BCC Minutes 08/02/1994 R Naples, Florida, August 2, 1994 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commissioners in and for the County of Collier, and also acting as the Board of Zoning Appeals and as the governing board(s) of such special districts as have been created according to law and having conducted business herein, met on this date at 9:00 A.M. in R~GULAR SESSION in Building "F" of the Government Complex, East Naples, Florida, with the followin!] members present: CHAIRMAN: Timothy J. Constantine VICE-CHAIRMAN: Betrye J. Matthews John C. Norris Michael J. Volpe Burr L. Saunders ALSO PRESENT: Sue Barblretti, Marilyn Fernley and Ellis Hoffman, Deputy C.lerks; Dwight E. Brock, Clerk of Courts; Nell DoTrill, County Manager; Ken Cuyler, County Attorney; Richard Yovanovich, Assistant County Attorney; George Archibald, Transportation Services Administcator; Mike Smykowski, Acting Budget Director; Mike McNees, Acting U'tilities Administrator: Tom Conrecode, OCPM Director; John Boldt, Water Management Director; Steve Camel1, Purchasing Director; Tim Clemons, Wastewater Director; Jeff Walker, Risk Management Director; Anne Marie Saylot, Utilities Administrative Assistant; Deputy Rosa Hernandez-White, Collier County Sheriff'e Office; and Sue Fileon, Administrative Assistant to the Board. Page I A~gus~ 2, 1994 rape #1 (14&) Ztem #2 AGKND& -. APPROVED WITH CHANGES Commissioner Saunders moved, seconded by Commissioner Matthews mnd carried unanimously, to approve the agenda with the changes as detailed on the Agenda Change Sheet. Page 2 Au~umt 2, 1994 Xto #2A COMS~IIT AGEMDA - APPROVED The motion for approval of the consent agenda is noted under Item {1~0) Item #4A SERVICE .lIMAlIDS - PRESENTED Commissioner Constantine congratulated and presented Service Awards to the following employees: Lois Nichols - 5 years, Administrative Services Frederick Reischl - 5 years, Community Development (166) Item #401 FROCLAMA'.TION DESIGNATING AUGUST I 'fIIROUGH AUGUST 7, 1994 AS COLLIER COUNTY!tEASTFEEDINGWEEK - ADOPTEl} After reading the proclamation, Commissioner Matthews moved, eeconded by Commissioner Norris and carried unanimously, that the Proclamation designating the week of August 1-7, 1994 as Collier County BreastfeedtngWeek be adopted. Kath/een Turtle accepted the Proclamation. Page S August 2, 1994 (32o) Item BUDGET AMErDMKNT 94-438, 94-514 AND 94-515 - ADOPTED; BUDGET AMENDMENT R/SOLUTION BAR-94-24 - ADOPTED Acting Budget Director Smykowskt stated that there are three budget amendments requiring Board action. Commitstoner Matthews moved, seconded by Commissioner Norris and carTted unanimously, that Budget Ame~.dment 94-43S, 94-514 and 94-515 be 84optedo In response to Commissioner Volpe, Mr. Smykowskt stated that the Budget Amendment Resolution included in the Executive Summary is in recognition of additional revenue in Fund 113 which is the Community Development Fund. Commissioner Matthews moved, seconded by Commissioner Ssunders and carried unanimously, that BAR-94-24 be adopted. Page 4 August 2, 1994 (3so) Item DAVID TUBRXR RIPRXSENTINO THE I~[~OXlLEE CHILD CAR[ CENTER REeARDING THI WAIVER OF IMPACT FEES - STAFF TO EXAMINE FUNDING SOURCE AND RETURN WITH AGB~DA ITZM David Turner, President of the Board of Directors of the Immokalee Child Care Center, requested a waiver of the impact fees for the new building that is planned for construction. He said that the new faci- lity will be 16,700 square feet and will cost approximately 1.2 million dollars. He said it will double the capacity of the current facility to more than 250 children. He stated that the amount of impact fees is estimated to be 816,693.50. Mr. Turner gave a brief history of the child care center. He said that the budget for 1994 is 8496,000.00. He said that $336,000.00 of the $496,000.00 is estimated to be turned back to the community through salaries and wages. Mr. Turner stated that if the waiver is granted the money can be used to prepare the new building. County Attorney Cuyler commented that the impact fees for Community Parks, Regional Parks, Library and Radon Gas would not be required because this is not a residential use. He said that the only two impact fees that would be required would be the EMS and Road Impact fees. In response to Commissioner Volpe, Mr. Turner etated that Health and Rehabilitative Services (HRS) does provide the Redlands Christian Migrant Association (RCMA) with funding. In response to Commissioner Vo/pe, Mr. Cuyler stated that there is no exemption in the Ordinance. In response to Commissioner Constantine, Mr. Cuy/er stated that a waiver could not be granted under the Ordinance. He said that a waiver wc, uld have to be through a finding by the Board in order to use an alternative funding source to pay for In response to Commissioner Norris, County Manager Dorrill replied that to his knowledge the Board ha~ never waived impact fees for a Page 5 August 2, 1994 charitable, non-profit organization. Commissioner Matthews ~oved to direct Staff to include this peti- tion as a formal a~enda item as soon as possible and reaffirm the fundin~ source. Seconded by Comm:[seloner Saunders. Contnxtsstoner Volpe stated thai: he could not support the motion without expanding it to establish a broad policy as to circumstances and eligibility requirements. Con~tsstoner Matthews agreed. She stated that a policy is necessary. Cosslmmtoner Netthaws moved to mnd the motion to Include that Staff develop a policy. Seconded by Commissioner Saundere. County Attorney Cuyler stated that the Impact Fee Ordinance has been amended to allow for the use of interest if allowed by law for the purposes of affordable housing. He stated that he would have to review the amendment. He stated that if no other purpose is allowed an amendment to the Ordinance will be necessary. Commissioner Matthews asked if it were possible to make a tem- porary funding from the General Fund and reimburse from the Impact fee accounts? Mr. Cuyler stated that the Board has the authority to obtain the funding from the General Fund with the adoption of a resolution. In response to Commissioner Matthews, Mr. Cuyler stated that he could develop a policy to present to the Board by September 6, 1994. In response to Commissioner Volpe, Commissioner Matthews explained that Staff should examine where the requests for waivers are origi- nating in order to develop a pollc~f that will encompass more than child care centers. Commissioner Norris commented that if the Board amends the policy to accomnmodate one foundation, what does that say to the other founda- tions that have paid their Impact fees In the past? Commissioner Constantine clarified that the motion on the floor is to bring the issue back as an agenda item with more information pro- vided by Staff. Page 6 August 2, 1994 Upon call for the question, the motlon carried 4/1 (Commissioner Volpe opl~). (1082) Item NORMAN WEISER REPRESENTIN(t RESIDENTS OF THX FOREST LAKES COMMUNITY RE PUD 91-109 - STAFF TO PREPARE AGEND& ITEM & PRESENT ALTERNATIVES John Brown, representing the nine member committee from Quail Run Golf Club, requested that a barrier be erected along the south side of Plne Ridge Road between Woodshire Drive and Forest Lakes Boulevard. He read the motion that adopted PUD 91-109 and asked for an interpretation of the motion in regard to the barrler. Roger Summerrills spoke on the subject. Commissioner Volpe recalled the amendment to The Falls PUD. He said that there was some discussion regarding stipulations. He recalled that berms were placed along the road at the site of The Crossings. He stated that a discussion was held regarding a barrier against road noise on Pine Ridge Road and whether it should be included as part of the stx-lantng of Pine Ridge Road. He said that this barrier will be located wtthln the public right-of-way but on private property. He said that it was not part of the funding for the slx-lantng of Pine Ridge Road. He stated that he believes an M.S.T.U. was created as a result of a petition that addressed the drainage problems. Transportation Services Administrator Archibald stated that there was a great deal of discussion regarding the buffer. He said that the buffer that was included in the PUD is the buffer between the commer- cial and residential within Forest Lakes. He stated that the Board directed Staff to contact representatives of Forest Lake with the intent of including the wall as part of the six-lane construction, subject to the sharing of funding and subject to easements. He said that these discussions have continued. He said that Staff believes that funding should be shared both by the private and public. He said that this was never ftnaltzed. Page 7 AUgUst 2, 1994 Comstsstozisr Constantine moved, seconded by Co--issioner Saunders and car~lsd unani~ously, to direct Staff to develop a regular agenda item an~| to present alternatives. (1584) Item 3F~R G1U~THOLN REPRESENTING RIVER NLEACH SINGLE F&NILY ASSOCIATION, INC. R~ Tlt~FFIC CONTROL NIASUR/S - RIVER REACH DRIVE - STIFF DIRECTED TO PREPIRE AGENDA ITIN AND PRESENT AI,TIREATIVES Rolfe Vanderberry, President of River Reach Single Family Association, Inc., stated that River Reach Drive is a road that Is approximately 3/4 mile long with no obstructions, speed bumps, etc. to restrict traffic from exceeding speed limits. He said that the road dead ends into an apartment complex. He stated that this Is the only access Into the apartment complex. He stated that a recent traffic survey revealed that out of 3,605 vehicles, 1,056 of the vehicles exceeded the speed limit which is 30 miles per hour. He suggested that the speed limit be reduced to 20 miles per hour and that no passing lines be painted on the street. Mr. Vanderberry also suggested that a speed limit sign be installed at the apartment access. Mr. Vanderberry stated that if the second Gordon River Bridge is ever built, it will have an access to the apartment complex. Coss:issloner Norris moved, seconded by GoutssiGner Volpe that Staff be directod to prepare an ags~nda item and present alternatives for trafl~lc calmsing. Commissioner Matthews suggested that the motion be amended to direct Staff to check with the Shertff's Office to insure that minimum speed for radar is not violated. ComaJ.sstoner Norris agreed to amend his motion. (lpon call for the question, the motion carried unanimously. (1911) Item fB GltgGORY Zkl RE LI[ASE PURCHASE OF EFFLUINT WgLLS - CONSINSUS TO PERNIT I~. ZJkls2 FINN TO P&RTICIPAT~ IN POSSIBLE BIDDING PROCBSS Mr. Zak thanked Staff for their input regarding Injection wells. He said that the County Attorney'$ Office stated that until they are =. UCO,.,,.,! 17 age. Au~st ~, ~994 directed by the Board, they cannot state whether this Is a viable project. Mr. Zak stated that he developed a proposal for well drilling for approximately three million dollars which is approximately one half to one million dollars less than any other. He said that Hole, Montes and Associates quoted the City of Naples three and one half million dollars for a smaller well than he proposes. He said that the well is 30~ larger than the last well that the County had drilled. Mr. Zak said that there is some skepticism regarding the proposed timetable. He said that the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) assured him that a permit could be Issued within six months. Mr. Zak requested that the Board decide whether this is a viable project ant] direct Staff to consider the project. County Attorney Cuyler stated that his Staff will have no Input on whether the pro3ect is viable. He stated that the legal issue that had been raised ts whether Mr. Zak's firm could be the sole source rather than proceeding with the competitive process. County Manager Dotrill confirmed that Mr. Zak is requesting that the formal bid process be waived and that you would authorize Staff to negotiate only with Mr. Zak's firm. He said that he does not understand why the County would waive any other perspective bidders and deal only with this firm. Commissioner Norris agreed with Mr. Dotrill. He said that he did not want to waive the competitive bid process. He said that the public deserves to have the process adhered to. In response to Commissioner Matthews, County Attorney Cuyler replied that there may be a way to enter into a long term rental agreement. County Manager Dotrill said that the County would not show the .lease as a long term debt service, it would be shown on a balance sheet as a liability with an annual renewal, subject to appropriation clause. Commissioner Matthews remarked that the County would be required Page 9 August 2, 1994 to have a lease purchase that is essentially a capital lease which are non-ca:ncelable leases. She said that the County would have to have a cancellation clause in it. It was the consensus of the Board that if a deep well injection process is decided upon, Mr. Zak's firm will be invited to participate in the bidding process. (2868) Itel lea1 WATER FACILITIES ACCEPTANCE FOR MANATKE ELEMENTANY SCHOOL "J" - AFPROVED Commise~ioner Constantine announced that this item will be heard with Item County Manager Dotrill stated that these items are for water faci- lities only. He said that the legal documents have been reviewed for sufficiency. He said that only the Department of Education can issue a Certificate of Occupancy. Cmtssloner Norris moved, seconded b~ Commissioner Matthews, that the wa.tar facilities acceptance for Manares Elementary School he approved. Upon call for the question, the sotton carried 4/0 (Commissioner maunders out). Item #eH2 WATER FACILITIES ACCEPTANCE FOR MANATEE ROAD WATER MAIN - APPROVED This item was heard in conjunction with Item #SA1. Commissioner Norris moved, seconded by Commissioner Matthews, that the water facilities acceptance for Mariatee Road Water Main be approved. Upon call for the question, the motion carried 4/0 (Commissioner Saundere ou'~ ). (2601) Item laB1 R~SOLUTION 9&-~66 RE TRAFFIC CONTROL MEASURES FOR THE NAPLES PARK AREA, VaNDE.tBILT DRIVE AND M~DIANS - ADOPTED WITH ~~~ STAFF DIRECTED TO SUBMIT RESOLUTION TO FLORIDA DEPANTMFa~T OF TRANSPORTATION Transportation Services Administrator Archibald stated that this Is a follow up item per Board direction for traffic control measures Aug~lst 2, 1994 for Naples Park. He stated that a resolution has ~een prepared to address three major areas of concern; U. S. 41 median access control, the creatic,n of a better circulation plan and ~he recognition to con- tinue certain traffic monitoring for consideration of future traffic measures. Mr. Archibald referred to Attachm.ent 2 included in the Executive Summary which is a list of recommended median controls on U.S. 41 as part of the roadway widening. He said Staff is recommending that every other median opening that currently exist be closed. He said that the reason for the closure will be the construction of the direc- riohal turn lanes which will provide greater storage than the existing turn lanes. He said that Attachment 2 has been reviewed by the Naples Park Civic Association. He said that Staff recommends approval with the notations that Staff is considering a divefret to placed on 99th Avenue when the stx-lantng occurs. He said that the divefret would prohibit east bound left turn movements from that location. Mr. Archibald announced one revision on the list. He pointed out that there are two closed median locations on 102nd and 103rd Avenues. He said that he has received telephone calls from property owners on 103rd Avenue stating that there is not a level of development on 104th Avenue that is similar to that of 103rd Avenue. He reported that the recommendation is to switch the directtonal and closed median at 103rd and 104th. Mr. Archibald announced that Staff recommends that the Board approve the resolution with the amendment and direct Staff to submit the resolution to the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) so that they can Incorporate these recommendations in the final six lane design of U. S. 41. In response to Commissioner Matthews, Transportation Services Administrator Archibald replied that this proposal satisfies the con- cerns of the residents. He said that Staff is attempting to create a future signal location on 99th Avenue which will provide for safe turning movements creating gaps in the traffic movement. He said that Page 11 August 2, 1994 one of the suggestions of the residents that is incorporated in the resolution is to provide a divefret which will prohibit the northbound left turn onto 99th Avenue. The following people spoke on the subject: Gene Pistori Irene Koontz Doug McGilvra Ktm Kobza Tape #2 Bruce Anderson Commissioner Volpe loved, seconded b~ Commissioner Norris and carried unanimous/y, that the amendec~ resolution be approved and that Staff be directed to forward the resolution to the Florida Department of Transpo=tatton to be considered in the six-lanlng of U.S. &l, thereb~ adopting Resolution 94-566. Page 12 August 2, 1994 (235) Item RESOLUTION 94-567 RE "NO PARKING" ::ONE WITHIN THE PLATTED ROAD RIGHTS-OF-WAY OF CHANNEL DRIVE, SEABREEZE AVENUE, BAY VIEW AVENUE, AND GULF SEOltX DRIVE IN CONNERS VANDERBILT BEACH ESTATES UNIT 1 - ADOPTED Transportation Services Administrator Archibald explained that he received a number of petitions from property owners in the Conners Vanderbilt Beach Estates Unit 1. He said that in response to the petitions Staff has developed a resolution creating a "No Parking" zone within the streets of that plat and also a segment of Gulfshore Drive. He stated that Staff is requesting that the resolution be adopted and that Staff be directed to implement the "No Parking" signing as needed on a phasing approach. Cosuai,leloner Norris moved, seconded by Conlsstoner Volpe and carried w~antmously, to approve Sta:Cf recossendation, thereby adopting Resolutt~t 94-567. Page 13 August 2, 1994 (321) Item eBB4 FINAL ~ FOR FULL COMPENSATION TO THE OWNER OF PARCXL 130, IIeeOIALEE ROAD IN THE /~OU]~r OF $102,200.00 WITH DISBURSEMENT OF FUNDS TO TBX COURT REGISTRY ON OR BEFORE AUGUST 4, 199& - APPROVED Transportation Services Admlntslrator Archibald explained that the County condemned this 9,000 square feet parcel for the four-lantng of Immoka/ee Road. He said amount of ~he final settlement is $102,200.00. He stated that the initial deposit amount at the order of taking was $62,200.00. He said that Staff is recommending that be increased consistent with the stipulation amount of $40,000.00. Mr. Archibald explained that th{e item was added to the agenda due to the fact that it does require Board approval with a stipulated time frame in which to process payment by August 4, 1994. Ccemlestoner Saunders moved, seconded by Commissioner Norris and carried unanimously, that the ftnal Judgment be approved. SEE PAGES 220-225 see Recell: 10:45 AM - Reconve}ned: 11:08 AM At this time, Deputy Clerk Fernley replaced Deputy Clerk Barbtrettt (380) Item #8D1 PRELIMINARY REPORT OF THE SOUTH COUntrY REGIONAL WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT ADVISORY PANEL - STAFF TO TAKE IMMEDIATE ACTION ON LANDSCAPING IMPROVEMENTS NOT TO EXCEED 818,000; APPRAISAL OF THE ROYAL PALM GOLF COURSE PROPERTY TO BE OBTAINED; CONVERT PRESENT CHLORINE SYSTEM TO A HYPOCHLORITE SYSTEM; PROCEED WITH AI, TEREATIVE #2, CONSTRUCT NEW AERATION TANK AND PRETREATMENT STRUCTURE; AND THE CITIZENS COMMITTEE TO BE INVOLVED IN ALL ASPECTS OF PROJECT Tom Taylor, Hole, Montes& Associates, stated that Hole, Montes a Associates worked in conjunction with Hazen and Sawyer on this pro- Ject. Mr. Taylor introduced the South County regional Wastewater Treatment Plant Advisory Panel consisting of two (2) homeowner repre- sentatives, Dudley Chism and Rick Pz'antl, and two (2) County Staff members, Tom Conrecode of the OCPM Office and Mike McNees of the Utilities Department. Mr. Taylor indicated that the panel visited the facility to identify some problems, met at the homeowners' pool facility to ascer- tain the mist and odor problem, and toured a couple facilities on the Page 14 east coast. Dudley Chism, President of the Lely Homeowners'/Property Owners Association, stated that initially a number of things were investi- gated such as the berm, noise, and lighting but the major things were safety (presence of chlorine gas less, than 100 feet from homes, and transport of chlorine canisters throughout the neighborhood), odor which comes from the rising of raw sewage passing through to the aera- tor, and property devaluation. He explained that the problems can be solved but the property devaluation will be a long term process. Mr. Taylor explained that the pa.nel feels confident that appropriate alternatives could be outlined addressing the first two (2) areas, safety and odor, and the ~,roperty devaluation will be resolved with the resolution of the safety and odor concerns. Mr. Taylor stated that Identifying the sources of the problems is the next step and dratnage/runoff from the berm which backs up to homes, creating ponding. He Indicated that action approved by the Board at the meeting of July 26, 1994 will alleviate some of the runoff problem and the homeowners are pleased that the project is moving forward. Mr. Taylor indicated that maintenance of the berm has been con- ducted in-house until recently when =~atntenance was contracted out which should improve the appearance of the berm in the long term. He stated that additional landscaping of the berm has been requested on top of the berm along the fence line which will better screen the facility and the major aeration components. Mr. Taylor explained that sparse landscaping exists around the tank which was built after the original p/ant for the Royal Palm Golf Course irrigation system and additional landscaping is recommended. He pointed out that the addi- tional berm landscaping will also screen some of the lighting problems which have resurfaced by maintenance activity at the facility. Mr. Taylor indicated that noise is also a problem which is generated by the aeratton base and the effluent pumps turning off and on during the night. Page 15 August 2, 1994 Mr. Taylor stated that one (1) major issue is chlorine gas and three alternatives have been identified: Alternative 1 - Upgrade existing chlorine storage facility. Alternative 2 - Switch from use of liquid elemental chlorine to hypochlortte disinfectIon, Alternative 3 - Relocate existing chlorine storage facility to another location on the existing site. Mr. Taylor explained that Alternative 1 is enclosing the existing chlortnation system and installing a scrubber system in case of a leak which would bring the system up to the standards of the industry. Mr. Taylor stated that Alternative 2 is construction of a new chlorination facility that utilizes h~pochlorite or bleach in lieu of chlorine gas. Mr. Taylor indicated that Alternative 3 is construction of a new facility at a different location on the site which would use chlorine gas with a scrubber system, thus increasing the distance from adjacent residences. Mr. Taylor mentioned that odors could be generated by the sludge handling facility but this has not been documented. He indicated that at this point, improvements are not necessary to the facility. Mike McNees, Acting Utilities Administrator, stated that imme- diate fix items include landscaping and the berm and the Board is being requested to approve an expenditure not to exceed $18,O00 to proceed with landscaping improvements. 14r. McNees indicated that the Royal Palm Golf Course Is interested in selling the maintenance shed property, which lies between Warren Street and the sewer plant to the County. He stated that the property can be used for additional landscaping and the existing building utilized as a staging area and warehouse. Mr. McNees stated that the Board is requested to authorize obtaining an appraisal of the property and direct Staff to investigate beneficial uses for the site. Re pointed out that an estimate of the value of the property is between $150,OO0 and $200,000 and the Capital budget for next year includes monies for the sewer plant for construction of staging areas which can be utilized for the purchase of the Royal Palm Page 16 August 2, 1994 Golf Course site. Mr. McNees explained that there is enough property for additional parking for the ballfield across the street. In response to Commissioner Constantkne, Mr. Taylor replied that a decision can be made at any time relative to chlorine safety fixes and the options available are included in the Executive Summary as Attachment 2. Mr. Taylor explakned that Option A is the upgrading of the existing facilkty and an advantage to this option ks a minimal kncrease in operating and maintenance cost over the existing system. He stated that a disadvantage ks that chlorine in pressurized cylin- ders will still be transported through neighborhoods and stored on- site. He informed the Board that the capital cost associated with Option A is approximately $270,000. In response to Commissioner Vo.lpe, Mr. Chism informed that the chlorine cylinders are transported down Rattlesnake Hammock Road to St. Andrews Boulevard and down Warreln Street. Mr. Taylor stated that Option B is the alternative to the bleach system and the advantages are elimination of safety concerns of neigh- bors and represents the lowest capital cost as the existing structure will be utilized with the addition of a storage tank. He pointed out that the disadvantages are increased operation and maintenance costs and greater truck traffic for deliveries of bleach than for pressurized cylinders. Mr. Taylor stated that the capital cost associated with Option B is $180,000 with an annual increase of $108,000 for operating and maintenance costs because bleach is more expensive. In response to Commissioner Nor:~is, Mr. Taylor indicated that the increase for operating and maintenance costs equates to approximately 8.10 per customer per month. Commissioner Matthews questioned whether hypochlorite is the method of choice for wastewater treatment plants kn residential/urban areas? Mr. Taylor indicated that hypochlorite is not widely used in the Page 17 AUgUst 2, 1994 State of Florida but larger cities such as New York, Chicago and Cleveland converted in the 1960's and 1970'e and the assumption is that the conversions were mainly for safety reasons, i.e. the transporting of the chlorine through neighborhoods. Commissioner Norris questioned the annual cost of chlorine? Tim Clemons, Wastewater Director, stated that approximately 860,000 is spent annually for chlorine. Commissioner Constantine pointed out that the average customer is paying $.03 per month for the present system. Mr. Taylor stated that truck traffic will increase from two (2) truck loads to four (4) truck loads per week. In response to County Manager Dotrill, Mr. Taylor stated that there are containment requirements for the hypochlorites and a concrete retention area will be cnnetructed around the tank but the material is not caustic in nature. Commissioner Volpe voiced the reservation that sufficient data and information is not available regarding the safety of utilizing hypochlorites. Mr. Taylor read from a publication that "The first major city to use sodium hypochlortte was New York which in 1964 converted 11 of its treatment plants from liquid chlorine to sodium hypochlortte. The possibility of a major accident of transporting liquid chlorine through miles of heavily populated city streets and the unweildy handling techniques required for bulky one ton containers were the major factors in the conversion to hypochlortte." In response to Commissioner Volpe, Saada Chtbant of Hazen and Sawyer stated that hypochlortte is not being utilized tn the State of Florida because of cost. Rick Prantl, Homeowner Representative, pointed out that the plants that the panel looked at on the east cost utilizing liquid gas were facilities located on 150 to 160 acres with buffers of 300 feet around the area but the subject Collier County facility has only 13 acres with the chlorine facilities less than 100 feet from Page 18 August 2, 1994 residences. Mr. Chibani stated that the proximity of the chlorine building in the neighborhood is why transportation of the gas became an issue. In response to Commissioner Constantine, Mr. Chism indicated that the homeowners feel there is no alternative but to utilize something other than chlorine gas, and bleach is felt to be the best alternative. Mr. Prantl indicated that the Lehigh Acres facility utilizes bleach for the fresh water system and the leak which occurred was con- tained by the retaining wall without creating a hazardous situation. Mr. Chibani stated that two (2) options were identified to address the major odor causing element, the aeration tank. He indi- cated that Option A utilizes the existing aeration tank and consists of covering the tank with fiberglass and scrubbing the air to elimi- nate the odor. Mr. Chibani pointed out that this process creates a logistical problem because of the type of aeration system installed at this facility. He stated that the capital cost associated with Option A is $5.S million with a present worth of $9.8 million which includes operating and maintenance cost. In response to Commissioner Volpe, Mr. Chibant informed the Board that the capita/cost of the facility when constructed was $14 million. Mr. Chibani indicated that Option B calls for a new tank and will assure the neighbors 100 percent that the odors are removed. He pointed out that with a new tank, the existing tank can be utilized for reuse storage. In response to Commissioner Constantine, Mr. Chtbani indicated that construction of a reuse tank in Option A represents 81 million of the capital cost figure. Mr. Chibani stated that the proposed new aeration tank will be located further away from residences and utilizes a different type of ae~ation which eliminates noise and aerosol. He pointed out that the disadvantage is a higher capital cost of $8.3 million but the operating and maintenance costs are much lower, $198,750, due to the OUO'- .- 37 Page August 2, 1994 efficiency of the system and type of aeration. Mr. Chibani mentioned that Options A and B are close in present worth because of the much lower operating and maintenance cost of Option B. In response to Commissioner Norris, Mr. Chibani stated that Option B would be the more desirable process to utilize in a residen- tial neighborhood because of the e.[tmtnation of noise and odors which are the concerns the residents have shown. In response to Commissioner Volpe, Mr. Taylor informed the Board that Option B is not the process being utilized at the north County treatment facility. He indicated that the north treatment plant is a retrofit of the existing facility but the next expansion will include a conversion. Commissioner Volpe stated that the lease at the Falls for effluent storage for the South County Wastewater Treatment Plant is expiring soon and questioned if the existing tank will become the effluent storage facility if Option B is approved? Mr. Taylor answered negatively and stated that the ponds existing on the site plus the off-site ponds Commissioner Volpe is referring to are owned by The Glades and the off-site ponds that are part of the Lely Resort properties are leased to be utilized as back-up effluent disposal which is the basis behind going to a deep well. He said the deep well will ultimately be the back-up disposal. In response to Commissioner Vol.pe, Mr. Taylor informed that the tank is necessary for additional operating storage. Commissioner Volpe questioned if there is a need for converting the existing tank to a storage tank? Mr. Taylor explained that a need exists and is recommended by the consulting engineering team. In response to Commissioner Voll~e, County Attorney Cuyler explained that the leak problem with the tank has not been resolved with the contractor. Commissioner Volpe stated that he is not convinced that a need e3{ists for a eight m/l/ion gallon storage tank when the County has Page 20 August 2, 1994 entered into lease agreements for off loading effluent in storage tanks. Mr. Taylor explained that minimal cost is associated with removal of the aeration system to prepare the existing tank for effluent storage. Mr. Chibani indicated that the objective is to optimize the demand for reuse systems and the Department of Environmental Regulation requires reject storage at a facility when three (3) days of storage is necessary. Commissioner Constantine stated that Option A includes the cost of building an effluent storage tank and questioned if the cost can be reduced by $1 million if the Board decides not to construct same? Mr. Taylor answered in the affirmative. Commissioner Constantine pointed out that the difference between Option A and Option B without tnclu,]ing the effluent storage tank is $1.4 to $1.5 million. Mr. Chibani indicated that the difference between Option A and Option B is in capital costs. He e~:pla~ned that the drawback to covering the existing facility is that the lid will need to be lifted for maintenance numerous times during the day which will not solve the odor problem. In response to Commissioner Constantine, Mr. Chibani stated that the existing tank is only 10 to 12 feet submergence and 20 feet is required for the system to be efficient. In response to Commissioner Saunders, Mr. Chjsm acknowledged that the homeowners are in favor of Optio;G B because of the new aeration system. Commissioner Saunders stated that the County should authorize Option B, a new tank including the bleach system, as well as direct Staff to proceed with the landscapin~I and the purchase of the Royal Palm Golf Course property. County Manager Dotrill requested that the Board authorize a wastewater rate increase now. Page August 2, 1994 Commissioner Norris moved, seconded by Commissioner Saunders, that Staff proceed immediately with the landscaping improvements not to exceed 218,000, obtain an apprala~al of the maintenance facility proper~7 at the Royal Palm Golf Course, to convert the chlorlnatton system to a sodium hypochlortte myst:sm, and proceed with Option B relative to the aeratton tank. Commissioner Volpe requested that the Staff with landscape archi- tecture expertise be allowed to participate In the process to keep costs down. Mr. Prantl explained that landscaping was accomplished before without any consideration to what the homeowners would prefer. Cemaiseloner Norris amended his motion to include that Staff work with the advisory committee to assure that the homeowners have input. Commissioner Saunders amended his second. Mr. McNees stated that in future needs more capacity should be considered and additional information and impacts can be presented for 16 million gallons on the site compared to the 8 m/l/ion gallons. Commissioner Norris pointed out that the Board welcomes any information in an effort to alleviate both present and future problems on the site. Upon call for the question, the :motion carried unanimously. $S0 ROCKS 12:10 P.M. - Reconwsned 1:10 P.M. at which time Deputy Clerk Eoffsan replaced Deputy Clerk Fernlay see (1490) ltem#SD2 I~COleIDID&TION TO PURCH&SE PROPERTY IH SETTLEMENT OF ISSUES RZLATED TO THE GLADES SEWER PLANT AND EFFLUENT POND SITE - STAFF TO PURSUE POND ISSUE AT rELY WITH DEP; STAFF TO RESPOND TO ANY LITIGATION; AND EFFLUEFr STORAGE TO BE PURSUED Assistant County Attorney Yovanovtch remarked that this was tabled at the meeting of July 26, 1994. He recalled that the Board voiced concerns regarding access to the site. Mr. Yovanovlch advised that staff contacted the condomtntum asso- ciation regarding the access Issue and noted that the preliminary cost is now higher than the County's estimate of the valuation of the ease- Page 22 ~u~st ~, 1994 ment. Mr. Yovanovtch reported that the condomtntum association is requesting a continuance until the access issue is resolved. He stated that staff is recommending if a resolution is not reached with the association, that the access easement be condemned and the property be used for County purposes or sold as surplus property. In answer to Commissioner Constantine, Mr. McNees remarked that it is the Utilities Division contention that the property owners were notified of intent to maintain the County's tenancy on site and the bills were continued to be paid. Commissioner Constantine stated %hat it is a safe assumption if notification was not provided in wrilzing formal notice was given. He cited that the Executive Summary indicates that verbal assurance was given and the leases were properly renewed. Commissioner Constantine questioned the total cost of the over- sight. Mr. Yovanovich replied that the County will be spending the acquisition fees for the sewer plant site to acquire the effluent storage tank easement which is between $500,000 - $650,000; $90,000 for the sewer treatment plant rental and $168,000 for the effluent pond rent. In addition, he noted that easement acquisition costs could be as much as $150,000 and there would be condemnation costs at the end of the three year lease for an effluent lot easement. Commissioner Constantine stated that he would like to see a step by step written report with regard to this issue from the Manager. In answer to Commissioner Constantine, Utilities/Wastewater Director Clemons reported that the ponds are not used at the treatment plant site, however, the Davis Boulevard ponds are being used. He noted that the Davis Boulevard ponds are an integral part of the rainy day storage from the South County Wastewater facility. Responding to Commissioner Volpe, Mr. Clemons explained that pri- mary relief could be achieved by construction of a deep injection well for rainy day storage. Mr. Clemons advised that the Davi~ Boulevard ponds are approxima- Page 23 August 2, 1994 rely 40 acres in size and they hold about 30 million gallons. Commissioner Volpe questioned whether storage ponds on the South County site that not being used could be used on an interim basis. Mr. Clemons replied that these ponds hold approximately 1/4 of the volume that the Davis Boulevard ponds hold and they are very shallow ponds. He noted that the ponds at the South County site are deemed by the operating permit as "reject storage only" and not as operating storage or rainy day storage. He ad~rised that staff would have to apply for a permit modification with DEP which would involve months of discussion. Mr. Clemons reminded the Commission when the County applied for EPA grant funding several years ago, a certain volume of storage had to be demonstrated and the Davis Boulevard ponds were calculated in as part of that storage. He noted in order to remove those ponds, EPA would have to be notified. Mr. Clemons advised that he anticipates that there will be an Injection well at the South County Plant site in approximately two years. Assistant County Attorney Yovanovich revealed if the County deci- des not to embark on the offer, the p:coperty owner would probably file a complaint and the County will counter claim to condemn the use of the site for a three year period. Wt~:h regard to the condemnation, he remarked that the County would also bE~ paying the owner~s fees. Commissioner Norris questioned whether the intent was to vacate the property at the end of the three l,ear lease, to which Mr. Clemons replied that the plans had been and continue to be construction of the deep well and to abandon the current edte. Commissioner Norris suggested that' perhaps the Board should adhere to the property owner'e wishes and vacate the site as rapidly as possible. Commissioner Constantine questioned the length of time involved to obtain DEP approval for using a better quality effluent in the existing ponds on the Lely site as a temporary measure. Mr. Clemons Page 24 August 2, 1994 replied that he is uncertain of the time involved, noting that he would have to discuss with DEP whether they would be amenable to uti- lizing those ponds as rainy day storage as opposed to re~ect storage. Commissioner Constantine indicated that this may be a way to address the temporary issue. Commissioner Saunders remarked If the County pursued eminent domain for the effluent ponds, the value of the property would be relatively low. He noted that perhaps staff could cooperate with the land owner in terms of getting that property rezoned at the end of the two year period. County Attorney Cuyler advised that he believes an appraisal would indicate the highest and best use of the property and that would be commercial. Commissioner Volpe questioned whether the property is currently considered as surplus property by the land owner. Attorney James Siesky advised that the property is not categorized as "surplus". He indicated that the site is presently being used by the County against his client's wishes, based upon the County's posi- tion that the lease was renewed for that site as well as the effluent pond site. Commissioner Volpe questioned whether the property owner has any immediate need for the balance of the site that is zoned Golf Course and is not being used by the County. Mr. Siesky replied that the question as to whether the lease is in existence or not would have to be resolved before he answers the question. He indicated that the County takes the position that the lease is in effect, and therefore, the property owner can make no planning until that issue is deter- mined. Attorney Siesky advised for the record that he will not introduce any statements made at this proceeding in any subsequent court pro- ceeding, since these are in the nature of settlement negotiations. Mr. Sissky provided the Board with the history of the sewer plant litigation. Page 25 August 2, ]994 Mr. Stesky concluded by stating that his client desires that the County move timely within the next year and one half to proceed with the deep well process so that he may have use of the property. Commissioner Volpe stated that he understands that the severance damage is to the balance of the eight acre parcel that is being nego- tiated for the County to purchase at $1 million, based upon limited access. Attorney Sicsky explained that the purchase price is closer to $300,000 - $400,000 when in taking into consideration the costs the County is already obligated to pay. He indicated that these costs include: Attorneys fees and costs as the result of the original con- demnation trial and retrial in the approximate amount of $200,000; lease payments for the sewer p/ant in the amount of $60,000; damage to the remainder which could be hundreds of thousands of dollars; and the cost to removing the existing plant site for approximately $200,000. In response to Commissioner Volpe, Transportation Services Administrator Archibald stated that the extension of Santa Barbara Boulevard south of SR-84 would go down to the section line and the ponds on the east side would be encumbered with the future road right- of-way by approximately 75'-100' Attorney Henry Johnson, representing Naples Sunrise, Inc., reported that his client owns the underlying land which presently ser- ves as the accees point to these particular facilities. He provided for the record, a copy of a letter to Michael McNees. Mr. Johnson explained that the Declaration of Condominium indica- tes that Naples Sunrise, Inc. is subject to an easement reserved as shown in Exhibit "A", and reads as follows: "The Glades Inc., its successors and assignees reserve the right to ingress and egress across, to construct and maintain utility and drainage works on the We~terly six feet and the Southerly 110 feet of the above described /ands." Mr. Johnson advised that his client was unaware of anything that wam~ taking place relative to this matter until this point in time. He remarked that before any agreement or settlement is reached with the Page 26 August 2, 1994 owners of the property, it is important for the County Commission to give some consideration as to what will be the use of that particular property. He Indicated that the existing easement is very narrow which is merely for ingress and e~lress to construct and maintain uti- lity and drainage works. He suggested that his client is a signifi- cant player in understanding an ultimate resolution to this matter. Tape #4 Attorney Johnson requested tha,t the Commission not rush into any further decisions and that a reasonable amount of time be provided to his client so that an alternative can be negotiated with regard to the access issue. Mr. James Booraem, Jr. also spoke with regard to this item. Commissioner Constantine remarked that the County Commission is not desirous of purchasing land that is not ultimately needed. He asked whether staff could pursue the pond issue at the South Wastewater site with DEP to be used as a potential alternative, and in the meantime if the property owner decides to pursue litigation with the County, there would be 60 or 90 days before the property had to be vacated. Mr. McNees pointed out that a number of the costs would be incurred regardless. Additionally, he revealed that there will be lease payments for the effluent ponds for the time the County con- tinues to inhabit them, which has already been one year. From an operating standpoint, he remarked 'that the biggest single item will be the volume of the capacity at the South ponds. Assistant County Yovanovtch advised that the County will be able to stay at the effluent pond site, however, the County will pay to stay if it looses the litigation. He noted that these costs are outlined in the Executive Summary. Commissioner Constantine remarked if the lease was renewed pro- perly the County would be paying to stay, anyway. Commissioner Volpe remarked that the lease at the effluent ponds has gotten tied to the 7 or 8 acre parcel which is currently in liti- Page Aug~lst 2, 1994 gation. He questioned whether there is an opportunity to separate the two issues. Attorney Stesky replied that the two leases are lntrlcately tied and the settlement of the entire matter is tied to the sale of the property and that cannot be separated at this time. In addition, he advised that there is a further condemnation case that will apply to the sewer plant parcel for maintenance easements to get to the parcel that was condemned. Commissioner Saunders remarked that there Is a motion on the floor which was tabled from the meeting of July 26, 1994, that needs to be resolved. He cited that he is uncomfortable moving in either direc- tion with this particular issue and noted that under the circumstan- ces, he sees no other alternative than to do what staff is suggesting. Assistant County Attorney Yovanovich advised that the motion included the approval of the purchase agreement which is now $990,000; $50,000 payment to Mr. Beyrent as p:vovided in the Escrow Agreement; and the necessary budget amendments.. Commissioner Volpe questioned the penalty provision contained in the lease for the next three years for the effluent ponds. Mr. Yovanovich replied that $800,000 is the yearly rate and the daily rate would be $2,000 per day. Commissioner Volpe cited that this is a very steep penalty. Mr. Yovanovlch stated that Mr. Slesky's client is very serious about the County vacating the site. Commissioner Volpe remarked that he is uncomfortable with either approach. Attorney Sissky revealed that he extended the settlement offer until today and noted that this is the last day it is open. Commissioner Constantine advised that he will not support the motion and noted that he believes there is an alternative. In response to Commissioner Norris, County Attorney Cuyler pointed out that the first Page of the Executive Sununary outlines the cost of $1.5 million if the plant site is not purchased, however, this figure Page 28 August 2, 1994 does not include attorneys fees for the effluent ponds acquisition. Commissioner Norris indicated that he does not like the County being held hostage in this situation and suggested that the County move off site as quickly as possibl.s. ~pon call for the question. the motion failed 2/3 (Commissioners Norris, Volpe and Constantine oppos4td). Ccnmaissioner Constantine moved, seconded by Commissioner Saunders and c~rrted unanimously, that staff pursue the pond issue at the South Wasta~lter Site end Lely Resort with DEP on a temporary basis; County Attornc/*e staff directed to respond to any litigation with regard to the Glades property and effluent storage to be pursued; and that nego- tiations with the property owner not to be disregarded. (1085) Item IqlD3 STIPULATED ORDER FOR DEFENDANT tS c0s'rS RELATIV~ TO EASEMENT ACQUISITION FOR TI~ GOLDEN GATE W~LL~IELD EXPANSION PROJECT - DEPOSIT OF 89,888 IllTO THE REGISTRY OF THE CIRCUIT COURT AUTHORIZED AND NECKSSammY BUDGET AMENDWlENT APPROVED Commissioner Saunders moved, seconded by Commissioner Norris and carried unanimously, to authorize a deposit and approve the related budget amendment in the amount of 89,888 on or before August 4, 1994 Into t. be Re, terry of the Circuit Court. (1106) SEE PACKS 217 - 219' Item ealtl SELECT10110FWORI~RS* COMPENSATION INI~URANCE PROmRAM - STAFF'S PaCOIIIB1RDATION APPROVID, AS OUTLINED IN THE EXECUTIVE SUBIARY Risk Management Director Walker e2cplained that this item is a recommendation for Board approval of a Workers' Compensation program for additional coverage to the Penco All Lines Aggregate Insurance Program. Mr. Walker remarked that staff elicited the services of the County'zs contracted Property & Casualty broker, Insurance and Risk Management Services (IRMS). He noted that the two major goals of the project were to identify the most cost effective method; and to find a method to comply with Government Accounting Standards Board Statement Page 29 August 2, 1994 #10 which requires that current and outstanding liabilities be funded. Mr. Walker stated that 15 insurance carriers were contacted for excess and first dollar coverage of various program types. He noted that these programs were broken down into five major programs. In addition, he reported that an RFP was released for third party admi- nistration services since these servJ. ces may be needed if the County chooses to continue the Self Insured Program or a Self Insured Program with aggregate coverage. Mr. Walker explained that staff'e analysis resulted in the Penco All Lines Aggregate program being the preferred method of funding workers' compensation claims for the following reasons: 1. The program will result in tile greatest program reduction costs compared to the curten1: program and if funded at the maximum aggregate amount the County would save approximately $186,601. 2. Losses of the program cost in aggregate would be capped and would assist the County in complying with GASB #10. 3. There would be a reduction;in the County's current self insured retention from the current level of $375,000 per claim or a proposed level by the current carrier of $400,000 per claim by the current carrier to $150,000 per claim. Mr. Walker stated if the Board concurs with staff's recommendation to approve the Penco All Lines Aggregate Insurance Program, it would require an amendment to the current contract with WIllis Corroon Administrative Services Corporation as the assigned adjuster to add this coverage as part of the overall program. In addition, he recom- mended that the current contract with ]:RMS be amended and that a fee be paid for those services since a commalesion is not paid for insurance coverage. He noted that the normal commission for a program of this size is $84,000, however, staff is recommending a commission of 840,000. Mr. Walker recommended that the Board reject all proposals under RFP #94-2193, since staff is not recommending the continuance of an SIR program. In response to Commissioner Volpe, I~r. Walker advised that the Sherlff's Office is utilizing the Shertff's Fund of Tallahassee which Page 30 August 2, 1994 is the Hunt Insurance Group. Commissioner Volpe moved, seconded by Commissioner Norris and carried 4/0 (Commissioner Matthews out), to approve etaff'e recommen- dation as outlined tn the Executive Summary as follows: approve the putclose of the Penco All Lines Aggregate Insurance Program; authorize staff to negotiate an amendment to the current contract with Willts Corroen AdmJaletrattve Services Corporation; authorize staff to ne2o- tiara an amendment to the contract with Insurance and Risk Management Services, Inc. for Property & Casualty Brokerage services to Include a fee in the amount of 840,000; and to reject all proposals under ~ ~'94-2193. (1370) Item 18G2 STATIS~FT OF RESPONSIBILITY FOR MAINTIINANCE OF SECONDARY DRAINAGE SYST13e~ IN COLLIER COU1TrY - C0NCEPTU~GLY APPROVED; RESOLUTION TO BE PRZPJ~ AND BROUGHT RACK Stormwater Management Director Boldt advised that historically there has never been an official policy as to the criteria that is used to accept systems into the Count~['s drainage system maintenance program. Mr. Boldt explained that the Counl:y's drainage system includes approximately 340 miles, of which 160 miles of so called "Primary" system was turned over to the Big Cypress Basin/South Florida Water Management District. Idr. Bold stated that staff proposes that the responsibility of the maintenance of the 180 miles of Secondary drainage systems must meet one or more of the following criteria in order to qualify for the expenditure of County resources: Be located within recorded d2~atnage easements or rights-of- way; Be part of a development's drainage system that specifically assigns maintenance responsibility to the County and such responsibility was accepted by the Board of County Commissioners; System must serve as off-site discharge outlet for one or more developments where matn'tenance would not be legally possible by a private party or a property owners association; Situations where there is a history of County maintenance which has resulted in proper'=y owner reliance on the County's AugUst 2, 1994 resources to maintain the s~,etem. In those Instances where it is discovered that drainage easements have never been recorded, the County shall aggressively pursue acquisition of said easements, first by gift, then by purchase and as a last resort, by condemnations. Mr. Boldt requested that this crfLteria be adopted by resolution in order to establish an official polic~ for the responsibility of the maintenance of Secondary Drainage Systems in Collier County. In response to Commissioner Norr:[s, Mr. Boldt explained that the County has, for many years, been providing maintenance of the drainage systems in instances where there are no easements. He remarked that the County has no way of forcing a land owner to maintain the ditch individually. He noted as an example, the Riggs Road ditch has 40 different property owners on both el,lee of the canal and it is unreasonable to expect these people to maintain the canal, which requires heavy equipment and a large expenditure of monies, to serve the thousands of acres that drain through it from the north. Commissioner Volpe remarked that he shares the same reservations, as expressed by Commissioner Norris. Mr. Boldt suggested that Recommendation #4 may need to be qualified to emphasize the regional benefit to other property owners that would not have the opportunity to maintain the canal since it is not on their property. County Manager Dotrill recalled a recent issue Involving the County and a Homeowners Condomtntum Association and noted he believes it would be in the County's best interest to establish a policy in writing with regard to Primary, Secondary and Subdivision related facilities. Cossui·eioner Saunders moved, seconded by Commissioner Volpe and carried unanimously, to approve the conceptual policy and that the specific details be outlined in · resolution and brought back to the Item REC(~eeENDATION RE THE TYPICAL ROAD SECTIONS AND RIGHT-OF-WAY ALIGNMENT FOR CO~FrY BARN ROAD FOUR-LANING AS DESIGNED BY GREINER, INC. - August 2, 1994 Transportation Services Administrator Archibald reported that this item involves County Barn Road relating to the completion of Phase I preliminary design typical sections and right-of-way alignment in addition to approval to proceed with the final phase of design and permitting. Mr. Archibald pointed out that the Executive Summary includes the alternatives and analyses and the recommendations as a result of the Phase I studies. He requested authorization to proceed from Phase I to Phase II, recognizing that there are alternatives relative to median widths, bike lanes and stdews, lks. He suggested that the final design be based upon the cross sectdon that includes a 20 foot median, bike lanes on both sides and sidewalks. With regard to the drainage issu. e, Mr. Archibald advised that staff is moving ahead with the outfall design as part of the project, however, from a funding standpoint, staff is working on an assessment district which will be presented to the Board in October and this will address four different districts by assessing by tax or an assessment to consider subsidizing the cost of the outfall improvement. In answer to Commissioner Volpe, Mr. Archibald cited that a number of revisions have been made to the alignment of County Barn Road, and noted that Phase II will include a Federal Highway study which will determine to the extent of installing walls. He noted that the south end of the alignment near Rattlesnake Hammock Road will be very close to homes and there is an existing w~tll in that area which will be expanded upon, if necessary. Mr. Archibald explained that the Rattlesnake Hammock Road project will occur in 1996 and the County Barn Road project will occur in 1997. CoBBlestoner Saunders moved, seconded by Commissioner Volpe to mpprove the proposed typical section for County Barn Road four-lining; the proposed right-of-way ali~nment for County Barn Road four-lining; s~d authorization of staff to issue a Notice to Proceed for Phase II as required by the Consulting Engln, merlng Services A~reement with Pa~e 33 August 2, 1994 Gretnar, Xnc. Commissioner Norris remarked *~hat the proposal shows a sidewalk on both sides of the road and because of the limited right-of-way it may be better to install a sidewalk on one side of the road since bike lanes are shown on both sides of the roadway. Mr. Archibald replied that part of the study was to do an analysis of providing either sidewalks only or bike lanes or a combination of same. He indicated that there is some savings in deleting the bike lanes, however, there is not a substantial savings in deleting the sidewalks. He affirmed that staff recommends to proceed with no less than sidewalks on both sides of the roadway and to initiate the Phase II study to include those bike lanes because this is an important con- nector between Davis Boulevard and Rattlesnake Hammock. Responding to Commissioner Norris, Mr. Archibald reported that right-of-way will be acquired along both sides of the corridor. He explained that he is confident that the right-of-way and the resulting median will meet Federal Highway requirements, however, by reducing same, the requirements will not be met. Upon call for the question, the iotAon carried unanimously. asS, ReCelled: 3:00 P.M. - Reconvened: 3:15 P.M. at which time Deputy Clerk Barbirettt replaced Deputy Clerk Hoffman see (2035) Itel #10A RESOLUTION 94-568 APPOINTING JAMES LINNICK, GARY BEAUMONT AND PAUL SAN SOUCI0 JR. TO THE CONTRACTORS LICENSING BOARD - ADOPTED Commissioner Constantine announced that three members were needed on the Contractors Licensing Board to serve three year terms. Administrative Assistant to the Board Filson stated that one of the applicants is not qualified because he is not a registered voter. She stated that three of the applicants are not licensed. In response to Commissioner Con=stantine, County Attorney Cuyler stated that he has opined that the language in the Ordinance directs the Board to appoint a contractor in each of the listed categories. He stated that it is his opinion that they must be licensed. He Page 34 August 2, 1994 reported that the current Ordinance requires that two of the members shall be from the City of Naples. He said that the Ordinance must be amended. Commissioner Constantine annou.nced that a letter from Paul Muenzer, Mayor of the City of Naples, waiving the two positions is included in the Executive Summary. County Attorney Cuyler suggested that the members be appointed subject to having an amendment developed. Commissioner Matthews stated that Mr. Beaumont has requested that he be reappointed to the Board. Commissioner Volpe suggested that Mr. San Souci be appointed. Commissioner Norris suggested that Mr. Linnick be appointed. Co~atsalonsr Norris moved, seconded by Co~missioner Matthews and carried unantsously, that Messrs. ~eaumont, Ltrmlck and San Souct be appointed to the Contractors Licensing Board, thereb~F adoptin2 Resolution 94-568. Page 35 August 2, 1994 (2186) Item I10B RESOLUTION 94-569 RE APPOINTMENT OF MEMBERS TO THE COUNCIL OF ECONOMIC · DVISORS - ~DOPTED Commissioner Constantine announced that nine members and three non-voting alternate members were ne.~ded for the Council of Economic Advisors. He stated that a suggestion has been made that the Board appoint twelve members and permit them to choose who the regular and alternate members will be. Commissioner Volpe suggested the appointment of Parker J. Collier and Gary L. Tice. Commissioner Norris suggested the appointment of Michael J. Cart, St. and Henry C. Trtbble. Commissioner Matthews suggested the appointment of James D. Carter and Stuart O. Kaye. Commissioner Saunders suggested the appointment of Allan R. Fish and John H. Fitch. Commissioner Constantine suggested the appointment of Russell Tuff and Bryan L. Weber. Commissioner Norris suggested the appointment of Tom Walsh. Commissioner Constantine suggested the appointment of James E. Loskill. CcmAeeloner Volpe moved, seconde,~ by Commissioner Saunders and carril~ unanimously, to approve the al~pointment of Parker J. Collier, Gary L. Tics, Nichael J. Carr, Sr., H~snry C. Trtbble, Jms D. Carter, Stuart O. Zaye, Allan R. Fish, John H. Fitch, Russell W. Tuff, Bryan L. timber, Tot Ilmlsh and James E. Losk:tll to the Council of Economic Advisors and that the members will de~ermlne alternate members by lot, thereby s~lopttng 94-569. Page 36 AugUst 2, 1994 (2334) (lAIN TIM~ FOR INMATE NOS. 26989, 81968 AND 44434 - CONTINUED TO I~k~_~ OF AUGUST 9, 1994 In response to Commissioner Constantine, Deputy Hernandez-White explained that there are different reasons for violation of probation. A short discussion was held on the crimes of the inmates. Commissioner Constantine commented that if he were on probation he would not forge an item or display a firearm. He said that he could not agree to Extra Gain Time for the inmates in these cases. Commissioner Volpe asked County Attorney Cuyler if this was a discretionary item? County Attorney Cuyler stated 'that according to a memo authored by his Staff it is the legal opinion that the Board has established a policy and this item is in accordance with that policy. He said if the Board wishes to change the policy it may do so. Commissioner Constantine stated that the memo stated that Gain Time and Extra Gain Time are two d~fferent items. He said that according to the memo Gain Time was; not discretionary, Extra Gain Time was completely discretionary. Mr. Cuyler agreed that the Extra Gain Time was completely discre- tionary. He said that he believes that the Board adopted an ordinance that granted Extra Gain Time. He stated that it is at the Boardfe discretion to repeal or amend the ordinance. Commissioner Constantine suggested that this item be continued for one week as he disagrees with Mr. Cuyler's recollection of the memo. Commissioner Matthews recalled that Staff was directed to look into the policy. She asked if anything is going to be presented to adjust or amend the policy? Commissioner Volpe stated that 'he believes there was a change in the State law having to do with Extra Gain Time for repeat offenders. He requested that the County Attorney update the Board on that. Coaatseloner Constantine moved, seconded by Conlestoner Norris Page 37 August 2, 1994 m~d curled unanimously, that this item be continued to the meeting of ~ust 9, 1994. (2513) lte~ I10D ~ESOLUTION 94-570 APPOINTING GEORGB RASLEY, JR. TO THE PRIVATIZATION PLUS TUK FORCE - ADOPTED Commissioner Constantine announced that there is one vacancy on tile Prlvattzatton Plus Task Force. Commissioner Matthews stated that the Prtvattzatton Plus Task Force formed a subcommittee to review the resumes. She said that the subcommittee suggested the appointment of George K. Rasley, Jr. Comalesioner Matthews moved, seconded by Commissioner Norris and carried unanimously, that George K. Rasley, Jr. be appointed to the PL-ivatization Plus Task Force, thereby adopting Resolution 94-570. Page 38 August (2559) Itme #10~ ~SOLWIOI 94-571 ~I~ING LORE]tZO WILLI~S TO THE BM~ AFFAIRS Administrative Assistant to the Board Ftlson stated that the terms for Albert Lee, Willie Brlce and Marie DuPuy expired on June 25, 1994. In response to Commissioner Col~stanttne, Ms. Filson replied that she places advertisements approximately two months before terms expire. She stated that the only application she has received is from Mr. Lorenzo Willtams. She said that she received a memorandum from Staff requesting that Willie Brtce and Marie DuPuy be reappointed. Commissioner Constantine directed Ms. Fileon to readvertlse. He said that if any members wished to be reappointed they should be encouraged to send in a note requestring that they be reappointed. C~ssatsetoner Matthews moved, seconded by Commissioner Volpe and carried unanimously, that Lorenzo ~Itlltams be appointed to the Black Affairs a~tvtmory Board, thereby adc,pttng Resolution 94-571. Page 39 August 2, 1994 (263~) Zte~ #11A DISCUSSION RE SPECIAL ASSESSNENT PROGRAN - PRESENTED Dwight Brock, Clerk of Courts, stated that this item is for infor- mational purposes. He said that special assessments for the garbage collection has Just been completed and caused major problems. He stated that letters were sent to citizens indicating that they were required to pay a special assessment in August, 1994, which was the fee for Hay, 1994. He explained that the people who paid the fee in July and August were expecting to pay a smaller fee. He said that this caused the necessity of ~ournal entries. He stated that a total of $31,000.00 came through the cashtering system which converts into 231 ~ournal entries. Mr. Brock stated that the Board of County Commissioners approved on July, 19, 1994, a deferral program for two special assessment account numbers. He stated that both of the tax certificates have been sold. He stated that both he and the Tax Collector are concerned regarding the potential of placing themselves in the position of being a lender to a private citizen which is unconstitutional. He requested that before any action takes place in the future the information be forwarded to his office a week or two in advance so that he may review the issue in an attempt to avoid any potential problems. Clerk Brock stated that there are approximately 38 active special assessments. He said that these special assessments have taken up all the computer space. He said that the Board recently approved a deferral program for the East and Sou'th Districts. He reiterated that the software package in the computer program does not have the capabi- lity of handling that. He said he is in the process of reviewing a rewrite of the software package. Mr. Brock said that this creates al time intensive problem for his Staff to manually Input Information versus automated Input. He stated that it also creates the potential fox' errors. Clerk Brock requested that the Boa:rd direct Staff to provide his Page 40 August 2, 1994 office with all information being sent to citizens regarding special assessments before it is mailed. He asked that before any item is placed on the agenda regarding speciaL1 assessments that he be given the opportunity to review the item. Commissioner Constantine recalled that previously the possibility of greater communications between agencies through computer systems had been discussed. Commissioner Constantine stated that the requests made by Mr. Brock should be routine via computer. Mr. Brock stated that the communication link has been in existence since he took office but it is a step that is not being utilized. He explained that the deferral that took place was structured by the Utilities Department. He said that the only communication that the Clerk's Office had with the Utilities Department was that Ms. O'Connell, St. Accountant, was approached by the Utilities Department who asked her if a form that they had devised would work? He said she was reluctant to answer based on the information that she had. He said that the next he heard the issue was presented to the Board and approved. Commissioner Volpe stated Mr. Brock's request was certainly reaso- nable. He said that information should be provided to the Clerk of Courts in advance and that the Clerk should have input on Board action regarding special assessments. Commissioner Matthews stated that she thought that was occurring. In response to Commissioner Volpe, County Manager Dotrill stated that the first year the hardship program was adopted only nine indi- viduals were included. He said there is currently 44 individuals in the program. He said if the manual eyl~tem to account for the 44 indi- viduals has become an inconvenience to the Clerk, he apologizes. Mr. Dotrill stated that his Staff Is certainly willing to com- municate information with the Clerk's Office. He stated that his Staff is developing a proposal to possibly create a Department of Revenue. He suggested that before the Clerk expend funds on software Page 41 August 2, 1994 packages he await the Board's decisJ. on regarding the creation of this department. Mr. Brock stated that he appreciated that information but believes it strange that this would occur at this time in the budget process. Commissioner Constantine stated that there is an apparent lack of communication. Clerk Brock asked if it is the Boardls desire that he not under- take the process of revising the computer software to deal with the special assessment process? Commissioner Saunders replied that he believes the computer soft- ware to be essential. County Manager Dotrill stated that he is suggesting that before the Clerk proceed that the Board review the proposal at the end of August. In response to Commissioner Matthews, Mr. Brock stated that hie budget is built around his anttctpat,ed needs in the coming year. (3322) Item#llB US[ OF CONFISC&TZD TRUST FUNDS FOR ~IlNI PREVINTION PURPOSIS - Deputy Hernandez-Whtte stated that this is a request to appropriate $10,000.00 for the Florida Youth Ranch. She said that this program is for the crime prevention aspect of working with youths. She stated that the Sheriff ts requesting that some of the monies be appropriated from the Trus~: Fund. Coamtssloner Volpe moved, seconded by Contsstoner Norris, to approve the use of the Confiscated Tx~mt Funds for crime prevention Upon call for the question, the s~tlon cmrrted 4/0 (Contmstoner Saunters out). (339~) Item el4& FLaRe) ISLMID AIRPORT/FAH]CAHATCHEE STRAND UPDATE - DISCUSSIONS TO COMTINU~ Commissioner Matthews requested an update on this Item. Commissioner Constantine reported that he met with Representative Page 42 August 2, 1994 Hawkins, representatives of the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), Assistant County Attorney Wetgel, and Mr. Barton of the Airport Authority, last week. He said that unfortunately not much progress was made on the closure Itssue. He said that all agreed tentatively to posting the closing of the road and committing to patrols through the area. He stated that the representatives from the DEP are going to report back to their office and revisit the Issue once again. He stated that Mr. Gregory of the DEP indicated that he will call within ten days. Commissioner Constantine explained that the agreement calls for the State to give the Marco Island Airport to the County in exchange for the County giving the State 1,920 acres in the Fahkahatchee Strand and close Janes Scenic Drive. He said that the method of closure is the only question left unanswered. Commissioner Constantine stated that he hopes to have more infor- mation by August 9, 1994. In response to Commissioner Volpe, Commissioner Constantine replied that the matter will be determined by the trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund. Commissioner Constantine stated that the issue must be resolved in the next 45 days in order to stay in the grant cycle. A1 Perkins spoke on the subject. (Tape #5 - 240) Tape #5 (073) Item~14B AIRI~RT AUTHORITY *GO TEAM" - CO~J~ISSIONER MATTHEWS APPOINTED AS BCC REPR~SE~T&TIVB Commissioner Constantine stated that the Airport Authority is pro- ceeding with the concept of a "Go Team". He said as inquiries come in, the "Go Team" can respond and provide information. He stated that the Airport Authority has requested that one member of the Board serve on the "Go Team". He suggested that Commissioner Matthews be appointed. Commissioner Matthews stated that she would be happy to serve on the "Go Team". Page 43 August 2, 1994 (xos) Item #14C CHLUMSEY PROPERTY OFFERED FOR POSIIIBLE EAST NAPLES PARK - STAFF TO POSSIBILITY WITH CITY OF IIAPLES Commissioner Norris stated that the Chlumsky family had offered to sell some property to the County at appraised cost less one million dollars on the condition that it b,e used as a park in memory of his son. He stated that he believes that the offer is worth pursuing if the City of Naples could be persuaded to agree to a Joint effort since it is close to the City. In response to Commissioner Volpe, Commissioner Norris replied that the parcel is approximately 10 acres. In answer to Commissioner Volpe, Commissioner Norris stated that Mr. Chlumsky's main concern is that the park be dedicated to his son. He said that he is unsure ae to whether Mr. Chlumsky has conditions to the type of park. It was the consensus of the Board to direct Staff to contact the City of Naples to see if they would be interested in a 3oint park ven- ture. County Manager Dotrill confirmed that Assistant County Manager Hargett draft a letter asking if the City Manager would agree to eva- luate the situation. (350) Itffa~lZ 800 MHz PUBLIC SAFETY COMMUNICATIONII SYSTEM VENDOR PRESENTATIONS & QUESTlOllS - PRESKNTED Commissioner Constantine announced that each vendor will receive l0 minutes for their presentations and 20 minutes for questions from the Board and the committee. He stated that no final decisions will be .lade today. Steve Camell, Purchasing Director, stated that the intent of this item is to hear the proposals developed under RFP-94-2201, which is the design and building of a County wide public safety 800 MHz radio trunking system. He stated that the three proposals were received on Page 44 August 2, 1994 July 15, 1994. He said that the proposals have been evaluated by the County Manager's Selection Commttt:ee and by Graham Communications who is serving as the technical advisor. He reported that at the present time the County remains on schedule for meeting the requirements of the FCC slow growth waiver. He stated that the Intent today is to afford the vendors the opportunity to address the Board and the Selection Committee. Mr. Camell asked the vendors who are not presenting to excuse themselves from the proceedings. He explained that the Selection Committee randomly selected the order of presentation. He said that the recommended order is Motorola Communications, Ericsson G. E., and g. F. Johnson. Commissioner Constantine reiterated that the vendors must meet the requirements as developed by the Selection Committee. In response to County Manager Dotrill, Mr. Camell etated that at the present time Ram Communications is conducting its review of the technical aspect of the proposal and implementation plan. He said that the Selection Committee is reviewing the balance of the proposal which includes price considerations and qualitative consideration. He reported that Ram Communications will present their recommendations next week. He stated that the Selection Committee is expected to present their recommendation at the same time. He indicated that a 3otnt review will follow and a report will be presented to the Board on the first or second week of September, 1994. In response to Commissioner Matthews, Mr. Dotrill replied that the waiver does not require a signed contract by September SO, 1994. He said that the waiver requires a selection of a vendor and an indica- tion of a funding source. County Manager Dotrill announced that Motorola has raised a point of order pertaining to lobbyists or agents on behalf of other vendors. He stated that they feel that Mr. Jack Pointer is either a lobbyist or agent for one of the vendors. Mr. Pointer presented a notorized letter to the Board. (Copy not Page 45 August 2, 1994 provided to Clerk's Office.) He stated that the letter was sent to Mr. Camell on April 18, 1994. He said that the letter states that he has no personal or financial tnter,~sts In the RFP, manufacturers or dealers that may be concerned. He said that this applies to the past, present and future. Mr. Camell announced that Commissioner Saunders asked him to advise the Board that he has taken 111 and will be unable to attend the rest of the meeting. Notorolm Corporation Del Osmond, representing Motorola Corporation, stated that the major issues to be considered are coverage, reliability, performance, site development and compliance to the specifications. Mr. Osmond explained how Motorola came up with the coverage map. He said that there are high density buildings along the coast and on Marco Island. He stated that the RFP required that the County be bro- ken into three areas. He said that area one Is the high density area which will require dense building coverage, area two will require light coverage and area three will require vehicle coverage. Mr. Osmond reported that his firm is aware of the demographics of the area. Mr. Osmond said that a stmulcasl: cell will be placed in area one. He explained that towers will be placed along the coast and that one tower will be placed at Station WAW because it also is a populated area. He said that lnteller repeater sites will be placed at four more locations in the County. He said that coverage is important not only to cover the County but to provide the high density coverage to penetrate the high density buildings. Mr. Osmond stated that Motorola will provide 95~ County wide por- table coverage. Mr. Osmond stated that his firm is the only respondent that meets the coverage criteria. Mr. Osmond stated that his firm will provide two true fault tolerant controllers that consist of redundant disk drives, power Page 46 AuguSt 2, 1994 supplies, etc. He said that this is the heart of the system. Mr. Osmond reported that another important aspect that this propo- sal has is compatibility with commercial systems. Mr. 0smond said that performance is another important issue. He stated that his proposal includes a feature called right site. He said that most systems while going through the County will lose the signal before they acquire another site. He said their systems seamlessly hands off site to site. He said while doing that it also registers at the new site and reregisters at the old site. He said that this is an exclusive feature of the Motorola Smart Zone. Mr. Osmond explained that his system has direct compatibility with Lee and Broward Counties. Mr. Osmond said that the existin!l administrative system will be retained. He stated that retaining ~he system will provide extended coverage into Lee County. Be said that the system can be expanded or migrated as desired. He said that it can be integrated into the Motorola system. Mr. Osmond stated that his proposals provide risk free tower and site preparation. He said they will provide precast concrete struc- ture that meet the South Florida Building Code for hurricanes. He said that the foundations will be elevated above the category five storm levels. Commissioner Constantine remarked that the Motorola proposal pro- vides for 95~ portable coverage. He ~aid that the RFP required with 5~¢ as an Add On. Mr. Osmond stated that his proposetls exceed the RFP requirements. In response to Commissioner Conste~ntine, Mr. Osmond replied that although Dade County does not have a Motorola system it will not be a major problem. He said that provisions can be made. He stated that the Mutual Aid Channels provide another level of compatibility throughout the State. In response to Commissioner Volpe, Mr. Osmond replied that the RFP requested 2,600 radios and his proposal provides for that request. He Page 47 August 2, 1994 said this number of radios is enough to load the system and the number needed is based on the County's requirements. Randy Evans, representing Motorola, confirmed that RFP asked for 2,600 subscriber units, but called for 1,200/1,400 units to start with. He said that by the year 2000 the number of units As expected to be raised to 1,800/1,900 units. lie stated that whatever number of units, the County chooses the unit pr:[ce will not change. In response to Commissioner Volps~, Mr. Osmond stated that his system is superior to any other system. He said that it has unique features and also provides no risk sites. Mr. Evans pointed out that the towers are included it, the propo- sal. He said that the other respondents clearly state that after award they will add the towers and charge for them. In response to Commissioner Matthews, Mr. Osmond stated that this proposal offers 95% portable coverage as a public safety quality. In response to Commissioner Matthews, Mr. Olson explained that the optional Microwave Connection System is a way to get the signals from the sites back to the main headquarters. In response to Commissioner Norris, Mr. Olson stated that one of the features that are exclusive to his system is Right Site which is a group of features. He said that Critical Site Assignment, Critical User and Preferred Site are features that provide an override to a site that is available if one site is busy. He stated that the call will not override a critical user or a critical site. He said they register and deregtster at sites so that resources are not wasted. In response to Commissioner Matth,~ws, Mr. Olson replied that tower height varies from site to site. In answer to Commissioner Volpe, bNr. Olson stated that the interest rates for the lease purchase are negotiable. In reply to Commissioner Volpe, Mr. Olson confirmed that financing can be arranged in-house. In response to Commissioner Volpe, Mr. Olson stated that this pro- posal does not include lease payments for tower sites. Page 48 August 2, 1994 **' At this time, Deputy Clerk Fernley replaced Deputy Clerk Barbtrettt *** (2495) Zricsson GI Noblie Coamuntcations Dudley Goodlette of Cummings and Lockwood, representing Ericsson 6E Mobile Communications, stated that the process involves the expen- diture of a considerable amount of public funds and a substantial Investment for resources relative to public safety and service In the communications network. He indicated that Ericsson GE Is privileged to participate In this process and feels a responsibility, if selected as the successful bidder, to recognize the commitment to the citizens of Collier County. Mr. Goodlette stated that Ericsson GE has had an opportunity to bid communications for Vojusta County, Hillsborough County, Dade County, City of Melbourne and the City of Hollywood and have been successful. Mr. Goodlette explained that Ericsson 6E is presenting state of the art technology with their Digital Trunked 800 MHz Public Safety Communications System which has relia~btltty, flexibility, expand- ability and creates a value in the cemmuntcattons system. He pointed out that Ericsson GE will maintain their own service facility in Collier County staffed by Collier Cou;nty residents, if selected. Mr. Goodlette stated that the seven (7) existing towers will be utilized as part of this proposal. Larry Hedrtck, Ericsson GE, stated that the proposed system is EDAC which stands for Enhanced Digital Access Communications System and over 200 worldwide customers utilize the system to date. He indi- cated that a contract with the Country of Tatwan for $110 million was recently consummated. Mr. Hedrtck stated that EDAC is the best system for Collier County because of reliability, expandability needed for growth, adaptability for future technologies and is a cost effective solution for communications. He indicated that the total system will remain functional should a failure occur at a single point in the system Page 49 August 2, 1994 because of a redundancy built throughout the system which Is a unique feature of EDAC. Mr. Hadrick pointed out that EDAC can grow as Collier County grows due to the flexibility of the system for expansion but the system, as proposed, will take Collier County well into the 21st cen- tury. Mr. Hadrick explained that the system can be upgraded, such as automatic vehicular location and mobile data. He stated that EDAC is both digital and analog; the Infrastructure Is digital to accommodate mobile radios and for lesser critical functions, the analog pottables and mobiles can be used which represents a lower cost. Mr. Hedrick stated that EDAC ts the only system where all chan- nels support data and Manarea County utilized the feature for license plate/driver license checks. Mr. Hadrick stated that Ericsson GE proposed a 15 channel, four (4) site stmulcast system supported with three (3) additional sites in lesser populated areas. He pointed out that the system includes new digital microwaves to interconnect ~he system. Mr. Hedrick stated that the EDAC is a computer driven system which allows the turning off and on of radios through the com- puter. He explained that Orion mobile radios are proposed and MRK pottables with full feature capability including telephone interconnect. Mr. Hedrick pointed out that the local service facility will be staffed by local people but will be supported during the implemen- tation phase by factory engineers and representatives out of Miaml and Tampa to assure proper installation. Mr. Hedrlck stated that Ericsson GE has tomorrow's communication system for the County's needs today. In response to Commissioner Norris, Mr. Hedrtck responded that analog pottables and mobiles can be utilized initially and digital can be added later using the same infrastructure. He acknowledged that existing towers will be used but new buildings, shelters and generator Page 50 August 2, 1994 equipment is included in the proposed cost. Alex Small, Territory Sales Manager for Ericsson GE, stated that a shopping list of user equipment has been provided but the system is the same whether digital or analog equipment is utilized but the base bid of $12.9 million includes analog equipment without the trade-in allowance. Commissioner Norris pointed out that the County can have the digital system for $1.4 million and the analog/digital upgrade for $2.5 million over the base price. Commissioner Constantine stated that the proposal indicates that 95 percent coverage is included in the base cost. Mr. Small explained that 95 percent coverage Is for the western side of the County and 90 percent is the eastern portion. Commissioner Constantine questioned if the County would be paying for something which was not requested in the Request for Proposals (RFP)? Mr. Small indicated that there is only two (2) dB difference bet- ween 95 and 90 percent coverage and inside building coverage in the coastal areas will be accomplished with the 95 percent coverage. In response to Commissioner Constantine, Mr. Small responded that three to five (3-5) full time employees will be needed to staff the local service facility, will be trained by Ericsson GE and totally dedicated to the Collier County system. He explained that the microwave system connects all the site together and are necessary for stmulcast systems with the benefit of no recurring costs. Mr. Small indicated that Ericsson GE has no major exceptions or technical questions. In response to Commissioner Matthews, Mr. Small explained that a stress analysis will be performed on each of the towers after contract negotiations. He Indicated that most times stress analysis is con- sidered part of the lease agreement but the proposal includes a provi- sion that should Ericsson GE perform the analysis, the cost would be pat~sed directly to the County without mark-up. Page 51 August 2, ]994 Commissioner Matthews questioned if the 6.88 percent interest on the/ease-purchase program is correct? Mr. Small indicated that the interest percentage depends on the contract that is entered into and Citicorp is the paper holder. Commissioner Volpe questioned if the retrofitring of the towers, if necessary, is reflected in the RFP? Mr. Small stated that the towers may need to be strengthened with additional guide wires and the cost would be negotiated with the County as the estimated cost is no~ reflected in the RFP. In response to Commissioner Volpe, Mr. Small explained that the Ericsson GE system is technically e~upertor because the EDAC System rur, s all data at 9.6 Kb by simply utilizing a mobile data terminal (laptop computer), stepped on communications are not allowed and a redundancy is built into the system to allow continued communications even if a couple of towers should collapse during a hurricane. Commissioner Constantine indicated that the base configuration is $12,970,000 with $2.8 million allowed for trade-in. In response to Commissioner Norris, Mr. Small replied that auto- matic roaming exists between sites. Mr. Camell requested clarification of how Ericsson GE envisions the tower acquisition process, i.e. acquiring rights for the towers. Mr. Small explained that the County has more clout with tower owners and will sometime donate the space but Ericsson GE envisions participating in the process as a Joint partnership by performing engineering studies, etc. Mr. Camell clarified that Ericsson GE envisions tower acquisi- tion as a lease agreement between the County and tower site owner. Mr. Carnell stated that Ericsson GE prefers to negotiate change order pricing to the system design and implementation and requested clarification of how the process will work. Mr. Small responded that there should not be many changes that are not identified in the price list submitted. Mr. Camell explained that the County is under a waiver condition Page 52 August 2, 1994 and time line from the Federal Con~munications Commission (FCC) and questioned if there would be a problem if the County requested the contractor to proceed with work while negotiating and resolving issues at a later date. Mr. Small indicated that if the County issues a Notice to Proceed, Ericsson GE proceeds and previous contract change orders have been negotiated while work was being conducted. Mr. Camell questioned how Ericsson GE's proposal incorporated the use of VHS pagers7 Mr. Small informed that a paging encoder is built into the system and can be connected into the County's existing paging system. (445) E.~. Johnson Company Jim Crlnklaw, Area Manager fop E.F. Johnson, stated that a brief overview, options proposed, cost sununary and leasing information are contained in the first eight (8) pages of the booklet distributed and summlarizes data from the Request for Proposals (RFP). Mr. Crtnklaw indicated that E.F. Johnson has designed a system achieving the County's goal of a single County wide radio communica- tions system by use by General Services and Public Safety. He explained that the proposal presents three (3) systems which meet the intent of the RFP and needs assessments gathered through interviews with various departments and meets 'the APCO 16 recommendations for features to address the needs of public safety users. Mr. Crinklaw explained that E.F. Johnson is proposing three (3) configurations, all expansions of tile existing 800 MHz system owned by Collier County which allow the County to choose the level of sophisti- cation to which they wish to initially expand the existing system, and include the equipment necessary to .meet the communications needs for both general services and public safety. Mr. Crtnklaw stated that all proposed configurations incorporate autotrack, a site tracking technology which allows seamless and transparent operation for users within the system. He explained that Page 53 August 2, 1994 a high degree of redundancy has been built into the system to assure reliability that public safety requires. He pointed out that com- ponents in Configuration Options 1 and 2 can be connected through standard voice grade phone lines, fiber options, or microwave, but microwave is offered in all three (3) options and is included in the pricing. Mr. Crinklaw explained that Option 1 is a three (3) site zoned system consisting of 12 channels at each of two (2) sites in the western part of the County, three (3) channels at one (1) site in the eastern portion of the County, and one (1) voted receiver site to enhance portable performance. Mr. Crinklaw stated that Option 1 allows the bulk of radio resources to be placed in the most active areas of the County while leaving adequate resources for use in the remainder of the County. Mr. Crinklaw stated that Option 2 in an enhancement of the basic system design and is one (1) step higher in sophistication by adding dynamic frequency or channel allocation which allows for placement of more channels at each of the sites. He indicated that Option 2 places nine (9) fixed channels at each of two (2) sites in the western part of the County, three (3) fixed channels at one (1) site in the eastern portion of the County and six (6) floating channels that the system can automatically allocate one (1) channel at a time to any or all of the three (3) sites up to a combined total of six (6) floating chan- nels between the three (3) sites based on the traffic loading at the sites. Mr. Crinklaw pointed out that tile system dynamically distributes the available radio resources to areas where needed most. He men- tioned that either Option 1 or Option 2 will expand the existing system to best fill the communication requirements of Collier County at a reasonable cost for equipment as well as maintenance on the system. Mr. Crtnklaw stated that at the National APCO convention being held the week of August 8, 1994 in Pittsburgh, PA, E.F. Johnson will Page 54 August 2, 1994 officially introduce simulcast into the Multi-Net System offering and is included as Option 3 for Collier County. He indicated that Option 3 offers ten (10) channels stmulcasted at each of the three (3) sites enhanced by five (5) channels multicasted at each of the three (3) sites. Mr. Crlnklaw pointed out that E.F. Johnson feels that their base system and the base system with dynamic frequency alloca- tion are the superior solutions to Collier County's communication requirements, and the Company wants to offer a full array of options available in expanding the present Multi-Net System. 14r. Crinklaw pointed out that other benefits to be realized from expansion of the existing system include that the radios presently utilized will operate on the new configurations without being reprogrammed, no additional radios need to be purchased, and current users will realize improved performance and coverage from the expanded system. Mr. Crinklaw stated that radios on the system can be programmed to utilize available commercial LTR t]2unked radio system as a back-up to the County system. He explained that the system will continue to serve the communication needs with the same reliability and with the same minimal cost for maintenance as experienced with the present system. Mr. Crinklaw indicated that E.F. Johnson is ready to begin expansion of the system immediately after receiving instructions to proceed because major components are already in-place. In response to Commissioner Norris, Jim Brockhouse, Applications Engineer for E.F. Johnson, stated that redundancy in the system has been addressed by including redundant antenna systems at each site, i.e. the channels installed at all the sites have been split providing two (2) antenna systems, thereby allowing half the site to function should one part of a channel resource become damaged or malfunction. Mr. Brockhouse indicated that in 'the main controller is a radio network switch which comes equipped with redundant power supplies, a primary and secondary. He explained that the repeater sites are also split and each radio is programmed with home channel back-up. Page 55 August 2, 1994 Mr. Crinklaw added that the repeating equipment has redundant power amplifiers which notify the system manager in case of a failure but the user will not be aware of any problem. In response to Commissioner Norris, Mr. Brockhouse indicated that the maximum number of separate conversations that can be held simulta- neous with Option A and Option B is 12 and 15 with Option 3. Commissioner Constantine questioned whether E.F. Johnson felt technically superior to the other vendors? Mr. Crinklaw indicated that E.F. Johnson is technically competent and equal to the other vendors. Mr. Crinklaw stated that the existing Bonita Springs tower, Palmet Communications tower and the cellular tower on Alligator Alley will be utilized but one (1) additional tower will be required by using microwave which will be located at the Government Complex and is included in the cost for all three (3) options. Commissioner Matthews pointed out that the lease purchase offered indicates a percentage rate between 5.2 and 5.4. Mr. Crinklaw indicated that the correct percentage is 6.38. Rod Hud, Director of North American Sales for E.F. Johnson, stated that a third party arrangement is in affect but he is not cognizant of who is involved. In response to Commissioner Norris, Mr. Crinklaw indicated that 95 percent coverage for Area 3 requires one (1) additional site and is an add on of $150,000. In response to Commissioner Matthews, Mr. Crinklaw explained that the three (3) tower sites are adequately hardened against storms except the site on Alligator Alley may require the construction of a building but is included in the price which can be adjusted if deter- mined that a building is not necessar!t. Commissioner Constantine questioned whether E.F. Johnson has any major exceptions or questions regarding the RFP? Mr. Crinklaw stated that there a~?e no major exceptions to the RFP at this time because Staff has adequately answered any questions. Page 56 August 2, 1994 Mr. Camell requested an overvte.w of how E.F. Johnson envisions the tower acquisition process. Mr. Crinklaw indicated that E.F. Johnson is not sure they have the authority to negotiate contracts for the County but the project management team will perform the service if granted the authority. Mr. Camell questioned how E.F. Johnson's design proposes to address the issue of emergency and battery power at the tower sites? Mr. Brockhouse indicated that all three (3) tower sites already have adequate back-up power supplies for the equipment to be installed. In response to Commissioner Norris, Mr. Crinklaw replied that at this time E.F. Johnson has not announced a digital technology because APCO 25 is not a standard and a product will not be introduced until then but negotiations are on-going with several companies. Mr. Camell questioned if the R}IT switch referenced in the E.F. Johnson proposal is an additional switch or a replacement to an existing switch? Mr. Crinklaw explained that the system was designed to incor- porate the existing system but one configuration requires the addition of a cabinet, not an RNT switch, to accommodate all the cards and capabilities to be added to the existing switch. Mr. Camell asked if the E.F. Johnson proposal incorporate the use of VHS pagers? Mr. Brockhouse explained that VES pagers are not included in the proposal because the information was not received in time to Incor- porate same but the feature can be added. Mr. Crinklaw stated that the capability exists to Interface the paging system Into the E.F. Johnson system. Mr. Camel] explained that at the Board of County Commissioners meeting of September 6 or September 13, 1994, the committee will be making a presentation of their findings. see Cossaieetoner maunders moved, seconded by Coutsstoner Matthews and carried unanimously, that the following items under the consent agenda be approvsd and/or adopted: s$s P~o ~7 August 2, 1994 RESOLUTION 94-536 RE CONPLIANCE SERVICES NO. 31013-093; Ok'NER OF RECORD - CURTIS W. ANDERSON, SR. AND CHERYL ANDERSON See Pages q~ --'~/ Item #16A1B RESOLUTION 94-537 RE CO!~PLIANCE SERVICES NO. 31108-38; OWNER OF RECORD - PILL BORGKRSEN, 3R. see Pages It~m #16&1C - Thte Item has been deleted Item #16&ID RESOLUTION 94-538 RE CONI~LIANCE SERVICES NO. 40314-031; OWNER 0F RECORD - JkDOLI~) IrERRO AND NARLENE FERRO Item #16&lE RESOLUTION 94-539 RE CONPLIANCE SERI/ICES NO. 40314-090; OWNER OF RECORD - DONILD II. RASHOTT AND NARGARET A. RASHOTT Item #16A1F See Pages RESOLUTION 94-540 RE COI(PLIANCE SERVICES NO. 40315-023; OWNER RECORD - PHYLLIS J. NOORE See Pages Itsst #I6IIG RESOLUTION 94-541 RE COWIPLIANCE SERVICES NO. 40315-049; Ok~IER OF RECORD - 30mE VICKNTE IrERRERA See Pages Item #16&1H RESOLUTION 94-542 RE CONPLIANCE SERVZECES NO. 40315-063; OWNER OF RECORD - SIr, V/TORE CINA Item #16All RESOLUTION 94-543 RE COHPLIANCE SERV:L*CES N0. 40318-018; OWNER KEC01tD - DELTONA CORPOR&TZON Ite~ #16&13 RESOLUTION 94-544 RE COHPLIANCE SERVICES NO. 40321-035; OWNER OF RECO[~ -ILE3IIIDRO FENA& CARlDAD PE~fA Page 58 Item See Pages August 2, 1994 R~SOLUTION 94-645 RE COMPLIANCE SRRVICES NO. 40328-087; OWNER OF RECORD - GARY 3. RELWgGE & CHRISTXREH/LWEGE See Pages Item #16ALL RESOLUTION 94-546 RE COMPLIANCE SBRVICES NO. 40421-026; OWNER OF RECORD - NIVARDO MARTINEZ & ELBA MARTINEZ See Pages /1~-- III Item #16A1M RESOLUTION 94-547 RE COMPLIANCE SERVICES NO. 31007-031; OWNER OF RECORD - RICARDO MARTINEl See Pages I/a -.1l ~ Item #16&1R EESOLUTIOR 94-548 RE COMPLIANCE SEllVICES NO. 40124-021; OWNER OF KECORD- NEW YORK TIMES CO., THE See Pages Item #16A10 RESOLUTION 94-549 RE COMPLIANCE SEE~ICES NO. 40124-050; OWNER OF RECORD - EDLYNX LEGRAND See Pages Item #16AIP ~KSOLUTION 94-550 RE COMPLIANCE SERVICES NO. 40131-005; OWNER OF RECORD - JESSIE ROBERTS EST -~ee Pages / l e -,/~o Items #16alq R!:SOLD~TIO! 94-661 RE COMPLIANCE SERVICES NO. 40203-008; OWNgR OF RI:CORD - ~a ~I~Z See Pages /a/- I~ Item #1ealR RBSOLUTION 94-552 RE COMPLIANCE SERiFICES NO. 40203-016; OWRER OF RBCORD -MARYC. WILLIAMS Item #16A18 See Pages Page 59 August 2, 1994 RZ3OLUTION 94-553 RE C01(PLIANCE SXRVICES NO. 40204-010; OWNER OF RECORD - IREDERICOS C J. GORDYN See Pages RESOLUTION 94-554 RE COMPLIANCE SERVICES NO. 40223-021; OWNER OF RECORD - rrA!ILEY WRONSKI See Pages 7- Item tl6AIU RESOLUTION 94-555 RE COMPLIANCE SEI~VICES NO. 40224-011; OWNER OF RECORD-WILLIAMH. BERNER See Pages laq-.13 Item el6AIV RESOLUTION 94-556 RE COMPLIANCE SERVICES NO. 40224-020; OWNER OF RECORD - EDWARD L. CONMOLLY, JR. & GAYLE CONMOLLY See Pages Item el6&lW RESOLUTION 94-557 RE COMPLIANCE SEi~VICES NO. 40228-020; OWNER OF RECORD - SZZ~"KR R. MILLER &MARG~ITE MILLER See Pages Ite~m #16AIX RESOLUTION 94-558 RE COMPLIANCE SERVICES NO. 40309-016; OWNER OF RECORD - GUISKPPE FALIVEN~ Pages / Item tl6AIY RESOLUTION 94-559 RE COMPLIANCE SERVICES NO. 40311-002; OWNER OF RECORD - HENRY L. ROLLS & DONNA L. ROLLS Item #16A1AA RESOLUTION 94-560 RE COMPLIANCE SERVICES NO. 40315-013~ OWNER OF RECORD - NARIKTA ALONSO See Pages Item #16AIBB RESOLUTION 94-561 RE COMPLIANCE SER"fICES NO. 40322-019; OWNER OF RECO'RD - MARLENE EGUIZABAL & CASINIRO EGUIZABAL Auguet 2, 1994 Itll 116A2 HATER FACILITIES FOR WIGGINS BAY VILLAS Item #16A3 RESOLUTION 94-562 RE RECORDING THE FINAL PLAT OF "KALAVRITINOS ESTATES" See Pages Item #16A4 RECORDING THE FINAL PLAT OF "VILLAGE WALK, PHASE ONE" See Pages & _/ ze -- As'/ RESOLUTION 94-563 RE 25X DEFKRRAL OF ROAD, LIBRARY SYSTEM, PARKS AND REC~tEATIONAL FACILITIES, EMERGENCY )(EDICAL SERVICES SYSTEM, AND EDUC,[TIONAL FACILITIES SYSTEM IMPACt[ FEES FOR A THREE BEDROOM HOUSE TO BE BUILT BY JAIME AND TERESA CAMARILLO, IN NAPLES SAID IMPACT FEES TO BE PAID FROM AFFQRDABLE HOUSING TRUST FUND (191) Item #16A6 See Pages RESOLUTION 94-564 RE RECORDING FINAL PI~T OF "SWEETWATER BAyN Item ll6C1 AUTHORIZATION OF A SEMIANNUAL USED BOOK SALE OF DAMAGED AND/OR OUT-OF-DATE AND/OR DUPLICATED BOOKS THAT HAVE BEEN DEEMED SURPLUS BY THE COLLIER COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY SYSTEM Item dml6C2 - This item has been cantlnued Item el6D1 APPROVAL OFT HE SATISFACTIONS OF NOT:CCE OF PROMISE TO PAY AND AGREEMENT TO EXTEND PAYMENT OF SEIqER IMPACT FEES FOR BARNABAS AND ENIKO FEEXT], LINDA LNAGFORD GOFF, PATSY AND ROBERT HICKS, STUART O. EAYE, NELENMORRISSEEY AND MARIE LOGUIDICE, SHARON AND RONALD MILLER, NEIL OmREILY, IK)BBY PHILLIPS AND GKOIIGIA CHILDZRS, ARMIN AND THERESA S~, AND C HEN TUNG SU See Pages ? -/;{ Item #16D2 APFROVAL OF THE SATISFACTION OF CLAIM OF LIEN FOR OARmITT AND TERYL BEYRENT, EL~.ANOR S. FIERNONTI, AND LEESBURG PIZZA HUT, INC. Item,16E1 See Pages I77-' IF August 2, 1994 L COUT~,~/AIRPORT AUTHORITY POR THE EXISTI!~3 LEASE AGREEMENTS AT THE IM[OKALEE AJ(D EVERGLADES CITY AIRPORI~ Item #16E2 See Pages BAR-J4-21 F/BUDGET AMENDMENT TO THE WORKERS' COMPEMSATIOM INSURANCE FOXD (a~XD 51e) Item #16E3 See Pages REJECT ALL BIDS RECEIVED FOR THE PURCHASE AND DELIVERY OF TURF UNDER ANNUAL BID e94-2235 Item el6rl AUTHORIZATION OF DeS MATCHIRO GRANT ]tPPLICATIOR Item Item #16H2 - Thte item has been deleted Item e16B3 - Thle ttem ham been continued to the meeting of August 9, 1994. Item ~16H4 RESOLUTION 94-565, CORRECTION TO FY98 ROLLBACK MILLAGE RATE FOR ISLE OF CAFRI FIRE DISTRICT See Pages Item el6J MISCFJ, LAlrgOUS CORRESPONDENCE - FILED IND/OR REFERRED The following miscellaneous correspondence was filed and or referred as presented by the Board of County Commissioners: Page 62 August 2, 1994 No. 165 Nos. 171/172 1~92 TANGIBLE PERS:ONAL PROPERTY 1993 TANGIBLE PERSONAL PROPERTY 1993 REAL PROPERTY Nos. 194/195 Item .16J2 Dated 8/2/94 Dated 7/19/94 Dated 7/20/94 SATISFACTIO~ OF LIEN FOR SERVICES OF TH~ PUBLIC DEFENDER See Pages Item#16L1 STI~D 0~ ~R DE~~'S A~rO~ ~KS (THE DE~~ IS A ~ILI~ C~ ~Ia WAS INCLUDED D~ TO ~ ~SM~ I~E~ST) AS P~T OF ~ S~M OF COLLIER CO~ VS. ~I~ ~CO D~LOM~ CO~TION, ~ AL - TOTAL ~0~ 8583.09 There being no further business for the Good of the County, the meeting was adjourned by Order of the Chair - Time: 4:25 P.M. ATTEST ? · .;,; . ' ,. DWIGHT.E. BROCK, C. LERK '~.. s~ minutes. Zappr~ved by the Baard on re . as p sen=~d.',. ' 2/ or ae corrected BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS/EX OFFICIO GOVERNING BOARD(S) OF SPECIAL DISTRICTS UNDER ITS CONTRO CHAIRMAN Page 63