on following through with the fencing. Many of the residents out there requested that. Also they suggested -- and we're following through with the landscaping of those areas. So when we get through with that project, we feel that those retention areas will be properly secured, and more important, would be acceptable from an esthetic standpoint when that scheduling is established. MR. VOLPE: George, I haven't had the opportunity to ask the question, but in that area of Santa Barbara, we're going to cul de sac -- is it 10th there? MR. ARCHIBALD: Yes. The existing Logan that extends north of Green will become a cul de sac. It will have no outlet to the new S-Curve or the new four-lane of Santa Barbara. So Green will intersect with Santa Barbara at a new four-lane intersection. We've done a little review and analysis of whether or not that would Justify a signal at that location. It doesn't meet the ward requirement, but it's something that we'll keep in mind once that project is completed. You're looking at a completion date of the first part of '95. And that four-lane Santa Barbara, OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FL 33962 36 again, will provide for an intersection with Green. MR. WEGNER: I'm Bill Wegner again about Golden Gate Boulevard. I know they're trying to four-lane it, but they're getting some surveying done out there now. Mr. Archibald, I don't know what that is for, but I know that Just east of 21st Street the road is disintegrating again. It's been disintegrating three times since I've been here in 15 years, and I think something should be looked at there, because it's a bad section. MS. HUGHES: the Parkway? MR. WEGNER: MR. STUART: MS. HUGHES: MR. WEIGEL: MS. HUGHES: MR. WEGNER: MS. HUGHES= MR. STUART: You talked about the disintegration of Boulevard. Golden Gate Boulevard. 21st and 23rd Street. 21st Street. In that area. The road is breaking up badly. Yeah, I noted, too. Yeah. Since we're on Golden Gate Boulevard's four-laning, we might as well talk about what's going on there. The county has approved, and there's a program undergoing for the four-laning of Golden Gate Boulevard. OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FL 33962 How far out does that go? MR. ARCHIBALD= Right now we're doing preliminary design work through the office of the OCP to take a look at the elements of four-laning Golden Gate Boulevard between 951 and Wilson. Right now, it looks like the most expedient cross-section would be a little cross-section where you would have open ditches similar to what you have today to handle and treat the rainfall run-off that falls from the roadway into the ditch areas. That so-called cross-section of what we're looking at and the rights-of-way that may be necessary are very preliminary. The actual need for that roadway from a level-of-service standpoint isn't projected until the late 1900's. Right now in the county's long-term Growth Management Plan, it looks like 1999. But your staff is pursuing some of the preliminary design work so that we're in a position to possibly gain permits and obtain any rights-of-way that we may need early. In terms of level of service and in terms of number of cars, one of our projections is based upon the current volume out there. That's around 10,000 trips per day. Growing at the rate of between 5 and 11 percent per year, OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FL 33962 38 depending upon the rate of growth will depend upon what point in time that proJeot will be needed for four-laning. Again, right now it's projected out in the year 1999. MR. STUART: Any other further comments about highway projects, road projects in Collier County? MR. VOLPE: Probably everyone here is aware of it, but maybe, George, toucb~.ng on Radio Road and Davis Boulevard from Santa Barbara going to the east, in terms of what our plans are, because that will impact upon what seems to be the Golden Gate Community. MR. ARCHIBALD: Outside the five years. MR. VOLPE: It's outside the five-year time period. But what is planned, though, is some reconfiguration of that little -- where the Circle K is. That's going to change, George, in the plan? MR. ARCHIBALD: Yes. Commenting upon whether 84 is relocated to the south. MS. HUGHES: That depends on whether 84's related to the south. For the benefit of the people here, I note I drive 951 and south 84 quite often, and I think most of us see that it's very incredibly dangerous. Can you tell OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FL 33962 39 us what the plans are to that road? MR. ARCHIBALD= The first contract to be constructed will be 1995, and that first laying will be from U.S. 41 up to Rattlesnake Hammock. One of the reasons to that is that some of the utility relocation is already taking plaoe on that project. It was actually designed a number of years ago and it's in the right-of-way acquisition phase today. But it's designed to start construction '95, '96. The next leg from Rattlesnake Hammock north to State Road 84 is planned to continue the following years. So within the next three to four years, you'll see both segments under construction. MR. STUART: I think we've generally discussed the roadways pretty well. Let's move on to the next topic, which is affordable housing. I think we have an issue of definition here. What constitutes, or what are we talking about in affordable housing? And once we sort of define what we're talking about, I think the issue gets a little easier to handle. MR. CONSTANTINE: One of the things that excuse us a little bit here in Collier County is many of our coastal neighbors make a great deal of money. So the OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLESt FL 33962 4O average income in Collier County is a lot higher than some of our neighboring communities. Department of Housing and Urban Development, federal level, has different percentages of average income that they use for very low, low, and moderate income. We chose actually to alter those locally because we didn't think if there was a family of four making $50,00 a year or close to it, that's not who we should be trying to help out~ those people can probably handle it themselves. But according to the HUD statistics, those are the groups that we have potentially been helping out. So we altered our definition a little bit. It's at 50, 60, and 80~ is that right, Greg? MR. MIHALIC= Yes. Under, for instance, the Impact Fee Waiver and Deferral Program, we allow different levels of benefits. But the maximum income you could have to 80 percent of median income, where generally throughout the state, more of these programs are set up to be up to 120 percent of median income. Now 120 percent of median in Collier County would be $50,000 for a family of four. So we did reduce that to 80 percent of median is the maximum. MR. CONSTANTINE~ It's funny. Sometimes when you OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FL 33962 41 hear that term "affordable housing," immediately, you think, "Uh-oh." Over in East Naples on Radio Road, there is a project that was recently approved by this Board. That's a good example, I think, of what we're looking for, although this is a high end of affordable, but they had a mixed use. They had, I think, 200, roughly 200 units, single family homes they were putting in this Forty or 42, 40 some odd number little development. of -- MR. MIHALIC: Forty. MR. CONSTANTINE= -- were going to be affordable~ however, they were going to intersperse those among, one of every one segment set aside, and this was the affordable corner of the project. They were interspersed. So as you drove dow~ the street, you didn't know which families had been helped out, because they had a type of financial situation which had moved in and paid -- many of the houses, the majority of the houses, I think, go for $105 to $109,000. And so that is kind of the idea1 program where you've mixed the two together, nobody is looked down upon or frowned upon. There is an incentive there, obviously, for that homeowner to keep their house looking nice. OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FL 33962 42 So I think that's the best of all worlds and hopefully, we can get more of those. That is one, although that is not what we referred to as mid-level income, I think the 80 percent Greg was speaking of. MR. MIHALIC: Would you like me to speak a little about the the SHIPP Program? In your agenda you talked about affordable housing in SHIPP. Well, SHIPP means State Housing Initiative Partnership Program. That's affordable housing money that is collected from documentary tax stamps by the State that is given back to the county to assist in the affordable housing. We get between $250,000 and $350,000 a year to assist with affordable housing from this money. The Collier County has chosen to use this money in three ways. One way is for impact fee waivers and deferrals for first-time home buyers. And then, depending on what your income is, you can get a 100 percent waiver of your impact fees on a house, you can get a 50 percent waiver or a 50 percent derefta1 of your impact fees, or you'll have to pay 7S percent of your impact fees and get a 25 percent deferral. A~d the maximum income for a family of four to get benefits under the program would be $34,500. OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FL 33962 43 And as your income goes down, if you're a family of four and you make 25,800 or less, you can get a higher benefit, 50 percent waiver, and 50 percent deferral. Or if your income is under $21,500 for a family of four, you can be eligible for 100 percent waiver on your impact fees as long as you're a first-time home buyer. There's also -- let me show you. There's a sheet in the entryway on this program. Please pick it up if you're interested. There's also two other strategies that we're using with the SHIPP money. One of the strategies is to provide rehabilitation assistance for very low income homeowners who presently are in the county and need some rehabilitation in their houses. This will be for, again, a family of four that makes under $21,500. For older people, a single person would have to earn under $15,050 to be eligible for this program. We would offer rehabilitation loans at zero percent interest with deferred payments~ there will be no payments, but the money will be due when you sell your house. We come in and help you fix up your house, fix up any code violations you have, and do rehabilitation. The third program that we're going to use the SHIPP OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FL 33962 44 funds for are down payments, closing costs, and down payment costs for first-time home buyers. Again, the maximum income for a family of four would be $34,500; you'd be eligible for $2,500 down payment on closing cost assistance, zero percent interest, deferred payment. And we also have to tie some rehab money with that because that's the way that the state rules work. So we will also provide up to $2,500 of additional rehab money if you need it to allow you to use the benefit. That will also be zero percent interest, defer payment until you sell the house. Is there any questions I can answer on affordable housing? There is a new Affordable Housing Development in Golden Gate that Just started. It's under construction now; Santa Barbara and Green Boulevard. That will be 78 units of three-bedroom apartments that will rent at below market rates, and that's Just started construction about a week and a half ago, I believe. We Just granted some impact fee deferrals on that project a couple weeks ago. MR. STUART: All that project has the same zoning requirements, the same requirements for plans and for OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FL 33962 45 appearance that apply to all -- MR. MIHALIC= Yes. Normally, affordable housing projects are built to the same standards that market-based projects are. In fact, many times affordable housing projects have more money spent per unit on them because of the way that the tax laws are written, or the developers spend more up front or spend more on the building of the project because it allows them some additional benefits. They also want to reduce the amount of maintenance over the life of the project. So many affordable housing projects are built stronger and better than market-based projects. MR. STUART: What can you tell us about the rate structure for the rent and that type of thing? MR. MIHALIC= Modern affordable housing does have controlled rent, and it's rent that's controlled both by our agreement that we have with the developer as well as other state and federal rules that may be there. For an apartment that is coming on line right now, at this time is opening right now, depending on what income level they're projecting in the apartment, the rents for one bedroom will be approximately $409~ the rent for two bedroom would be $485~ the rents for three OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FL 33962 46 bedrooms would be about $550~ and the rents for four bedroom would be about $645. Now that's not including utilities. If the developer paid some of the utilities on the unit, the rents will be slightly higher than that. MR. STUART= Many of those rents are comparable to house payments in a lot of -- in a lot of areas. MR. MIHALIC= Absolutely. I mean, we've really broadened to encourage home ownership. We need two markets here; one, rental market more aggressively representing the homeowners' market, and many banks are now offering down payments as low as three percent on homes. And through the Department of Housing Urban and House Approval, they can counsel people in home ownership. My number is 643-8330. If you're interested in buying a house or you're going looking for a house now, please give me a call. I'm Greg Mihalic. We will help you determine what's the best situation for you. And there are banks that are offering very low down payment loans for home buyers who are 80 percent or less of the immediate income. It's an excellent time to try to buy a house, and we, the county, OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FL 33962 47 encourage that. MR. STUART= Any public -- any commissioner comment or public comment on the issue? MR. PERKINS= Is there any age limits to that? MR. MIHALIC= No, sir. If you haven't owned a home in the last three years, you're considered a first-time buyer, so you can certainly get that assistance. And we do have a number of older people that are taking advantage of impact fee ~aiver and derefta1 programs to build houses for yourselves. As long as you haven't owned a home in the last three years. In the Rehabilitation Program, we have taken inquiries from interested citizens, and those are primarily older people who have a need for some rehabilitation in their houses. HR. PERKINS: Thank you. MR. STUART= Without any further questions on the issue of affordable housing, we turn now to the issue of the industrial and business development in Collier County. This is one of my favorite issues because it seems to me that we have not really done a good Job over the past years of taking advantage of the attractive climate that we have here, plus the attractive economic OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FL 33962 48 climate that we have in Florida, South Florida, to attract permanent employers, good businesses. What can the county do? What can we as a community do to attract industrial, good quality industrial and high tech businesses here? MR. CONSTANTINE= There's a couple of things we can do. One thing to keep in mind, we don't want to hurt or damage our existing businesses in the process of looking for the new businesses. Last year there were -- I think my statistics are correct -- about three thousand major relocations in the country. Unfortunately, there were about nineteen thousand different communities who were actively seeking comganies to relocate to their community. So that's a challenge to stand out in that nineteen thousand. I had a meeting about two or three weeks ago with a starter corporation out of New Haven, Connecticut, which is a corporation that currently holds the licensing for all the professional franchises, NHL, NFL, NBA, Major League Baseball, for all the clothing, all those things. Virtually all the clothing and hats and everything you see with any of those logos on them are from the Starter Corp. They're about a $350 million a year company, and OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FL 33962 49 they are looking to relocate to Florida for a number of reasons. They did a tour through Florida and stopped in a number of communities, and they're looking for very specific things, and obviously they're looking for any additional tax incentives and those things that they can get. We are working with them, they're coming back for another visit. Actually, they're looking for a fairly large site, and the place they're coming back to look for is the Alico site up where the new university will be. It's on the far side of the Lee County line. But obviously, with a $350 million company, if they're only eight or ten miles away, that's going to have a big impact on our economy as well. They employ a great number of people. Those people would live here. That's the kind of thing we need to look at and work with. We have a couple of corporations, private entities, locally to do that sort of thing. We have Economic Development Council that spend their time trying to bring people down, trying to recruit new businesses. I think we need to work with them. But as I started out saying, we need to be careful ~ot to put our existing companies at any disadvantage when we bring the OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FL 33962 5O others in. I want to make sure it's a fair playing field. MS. MATTHEWS: I'd like to comment on one little item; this is one of my favorites, too. One of the most beneficial ways that we can enhance development in Collier County is to use the local businesses that operate and locate here. The most effective way to expand the economy of the county is to expand the businesses that already exist. The likelihood of attracting outside industries to come and locate here -- I mean, it's great when it happens, but there's a tremendous amount of effort that goes into attracting even a single business, and you may spend your time trying to get 100 or 150 businesses, and maybe if you're lucky, you'll get one. All of that effort would go to a lot more benefit to help our existing businesses expand and grow. An interesting thing that came up out of & conference I was in over the weekend, it's kind of a regional concept. One of things that happens here -- and the EDC has been very good about it -- Collier County doesn't have right now, except possibly Immokalee -- large tracts of industrial property. And what the EDC is finding is that OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FL 33962 51 many of these businesses that want to relocate to southwest Florida, the officers of the corporation want to live in Collier County, but they want to put business in Lee County so that their employees can find what they consider more affordable housing. So that's another reason that we have to get the affordable housing situation under control, so that these companies can locate, if not in Collier County, closer to Collier County. And we can have more of their employees earning money and spending it here in Collier County. MR. VOLPE= In direct response to your question, Collier County government is doing, in my opinion, next to nothing to provide incentives for new businesses to come to this community. In my real life, I do something other than being a county commissioner, and I have a very real client who has a very real business. His gross sales last year were $40 million, he employs 200 people. He has a plastic extrusion plant located in Ravena, New York. He wants to relocate to Naples~ he wants to relocate to Collier County. He's my client; he is my friend. So he called me up and he said, "Mike, Alabama, Georgia, they've got some OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FL 33962 52 incentives to get my business to their community. I want to come to Collier County. What can you do for me?" There was a pregnant pause. A~d I said "Well, we've got a nice climate, we've got the beaches, we've got a labor pool." He said, "Labor pool's fine. I'd like to bring some of my people with me." But there were no economic incentives. I'm a conservative Republican and so I'm cautious about the extent to which government should become involved. But there is such a thing as private-public partnership. And so I thought I had a great idea. I thought about some type of a tax incentive, if we can defer impact fees for people to build a home, who were looking for affordable housing. I thought to myself, well, maybe there's a way we don't have to give away, but maybe we could defer impact fees for new businesses that wish to relocate in Collier County. We'd give them a period of time within which to pay us back. You know, people, business, taxes, sounds like a good idea to me. And then I read that Cape Coral had Just passed an ordinance doing that and doing certain sorts of tax incentives. OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FL 33962 53 Now, sometimes I think I have the greatest ideas in the world, but -- my colleagues tolerate me and all that. But then I find out =hat someone else had the idea before I did. So my answer to that is: We need to do more, we need to do something in the way of economic incentives. Mrs. Matthews mentions we have an enterprise zone located in Immokalee. There are certain tax incentives; that's big business that wants to come there, large tracts of industrial property. All this guy wants is a small building in Naples Production Park, J & C's; that's all he needs. He maybe needs 14,000 square feet with a loading dock. That's all he needs, close to 1-75. We've got an international airport. And someone said the other day to the Board of County Commissioners, well -- when we were talking about attracting new business, they said, "Well, what we really have to focus on is our expansion of existing businesses because we can't compete with Alabama and Mississippi." I mean, maybe I've missed something, but gosh, we are the fastest growing metropolitan area in the United States. Alabama and Mississippi? We need to do better. MR. STUART: We've got beaches and we've got good OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FL 33962 54 weather most of the year. It seems like we ought to be getting more than our fair share of those 3,000 moves each year. HR. CONSTANTINE: I told that speaker, the only thing we couldn't compete with Alabama was in football. HR. NORRIS: You know, Commissioner Volpe, that's a point. We don't offer a lot of incentives financially for a company to relocate here. But one thing that's popular in the business world nowadays is finding a niche, a certain thing that you do well. And of course, what we do real well is provide a place to live for affluent people, our golf courses, our beaches, all the things that we have. And it seems to me that one of our niches could be -- especially since we have such an electronics communication-oriented world -- our niche could be regional or even national corporate headquarters. You go out in the season to the Naples Airport any weekend and you see nearly a hundred business Jets sitting on the airport. These executives already know that it's here, and they already use those facilities for their recreational purposes. It seems to me that the proper group of people OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FL 33962 55 would be able to convince some of these major corporations to locate some sort of a headquarters here. Very simply, that would give them an excuse to write off their weekend vehicle trips, and so forth, when they came down here to visit those headquarters. I think that's a niche that we should explore with the proper agencies. MR. PERKINS: Can I say something to that? MR. CONSTANTINE= Corporate headquarters on Miller Boulevard. MR. PERKINS: If you want to, that's fine. Now, you've danced all around it. And Mr. Volpe said -- and he didn't say the right thing. We do not have an international airport here~ they have it up there. We need to take and be able to get a payload in here and a payload out of here that is economical to where a manufacturer can ship. Now, don't Just look at this country and don't look at this state. I want to ship to South America, to Africa -- to Africa and to Europe and to Asia. Because this could be the hub, which is Atlanta, right now. Up there is the hub. Why not us? They can put a lot of people to work and we can OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FL 33962 56 take and make a lot of money. Not only that, we can take and get the executives dow~ here. They'll, you're right, write it off. They'll play both ends against the middle. Thank you. HR. CONSTANTINE= I was at the same conference Commissioner Matthews was at this past week. And one of the things we talked about was the importance of working together regionally. And you're right, we don't have it in Collier County. But that doesn't mean we don't have the ability to use it in Collier County and take advantage of the international airport. Nearly 40 percent of the passenger traffic coming and going from that international airport is coming to Collier County. And I've got to think, we can do Just as you said with cargo and some of those things. There's no reason we can't be doing the same thing. As far as not from an international standpoint but from strictly a business and commercial standpoint, I think that's the direction we're headed with the Immokalee Air9ort, is being able to use that for commerce. And you've read in the newspapers, as of late, a great deal about our new airport authority and our OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTYv NAPLES, FL 33962 57 developing the airports. And if you are not aware, that's my background. I came to Collier County from the aviation industry. My company used to run the Marco Island Airport, among other things. So I'm very familiar with what we can and can't do with those airports. I think we are going to be able to do shipping of some produce and some of those things out of that Immokalee Airport. But it at least is going to take time. MR. VOLPE: It'd be nice to hear from some of you. Maybe you can write us a little note as to whether you think there's more we should be doing and what it is that you think we could do or should do or should consider to provide those kinds of economic incentives. Agriculture is still the Number i industry in Collier County, Number 2 is tourism, and Number 3 is construction. That's not the way that we're going to build the economic future of Collier County. And just another little story, and I won't bore you very long. But there's a company here called Allen Systems. It's a worldwide computer~ it's the high tech industry that my colleagues are talking about. He's been trying for the last three years to get financing to build OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FL 33962 58 a building at the old stonebrunner project down there. And he can't get financing locally, there's nothing to be done. He employs 120 people worldwide. He wants to put his corporate headquarters there. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: How many did he say he needs? MR. VOLPE: You can call him. But my point is that there's got to be something that private-public partnerships can do that's got someone who's here who's apt to be an existing business, who's going to leave this area because he can't get some sort of economic assistance to at least get him started. And it's a very financially viable company. MR. STUART: Don't we have a problem even before we get into the financing? Isn't it difficult for a start-up business to get through the development bureaucracy, the red tape that goes on there? Don't we have a step that people who are not even interested in the financial incentives have to go through because of -- because of the red tape there? Is there anybody -- is there anybody that I or someone could pick up the phone at the county and say, "I have this problem. Can you help me get through this?" OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES~ FL 33962 59 Other than you four. MR. CONSTANTINE= Definitely any one of us four. But also, you're right, the Land Development Code is very challenging. A lot of the things with our occupational licenses and all those. At least three of us own our own businesses, and it is very challenging to do even the simple things. Dick Clark is our active administrator of Developmental Services and has streamlined some of them. He's only been in there four or five months, but he's been able to streamline some of those activities. He has suggested -- we have a Land Development Code that's probably close to two inches thick -- and he has suggested that we can at least cut that in half by Just going through common sense, which I tend to believe. We Just approved our changes to the Land Development Code last night at a public hearing. And as I went through those two weeks ago, some of the changes were minimal, but -- the item itself -- we were changing words within a particular -- within different items. The items themselves, I was wondering, why is government even involved in these? Because we were doing exactly as you said, simply making it more OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FL 33962 6O difficult. I think that's, along with any incentives, that's the key to not only keeping their businesses, but bringing in businesses is simplifying the process. MR. VOLPE~ I agree. I think we do a much better job than most in terms of streamlining the permitting process. Probably you all have your horror story to tell about how long it's taken you to get a simple building permit and that sort of thing. But what has happe~sd here is you've got a Board of County Commissioners that's looking at doing something as it relates to economic development. You've got the Economic Develogment Council, you've got the Naples area Chamber of Commerce, you've got Golden Gate Chamber of Commerce, you've got all of these different organizations who are on their own mission trying do the same thing. And there is no central clearinghouse through which my client says, okay. Who do I talk to to get all of the answers that I need, whether it has to do with permitting, whether it has to do with economic incentives. There is no clearinghouse. And so what we've done is, the Board, is we have at least tried the provide the leadership to bring together a sort of a central clearinghouse, one number that you OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FL 33962 61 call, at some point that's where we'll be at. So you don't end up having to talk to the Economic Development, House of Chamber of Commerce, the Development Services, Board of County Commissioners. You find one entity that someone can at least channel you and get you in the right direction. That will go a long way. I think Jim can address that. MR. COLETTA: Thank you. Jim Coletta for the record I also am President the Golden Gate Chamber of Commerce. And when it comes to small business, I consider myself an authority. I got a small business. I might not be small, but my business is. I think in this county -- now I'm not blaming you as commissioners -- in this county if a small business succeeds, it's not because of the county government, it's in spite of it. We kind of -- most people aren't too sympathetic for business. Regrettably, we're in the profit motive thing; we're trying to make a profit. Meanwhile, we pay the majority of the taxes. collect six percent sales tax all month long, which I get no reimbursement for, I turn it over to the State. It's more than I can ever make in one month's time. I'm glad to do it, but that's one of the many things. OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS~ COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FL 33962 62 I also pay a personal property tax on the equipment that I own; it's astronomical. It's the kind of money if I still had, I could afford to raise my employees' wages up to a much higher level, but that money's gone to the county. I'm not skimming it off. My wife, she works for a living, she brings home a pay check; it makes all the difference. But what I'm trying to get across to you is I'm not getting rich at what I'm doing. I have ~o pay a tremendous number of taxes, I have to live with ordinances and rules and laws that are sometimes oppressive. We were Just talking about the permitting procedure. Now, I'm in the rental equipment business. I deal with contractors all day long. Every one of them that I talked to said, "Don't get a permit. You Just go ahead and do what you want to do. It's not worth the trouble they're going to put you through." I want to tell you something. I don't trust anybody out there, so I went for the permit. I started four and a half months ago, I got my permit today. We just started the reconstruction. I appreciate the fact that it only took four and a half months, but the thing is, that if I wasn't a little bit better prepared, if I OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FL 33962 63 didn't have my wife working, if I didn't have the resources I got, I would have died along the way. And I employ six people who take home a paycheck from me. There's thousands of other ones out there Just like me. Now, if you didn't stop to do something for us, do such things as take a look at that sign ordinance that we got, it's so restricted that we can't have people find our business. A lot of people here in Golden Gate -- I've been here now for eight years -- still don't know where Golden Gate Rental is. I have to advertise in the telephone book, half-page adds, I pay eight hundred some dollars a month for that. Tremendous amount of advertising, and I still got people coming up to me because I can't get the right kinds of signs across. I think you're going in the right direction in a lot of things as far as the beautification, requiring certain types of setbacks and all that. But take a little bit of common sense into some of these things. Don't get so carried away with some of these rules and regulations to the point that you stifle us. The chance of any one of us making it past the first year is only one out of three. In five years' OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FL 33962 64 time, there's only one of us left. The end of ten years, the chance of any one business being here in ten years is extremely remote. So keep all this in mind. You're missing the mark on some of the things~ a lot of things you're doing right. The problem we're dealing with here is bureaucracy. That Just can't be helged. It's in place. Trying to get around it is difficulty. What we're doing with the chamber, we're taking one step forward. We have our own Economic Development Committee out there trying to attract business. I don't know if we'll be successful, but I guarantee you we're u9 and running, waiting for you. We'll work with you. Just as soon as you got your act together, we'll bring ours in with you. But we are going to try to bring the right kind of businesses into Golden Gate. We're being very selective what we bring in, and we'll keep you abreast what we plan to do. But we're taking action on your own. Thank you. MR. CONSTANTINE= I a99reciate the fact the Golden Gate Chamber has formed this past year the Economic Development Committee. However, I take a little exception of the fact that "We need to get our act OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FL 33962 65 together," that "we are doing nothing at thie point," because I don't think that's the case. We can certainly do more, and we can certainly improve on what we're doing, but I don't know that we're doing nothing at this point. We will gladly work with the Golden Gate Chamber in any effort along those lines. MR. KLOUS: Richard Klous. I Just go along with Jim. I've been in business here for 25 years. And in construction just out in Golden Gate Estates -- Just one little point, which is why I'm here tonight -- the interpretation of the law or the rules that have to do with getting a permit. And we have now on the corner lots, which is a big issue right now, the people are trying to build houses, and there'e an interpretation of the law that lets a person of an acre and a half have buildable 60 feet, or 54 feet, excuse me. And a person that bass 180 foot on the corner in Golden Gate Estates can only build 45 feet. Now, I read the law, the other people read the law, and the interpretation I think is wrong. But that'e what the interpretation is we have now. So I think it would be good if we direct the people that -- let's make a correct interpretation. Let's eimplify it so there isn't OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FL 33962 66 two or three interpretations of the same law. MR. CONSTANTINE= I've had a chance to talk to Richard about this. That's absolutely right, it doesn't make any sense if you have the corner lot you're, in effect, penalized, and you may actually have more acreage but have less space to be developed on. So that's something we need to -- that Governmental Services should get clarified. Hopefully administratively~ if not, the Board needs to take action on that. MR. STUART: Does anyone else have any questions, comments, on economic development issues? If not, let's go on the Community Center Expansion. The Golden Gate Community Center is about to be expanded shortly. I don't know whether you want to talk about that, Tim, or have Sandy or someone. MR. CONSTANTINE= Why don't I start and then I think we may even have something here Tom can tell us a little bit about, and he may even have some diagrams and all here. MR. STUART= Great. MR. CONSTANTINE= For those of you who don't know, we're looking at expanding the Community Center. We're at about 10,000 square feet right now, but we're looking OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FL 33962 67 at adding an additional 15,000 square feet over here on the west side of the building. It will have a gymnasium/theater combo, if you will. It'll have a full stage area and all. A little more workable, I guess, than this one from a production standpoint. We'll have bleachers that will be located on the side. But Sandy, I think we still have them in the plans that they will be movable so we can use them either on the back wall or the side walls or whatever is appropriate for each individual event. Obviously there is a need for more meeting rooms. You can come in any given night and virtually every room in the Community Center right now is being used every night, and I think of this as the perfect example. We hear about impact fees, and it's frustrating if you're building a place to spend impact fees. And the catch phrase is always "growth paying for growth." This is a nice things~ is the community of Golden Gate has outgrown this facility at its current size. Growth is going to pay for growth~ the impact fees are paying for the additional space. And the special taxing district that has paid for this initial building will only pay for the maintenance and upkeep on just the OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FL 33962 68 initial portion. And impact fees and the general fund will pay for -- impacts fee, will pay for construction and the general funds will pay for the maintenance on the new buildings. Tom can you give some of the details there and has some sketches here. We'll take a look at them. MR. CONDERCODE= I don't know if I can add a whole lot of detail to what C~missioner Constantine did. He summarized it up pretty well in terms of square footage and types of facilities that are going to be added. The schedule for the project is to begin construction this fall and have the facility open. The target date right now is March in the spring of 1995. So it's on a fast track and definitely is a much needed facility, and we're anxious Just to get it under way. MR. VOLPE~ Just a thought. I mentioned I've been a resident of this area since 1980, and the entrepreneur told me a long time ago that someone should build a movie theater in Golden Gate and charge something less than $7 or $6. And you know, I think Commissioner Constantine may have struck on it. OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FL 33962 69 This is probably larger than most of the Cobb Theaters that I've ever been in. And as a part of what we're trying to do for our young people, this probably -- this hall gets used less for these purposes, but maybe the county could undertake some sort of program as a part of our -- to have some sort of our parks and recreation to have some evening movies for the young people in Golden Gate and Golden Gate Estates, charge them something less than $7. Close to home, not too far away, and we can really provide -- we're always looking for some nice things to do for our young people. And again, I don't know what it would take. Mr. Condercoad, Office of Capital Projects, maybe as part of the program, maybe we need a big screen here that we could use, but I think it would be wonderful for this community to have a movie theater, and I don't think we'd be treading on 18-screen megathon. We'll charge two dollars. MRS. MATTHEWS= That's an easy project. MR. STUART: We had a question. MR. HENNING: For the record my name is Tom Henning. I commend the commissioners approving the expansion of the -- our center here~ it's greatly needed. OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FL 33962 7O The State has done a very good job of filling it. I do have a concern of construction that we might be deterring activities that do take place at the center; during the construotion they might not be able to do whatever they do. I Just hope that doesn't come to where people have to go somewhere else for their activities. Maybe we could possibly expand the construction to accommodate the people. MR. CONDERCODE= Currently the plan is to build in two phases; we'll build the addition, open it up, and come back into this facility and do the renovation. So we don't intend to stop the operation of that facility except for maybe a few days during the transmission from one phase to another. MR. STUART: Is there any way that activities such as Frontier Days to be accommodated at this location during the construction? HR. CONDERCODE: That's, from what I understand, that's the large part of what's driving our schedule at this point, so it won't interfere with any of those annual events like Frontier Days and some of the other activities that Golden Gate has. HR. STUART= So you're aware of the Frontier Days OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FL 33962 71 coming? MR. CONDERCODE= Yes. MR. STUART= Question back here. MR. RUBLE: My name is Leo Ruble, I've been passionate in the last eight years how these matters have worked. And when I use my hands is what not I'm known for, and my granddaughter, she seen me for the first time, and she admitted. But what I'm wondering about is we have to have a lot of expense for lighting. And I'm wondering, will there be a lot of lighting for the stage things in the project? MR. CONDERCODE= Unfortunately, I can't speak to the specifics of the lighting and the stage lighting at this point. MR. Ruble: You take that into consideration, we'd appreciate it. MR. CONDERCODE: I see Sandy coming forward. She may be able to give you a few more of the specifics on that. SANDY: I think there's about $20,000 in the budget right now for some stage lighting. But also, the people at History have made an offer of some assistance with it. MR. CONSTANTINE: The hope was that we can make OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FL 33962 72 regular basis. being History. can -- that staging attractive enough to actually have perhaps community theaters and those type things on a more We only need one or two items a year, one And with that money in those things we MRS. WEGNER= I'm in favor of this expansion, but with all the talk about the overhead, I mean, the incline to get onto 1-75 and off, I Just hope the architects have thought of how strong it has to be in order to counteract the noise that all that ~raffi¢ will make. When you build overheads, like over churches, like some of you suggested here earlier, you really have to 91an for heavy ceilings and traffic. And some of these churches, like in another city I was in, they've had to be much more aware of overheads because these overheads have come real close to the churches. They make too much noise on Sunday, and you can't hear the sermon. MR. CONSTANTINE= Mr. Condercode, I assume our architecture technology takes all those thoughts into consideration. MR. CONDERCODE= Yes. MR. STUART: We are Just about out of time. We should probably address one final issue and that is the OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FL 33962 73 landfill. My recollection is that the Board had directed additional study of the landfill and where to -- and how to better handle solid waste in the future. Please confirm to us that the landfill expansion that has been previously proposed is not only dead, but good and dead. MR. CONSTANTINE: I spoke to the Golden Gate Civic Association about a week and a half ago, and in what I dubbed the State of the Gate Address, they talked about different issues that had been going on or are going on in Golden Gate. And I said the one of which I am probably the most proud is the fact that last year the Board stated very clearly they had no intention to expand that landfill, and I think that's still the intention of the Board. There's nobody Jumping up here. We've been pretty clear on that. One of the things we're trying to do, we are required to have a certain number of life years left in a particular landfill or to have alternative ways that we're going to get rid of our waste. So we're trying to make sure -- we're down to about seven years if we continue to do things the way we have been doing them. So we're looking at -- and we have some firms doing OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FL 33962 presentation for the Board -- as to how to best use the land that is still available under the original footprint at that landfill, and that may be through more recycling and some composting or any number of things. And they will present those to us. So we may get a couple of years, maybe five or six or seven, eight years longer than the seven years. We'll wait and see what the presentations come back before we assign a number of years. But we don't expand that at all to the additional land that went to the north. I think the Board has been very clear; I don't think there's any chance of argument. And the other thing, odor control. MR. NORRIS= Separately, we've also got some people working on the odor control system for the landfill, the present landfill, which if it turns out to be successful, should go a long ways towards making that landfill pretty much invisible if there's no odor associated, rather, very little odor associated with it. Most people won't even know it's there, which would be a blessing, I think. So this is a separate item than the one Commissioner Constantine was talking about, for looking at alternative technologies to maximize the landfill OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FL 33962 property that we now own. Separately, we're working on something that'll take care of the odor control for the future. But he's correct, we have stated on a couple of occasions as a Board, and I believe it was unanimous, that we don't intend to expand to the other portion of the landfill property that was designated that we, the county, does own. I assume that we're, as a show of good faith, what we should probably do is put that back on the market and resell it. MS. HUGHES: How about a major regional park avoiding faulty ramps? MR. VOLPE: Well, we've satisfied all of the conditions of the Growth Management Plan that relates to regional park. We've got a 57 acre parcel of grounds out in Im~okalee Road to be developed at a later point in time. I prefer to sell the money and put it in the bank and use it for some other purpose. But that's the ground that -- or leave it Just as green space and maybe we can all let you walk out there, Commissioners Norris. And the rest of us get the odor control and Just go out there and have, commune with nature. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: I had one last comment to OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FL 33962 76 make with reference to the Tourist Development Tax. When that was passed, the majority of tourists voted it and it's illegal. Some attorneys want to make some money for themselves and they're pursuing this thing. I give the Board credit for standing your ground and wanting to latch onto that $5 million because there may be only a couple people they encourage to try to get some money back, but they would be the ones who reap the benefits. And so we should stand b~ our Board of Commissioners and tell those attorneys, particularly if they live in Collier County, they should be ashamed of themselves and we ought to run them out of town. MR. VOLPE: There're a couple of us that -- in this room -- who try to make a living practicing law, but your point's well made. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER= I think they solicited the customer rather than the customer soliciting them. MR. VOLPE: But so far we're ahead. So far we're ahead, and I think we're probably going to end up on the right side of that issue. There's a whole long story about all of that, but hopefully what will happen is that -- just as what's happened so far, that $5 million is going to come back to the community. We haven't OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FL 33962 77 cheated anyone out of anything. I think that I'm the only member of the Board -- were we all sitting together when I came to the remedial legislation? MR. NORRIS: Yes. MS. HUGHES: Not the remedial. MR. VOLPE: We've been -- the attorneys on the Board, with the help our own County Attorney's Office, have been rather creative in trying to outfox the other attorneys. MS. JENKINS: Hi. My name is Barbara Jenkins, and I just have one question about the landfill. I'm very happy it's not the standard. But I -- when we talked about that at the workshop, there was discussions that the landfill life would last seven years. And I've been to some meetings lately, and I've heard 20 years, the last one Mr. Lorenz talked about maybe with the new technology, it will last 50 years. And I'm a little concerned that if we go higher with the cells and they're talking -- one firm talked 155 feet. That concerns me a lot because I don't know what effect would have on Golden Gate being the gateway of the community. MR. CONSTANTINE: That was one proposal. I haven't OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FL 33962 78 heard the 50 years~ that's new to me. I've heard some projections of 50 and some of 20. MS. BETTY HUGHES= I heard 30 today. MR. CONSTANTINE= I suppose we'll hear all kinds of things. We won't really know until we get the proposals officially presented to the Board, and then it becomes a point of dollars versus the community. We may think it's all right to go an extra ten years if that means an extra 20 feet on each cell. When you get to 155 feet, where are you going to be able to see from? What's that do to the neighborhood? What's that do to the community? Those are all valid questions. So I think we need to balance that out; we'll crack it right now, but they're all Just projections or proposals or what have you. So we'll need to listen to all of those carefully and make a decision. MR. NORRIS: That's all I'd like to see. I think we should Just wait now. We're close enough to getting an answer. Rather than sitting here and speculate that it's going to be 150 feet or 500 feet tall, and it's going to be here for the next 2,000 years, why don't we Just wait at this point and Just see what the different OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FL 33962 79 proposals are from the different firms, and then we'll know. We don't have to guess, is it going to last 10 years? Is it going to last 20 years? Is it going to last 30? We won't have to guess~ we'll have a firm bid quote on all these items. So I think that's what we should do at this point and Just wait. MR. CONSTANTINE: I think I speak for the whole Board when I thank you all for coming and I thank you all for having us here. I ~hink it's important that we get out and communicate, not only tell you what's going on, but make sure we know what's going on in your mind. Make sure we know what the community wants because that's how we can best serve you. Thanks a lot. (Meeting concluded at 9:17 p.m.) OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FL 33962 There being no further business for the Good of the County, the meeting was adjourned by Order of the Chair - Time: 9:17 P.N. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS/BX OFFICIO GOVERNING BOARD(S) OF SPECIAL DIST~]~%CTS UNDER iTS CONTROy TI~ ~HAIRMAN Page 8O STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF COLLIER ) I, Terri L. Schultz, Deputy Official Court Reporter, do hereby certify that the foregoing proceedings were taken before me at the date and place as stated in the caption hereto on Page I hereors that the foregoing computer-assisted transcription, consisting of pages numbered 2 through 79, inclusive, is a true record of my Stenograph notes taken at said proceedings. Dated this 8th day of June, 1994. Deputy Official Court Reporter 20th Judicial Circuit STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF COLLIER The f~or_~egoing certificate was acknowledged before me this ~ day of June, 1994, by Terri L. Schultz, who is personally known to me. State of Florida at Large OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FL 33962