Citizen Corps Advisory Minutes 10/19/2011Voting Members Present: Voting Members Absent: Expert Consultant Present: Collier County Citizen Corp Committee October 19, 2011 Walter Jaskiewicz, Coast Guard Aux. Jerry Sanford, CC Fire Chief's Assoc. Doug Porter, Naples Civil Air Patrol. Russ Rainey, C.E.R.T. Lt. Mike Jones, CC Sheriff Office. Steven Smith, R.S.V.P. Kathleen Marr MRC for Dr. J. Neiween. Reg Buxton, Chamber of Commerce. Heidi Ruster, American Red Cross. Chris Nind, Salvation Army. Judy Scribner, CCEM. Rick Zyvoloski, CCEM. Meeting was called to order at 3:00 p.m. Pledge of Allegiance recited and roll call taken. Approval of Minutes Doug Porter amended the minutes from the August 16t', 2011 meeting as to number of CERT members in the Naples Squadron from 70 to 13. A motion to approve the minutes was followed by a unanimous vote. Threat Update Lt. Jones reported that there are no alerts in the country. Americans have been cautioned to be alert as they travel. If a credible threat occurs, a hand out will be given out (NTAS Guide). Russ asked Mike about a B 10 alert. He had not heard of such an alert. New Business Nominations for 2012 review Nominations were accepted for the following officer's positions for 2012 and will be voted at our next meeting in January. Chairman: Russ Rainey Vice Chairman: Steven Smith. Secretary: Jerry Sanford. Hurricane Season Update Rick Zyvoloski reported that a system might form in the western part of the Caribbean off the Southwest Coast of Cuba. Probably nothing to be concerned with. We are wrapping up our hurricane season. La Nina could cause trouble for us in the upcoming 2012 wildfire season. We have recently had a lot of rain. FNSS Tasking Judy Scribner reports that FNSS (Functional Needs Support Services) need the support of the Citizen Corp and Medical support. All medical needs have to be included in all shelters. Many needs will have to be addressed. Ex: Bathing, feeding, crutches etc. The ADA act must be addressed. We need help by all and ask the Citizen Corp to provide support. We will need vendors to help supply the shelters as well as the county. The school system must be involved as we use their schools as shelters. If ADA is not complied with, who does a person sue? The legal department has been consulted to put a waiver in to protect us and will release us from liability. Training has to be arranged with supplies a must, the ADA act says. If one person shows up, the shelter must provide for them. We would only open up certain shelters where all the services can be provided. The Red Cross will not help because of the new surge maps. Question arose from Walt Jaskiewicz - who pays for all of this and who is responsible for all of this? Judy cannot answer the question. Mike Jones has volunteered to represent the Citizen Corp with Steve Smith to serve as the alternate. Review of attendance requirements. Russ Rainey began by suggesting that we meet every other month instead of 12 meetings a year. Section eight of Ordinance No. 2001 -55, paragraph A states: Any board member who is absent for more than one -half of the Board's meetings in a given year shall be deemed to have tendered his or her resignation from such board. The Commission shall, as soon as practicable after such resignation, declare the position to be vacant and shall promptly fill same pursuant to the provisions of Section Six herein. The Board members shall not serve at any meetings after his or her position is declared vacant by the Commission. This applyies whether you attend or are excused. Excusals do apply. This is to take effect January 2012. If you have a replacement for your group, it would count as an appearance and the covering member could vote in your place. You must attend at least three meetings. Judy forwards our attendance sheets to Mr. Ian Mitchell. We all should make six meetings in a year and be sure your agency is represented. Old Business L.M.S. (Local Mitigation Stragedy) Rick Zyvoloski reported that Victor Hill is the Chairman of the group. The next meeting is Friday, October 21, 2011 at 9:30 a.m. Rick supplied us with a list of the Mitigation Action Items and will make a nomination for the new Action Group Chair. Individual Reports Walt Jaskiewicz reports that the Coast Guard will share a program with us during a disaster. Forty members are qualified by the Coast Guard in our area. The Ambrose program handles the command positions with 30 auxiliary members to act at an ICS event with 16 more members in training. They also have an interpreter available to assist us. Jerry Sanford reports that progress is ongoing at the Freedom Memorial. We recently ordered three flag poles for the site. The various September 11'h services that were conducted throughout the county were very well attended by many people. Doug Porter reports the CAP is trying to rearrange the squadron. Steve Smith reports that he attended an advisory board meeting yesterday with 6 new members added. They have a data base with over 700 names within the group. Steve supplied us a list of new key appointments by President Obama. Kathleen Marr reports that the Health Dept has flu and pneumonia shots available to the public. A quarterly MRC meeting will be held on Friday, October 28th at 10:00 a.m. at the CCSO Training Bureau. Judy reports that Vinny from security is leaving with Norman taking his place at the front entrance. Emergency Management has hired two new people. Parts manager, Mr. Tom Ecker and Mr. Lee Mayfield new coordinator. Next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, January 18, 2012 at 3:00 p.m. in the EOC. Meeting was adjourned at 4:15 p.m. Minutes respectfully submitted by Jerry Sanford for approval. r Approlved by Russell Rainey, Cha4man Date