BCC Minutes 09/14/1994 J (w/Naples City Council)City Council Chamber 735 Eighth Street South Naples, Florida 33940 Joint City Council/County Commission Meeting - Septentber 14, 1994 - 9:00 n.m. Mayor Mucnzer called the meeting to order and presided. ROLL CALL Present: City Council Paul W. Muenzer, Mayor Alan R. Korest, Vice Mayor ITEM 2 County Commission Timothy Constantine, Chairman Bettye J. Matthews, Vice Chairman Council Members: Ronald M. Pennington Marjorie Proiman Fred L. Sullivan Fred Tarrant Commission Members: John C. Norris Michael J. Volpe Burt L. Saunders Absent: Peter H. Van Arsdale, City Council Member Also Present: City of Naples Dr. Richard L. Woodruff, City Manager Maria J. Chiaro, City Attorney Missy McKim, Community Dev. Director Mark Thornton, Community Serv. Director Richard Gatti, Engineering Manager Dan Mercer, Utilities Director George Henderson, Sergeant-at-Arms Tara Norman, Deputy City Clerk Collier County W. Neii Dorrill, County Manager Kenneth Cuyler, County Attorney Jeffory Perry, MPO Coordinator Thomas Olliff, Public Services Adm. Norris Ijams, Emergency Services Adm. Michael McNees, Acting Utilities Adm. William Lorenz, Environmental Serv. Adm. George Archibald. Transportation Director Set: also Supplemental Attendance List (Attachment 1) Other interested citizens and visitors City Cou.cil/Cou,~ty Co,n,nission Joint Meelln[ - Sel~tember 14, 1994 INVOCATION AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Reverend Ernest DuBoss, Trinity-by-the-Cove Episcopal Church ITEM I Mayor Muenzer presented awards of appreciation to Commissioners Saunders and Volpe for their service to the community. ITEMS TO BE ADDED ITEM 3 On behalf of the City and County staffs, City Manager Woodruff requested that an item be added concerning execution of an interlocal agreement which would provide for emergency interconnection of City and County water systems. It was the consensus of the group that this issue be included as Item 10 (See Page 5) ITEM 4 UPDATE ON SECOND GORDON RIVER BRIDGE PROVIDED BY CITY STAFF City Engineering Manager Richard Gatti reviewed the steps which had been taken to date toward construction of a second Gordon River crossing. He then reviewed a schedule of future activities (Attachment 2) which culminate with a final report and recommendation to the two governing bodies in May 1995. Mr. Gatli stressed the in~portance ofpublic input which would be facilitated in part by direct mail. During his review Mr. Gatti also stressed keeping state and federal agencies apprised throughout the process to help obtain funding if it were made available. ITEM 5 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL BRIDGE COMMITTEE COMMENTS. Attorney J. Dudley Goodlone represented the Economic Development Council (EDC) Bridge Committee and presented to the group a proposed Gordon River Bridge alinement which would extend from the north side of Naples Airport to a "T" intersection at Goodlette Road on the west, and to the proposed Livingston Road on the east. He said the proposal was nevertheless conditioned upon the PD&E (engineering) study which he said would ultimately endorse the best route for all interests. l~,1r. Goodloire explained that a wide cross section of the community had participated on the Bridge Committee, including the Presidents Council (representing 24 property own~;r and civic associations), the Greater Naples Civic Association, Collier County Building Industries Association and Naples Area Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Goodlette stressed that the corridor being recommended by the EDC Committee was actually a phased program with the bridge construction being the key component. Nevertheless, he said, the e;ntire corridor would be important to the community as a whole. With reference to ~'unding, Mr. Goodlette reported the Committee's recommendation that a source of revenue be committed immediately. He said they hoped the County Commission would consider allocating a portion of the growth management millage which at the present time is only 44%, utilized. By using .25 mills for bridge funding, $15-million could be raised in four years. The growth management millage, even with bridge funding, would be less than the one mill level the Board had first identified for growth management in 1987. Should there be concern that ad valorera taxes not be used for transportation needs, Mr. Goodlette suggested that bridge tolls or other mechanisms be used to repay the general fund. Cily Council/Courtly Commissio,~ .Ininl l%!eelin~- Selflemlter 14. 1994 --- Mr. Goodlctte also expressed file understanding Illat the Florida Department of 'Frmlsportntion (FDOT) would defer planned widening of tile existing Gordon River Bridges -- and therefore Ihe unavoidable traffic disruption -- if pl~s were going for~vard for an alternato crossing. Council Member Tarrant asked Mr. Goodlctte whether tile Committcc's proposed route involved the airport property. Mr. Goodlette indicated IlLat tile route encompassed Ihe northern boundary of the airport so that the western terminus of the corridor would avoid the Seventh Avenue Norfil/Goodlette Road intersection. This routing, which parallels alternative 4 of the fatal flaw study, takes into consideration the concerns of the residential neighborhood in the Seventh Avenue area. Mr. Tarrant referred to comments on the radio by Ted Soliday of the Naples Airport Authority regarding routing of bridge traffic on the north end of the airport. Mr. Tarrant said he understood that this presented environmental concerns due to disruption of the former dump site and that then: was documentation that the engineer studying that route had discovered conditions which validate those concerns. Both Mr. Soliday and City Manager Woodn,rf indicated that they were not aware of such documentation but that the final engineering report would contain detailed evaluation of various routes along with cost estimates. Commissioners Norris and Constantine both stated that they would not favor use of ad valorem taxes for bridge construction. Council Member Pennington also stated opposition to use of ad valorem tax. Commissioner Volpe noted that a $600,000 funding surplus had been indicated during the County's AUIR, the annual update and inventory report with reference to infrastructure funding. County Transportation Director George Archibald, however, cautioned that this surplus could easily be eliminated should there be variation between estimates and actual construction costs of designated projects over the next five years. Vice; Mayor Korest stressed that funding b~ identified early and suggested that the City and County financial staffs identify models for further consideration by the two elected bodies. Council Member Tarrant also noted the importance of identifying funding, but recommended that any guarantees of funding by the City and County not be made without voter approval. It i:; noted for the record Ihnt at the request of Commission Chairman Constantine, Item 8 was considered at this time. ITEM 8 POTENTIAL NEED FOR AN ARTIFICIAL REEF STAGING AREA AT NAPLES LANDING County Manager Nell Dotrill explained that a staging area was needed to load onto barges rubble from the Gulf View Middle School demolition. The material is being made available to tile County for an artificial reef. Naples Landing was being proposed for this staging area. City Manager Woodruff indicated that the south side of the park, away from the active boat ramp, could be designated. This area is scheduled for refurbishing and its use would cause minimum inconvenience to park visitors. In addition, it was clarified that the trucking company would be / / Cily Cotutcil/Cuuttty Centmissio, .Joint Meeting- Seplend~ev 14, 1994 required to certify strict adherence to load lintits and that operations would occur only from approximately 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Use of the park was estimated to encompass approximately one week during June 1995. Trucks would be routed over Third Aves~ue South to US 41 and Ninth Street to Naples Landing. MOTION: Break: To APPROVE use of Naples Landi.g for this puri~ose. 10:26 a.m. to I0:37 a.m. It is noted for the record that Commission Chairman Constantine did not return to Ihe meeting. Korest M Y Pennington S Y Prolman Y Sulliv,'m Y Tarrant N VanArsdale A Muenzer Y (5-1) M-Motion S-Second Y-Yes N-No A-Absent BEACII RENOURISItMENT UPDATE ITEM 6 Michael Stephen of Coastal Engineering, project manager, indicated that preliminary work was on schedule and that actual renourishment was expected to take place in the fall of 1995 and entail six to eight months. Permit applications had been filed with state agencies and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers; responses have already been received from the state. Mr. Stephen reviewed the process whereby sand is removed via barge to an offshore scow where the material is liqui~ed and pumped onto the beach. Mr. Stephen also indicated that he planned to watch with interest a similar renourishment project just approved in the City of Venice where bids of $7.00, $8.00 and $10.00 per ton were received. He said he anticipated that a bid of approximately $7.00 might be received for the Naples project although a longer hauling distance might increase the figure slightly. Council Member Tarrant asked for further explanation of the makeup of the material which is referred to as "composite" and asked whether sand fencing had been considered to stabilize the beach after renourishment. Mr. Stephen indicated that the material to be used is made up of sand and 30% shell "hash" which is crushed shell of various sizes. This is roughly the same proportion of shell to sand which presently occurs on the beach. Mr. Stephen also noted that while vegetation would be used for post-construction stabilization, sand fencing and other methods would not be ruled out if needed in the future. REPORT BY COUNTY STAFF ON C!ILUMSKY PROPERTY ITEM 7 County Public Services Administrator Tom Olliff reported that purchase of the Chlumsky site at the intersection of U.S. 4 I. Sandpiper and Davis BIrd. would require the County to devote its entire revenue stream from community park impact fees for the next four years. He said that City Council/County Commission Joint Meeling - September 14, 1994 with the offered $1-million reduction in the purchase price, the land would still cost approximately $380,000 per acre. Zoning of the portion of the site in the County is C-4 (commercial) and the portion in the City is R2-12 (residential). In further discussion, Dr. Woodruff pointed out that this site is at the gateway between Naples and East Naples and therefor sets the tone for development at that inletsection. It was clarified that the initial offcr from the Chlumsky family was for use of the property only as a park, although Dr. Woodruff indicated that the staff could provide suggestions for possible other public purposes. It was the informal consensus of the group that the staffs not pursue the current offer related to use of the site only as a park. (City: 5-1, Korest dissenting and VanArsdale absent. County: 2-2, Norris and Volpe dissenting and Constantine absent.) FISCAL YEAR 1995 CAPITAL FUNDS FOR CITY PROJECTS ITEI~I 9 County Manager Dotrill reported that his recommendation for funding requested by the City for park projects had been submitted for approval to the County Commission. Two public hearings will be held prior to final adoption of the County's annual budget. ITE/~I 10 DISCUSSION OF INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT FOR WATER SYSTEM INTERCONNECTION City Utilities Director Dan Mercer and Acting County Utilities Administrator Michael McNees distributed a draft agreement which would allow the respective agencies to supply water to each other in emergency situations. (A copy of this agreement is contained in the file for this meeting in the City Clerk's Office.) Mr. Mercer indicated that the County staff had approached the City with the proposal which would allow facilities to link the two systems initially at five locations. Design would be accomplished by the County with 50% reimbursement from the City. Construction costs are estimated at $31,000 which would also be equally funded by the two agencies. The Department of Environmental Protection and South Florida Water Management District both encourage such interconnections, Mr. Mercer concluded. Council Member Tarrant expressed concern about whether a mere lack of capacity to serve customers might constitute an emergency and asked whether there were limits on the length of time water could be supplied from one system to the other. City Manager Woodruff explained that emergency criteri-~ are clearly set forth in the agreement and that there is a provision for the interconnect to be halted unilaterally upon 60 days notice to the other party. Messrs. Mercer and McNees also indicated that there was no danger that water quality would be affected by the interconnect despite some differences in treatment processes. They also assured Council Members anti Commissioners that clouding or other adverse effects upon water at interconnect would be would be avoided through a mechanism which would allow flushing of adjacent lines prior to the connection taking place. Although the City and County Attorneys had reviewed prior drafts of the interlocal agreement, two minor changes had since been made. The staffs indicated that the final agreement would be i Cily Cot,ncil/Cot,nty Commission Joint Meeliug - Selflember 14, 1994 provided to the attorneys prior to execution. Public Input: None. MOTION: To APPROVE the proposed agreement as presented, pending ~nnl review by the City and County Attorneys and further discussion by Ihe City Council and County Commission if the attorneys deem this to be necessary. Collier County Commissioners indicated approval 4-0 by voice vote, Chairman Constantine absent. Korest Y Pennington S Y Prolman Y Sullivan M Y Tarrant N V,'mArsdale A Muenzer T M~Mollon S-Second Y-Yes N-No A,eAbsent ANN O UNCEM ENTS The next joint City Council/County Con~mission meeting will be held at the Collier County Courthouse on January 11, 1995. Dr. Woodruff pointed out that the following day, September 15th, community safe neighborhood seminars would be held; afternoon sessions, while open to the public, were designated for elected officials and evening sessions reserved for general public participation. CORRESPONDENCE and COMMUNICATIONS Mayor Muenzer reported on a visit by two Members of Parliament from England and on their comments regarding the unique and special charter of Naples and Collier County. They recognized, he said. the challenge presented to local elected officials to preserve these qualities in light of inevitable expansion and growth. ADJOURN - 11:58 a.m. -"-x ,.(J'anet Cason City Clerk Tara Deputy City Clerk These minutes of Naples City Council and Collier County Commission approved on September 21, 1994. soo, flfJO,,o 07 Supplemenial Atlendance List Attachment i Joint City/County Meeting 9/14/94 J. Dudley Goodlette, Economic Development Council Michael Stephen, Coastal Engineering Charles Andrews The Reverend Ernest DuBoss Gerald Gronvold Ted Soliday, Naples Airport Authority News Media: Carl Loveday, WNOG Eric Staats, Naples Daily News BOOK IlOOP, t O, :\ Attachrnent 2 Joint City/County Meetinl~ 9114/t)4 SECOND GORDON RIVER BRIDGE September 1994 July 15 Project Initiation Data Collection Agency Coordination September 14 Develop Newsletter Base Information to Date Set Public Hearing October 15 Public Meeting October 21 Technical Memo Develop Design Criteria Develop Alignments Preliminary Bridge Plans Agency Coordination November 18 ° Wetlands Impact Final Vertical and Horizontal Alignment Agency Coordinations Comparative Analysis March 15 April 15 May 15 Value Engineering Final Design Newsletter Public Hearing Final Report