BCC Minutes 02/04/1992 R Naples, Florida, February 4, 1992 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commissioners in and for the County of Collier, and also acting as the Board of Zoning Appeals and as the governing board(s) of such special districts as have been created according to /aw and having conducted business herein, met on this date at 9:00 A.M. in REGULAR SESSION in Building "F" of the Government Complex, East Naples, Florida, with the following members present: CHAIRMAN: VICE-CHAIRMAN: Michael J. Volpe Richard S. Shanahan Burr L. Saunders Max A. Hasse, Jr. (Absent) Patricia A. Goodntght ALSO PRESENT: James C. Giles, Clerk; John Yonkosky, Finance Director; Debby Farris, Annette Guevin and Kathy Meyers, Deputy Clerks; Netl Dorrill, County Manager; Jennifer Pike, Assistant to the County Manager; Ken Cuyler, County Attorney; Richard Yovanovich, Assistant County Attorney: Fred Bloetscher, Assistant Utilities Administrator; Frank Brutt, Community Development Services Administrator; Tom Conrecode, Office of Capital Projects Director; Russell Shreeve, Director of Housing and Urban Improvements; John Boldt, Director of Water Management; Robert Wiley, Engineering Pro3ect Manager of Water Management; William Lorenz, Environmental Services Administrator; Sue Filson, Administrative Assistant to the Board; and Deputy Byron Tomlinson, Sheriff's Office. Page February 4, 1992 T~e#l ...: AGE~DA - APPROVF. D WITH CHANGES C~tmmioner Shanahan ~oved, meconded by Co.~asloner Raaee and carried 4/0, that the agenda be approved with the follo~in~ changes: 1. Add: Strategic Plan Overview Workshop (At the end of the regular agenda) (Commissioner Volpe). 2. Add: Item 10(E) - Water facilities acceptance for Quality II Motel (Commissioner Hasse). Add: Item 10(F) - Request waiver of dumping fees for the Marco Island Fire District (New Marco Island Fire Station) (Commissioner Shanahan). 4. Add: Item 8(D)(1) - Discussion regarding the acquisition of the North Naples Utilities (Commissioner Saunders). Note: Item 8(H)(1) - Request this item be heard at 1:00 P.M. Item #3B CO~ AGENDA - APPROVED AND/OR ADOFTZD The motion for approval of the Consent Agenda Am noted under Item #15. Item ~.,OTEE ~ER'VIC~ ANARDS - PRESENTED Commissioner Hasse congratulated the following Collier County employees and presented them with service awards: Susan B. Weistng, Human Resources Dept. - § years James. M. Angers, Road and Bridge Dept. - § years Vince D. Doerr, Ochopee Fire Control - 15 years Item ,SS VALERXI L. STOLTS, TRANSPORTATION SERVICES DIVISION, ~CO~NIZ~D A~ ~ OF THE MONTH I~R FEBRUARY, 2992 Commissioner Saunders recognized Va/erie L. Stolts, Transportation Services Division, as "Employee of the Month" for February, 1992. He expressed congratulations on behalf of the Board of County Commissioners and presented her with a plaque and a $50 cash award. Item ~A2 ~ #6A2 ~UIXI~ ~ 92-225/226; 92-228/221; 92-225; 92-227/133; 92-136; ,M~ 92-138 -ADOPTgD Page 2 February 4, 1992 Commissioner Has~e ~oved, seconded b~ Commissioner Sha~ahan ~d carried 4/0, that ~dget ~n~nt~ 92-116/116~ 92-118/121; 92-125~ 92-127/92-133; 92-136; ~d 92-138 ~ ~do~t~d. ~ ~ ~SOL~IORS 92-11 ~ 92-12 - ~D Co.missioner Haeee ~ov~, seconded by Cosmtee/oner Sh~n~h~n ~ c~'rt~d 4/0, to adopt Budget ~a~n~nt Resolutions 92-11 92-12. Page 3 February 4, 1992 ~ANCE OF NATERMAIN ~ZTENSION FACILITIES FOR BIG CYPRESS EL~MENTAR~ SCHOOL - APFROVED Community Development Services Administrator Brutt explelned that, a/though normally this item would be included on the Consent Agenda, the documentation missed the deadline for inclusion on same. He relayed staff's recommendation for acceptance of the newly constructed water facilities to serve this particular school. Commissioner Hesse questioned whether residents located between 39th Street and Big Cypress Elementary School are afforded service and d~rected staff to investigate. He expressed his opinion that people should be afforded the privilege of tying into the County's facili- ties. Cc~lee~oner Hames moved, seconded by Coulse~oner Shanmhan ~nd c~r1~d 4/0, to approve the acceptance of water~mln extension facill- tl~ for Big ~rese Zle~nt~ Sch~l. ~L~ION 92-65, ~ C~I~ D~L0~ BLO~ ~ (CD~) ~I-DIS~C~ ~ ~LOCATION P~ FOR COLLI~ CO~, ~ORIDA - Community Development Services Administrator Brutt disclosed that regulations relative to the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) require the Board of County Commissioners to have an Anti-displacement and Relocation Plan for Collier County when applying for block grant funds, and require the County Clerk to certify to the State that s&~d Antl-dlsplacement and Relocation policy, ~n conformance with the Uniform Relocation and Assistance Act as governed by the Congressional Federal Register, ts in piece. He relayed staff's recommendation for approval of the required documentation. Referring to page 12 of the hereinabove referred to document, Section VII, Appeals/Counseling, Russell Shreeve, Director of Housing and Urban Improvements, voiced concern over the fact that the f~rst Page 4 February 4, 1992 ~. . .'~ ' paragraph of same allows persons displaced to appeal to the State and possibly require the County to pay costs to the appellant. He reiterated that without the Antt-displac~ment and Relocation Plan, however, Collier County will not qualify for the Community Development Block Orant. County Attorney Cu¥1er explained he wanted Mr. Shreeve to point out the requirement simply to make the Board of County Commissioners aware this is not a decision that can rest totally with the County as there is an appellate procedure. Cc~Aelloner Shanahan ~rv~d, ~econded b~ Couteeloner ~aunderl and carried 4/0, to approve the Co~auntt~ Development Block Grant Antl-Dtsplaceunt and Relocation Plan, thereby adoptln~ R~olution 92-65. Page 5 February 4, 1992 Z*t:em John Boldt, Water Management Director, provided a brief h/story of the project, and reported that files /nd/cate there was major flooding problems starting as early as the mtd-70's. He reported that permit applications were submitted on January 10th, and reiterated there is an urgent need to move ahead with easement acquisition. Robert C. Wiley, Engineering Project Manager of Water Management, summarized the conclusions for improving the existing water management facilities in the Lely Canal and Lely Manor basins, as reflected in ataff's Executive Summary. Commissioner Hasse questioned when relief for the area along County Barn Road and Charlemagne Blvd. might be expected, and Mr. Wiley replied that within a couple of years the appropriate permits and easements will be acquired and most construction commenced. In response to Commissioner Shanahan's inquiry of what can be done in the interim to alleviate the problems of drainage flooding, poten- tial stormwater run off, lake contamination in the area of King's Lake, Moonlake, Foxfire, etc. Mr. Boldt stated that the maintenance program can be accelerated and an attempt made to maintain what is in place. He reiterated that nothing can be improved without permits, which have been applied for, easements, and the funds, adding there is absolutely no funding short of additional funds for more utilities. Mr. Wiley questioned whether the Board of County Commissioners is desirous of staff preparing a Resolution giving authority to commence acquisition of easements where there is serious potential for encroachment into the areas needed for the County's system. Commissioner Volpe questioned whether, having shown this on the Master Plan, the issue of inverse condemnation is raised, to which County Attorney Cuyler replied that it does not in his opinion. ~ommissioner Volpe inquired whether monies have been budgeted for Page 6 February 4, 1992 the acquisition of necessary easements, and Mr. Boldt announced there la $200,000 in the fund for another purpose but for which staff is proposing can be used for acquisition of easements. Commissioner Volpe asked whether there is any question as to the uae of the monies for the purpose of easement acquisition, and Finance Director Yonkosky answered in the negative. . Frank Ross reminded the Board of County Commissioners that proper- tias in the area of Charlemagne Blvd. still utilize septic systems and walls which were polluted during the storm system and heavy rains of the recent past. He questioned what Immediate remedies are available for their situation. Mr. Boldt responded to reference of the project called Riviera Colony Unit #4 by revealing that on March 3rd there will be a complete discussion of the findings of the report prepared at the direction of the Board of County Commissioners. He commented that, until the outlet on the Lely Branch is provided, there will be no major relief o~ the area. Regarding the ditches along County Barn Road, Mr. Rosa stated they have been cleaned out but have not been seeded or sodded so, there- fore, the first good rain will cause the culverts to be closed again, and Mr. Boldt said that has been pointed out to the Transportation Department as well as the Road and Bridge Department but, with limited funds, it is not certain whether the matter will be addressed. George Keller, President of Collier County Civic Federation, stated that all the land east of County Barn Road, from Rattlesnake Hammock Road to Davis Blvd., resembles a mirror to planes overhead at anytime of the year due to the water covering the area. He stated that attempts to remedy the situation are being done by piecemeal, which will cost a fortune and will not solve the problem. Co~aleeloner Shanahan ~oved, ee¢onded by Comalaeloner Hesse mad catrrl~ 4/0, to accept the report on the engineering, permitting and e~t acquiaition activities for watar ~anagenent faclllttee In the L~ly ~n~ Naples Manor ~in~, and approve ataff proceeding with coat Paga 7 Itn ~D1 TO ~D~ ~DITION~ I~TION IN CONJueCTION ~ O~IDE CO~L ~ 2/25/92 Commissioner Saunders related there has been an indication of possible problems associated with the North Naples Util~ties acquisi- tion and questioned whether some change in direction is needed in reference to adopted policies. Ne explained that, due to the complexity of the issues, he is requesting additional information from the Utilities Department, the County Attorney, and outside counsel. He asked whether, from a business customer service standpoint, the County is on the right track in acquiring the system and, from a legal standpoint, whether the County is entitled to something from the owners of the system. Co~lLtsstoner $&unders ~oved, seconded by Co~tsslonsr Volpe, to d~rect the Utilities Del~rt~ent to prepare an evaluation concerning the business cu~toMr service Issue and /he County Attorney's Office, In conjunction with outside legal counsel, to evaluate the Issue of whethe= the Ccr~nty ia entitled to more from the owners of the North N&ple~ Utllltiem ~tem than it is getting. A brief discussion ensued regarding engagement of services from independent counsel and the fact that a former employee of the County Attorney's Office is now affiliated with a firm being con- sidered to assist staff in this matter. Commissioner Volpe suggested the specific issues Commissioner Saunders is wanting staff to address should be identified, at which time Commissioner Saunders stated he is not sure the objective of acquiring interim facilities throughout the county in an attempt to expand the county-wide system is best served by acquisition of the North Naples Utilities System. Commissioner Saunders stated the legal issue of whether the County is entitled to the North Naples Uti//ties Page 8 February 4, 1992 System, the customers, and the lines without any cost at all to the county system is a more important one. Cc~missioner Volpe expressed a desire to explore the issues of whether or not the North Naples Utilities System Is an interim faci- lity, the cost and reasonable value of the hard assets which are being acquired, as well as the requirements of the developer to turn over the lines and this facility. Commissioner Volpe stated he did not have a problem with the acquisition of the North Naples Utilities facility. County Manager Dorr~ll reminded the Board of County Commissioners the sale was effectuated last summer and, consequently, the first installment payment has been made. Be concluded that whether or not the second installment payment should be withheld will need to be answered by the legal analysis. Commissioner Saunders reiterated enough input has been received regarding the possibility that mistakes have been made in the acquisi- tion of the North Naples Utilities system to warrant further investi- gation. Commissioner Shanahan agreed there are a lot of unanswered q~/eetions that need to be revisited, particularly the impact fee question. Assistant Utilities Administrator Bloetscher inter3ected that within the next thirty days the sewer system is scheduled to be hooked up and the plant taken off line. He clarified that the County did not buy North Naples Utilities, the company or the treatment facilities. Commissioner Saunders stated the $400,000 payment is for the purchase of easements with a value exceeding the purchase price, and Mr. Bloetscher concurred. Commissioner Shanahan voiced concern about the growth and future e~Fansion in the area, and implied he does not think the current uti- lity ~s capable of meeting the required service demand. Tape ~ Commissioner Saunders suggested rev/siting this issue at the Page 9 February 4, 1992 February 2§th meeting of the Board of County Commissioners, and County Manager Dorrtll agreed the matter is tentatively scheduled for the meeting of February 25th unless physical or environmental problems are discovered. In response to Commtssloner Volpe, Mr. Bloetscher verified the exlsttng plant will be dismantled. ~ call for tha queatlon, tha Motion carried 4/0. · ~8 ~: 10:35 A.M. - Raconvenad: 10:50 A.M. mt which time Deput~ Clark Gu~vtn raplacad Deputy Clark Farria e~e It~ ~lOA EATHT. E~N REFROLD~ REG&RDING SUPPORT FOR THE NEW AMERICAN SCHO0~ IN COT, LZ~1~ COONT~/ - CONTINDED TO 2/11/92 Commissioner Shanahan communicated that he asked Kathleen Reynolds to make a presentation to the Board on the New American Schools. He reported tn 1990, President Bush and Governors of all 50 States agreed upon six national education goals. Out of those goals, he said, came the New American Schools Development Corporation, who has put out a request for proposals for the design of New American Schools. He indicated a Marco Island group headed by Kathleen Reynolds is attempting to acquire funding for one such school on Marco Island involving Kindergarten through Grade 8. Kathleen Reynolds requested that the Board sign and endorse an application for funding of a New American School. She clarified that the Board's cooperation does not mean money. She explained the New American Schools Development Corporation ts a group of ma3or cor- porations in the Un,ted States who have un,ted and raised $600-mtlllon. She said they plan to give 30 communities throughout the country the chance to re-invent American schools. She indicated their vision is that all children will be prepared to enter the h~gh technology world of the 21st century. She stated their mandate is to bring all children in the United States up to world class standards. Commissioner Hasse asked if the Board of Education ~s ~nvolved ~n th!s idea? Page February 4, 1992 Ms. Reynolds advised that Governor Chiles has requested that the "< Superintendents of Schools in the State of Florida not become involved with America 2000. Ms. Reynolds continued, explaining the concept of the New American Schools. ~<.. Commissioner Volpe commented this seems to be a community effort. He inquired if the local Chambers of Commerce have endorsed this ~,~;- concept ? : ' Ms. Reynolds replied they have applied to both the Naples and -:.? Marco Island Chambers of Commerce for an opportunity to address their ~' executive boards, however, have not at this point received feedback. "?' In answer to Commissioner Volpe, Ms. Reynolds stated the applica- nt.:. tion is to receive private corporation money, with a deadline of :~. February 14th. :~ Commissioner Saunders referred to a letter from Governor Chiles to Dr. Richey dated November 25, 1991, which describes the America 2000 ~. program as sponsored by President Bush to fund one school per ~ . congressional distr~ct. Ms. Reynolds explained there are two parts of America 2000. She said Phase 1 involves private corporations, the New America Schools :: Development Corporation; and the second part, the 535 model schools !,~ proposed by President Bush, was voted down by Congress. Commissioner Volpe communicated his understanding that Chambers of Commerce are being encouraged to support these types of programs, " He said he feels uncomfortable supporting this plan without having any correspondence from the County's local Chambers of Commerce and the ~ Economic Development Council. Com~tssioner Saunders stated any endorsement by the Board of ii'. County Commissioners carries significant weight. Ne tndlcated he has no difficulty endorsing this concept, however, ~n advance of that, perhaps seeking Dr. Richey's opinion will provide the Board with more information on the sub3ect. He asked Ms. Reynolds to attend the next Page February 4, 1992 evening's public hearing at which time the Board may be more willing to provide an answer. Commissioner Volpe suggested that this item be continued for one week because of the limited nature of the next evening's agenda. Commissioner Smunders moved, seconded b~ Commissioner Shan~han to pl&ce this item on the agenda for Fabruar~ 5, 1992. Commissioner Hasse remarked the School Board should have an interest in this subject. He indicated he would like their input to make ~n informed decision. Commissioner Volpe pointed out that neither Commissioner Shanahan nor Commissioner Goodnlght will be in attendance at the February 5th meeting. He added continuing the item for one week will provide Ms. Reynolds time to develop the support she is seeking from the Chambers of Commerce. Comm/ssioner Shanah~n withdrew his second, therefore, the motion failed. Frances Barsh spoke in favor of the proposal, stating it is an opportunity for people to do something about the educational situation in the country without a cost to taxpayers. She urged the Board to pursue its invest/gat/on and return with a letter in support of the New American Schools concept. Co~m/eeloner H~s~e moved, seconded by Commissioner Shan~h~n ~nd ¢~XTI~ 4/0, tO cQnttnue this item to the meting of 2/11/92. lt~ ~IOB IrreSOLUTION 92-66 APPOINTING SCOTT MCGAUGHEY TO TEE PUBLIC VEHICLI ADVI~ORTCOI~ITTEE-ADOPTED Sue Ftlson, Administrative Assistant to the Board of County Commissioners, stated three resumes have been received, however, only one person qualifies for appointment to the Public Vehicle Advisory Committee. She concluded with Staff's recommendation that the Board appoint Scott McGaughey. Commissioner Hues moved, seconded by Commissioner Smunders and c~rrled 4/0, to mdopt Resolution 92-66 appointing Scott McGeughw~ to the l~abltc Vehicle Advtso~F Committee. I b~*~'~ ~ Page 12 February 4, 1992 92-67 API~OINTING ~LI~A RIDDLE TO ~ HISP~IC ~AI~ Sue Filson advised that seven resumes have been received from per- eons wishing to serve on the Hispanic Affairs Advisory Committee, however, one applicant is not registered to vote. She noted having received a memorandum from Staff indicating they do not wish to make a recommendation. Victor Va/dee, President of the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Collier County, advised the Board of the support of his organization for Rebeca Ortega. He remarked a second issue is in regard to Frank Rodriguez who is attempting for the third time to become a member of this Committee. He provided the Board with documents which he stated contained matters for which Mr. Rodrig~ez is under investigation. Commissioner Saunders commented that in fairness to Mr. Rodriguez, he should be provided with a copy of the records handed in by Mr. Va/des, as well as an opportunity to address those charges. Mr. Va/des agreed to provide Mr. Va/des a copy of the documents. County Attorney Cuyler noted that the Board of County Commissioners has no idea what is in the documents being presented for the record. He said the documents are being placed into the public record by the speaker, and the Board is not accepting them for any purpose other than the fact they have Just been handed in. Rebecs Ortega asked the Board to allow her the opportunity to serve her community as a member of the Hispanic Affairs Advisory Committee. She indicated she is a 13-year resident of Naples, is aware of the issues to be addressed by the Committee and feels capable of helping. Melinda Riddle stated she has resided in Naples for five years, however, has contacts in the area since 1967 when she was a migrant worker. She said she has a long history of being active in and devoting many hours to the Hispanic community. She remarked she has watched the creation of this Committee, has attended the meetings, Page 13 February 4, ~992 read the minutes of the meetings she has not attended, and has seen how this Advisory Committee has been used by a very small group in the Hispanic community as a public forum to attack other members of the community. She suggested the Board of County Commissioners request a report from the Committee or read the minutes, because the record reflects that absolutely nothing has been accomplished in the past six months. She urged the Board to keep in mind that a small minority has continued to attempt to monopolize and direct the Committee in very nonproductive areas. She said it is important to get away from that, adding she is very proud of her community and its contributions, and hates to see it degenerate into that type of organization. In response to Commissioner Volpe, Ms. Riddle stated she is pre- sently an attorney with the local firm of Quarles & Brady. She said she is prepared to commit herself to the time necessary to make this a good Committee. Frank Rodriguez stated this is his third request to become a member of the Hispanic Affairs Advisory Committee. He said he has every intention of bringing a positive image to the Committee and contributing to the community. Mr. Rodr~guez provided the Board with a copy of a document from the State of Florida, Department of State, certifying that the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Collier County was organized on March 21, 1989, however, was administratively dissolved on November g, 1990. He stated since the organization has not legally existed since that date, everything the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce has been promoting, sponsoring or recommending has been totally illegal. In response to Commissioner Volpe, Mr. Rodriguez stated he is very close to the Hispanic community, particularly in the Immokalee area. He said he publishes a newspaper to use as a means of communication between the Anglo and Hispanic communities, and to bring information and education into the Hispanic community about services and other sub3ects of interest. He reported he has promoted the organization of the Latin American Business and Professional Association, ts involved Page 14 February 4, 1992 with the Children's Services Council and the Guardian Ad Litem Program. He concluded as a member of the Hispanic Affairs Advisory Board, he will focus on bringing the works of that Committee within the terms of the Ordinance by which it was created. Mr. Va/des advised he has been unaware that the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce was dissolved and asked for a copy of the document pro- vided by Mr. Rodrt~uez. Commissioner Hasse suggested the Board appoint Rebecs Ortega to the Committee. Commissioner Volpe commented he is particularly impressed with the resume, background and experience of Meltnda Riddle. He suggested her background will provide the leadership needed on the Hispanic Affairs Advisory Committee, and a person who will not be intimidated by any of the other members of the Committee. Commissioner Saunders agreed with Commissioner Volpe. He men- tioned having made a past commitment to Frank Rodrtguez to support his appointment to the Committee because of his longstanding interest. He said either Frank Rodriguez or Melinda Riddle will bring to the Committee the professionalism, integrity, strong voice and leadership that it desperately needs. He remarked the Committee has been Involved in wrangling and posturing for the past six to eight months and it is time to get on with the business of solving problems. He indicated his hope that whoever is not chosen for the appointment will remain interested and work with the Committee. Co~tutoner Volpe ~wd, seconded by Commissioner Sh~ ~nd carrlmi 4/0, to ~opt Resolution 92-67 appointing Neltnda Riddle to tl~ ltsrp~ntc &flairs Advisory Comatttee. Page 15 ', February 4, 1992 Sue Fi/son stated four persons have requested to be appointed to the Historical/Archaeological Preservation Board, all of whom are eligible for appointment. She advised that Staff has recommended the appointment of John J. Loeper. Co~i~elo~r Sh~ ~oved, aecondad by Co~atsetoner Hasse ~nd c~r'ried 4/0, to adopt Resolution 92-68 appointing John J. Loeper to the Hietoric&l/ArchaeologAcal Preservation Board. Page 16 February 4, 1992 NAT~ FACILITIES ACCEPTED FOR QUALITY II MOTEL - NITH STIPULATIONS AND ~I~B3ECT~O ~INAL R~VIEWBYTEE COUNTY AttORNEY'S 0]~ZC~ Frank Brutt, Community Development Services Administrator, explained this item deals with accepting water facilities for the Quality II Motel. He said this Item would be on the consent agenda for the next meeting, however, it has been moved ahead in order that they receive a Certificate of Occupation and begin their operation. Re advised all the necessary paperwork has been provided, and Staff recommends that the Board accept the water connections with the stipu- lations as stated in the Executive Summary. Oo~tmeloner Huse ~oved, ascended by Commissioner Saundere ~nd c~ted i/O, to accept the Water Facilities for the Quality II Motel · ~lbJe~t to final re~ie~ by the Co~ A~to~'s Off,ce ~d the 1. The water facilities to serve the project cannot be pla~ed into service and no Certificate of Occupancy shall be issued until the Florida Degartment of Bnvtronmental Repletion fur- nishes a letter authorizing the placement of the sewer system into service and'approvinG the water distribution system for service. 2. Bacteriological testing has met the County's requirements. 3. The fire Flow retirements of the project have been satisfied, and the Fire District furnishes a letter accepting the fire hydrant for ownership and maintenance. 4. Receipt of payment of wa~er usage from Utilities for bac- teriological testing. That the Board of County Co~tssloners accept as surety the Irrevocable Standby Letter of Credit No. SM-2543~092 tn the amo~t of $2,413.12. OR Book /~ Pages /40~' Page 17 February 4, 1992 FOR ~Ai"F~ OF DKrMPINO FEES FOR TH~ MARCO ISLAND FIN~ DISTRIOT ~ XS~ FX~ STATION) - CO~ITION~LY ~0~ Commissioner Shanahan asked the Board to consider waiving the dumping fees for the Marco Island Fire District. He explained a Deltona Sales Office had been on the site for many years in a dilapi- dated condition. He said it is a public benefit to remove that faci- lity. Comaissioner Hasse m~rved, seconded by Coniesioner Shmnahan to apprcrvw the request for waiver of dumpin~ fees for the Marco Island Fire District (New Marco Island Fire Station). Commissioner Volpe commented various fees have been waived in the past, prior to the County's mandatory solid waste collection program. He asked if the Fire Districts are participants tn that program and what is the amount of fees being waived7 Charles McDonald, Chief of the Marco Island Fire District, stated the fees are estimated to be $3,000. He explained they are designing a government building and other fees, such as road impact and EMS, have been waived. Commissioner Hasse inquired if other fees have been waived for the fire departments7 County Manager Dorrill responded in the negative. He said tipping fees have been waived for neighborhood clean-up programs with the dumpsters being provided at no cost by Waste Management. In this case, he said Finance Director Yonkosky may have a problem using Countywide funds because this waiver will only benefit the independent Fire District. Commissioner Saunders asked in the event the fees are waived, is Waste Management paid their fee? County Manager Dorrlll indicated his assumption that Waste Management has been paid by the contractor, because the building has already been demolished and the bills sent. He said he does not know who will be reimbursed or who the fees are being waived for at this Page February 4, 1992 point. Chief McDonald communicated Waste Management set up an account based on the number of loads, with the Fire District to be billed at the end of the period. He said they Indicated if the fees could be waived, no bill would be sent. Commissioner Saunders stated he would have no problem approving this request If Waste Management waives their fee. Commissioner Shanahan suggested the Board conceptually approve the request based on Waste Management's acceptance of what the Board has done. In answer to Commissioner Volpe, County Attorney Cuyler replied that wording is acceptable if it is the basis for the motion. ~Ipon call for the question, the motion carried 4/0. PUBLIC CO~(E~ ON gENERAL TOPICS Michael Tabone introduced himself as a Recreational Vehicle (R/V) dealer in Collier County. He remarked certain Impact fees are being unfairly applied to the R/V industry. He commented in 1988, permits and impact fees increased from $173 to $183, in 1989 they increased to $500, followed by a charge of $727 in 1990, and tn 1991 they were :" twice increased to $1,195 and $2900. Of that amount, he said, only '... $42 ia a permit fee. He gave an example of a part-time resident of Imperial Wilderness who in the past has brought a R/V to Collier County for three months and always returned with it to his home State, who now decides to leave the R/V tn Collier County when he departs. He reported that person must now obtain a tie down permit, which triggers the impact fees. He said there is one master meter in the Park, and all impact fees were paid when the meter was installed. County Attorney Cuyler communicated his Office ts aware of and ts investigating this situation. He asked Mr. Tabone to put his concerns · .~ in writing, and he will make sure the questions are answered. Richard Laymon acknowledged the participation of the Board of County Commissioners and County ManaGer Dorrill in the Celebrity Stock Car Race to be held at the Florida Sports Park on February 23rd. Page 19 February 4, 1992 O~Di~IANC~ gl-9 AMENDING COLLI~ COUNTY 0~I~ ~. S6-7~, ~ PAIR Legal notice having been published in the Naples Dally News on January 15, 1992, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider an Ordinance amending Collier County Ordinance No. 86-74, the Fair Housing Ordinance. Frank Brutt explained this is a request for the Board to amend the Fair Housing Ordinance in order to bring it up to the requirements of the federal and State governments. He mentioned in submitting the Community Development Block Grant, several new requirements are being imposed. He communicated the United States Congress passed and President Bush si~ned on September 13, 1991, the Fair Housing Amendment Act of 1991, which adds familial status and handicapped to the classes of individuals to be protected by the Fair Housing Act. He indicated the proposed amendment has been reviewed by the County Attorney who desires it be noted that the amendment also deletes ancestry, marital status and age from protected status, because they neither are included in federal or State law. He added the time period for a person to file an informal complaint with the administrator has not changed from 60 days, even though the federal law permits up to a 360 day time period. He said it is the County Attorney's recommen- dation that the 60 day requirement be retained. C~tsstonsr Shanahan moved, seconded by Co~tsstoner Sanndsrs and ~1~ 4/0, to close the ~ubltc hearing. ~tsstoner Shanahan moved, seconded by Co~tsstonsr Heels and cmrrled 4/0, to e~provs the m~endment to Ordinance 86-74, the Fair H~t~ Ox~t~mnce, thereby adopting the Ordinance u numbered and tltl~ ~l~ ~ entered into Ordinance Book 50: ORDINANCE 92-9 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING COLLIER COUNTY ORDINANCE NO. 86-?4, THE FAIR HOUSING ORDINANCE; BY AMENDING THE TITLE TO THE ORDINANCE; BY AMENDING SECTION TWO ENTITLED DEFINITIONS; BY AMENDING SECTION THREE ENTITLED UNLAWFUL NOUSING PRACTICES; BY AMENDING SECTION FOUR ENTITLED EXEMPTIONS AND EXCEPTIONS; BY AMENDING SECTION SIX ENTITLED COMPLAINTS; BY AMENDING SECTION ELEVEN ENTITLED PENALTY; February 4, 1992 PROVIDING FOR CONSTRUCTION AND SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Clerk Me.era replaced Deputy Clerk Ouevin at thia time *** Xteu Ul Mr. Conrecode with the Office of Capital Projects Management, reported that in 1990, DNR issued a permit for beach renourishment on Marco Island and included in it a special permit condition that pro- vided for a cut at the south end of Sand Dollar Island, to maintain flushing behind the emerging shoal. In continuing through the appli- cation process, Mr. Conrecode stated that DER issued a letter of intent to deny the permit, in April, 1991. He explained that the Board of County Commissioners then requested an Administrative Hearing and on the Board's advisement, an Ad-Hoc Committee was formed. Mr. Conrecode concluded that an agreement between the Ad-Hoc Committee and the State Permitting Agencies could not be reached for the following reasons: 1. The water quality sampling that has been done has shown that it meets water recreational standards; and 2. Sand Dollar Island continues to go through changes, specifically size and location. Mr. Conrecode noted that DER reviewed 8 considerations, and stated they may consider filling an area in front of the South Seas Condominiums with sand or allowing construction of a wooden boardwalk from Tigertail Beach to the central portion of Sand Dollar Island. He indicated the estimate for design and construction of the boardwalk would be $240,000 and would not include any annual main- tenance or upkeep. He quoted the estimated cost for engineering and filling of a portion of the southern part of Sand Dollar Island is around $200,000. He stated it was staff's understanding and position that Special Permit Condition #9 in the DNR Permit for the beach renourtshment ts no longer valid, because it ts not feasible to Page 21 February 4, 1992 maintain that channel at the south end of the island. He explained that the South end is about ten times the size today as it was originally in January, 1990, and added that the central portion of the island has gone from emergent to submergence. He said the Board could direct the staff to do one of the following: 1. File for a (180) day administrative hearing extension and continue to do monitoring studies. 2. Direct staff to design and build a wooden boardwalk from Tigertail Beach out to Sand Dollar Island. 3. Direct staff to design, permit and fill the southern end of Sand Dollar Island. Mr. Conrecode stated that it ts staff's recommendation that the Board direct staff to file for the (180) day Administrative Hearing extension, and in the meantime, Sand Dollar Island will continue to be monitored. In response to Commissioner Hasse, Mr. Conrecode explained that between Sand Dollar Island and Ttgertatl Beach, a mud flat with an algae growth has formed and this is resulting in a foul smell. In response to Commissioner Saunders, Mr. Conrecode stated that based on discussions with DER there is a good possibility of obtaining a permit to build a boardwalk or fill in sand at the Southern end. Commissioner Shanahan stated that constructing the boardwalk will not alleviate the odor problem, because it will have no effect on algae growth. In response to Commissioner Shanahan, Mr. Conrecode could not con- firm if filling in the sand at the Southern end would eliminate the odor. He added that if you do fill in the Southern end, algae could grow to the north or the sand may move and possibly create a similar :~ situation. Bill Lorenz, Environmental Services Administrator, noted that the monitoring data that was collected does not show any violations with regard to DER's water quality standards. He mentioned that there is an algae bloom on the bottom, and a hydrogen sulfide odor is ema- nating ~rom the area. He labelled this as a low energy environment. · He concluded that if the lagoon was filled in with sand, the dynamic ',:: Page 22 February 4, 1992 forces could shift someplace else and a problem could develop elsewhere. In response to Commissioner Volpe, Mr. Lorenz verified that Marco Island was a barrier island until it was developed and now the barrier that is forming for protection of Marco Island is Sand Dollar Island. In response to Commissioner Hasse, Mr. Lorenz explained that even if a sufficient velocity of movement back and forth through the area is provided, it would not reduce the settling effect nor create a high energy environment. He suggested that the only way to reduce the settling effect is to remove Sand Dollar Island. Commissioner Volpe expressed concern over dredging the Southern portion of the island, since the island is constantly changing and questioned how long it would last. Mr. Lorenz confirmed that if the island is dredged it would probably close within a short period of time. In response to Commissioner Hesse, Mr. Lorenz explained that DER will not issue a permit, to fill tn the entire length of Sand Dollar Island, but may be agreeable to either the construction of a boardwalk or the filling in of the southern end of the island. In response to Commissioner Volpe, Mr. Lorenz verified that Fund 318 is the Beach Renourishment Fund, and it is recommended to be used because this is a condition of the original beach renourishment. Mrs. Ellis Cantor, resident of the Isles of Capri, questioned the Board regarding availability of Marco Island Beach access for Capri residents, other than the existing public Tigertail Beach which she described as slimy with an offensive odor. She presented a copy of a petition which each resident was asked to signed. Commissioner Shanahan revealed that the Antaramian property on South Collier Blvd. will be deeded to MICA and will be a parking facility. Commissioner Shanahan asked Mrs. Cantor when she had her petition completed to come to him and he would present it to the Board and then to MICA. Page 23 February 4, 1992 George Carse, a resident of Isles of Capri, agreed with Mrs. Cantor regarding the addition of public parking on Marco Island. Dr. Ralph Madonna, residing at 380 Seavlew Court, stated that he is seeking the Board's help by requesting the Board to approve action that will resolve the condition of Sand Dollar Island and Tigertail Beach. Frank Blanchard, Marco Beach Committee Chairman, commented that there is no wave action hitting the shoreline area, and stressed that Sand Dollar Island is no longer an island, since it is now attached. He suggest that to solve this problem the three fingers of sand with mud flats at the south end should be filled in with a twelve inch layer of sand. In response to Commissioner Hasse's inquiry, Mr. Blanchard stated that if a tropical storm occurred, Sand Dollar Island would be washed ashore. He said he feels that in order to resolve the problem today, the sand would have to be manually placed there. Commissioner Saunders said he is inclined to agree with Mr. Blanchard's suggestion, by Fred Thomas feels that sand should be added as far north as possible, using the renourishment funds already in place. In response to Commissioner Shanahan, Jerry Neal, Eng~neering Project Manager, stated that the estimated cost to fund th~s proposal would be $300,000; Fund 318 has $993,000, however, some of these funds are already committed. Mr. Neal reported that the sand could be trucked in from a Bonita pit for ten to twelve dollars per yard, or dredging could be done in the same area that is permitted for beach renourishment and would cost $100,000 for the rig and two to three dollars per yard. George Keller, President of Collier County Civic Federation, agreed with filling ~n sand at the southern end. Com~Nton~r Shanmhan ~ovmd, uconded by Commtsstonmr S&undera mnd 4/0, to direct staff to daatgn, permit and fill from Southern end of Sand Dollar Island up to ~nd including Tigertail 53' Page 24 February &, 1992 Be~..b, oz* mm far u ts p~rmlttable; that Special Condition ~9 of the ~ l~mtt t~ a~n~d; ~d that the Cowry Attorn~ offtc~ ~te~ If ~d 318 c~ ~ utilized for this project. t~ C~t~.toner S~ moved, seconded ~ Co~testoner ~ ~ cmrrt~ 4/0, that the foll~tng tte~ ~der the See Pages ~ a -- F~ Ite~ ,1~A2 ACCEPT~ OF ALTEI~NATE SECURITY FOR 'QUAIL WHST UNIT ONE' See Pages ~ Ite~ #16A3 AO6~I~TA~J~ OF SECURITY FOR EXCAVATION PERMIT NO. 59.204 "COLLEGE I~OPE~TIE~ OF SOUTHWEST FLORIDA, A.K.A. SANDERS PIT' Itn 916AA AO~TA~E OF NATEI~ AND SEWER FACILITIES FOR QUAIL WEST, UNIT ONE The water and sewer facilities to serve the project cannot be placed into service and no Certificate of Occupancy shall be issued until the Florida Department of Environmental Re~ulation furnishes a letter authorizing the placement of these systems into service. 2. Bacteriological testing has met the County's requirements. 3. The Fire Flow requirements of the project have been satisfied, and the Fire District furnishes a letter accepting the fire hydrant for ownership and maintenance. 4. Receipt of payment for water usage from Utilities for bac- teriological testing. ****~ NOT RECEIVED IN ~ TO ~ OFFICE OR Book Pages AS ~F 9~r16/92'**** AOL'EPTA~Cl OF MATER FACILITIES FOR MARINA BAY CLUB 2o The water facilities to serve the project cannot be placed into service and no Certificate of Occupancy shall be issued until the Florida Department of Environmental Regulation fur- niahes a letter authorizing the placement of the sewer system into service and approving the water distribution system for service. Bacteriological testing has met the County's requirements. The Fire Flow requirements of the project have been satisfied, and the Fire District furnishes a letter accepting the fire hydrant for ownership and maintenance. February 4, 1992 4. Receipt of payment of water usage from Utilities for bac- teriological testing. oR Book Pagee g¢ ACCEFTANC~ OF 5ZuuKITY FOR LANDSCAPING FOR SITE DEVELOPMENT PLA~ NO. 91-110 "SPRING CREST DRAPERIES PAR~ING# See Pag.s 7¢ Item ~l~ATa REBOL~TIO~ 92-54 ~VIDIRG ~R ~SES~ OF LI~ ~R ~ COST OF ~~ ~ ~IC ~IS~CE ON LOT 1, BL~K 205 OF ~CO B~ ~IT ~, ~ C~O ~ MIGD~IA C~T~O, ~S OF ~CO~ See Pages ~/ ?-- 7¢ Item ~1%A7b 92-55 PROVIDING FOR ASSESSMENT OF LIEN FOR TH~ COST OF OF I~IBLIC NUISANCE ON LOT 11, BLOCK 182, UNIT 6, PART 1, (K~,D~ATE, llANIWr. CASTRO AND GISELA CASTRO, OtTW~RS OF RECORD Item #1~7c SeePages R~OLUT~ON 92-56 PROVIDING FOR ASSESSMENT OF LIEN FOR THE COST OF ABATEM~3~F OF PUBLIC NUISANCE 0N LOT 3, BLOCK 183 OF MARCO BEACH UNIT SEVEN, ADOLFO FERRO AND MARLENE FERRO, O%~NERS OF RECORD See Pages ~/- ~ Item I~OLOTION 92-57 PROVIDING FOR ASSESSMENT OF LIEN FOR THE COST OF ABATemeNT OF PUBLIC NUISANCE 0N LOT 2, BLOCK 48 OF MARCO BEACH UNIT T~O, 3A~N~ J. KANZLER AND ESTACIA R. KANZLER, OWNERS OF RECORD See Pagea f.~ - ~ RE~LUTION 92-59 PROVIDING FOR ASSESSMENT OF LIEN FOR Tug COST OF ABATemeNT OF PUBLIC NUISANCE ON A PORTION OF TIFE EAST 250 FEET OF THE 1200 FEET OF THE SOUTH 1/2 OF LOT 82, LESS THE SOUTH 15 FEET, NAFLE~ ~ CO'S LITTLE FARMS, STUART O. KAYE, OWITER OF RECORD Xtem 91%A7 f R~OLUTXON 92-59 PROVIDIIG FOR ASSES~9[EI~T O! LIEN FOR THE COST OF ABATEM~IFf OF PUBLIC NUISANCE ON LOT 13 IN BLOCK 294 OF MARCO BEACH UNIT EIGHT, NIVARDO MARTINEZ AND ELBA MARTINEZ, OWNERS OF RECORD See Pages · e fJ(]o.,,: 55 Page 26 February 4, 1992 92-~0 FROVIDING FOR ASSESSMENT OF LI~N FOR TH~ COST OF I~FBLIC NUISAIICE ON LOT 16, BLOCK 7, NAPLES FARE UNIT NO. 1, WALTER F. R--sMI~R AND ROSE MARIE RENMAN, See Pages Irma #lSATh I~OLOTION 92-61 FROVIDING FOR ASSESSMENT OF LIEN FOR TH~ COST OF AB&T~IE~T OF FUBLIC NUISJO~CE ON THE EAST 150 FEET OF TRACT 9S, UNIT NDMBE~ 38, GOLDEN GATH ESTATES, WILLIAM RODRIGUEZ AND MELQUIADES ROD~IGU~Z, CRINERS OF RECOi~D It# #1647t See Pages q/- ~ RE~OLUTION 92-62 PROVIDING FOR ASSESSMENT OF LIEN FOR THE COST OF JLBAT~E~FE OF PUBLIC NUISANCE ON LOT 15 IN BLOCK 9, IN NAPLES MANOR LAE~, ~ G. SH~EHAN, AS TRUSTEE Itu See Pages ~.~ 92--63 PROVIDING FOR ASSESSMENT OF LIEN FOR THE COST OF OF I~LIC NUISANC~ ON LOT 8, BLOCK 109, MARCO BEACH UNIT ~ AND COUNTRY DEVELOPERS, INC., 0MNER OF R~CORD See Pages It# ~16&7k R~SOL~TI0~I 92-64 PROVIDING FOR ASSESSMENT OF LIEN FOR TH~ COST OF A~JkT~E]IT OF PUBLIC NUISANCE ON LOT 32, BLOCK 4 OF THE MAIN LINE · ~TBDMSION, TOME OF I)~OKALKE, ARDIS WALKER ESTATE AND ALMA OMNE~ OF R~CORD See Pages 61~ 7-- ~°~ Item #16A8 ACC~FTANCH OF SECURITY FOR LANDSCAPING FOR SITE D~LO~ P~ NO. 01-1S4 "~ ~ICA" - IN ~ ~ 0F 05,664.00 See Pages qq- &CC~PTAI~'H OF~E~'URITY FOR LANDSCAPING FOR SITE DEVHLOPM~NT PLAN NO. 91-1~, 'UNITY FAITH MISSIORARY BAPTIST CHURCH' - IN Tag AMOUBT OF $3,700 See Pages Page 27 February 4, 1992 A~I'~O~IZATION FOR CHAIKMAN OF TH~ BOAItD OF COUNTY COg~[ISSIONKI~ TO TIKE L&K~AL GOVElt~M~NT ANNUAL REPORT FOR THE ENTEI~P~ISE ZON~ FOR HOUSING AND UI~BAN IMPROVEMENT DEPARTMENT SeePages. Itu elSB1 · ]K~C~IT~ OF w~*EM~NT AGREEMENT AND ACCEPTANCE OF CON%~EYANCE FOR ~IETZ~NOPP. I~HT-OF-MAY TO CONSTI~IGT FOuR-r~.N~ IMP~OFEMENT~ UPON ~ ~ - ACQUISITION COST $24,600 See Pages AND EX~GUTION OF ~I~S~LE CORS~U~ION AG~ ~~ CO~TION ~R ACCESS I~0~S ~ONG ~IO RO~ Approve the attached reimbursable construction Agreement with Elba Development Corporation in the total estimated amount of $28,425.21. 2. Direct the Board Chairman to execute the Agreement without modification. Direct and authorize the Transportation Services Administrator to prepare and execute a Supplemental Agreement with Harper Bros., Inc., in an amount equal to the combined value of $25,1~5.0§ and the cost of a right-turn lane. Direct and authorize the Transportation Services Administrator to prepare and execute a Supplemental Agreement with Elba Development Corporation in an amount equal to the estimated cost of the necessary right-turn lane. Approve said Agreement with Elba Development Corporation on the condition that: a. Developer agrees to reimburse Collier County for the necessary eastbound to southbound right-turn lane. b. Developer submits the escrow deposit of $28,425.2! and est~- mated dollars value for the right-turn lane to staff within calendar days upon Board action on these matters. c. Temporary and permanent access to the Embassy Woods PUD be physically and administratively restricted (closed) by the Transportation Services D/vision without notice to the deve- loper should Elba Development Corporation fail to comply with aotions, obligations, and requirements set forth herein and in the attached Agreement. A~CE~TAi~'~ AND AI~FROVAL OF FINAL PF~MIT ACTIONS BY STAFF AND BY THE P~)P. II~ GAM~ ~ ~SH WA~ FISH C~ISSION ~R GOP~ TO~XSE I~ ~S~IA~D ~ G~DL~E-~ RO~ I~RO~S - CIE ~0~ ~. 019 - ~ED ~LL ~ ~S~IA~S WI~ COST-PLUS NOT TO Page 2B Fe~z.t3~r~, 4, 1992 O]P BID d~91-1S02 FOR ~ FURCH~E OF ARTS ~ CRAFTS SUFFLIES - ARTS &lID CI~LI,~, IRC.; S & S ARTS AND CRAFI'S: DTC~ BLICE ~AL OF WORK ORDER HMBP-2 FOR ENGZKEERZRG SERVICES FOR TH~ DESIGN OF FORCE MAil IMPROVEMENTS OR RATTLESNJU(~ ~ ROAD - ~ZL$OR, HILLER, BARTON & PEE~, IRC. IR THE AMOUNT OF $40,500.00 See AMAKD OF BID ~92-1820 TO WEST COAST ELEVATOR COMPANY, INC. FOR ALL ELE~&TO~ ~I~AIR~ AT TH~ COLLIER COUNTY GOVERNMENT C~NTER - IN THE JU~0~JITOP $2,615.00 PER MONTH Item ~16E2 · X~Cl~riO~ OF ~ FOR BURIAL LOTS AT LAKE TRAP~RD MEMORIAL GARDEII~ ~ ~ ~ ~RI~ See Pages~(~ Item #16G1 CONTRACT ~ WITH THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL I~GULATION (FDER) TO MONITOR GROUND WATER QUALITY - ROT TO EXCEED $12,000 See TO TRANSFER FUNDS FRO9] TH~ MANDATORY TRASH COLLECTION SERVICE AREA COST CENTER TO MANDATORYTRASH Item ~[N~'~FIGI OF I~E ORDER GML-4 WITH GORA, MOGAHEY AND LEE FOR A~ ~EI~'IC~S FOR THE DESIGN 0F IMPROVEMENTS TO TH~ CHILLED ~AT~ ~ AT TR~ GOVERNMENT CEN~ER See Pa ge s__~_~~L~ ? r Page 29 February 4, 1992 K~I~B~R~M~NT OF EXP~NSES FOR TH~ ~I~ OF ~ LILY ~OLF ESTA~S ~~~TX~ ~ISO~ C~I~E - IN ~ ~ OF 0225.00 Item el~ll5 ~ ~ ~9~BP-3 WITH MILSON, MILLER, BARTON & Pill, INC. FOR ~I~][~ SEI~'VICES ~R ~ DESI~ OF ~ YO~ S~CER FI~ AT ~~ ~~ P~ - NOT TO ~CEKD $25,600 See Pages~__ Item el~J1 EXTRA ~aI][ TIM~ FOR INMATH NOS. 51828, 73815, 41101 Item 91%J~ ~TI~F~-I"ION OF LIEN~ FOR SERVICES OF TH~ PUBLIC DEF~I~DER See Pages -~_~ff~~____ Item ~16J MI~ CORRESPONDENCE - FILED AND/OR REFERRED The following miscellaneous correspondence was flied and/or referred to the various departments as indicated below: Letter to Hon. Patrtcla Goodntght, Chairperson, Board of County Commissioners, from Lewis O. Burnside Jr., Director, Division of Housing and Community Development, re Contract Number: 91DB-57-09-21-01=E19, Modification #1. Copies to Frank Brutt, Bill Lorenz, Board of County Commissioners and filed. 2. Minutes Received and Flied: Collier County Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Agenda of 1/22/92 and Minutes of 11/27/91. Pelican Bay MSTU/BU Advisory Committee Agenda of 2/4/92 and Minutes of 1/8/92 and 1/13/92 Emergency Medical Services Advisory Council Agenda and Minutes of 5/9/90; Minutes of 6/13/90; 6/28/90; 7/11/90; Proposed Agenda and Minutes of: 9/12/90, 10/10/90, 11/14/90, 12/12/90; Proposed Agenda and Minutes of 1/9/91; Minutes of 2/13/91; Agenda and Minutes of 3/13/91; Minutes of 3/27/91; Agenda and Minutes of: 4/10/91, 5/8/91, 6/12/91, 7/10/91, 8/14/91, 9/11/91, 10/9/91, 11/13/91; and agenda of 12/12/91. Notice to O~rner dated 1/15/92, to BCC from William D. Meeker Jr./NACM Services Corp., Agent for Hydro Conduit Corporation, under Order given by Mitchell & Stark for concrete pipe for Lakeland Avenue and Euclid Avenue "Willoughby Acres". Copies to Steve Carnell, 3ohn Yonkosk¥ and filed. Notice to Contractor to Cornerstone from Scott M. Ktrkwood under an Order given by M.D.H. Site Dev. for form, place & fJt30.:,; 59 Page February 4, 1992 finish concrete and related material., for the Immokalee Community Center. Copies to Steve a~rnell, John Yonkosky and filed. Notice of non payment dated 1/8/92 to Collier County Comm. by Tonya Kirkwood, Credit Manager, on behalf of Scott M. Klrkwood, for form, place & finish concrete for the Immokalee Community Park. Copies to Steve Carnell, John Yonkosky and filed. Amended Notice of Hearing before the Public Service Commission to Florida Power & Light Company, Consolidated Minerals, Inc., and all other interested persons, Docket No. 911103-EI, in re: Complaint of Consolidated Minerals, Inc. against Florida Power & Light Company for failure to negotiate coGeneration contract advising of 3/18/92 public hearing at 9:30 A.M. Memo to Board of County Commissioners from Sheriff Don Hunter dated 1/14/92 re Sheriff's Confiscation Trust Fund, Fourth Quarterly Report - 1991 advising of error made on trust fund report with accompanying copy of the FL Contraband Forfeiture Quarterly Report. Letter to Hon. Anne Goodntght, Chairperson, Board of County Commissioners, dated 1/20/92 from Wayne E. Daltry, Executive Director, Southwest Florida Regional Planning Council and enclosed annual audit. Copy of Certification of Costs in State of Florida vs. Michael W. Bailey, Case No. 90-5010-MMA-ECT, Twentieth Judicial Circuit in and for Criminal Action. Copies to Chairman Volpe, Neil Dorrill, Ken Cuyler and filed. 10. Copy of Notice of Hearing in Albert and Anne Stanko vs. Collier County and Board of County Commissioners, Case No. 92-0008-CA-01, Twentieth Judicial Circuit in and for Collier County, re hearing on 2/10/92. Copies to Chairman of Board of County Commissioners, Neil Dorrlll, Ken Cuyler and filed. 11. Notice of hearinG in Vincent P. and Carol A. Ocuto vs. Collier County and Board of County Commissioners, Case No. 92-0007-CA-01, Twentieth Judicial Circuit in and for Collier County, re hearing on 2/10/92. Copies to Chairman of Board of County Commissioners, Neil Dorrill, Ken Cuyler and filed. Xtem ~16L1 STA~q;TORT D~D CO]~gYING UTILITY EA~NT INTERESTS BACK TO JOSEPH A~D C~I~X~TX~ I, ONG W~XC~WERE TAKEN AS A RESULT OF AN ORDER OF TAXING IN C&~ ~O. 89-2825-CA-01-wr-,B See Pages Page 33 February 4, 1992 There being no further business for the Good of the County, the meatin~ was adjourned by Order of the Chair - Time: 2:02 P.M. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS/EX OFFICIO GOVERNING BOARD(S) OF SPECIAL DISTRICTS UNDER ITS CONTROL J; VOLPE, CHAIRMAN '?, as presente~ ~ or as corrected Page 32