BCC Minutes 06/17/1994 B (Budget Workshop)Naples, Florida, June 17, lgg4
LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commissioners in
and for the County of Collier, and also acting as the Board of Zoning
Appeals and as the governing board(s) of such special districts as
have been created according to law and havinG conducted business
herein, met on this date at 8:30 A.M. in BUDGET WORKSHOP SESSION
in Building "F" of the Government Complex, East Naples, Florida, with
the following members present:
CHAIRMAN: Timothy J. Constantine
VICE-CHAIRMAN: Betrye J. Matthews
John C. Norris
Michael J. Volpe
Burr L. Saunders
ALSO PRESENT: Sue Barbtretti and Marilyn Fernley, Deputy Clerks;
Dwight Brock, Clerk of Courts; Pat Welch, Administrative Assistant to
the Clerk of Courts: Nell Dotrill, County Manager; Will~am HatGert,
Assistant County Manager; Tom Conrecode, Office of Capital Projects
Management Director; Bill Lorenz, Environmental Services
Administrator; George Archibald, Transportation Services
Administrator; Mike Smykowski, Acting Budget Director; Ed Finn and
Jean Gansel, Budget Analysts; John Drury, Collier County Airport
Director; George Moore, Marco Island Airport Manager; Steve Price,
Airport Authority Budget Committee Chairman; and Paul Brigham, Court
June 17, 1994
Legal notice having been published In the Naples Daily News on
June 11, 1994, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the
Clerk, a budget workshop was held to review line Item budgets for
Tape #1
State Attorney
Jean Gansel, Budget Analyst, introduced Mr. Pearlman and Ms.
Stansbro from the State Attorney's Office in Fort Myers.
Ms. Gansel reported that the State Attorney budget is increasing
by 12%. She said that one of the major capital costs included is
$10,000.00 for securing their reception area.
In response to Commissioner Constantine, Ms. Stansbro replied that
the cost of the fax machine is not a replacement but an addition.
In response to Commissioner Constantine, Ms. Stansbro stated that
a color printer Is not a necessity but will be helpful with diagrams
and presentations.
Ms. Stansbro stated that a color printer is listed at $569.00 and
a black and white printer is listed at approximately $350.00.
Public Defender
Ms. Gansel introduced Marlene Williams and Jim Sullivan from the
Public Defender Office in Fort Myers.
Ms. Gansel stated that the County pays for similar items as
referenced In the State Attorney's office, such as office space, uti-
lities, communication and transportation costs. In addition, the
County pays for two attorneys and one secretary.
In response to Commissioner Constantine, Mr. Sullivan stated that
the Public Defender Office in Naples has 13 employees.
Mr. Sullivan explained that the large increase in caseload
requires the utilization of two additional printers.
County/Circuit Court Costs
Ms. Gansel stated that the page depicting costs for County/Circuit
Court has been revamped to better reflect where the costs are being
June 17, 1994
distributed. She that the Court Reporter costs are included because
the Public Defender operation is court ordered.
In response to Commissioner Matthews, Ms. Ganeel stated that the
cost of the Clerk of Court employees who sit in the courtroom are
included in this budget.
Me. Ganeel stated that the other major costs include court
appointed attorneys.
In response to Commissioner Matthews, Paul Brigham, Court
Administrator, stated that these attorneys are court appointed because
of conflict with the Public Defender Office or the Public Defender
could declare that he does not have the resources to handle his case-
In response to Commissioner Matthews, Mr. Brigham stated that the
Public Defender Budget is not included in this budget because their
funding is a combination of State and County funding. He said that
the State funds the Public Defender employees.
Commissioner Matthews remarked that if the State funds the
employees salaries and it is the Public Defender Office that has the
conflict, why is the County funding this item?
Mr. Brigham stated that the State should be funding all court
costs. He said they have never appropriated the money since the
change in Florida Statutes and the Constitution. He stated that ten
years ago the Statute stated that the costs were the State's respon-
sibility but they have never funded it.
In response to Commissioner Matthews, Mr. Brigham stated that the
County tries to pass the costs back to the State at every possible
opportunity. He said that Chapter 43, Line 28, says that whatever the
State does not fund, the County must fund.
Commissioner Matthews questioned how often the County requests
reimbursement? She said that this is a State responsibility and does
not think the Gounty should fund it.
Mr. Brigham replied that a few months ago, the Florida Association
of Counttee (FAC) sent a survey regarding court costs. He said that
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the survey stated that it is a State responsibility, but the County
has been generous enough to fund these Items.
Commissioner Matthews stated that her generosity is running thin.
She said that the County has other needs for its' citizens if the
State were doing what it was supposed to do. She asked if the Board
of County Commissioners are ready to send the State a bill? She
asked if the County is assuming the expenditure because the State
says they do not have enough money.
Mr. Brigham replied that the position of the County and every
other County in the State is that it is a State expenditure, and tt is
incumbent upon court Staff to use the funds appropriated by the Board
of County Commissioners wisely. He said that they try to move toward
contracts with attorney firms rather than doing things on a case-by-
case basis.
Commissioner Constantine asked If the FAC is pursuing legislation
changes or pursuing legal fixtures?
Mr. Brigham replied that earlier in the year the Board was Invited
to participate in a lawsuit against the State regarding this issue.
He said that almost on an annual basis the FAC does something to pro-
test the court costs.
Commissioner Matthews remarked that because the FAC is involved in
so many issues, it may not be a strong enough protest.
In response to Commissioner Constantine, Mr. Brigham stated that
he does not believe that enough Counties are ready to follow through
with the lawsuit. He said he would check and follow up.
Commissioner Matthews stated that she is not opposed to the fact
that the money will have to be spent because the State has not
allotted for it, but stated that she would like to see the State carry
more of its burden next year.
Co~miseioner Saunders suggested that the Board compose a letter
expressing their concerns and have Commissioner Matthews present the
letter to the FAC at their meeting next week in Fort Lauderdale.
Commissioner Matthews stated that she appreciates the 9~ reduction
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in overall costs and the monitoring of funds. She reiterated that
this cost should be borne by the State of Florida at large and not the
citizens of Collier County.
Commissioner Matthews agreed to draft the letter to the FAC.
Ms. Ganeel noted that Page 20 depicts the Criminal Justice Trust
Fund. She noted that there is an additional fee that is attached to
Court Costs that the State Legislation passed that transfers funds
into the General Fund to offset some of the costs. She said the
amount of $285,000.00 is transferred for the State Attorney, Public
Defender and the Medical Examiner.
Mr. Brigham pointed out that the County is collecting 55~ of fines
Commissioner Matthews stated that the County is spending taxpayers
money to collect the fines and the State continues to get 100~ of
their share without sharing in the cost of collection.
County Prob~tion
Me. Ganeel stated that at the last budget workshop, the Board
ranked as "Essential" an additional Probation Officer and a
part-time/full-time secretary for the Intensive Supervision Immokalee
Program. She said that the costs associated with those positions are
$67,000.00. She pointed out that the revenues have been decreasing in
this budget.
George Drobinskt, Probation Director, stated that the Statute pro-
vides for a number of statutory waivers for misdemeanor offenders who
are sanctioned to probation. He said that if they are elderly, stu-
dents or handicapped they may be subject to waiver of fees.
In response to Commissioner Constantine, Mr. Drobtnski explained
that the part-time secretarial position will be expanded to full-time
in the Naples area. He explained that Statute recommends that an
Intensive case load not exceed 50 offenders, he said that there are
currently 62 offenders on the program at this time. He stated that
the Contact Program includes a number of contacts per week and status
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checks from the secretary.
In response to Commis·ioner Matthews, Mr. Drobtnskt stated that
this overall budget includes the new 900 automated ·ystem program.
· es Commissioner Yelps entered the meeting at this time see
#/tneHm Nana~Mnt/Victil Assistance
Ms. Ganeel stated that there is an overall increase of 12.8~ for
Witness Management which is attributed to an expanded program to auto-
~ate the records.
Gou~.t Secul'L":y
Ms. Ganeel stated that the proposed budget will maintain the
current Court Security operation. She recalled that the Federal
Marshal's Service did a study regarding whether the Sheriff's Office
should undertake that program. She said that the Sheriff has proposed
a budget but has not included figures in his budget. She reported
that the difference would be approximately $75,000.00 more per year if
the Sheriff'e Office assumes responsibility of the operation.
Ms. Ganeel clarified that the dollar figure has not been included
in the Sheriff's budget.
Mr. Brtgha~ pointed out that the target date for the transfer of
security to the Shertff~s Office is April 1, 1995. He stated that the
Judges wish that the security be transferred to the Sh·riff's Office
in accordance with the response from the U.S. Marshal's Service.
County Manager Derrill stated that he Is concerned as to whether
there Is a Justifiable need. He recalled that when the Court House
first opened there was a period of time when Sheriff's Deputies pro-
vided the security. He said that resulted in a great deal of concern
in the community that more Deputies were inside the Courthouse than in
any District in the County. He said that Mr. Brigham provided him
with a copy of th· Federal Marshal's report. He stated that he would
make cop/es of the report for the Board members. H· concluded that ·
determination has to be made as to who requested the survey and the
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extent of problems because the funding is not addressed in anyone's
Commissioner Constantine suggested leaving the budget as it is and
hear the Sheriff's suggestions.
In response to Commissioner Volpe, Mr. Dotrill stated that this
would be a substitution of personnel that would no longer require the
County Security Officers. He mentioned that some physical security
requirements would be necessary, such as a security wall around the
Judges parking lot and a guard gate.
In response to Commissioner Volpe, Mr. Brigham replied that priva-
tizing the security force was considered years ago. He said it was
determined that it was cheaper to provide the service in-house rather
than contract it out.
Mr. Brigham stated that he would like to see all security for the
Courthouse under one agency to be run by the Sheriff's Office.
In response to Commissioner Volpe, Mr. Brigham replied that if the
operation were to be operated by the Sheriff's Office, the Court
Security Department would be dissolved. He said that the Staff would
be invited to apply for the positions in the Sheriff's Office.
Commissioner Matthews asked what benefit would the citizens
gain with this change?
Mr. Brigham stated that the principle benefit is tighter security
in the Courthouse. He said that the second benefit would be that all
security would be operating under one agency. He stated that the
third benefit would be that security communications would be open at
all times. He explained that presently the bailiffs operate on a dif-
ferent frequency than the Courthouse security people.
Commissioner Constantine stated that the budget will remain as is
before the final budget.
Court ~iniltr&tLon
Commissioner Constantine asked if this budget includes the
Volunteer Coordinator that was "red flagged" at the last workshop?
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Ms. Ganeel replied that one person was requested to share a posi-
tion with the Clerk of Courts. She said that half the salary is
included in the expanded request. She stated that this was ranked as
In response to Commissioner Constantine° Mr. Brigham replied that
the Board added $30,000.00 to the Human Resources budget for the Recap
Mr. Brigham stated that the Personnel Request Form detailed that
50~ of this persons time would be spent on Citizens Foster Care Review
Panel. He said that the Panel provides a great service to the
children involved in the Dependency System. He said that members of
the Panel are here today to comment on the program.
Commissioner Constantine stated that public comment is not usually
part of the budget workshop.
Commissioner Saunders stated that he asked the members to come
today to explain what the program was about. He said that he distri-
buted a letter he received from Sheriff Hunter. He read a letter that
he received from Judge Blackwell that supported the position.
Mary Shamba, Chairman of the Executive Board of the Citizens
Foster Care Review Panel, explained the program to the Board.
Commissioner Constantine stated the Board is not suggesting that
we not do the program. He said that at yesterday's budget workshop, a
discussion was held on a position in another department that was only
going to be a few hours per week. He said that rather than fund both
positions a discussion was held on funding both positions together.
Commissioner Volpe asked if Health & Rehabilttattve Services (HRS)
monitored the placement of children?
Ms. Shamba replied that HRS does monitor placement, but the Foster
Care Review Panel monitors HRS.
Commissioner Norris remarked that the program is valuable but what
is being discussed today is an adminietrat~ve position and where the
position will be located.
Commissioner Saunders remarked that he believes that the Board
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will fund the position. He said that the issue is where the position
will be located.
It was the consensus of the Board to fund the position and direct
Staff to determine under which Division would be most appropriate for
Co~t Counseling
Commissioner Matthews remarked that the majority of the 5~
increase is in Personal Services. She stated that this is in line
with the salary increases that have been suggested.
C~rcu~t Cou~t Judges
Ms. Gansel stated that the budgets for the Circuit Court Judges
and County Court Judges remain fairly constant. She said that this
year the budget for the Circuit Court has increased because of two
part-time Judges assigned to Collier County as compared to one part-
time Judge that was anticipated.
Commissioner Matthews asked if the County has to provide separate
chambers for the two judges?
Mr. Brigham stated that due to overlapping calendars the two
Judges have separate offices.
In response to Commissioner Volpe, Mr. Brigham confirmed that he
is operating at maximum efficiency in terms of chambers.
Commissioner Matthews expressed concern regarding the fact that
the State was going to assign one part-time Judge. She said that what
they have done is assigned two part-time Judges who each require
separate chambers, yet between the two they still remain part-time.
She said that the State is dictating what the County must do.
Cot~t~Court Judgms
Ms. Gansel stated that this budget has gone up approximately
Econoitc Crime Rehabilitation Progru & Alcohol Inforutton el&same
Ms. Gansel explained that these two programs are self-supporting
programs. She said that people are assigned to these programs by the
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Judges and the people must pay for the classes.
Ms. Ganeel stated that this fund began two years ago. She stated
that there is an additional cost to filing fees. She said that the
County matches that cost from the General Fund.
Commissioner Volpe commented that the Forecast is $20,000.00, but
$70,600.00 is being budgeted for the next fiscal year. He asked ~f
the amount could be cut back based on the last two years experience?
Mr. Brigham stated that the County Attorney may present the Board
with a Resolution to suspend the collection of the additional filing
fee thereby suspending the appropriation from the County.
In response to Commiss~oner Volpe, Ms. Ganeel reiterated that the
County must match the collection.
Commissioner Volpe commented that there seems to be too much
Commissioner Matthews stated that this item will be "flagged" for
the final budget hearings.
Drug Abuse Trust
Ms. Ganeel stated that an additional assessment on drug conv~c-
tions is incorporated into this Trust Fund and is used for drug pre-
vention programs.
Criminal Justice Trust
Ms. Ganeel stated that addit~onal court costs are used to reimburse
the General Fund to offset some of the State operations.
In response to Commissioner Volpe, Mr. Brock, Clerk of Courts,
stated that it has been hie responsibility to collect the Judgements.
Mr. Brock stated that he does not believe that money from this
Trust Fund could be used for collections.
Other General Administration
Ms. Ganeel stated that this item Includes a 20~ decrease due to
the tax delinquent sales. She said that the one increase in this
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budget is the transfer to the School Board. She stated that as the
County pays down the debt service fund, the Race Track Revenue is
In response to Commissioner Volpe, Ms. Gansel stated that the
bonds will mature in July, 2003.
Clerk of Courts
Debt Service Funds
Ms. Gansel stated that these funds pay off the bond/obligation.
She referred to Page 2, the Tourist Development Tax. She said that
although it is not a debt service, the money has been collected in
Fund 208.
Ms. Gansel referred to the new Debt Service Fund on Page 4. She
stated that this fund will pay off the construction costs and
assessments for Pine Ridge Industrial Park and Naples Production Park.
In response to Commissioner VelDs, Mr. Brock stated that the
interest rate on the Commercial Paper Program is low.
Assistant County Manager Hatgatt stated that the County has the
options of taking the savings up front or spreading it over the life
of the bonds. He said that the potential of buying down on the
Commercial Paper Program will be brought before the Board for their
''~ Recaaa: 10:00 AM - Reconvaned: 10:30 AM At thie time
Deputy Clerk Fernle¥ replaced Deputy Clerk Barblrettt sea
Clerk of Courts
Ed Finn, Budget Analyst, stated that the Clerk of Courts budget
reflects the various departments that obtain funding from the Board of
County Commissioners through an ad valorem tax transfer and Include
Administration, Finance and Accounting, Minutes and Records and
Cashiering which is fully funded by ad valorem taxes.
Mr. Finn indicated that the Clerk Administration/Clerk of Circuit
Court includes Administration and the Internal Audit Department and
obtains partial funding through a General Fund transfer.
June l?, 1994
Mr. Finn explained that the Clerk of County Court receives 100
percent funding from the General Fund ad valorem tax transfer.
Mr. Finn pointed out that under Special Services is Records
Management and Management Information System Departments and obtains
partial funding from the Board of County Commissioners.
Dwight Brock, Clerk of Courts, asked the Board of County
Commissioners if the members would like to receive verbatim
transcripts of meetings?
Commissioner Constantine stated he would definitely like to
receive verbatim transcripts.
Commissioner Volpe pointed out that approximately three (3) years
ago verbatim transcripts were provided and discovered that due to the
time and effort involved they were not necessary but available if
needed. He discouraged the Board of County Commissioners from
requiring verbatim transcripts because no one took the time to read
them anyway.
Commissioner Constantine indicated that he listens to audio tapes
on different issues from one (1} or two (2) meetings per month and
feels that a verbatim transcript would be less cumbersome.
Mr. Brock pointed out that the Clerk of Courts Division does not
provide verbatim transcripts by County employees but an audio tape is
provided to a court reportfng service who transcribes verbatim.
Mr. Finn stated that the Clerk of Board budget reflects a 3.8
percent reduction attributable to staff turnover as reflected in the
reduction in personal services and operating expenses.
Mr. Finn indicated that capital outlay includes two (2) personal
computers, one (1) laser printer, office furniture and office
Mr. Finn stated that revenues for the Clerk of Board are a ser-
vice charge for providing cashiering for the Utilities Division and
Community Development Division.
Mr. Finn stated that Clerk Administration/Clerk of Circuit Court
detail page reflects the addition of one (1) position as an expanded
June l?, 1994
request for an internal auditor position which is partially funded
through fee revenues and General Fund support. He indicated that the
balance of the change in positions is simply transfers within the
Clerk of Circuit Court operating departments.
Commissioner Volpe questioned if the Clerk of Courts has a
purchasing department and mentioned utilizing the Board of County
Commissioners purchasing department.
Mr. Brock stated that the Board of County Commissioners
purchasing department was utilized but was not cost affectire. He
indicated that the Board's purchasing department does assist the
Clerk's Office whenever the need arises and the County blanket
contracts are used.
Mr. Finn stated that the Clerk of County Courts department is
fully funded by ad valorem taxes and the decrease of one (1) position
is the result of a transfer into the Internal Audit section.
Mr. Finn pointed out that capital expenditures include $18,000
for satellite office program building improvements and $3,600 for
office equipment.
In response to Commissioner Volpe, Mr. Brock informed the Board
that satellite offices exist in Immokalee and Golden Gate and antici-
pate opening satellite offices in the Greentree Shopping Center and on
Marco Island. He explained that except in Immokalee, the Clerk's
Office shares space in Golden Gate and is willing to share space in
the Greentree Shopping Center and on Marco Island with the Tax
Collector's Office.
Mr. Finn indicated the the Records Management budget is partially
funded by fees and a transfer from ad valorem taxes. He explained
that the capital outlay is for shelving and a numbering machine.
In response to Commissioner Volpe, Mr. Brock informed the Board
that the Clerk's Office is investigating contracting with Lee County
for microfilm services as well as other alternatives.
Commissioner Matthews pointed out that the Prlvatizatton Task
Force is in the process of prioritizing items and will be addressing a
[~OO~( ~COP~'r'~ '14 Page 13
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couple issues for the Clerk's Office.
Commissioner Volpe stated that discussions have been held
regarding inventory control and fixed assets.
Mr. Brock indicated that a bar code system has been implemented
as a case tracking mechanism in Courts and he is presently investi-
gating utilizing the case tracking system with modifications for addi-
tional purposes.
Mr. Finn explained that the Clerkts Management Information
Systems budget is partially funded by fee revenue and by a transfer
from the General Fund. He stated that the position count remains the
same and operating expenses have been reduced by reductions in data
processing equipment repair and maintenance costs.
Mr. Finn pointed out that the Clerk"s budget pertaining to func-
tions that include Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners, County
Auditor, Treasurer of County funds and other County related duties is
required to be submitted on or before June ! of each year. He
explained that the fully fee supported portion of the Clerk"s budget
pertaining to Clerk of the State Courts including recording is
required to be submitted on or before September 1 of each year.
In response to Commissioner Matthews, Mr. Brock indicated that
the $32,400 for data processing equipment includes personal computer
local area network (LAN) and desk top computers.
In response to Commissioner Volpe, Mr. Brock stated that the
Staff member performing investment type activities is in the
Administration budget and performs approximately 95 percent of the
investment work for the Board of County Commissioners but the Board
only supports 63 percent of the cost of the employee.
Mr. Brock pointed out that his budget salaries were increased by
only five percent (5~).
Mr. Finn indicated that each salary was increased by six and one
half percent (6.5~).
Commissioner Saunders stated that he thought the Board direction
was a three percent (3~) across the board salary increase with addi-
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ttonal funds being set aside for increases in worker's compensation
and other payroll related expenses and some monies set aside for merit
Mike Smykowskt, Acting Budget Director, indicated that the com-
ponents of the 6.5 percent salary adjustment is three percent (3~) for
general wage adjustments, one and one half percent (1.5~) for merit
and two percent (2~) for pay plan adjustments.
Mr. Finn pointed out that in the Manager's budget, two percent
(2~) was budgeted for attrition.
Ed Finn, Budget Analyst, stated that the Special Project position
has not been funded and only two (2) additional positions in Traffic
Operations have been budgeted per Board direction.
Mr. Finn stated that the road construction plan redtrected $1.8
million of local option $.06 gas tax which typically funded Road and
Bridge operations and reallocated the funds to road construction,
replacing the $1.8 million with sales tax revenue. He indicated that
the Road and Bridge fund contains a large carry forward which reduces
the need for the sales tax transfer to $41,200 for FY 94-95; however,
this is a one time revenue source only and next year the County will
need $4.5 million in sales tax dollars to fund Road and Bridge
Commissioner Matthews pointed out that Mr. Hargett, Assistant
County Manager, prepared an analysis of funding on the County ten
(10) year road project which indicated a significant carry forward and
questioned if the carry forward is being consumed for road and bridge
maintenance as opposed to construction?
Mr. Finn indicated that the fund which supports operations has a
large carry forward and the carry forward for road construction is
Commissioner Matthews questioned if the County can move the $1.8
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million from the sales tax revenue out of the General Fund into
Fund 10! and reduce the shortfall in the ten (10) year program for
road construction?
Mike Smykowski, Acting Budget Direction, indicated that an addi-
tional $1.8 million of ad valorem taxes will be required for the
General Fund.
Commissioner Matthews suggested that it may behoove the County to
reduce the amount transferred in FY 94-95 and spread the carry forward
over a couple of years rather than needing $4.5 million in FY 95-96.
In response to Commissioner Constantine, Mr. Finn replied that
the $4.5 million will be offset by ad valorem taxes.
Mr. Hatgert explained that before the budget is adopted, figures
will be available regarding revenues generated by the new $.05 gas
tax, favorable construction bids on projects, the addition of 1999
in the five (5) year plan, bond refunding, etc. affecting the amount
of monies necessary to be transferred.
Mr. Smykowski indicated that in July the Board will be adopting a
tentative millage rate.
Mr. Finn pointed out that the budget is constructed to minimize
the impact on ad valorem taxes.
Mr. Finn pointed out that expanded requests include the addition
of a traffic technician and a maintenance worker in Traffic
Operations. He indicated that the cost for the two (2) positions is
approximately $70,000 including equipment.
Mr. Finn explained that the operating expenses for new traffic
signals and arterial street lights to be added to the current system
is an expanded request and includes $45,000 for electricity and
$21,000 for contractual maintenance.
Mr. Finn stated that $23,000 for traffic signs is being requested
as an expanded service and includes $5,000 for replacement signs as
part of the Golden Gate sign program with the balance for overhead
street name and informational signs at ma3or intersect~ons.
In response to Commissioner Matthews, Transportation Services
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Administrator Archibald informed the Board that all the signs have
been installed and approximately 90 percent of pavement markings are
completed for the Golden Gate sign project.
Mr. Finn stated that the budget for the MSTU which provides ser-
vices to East Naples, South Naples and Marco Island reflects a
49 percent decrease in ad valorem taxes for FY 94-95 and is due
primarily to revenue reserves.
In response to Commissioner Norris, Mr. Archibald explained that
Marco Island will establish a separate MSTU probably by the end of
1994 through a public petition but will not affect the FY 94-95
Mr. Finn stated that the North Naples MSTU budget includes an
expanded request of $40,000 representing the maintenance costs for the
median program.
In response to Commissioner Volpe, Mr. Finn informed that the
$40,000 consists of the $35,000 annual cost plus electricity and water
which the County is under contract to pay over a ten (10) year period.
Mr. Finn stated that the budget for the MSTU covering Golden
Gate, Golden Gate Estates and East Naples reflects a decrease in ad
valorem taxes.
Mr. Finn explained that the MSTU budget for the general unincor-
porated Collier County area indicates a decrease in ad valorem taxes.
Mr. Finn stated that the GAC Road Improvements Fund is funded
through carry forward which is gradually decreasing.
Mr. Finn indicated that the Private Industry County Fund is a
developer contribution that is owed to the County.
Jean Gansel, Budget Analyst, stated that the Beautification MSTU
budgets are prepared by Staff in conjunction with the homeowners'
association or responsible body regarding functions to be completed.
She indicated that all the MSTU Districts have millage limitations and
all proposed budgets fall within those limitations.
Ms. Gansel pointed out that the North Naples Roadway MSTU pro-
posed budget recommends that one (1) mill be levied and transferred to
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the General Fund to repay cost of defeastng bonds.
In response to Commissioner Matthews, Mr. Archibald stated that
a method for reorganizing the North Naples Roadway MSTU is underway by
Staff who is drafting at least three (3) different ordinances which
will divide the North Naples Roadway MSTU and possibly eliminating
certain portion of same but will not be effective until FY 95-96 if
considered by the Board this fiscal year.
Gommisstoner Volpe questioned if the Imperial Unit § Issue has
been addressed regarding impacts to the limited number of homes
allowed to be constructed?
Mr. Archibald indicated that the Imperial Unit 5 issue w~ll be
addressed as part of an ordinance which will address the district
boundaries and constraints in existing development orders.
Commissioner Volpe pointed out that the County perpetuates the
Inequity that the property owners are experiencing and is grossly
unfair to the affected parties. He suggested not imposing any millaGe
on the North Naples Roadway MSTU for FY 94-95.
Commissioner Matthews pointed out that the Board promised to
correct the inequity.
It was the conaanmus of the Board not to levy the one (1) mill on
the North Naplem Roadway MSTU.
Ms. Gansel stated that the Street Lighting Districts have been
consolidated and the Finance Department has requested that one (1)
mill be levied allowing the districts to draw against any carry for-
wards in FY 95-96 until depleted. She pointed out that even though
three (3) districts were added, a reduced budget ~s proposed. Ms.
Gansel indicated that by consol/dating the districts, administrative
costs have been reduced by $4,400, contingency reserves by $4,600,
budgeted transfer to elected officials by $8,900 and electric budgets
by $45,000.
Commissioner Norris stated that inequities were discussed pre-
viously regarding Marco Island, i.e. Marco Island millage would triple
by the consolidation. He questioned if the inequity has been
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Ms. Ganeel responded that the Marco Island millage rate last year
was .05 and the consolidated district will be .127 and the difference
is $5.00 per $100,000 taxable value to $12.70 per $100,000 per year.
She indicated that inequities exist in all the funds but by con-
solidation, everyone is assessed the same millage rate for the same
Commissioner Norris stated that Marco Island is one of the larger
districts and the consolidation affected the property owners there
more than the other districts as far as inequity is concerned. He
suggested not including the Marco Island district in the consolidated
Ms. Ganeel indicated that there will not be a substantial impact
to the Street Lighting District if Marco Island is removed but the
the ordinance provides for only one (1) district and the Property
Appraiser established one (1) d~strict.
Mr. Archibald pointed out that flexibility of one {1) year to
address the issue is available but over time the millage on Marco
Island may increase due to the large number of lights being added each
year because of the tremendous growth in the area. He explained that
the possibility exists that Marco Island could reach or exceed the
consolidated millage rate in the near future even as an independent
It wm~ the consensus of the Board to elininate Marco Islmnd from
the consolidated Street Lighting District and Staff to advise and
report back on Monday, June 20, 1994 what steps are necess&x-f to
&cco~plish same.
Commissioner Matthews pointed out that a credit may need to be
offered next year if the property appraiser cannot make changes for
FY 94-95.
Ed Finn, Budget Analyst, stated that expenditures for the Airport
Authority include the seven (7) month phase in and $41,000 for preli-
~O§K OOOF~,r,~..'20 Page :19
June 17, 1994
mtnary design, engineering and permitting for the Immokalee Airport
Mr. Finn indicated that Staff if proposing to change the funding
source for Airport Authority operations for FY 95 from Fund 111 to the
General Fund and includes the Immokalee Airport, Everglades Airport
and the Airport Authority. He stated that the rationale for the
funding change is that airports are a part of the Count¥'s overall
transportation network, economic development is a main thrust of the
Airport Authority and Everglades City is a municipality which does not
pay taxes into the unincorporated area.
In response to Commissioner Volpe, Mr. F~nn stated that the
Naples Airport is a fee supported airport.
Mr. Finn indicated that $24,400 in airport revenue is expected to
be generated in FY 94/95 through lease arrangements in both Immokalee
and Everglades.
In response to Commissioner Volpe, Mr. Finn explained that the
Marco Island airport is self supporting and is not included as part of
the whole system because the County does not own the Marco Island air-
port and Staff is disinclined to mingle the assets.
Commissioner Volpe pointed out that over the past three (3) years
efforts have been put forth in anticipation of eventual ownership of
the Marco Island airport. He stated that a lease remains unsigned at
this point, the County has taken over personnel at the airport and
suggested that the County ~nclude the Marco Island Airport within the
airport system and not be handled separately.
John Drury, Airport Authority Director, stated that there is no
reason why the County should not include the Marco Island Airport
within the whole system.
County Manager Dotrill explained that separate cost centers have
been maintained for the Marco Island Airport because of the uncer-
tainty of the County's ownership.
Commissioner Volpe pointed out that under the lease arrangement,
Collier County is to pay a ten percent (10%) override to the State.
Page 20
June 17, 1994
Mr. Dotrill stated that failure to have a valid lease precludes
the obligation to pay rental payments.
Commissioner Volpe recommended that all airports be incorporated
as one (1) system and take advantage of the revenues.
Commissioner Norris pointed out that before the Board of County
Commissioners spends capital funds on the Marco Island Airport, title
to the property needs to be obtained.
Commissioner Constantine stated that ownership of the Marco
Island Airport may be obtained before the summer is over.
Mr. Finn stated that the expanded requests include a four (4)
month phase in of staff for the Immokalee Airport as well as a vehicle
and relative operation costs for the Airport Authority Director.
Mr. Drury informed the Board that Fleet Management has loaned a
vehicle for his use but has requested that he purchase his own.
Commissioner Constantine indicated that the request from Fleet
Management may be corrected by the Board of County Commissioners.
Mr. Drury introduced Steve Price, Chairman of the Budget
Committee for the Airport Authority and George Moore, Manager of the
Marco Island Airport.
In response to Commissioner Constantine, Mr. Drur¥ informed that
the position of Director of the Immokalee Airport is being phased in
near the end of facility construction completion and the Airport will
be required to operate seven (7) days a week, at least eight (8) hours
per day, and the Director will be performing dual roles to cover the
weekends. He explained that two (2) people will be working at the
Immokalee Airport when the facilities are completed to service
aircraft, i.e. dispensing fuel, tie down of aircraft, collecting
revenues, official notifications to the Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA), etc.
In response to Commissioner Matthews, Mr. Drury stated that he is
hoping that the Immokalee Airport w~ll be opem ten (lO) hours a day by
staggering hours and days of the two (2) employees.
Steve Price, Chairman of the Budget Committee for the Airport
000 .'22
Page 21
June 17, 1994
Authority, stated that the second person on duty can perform main-
tenance duties when hours overlap. He indicated that the airport is
in almost constant use during daylight hours because it is utilized as
a training facility.
In response to Commissioner Constantine, Mr. Drury indicated that
in lieu of landing fees, fuel flowage fees are utilized to offset the
cost of operating the Airport which can be instigated when the facili-
ties are completed.
Commissioner Volpe stated that in an effort to maximize revenues
at the Immokalee Airport, a fee arrangement should be in-place for
utilizing the airspace for aerobatic flying.
Mr. Drury pointed out that the FAA has Jurisdiction over airspace
but the County has total Jurisdiction over utilizing the facilities
which is the basis for the capital improvement program, to generate
revenues at the Immokalee Airport.
Commissioner Constantine stated that $17,800 can be saved by eli-
minating the necessity of purchasing a new vehicle and the associated
insurance. He explained that utilization of a fleet vehicle is
Mr. Finn explained that there are five (5) employees at the Marco
Island Airport.
Mr. Finn stated that fuel sales are down slightly at the Marco
Island Airport which is reflected in the forecast budget.
Mr. Finn indicated that there is an increase in the reserves for
the Marco Island Airport and the Board can offset ad valorem tax sup-
port with the excess reserve or the reserves can be retained.
Commissioner Constantine stated that the County should take
advantage of funds already dedicated toward aviation.
Commissioner Matthews indicated that the reserves should not be
depleted since Collier County is ~n a tremendous growth mode until the
future needs are established.
Commissioner Volpe stated that the whole idea of consolidating is
to consolidate the revenues, adding that the reserves have been
Page 22
June 17, 1994
increased by 132 percent.
Mike Smykowskt, Acting Budget Director, Indicated that an
outstanding loan exists from the Roads Capital for initial operations
of the airports.
In response to Commissioner Volpe, Mr. Smykowski explained that
there is no capital maintenance built into the Marco Island Airport
budget for such things as runway resurfactng.
Mr. Finn stated that Staff tried to develop a minimal reserve
based on the retained earnings generated at the Marco Island Airport.
In response to Commissioner Yelps, Mr. Finn explained that the
reserves are for operating maintenance of capital assets.
It was the consensus of the Board to retain the 860,800 in
see Recessed: 11:50 A.M. - Reconvened: 1:30 P.M. at which tiaa
Deputy Clerk Barbtretti replaced Deputy Clerk Fernlay see
Sherlff's Office
Law Enforcement
Jean Oansel, stated that the total of the Shertff's General Fund
Budget is $43,717,300.00. She said that approximately $800,000.00 is
Board funded expenses which is a 6.2X increase over last year's
budget. She said included in this request is the absorption of five
positions previously funded in Fund 602 and two Victim Advocates that
were previously funded by a grant fund. She said expanded positions
Include two youth relations deputies, two North Naples road patrol
deputies, two canine teams, a civilian investigator and three
bailiffs. She said that the Sheriff has included a 5X Increase on
anniversary dates. She said that the County paid health portion of
the budget are equal to the other County agency premiums but may be
reduced by as much as last year's reduction of $400,000.00.
Crystal Ktnzel, Shertff's Office Finance Director, explained that
the hospital program that the Shertff's Office is Involved in is pri-
marily through Naples Community Hospital with a managed care program.
Page 23
June 17, 1994
In response to Commissioner Constantine, Ms. Ktnzel stated that
one of the youth relations deputies will be stationed at the new
middle school in Manetee and the other will be a supplement. She said
that there is a total of 21 youth relations deputies.
In response to Commissioner Constantine, Ms. Kinzel responded that
there is presently a total of six canine units that are dual certified
in narcotics and road patrol. She explained that the two requested
teams will be certified for bomb and road patrol purposes.
In response to Commissioner Constantine, Me. Kinzel said that
cross-training in the existing animals is Impossible because of dif-
ferent smell and training patterns.
In answer to Commissioner Constantine, Ms. Ktnzel explained that a
manpower analysis had been done to determine that the two North Naples
road patrols were necessary. She stated that actual calls for service
were used to determine where deputies are needed for preventative
In response to Commissioner Constantine, Ms. Kinzel explained that
the civilian investigator in Immokalee is an expansion of an existing
program that the Sheriff began in the Naples Investigation Unit. She
said that a civilian will process a great deal of paperwork for the
In response to Commissioner Matthews, Ms. Kinzel etated that the
beginning five years ago the Sheriffs Office had begun to carry for-
ward approximately 880,000.00 to avoid replacing radios. She said
that should the 800 MHz not be implemented the radios will have to be
Commissioner Matthews asked if it would be possible to obtain
radio equipment from other areas?
Me. Ktnzel etated that the Sheriff'e Office has Incorporated other
systems into their own to the best of its ability. She said that
under the Division of Communications guidelines, 44~ of the mobile
units do not meet the eight year or younger criteria. She said that
80~ of the portable units do not meet the six year or younger cri-
Page 24
June 17, 1994
Commissioner Norris remarked that he has discussed the option of
rebuilt radios with the Sheriff. Be said that the Sheriff agreed to
look into the option.
In response to Commissioner Constantine, Ms. Kinzel explained that
the $118,000.00 for Data Processing equipment includes additional
information to serve Building A in Immokalee.
~ete~tio~ In~ Corrections
Ms. Ktnzel stated that this budget proposes no changes from last
years budget.
In response to Commissioner Volpe, Ms. Ktnzel replied that the
detention increase of 11.4% is based on the increasing population.
Commissioner Volpe commented that he is not convinced on the
Justification for the increase.
In response to Commissioner Matthews, Ms. Kinzel stated that the
Shertff's Office attempts to maintain a steady force supplemented with
overtime throughout the year. She explained that paying overtime is
less than paying benefits on a new hire.
Commissioner Norris stated that the population of the County has
not increased 40% over last year.
Commissioner Matthews remarked that crime in the County has
Ms. Kinzel stated that all the information ~s being analyzed to
determine the cause and the trend.
Ms. Kinzel explained that she hopes that some of the operating
contracts will come in lower over the summer resulting in a reduction
of the line items.
Tape ,S
In response to Commissioner Volpe, Ms. Ktnzel stated that the
Shertff's Office does not have a physician on Staff. She said that
the Jail medical service is a complete contract service.
Ms. Ktnzel agreed to provide the Board with a summary of the popu-
lation analysis.
Page ~5
June 17, 1994
3udtcial (Bailiffs)
Commissioner Matthews commented that there are three full-time
positions proposed in this budget.
Ms. Kinzel explained that the three new pos~tions are in-courtroom
Commissioner Volpe stated that Mr. Brigham, Court Administrator,
had suggested that all court security be operated by the Sheriff's
Ms. Klnzel stated that this item is part of two separate com-
ponents for budget purposes. She said all that is presented on this
page is the bailiff component of the in-courtroom security. She said
that she did not incorporate the entire courthouse security into this
budget because it was a proposal and she did not have Board direction.
She stated that it is included in the last component of the budget
because At is a Board option.
Ms. Gansel stated that the increment she spoke of earlier does not
include these three bailiffs.
Commissioner Volpe confirmed that the County ks adding three
bailiffs because the County has two new part-time Judges that initiate
more courtroom time.
Sheriff'o Or~nto
Ms. Kinzel stated that she will bring back funding for a Career
Criminal Element of the Grant. She said that the Sheriff's Office
views that as an on going program. She said that the budget will be
brought back separately because it has not been officially awarded
In response to Commissioner Volpe, Ms. Kinzel explained that the
bailiffs are certified law enforcement officers.
Commissioner Volpe expressed concern with the program. He stated
that there should be a way of providing security within the courtroom
but see the funds directed to additional road patrol deputies.
Page 26
June l?, 1994
In response to Commissioner Matthews, Ms. Kinzel explained that
the criteria of "light duty" would involve their potential for being
involved in an altercation.
Commissioner Volpe stated that he would like to see a change.
Ms. Ktnzel statsd this item is for the ordinary court operations
with the additional part-time 3udges. She said that she will review
the court hearing with the Sheriff.
Commissioner Volpe stated that the total budget for the Bailiff
Program is $905,000.00. He said that if the County moves forward with
the expanded program it would require $291,000.00 for a total of
Commissioner Constantine announced that no changes will be made at
this time.
K-911 E~ergency Phone Syetem
Ms. Kinzel stated that this budget had been previously approved by
the Board in March because it was due to go to AT&T. She said that
reduced the actual amount of the call to .25¢.
Commissioner Matthews stated that last year the 911 local option
fee was reduced from .50¢ to a lower rate. She noted that the reser-
ves have been reduced. She asked at what point will the fee have to
be raised?
Ms. Kinzel replied that the fee may have to increase the year
after next.
Conftlcated Property Trust Fund
Ms. Ktnzel stated that this program is not supposed to be used for
on going costs. She said that this program is for pilot programs or
to supplement a pilot project.
Second Dollar Tratnlng
In response to Commissioner Matthews, Ms. Kinzel explained that
this two dollars is set aside from traffic citations for the training
Page 27
June 17, 1994
of deputies and the related travel expenses.
Tape #4
Commissioner Constantine asked what options were available
regarding the bailiff program.
Commissioner Volpe stated that he was unsure of what action the
Board should take regarding the expanded courthouse security program.
Ms. Kinzel stated that the Sheriff felt it was incumbent upon him
to inform the Board of the potential security problem. She said that
the Sheriff has met with the Judges and it was decided that the U.S.
Marshal Service would do an analysis and make recommendations. She
said that the additional $73,000.00 would provide certified deputies
trained in courthouse security and weapons.
In response to Commissioner Volpe, Ms. Kinzel stated that plan
includes the video camera, capital elements of courthouse security as
well as the operational components.
Commissioner Constantine stated that the deputies would be
throughout the courthouse building.
Commissioner Volpe stated that this expanded program should be
coordinated with the bailiff program to avoid the use of deputies at
civil motion trials.
Ms. Kinzel stated that a security survey is being prepared for all
campus security.
Com]uisstoner Volpe pointed out that the Jail and the Sheriff's
Office is located on campus. He suggested that the result of the
security survey should be obtained before any decision is made.
Commissioner Norris agreed. He stated that the proposed budget
should be left as it presently appears.
Commissioner Volpe suggested that the current court security
system be left in place until the results of the survey are presented.
County Manager Dotrill remarked that the U.S. Marshal report needs
to be substantiated.
$"$ Racial: 2:20 PM - Reconvened: 2:40 PM At thil
Deputy Clark Fernlay replaced Deputy Clerk Barbtretti
Cmpit&! (300
Page 28
Airport Authority
June 17, 1994
Commissioner Norris stated that his support for the Marco Island
Airport funding is contingent on the County obtaining title.
Steve Price, Airport Authority Budget Committee Chairman, stated
that the Airport Authority cannot obtain State grant without obtaining
the title to the Marco Island Airport first.
County Manager Dorrtll stated that the problem confronting the
Airport Authority is the advancement of cash. He explained that the
cash approved to be transferred to the Airport Authority is sufficient
for the Immokalee Airport program and the design and permitting phase
of the Everglades City and Marco Island Airports. Mr. Dotrill pointed
out that if the Board wishes to proceed with the full advancement of
the funds, the montes will need to be borrowed from the commercial
paper program or line of credit.
Commissioner Constantine indicated that the Board wishes to move
Commissioner Volpe stated that a long term revenue source for the
operation of the airport system is necessary as well as an identifi-
able repayment source which is the responsible business approach.
John Drury, Airport Authority Director, stated that of the $4
million worth of work, $3 million will be refunded through airport
grants by July 1995 of which the Board accepted $2.1 million in funds
at the Board meeting on June 7, 1994 and is the reason behind short
term borrowing.
Commissioner Volpe questioned if a bank would loan money uti-
lizing the airport grant monies due in July of 1995 as collateral?
Mr. Dorrtll Indicated that the possibility exists that a bank
would loan money against the airport grant funds due recognizing that
the majority of major construction Is on a 90/10 split between the
Florida Department of Transportation and Collier County.
In response to Commissioner Volpe, Mr. Dorrtll stated that the
preferred method is to borrow against the County's $25 million line of
Page 29
June 17, 1994
credit given the relative short time in recovering the 90 percent
reimbursement from the FDOT but the remaining ten percent (10~) will
still need addressing.
Mr. Price indicated that the County should assure that the
$3 million in requested grants is approved before moving forward on
the projects. He explained that the ability to repay the $1 million
is contingent upon the success of the airport system and a good indi-
cation of that success is that 14 of the proposed 18 hangars at the
Immokalee Airport are already reserved without any type advertisement.
Mr. Price stated that a loan repayment of approximately 12 to 15 years
is realistic with an accelerated repayment capability. He pointed out
that the funds which require 50 percent participation are items that
are income producing almost immediately.
In response to Commissioner Volpe, Mr. Drury informed that the
State Aviation Office and the Economic Development Administration in
Atlanta, GA, are the two sources for grants. He indicated that the
FAA requires implementation of the master plans before participating
in a funding program.
Mr. Drury stated that the revenues will exceed expenditures once
the revenue producing infrastructure ts installed at the airports.
Mr. Drury indicated that extra revenue will be generated with the
scheduling of special events similar to those conducted at the Naples
Mr. Finn stated that the Airport Authority budget is balanced
with $927,000 in ad valorem taxes which represents the County's share
of the various projects as proposed by the Administrator. He pointed
out that the County's portion of the total project, if funded,
including pay-as-you-go funding, interest and five percent
reserve, will be $1.259 million which will require an increase in ad
valorem of approximately $330,000.
Commissioner Volpe stated that borrowing against the existing
line of credit is preferable.
Mr. Smykowski stated that Staff needs direction as to whether the
Page 30
June 17, 1994
Board wishes to fund the County's share of the grant match 100 percent
with ad valorem or borrow the net difference of $332,000.
Commissioner Matthews indicated that a variety of funding sources
are available and should be investigated in order to move forward on
the proposed projects with full funding because of the potential for
generating large revenues while providing a valuable asset to Collier
Gonunissioner Norris stated that he supports full funding con-
tingent upon verification that the grants are obtained.
Ad Valorem ~u]Tported CIP
Ed Finn, Budget Analyst, stated that the total Capital
Improvement Program, as funded, was $8,596,000 and the available
funding for FY 95 is $1 million short because a portion of last year's
CIP was funded through trust money which was returned to the general
fund and was utilized for capital improvement purposes.
Mr. Finn pointed out that of the remaining $7,596,500, the Campus
Parking Debt utilizes $1,005,500. He indicated that the remaining
funding uses are: Transfer to General Capital, $2,533,000, a 52.6
percent increase; Airport Capital Improvements Grant Match was
$927,000 but needs revising; Transfer to Library Capital, $2?7,800; no
proposed transfers in Museum Capital or Water Management Capital;
Transfer to Parks Construction, $627,200; and Road CIP, $2,226,000.
In response to Commissioner Volpe, Mr. Finn explained that the
$2.3 million in Road CIP Funding is sales tax that otherwise would be
~n the General Fund.
Mr. Finn indicated that the County-wide CIP fund (301) recom-
mended projects total $3,035,400 and consist of 18 items including
reserves, which are listed on Page 2 along with funding sources.
In response to Commissioner Constantine, Mr. Finn indicated that
the original request for air conditioning repairs was $304,000 and ~s
now $185,200. He explained that the MIS Department is requesting
replacement of two (2) units at a cost of $95,000; a boiler overhaul
Page 31
June 17, 1994
at the County Jail is needed at a cost of $34,000; $10,000 for a steam
oven and $46,200 for a CFC phase out insurance program.
In response to Commissioner Constantine, Skip Camp, Facilities
Management Director, stated that the MIS air conditioning units are 12
years old and are critical to keeping the computers cool. He
explained that the $21,000 for electrical repair/replacement is for
two (2) transfer switches, one for the Immokalee Health Department and
one for the County Barn that need replacing because of age.
Mr. Camp stated that the $80,000 for energy management improve-
ments represents the placement of controls on the sixth, seventh and
eighth floors of the Administration Building which should represent
approximately $13,000 in annual energy savings.
Mr. Camp indicated that the $39,200 allocated for campus improve-
ments represents an area immediately fronting the Courthouse which is
presently limerock and requires landscaping and repaving for add~-
tional parking. He stated that the request also Includes additional
Mr. Camp explained that the $153,000 for light retrofitting is
the replacement of ballasts and more energy efficient bulbs in the
Administration Building and the Sheriff's Building and represents a
$26,900 reimbursement from Florida Power & Light in 4.2 years.
Mr. Dotrill explained that the item for the new County main-
tenance facility is for the expansion of the County barn facility. He
stated that the present facility has been outgrown and has existed for
25 to 30 years. Mr. Dorrtll indicated that the proposed new facility
will accommodate the County barn, the Sheriff's Office and will
replace the water management chemical storage building. He pointed
out that the budgeted $180,000 is for the purchase of land only.
In response to Commissioner Volpe, Tom Conrecode, Office of
Capital Pro3ects Management Director, stated that 40 acres are needed
for the new facility and the present site ls 10.3 acres.
Mr. Conrecode indicated that there ~s the possibility of buying
land presently owned by the County which was purchased for the land-
Page 32
June 17, 1994
fill expansion and reimburse the Solid Waste fund.
Commissioner Volpe stated that isolating the 40 acres within the
300 acres purchased for the landfill expansion may also address the
concerns of the residents in the area. He questioned how many acres
the County owns at the Immokalee Airport7
Mr. Conrecode indicated that there are 1,100 acres at the
Immokalee Airport.
Mr. Dotrill pointed out that 47 miles will have to be traveled
each way Just to obtain simple routine maintenance by utilizinG land
around the Immokalee Airport.
Commissioner Constantine questioned the number of bays required
in the garage taking into account sharing of the property with the
Sheriff's Department?
Mr. Conrecode informed the Board that multiple facilities are
being considered with bay space at ground level and office/warehouse
space on the second floor. He indicated that the occupants will
include Water Management for spray equipment and chemical storage,
Fleet Management, Sheriff's Department with their separate facility,
Parks and Recreation, and Transportation which will include a yard for
staging and storing materials.
Commissioner Constantine recommended utilizing the existing
10 acre site by demolishing the existing building and constructing new
facilities because what is being described will not require 40 acres.
Mr. Conrecode stated that the possibility of utilizing the
existing site has been discussed but a decision was made that the site
is too cramped and the needs over the next 15 to 20 years was
addressed which requires a substantially larger parcel.
Mr. Conrecode indicated that consideration was also given to
eventually selling the existing site because of the surroundinG resi-
dential neighborhoods.
Mr. Dotrill explained that to meet County Code requirements on
the present site, a water retention lake will be required and con-
sideration was given to the existence of multifamily condominiums
June 17, 1994
south of the site and single family estate zoning across the road.
Commissioner Constantine pointed out that the site north of the
landfill is not appropriate either because of residential property
surrounding that site as well.
Commissioner Volpe stated that the Board of County Commissioners
will have the opportunity to discuss where the property will be
purchased when located.
Mr. Dotrill stated that the Board of County Commissioners needs
to decide whether to substantially rebuild the existing County barn
facility and site to meet the immediate needs or address the long term
needs by purchasing a larger site.
It was the consensus of the Board to fund the $180,000 to
purchase land for a new County maintenance facility.
In response to Commissioner Volpe, Mr. Dotrill explained that the
$150,000 for Jail/Building A Design entails an alternative proposal.
He ~ndicated that the Growth Management Plan contemplated a General
Obligation Bond referendum to add 322 cells to the existing Jail and
planning for the referendum needs to be initiated soon. Mr. Dorrill
stated that if sufficient interest is expressed by the Board for the
alternative which is a daily release facility at a fraction of the
cost of expanding the maximum security Ja~l, the alternative can be
~ncluded on the referendum.
Commissioner Volpe pointed out that former City of Naples Mayor
Ed Putzell has discussed the daily release facility concept with each
of the Board members and he thought the facility was to be privately
Mr. Putzell explained that the project can be privately funded on
a loan arrangement over a five (5) year period.
In response to Commissioner Volpe, Mr. Putzel] stated that the
private sector does not have the $150,000 for the County to utilize
for design of the facility because the concept has not been approved
in principal which is required before soliciting donations.
Mr. Putzell pointed out that citizens who have been convicted of
Page 34
June 17, 1994
misdemeanors and third degree felonies do not belong in Jail and a
positive alternative is a work release/restitution/treatment type
center. He explained that the Inhabitants of the facility will be on
a work release program during the day and pay $10 or $11 per day for
room and board.
Commissioner Volpe stated that he supports the concept and the
indirect benefit of the General Obligation Bond referendum will be
lettinG the citizens decide whether they want to spend $19 million to
build 204 new cells or only 100 cells with the ~nit~ation of the
alternative program.
Mr. Putzell indicated that approximately 25 percent of the Jail
population could be housed in a da~ly release type facility.
In response to Commissioner Matthews, Mr. Putzell stated that the
proposed facility will house 110 men and women and the estimated
construction cost is $2.1 million.
Mr. Putzell pointed out that a great advantage of this type faci-
lity is the treatment aspect which will keep the offenders employed
while assisting in eliminating the problem. He explained that the
project has been worked on in great detail by Kraft Construction and a
number of architects as well as being reviewed by the County's Off~ce
of Capital Projects Management.
Mr. Dotrill explained that the $150,000 needs to be funded
for prelim~nary design because the County is obligated to supply addi-
tional Jail beds.
Mr. Dotrill stated that August 2, 1994 is the final day to order
the ballots if a General Obligation Bond issue referendum is to be
part of the November general election. He pointed out that the next
opportunity will be the March 1996 presidential primary unless a spe-
cial election is deemed necessary which is expensive.
Commissioner Norris indicated that he supports the concept.
There being no further business for the good of the Gounty, the
Workshop was adjourned by order of the Chair - Time: $:40 PM.
Page 35