BCC Minutes 10/26/1993 R Naples, Florida, Octob,sr 26, 1993 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commissioners in and for the County of Collier, and also acting as the Board of Zoning Appeals and as the governing board(s) of such special distr.tcts as have been created according to law and having conducted bus~ness herein, met on this date at 9:00 A.M. in REGULAR SESSION in Building "F" of the Government Complex, East Naples, Florida, with the following members present: CHAIRMAN: Burr L. Saunders VICE-CHAIRMAN: Timothy J. Constantine John C. Norris Michael J. Volpe Betrye J. Matthews ALSO PRESENT: John Wonkosky, Finance Director; Sue Barbiretti and Annette Guevin, Recording Secretaries; Ellis Hoffman, Deputy Clerk; Nail Dotrill. County Manager; Ken Cuyler, County Attorney; Marietie Student, Assistant County Attorney; George Archibald. Transportation Services Administrator; Tom ellill, Public Services Administrator; Mike Arnold, Utilities Administrator; Ken Baginski. Current Planning Manager; Bob Blanchard. Growth Management Director; Dave Pertrow, Site Development Review Director; Stan Litsinger, Growth Management Section Chief; Tom Kuck, Transportation Capital P:roJects Manager; Mike McNees, Budget Director; Dick Clark. Code Enfourcement SuperVisor; John Boldt, Water Management Director; Steve Camell. Purchasing Director; Ed Gehring, Building Review & Permit Dilrector; Mike Newman, Utilities/Water Director, Jeff Perry, Chief Transportation Planner; Barbara Cacchione, Diana Holling and Michelle Edwards-Arnold, Planners; Sue Fileon, Administrative Assistant to the Board; and Deputy Byron Tomlinson, Sheriff'e Office. 0130,', : PaGle I October 26, 1993 (2o41 ,~;~-"~ Zt~m ~4 !i''''''~i X~k - ~,t=,~o~D rz~ cuxa,,s Comaiseloner Volpe moved, seconded by Commissioner Hart:hews end caxTled unanimously, to approve the agenda with the changes, as detailed on the Ageride Change Sheet. .. 000,,,,: 07 October 26, :gg3 COISllTAG~IIDA- APPROV'ED AND/ORADOPT'X~ The motion of approval of the consent agenda is noted under Item #16. (215) ItSlie3 MIllOTIS OFT HI FINAL BUDGET !aETXNQ OF SEPTEMBer 22, 1993, M~HOTE8 OF THI !tK(ITFL, MtMZFZ'IN~ OF SEPTEMBER 28, 1993 AND MINUTES OF VALUE AD3'OSTMR3rf BOARD MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 29, 1993 - APPROVKD Commissioner Volpe moved, seconded by Commissioner Constantine and carried unanimously, that the minutes of the Final Budget muting of September 22, 1993, the minutes of the regular meeting of September 28, 1993 Ind the minutes of the Value Adjustment Board be ap. proved. (223) FRITZON DESIGNATING OCTOBgR 23 THROUGH 3~, ~993 AS COLLlgR cOoltrY !tlD MIBBOIRIII- ADOPTED Upon reading of the proclamation, Commissioner Norris moved, seconded by Commissioner Constantine and carried unanimously, that the Proclamation designating October 23 through 31, 1993 as Collier County Red Ribbon Week be adopted. Lt. Byron Tomlinson and Detective Brian Wingo accepted the Proclamation. Detective Wingo described the program. Paile 3 ~ ;.:. . DII~,~:ITSX 8SRVICS ANARDS - FRXSENTID October 26, 1993 Commissioner Constantine presented the Service Awards to the following Collier County employees: Wands A. Lawson, 10 years, Dev. Service/Customer Service Curtis S. Hall, 10 years, Transportation Toni A. Mort, 5 years, Real Property (4s5) BUDGET V~__~S 94-12 AND 94-22 - ADOPTED Budget Director Hlke HcNees announced that for fiscal year 93/94 the Budget Office will be reporting the Budget amendments and resolu- tions. Cmtssioner Natthaws moved, seconded by Commissioner Norris to adopt Budget Amendments 94-12 and 94-22. Commissioner Volpe asked why budget amendments were being pre- sented so early into the fiscal year? Hr. HcNees replied that one amendment is a correction to an lnput error, the other is a change in a contract amount. Upca call for the question, the motion carried 5/0. ~UDGFf IEINDI~NT RESOLUTION 94-1 - ADOPTED Colmissions? aatthew~ moved, seconded by Commissioner Norris and carrill unanimously, to adopt Budget Amendment Resolution 94-1. Page 4 ,::: NI]~GX~ JMAR_!,~de:LS 93--575, 93-577/578 - AXX)PTZD October 26, 1993 Colaissioner Norris moved, seconded by Commissioner Constantine and carried unanimously, that Budget Amendment 93-575, 93-577 and 93-578 be adcrpted. (498) XtoR#SB1 JLLTZ:Iq:NATXVE TRLIq'XC CONTROL DEVICES APPLICABLE TO THE ISSUE 0F SAFE ACCKSS nL~,msn Pllrl RIDGE ROAD AND THE COIQ4UNZTY SCHOOL - COI3NTY TO PROCEIDNITNTIt&FFIC SIGNAL Transportation Services Administrator Archibald noted that the school is located on the north side of Pine Ridge Road In the corridor of 1-75 and Airport Road. He emphasized that this corridor is growing in the number of vehicles traveling on that segment of Pine :Ridge Road, the speed of the traffic is at a high rate, t~ptcally above 45 m.p.h. Mr. Archibald stated that the Transportation Department foresees concern along the entire road because of all the proposed coastructton in the area. Mr. Archibald offered four alternatives that address the~se con- cerns. Hr. Archibald remarked that the first alternative is warning signs, possibly with flashing lights. He reported that staff feels that the signs will not help decrease the speed of the vehicZtes. He noted that the second alternative is to establish a speed zone of 35 m.p.h. at that location, but recognized that the speed zone v,ould create problems relative to gaps and would require enforcement. He indicated the third alternative is to install a traffic sign,tl on Pine RIdge Road at the entrance to the Community School, but caut~oned that the school has peak periods, and as a result, that amount of traffic does not create sufficient warrants to consider a traffic sifmal at that location. He commented that the county's warrant policy Indica- tes that three of the major warrant requirements must be met and 13 P~tge 5 October 26, 1993 warrant requirements that relate to safety and capacity must also be met, He Indicated that it is staff's conclusion that installing a st~nal at that location will probably increase the number o~ acci- dents. He revealed that the fourth alternative would be to create gaps in the traffic by Installing a traffic signal on Pine Ridge Road at the intersection with Livingston Road, and added that the Intersec- tion meets four or five of the warrants, but may not meet the issue of safety at that location. He concluded that staff will continue to review all the alternatives suggested. In response to Commissioner Volpe, Mr. Archibald explained that the Kensington Park Project will be completed in early 1994, and some of the shopping center improvements will be completed in 1994 as well as the new access for Barron Collier HIgh School. He tndtcltted that with the completion of these projects, traffic will lessen $dong this corridor. Mr. Archibald explained that the funds allocated for stgnalizatlon in the Growth Management Plan is not projected until Livings;ton Road is extended. In response to Commissioner Volpe, Mr. Archibald confir=ed that there is one signal commitment under the Carillon project which line up with their entrance, but he said that he cannot project when this slgnaltzation will be warranted. Commissioner Saunders contended that the County has a policy establishing the criteria for traffic signalization and the Board of County Commissioners evaluates this policy and may make changes to this policy as it relates to a specific location. He noted that in the past, changes have been made to allow for traffic control around a school that did not meet the warrants. In response to Commissioner Saunders, Mr. Archibald confirmed that the school is subject to Impact fees. Commissioner Norris noted that this traffic light is one that will be necessary In the future. He declared that if this road s,~gment is one that will be controlled by the state in the future, perhaps now is Page 6 October 26, 1993 the time to install the traffic light. In answer to Commissioner Saunders, Mr. Archibald confirmed that if the Board votes to move forward with the signaltzation, zstaff would report back on the implementation in a timely fashion. In response to Commissioner Volpe, Mr. Archibald anewerred that he would report back with a funding source, adding that a typical installation is approximately 885,000.00. Tony Rldgway Ann Kapp Robert Forhis Stephanie Bryant Patrick O'Mera Craig Smith David Wtlktson John Barr Responding to Commissioner Saunders, Mr. Archibald said that the Installation of the light could be completed within 90 days. Commissioner Constantine novode seconded by CommissioneR. Mutthews that the staff proceed with the design and installation and provide f~xndlng for the traffic signal. Commissioner Volpe noted that although he supports the n~otion, he has reservations regarding the funding source, and suggested perhaps future credit against impact fees. Commissioner Constantine stated that he would not discourage Mr. Archibald from looking into alternative funding sources. Upon call for the question, the motion carried unanimously. see Deput~ Clerk Hoff~an replaced Recording Secretary hrbiretti at this time (2848) REPORT TO TH~ BOARD OF COUNTY CONMISSIONERS RE CONCERNS KXPRKaSKD BY DIAllAND LEWIS NANGUM DURING PUBLIC PETITION OF SEPTEMBER 21, 1993 - BO iCTION Assistant County Attorney Student recalled that Mrs. Man~um appeared before the Board on September 21, 1993, with regard to the issuance of building permits in Imperial Wilderness. She no'~ed that the County Attorney's Office in conjunction with Planning Staxff has coordinated a review in an attempt to respond to questions ratlead by the Board. Assistant County Attorney Student referred to her memorandum dated Page 7 October 26, 1993 October 18, 1993, listing four lssues of concern. She remarked that two of the concerns are addressed in her memo and two concerns wlll be addressed by Planning Staff. Assistant County Attorney Student stated that the Collier County Butldlng Construction Administrative Code does not specifically require, under the Section for application procedures, evidence of property ownership to obtain a building or demolition permit. She revealed that there Is a requirement on the actual application for an Owner/Builder to present a warranty deed, however, if an applicant is not an Owner/Builder, there is no such requirement. Building Review and Permit Director Gehrtng explained that the Imperial WIlderness TTRVC site is also known as Parcel 6. H,~ Indi- cated that for development purposes, Parcel 6 is broken into sections, i.e. 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, etc. He reported that all Association o~med pro- perty ls known as Parcel 6 and the building permits applied :Tor and issued were issued for either Parcel 6 or Parcel 6.1. He re,reeled that surveys and spot surveys were submitted and the buildin~! permits In question were issued for the correct parcel and to the correct owner. Code Enforcement Supervisor Clark remarked that after a lhorough evaluation of this issue, staff is not offering a recommendalton and seeks to preserve the status quo. Mrs. Dlane Mangum stated that she ls not disputing the legality of the building permit, but noted that the building was constructed on other people's property without permission. Mr. Gehring advised that the property owner Is the Condomtnlum Association. Current Planning Nanager Beginski addressed concerns expr,~seed by Mrs. Nangum. He indicated that the Land Development Code Sec~ion 2.1.14 states that "The TTRVC District is to be identified in terms such as commercial districts and zoned commercially or commercial zoning and is not referred to as a residential district." The following persons spoke with regard to this item: Pa~'e 8 October 26, 1993 Diana Nangum Lewis Mangum Paul Cruckshauks ~ames Bridges ~ohn Bahcook ~ames Brodel Edward Kantzler Doris Bachand Anthony Dlliberto Robert Manlove Susan Hummer Edna McLellan Alfred Hyde Sally Karaffa Marie Dekkers Lois CaSterall George Keller Mr. Clark commented that from Code Enforcement's viewpoint, Imperial Wilderness is an extremely well maintained park. He remarked that on the few occasions where there have been bonafide complaints, the people have been extremely responsive and reactire in correcting any minor deficiencies. Commissioner Saunders announced that staff recommends maintaining status quo at this facility. He cited that one speaker suggested that changes to the Florida Condominium Law may be needed, but noted the Board of County Commissioners has no persuasive ability in terms of having the State change same. Commissioner Matthews questioned whether there is a problem since TTRVC is described as commercial property and residents are living and homesreading property in a commercial district. County Attorney CuWler advised that TTRVC is defined as a commer- cial designation. He indicated that the original intent of the district was that it be residential in a sense because people would be there part of the year. He acknowledged that there was no problem originally under the Code, however, the evolution of the park may cause some problems in this regard. He noted that over the y~ars, the park has evolved into a more residential use than what had be~n con- templated under the original Code. He indicated that the County may want to be more careful in the future to ensure that the same problem does not arise five or ten years from now. Commissioner Matthews suggested that staff take a look at the manner in which this district is described and find a way to n~ake it fit the actual situation. Mr. Beginski stated that the only rezoning he is aware of to solve the problem in terms of permanent living facilities as provided in the Pag,~ 9 October 26, 1993 Code, would be for a Planned Unit Development where the individual requirements would be custom made in terms of specifications. ~bscti~nwas taken. (1S35) ~O~~ C~~a ~LI~ INITIATI~S ~G~INO ~ CO~*S FInD ~~ O~LINIT - ~O~D Purchasing Director Carnell stated that this recommendation Is a follow-up regarding the recommendations of the Citizens Produ,:tivitW Committee which reviewed the operations of the Purchasing Department during the past year. He noted that the Executive Summary contains six recommendations as offered by the Committee. Nr. Camell explained that four of the six items have been acted upon. He called attention to the CountW'e Field Purchase Ordi,r (FPO) limit and procedures associated with same. He reported that s, taff concurs with the Commlttee's recommendation to adjust the FPO limit back to $500 as it was during the period from 1987 to 1991. In addi- tion, he requested authorization to proceed with automating the FPO process. He cited that these purchase orders constitute approximately 2~ - 3~ of the dollars spent for County purchases but they do repre- sent a large number of activities and transactions in terms of total purchases made. Mr. Camell advised that administrative procedures have been implemented, as directed by the Board and the County Manager encourage greater use of blanket purchases. He indicated that many problems of the past have been eradicated. In response to Co~tsstoner Matthews, ~r. Camell stated that converting FPO's into the automated system will allow all usinq departments, including Purchasing, to gain the ability to mont'tor all ~rchase activity by other County departments in a consolidated auto- mated report. Ns. ~ae Kaye, representing the Citizens Productivity Coni'~tee, reported that the FPO limit of most other counties is $500 and above. Pag,s 10 October 26, 1993 +f She remarked that there has been a 50~ increase in purchase orders due to the decrease in the FPO limit. She pointed out that ~he Purchasing Staff is very qualified and some of their time he,de to be freed up to pursue other things. Ccssdssione~ Norris moved, seconded by Cosaissionsr Matthews and carried~nanisously, to reinstate the field purchase order l~mit to $200 and etaf~ directed to pursue implementing the automation of field (lgSO} ~IFKNDXT~ FOR LEGAL FEES TO C/~RLTON, FIELDS ET AL FOI~ TH~ I|ORTH COUNTTI~NXOKiL~e~TERTREATNENT PLANT - ~PPROVED Utilities Administrator Arnold advised that this item re:.ates to an existing contract with Carlton, Fields & Assoc., for theix' ongolng counsel relatlng to the North County Regional Water Treatment Plant. Cc~atmalonsr Rorrle moved, seconded by Commissioner Const:antlne and carried unanimously, to approve a budget amendment in the, amount of (2000) ltma~eR1 ~ATXO! OF TI~ X.D.E.A. FROGRAN - APFROVED Quality Improvement Coordinator Kocses stated that staff is pro- posing an X.D.E.A. (Improvement Driven by Employee Action) Program. She reported that this program is a supplement to the Q+ Pro~'ram, whereby employees on an individual level can submit ideas for improve- ment in the way of doing business and recommend solutions either in cost savings, process improvements, safety improvements or customer service improvements. Ms. Kocses called attention to the flow chart included in the Executive Summary and provided a brief overview of the I.D.E.A. Program. She remarked that rewards for the categories vary from pins, hats and mugs to pool and recreation passes, time off with pay and reserved parking spaces. 19 Pa!2e 11 October 26, 1993 Ns. Kocses advised that at the end of the year all qualifying I.D.E.A. submittars and completed QI Story Team members will be invited to a cookcut. Comaismioner Volpe moved, seconded by Commissioner Norris and carried~nanimausly, to authorize the implementation of the Program, and authorize the necessary budget amendment. county Attorney Cuyler advised that a resolution will be brought back under the consent agenda. He indicated that there is an Ordinance which provides for certain purchases of this type and to declare a public purpose. (2545) CO~ &GItKININT WITH THE CITY OF NAPLES FOR TOURIST DEV~LOPMINT TAX FUNDI,le OF ~ PUS ~ GORDON PUS lNLrr MAN&GEMENT PLA!~ - Comalesionmr Constantine moved, seconded by Commissioner Volpm and carried we,- $ ~sly, to approve a contract with the City of Saplee for 8134,00~ for the preparation of inlet ~snagement plans for Ek~ctore Pass snd GordonPtse and authorizing the necessary budget mendsent. Page 12 October 26, 1993 (2620) :tee ell Mrs. Frances Barsch stated that it appears that Imperial ~llderness is very affordable housing for senior citizens, hQwever there is a question relating to zoning and density. She not,d there is ready-made affordable housing for the County's stock. PI~IS~IT&TION~Yq~ T~NON B&CI~ONFREVENTION At this time, the Board proceeded to the Glades Water Dimtribution Center. A presentation by Q+ Team Members Eric Schramm, Jesse Komorny, Mark Nobles, Chris Isaacs, Eric Cline and Jim Poster was given on Backflow Prevention. Following the presentation and video, questions of the Board were answered by the team members. The presentation concluded at 1:05 P.M., at which time the Commission proceeded back to the Board's Chambers. see Recessed: 1:05 P.M. - Reconvened: 1:20 P.M. at which time l~ecording Secretary Guevin replaced Deputy Clerk Hoffsan Jt~SOLUTXONg3-4gl REAPPOINTING ~. ~tI~ETTEKELLERANDNAR~ORI:Z 2s~Jas~ TO ~ GOLDEll GATE P&RKW&Y BEAUTIFIC&TION ADVISORY C~.~ITTEE - Co~aissi~ner Constantine moved, seconded by Commissioner ~olpe and carried~2x~nisously, to adopt Resolution 93-491 reappointing I. 3e~nette feller and NarJorie H. Skinner to the Golden Gate PtTlcway Beantiftcation &dvisory Committee. .. 000- : 35 Pa;le 13 October 26, 1993 ltlCOllellllTlOII TO AUT!IORZZE I~XZNBURSEIGIIT OF OFFZCZ EXPKNSZS TO COUNTY II&IAGI~ - CONTINUED Commissioner Harthews commented the Executive Summary for this item leads her to believe an "imprest" fund has been established, which has not yet been done. County Hanager Dorrill recalled having received a memorandum from Commissioner Harthews suggesting that beginning on October l, an nimpreet' or petty cash fund be established to pay for miscellaneous expenses that the Board determines are eligible. He said there was a change in his contract on September 15, and this item is lnl:ended to complete the time period from that point until October 1. ~le indi- cated his intention to return to the Board for approval of a petty cash or "imprest" policy for his office. Commissioner Harthews pointed out the idea behind an "imprest" fund is that the fund and its limitations are established before the expenses are incurred. She recalled that the County Hanager agreed to provide the Board with a report on how monies have been spent in the past, in order to get an idea of what the needs are. Commissioner Saunders communicated he is not comfortable with the current expenses being submitted. Commissioner Volpe asked if there is a standard operating proce- dure for petty cash within each of the Divisions? Finance Director Yonkosky responded the Clerk'e Office has established written procedures for petty cash which are beintl used by the various departments under the Board. County Hanager Dorrtll stated he will return with a wrltl:en recom- mendation or policy on this subject. It ~s the consensus to continue this item. (3202) . Item elO& WO~.~7'rXON 92-492/WPOINTXNG DOUGLAS L. RANfIN, MICHEL SAXDEIt ~ ROBEI~T T~ FI~I~DKM~N TO T~X COUNTY GOV~RI~GNT PRODUCTIVITY CO~NITTEE - 36 Page October 26, 1993 Sue Fllson, Administrative Assistant to the Board, explained three appointments to the County Government Productivity Committee~ are needed, two full terms expiring on February 4, 1996, and on~ vacancy which will expire on February 4, 1995. She noted four interested citizens have submitted resumes. Nike NcNees, Budget Director, communicated given the fact that their report to the Board is nearing completion, the Productivity Committee is asking that these appointments be deferred until February, 1994. He explained the Committee feels the new members would serve no purpose in helping their research at this point. Commissioner Constantine disagreed with the Conunittee's recommen- dation and suggested that Michel Saadeh and Douglas Rankin be appointed immediately. Commissioner Norris concurred, adding his recommendation for the appointment of Robert Friedmann. Coeed~elo~er Constantine moved, seconded by Cosaissioner Norris snd clrried~xsnisously, to adopt Resolution 93-492 appointing Douglas L. Rinkin, Nichel Saadsh end Robert T. Friedmann to the County OOv~, "t Prod~ctiv~t~ Coma~ttee. October 26, 1993 :, Item elOC DXSC13~SXOII OF IIFORCD!Elrr IN !~F3~I~NCI TO BUILDING RUMBERING - STAFF TO FRQIIOTI VOLOIITIJ~Y CONI~IANCX Dick Clark, Code Enforcement Director, reported there are two basic areas of enforcement of the ordinance pertaining to numbering of bu~ldings. He said one area ks covered under new construction, because all new construction is an ]ntegral part of the building ~nspection process and no Certificate of Occupancy is issued prior to the numbering of the building. He ~ndtcated in the second ar,ea, pre- existing buildings, there are occasional problems when mainte~.~ance or renovations occur resulting in removal of the numbers. He remarked Staff has recently stepped up the enforcement process and notified 70 people that they have deficient numbering. He also proposed '~hat Staff work with the Fire Department and request that they tnsipect for numbering during their annual inspection of all commercial buildings. Commissioner Matthews suggested as street signs are replaced, that designation of the 100 blocks be included in order to assist :people who are slowing down In traffic looking for specific locations. Commissioner Volpe proposed rather than adding the designation to street signs, that the block number be painted on the curb for aesthe- tic reasons. Commissioner Volpe suggested that Staff ask for voluntary compliance In this regard, and that perhaps the Chamber of Commerce could include a notice in their newspaper. lt m the c~_fus that Staf~ will promote voluntary coapltmnce bit tie baitnets comsun~ty to insure their buildings are numbered pro- Item#~OD DZSCO~IZOIR~GARDING PRELZZ~IRARY BZTZE IKPROVDI:ENTNOI~ FOR AD3AC~3IT TOTS TO SOrLDZEg t, Xm~ZT~n LO~S - C~XARZ~e AXD XZ~Z~e OX ~WO ~O~S ON BOTNBIDI:2 OF A BUILDING PX]OrITTED LOT APPItOVEDFOR STXZtLZXG 0AXB Attorney Dennis Cronln, representing Sterling Oaks, asked the Board to consider allowing his client to clear, fill and compact zero .. 000,,, 38 Page 16 October 26, 1993 lot line and z-line lots. He explained the intensity of compaction can have adverse consequences. He proposed when a building permit is issued for a middle lot, a condition should be attached allowing clearing and filling of the two lots adjacent to each side of that lot. He referred to a handout provided to the Board containing con- ditions for the requested permission, namely, that they be limited to zero lot lines; that the building application include a plot plan which will show the full area and full extent of the clearin!i and filling to be conducted; that full compaction records will b,s main- tained and available to County inspectors; all work shall be graded to comply with the finished grade of the roadway; and a fill stabiliza- tion and maintenance plan will accompany each building permit: applica- tion. He concluded this is a health and safety issue, and h, feels the proposed program can be maintained and administered effectively. Hark Hinor, representing Sterling Oaks, added these are ~ery narrow lots, most of which are 36 feet wide. He said a two-lot buffer is the minimum needed to feel safe that no adverse impacts will happen to existing structures when the compacting equipment is brou~lht in. Responding to Commissioner Volpe, Hr. Hinor replied when the five lots are filled, they will be in conformance with the master drainage plan for the development. Bob Blanchard, Site Development Review Director, communicated Staff is in agreement with the five conditions being proposed to allow this request. In response to Commissioner Saunders, County Attorney Cuyler cated the appropriate motion would be to authorize the clearing and filling in conjunction with the building permits issued under the above noted conditions; however, he encouraged Staff and the Board to develop more standardized criteria for these types of situations. Cosaissioner Matthews moved, seconded by Commissioner Vol~s end carrted--~-ai 'dSl~, tO allow clearing end filling of two lots on both sides of · building permitted lot for the Sterling Oaks dayelopement. (S4e) Page 17 October 26, :1993 RIGHT-OF-NAT PKRMIT FEE WAIVER FOR MARCO ISLAND PILOT CLUB - WAVIER APP~Ovsx7 Commissioner Norris asked the Board to consider waiving the right- of-way permit fee for the fundraiser being organized by the C 1 ub. Commissioner Norris Roved, seconded by Commissioner Cons'tant~ne and carried ~nsnimously, to waive the right-of-way permit f~e for the Marco Island Pilot Club for a one-day event on November 20, 1993. (688) Item elOF DKAUVXLLR ~ CLUB - DISCUSSION ON POSSIBILITY OF WITIIHOLDEfG FUTURE BUILDIN FR~NITB OR CERTIFICATES OF OCCUPANCY UNTIL DEVKLOF~ COMPLIES Commissioner Natthews recalled a recent conversation that took place with a resident of the Deauvllle Bake Club who stated ~he deve- loper has continued to construct and sell new units, yet is not moving forward with his promise to complete certain common area fac:tlittes. Nr. Clark agreed that the clubhouse, swimming pool, spa and tennis courts have not been completed and in fact, have been abandoned. He said the developer was taken before the Code Enforcement Board and more than $25,000 in fines are being assessed at this time. He remarked he is not certain that any further development or sstle of units is being done because the project is built out, and the. deve- loper has nothing more to gain which is why they have abandoned the required amenities. He explained this developer formed a nuz.ber of different corporations for various projects, and the concern is whether they can continue to develop in different corporate names with the County issuing Certificates of Occupancy. In answer to Commissioner Natthews, Nr. Clark agreed to check the property tax records, however, he is reasonably certain that the Deauvtlle Lake Club is built out and all the units have been sold. Commissioner Constantine noted the same developer is involved with the Embassy Woods project, with the difference being that the overall project has not been completed, giving the County the ability to with- ,. 000,, , 40 Pa~e 18 October 26, 1993 hold Certificates of Occupancy until the common amenAries a::e built. Re added there are 43 different corporations owned by the s;ame family name, with more than lO0 similar lawsuits within Collier County at the present time. Mr. Clark divulged that Embassy Woods is going before tile Code Enforcement Board once again, and Staff is also preparing information concerning Deauville Bake with regard to pursuing criminal liability through the State's Attorney Office. Commissioner Matthews asserted the question becomes when:her building permits and Certificates of Occupancy can be held back from one development until commitments are completed in another develop- ment. Assistant County Attorney Richard Yovanovich reported the Deauville Lake case must be limited to itself. He said the only reason the Board of County Commissioners has any leverage o~'er the developer for the amenAries is the fact that they committed to a con- dition during the rezone petitlon~ specifically, In exchange for two additional units per acre, they agreed to build a neighborhood park. He indicated since the developer did not live up to thaw commitment, the Board would have the ability to withhold Certificates of Occupancy and building permits. County Attorney Cuyler concurred, however, in this case the pro- Ject has been built out and there is no leverage available to the Board. Commissioner Volpe questioned in order for this situation to be prevented in the future, can there be a requirement that monies be placed in escrow toward the common elements? County Attorney Cuyler agreed that requirement can be iml.~osed in PUD Documents as well as being a condition of fezone approvaZts. Xtw~ the consensus that Staff will return in four weelus with ;_~Jg~_%i~onhew to prevent this situation in the future, amd that 2taffwtllprevida the Board with an update of actions taken by the Code~n~G.~& ~nt Board at that Page 19 October 26, 1993 2T&FF CGN.UklCITIONS - WORKSHOP ON THE HABITAT ~O~ION O:~l~C~ ~ ~ ~~ ~SO~C~S ~~ION ~S ~~ - COllOiD (12so) Item Irl2A1 UPDATING ~ C~PITAL INFROVEMENT ELEMENT O~)INANCX - J~OPIIDMIT~CIUtNGXS; RESOLUTION 93-493 ~OVING ~ ~O~:;E ~ ~ ~R ~I~ TO ~ D~P~~ OF ~~al~ - ~D~ ~GKS Legal notlce having been published In the Naples Daily Ilews on October 18, 1993, am evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk. public hearing was opened. stan Litsinger, Growth Management Section Chief, explained this public hearing is for the Board to review and approve trans.ltttal of the 1993 proposed Growth Management Plan amendments and CapJ. tal Improvement Element (CIE) Update and amendment to the Department of Community Affairs to begin their review process. He stated included in this item are four public petitions for amendments to the, Future Land Use Element (FLUE) which are combined with Staff lnttta, ted peti- tions for amendments to the CIE, Recreation and Open Space, Traffic Circulation, FLUE, the Golden Gate and Immokalee Master Plans and Nasa Transit Element. He asked the Board to take individual straw votes on each of the proposals followed by an overall vote for adoption and transmtttal to DCA. He announced that there will be a second public hearing in the Spring of 1994 for final adoption of these amendments. Mr. Litsinger reported the CIE Update specifically reflects the direction given to Staff by the Board at the presentation of the AUIR on August 31. He noted Staff has proposed a level of servic,e adjust- ment to the Recreation facilities dollars per capita based on cost adjustments. On October 7, he said, the Planning Commission reviewed the CIE and asked Staff to convey their recommendation that l:he Board consider restoring two ClE road projects to the schedule of capital improvements; namely, Project #21, the Livingston Road extennion north; and Project #23, the Vanderbllt Beach Road extension between Page 20 October 26, 1993 airport-Pulling Road and U.S. 41, He mentioned the Planning Commission also recommended that the Board direct Staff to :reevaluate the proposed Jail expansion project to reduce the scope to include only Jail cells and direct support facilities. Nr. Litsinger referred to page CIE-5, pointing out the .level of service standards pertaining to State and federal roads havt~ been changed to reflect recently adopted FDOT standards. He said this change will provide consistency throughout the Growth Manage~ment Plan, and the Traffic Circulation Element will also be modified to be con- sistent with FDOT standards. He next addressed page CIE-6, containing an adjustment to the Parks and Recreation facilities from $1.22 to 8168 per capita. He noted on page CIE-10, the policy relative to Issuance of revenue bonds for the funding of transportation factlttte,s projects has been deleted. He also pointed out that beginning on pa~e CIE-19 is the formal schedule of capital Improvements with commencement and completion dates as required by Rule 9-J5. He next referred to page CIE-45 containing a synopsis of the costs and revenues that make this a financially feasible plan. He addressed page 39 of Appendix A of the CIB Update containing the cost components of the current Jail project, noting Staff may ask Board direction on which aspects to go forward with. Commissioner Volpe relayed his agreement with the Planni:ag Commisston~s recommendation to Incorporate Project #23 In this year's work plan, but believes It would be premature to include Project #21. He questioned Staff's proposal to Increase the level of serv.lce in the Parks and Recreation Element. Nr. Litsinger explained Staff's analysis does not demonsl:rate a deficit in Parks facilities at this point in time. He reported Staff believes the adjustment to the level of service standard for facili- ties, which reflects not only current construction costs of new faci- lities based on recent experiences, but also the inventory value that currently exists, Justifies the adjustment. In answer to Commissioner Volpe, Mr. Litsinger advised the 60.. 000- 43 Pa~e 21 October 26, 1993 $1-milllon deficiency reflected on page CIE-45 relates to the elimina- tion of the original deficit in Parks facilities when the Growth Management Plan was adopted in 1989. He said those dollars show the remaining facilities that need to be funded from a revenue source other than impact fees before Collier County will have a totally Impact-fee funded Parks program. Commissioner Matthews concurred that Project #23 but not Project #21 should be restored to the five-year work program. A lengthy discussion ensued with regard to whether or n,}t CIE Project #23 can be included on the list due to past action nf the Board to exclude all non-concurrency driven projects for th~s fiscal year. Cosmtmmioner Volpe moved, seconded by Commissioner Const~antine, to remove from the ClX schedule, Vanderbilt Drive from Wiggins Pus Road to Benits Beach Road, and Livingston Road from Golden Gate Parkway to Xssokalee I~ad, consistent with the lotion made when the five-cent gas see !tecgrdillgSecrltary Barbiretti replaced Recording Secretary Cuevim at this time The following people spoke on the subject: Anthony Pires Sally Barker BIll Neron Terri Tragesser Start Litsinger, Growth Management Chief, stated that at l:he gas tax hearings a discussion was held on which road projects wer.e necessary and needed funding. He reported that it was staff's understanding that no Preliminary Design and Engineering (PD&E) would be allowed for any project in the first five years, unless the planning schedule indicated the constructJan phase of the project would show up in the sixth or seventh year and that is the re.seen that Vanderbllt Beach Road was not lncluded as there ks no construction Indicated until the latter part of the ten year planning window. Commissioner Saunders indicated that he would vote agatnsl: the motion, and urged the other members of the Board to do the same, adding that he would rather run the risk of having the gas tax Page 22 October 26, 1993 challenged because the risk is so small it is almost non-existent. He stated that he would also like to approve the funds for the PDaE study for Vanderbllt Beach Road between U.S. 41 and Goodlette Road. Commissioner Volpe withdrew his motion, seconded by Commissioner Comm~seloner Volpe moved that the PDaX portion of the design of the Venderbilt Beach Road extension from U.B. 41 to Airport :aoad be included in the CIX Element of the Growth Management Plan in the ~t f~ecal Teat gJ/g4. In response to Conunisstoner Norris, Mr. Litsinger replied that the CIE Is a planning document and it does not prohibit funding other pro- Jects. In answer to Commissioner Matthews, Mr. Litsinger replied that the County does have a Joint venture agreement with Westinghouse, but the County's share is approximately 8350,000.00. Transportation Services Administrator Archibald stated that the way the contract is structured the portion that will be done by the developer will be subject to impact fee credits which will be~ accruing In 1994. In response to Commissioner Constantine, County Attorney Guylet replied that the vote is in conflict with the gas tax vote in the wording that has been discussed. CoasLis~oner 8aunders seconded the motion on the floor. In answer to Commissioner Constantine, County Attorney Guylet advised that the transmittal of this motion requires three votes, the Comprehensive Plan Amendment motion will require four votes. t~ call for the ~ueet~on, the motion carried 3/2, (Commissioner Constantine aad ComalestoneT Norris opposed). In response to Commissioner Volpe, Mr. Litsinger recommended that the Jail Projects be left as is for transmittal purposes, not:Lng that staff will review the project and see where the project could be scaled down. He indicated that the project can be changed prior to adoption of this element. Pa~e 23 October 26, 1993 The ~ ~ ~s of the Board was to have the Jail proJsct scaled beck. see JteCt'tS= 3c35 P.M. - Reconvenez 3:45 P,M. see Mr. Litsinger referred to page 10, regarding the Recreation & Open Space CIE, and noted that this amendment would adjust the Level of Service Standards for Recreation facilities from $122 to $168 per capita in order to reflect current costs of construction of new faci- lities and the value of existing inventory. In response to Commissioner Matthews, Mr. Litsinger confirmed that this $168 could potentially effect the Impact Fee Ordinance, however, our current projected revenue is sufficient to support this Level of Service Standard. The consensus of the straw votewas to approve the tru~aittal of the RecreetIon & Open Space CZI to the DCA for review. Barbara Cacchione, Chief of Long Range Planning, noted that all the items throughout the Future Land Use Element, except for two, were recommended by the Planning Commission. She revealed that the two controversial items fall under the Golden Gate Master Plan which are the Guest House Amendment and the Commercial lnftll Designation. Nichelie Edwards-Arnold, St. Planner, stated that she would discuss the Guest House Amendment to the Golden Gate Master Plan along with the FLUE amendment to the agricultural district. Ns. Edwards-Arnold reported that the amendment proposes ~xest houses for rentals. In answer to Commissioner Volpe, Ns. Edwards-Arnold confirmed that the County does allow the construction of guest houses on any parcel that is one acre in size, with a width of 105 feet, but the current LDC does not permit the rental of the units. Ns. Edwards-Arnold explained that the reason for the amendment is because staff feels that the provision would increase the density within those areas. Commissioner Saunders announced that four members of the Board agree not to submit this amendment to the DCA. The following people spoke on the subject: Page 24 October 26, 1993 Vilma Cirincione Gary Beardsley Donald Segretto George Keller The consensus of · straw vote ta that the amendment not be for- wtrded to the DCA, Ellis Soto-Mc Kuen, 91anner, Long Range Planning, acknowledged that this Is a public petition to amend C.R. 951 Commercial Inflll Designation within the Golden Gate Estates area and the applicant is 'requesting access restrictions to C.R. 951, and gave the size and location of the parcel. She reported that Transportation Services has safety concerns with this amendment which are outlined in the staff report. Ha. Soto-Mc Kuen announced that the CCPC reviewed this amendment and voted 8/0 to deny the petition. 3oe LaCourslere, representing the petitioner, disclosed that the CCPC vote was 5/3 to deny the petition. Mr. LaCourstere disclosed that without access to C.R. 951, the property Is tun-usable. Commissioner Constantine suggested extending 25 Avenue S.W., so that there would be a roadway on the west side of the property, which would create an access onto a side street. Transportation Services Administrator Archibald explained that the controls currently in place are good in both a capacity standpoint and from a safety standpoint, adding that the petitioner has some alter- native access to Golden Gate Parkway, therefore, the potential for commercial use does exist. Mr. Archibald stated that the Golden Gate Master Plan protects the capacity of the roadway and protects the County from future severance damage and If for some reason in the future there Is a case in which all other options of access have been explored, the petitioner has the option of bringing this back for consideration. Mr. LaCourstere requested that he have the ability to work with staff toward future consideration of this petition, if approval is not granted. Page 25 October 26, 1993 Donald Segretto spoke on the subject. &tier · strew v~ts, it w~s the co~en~s or the ~d to deny this ~titt~ ~ ~ this ~~nt to the Golden Gate ~stsr Ply. Ns. Cacchtone referred to individual items in the ~ture Land Use Element and on the map, along with the Golden Gate Naster Pl~xn map which the CCPC unanimously reco~ended for approval. Conissioner Saunders closed the public hearing. ~ a str~ ~e, ~t ~s u~im~s that the ~ard apprx~s t~ ~ ~d Use Xleunt, with the exception that Couiss:~oner Vol~ a~tain~ fr~ Petition CP-93-02. Dlane Holland, Planner, Long Range Planning, presented the Traffic Circulation Element Amendment. She explained that the items were basically nhousekeeping~ items. Ns, Holllng, noted that the CCPC recouended that Vanderbllt Beach Road ~d Livingston Road ~rom Imperial Street to I~okalee Road as a const~ction project, but that will not be transmitted to DCA. ~t~ a s~ wte, tt ~s the consents of the ~d to t~ ~fftc Cir~lation Elesnt ~en~ent. Ns. Holllng reported on the ~ass Traffic Element. She ccn~irmed that the CCPC reco~ended approval of starr's reco~endations. In response to Commissioner Volpe, Ns. Holling replied that a Tr~stt Advisory Couittee was added in the event that a project retiring a study came about. It was the consensus or the Board that the Transit Advisory Couittee recouendation be deleted ~rom the ~ass Traffic Ele~uen~. Co~tssioner Saunders closed the public hearing. Nr. Litsin~er advised that the ordinance establishes the f:apital Improvemen~ Element Update Ordinance prior to the adoption as an uendment with the changes noted In a s~raw vote. ~~i~ Vol~ ~, seceded ~ Couissioner No~is to ad~t ~ ~t~- ~ utabli~ing the 1993 Gr~h ~m~ment PI~ Cal~ital I ..~.._ x t Xl~t ~1 ~te to ~nclude the dts~si~ ~ c~- Pagm 26 October 26, 1993 sensam derived at the public hearing. County Attorney Cuyler confirmed that the Capital lmprov,sment Element will be presented before the Board of County Commissioners again. Upmncall for the question, the motion carried 4/1, {C~aiselonar C~-xtv tine6~ssd), therabFedopting Ordinance 93-78, am mttared into Or~!D ca Book Nr. Litsinger referred to page 70 of the agenda package, noting there tsa resolution to transmit the amendments that were r,viewed today to the Department of Community Affairs with the changeis indi- cated and also Includes the Capital Improvement Element Amendment, and a request for a formal review by the Department of Community Affairs. Cemds~io~wrVoll~s moved, macondad b Y Commissioner Natth~s and carrisd m~ntmo~siy, that the resolution approve tha Growth !~anagement Pimm - _ ' ~ats for transsittal to tha Department of ComsunI~ Affairs, tbll~!~adopting Resolution 93-493. Nr. Litsinger announced that there ~ouid be a second ado~tion hearing on these amendments in approximately 90 days. Pag,~ 27 October 26, X993 Ztemeatli Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily N.ews on October 7, 1993, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened. Planner Sam Saadeh explained that the request for rezone is to allow the construction of a parking facility that will serve the newly approved office addition. Commissioner Saunders closed the public hearing. Ct f.ewl~nef Matthews moved, seconded t,/Commissioner Vo]pe and clFfiedlmea~me~sly, that Petition R-93-8 be approved, theret~/ ~blxt~n~OFd~ce 93-79, as entered into Ordinance Book RESOLOTXO!I 92-494 !t~ PETITION FDPO-93-3, MARION J. ZISEA, REqOESTING A 3.01 FOOT VIIGA!ICl FRON TIE8 MINIMUM BASE FLOOD ELirATION OF NEVDISle~IItIDBTFLOOD DAMAGE PREV~WTION ORDINANCE (FDPO} 8T-80 OILOT 13, BLOCK 45, UNIT 6, NAPLES FARE - ADOPTED Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on October I0, 1993, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened. Planner Wayne Arnold explained that the petitioner is rec/uesting a flood variance, adding that her home had some additional living areas added to it, which became a Code Compliance issue. He announced that the County building permit records indicate that no permit h~;s been issued to acknowledge this addition below the flood elevation.. Planner Arnold reported that staff has no objection to the living facilities being below the flood elevation, E.M.S. has no objection, but mentioned the compliance issue. Harmon Zlska, petitioner, stated that she bought the house assuming that it could be rented. Page 28 October 26, ~993 eee Dep~ Clerk Hoffman replaced Recording Secretar~ ~Lrbtrettt at this time In response to Commissioner Saunders, Mrs. Ziska stated that she Is not tn agreement with staff's recommendation with regard to the removal of the kitchen facilities. Mr. Arnold advised that Mrs. Ztska has recently brought to staff's attention that the actual living area that has been improved| below the flood elevation does exceed the 2,500 square feet to allow e, secondary kitchen. Commissioner Volpe remarked that Mrs. Ztska purchased the property believing that she had a unit that could be rented out. Commissioner Saunders closed the public hearing. Ccm~sstonevVolpe moved, seconded t/Commissioner Constantine and carried unanimously, to approve Petition FDPO-93-3 without the condition x~Zuiring the removal of the kitchen, thereby adopting Itssolution 93-494. Pa.le 29 October 26, 1993 (6~o) ORDIIANCl 93-80, ~UI Al~a~t~a~ TO ORDINANCE 93-32 (LELY LAKES PUD) TO CQEItI~'T&SCRrVIN!3~ ERROR IN THX PROPERTYs8 LEG~ DES~I~ION, A ~ 8~ OF COLLID DRI, ~PROXI~LY 1 NILE SO~ST OF ~g IRxmZCxION OF ~ESN~ ~CK RO~ (C.R. 864) ~ U.S..ll - Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on October 7, 1993, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication fil,d with the Clerk, public hearing was opened. Commissioner Constantine recalled that when this item was heard initially, a question arose with regard to access. He noted l:hat concerns had been expressed about a potential secondary acces~, and questioned whether there is a change in that regard. Site Development Review Director Blanchard advised that there is an error in the legal description, noting that the applicant inadver- tently submitted the legal description for the Community Development District rather than the actual PUD. Commissioner Saunders announced that the public hearing is closed. Commimstener Constantine sovid, seconded by Commissioner Borris lad carrimim~antmously, that Ordinance 93-80 be adopted and entered into Ordinance Book No. 64. (632) Xtemd~2C2 BUDGITINENIIIENT RESOLUTIONS 93-48/52, APPROVZNG A!~!~xS TO THE FISCAL yEAR 1992-93 ADOPTED BUDGET - ADOPTED Legal nottce havlng been published In the Naples Daily News on October 20, 1993, as evidenced by Affidavit or Publication rtl.ed with the Clerk, publlc hearlng was opened. Flnance Director Yonkosky stated that this item is a reque~st for the Board to approve budget amendments required to be approved by a resolution under Chapter 129.06 Flortda Statutes. He Indicated that there are five budget amendment resolutions reflecting executive sum- martee and budget amendments that have been previously approved. There were no speakers. Pag, 30 October 26, 1993 Cossissioner Saunders stated that the public hearing is ,:losed. Ceesissi~mer Norris ~, seconded by Conimsioner Volpe and c~rriei , r i ~uly, that Budget Amendment Resolutions 93-48/52 be Page 31 October 26, 1993 (670) Its~ ~rl~CS ORDE 93-81, CONFXRNING TH~ CREATION OF THE PARKS AND RECREATION &DVISORYBOL~I) AND FORNALIZE THE STRUCTURE AND OPERATION OF THIS ADVI- SORT BOARD-AI)OFTED Legal notlce having been published in the Naples Dally Kews on September 9, 1993, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication flled wlth the Clerk, public hearing was opened. Public Services Administrator 011Iff explained that the purpose of this item is to confirm the existence of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board; conform this group to the advisory boards that func- tionunder the County's Advisory Board Ordinance 86-41; and ,~xpand the membership from five to seven members to hopefully obtain represen- tation from most of the community park areas as opposed to s~imply County Commission District areas. Commissioner Saunders closed the public hearing. Cossstssioner Constantine moved, seconded by Commissioner Volpe and carried mmntsously, that Ordinance 93-81 be adopted and ente~red into OrdinmxcwBook No. 64. (730) Xtes#14 BOaRD OF COUNTy CO~rXSSIONERS* COW~fiYNICATXONS Commissioner Norris provided a photo of Sand Dollar Island to the Board. He pointed out that what used to be Sand Dollar Island is now a part of Marco Beach. He noted that the critical wild/ire area set up by the Florida Fresh Water Fish and Game Commission (FFWFGC) is within the original boundary of the Island. Commissioner Norris stated that there Is a barrier betweea.~ Tigertail Park and the beach and people have to walk quite a distance around the barrier to access the beach. Commissioner Norris reported that a meeting was held last week which was artended by four representatives from the FFWFGC anti they now better understand the situation. He remarked that a btol,glst from FFI4FGC Indicated that he does not wish to make any conce,stons Padre 32 October 26, 1993 for the beach-going publlc. Commissioner Norrle advised that there wlll be final rescfiution in this matter at the FI~FGC meeting next month. (gSO) Ztmz~J. 8,11 DZICOIIZOII~ rJ:RI CONS0~IDA~ION WORr~O? - CONS~TSOS ]lOT TO CORI~CT County Manager Dotrill explained that meetings have been held with the Independent Fire Districts with regard to developing an expansion plan which by a consolidation concept, all the Districts could improve on the manpower and service to the community. He indicated t~at the Expansion Plan will be presented to the Board on November 9, L993 in addition to a draft Special Act Bill of the legislature calling for a referendum next November. County Manager Dorrill advised that the Independent Fire Commissioners and Chiefs requested an opportunity to have a wurkshop with the Board of County Commissioners. He remarked that the regular item will appear on the agenda in two weeks, and noted that he? does not know what can be accomplished at a special workshop that would need to be scheduled between now and two weeks from this date. County Manager Dorrill suggested that the Board walt until the meeting of November 9, 1993 and allow participation at that time. Commissioner Saunders concurred, adding that he does not see a practical way to conduct a workshop within the two week time frame. The Board concurred that there would not be sufficient time to conduct a workshop during the next two weeks. &Q4:JIFIR2TORAeE &lID RECOVERY PILOT PR03KCT DISCUSSION - COU]ITY MAN&GKR TO DiiFT L~ TO MID SLATTON, BIG CYIrI~SS BASIN BOARD County Manager Dotrill recalled that an Executive Summary had been presented at a Board of County Commissioners meeting approxtma':ely one year ago concerning aquifer storage and recovery and a proposal by the Big Cypress Basin Board to participate in a pilot project. He noted Page 33 October 26, 1993 that concerns had been expressed with regard to a condition that if the project did not proceed into a production level project, the Basin Board wanted their 8400,000 reimbursed. County Manager Dorrill advised that he has received a letter from Mike SlaVton, Indicating if the County does not wish to proceed under the original terms, the BIg Cypress Basin Board will begin discussions with the City of Naples to determine whether they are interested in aquifer storage and recovery for effluent. He suggested that he con- tact Mr. Slayton and advise that the County does not object to him contacting the City unless the Board desires further Information con- cerning his proposal. Commissioner Saunders suggested that the Manager ask Mr. Slayton to communicate to the Board and explain what is proposed for the treated effluent. see Cosaisstoner Volpe moved, seconded by Commissioner Matth, ew8 and carriedunanimously, the following item under the con~ent a~enda be approved and/or adopted Itesa#12A1 NATEltF&CILITIES ACCEPTANCE FOR TI~ INNAT PELICAN BAY - WITH ll'J::JJl~l'll~ ~ ll'lJ& PT.~ O~ "OL~C BAV*JJ'" - WITH STIPUT.~TION Cl[ltl iC~s, ,sD FOR LklIDSCAPING SECURITY FOR SITE DEVELOPNENT PLAN NO. gJ--lT reClAIM FITUIT STAND= Zl~xs~iUalF.~ r. ITT~lt OF CREDIT ACCFPTZD FOR LANDSCAPING EECURITV FOR SITE ~ FLAX NO. 93-49 aLANCASTER SQUAR~ CONDOMINION" Pages /"/I- ll~tsvOClLBLi r. KTTZlt OF CREDIT ACCEPTlID FOR LANDSCAPING SECURITY FOR SITE I~'V2~O~ latin NO. 93-33 "CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK-VINEYARDS October 26, 1993 AC'C~,,z.'.-asD }'OR LANDSCAPING SECURITY IPOR SIt'/DEV~LOMNT "NAPLES NATIONAL GOLF CLUB CLUBHOUSE" Item#lGAl CIIXCI&CC~zsD~OR LANDSCAPZXG SECURITY I~DR SITE DEVELOPNENT PLAN N0. 92-130 "O%,DN/LRCO LODGE CRAB HOUSE PARKING LOT" Item#lGAg ZR~i~0CABZ~ ~ARD~ L~t'~R Oi CMDI~ ACCEIvl~D ~R gCAVAtZOR Zt~lleal ~~ ~ ~ NO. 6 ~ ~8~ CO~ING, INC. ~kax~ll~ ~ ~ l~~ ROD B~ U.8. 41 Zteel~l N h ~tt~ 11/2/93 lte ll~2 to ~ ~tl~ 11/2/93 ~ ~ ~ 1993-94 ~ING C0~IB~ION t0 ~ 8~VATZON See Pages Ztms tlGD1 - hieted ltms #12D~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ PAY ~ A~ ~ Of ~~ ~ PAY ~ A~~ TO Page 35 October 26. 1993 FOR ~ RFEIRED SXNIOR VOLUNT~XR PROGRAM (RSVP) · ,, ACCXFTa]I~ OW llltMIT MOllliB FROM TH~ FLORIDA DIPARTI~Fr OF smv___~l llTaL ~Gxs~xlO!l FOR THX ARTIFICIAL REXF PROGRAM OF ,,'OLLIBX · .. ,..,. //a - Item #1~2 233WICl 143RIXMEFr WITH !~G/ILXS, INC. leOit DIP~ 0F EqVII.~01qM~NTAL See Page~ Item e~6B1 ~A~ZNEMIXT~ ItXCOGNIZING PRO3XCT~D CARIt'Y FORWARD FOit THIg GOLD~N 2ATH ~2TATE~ PL~X AND TH~ CHILLXR PLANT EGzANSION PRO,T~CT Itesl#16H2 WITH ECOGItOUP FOR USE OF THEIR PROPERTY AS A BTAaI)rG AR~A FOit ~ WI~q3INS PASS DREDGING PROJECT See Pages ***NOTE: AGREEMENT NOT RECEIVED IN CLERK TO BOARD OFFICE AS OF 12/20/93'*** 217PFL~IITJ~JI~B .sR~ NO. 3 TO THE CONSULTING LANDSCAF2ARCBITHCT ~I!tVICBI.~WITHMCGEEANDASSOCZAT~S, INC. TO PROVID! FINAL !~I211II!tVIC~ FOR PHASE TWO OF TRX II~qOEALII MXDIAN BFJtUTI!=CATION · .. ~.,,. /~,~ -/~7 Item tla4 meved to eBB3 Item#le3 WIBCILFaMIIO¶~ COItRI~Z~EZNCI - FILE AND/OR RXFBXR~D The following mIscellaneous correspondence was filed and/or referred as presented by the Board of County Commissioners: Page 36 October 26, 3.993 2ATIIFaCT!OI OF LIBN FOR 8ERVICIS OF TBB PUBLIC DEFXRI)ER ,. aGl~le~lT FOR ~L~CTION B~RVICIB BETWEEN THE CITY OF NAPLEB AIFD COLLIER CONFIBCAT~D TRUST FUNDS FOR THE SUPPORT OF A CRIME PREVENTION AND THX FROCUREMB~T OF T~CENICAL BQUIFMERT eeeee There being; no further business for the Good of the County, meeting was adjourned by Order of the Chair - Time: 5:28 P.M. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS/EX OFFICIO GOVERNING BOARD(S} OF SPECIAL DISTRICTS UNDER ITS CONTROL BURT L. SAUNDERS, CHAIRMAN the Pag, 37