BCC Minutes 09/14/1994 B (Budget) Naples, Florida, September 14, 1994 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commissioners in and for the County of Collier, and also acting as the Board of Zoning Appeals and as the governing board{s) of such special districts as have been created according to law and having conducted business herein, met on this date at 5:05 P.M. in BUI~!T SESSION in Building "F" of the 6overnment Complex, East Naples, Florida, with the following members present: CHAIRMAN: Timothy J. Constantine VICE-CHAIRMAN: Betrye J. Matthews John C. Norris Michael J. Volpe Burr L. Saunders ALSO PRESENT: Sue Barbtrettt and Ellte Hoffman, Deputy Clerks; Nell Dorrtll, County Manager; Ken Cuyler, County Attorney; Tom Olltff, Public Services Administrator; Mike Smykowskt, Acting Budget Director; Jean Gansel, Ed FInn and Bob Byrne, Budget Analysts; Dick Clark, Community Development Services Administrator; Paul Brigham, Court Administrator; 6reg Mlhaltc, Housing Urban Development Director; Sheriff Don Hunter, Crystal Ktnzel, Sheflirts Finance DIrector; Deputy Galvln, Sheriffle Officel and Sue Fileon, Administrative Assistant to the Board. Page 1 September 14, 1994 Item #IA DISCUSSION OF TENTATIVE MILLAGE RATES AND INCREASES OVER ROLLBACK Commissioner Constantine announced that an opportunity to speak will be given to the public. Acting Budget Director Smykowski stated that as prescribed in Florida Statute the first issue to be discussed is the Tentative Millage Rate and increase over Rollback. He said that in the County's General Fund he is proposing to lew 3.5999 mils which is 0.0~ above the Rollback Rate. He stated that the Water Pollution Control Fund is 35.2~ above the Rollback Rate. He said that is due to funding the Small Quantity Generator Program from ad valorem taxes as opposed to a surcharge on Occupational Licenses. He stated that results in a Total County Wide Millage Rate of 3.6552 mils which is 0.4~ above the Rollback Millage Rate. Mr. Smykowski indicated that in the MSTD General Fund for the Unincorporated Area .6341 m~ls is proposed which will result in below the Rollback Rate. He stated that .0550 mils is proposed for Road District 2 for an increase of 81.5~ which is due to a decrease of available carry forward revenue and proposed maintenance of the median beautlfication of Pine Ridge Road. He reported that the Marco Islan~ Beaut~ficatton ks 0.4~ above Rollback due to a decrease in available carry forward revenue. He revealed that Golden Gate Parkway Beautification is 11.9~ above Rollback. He said that Isle of Capri Fire is 27.9~ above the Rollback. He said that they are increasing reserves for the future purchase of a pumper truck. He explained that Sabal Palm Road MSTU is 74.0~ above Rollback due to maintenance of the existing roadway and their continuing efforts to obtain a construction permit. He said that Le/y Golf Estates Beauttficatton is 2.4~ above. He explained that 1.5 mils le levied in this District which will. be used for Phase IV improvement in FY 95. He indicated that Forest Lakes Roadway & Drainage MSTU is 318.2~ above Rollback due to maintenance of previously completed improvements. He stated Page September 14, 1994 that Marco Island Coastal Beach is 1.7% above due to increase in available carry forward revenue. He said that the Collier County Lighting District is increased 101.0~ due to levying ad valorem taxes principally in the Collier County Lighting District. He explained that the total Aggregate Millage Rate is 4.3374 mils which is 0.7~ below the Rollback Rate. Item #IB REVIle AND DISCUSSION OF CHANGES TO THE TENTATIVE BUDGET Mr. Smykoweki stated that the next item is the review and discussion of changes to the tentative budget. He said that page 6 identifies the Fund, Net Changes and a brief explanation of the change. He explained that pages 17 through 50 depict the individual Resolutions identifying which appropriations have changed and they correspond to the Fund level outlined on page 6. Item t3C WRAP-UP ISSUES Mr. Smykowski explained that page 51 identifies some wrap up issues that must be addressed. Mr. Smykowski recalled that at a previous budget workshop the U.S. Marshal's Office recommended utilizing bailiffs in the Courthouse as opposed to the current security. Paul Brigham, Court Administrator, explained that the Sheriff had approached the U. S. Marshal's Office a'year ago and requested a security survey recommending changes that could enhance the security structure of the courthouse. He said that earlier in the budget discussions it was recc~mmended by the Judges that we implement these changes but it was not recommended through the budget process by the County Manager's Office or the Budget Office. He said that Staffts recommendation le that the Courthouse security remain as it is and that the Courthouse Security Department continue to be funded with the addition of an additional bailiff. Mr. Brigham stated that the Judges are requesting that the Judi- Page 3 September 14, 1994 cial parking lot be enclosed to prevent vandalism to their vehicles. County Manager Dorrill stated that he has met with Chief Judge Blackwell to reach a compromise on the security issues for the Jail. He said that he reported the results to the Chairman earlier this month. He said that he can recommend this additional security issue specifically building a wall with a gate activated access. He indicated that it would be substantially less than the conversion of the current security officers to sworn deputies. Commissioner Constantine remarked that he is agreement especially since the incident in Fort Myers. In response to Commissioner Volpe, Mr. Dorrill replied that Staff had a budgeting cost for the parking enclosure at one time. Mr. Brigham stated that the proposed budget from Capital Projects was $37,000.00 which includes the cost of the activated gate and addi- tional cameras that would overlook the area. County Manager Dotrill requested direction to Staff as to whether the Board would like to see the enclosure incorporated into the budget. It was the consensus of the Board to include the cost of the enclosure into the budget. Commissioner Constantine announced that the next wrap up issue is the bids for food service and nursing care at the Jail facility. Mr. Smykowski stated that the Sheriff's Staff has indicated that they are currently in the bidding stage and are not ready to present a final negotiated contract at this point, therefore there is no change to the budget at this time. He confirmed that if the budgeted amount should come down a refund will be made to the General Fund. Commissioner Constantine announced that the next issue is the alternative uses of East Naples Fire Hydrant MSTU funds and Sewer Area B funds. 14r. Smykowski pointed out that the County Attorney has filed suit in a attempt to determine if the money would be refunded or to find an alternative use of the funds. ,.. OIXI-- 05 Page 4 September 14, 1994 County Attorney Cuyler explained that he is attempting to obtain court approval on how to have funds from a previous MSTU returned. County Manager Dorrlll recalled that there is $530,000.00 remaining in that fund. He said that Staff is trying to determine a mechanism to rebate the original parcels in pro rata fashion. Mr. Smykowskt announced that the next issues have to do with Community Development. Greg Mihalic, Housing and Urban Development Director, explained that the proposed Economic Development Coordinator will coordinate leads from the Department of Commerce regarding business relocation inquiries that are provided to the Economic Development Council (EDC) as well ae the Chamber of Commerce. He said that the position would develop a plan and reapply for the State Designated Enterprise Zone designation for Immokalee which will sunset at the end of the year. He said that he expects the proposed position to coordinate with the Southwest Florida Regional Planning Commission (SFRPC) with the imple- mentation of their new certified development company which will be formed to provide low interest loans to businesses in the region. He said that this position will assist in selling and marketing the Community Development Block Grant economic development programs available from the Department of Community Affairs (DCA). Commissioner Constantine stated that the Board has Just appointed the Council of Economic Advisors. He said that they are to create an economic plan for Collier County~s future. He expressed concern regarding appointing a position without having a plan in place. Mr. Mlhalic stated that even without an economic plan, there are businesses that want to relocate and economic development activities that need to continue. Commissioner Constantine pointed out that the Economic Development Council has worked with the Board of County Commissioners in the past to provide information to businesses wishing to relocate. Mr. Mihalic said that he did not tWink the County could continue with the level of activities without an additional Staff person. 06 Page 5 September 14, 1994 In response to Conunlssioner Natthews, Mr. Mthaltc replied that in the event that a new Enterprise Zone designation is not applied for it would decrease some of the incentives that are being used to try to market the airport. He stated that he would estimate that one-quarter of a persons time between now and March 1995 would be necessary to complete the reapplicatton. Commissioner Norris remarked that this project must be completed within a certain amount of time but without the necessity of a full time employee. He suggested that Mr. Mlhaltc check with Administrative Services as to whether a RECAP position would be ideal for this application. Commissioner Volpe stated that he supports the concept of the coordination aspect but believes that this position may be premature. Commissioner Constantine asked who did the paperwork for the ori- ginal Designation? Mr. Mthalic replied that he believed that Housing and Planning worked in conjunction with each other. County Manager Dotrill stated that Staff related resources could be developed in order to accomplish this task. He said that he would not object if the Board is interested in a RECAP position. Mr. Mthaltc stated that not only does the reapplicatton have to be completed but the advantages of the Enterprise Zone must be marketed. He said it is a continuing process. Commissioner Constantine stated that the marketing will be done in great part with the Airport Authority. Mr. Dotrill stated that he would look to Mr. Clark and Mr. Mthaltc to be responsible for the primary work associated with the reappltca- tton in accordance with their normal duties. It was the consensus of the Board not to Justify a full time posi- tion, prtorttlze the work under current staffing and if necessary uti- lize the RECAP Program as a budget amendment. Dick Clark, Community Development Director, said that there are currently two Investigators for Contractors' LIcensing. He said Page 6 September 14, 1994 that the County had entered into an interlocal agreement to conduct the Contractors' Licensing investigations for the City of Naples. He said in that regard an increase of $7.00 was agreed to by the City in the licensing fees. He reported that this situation was discussed with the City of Naples and it was agreed that an additional investi- gator would be necessary. He said that the funds would be provided by the increase in licensing fees. He indicated that the revenue derived front the Contractors' Licensing ie $215,000.00 a year. He said that the present salary for the two investigators and their vehicle expen- ses amount to $87,000.00 and a total of $60,000.00 for the two existing clerical personnel. He said that the cost for the proposed investigator ar, d vehicle expense would amount to $34,000.00 which will leave $34,000.00 in the fund. In response to Commissioner Constantine, Mr. Clark replied that the utilization of two investigators has existed since 1987. In answer to Commissioner Constantine, Mr. Clark confirmed that the number of contractors and the number of complaints have substan- tially increased from 1987. It was the consensus of the Board to approve the additional Contractors' Licensing Investigator. Wayne Arnold, Acting Site Development Review Director, stated that the proposed change is an organizational one rather than a funding resource one. He said that by downgrading one position and converting one position will result in a difference of budgeted amount of 893,000.00 to approximately $80,000.00. In response to Commissioner Saunders, Mr. Arnold replied that the Board has committed the resources in Fund 111 to fund the Marco Island Master Plan as well as the Economic Development Plan. It was the consensus of the Board to approve the conversion of Project Planner and Secretary II positions to Senior Planner and Planner I. Mr. Smykowski announced that the next wrap up issue is the discussion regarding the Agricultural Department program budget Page 7 September 14, 1994 packages 3 and 4. Public Services Administrator Olliff stated that the funding that is proposed in the budget is the same amount of funding that was budgeted for Soil and Water as the previous two years. In response to Commissioner Volpe, Mr. Olliff replied that after evaluating the situation he could not find any duplication of effort. He said that the Agricultural Staff deals with the horticulture issues such as regulatory understanding on the part of farmers. He said that they do not do a great deal of water conservation because that is the purpose of soil and water. It was the consensus of the Board to have the funding for the Agricultural Department budget packages 3 and 4 remain as they are proposed. Mr. Smykowski announced that Sheriff Hunter will respond to the Courthouse Security proposal. Sheriff Don Hunter stated that he requested that the U. S. Marshal's Office do a security survey of the Courthouse. He said that the addition of the s~ngle bailiff, as proposed by the County Manager, the difference in cost will be approximately $28,000.00 as opposed to assigning six certified law enforcement and one civilian in the Courthouse. He reiterated that if the Board chooses to adopt the U.S. Marshalts security plan, which will also include additional closed circuit televisions, the difference would be approximately 828,000.00. He said that is not included in the proposed budget. In response to Commissioner Constantine, County Manager Dorrill replied that there are presently eight County security personnel. He said that in addition to the Courthouse they provide security services throughout the campus. In answer to Commissioner Constantine, Crystal Kinzel, Sheriffts Office Finance D/rector, stated that she does not expect a change in the food service contract. She said the Sheriffts Office will extend the existing vendor for another year. She explained that there was potential for expansion of the contract but it was not bid. She 09 Page 8 September 14, 1994 reported that the Sheriff's Office has renegotiated with a different vendor for nursing care but they do not have a signed contract at the present time. Sheriff Hunter stated that the Board has three options regarding the Courthouse ~ecurity; leave the security as it presently is, adopt the County Administrator's proposal for one additional bailiff or adopt the U. S. Marshal's security plan. County Manager Dotrill reported that the compromise agreement that he Is recommending in conjunction with the Chief Judge is the addition of one Sherlff's Deputy/Bailiff position and to enclose the Judiciary parking area Including the gate, access and television security cameras. Sheriff Hunter said that he also met with the Chief Judge who con- firmed that he had discussed the Judiciary parking area with County Manager Dotrill. He said that he supports the Chief Judge's request for additional security in the parking area. He stated that the Chief Judge was unaware that an agreement was struck on the additional bailiff. He said that the Chief Judge, according to his correspon- dence, still supports the U. S. Marshal's Service security plan In which the security would be law enforcement officers. Commissioner Constantine asked what would happen to the eight County employees if the Board adopted the U. S. Marshal's plan? County Manager Dotrill replied that they would be laid off. Mr. Dotrill stated that he did not have the opportunity to read the letter from Judge Blackwell to the Sheriff. Commissioner Constantine stated that if the Board has not yet reached consensus on this issue he would not object to an additional two week continuance to allow review of the issue. Comnissioner Saunders stated that he would like to give additional time so that the County Manager, Sheriff and Chief Judge can address the issue. It was the consensus of the Board to continue the issue for two weeks until the final budget hearing. Page 9 September 14, 1994 Commissioner Volpe asked why a hypothetical 15 million dollar loan is being budgeted? Mr. Smykowski explained that in order for the Board of County Co~tsstoner ~atthews pointed out that the FCC requires that a funding source must be Identified by September 30, 1994. County ~anager Dorrtll indicated that the original budget that had been prepared was predicated on a municipal lease concept with the municipal leasing company holding title to the equipment. He said that it is felt that in order not to Jeopardize the County~s license the budget must show the proceeds from a co~erclal loan. Item ~3D ~LIC C~ The following people spoke on the subject of the budget: Kathleen Ennis Pauline Burgess Beth Knake Bob Kemp Walter Donovan James Rideoutte John Lindell see Deputy Clerk Hoffman replaced Deputy Clerk Barbiretti at this time s$e Ms. Stephany Cart, representing the Humane Society, stated that she understands that the Board has budgeted 846,000 for veterinarian services for animal control. She advised that the Humane Society suggests coordinating their efforts with those of Animal Control in order to provide more services for less cost to the taxpayers. She indicated she believes for a cost of $40,000 annually, every animal that is adopted from animal control could be spayed or neutered before it goes home to its new owner. She pointed out that this would result in a $6,000 per year savings. Ms. Cart affirmed that the present time would be the natural tran- sition time for both organizations since the County and the Humane Society have new directors. Commissioner Constantine noted that Ms. earrts proposal is a logi- Page 10 September 14, 1994 cal first step and the timing of same works out very well. Public Services Administrator Olliff reported that three addi- tional positions were requested for Animal Control, however, these have not been funded. He remarked that the proposed program would free up some of the animal control officer's time since they are also providing follow up on neuter/spay. Mr. Olliff stated that in two weeks he will be meeting with the new director of the Humane Society to discuss the services that the County currently provides that can be better coordinated for next year. Ms. Cart advised that neutering/spay services previously provided by veterinarians have been subsidized by a trust fund, however, that money is no longer available. It was the consensus of the Board to move forward with the propo- sal as presented by Ms. Cart. Commissioner Saunders stated that earlier comments made by Mr. Donoven have not been resolved and they include: an MSTD for paving on Marco Island; a Lighting District on Marco Island; and parking fees. He cited that he supports the paving and lighting issues. Commissioner Constantine advised that he does not support these issues, noting that Transportation Services Administrator Archibald has previously indicated that in some years East Naples has taken more of a hulk and in other years Marco takes more of a bulk. With regard to the Lighting District, Commissioner Norris stated that a different situation exists, noting that something that has historically been in place Is proposed to be changed to a new system which is completely adverse to the citizens of Marco. He remarked that the Marco community will see their electric bills triple. County Manager Dotrill advised that this issue needs to be resolved prior to January 1, 1995. Commissioner Norris moved, seconded by Commissioner Saunderm and carried unanimously, that staff be directed to bring these 1tame back in a timely manner sufficient to make any necessary changes should the ,t Page 11 september 14~ 1994 Board desire to separate the Marco Island District. Commissioner Constantine remarked thai earlier in the year the Board set the amount of increases for the employees. He recalled that a number of positions were eliminated in Development Services and in excess of $1 million was cut in salaries and benefits. He reported that the overall net increase for the payroll budget item should be less than that percentage. County Manager Dorrtll explained that on October 1, 1993 there were 978 authorized positions and there will be 958 positions at the end of the fiscal year or a reduction of 20 employees. He remarked that there are 57 new positions added in the budget for next year, noting that the vast majority of same are in Libraries and Parks. Additionally, he pointed out that there is an additional EMS Station with 14 new employees. He reported that there will be 1,015 positions In the County Manager's Agency. In response to Commissioner Matthews, Mr. Dorrlll advised that the Board is budgeting for attrition, however, the Constitutional Officers are not doing the same. He indicated that the Board does not have the ability to require that the Constitutional Officers budget for attri- tion. Item #3E RESOLUTION 94-688 ADOPTING THX TENTATIVE MILLAGE RATES - ADOPTED Mr. Smykowskt called attention to two resolutions requiring Board action. He stated that the first resolution adopts the Tentative Millage Rates for FY 1994-95, as proposed in the agenda package on Pages 1 and 2. Commissioner Saundere moved, seconded by Commissioner Matthews and carried unanimous/y, that Resolution 94-688 setting the Tentative Mtllage Rates for FY 1994-95 be adopted. Page 12 September 14, 1994 Item #3F RESOLUTION 94-689 ADOPTING THE AMENDED TENTATIVE BUDGET - ADOPTED Commissioner Matthews moved, seconded by Commissioner Saundsrs and carried unanimously, that Resolution 94-689 amending the Tentative Budgets for FY 1994-95 be adopted. Page 13 September 14, 1994 ltea 13G ANNOUIrCMIrr OF PROPOSED MILLAGE RATES AND PERCENTAGE CHANGES IN PROPERTY TAX RATES Mr. Smykowski stated that the proposed General Fund millage rate is 3.5999 mills for a 0% increase over the rollback rate. He noted that the proposed Water Pollution Control millage rate is 0.0553 mills with a 35.2% increase over the rollback rate for a total County wide millage rate of 3.6552 mills and .4% over the rollback rate. He explained that the Unincorporated Area General Fund millage rate is .6341 mills which is -7.5% below the rollback millage rate. He revealed that the Aggregate Millage Rate is 4.3374 mills which is below the rollback millage rate. Item ANNOUNCEMENT OF FINAL PUBLIC IrEARING Commissioner Constantine announced that the final public hearing for the Fiscal Year 1994-95 Collier County Budget will be held on Wednesday, September 28, 1994 at 5:05 P.M. In the Board Chambers, Third Floor, Administration Building. There being no further business for the Good of the County, the meeting was adjourned by Order of the Chair - Time: 7:30 P.M. ATTEST: ~.. DIdtIGHT E. BROCK, --CLERK ~ese"~,~L=s approved by the Soard presented // or as corrected BOARD OF COUNTY COr4NISSIONERS BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS/EX OFFICIO GOVERNING BOARD(S) OF SPECIAL DISTRICTS UNDER ITS CONTRO I T S ANTINE, CHAIRMAN Page