Bayshore Gateway CRA Adv Minutes 12/06/2011 THE BAYSHORE/ GATEWAY TRIANGLE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGEN argrY3� 4069 BAYSHORE DRIVE, NAPLES, FL 34112 PHONE 239.643.1115 FAX 239.775.44 IJ BAYSHORE/GATEWAY TRIANGLE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT LOCAL ADVISOg'4BOARD MINUTES OF THE DECEMBER 6, 2011 MEETING ' The meeting of the Bayshore/Gateway Triangle Community Redevelopment Advisory Board was called to order by Mr. Lindsey Thomas at 6:00 p.m. at the CRA Office Meeting Room 4069 Bayshore Drive. 1. Roll Call: Present: Advisory Board Members: Lindsey Thomas, Larry Ingram, Steve Main, Maurice Gutierrez, Chuck Gunther, and Karen Beatty. Excused: Peter Dvorak, Dwight Oakley, &Vicki Tracy. CRA Staff Present: David Jackson, Executive Director, Jean Jourdan, David Buchheit and Sue Trone, Project Managers. 2. Adoption of Agenda: Mr. Thomas asked if there were any additions or corrections to the published agenda. Mr. Jackson asked to add Item 6d: BE Home Realty C-BIG 05-2011 Grant Extension Request and 7b: Larry Ingram Memo - Discussion. He asked for a motion to approve. Motion to approve the agenda with changes: Mr. Gutierrez. Second: Mr. Thomas. Approved 6-0. 3. Adoption of Minutes: Mr. Thomas asked for a motion to approve the November 1, 2011 meeting minutes. Motion: Ms. Beatty. Second: Mr. Gutierrez.Approved 6-0. 4. Executive Director's Report: a. Proiect Updates. i. CRA Projects. Mr. Jackson updated the Board on two items that were not in the published agenda: January 17, 2012 CRA Executive Board and CRA-AB Workshop scheduled for 2 — 4pm and that the CRA received a $25,000 grant from 5/3 Bank. Mr. Jackson also handed out Collier County Thank You cards to the three Project Managers. The cards have certain dollar values as select stores. Fiala • David Buchheit, MSTU Proiect Manager. Gave an update on the Hiller Bayshore Drive (south) improvement project, two side street Hennin• j: improvement projects and gave the details of the multi-media Coletta campaign's successes. ii. Presentation: Mr. Jackson introduced Mr. Mark Isackson, Director, Corporate Financial & Management Services. Mr. Isackson introduced Mr. Ed Finn, the new Budget Analyst assigned to the CRA and MSTUs. Mr. Isackson detailed the state of revenues for all of Collier County as well as the CRA's historical Tax Increment Financing (TIF) revenues. He followed Misc.Corres: with an update on the CRA's loans with Wachovia Bank and 5/3 Bank. He explained that the County has ongoing negotiations with 5/3 Bank about a potential refinance of the current note; however, the Bank is hesitant to negotiate in earnest this far out from the term date of September 2014. Mr. Item t: 3 Thomas asked if when negotiating and presenting the TIF projections, that the $300,000 in commercial lease revenues were factored in as an offset Copies to: to the $300,000 per year interest payments? Mr. Isackson responded yes. Mr. Ingram asked if 5/3 Bank was the County's financial services provider. Mr. Isackson stated that they were and that that services contract was coming due for advertisement in 2013. December 6, 2011 CRA-AB Minutes Page 1 • 5. Old Business: a. Request for Payment — Approval. Mr. Jackson informed the Board there three invoices to pay this month: Tax Collector bills for four commercial properties; State of Florida Annual District Fee; and RWA Inc. for the Overlays update. Motion to make payment: Ms. Beatty. Second: Mr. Gunther. Approved 6-0. b. Acceptance of Foreclosed Property from Collier County — Update. Mr. Jackson detailed the results of conversations with an Assistant County Attorney and Code Enforcement Director. The results are that the CRA will not take possession of the land until all structures have been removed and that there are not residents on the land. The relocation costs are $2,700 per mobile home unit, and between $3,000 and$4,500 to demolish a trailer. There are 35, more or less, trailers now onsite. c. Sabal Bay PUD Amendment— MSTU Agreement. Mr. Jackson presented the Collier Enterprises' offer to the MSTU in the form of$65,000 in financial assistance to plan the improvements for Thomasson Drive. The language currently in the Sabal Bay PUD Amendment reads as follows: "E. The Owners agree to deposit $65,000 with the Bayshore Beautification MSTU within 30 days of the approval by the Board of County Commissioners(BCC) of the final design contract for the streetscape improvements along Hamilton Avenue and Thomasson Drive from Hamilton Avenue to Lombardi Drive. Except as to financial obligations which are imposed upon all property owners within the MSTU and/or CRA, the $65,000 payment satisfies all other obligations of the Owners in regards to the MSTU and CRA. If the final design contract is not approved by the BCC by January 1. 2015.this requirement shall expire." d. BE Home Realty C-BIG 05-2011 Grant Extension Request. Mr. Jackson presented documents requesting a six month extension of the commercial building grant for 1712 Commercial Drive. Motion to approve and forward to the CRA Board: Mr. Gunther. Second: Mr. Gutierrez. Approved 6-0. 6. New Business: a. CRA TIF Grant C-BIG 01-2012. Mr. Jackson asked for CRA-AB review and approval of a commercial building grant for 2068 Davis Blvd in the amount of $6,752.50 to repair a metal roof and gutter system. Motion to deny: Mr. Ingram. Motion died for lack of a second. Motion to approve: Mr. Gunther. Second: Mr. Main. In discussion the Board discussed the merits of the program and why these types of grants are important to the CRA. Approved 6-0. b. CRA TIF Grant C-BIG 02-2012. Mr. Jackson asked for CRA-AB review and approval of a commercial building grant for 2595 Tamiami Trail East in the amount of $3,607.00 to repaint the building, trim trees and vegetation encroaching of the building and repair the sign. Motion to approve: Mr. Gunther. Second: Mr. Main. Approved 6-0. c. Triangle Tertiary Stormwater Contractors — Approval. Ms. Trone briefed the Board on the process to date that resulted in the stormwater pond construction, the development of the tertiary plan for the Triangle, the receipt of a $2,700,000 grant to construct the improvements, and the two contractors to perform Construction Engineering Inspection (CEI) services and to perform the actual improvements. Motion to approve URS for the CEI services and D. N. Higgins for construction, pending further purchasing review and approval: Mr. Gunther. Second: Mr. Main. Approved 6-0. December 6, 2011 CRA-AB Minutes 2 d. Commercial Lease Extension — Budget Rent-A-Car. Ms. Jourdan briefed the Board on a request for a new lease that had been in the works for a year. Rather than extend the current lease, Budget wishes to receive a new lease at$5,000 per month with a 3% per year CPI instead of the current rate of $7,000 per month. Market forces and overall reduction of commercial lease rates are what prompted the request. Motion to approve and forward the lease to the CRA Board: Mr. Gutierrez. Second: Mr. Ingram. Approved 6-0. e. Code Enforcement Reimbursement Budget Amendment — Approval. Ms. Jourdan revisited the surplus land transfer process between the CRA and County that occurred earlier this year. The CRA sent the paperwork to Finance; however, the transfer of funds never occurred. To execute the transfer in this fiscal year, a budget amendment is required to place the funds in the correct category. Motion to approve: Mr. Gunther. Second: Mr. Main. Approved 6-0. f. CRA Advisory Board Election of 2012 Officers. Mr. Thomas stated that he would like to step down as Chairman this year. Ms. Beatty nominated Mr. Main as Chairman and Mr. Gutierrez and Vice Chair. Mr. Ingram stated that if there were no other nominations that the nominees be accepted by acclamation. 7. Advisory Board General Communications. a. 2012 Annual Goals and Objectives Workshop. Mr. Jackson asked the Board if they wished to conduct their goals session as part of the January 3rd regular meeting or schedule a separate meeting. Chairman elect Main stated that he preferred it happen as part of the regular meeting. The Board concurred. b. Larry Ingram Memo — Discussion. The Board discussed the contents of Mr. Ingram's Memo and discussed the risks and rewards of having adequate staff. Mr. Gutierrez advised Mr. Ingram that Mr. Buchheit was funded totally by MSTU taxes and not CRA funds. Mr. Main pointed out that Ms. Caserta was more than a receptionist, in that she was a grant writer and had just received $25,000 in outside funds for the CRA. 8. Citizen Comments. Mr. James Dougan introduced himself and asked if the CRA thought about saving money by hiring small business owners like himself in order to save dollars. Ms. Beatty stated that would be fine; however he needed to get on the County's approved vendor list and then he can bid on all jobs. Mr. Dougan expressed his thanks at the information. 9. Adjournment: The gular - eeting was adjourned at 7:13pm. • •1 oved a , -rded by Lindsey Thomas, CRA-AB Chairman. December 6, 2011 CRA-AB Minutes 3