BCC Minutes 12/01/1993 W (Personnel) Naples, Florida, December 1, 1993
LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commissioners tn
and for the County of Collier, and also acting as the Board of Zoning
Appeals and as the governing board(e) of such special districts as
have been created according to law and having conducted business
herein, met on this date at 5:05 P.M. In SPECIAL/WORKSHOP SESSION In
Building "F" of the Government Complex, East Naples, Florida, with the
following members present:
CHAIRMAN: Burr L. Saunders
VICE-CHAIRMAN: Timothy J. Constantine
John C. Norris
Michael $. Volpe
Bettye J. Matthews
ALSO PRESENT: Sue Barbtrettt, Recording Seuretary; Ellis
Hoffman, Deputy Clerk; Netl Dorrtll, County Manager= William Hargett,
Assistant County Manager; Ken Cuyler, County Attorney; Leo Ochs,
Administrative Services Administrator= Tom Whltecotton, Human
Resources Director; Jeff Walker, Risk Management Director= Bob
Mu/here, Planner; Adolfo Gonzales, Senior Engineer; and Jane Lang,
Office Assistant.
December 3, 1993
Tap~ #1
Commissioner Saunders announced that this is the second public
hearing of the Land Development Code amendments.
Contestonar Constantine ~ovad, seconded by Contasloner Matthews
and carried unanimously, to continue tha public hearing of tha Collier
County Land Development Coda uen~entl to the ~ettng of ~ce~r 9,
1993 ~t 5:05 P.M.
County Manager Dorrtll revealed that Collier County did not have a
personnel system until 1979. He briefly reviewed the issues listed on
the agenda scheduled to be discussed.
Mr. Dorrtll indicated that under Pay Plan and Benefits is a
review of the last Personnel Management Study which was last updated
in 1988.
Be announced that there ts presently a total of 2,000 County employees
and approximately 950 of those employees work for the BCC/County
County Manager Dorrill informed the Board that a number of
employees are at Control Point and a discussion will ensue regarding
strategies to rectify this situation.
Nr. Dorrill noted that there is an increasing number of tenured
County workers, which indicates that the Board of County Com~issioners
is a good place to work. He conffirmed that the Board of County
Commissioners will never be any better than the people who represent
the County to the public.
County Manager Dorrill acknowledged the importance of the Employee
Advisory Council (EAC). He revealed that three members of the EAC
will present to the Board three major concerns of the employees.
Administrative Services Administrator Ochs announced that the pti-
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mary purpose of this meeting is to answer any questions that the Board
nay have or address any specific concerns with the current Personnel
Management system.
Mr. Och8 revealed that the current pay classification and perfor-
mance management system was developed by Personnel Management
Consultants and wa8 implemented in 1988. He stated that the original
system had four objectives, to maintain a competitive position tn the
marketplace, that the plan maintained its' fairness, that an
employees' performance is the primary determinate of an individuals
pay, which resulted In the pay for performance system, and to
construct a system that will be maintained on an ongoing basis by
County Staff. He reported that the system was developed to insure
that the County could compete for the best talent in the marketplace
and in that consideration Collier County is typically ranked among the
top ten Counties within Florida in terms of cost of living.
Tom Whitecotton, Human Resources Director, reviewed the pay plan
maintenance methodology. He explained that each year Human Resources
participates in the Annual Florida League of Cities Survey. He
explained that the median of the maximum of the salary range is calcu-
lated. He disclosed that the County's Control Point ts compared with
the maximums of the surveys participants.
Commissioner Saunders commented that it would be more logical to
compare the median salary in each pay range with the median salaries
of the actual County employees.
Mr. Whitecotton replied that there are a number of reasons for
individual salaries, which ia why they like to deal with salary
Mr. Whitecotton announced that the pay plan was developed at
median plus 10~ level but has not been maintained at that level. He
reviewed the history of pay plan maintenance.
County Manager Dorrill announced that the rationale for the lack
of pay plan maintenance in the last two years is the fact that the
total amount of money available for all has been limited to $~.
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Commissioner Saunders pointed out that this Is a workshop meeting
and that no formal action will be taken tonight.
Bob Mulhere, member of the EAC, declared that a recent survey
conducted by the Human Resources Department revealed that 10~ of the
employee population was selected at random and surveyed regarding
various benefit considerations. He reported that one of the con-
aideratlons was salary administration. He stated that preferred
methodology for administering salary Increases Is a combination of
cost of living and pay for performance plans. He cited the following
example, an employee who does not meet standards should receive no
increase, one who does meet standards gets a cost of living increase,
an employee who exceeds standards to an excellent level should get a
pre-determined percentage above the cost of living increase, those
employees who exceed standards to a superior degree should get a pre-
determined increase above the excellent Increase.
In response to Commissioner Saunders, Mr. Mulhere replied that
possibly a three member committee could determine what type of
increase would be appropriate and fair.
Commissioner Matthews asked if it would be possible to assign a
standard bell curve as to Increases?
Mr. Whitecotton answered that it was possible to use a bell curve,
though there may be an opportunity where a person may not be
recognized for performance while trying to fit Into a curve.
County Manager Dorrtll commented that he would prefer a bell curve
allocation of money.
Adolfo Gonzales, member of the EAC, stated that tn exchange for
excellent customer service to the citizens of Collier County,
employees are rewarded various compensation, one being salary
Increases. He reported that compensation for excellent customer ser-
vice is not an option because they have reached the Control Point tn
their salary range. He confirmed that the consensus of the employees
questioned is that employees who have reached the Control Point be
eligible for some type of salary increase.
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Co~missioner Saunders agreed that employees who are at the control
point without the capability of receiving a salary increase will seek
other employment.
In response to Commissioner Saunders, County Manager Dorrill
replied that approximately 300 employees would be at Control Point by
this time next year. Mr. Dorrill expressed the critical need for pay
plan maintenance in conjunction with management training programs.
Commissioner Norris remarked that performance should be rewarded,
therefore, is in agreement with the comments that have been made.
Jane Lang, member of the EAC, acknowledged that employee benefits
are cost effective and contribute to every employees welfare. She
contended that benefits offset the lower Southwest Florida salary.
Ms. Lang noted that Collier County employees are also taxpayers.
She concluded that the erosion of employee benefits will servu neither
employees nor citizens.
County Manager Dorrill described the benefits of the 8irk leave
incentive system and the sick leave bank system.
In response to Commissioner Volpe, Mr. Dorrlll gave a brief review
of the retirement plan.
Commissioner Volpe recognized that the retirement plan is
something that needs to be fa=toted Into the equation.
The following people spoke on the issue:
William Combs
Darc¥ Waldron
Jim Foster
Barry Ertckson
John Marco Lucrez!
Scott Smith
Charles Williams
Jeffrey Kucko
Terry Long
Elizabeth Dillingham
Sanford Martin
In response to Commissioner Matthews, County Manager Dorrill con-
firmed that the family health coverage is eligible for the flexible
benefits package.
Commissioner Saundero distributed a memo to the Board members
regarding the establishment of a hearing process for exempt employees
to avoid the appearance of impropriety.
Commissioner Saunders recommended the following proposal; exempt
employees should be given an opportunity to publicly state their post-
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tlon upon dismissal, suspension, demotion or requested resignation.
Ha reported that the hearing would be heard before a member of the
Collier County Bar Association, who would volunteer at no cost to the
County, the Individual employee would have the opportunity to have
counsel present at their own expense, the County would be represented
by the County Attorney, and a tape recording of the hearing would be
provided to the individual at the County's expense.
Commissioner Saunders announced that within 10 days of the closing
of the hearing the Hearing Officer would provide an advisory opinion
to the County Manager, the County Manager could, at his/her own
discretion, react to the opinion with a final decision In whatever
manner he/she feels fit.
In response to Commissioner Constantine, County Manager Dorrlll
replied that "exempt" primarily concerns Senior Management positions,
approximately 50 positions.
Commissioner Volpe stated that he sees merit In the suggestion.
Commissioner Saunders concluded that the sole purpose of the
hearing process ts to give the employee an opportunity to be heard.
The following people spoke on the subject:
Sanford Martin Scott Smith
Commissioner Saunders suggested that the Issues raised should be
reviewed and that the Board provide direction to Staff.
Referring to pay for performance and cost of living adjustments,
Commissioner Saunders remarked that the most important issue ts how to
fairly adjust the salaries and how to fairly evaluate employees.
Commissioner Volpe remarked that he shares the concern for lower
level employees percentage Increases. He suggested a lump sum
increase and Implement pay for performance.
It was the consensus of the Board that Staff evaluate a fixed
dollar Increase with the remainder of the money Included In a merit
program and investigate some way to equitably apply the merit
Commissioner Saunders disclosed that the issue of Control Point
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~ust be addressed.
Commissioner Matthews revealed that she would like to see this
issue addressed with possible management training.
It was the consensus of the Board to direct Staff to evaluate the
Control Point situation.
ese Dtp~ty Clerk Hoff~an replaced Recording Secretary Blrbirettl
at this till cea
County Manager Dorrtll stated that he desires Collier County to be
a competitive employer with a competitive pay plan, but there needs to
be a fair pay plan aa well.
In response to Commissioner Volpe, County Manager Dorrlll
explained that typically a comprehensive personnel management study
should be conducted every five years to ensure there Is equity within
the classification system, however, this has not been done In Collier
County for seven years. He indicated that a great deal of the audit
related work would be performed by staff.
Commissioner Saunders explained that there needs to be some pay
plan maintenance, recognizing the number of people who have reached
the control point.
County Manager Dorrlll related that there is a distinction between
the Board and its employees and the Constitutional Officers and their
employees. He reported that with the exception of the Sheriff, the
Constitutional Officers have a limited number of pay classifications
and ranges. He pointed out that those positions are primarily cleri-
cal and office related professional positions in terms of the other
agency managers who are competing for money from the County
Commission. He Indicated that the Board has a very diverse and wide
range of professional, technical and support people and as a result,
the pay plan is more complicated and sophisticated than those of other
County agencies.
Commissioner Saunders remarked that the employees are saying loud
and clear that they are seeing their paychecks shrink.
Commissioner Saunders questioned whether the Board has any
interest for the County Attorney to draft proposed procedures for con-
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aideration with regard to disciplinary action.
County Manager Dorrlll advised that the Civil Service concept is
something that should have died many years ago and the Chairman has
been very emphatic that this is not Intended to be a property right or
Civil Service driven procedure. He indicated that he would like the
opportunity to review what has been distributed and work with the
County Attorney.
Commissioner Norris remarked that he ie not prepared to voice sup-
port at this time until there has been a further review of this issue.
Commissioner Constantine concurred with Commissioner Norris, but
noted that he has no objection to further exploring the matter.
Commissioner Volpe stated that he is not opposed to the concept
but questioned whether the Manager, if he happens to be the discipli-
narian, could ask for a public hearing hearing so that he too could
have him side heard.
County Manager Dorrill Indicated that the down side issues would
also need to be evaluated.
Commissioner Volpe suggested that it would be very helpful if
County Attorney Cuyler could prepare a briefing paper as to issues of
the down-side before drafting any type of policy.
Commissioner Matthews related that she is supportive of the con-
cept, but would like to hear more about the possible down-side.
Co~uaissioner Saunders suggested that the County Attorney provide
additional information
The consensus of the Board was that the policy may be appropriate,
but that the County Attorney provide additional information concerning
the legal implications.
Commissioner Saunders remarked that the issue of employee educa-
tion was raised by one of the employees. He recalled when the Board
eliminated the tuition employee program, Commissioner Matthews
suggested that a management training program be developed. He noted
that the Commission did not believe the parameters of the employee
tuition reimbursement program accomplished what the Board felt it
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mhould do.
Commissioner Matthews explained that the tuition reimbursement
program was being used by a relatively low number of employees. She
reported that she saw people seeking education at a very high level
and taking courses which did not relate to their current position.
She indicated that she prefers to see the County sponsor some manage-
ment training programs.
Commissioner Norris stated that he was surprised to hear from the
employees from utilities that the County does not pay them for educa-
tion necessary to prepare them for tests associated with the line of
Mr. Whitecotton advised that the County does pay for study
materials as well as exams for plant operators and EMS personnel.
County Manager Dorrtll suggested that In terms of tuition reimbur-
sement there needs to be a better system to ensure that this ts Job
Commissioner Matthews called attention to the salary comparison
that was made through the Florida Cities program and questioned
~hether the comparison was made at the median point. Mr. Whitecotton
explained that staff developed the median/maximum of the survey
groups. Commissioner Matthews suggested that entry level sa/aries
also be reviewed.
Commissioner Saundera announced to the employees that the County
Commission recognizes that they have a very hard working and dedicated
staff. He reported that this type of workshop needs to be held more
often to provide employees with the opportunity to express their con-
Commissioner Saunders stated that the Board wants to do whatever
it can to Improve employee morale and ensure that the employees are
satisfied In their Jobs. He thanked everyone for attending and
sharing their concerns.
County Manager Dorrill thanked the Board, on behalf of the
employees, for being sensitive to their needs.
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There being no further bus,ness for the Good of the County, the
meeting was adjourned by Order of the Chair - Time: 7:45 P.M.
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