BCC Minutes 04/07/1992 R Naples, Florida, April 7, 1992 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commissioners in and for the County of Collier, and also acting as the Board of Zoning Appeals and as the governing board(s) of such special districts as have been created according to /aw and having conducted business herein, met on this date at 9:00 A.M. in I~EOULAR SESSION in Building "F" of the Government Complex, East Na@les, Florida, with the following members present: CHAIRMAN: VICE-CHAIRMAN: Michael J. Volpe Richard S. Shanahan Burr L. Saunders Max A. Hasse, Jr. Patricia A. Goodnight ALSO PRESENT: James C. Giles, Clerk; John Yonkosky, Finance Director; Annette Guevin, Kathy Meyers, Debby Fart,s and Ell~e }{offman, Deputy Glerks; Neil Dorrill, County Manager; Jennifer Pike, Assistant to the Gounty Manager.; Ken Guyler County Attorney; David Weigel, Dennis Cronin and Ramiro Manalich, Assistant County Attorneys; George Archibald, Transportation Services Administrator; Frank Brutt, Community Development Services Adminis~rator: William Lorenz, Environmental Services Administrator; Tom Olliff, Public Servfces Adm~nistrator; Fred Bloetscher0 Assistant Utilities Administrator; Sandra Taylor Real Property Director; Tom Conrecode, Capital Pro3ects Management Director; John Boldt, Water Management Director; Stan Llteinger, Growth Management Director; Murdo Smith, Acting Parks & Recreation Director; Barbara Cacchione, Ray Bellows and Ron Nino, Planners; Sue Filson, Administrative Assistant to the Board; and Deputy Byron Tomlinson, Sheriff's Office. Page 1 April 7, 1992 Co~tsatoner H&ssa amved, seconded by Comatsetoner Shanahan and c~rr~ed 5/0, that the agenda b~ approved with the follme~ng changes: Item #9A - Recommendation that the Board of County Commissioners authorize execution of Resolution by the Chairman which relates to Palmer Cablevtsion and was pre- viously approved on December 17, 1991 - Added. (Requested by the County Attorney.) Item #16All - Authorization by the Board of County Commissioners for the Chairman to sign letters to the Florida Housing Finance Agency in Support of affordable housing that appears eligible to receive low-income rental housing tax credits - Moved to #8A3. (Requested by Board of County Commissioners.) Item #16D! - Approval of agreement for professional engi- neering services with Hazen and Sawyer for the North County Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion - Moved to #8D4. (Requested by Board of County Commissioners.) Item #16D3 - Report to the Board on appraisal contracts that were entered into for the North County Regional Water Treatment Plant site - Moved to #8D5. (Requested by Board of County Commissioners.) Item #16D8 - Quail Creek Village, Phase III-A, and Phase III Model Homes Water and Sewer Facilities Agreements - Moved to #8D6. (Requested by Board of County Commissioners.) Item #8D3 - Award of contract for construction of potable water main to serve north of Immokalee Road; Bid #92-1843 - Continued indefinitely. (Requested by Staff.) Item #8F1 - Recommendation to award RFP 91-1851 for the purchase of a mid-size rescue pumper for the Ochopee Fire Control District - Continued to 4/21/92. (Requested by Staff. 8e Item #12B1 - Petition PUD-82-20(3), William R. Vines of Vines & Associates, Inc., representing North Naples Utilities, Inc., requesting a rezone from PUD to PUD known as Quail II PUD - Continued to 4/21/92. (Requested by Commissioner Goodnight.) Item #14 - Board of County Commissioners Communications - Added: A. Update - Coastal Zon~ Plan B. Update - Mans, tee Protection Plan C. Update - Beach Acces~ and Parking Improvements at Vanderbilt Beach 10. Item #15 - Staff Communications - Added: A. Pari-Mutuel Funds to School District B. Board of County Commissioners Vacation Schedule Page 2 April 7, 1992 NOTES: Item #16F5 - Request to release funds for services rendered to District One Fire MSTU contract participants - signature blocks to be corrected by the County Attorney's Office. Budget Workshop for Community Development and Emergency Services to be held at the conclusion of the regular agenda. Assistant County Attorney Ram~ro Manalich clarified with regard to Item #16F5, that the recommendation provides for payments to be released, as appropriated and already budgeted, to the three d~stricts for which the agreements are in the agenda package. He sa~d the agreements will be returned corrected, however, he and Finance D~rector Yonkosky concur in asking that the payments be released as budgeted and appropriated. Item ~3~ CO]~B:I:]IT AGENDA - APPROVED AND/OR ADOP~ID The ~3tlon for approval of the ComJent Agenda ts noted under Item FItOCT, AM&TION DI~$IGNATING ~IL 3 ~OU(IH ~IL 11, 1992, ~ NATIO~ CO~ ~ ~ - ~D Upon reading the proclamation, Commissioner Eu~e moved, ~cond~ by Commissioner Sh~nahan and carrted unant~ou~ly, that Proclmtlon Designating April 5 throuGrh April 11, 1992 u Nattonal Count~r~m~nt Week be adopted. Page 3 April 7, 1992 ~A~OI LONG, CO~NIT~ DEVELOPMENT DIVISION, RECOGNIZED AS EMPLOYEE OF THE MONTN FOR APRIL, 1992 Commissioner Volpe congratulated Sharon Long, Community Development Division, on being selected "Employee of the Month" for April, and presented her with a plaque in recognition, as well as a $50 cash award. Item ~¢ ~ $1XVICE AWARDS - PRESENTED Commissioner Shanahan congratulated the following Collier County employees and presented their service awards: Joyce C. Ernst, Community Development/Customer Service - 15 years Dale S. Wood, Road and Bridge - 15 years John G. McDermott, Purchasing - 5 years · 'BIIDGIT ~S 92-201. 92-210 AND 9:~-212 THROUGH 92-213 - ADOP'I~D Cmlaaloner Hames moved, seconded by Commissioner Shanahan ~d carrte~ 5/0, that Budget A~en~ents 92--201, 92-210 and 92-212 through 92-213 be adopted. M~S. MA~JORIE WALKER, SEABREEZ~ SOUTH, MARCO ISLAND - FRES~RIPTIV~ ~' EA~ME~T TO O~E$CENT BEACH - STAFF TO REPORT BACK ON VARIOUS ISSUES AT ~;" TH~ 4/2]./92 BCC M~ITING MarJorie Walker, representing Seabreeze, Seabreeze South, Seabreeze West and Aquarius Condominiums, asked the Board to consider re-opening a foot path to the shore of the Gulf of Mexico on Marco Island, between Crescent Beach and the Admiralty Condominiums, by way of prescriptive easement. She recalled having addressed the Board on Apr/1 16, 1991, at which time the County Attorney was directed to investigate the possibility of regaining the pathway by a prescriptive easement. She noted she has been working since that time with Assistant County Attorneys Dennis Cronin and David Weigel, and has supplied them with approximately 250 notarized affidavits of con- Page 4 April 7, 1992 tinual, open unchallenged use of the path, spanning more than 20 yearm. She commented many photographs h~tve been taken over the years depicting the existence of the pathway, adding miscellaneous newspaper articles have referred to the long used pathway over the property that is now Crescent Beach. She stated proof has been presented of 20 years of open and unchallenged use of the. property and asked the Bcard to direct the County Attorney to initiate the necessary legal proce- dures to restore the path. She questioned whether the County had the right to issue the developer of Crescent Beach a building permit, when the public concern over the pathway along the northern edge of the property was well known. She ales questioned whether the County itself extinguished the beach access by issuing a Certificate of Occupancy {C.O.), knowing there was still a furor regarding the path- way. She inquired if the County had the right to issue a C.O. in light of this cloud on the title. She added a municipality is not supposed to permit an activity by a neighbor that reduces the value or pleasure of ad~acent properties. She said since this was by now a legal right-of-way utilized by al/ the ad3acent owners, the loss of their beach access greatly reduces the value and pleasure of their homes. She mentioned a Statute of Limitations takes effect if action is not taken within a certain amount of time. Sh= concluded she has been working with the County for one year, and feels a decision should be made before time runs out. Assistant County Attorney David We/gel reported ~n researching the issue of prescriptive easement, t~ has been determined to be very difficult to prove, because it is an element of showing an adverse property interest in people who are not the record owners of the pro- perry. He said in this case, a k(~y element in their research has been the fact that the access to be proven in Court concerning the Crescent Beach property is /inked with an access with Seaview Court, the clo- sest public roadway access point for the public. He remarked from Seaview Court, to get to the Crescent View Condominium property, requires the pub~.ic to come along the driveway of Southwinds Page 5 April 7, 1992 Condominium, which is a private drive. He explained the elements for a prescr~ptive easement which are provided by common law and case law in the State of Florida, require that th.e claimant must prove actual, continuous and uninterrupted use for the prescribed period of 20 years. He said the use must be adverse under a c/aim of right with the know/edge of the owner or must be so open, notorious, vie~ble and uninterrupted, that know/edge of the use is imputed to the owner. He added the use must be inconsistent with the owner's use and enjoyment, must not be a permissive use, and any use in common with the owner is presumed to be subordinate to the owner's title and with the owner's permission. He advised the burden is on the claimant to show that the use is ad~,erse. He indicated in this case, the Crescent Beach pro- perty alo~:e does not have access to a public area except Seaview Court. He said people for many years have walked through the private drive of the Southwinds Condominium to reach the property line of the Crescent Beach property. Therefore, he said, in order to attempt to successfully challenge the ownership of the Crescent Beach property by means of prescriptive easement over 20 years, it will be necessary first to prove there is an adverse interest in the public along the private property of Southwinds Condominium. He mentioned in working with Mrs. Walker and other members of the public from Marco Island, he has asked that they provide the County with information or a declara- tion from the Southwinds Condominium that could show the prerequisite public use for 20 years over the Southwlnds property. He said apparently that has been difficult to obtain, since he has not seen such affirmat~on. He communicated to bring a lawsuit against Crescent Beach without showing a clear public access to that property in the first place, would be improvident. In response to Commissioner Saunder~, Mr. Weigel replied the Statute of Limitations varies from four to seven years for property matters, and it is his belief that th~s issue would fall in the seven year category. Commissioner Saunders asked what is the likelihood of bein~ suc- Page 6 April 7, 1992 ceesful if the County files a lawsuit? Mr. Weigel stated the County has little or no chance of winning a lawsuit filed against the Crescent Beach property under the present circumstances of not having a recorded access to that property from a true public access point. He remarked having such an access would change his opinion considerably, but the requirements are still daunting. In answer to Comm~ssioner Saunders, Mr. Weigel stated eminent domain ia a legal option the County may entertain. The fo/lowing people spoke in favor of the County pursuing a prescriptive easement to Crescent Beach, stating there has been a d~minut~o~ in property values at Southt~lnds Condominiums since the beach access has been closed; the developer of Crescent Beach, which has only been in existence for four years, has completely taken away the benefit of the beach from those who have owned property and paid taxes on Marco Island for 10-20 years; and from the minutes of South- winds and through newsletters, there is a large consensus interested in re-obtaining beach access: Smith Thompson John Dopp Philip Nicolost George Keller Charlotte Westman Commissioner Hasse asked, g~ven the comments of the public speakers, why Southwinds has nog Joined this effort? Mrs. Walker replied she has addressed the members of the Board of Directors of Southwinds on several occas~lons, however, their comment was they did not wish to in any way hin~er her efforts, but did not wish to ~oin in. Comm~saioner Hasse question~d when the fence was put across Seaview Court? Mrs. Walker responded it was lnstallod temporarily early in 19B8. County Attorney Cuyler inquired if access along the Southwinds Condominiums to the Crescent Beach prol~rty during the 1980~e was obtained with their permission? Mrs. Walker replied permis~ion was never granted by Southwinds for Page 7 April 7, 1992 that access. Commissioner Hasse suggested the County Attorney's Office again ~t to contact the developer of Crescent Beach, given the possibi- lity that the County may take legal action. Mr. Weigel explained the di~cussion this date has been necessary to indicate enough background prior to bringing a case against the property owner of Crescent Beach. He said it is now understood there is a linkage between the Southwinds property and Crescent Beach. He remarked it would be advisable to establish the Southwinds as the prerequisite link to the public road before speaking to the owners of Crescent Leach. C~m~se~oner Saunders move~, seconded b~ Commissioner ~amme and carr~e~ una~tmou~ly, to direct Staff to report Back on April 21, 1992, with further Information on the advers~ possession issue; reasonable comte to acquits the easement through eminent domaln~ the number of peopla likely to use the emsmm~,nt; and any opportunity for public parking spacem on Seavtew Court or in the taetlate area. Recem~md: 10:32 A.M. - Reconvened: 10:40 A.M. at which D~p~t~Clmrk Meymrm replaced D~pu%~ Clerk ~uevtn Item ~. ~r.~ ~ REPRES~IN~ EMERALD ~ItEKNS CONDONINIUN A~SOCXATION Bob Sheller, resident of Emerald Greens subdivision, explained that Jill Sheldrake could not attend this meeting. He clarified that he ts not requesting exclusion from the M.S.T.U. but a request for a fair way to take care of the upcoming capital Improvements. He stated that he ts speaking for hlm~elf, the Board of Directors of Emerald Greens and over 100 unit o~nere. He mentioned that the ' ' unit owners have signed petitions which were presented to the Chairman ~: with a letter from the Board President (copies not provided to the '. Clerk to the Board). lie emphasized that they strongly object to the unfair capital Improvements assessments. Page 8 April 7, 1992 Mr. Sheller related that at the December 3, 1991 meeting they had been Informed that Staff would recommend an exemption from the capital ~mprovements be granted. He stated that the recommendation changed, when it was pointed out that they may have to use the entrance at Forest Lakes Boulevard and Pine Ridge Road. Mr. Sheller indicated that on a cost benefit basis the unit owmers of Emerald Greens and Fairways of Emerald Greens are being told to pay twice the amount of others and received absolutely no benefits. He concluded that the M.S.T.U. would be readily accepted and approved, and asked the Board to rescind their December 3, 1991 vote and approve the exemption of Emerald Greens and the Fairways at Emerald Greens. Donald Parrot, owner and r~esident of Emerald Greens Condominium, and ~ember of the Board of D~r~ctors a]~d Co-Chairman of the Buildings Committee reported that a surw~y conducted from ? A.M. to ? P.M. ~n October, 1991 recorded 3,14~ vehicles that travelled north or south on Woodshtre Lane and of this number of vehicles exiting the residen- ces of Emerald Greens, Woodshire and Fairways, 90~ continued north and exited at Pine Ridge Road, and only ~0!~ travelled west on Forest Lakes Boulevard. He added that of the vehicles entering Woodshire Lane from Pine Ridge Road, ~0~ turned west into Forest Lakes Boulevard and §0~ continued into the Woodshire Lane residences. He related that these figures indicate the usage of Forest Lakes ~oulevard by Woodshire Lane ts at a minimum. Russell Ralston, residing ~t ~408 Forest Lakes Boulevard, and Director of the Quail Run Golf Club, stated he is requesting the Boar~ deny this Petition. He deemed the improvements made by the developer were enhancements needed to meet County requirements. He asserted that traffic has increased in the past year or two. William Seabury, President of Forever Lakes Golf and Tennis Club, Building One, stated that with every heavy rainstorm Forest Lakes Boulevard and Woodshire Lane are underwater 4-6". He commented that the M.S.T.U. eventually will r~lieve this flooding problem and everyone will benefit, and the residents of Emerald Greens should pay Page 9 April 7, 1992 their fair share of this and not be exempt from their financial ii.( responsibility. He added that it will also keep the cost at an affor- .'. dable rate. 3' Edward Hay, residing at 1083 Forest Lakes Drive, expressed that the public was welcomed at the December 10, 1991 meeting. He set forth that the M.S.T.U. wlll repair the main entrance roadway, which Emerald Greens and Fairways reside]Lts will also use as an exit. Roger Somerville stated he agrees with William Seabury's views. John Lee with Community Development Corporation (the developer of Emerald Greens and the Fairways of Emerald Greens) stated that the :.: drainage ~foblem at Forest Lakes Boul(~vard and Woodshire Lans preceded the development. He noted that $160,000 was spent by the developer to alleviate the drainage problems. He confirmed that the capital impro- vements need to be done right away. In response to Commissioner Volpe, Mr. Lee verified that purcha- sers of units since the tame of the hearing of Emerald Greens and Fairways of Emerald Greens, were notifled of the existence of the "' N.S.T.U. and the charge that may be imposed for the proposed improve- ments. He added that they were notified of the $700 charge for off- s~te improvements. Tom Conrecode, Director of the Office of Capita/ prOjects %~' ' Management, stated that the benefit will be to the entire unit and i: Staff's recommendation is that everyone be assessed for the capital costs. David Weigel, Assistant County Attorney, discussed that from a legal or technical standpoint, this M s.r.u, was created through the Board at the request of property owners within the area. Mr. Weigel explained that all the properties within an M.S.T.U. are subject to an ad valorem tax and a millage established within the ordinance creating the M.S.T.U., and that an exemption or exclusion for one year is a legal impossibility within the context of an :~. M.S.T.U. He advised the Board that they could consider excluding this pro- Page 10 April 7, 1992 perry from the M.S.T.U. and include it at a later date, meaning a later assessment year, but according to the Property Appraiser's Office, this would be difficult for the following reasons: a) a new property description would have to be submitted to the Property Appraiser's offlce so the roll could be reformed; b) the Ordinance adopted December 10, 1991 would require a public hearing unless the Board opted for emergency consideration, which would create a lag time b~tween today and the date of adoption for the modified ordinance. Mr. Weigel emphasized that this Public Petition discussion is not the public hearing for the modification of the ordinance. ~ealoner Volpe stated t]mt he ~.e satisfied with the Board's pr~v/~ c~eter~inatton of Decsml~r 10, 1991 and Commissioner Shan~n the rest of the PUBLIC ~ZNG DATE SET FOR MAY 19, 1992 at 1:00 P.M. TO CONSIDER ADOPTZON OF TH~ 1~91 GROMTH MANAGEMENT PLAN AMENDMENTS AND IN1/ITE TH~ DEPAHTM~I~T OF C09~I~NITY AFFAIRS TO PARTICIPATE IN TH~ PUBLIC HEARI]~G Frank Brutt, Community Development Services Administrator, explained that this item is to establish a date for a public hearing for the Plan Amendments for the 1991 Growth Management Plan [' Activities. He noted that a public hearing was held in October, 1991 S.~ and the Amendments were transmitted to the State for review and ;/ returned to Collier County, which is now required to hold a public hearing. C~leetoner Volpe ~ub~tttsd that the public hearing ~ held ~ 19, 199~ during · regular ~eeting at 1:00 P.M. and the Bo~.d con- INFO~TION~L ITEM R~GARDING AN OUTLIN~ JUlD ASSOCIATED COSTS FOR PO~I~B~E P~PA~&TION OF AN ECONOMIC EL~IENT AS AN OPTIONAL ~"LEMKNT OF TH~ ~ MANAGIB~NT PLAN - STAFF DIRECTED TO CONTINUE TO COLLECT DATA Frank Brutt, Community Development .~;ervices Administrator, explained that this is an informational item relative to the Economic Element which would be an optional element in the Growth Management Page 11 Barbara Cacchlone, Chief Planner for Orowth Planning, commented that at the December 3, 1991 Workshop held with the Economic Development Council, the Board discussed the need for an Economic Element and requested an outline and the ,associated costs with pre- paring an Economic Element. Ms. Camchione pointed out that within the Executive Summary, Attachment One is the outline. Me. Cacchione explained that this prol]ram would occur in three ·atepa: Step One: Step Two: collection of the demographic and economic data; a time-consuming step viewing the different strategies and alternatives for the community, ~.e. strengths and weaknesses in the community, which industry can be attracted to the community, and what can be developed as the community consensus on what is desirable as far as the economic element - public input is critical; 5- Step Three: the actual adoption of the Element as an amendment to the Growth Management Plan. She indicated that the estimated time frame for completion would be approximately two years and the cost involved would be approxima- tely $65,000 to $70,000 and this is the in-house estimate requested, , ~ She commented that this cost estimate ~ncludes the staff time to pr(~- pare the program and does not ~nclude any costs for implementation. i.:' In response to Oomm~ssioner Volpe, Ms. Cacchtone specified that .:~ she is basically collecting data and including it in the format and updating commercial information and census information. She further' noted that the industrial study will be completed this year. ~..~'~, Dudley Goodlette, Attorney, detailed that he is speaking on behalf of the Economic Development Council and urged the Board to proceed with the adoption of an Economic Element ~n the Growth Management Plan. Commissioner Shanahan commented that he shares the view that an Economic Element is needed and is extremely important to the overall , community, but expressed concern over the considerable costs involved. itl Commissioner Saunders discussed That he supports the efforts of Page 12 April ?, 1992 April 7, 1992 the Economic Development Council and the business community, but is ~ot in favor of establishing a new county employee to develop the ~ata, since ~hs data is already available, and added he is not con- vlncsd of any benefits of an Economic Element in the Comprehensive Plan, at thio time. Frances Barsh, a member of TAG, stated she is not in favor of this proposal, becaus~ it seems to create another unnecessary office of government, and noted that the price of $65,000 to prepare this is ~x~necessary as this information is readily available through the Chamber of Commerce or Better Business Bureau, and other organiza- tions. Commissioner Volpe commented that there is an opportunity for the Board of County Commissioners to work with the private sector, i.e. the Chamber of Commerce and the EDC, and agreed with Commissioner Saunders comments. He doubted that there is a consensus among the Board members to direct Staff to proceed with the development of the Economic Element. Co.missioner Volpe directed Staff to continua to collect d~ta. C~AI~ANAUTHORIZ~D TO SION LETTERS TO TH~ FLORIDA HOUSING FINANCE A~ENO'f IN ~12PPORT OF AFFORDABLE HOUSING THAT APPEARS ELIGIBLE TO ~O~lr~H F~&-INCOM~ ]~ENTAL HOUSING TA~ CKEDITS WITH THE EXCHFTION OF WILD~OOD ~E~S NHIOH IS CONTINUED FOR O~E WEEK TO ALLO~M~. A~HIBALD TO D~ NH~N MONIES WILL BE PAID Frank Brutt, Community Development S,~rv~ce Administrator, relate,] that the Federal Tax Code allows the dev,~loper of /ow-income rental housing to receive tax credits, and the Federal Government works with the Florida Housing Finance Agency relative to the dealings for this particular tax credit. Mr. Brutt mentioned that the State informed him of various pro- Ject, that have applied for the tax credits. ~e stated that the pro- posed letters give reco~nition to the projects as to existence and location, and that the Board of County CoamissAonsrs will not be obli- ~ated to any action at a later date, and authorization for the Page April 7, 1992 Chairman to sign must come from the Boa]:d. Commissioner Shanahan called attention to the Wildwood Lakes d~ve- loper's nonpayment of $47,800 which ts for commitment of access iml.)ro- vements made by the developer, and said it should be considered prior to this letter being sent. Transportation Services Administrator Archibald commented that this commitment was fulfilled by the County as part of the four-lantng of Davis Boulevard and involved a medial% opening and a turn-lane. He contended that this is a future benefit to the development and noted that in recent discussion with the deveiloper, they have committed to try to ascertain funds to make that payment. Douglas Magilvra, a resident of Naples Park, questioned why thE: County would make this letter available to a developer who owes thE: County money. G~l Erlichman, a resident of East Naples, questioned whether there are other developers who owe th~ County any money, and why Mr. Archibald is willing to give this developer a break. T~pe eS Mr. Archibald indicated thel.-e are three projects that the Finance Director has identified, with outstanding obligations to the County - two on Davis Boulevard and one on 951. Mr. Archibald felt that in consideration of this track record it should also be noted that through the years many turn lanes have been ~otntly constructed at developer cost and the County has been success- ful tn obtaining prepayments and a~reements. He noted that in the last ten years there ts only three outs tandin~/ turn lanes and one has been addressed for payment by the devel,)per, while the other two ~nvolve financial problems. Mr. Archibald asked that the record note that the County has had good cooperation from the development com- munity. Mr. Archibald outlined that turn lanes provide access to ad3acent properties and serve to maintain capacity of through lanes and safety of the through lanes. In the case of Wildwood Lakes, he noted that Page 14 April 7, 1992 thia median opening and turn lane complex provides for developers on the north and south side of the roadway as well as for the public make U-turns; it serves more than one developer, but one developer has agreed to incur the cost of those improvements, and through that agreement the County will ultimately b~ paid by that developer. County Manager Dorrill briefed the Board that there are two accounts that are delinquent as of the first of the year, and both were done with the knowledge and consent of the Board in four-laning a state road. He confirmed that failure for them to pay will result in a lien being filed against the property, and in many instances the County seeks relief in court. Fred Tarrant, member of TAG, stres~ed that the outstanding money owed by Wildwood Lakes should be paid and the letter should not be sent. Cc~mi~ioner S~unders moved, seconded by Comtsslonar Shanahan ~nd carried ~nani~ou~l¥, to approve authorization for the Chairman to sign Ind ~ the lsttera, with the exclusion of Wildwood Lakes. ~iBs~oner maunders ~ade a ~otion, seconded by Comiestoner Goodnight, to approve sending the letter for #ild~ood Likes and th~tt the ~lc~l~ be advised that if the p~.y~ent is not made in a f~h~on, the County Attorney will be-directed to file ~utt to obtain Commissioner Shanahan stated that he would prefer that a meeting be bald with the developer to discuss the payment and legal action that may occur as a result of nonpayment, before the letter is sen~. ~41mm/a~i~ S~u~erm withdr~w his motion. C~t~i~er Shin~han ~oved, seconded by Collitlltontr Ra~lll ClZTle~ unanimously, to conttnu® this portion of the tta~ regarding the mtton of the letter for #tldwood Lakes for one week, to allow M~. A~chtheld to provide the Board with a co.lt~ent ~ to whan tho o~tst~n~tng fun~ will be p~td. P~g~ 15 April ?, 1992 FII:~:~Ff&TION OF FROPOSED SHORT ~ &RD LONG T~RM &CT/OW PT~klq TO John Bnldt, Water Management Director, reviewed that on March 3, 1992 the B,:ard heard a presentation from Water Management Staff and Johnson En~tneerln~ on the findings of the Engtneertn~ Report, and the Board re~ested at this meetlng that the item be continued for 30 days ~d dtrected Staff to compile short te~m and long term alternatives for m solution to the problem. Mr. Boldt referred to and discusse,] Attachments A and B tn the ~e~ttve Sli-m~ry, which lists the short and long terl action pla~s [," ~d outllnes the costs, and cost break~]o~m for alternate scopes of the project. ~. Co~leetoner Shanahan commented that all the short term action 8tepo are necessary. Fr~k Ross, representative for Charlemagne Boulevard residents, ~esttoned how the new sto=mwate= ad valorem tax wtll provide for pre- sent ~d/or future deficiencies tn the etormwa~er managemen~ system. Mr. Ross asked Mr. Boldt if he has another surface water manage- men~ permit for the present construction of this canal. Mr. Boldt stated that the developer ts responsible for obtaining tha~. Mr. Boldt surmised that the Water Management District approached this as a ~' ~tnten~ce progr~, so no permit was re~tre~; s~nce the ditch was there, It was ~ust relocated. ~' Mr, Ross read from Paragraph C of an alleged Proposal. He stated ; that the $~07,000 cost ts a pittance tn relation to the new Stormwater M~agement Non Ad Valorem T~. He men'tt:~ned that the stormwater problem 1e not due to natural circumstances but ~s caused by manma~e ~' drainage from manmade development to the north and east of this area. e~ Deputy 01erk Farrte replaced Deputy Clerk Meyers at this time ~ The following persons spoke to the issue of proposed short term ~:.. and long term action plans to the Rtv~,era Golf Estates Unit 4 Drainage Project: Page 16 April ?, 1992 George Keller, President of Collier County Civic Federation Roger Smith In response to Commissioner Shanahan, Water Management Director Boldt explained his proposal is to depress the fill over the pole pro- tector blocks, leave the culverts in place and gain the additional f/ow needed during storm times, while leaving the poles in place. In answer to Commissioner Volpe, Mr. Boldt confirmed the penalty is paid to DER and, therefore, cannot be used for remedial action. Coe~Assioner Shanahan aoved, seconded by Co~-issioner Saundere, to ~ i~Ltatel¥ on all short ter~ action steps, acceleratin~ the~ a~ quickly a~ ts ph~tcally and financially possible, hopefully acc~liehing everF one prior to the end of 1992. Commissioner Shanahan stated that, if funding becomes available, the County needs to accelerate the 4-1antng along County Barn Road and expedite the Zone 6 Drainage Plan as well. Upon call for the quest/on, the ~otton carried unanl~usl¥. ese ~: 1:15 P.M. - Reconvened: 1:45 P.M. w/th Cmtemionere ~ and Goodnight returning to the ~eeting at 1:50 P.M. ess Xtra ~B1 ~ O~* COI~R:~f&TXOR OF ~NPACT F~E$ FOR TH~ I],~OXALKK CHILD CAl~ C~3gl'~ (F~*-91-9) - COR$~II*SU5 TO DIRECT STAFF TO RECONPUT~ X~IPACT ~E~ ~ B&~D OB XNFOR~"Ut?XOR TO B~ PROVIDED Transportation Services Administrator Archibald explained the manner in which the traffic impact fee was computed for the Child Care Center in Iuokalee. In response to Commissioner Volpe, Mr. Archibald acknowledged that no type of payment procedure has been established to-date. Commissioner Goodntght stated her problem with the situation Js that, pursuant to HRS regulations, Ms. Graham had to go through a con- ditional use process in order to operate a center caring for more than five children and, had she not been in that area, she would not h~ve had to pay impact fees. Brief discuss/on ensued regarding 'trip length in immokalee being shorter than the three miles currently used for assessment purposes. Page April 7, 1992 · ~ w~s to direct staff to Introns recomputation of the ~ £ee ~t ~ed on tnfo~tton to ~ pr~lded them. ICl ~L~IOI 92-218 ~ SC~D~E OP PaING ~15 ~ ~ P~[ING Public Services Administrator Olltff explained the rationale behind the reduction of fees for the annual beach parking permits from $30 per year to $20 per year. He stated this Resolution is the' ministerial paperwork to make happen what the Board of County Commissioners approved as part of the budget for this fiscal year. County Attorney Cuyler advised that, when receiving state monies for beach improvements, some of the state grants have provisions disallowing discrimination between tn-county and out-of-county resi- dents with regard to fees and such. The following persons spoke to the issue of parking fees and beach parking permits: Emily Magglo (read article allegedly published December of 1990) T~pe e4 MarJorle Ward, President of CABB (Citizens Association of Bonita Beach) Public Services Administrator Olltff reiterated this item is a confirmation of last year's discussion and, at budget time, options will be presented in terms of the entire beach parking and boat ramp fee schedules. carried Si2 (Commissioners Goodnlght and Saunderm opposed), to adopt R~o]utlcm 92-218 e~tabltshlng be,ach parking fees and beach parking It was the consensus that County Attorney Cuyler ts to provide information regarding the possibility of charging out-of-county, and potentially out-of-state, beachgoers In excess of the County fees; said information to be considered during the Budget hearing. Page 18 April 7, 1992 ~ ~ GOZ~I~OC~ZON OF HE LZVZNGSTON ROAD WATER MAZN, PHASZ Z, BZD ~I--lS2B - ~ED TO FLORZDA STATZ UNDERGROUND, ZNC. ZN THE Assistant Utilities Administrator Bloetscher summarized the history of this item commencing with the opening of bids In January. He explained there are a couple of easements staff is expecting to Close on shortly and, therefore, the notice to proceed will be held until the easements are secured. .e Commissioner Saunders left the meeting at this time Conditioner Sh~n~ ~oved~, seconded ~ Coati. toner Ha~e c~rt~ 4/0 (C~eetoner Sa~giere not present), ~o a~d Bid ~9~-1825 for ~~ct~on of the Liv~n~ton Road Water ~n Ph~e I l~r~t project to ~lorlda State Under~o~d, Inc. H2-1~37 - ~ ~ S~ ar ~ON, INC. IN ~ ~O~ O~ Assistant Utilities Admints~trator Bloetscher capsultzed the intent of this item as outllned An the. Executive Summary. · * Commissioner Saunders returned to the meeting at this time '' ~t~er Hawse ~vmd, s,econded by Com~imsioner Shanahan anti c~ri~~A~ly, to ~d ~id ~92-1837 for constriction for the U.~. 41 ~th ~ter ~tn ~oJect to Stevens & La. on, Inc. In the I~ ~ (fo~rl~ ~16D1) ~ ~ ~ CO~ ~GION~ ~ST~ATH~ ~~ P~ ~SION - Assistant Utilities Admints, trator Bloetscher highlighted some of the information detailed in the, Executive Summary. He declared the total construction cost is expected to be about $9,000,000, and the three design phases will probably be b~d as three contracts. Page ! 9 April 7, 1992 ~i~l~, ~o appr~'~ ~he a~ree~n~ for profe~to~l ~l- with R~en ~d Sa~er An ~ ~t not to exc~d Page 20 April 7, 1992 CONTRACTS IINTEI.~ED INTO FOR THE NORTH COUNTY 'l']tt&~ ~ $ITI~ - APPROVKD/~Xl~RTffrlII~$~ Co,missioner Volpe explain(:d his ri:quest for removal of this item from the Consent Agenda due to the budgeted amounts Involved. County Attorney Cuyler confirmed tills ts an eminent domain case. Assistant Utilities Admtnliztrator Bloetscher stated the property Involved was condemned about 1-.1/2 years ago. County Attorney Cuyler advised the purpose of the expert wit- nesses is to back up the County's position that the claim of the value of the property ts far In excess of what It should be. Cc~i~ionsr Sh~nahan ~ved, seconded c~ ~~ly. to appr~e the a~ra~eal contracts entered ~nto for ~ ~r~ ~W Regional Hater Treatment Pl~t site, not to It~ ~ (~ly Pl6D8) S~ F~XL~I~ A~S - COati--I) ~ 4/21/92 Commissioner Volpe revealed he requested this item be removed from the Consent Agenda as it seems to tie back into the discussion which transpired last week regarding the North Naples Utility. Assistant Utilities Administrator Bloetscher explained staff attempting to force the interim utility to acknowledge that they are an Interim utility. Following a brief discussion, County Attorney Cuyler advised that the County could enter into this Agreement but questioned whether there Is any problem with conti:autng this item for two weeks to allow staff additional time to researnh the s, ttuatton. O~ssion~r lla~se ~oved, ascended by Co~isstoner Shanahan ~nd C~TA~~i~ousl¥, tO conttn~ this item for two weeks. R~O~T OF K~LT~ FRO~ QUESTIOILtI~ MAILED R~SIDKNT$ OF (]OLDEN i:~I'&T]~ I~ ~I~DITURE OF FUNDS IN TH~ GAG IJLND TRUST - AC~ Page 21 April 7, 1992 Sandra Taylor, Real Property Management Director, stated several members of the Golden Gate CitJ[zens Advisory Committee are present to discuss the results of the que~ttionnaire, if the Board of County Commissioners so request. Contaatonsr Volpe pointed out that the res/dents of Golden Gate Estates hays underscored they ~,ould like to see some type of addi- tional recreational activities provided in a closer vicinity to the Estates as opposed to within Go/den Gate City. Commissioner Goodnight stated it is gratifying to find that the · urvey reflects the same results as the survey of two years ago. ~iee~ea' ~ee ~v~d, ~*co:nded by Co~as~oner S~~ ~d ~~ ~~ly, to accep~ the re~r~. Xt~ ~ Thomas Conrecode, Office of Capital Projects Management Director, summarized the intent of this Item, relaying staff's request that the Board of County Commissioners accept this report and direct action to be taken to effect the reconuaendattons outlined in the Executive Summary. ~ Co~ss~oner Saunders ]eft the meeting at this t~me ** County Manager Dorr~l stated he i~ wa~t~ng to see some Justifica- tion from Dr. Polkowsk~ =egardSng the 10,000 sq. ft..of clinical ~d progr~ space that is needed ~n Immokalee. Co~ss~oner Shanahan observed the f~scal impact ts $62,000 for the renovation of the ag=~cu/tura/ building w~th a savings of $8,400 ~n a~ual lease payments. ~~~ ~tght ~a, ~co~ed ~ Co~te~t~= ~ ~ ~ Ill~tt~ pl~ for g~~t se~tcea In l~l~. Page 22 !:..¥. April ?, 1992 l~flO~ 9~-219, RL~ItTZNa TO P]tL~lt CABL~ZSZON TRIklqSI~R AID ~HZ(Yfl ~ P~IO~LY lhl~O~ ON DKCI~NlJl~R .17, ~ggl - ltDOPTL~ County Attorney Cuyler advts,.,d this Resolution represents for- maliz&tion of an action the Board of County Commissioners has already taken. Cc:llllLtlltonlr 8hanlhln Io~, leconded ~ Co~81~o~r ~tl ~d c~i~ 4/0 (C~i~ioner Sa~de]'e not pre~en~), to a~r~e t~ tr~fer of ~l~r Co~cat~o~,, Inc. cable telev~sion fr~chi~fs to ~ ~le ~soctatee, there~ adol)ttng Resolution 92-219. Page 23 April '7, 1992 Deputy Clerk Hoff~a,n replaced Deputy Clerk Ferric at this tie se. RESOLUTXON 92-220 R~ PETITION PEA-92-! DETERMXNXRG REVISIONS TO TH~ T~LV~ ~ D~ELOPMHNT ORDER r~) NOT CONSTITUTE A SUBSTANTIAL DEV~ATXOI ~XRINO ~ DEV~.T.0PM~NT OF R~GIONAL IMPACT (~P~IXON TO I~ 12C2) - ADOI~I~D Legal notice having been published In the Naples Daily News on March 22, 1992, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was o~,ened. Planner Nine explained that this item involves a determination as to whether an amendment to the 3welve Lakes Development Order which would extend the tnlttal develo~.ment phase by 2 years and 11 months constitutes a substantial deviation. He indicated that the effect of the amendment is due to the deve. loper's Inability to begin construc- tion within the May, 1992 time frame. He reported that the reasons for same are stated in the Executive Summary. Mr. Nine affirmed that when dealing with amendments to Development Orders, attention needs to be focused on Policies of the Growth Management Plan. He referred tc Policy 5.1 of the Transportation Element, noting that the proposed 2 year 1! month extension of the build-out date may have Implications with respect to concurrency. He pointed out that no level of service will be affected and the planned improvements fall within the scope of Policy 5.1 and would otherwise be deemed consistent with the Traffic Element of the Plan. Mr. Nine advised that the Collier County Planning Commission reviewed the amendment to the Development Order and unanimously recom- mends approval and deems the amendment to be insubstantial. In addi- tion, he remarked that staff concurs with the recommendation of the Planning Commission. There were no speakers. Commt~ton~r Hues ~ov~d, seconded by Co=-/setoner Goodntght and carrted u~mtmously, to close the publtc hearing. In response to Commissioner Volpe, Mr. Nine replied that as of Page 24 April 7, 1992 today, the commercial land use element is not inconsistent with the Growth Management Plan since this is a vested project. Attorney George Varnadoe stated that DCA. the Region and County staff came to the conclusion that there were no new or different impacts, since on1¥ the time p~riod for development would be extended. ~m/lsioner Huse moved, IBecondsd by Commissioner Ooodnight ~nd =arrie4~n~nimly, that the ]proposed amendments to the Tw~lvl Lakes D~v~l~ent Or. er do not conmt:[~ute m ~ubstmntial devt&tton, thereby, ~t~~lution Page 25 April 7, 1992 lI:~:~DLIFTZON92-221/D~VELOPME1TT OItDER 92-3 RE PETITION DOA-92-1, G~ORG~ L, ~AJ~ADOI, ~~RG TRI C & S SOV'RAR TRUST COMPANY, RKQUESTZ]IG ~ TO T~ T~KLV~ LAKES ~ID, FOR PURPOSKS OF EXTENDING TH~ ~ ~ ~ OF DK~LOPM~T AND A POTENTIAL DOWN-ZONING ACTI~ F~ P~OP~TT NORTH OF D~;IS BLVD. AND SOUTH OF RADIO ROAD - ~ Legal notice having been published tn the Naples Daily News on March 8, 1992, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publicat~on filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opene,~. Attorney George Varnadoe st;ated that this item had been previously continued. He noted that the resolution was advertised and requested that the County Attorney be authorized to change the dates in the resolution since they are lncor:~ect due to the continuance. Co~d88toneF Goodntght move], seconded by Contsstoner SaunderfJ ~ =~Tted unanimously, to clo~se the public hearing. C~ui~toner Goodntght moved,'seconded ~ Co--tootler Hm~o ~rl~ ~~1~, t~t Resolution 92-221/~A-92-3 ~ adoptS, ~fl~t~ t~ a~rtate chains tn the dates. 96. ~ 26 &prJ, 1 ?, 1992 ]:tel ~:~'SOLQ'f/ON 92-222/DNV~LOPI'~NT ORDKR 92-4, R~ P~TITION DO.it 91-2, NILLLAM R. VINES R~FRESENTING ASHLEY M. PAPIIIEAU OF TOLL GATI CO~M~]tCIAL CENTER, REQUESTING AN AMENDI~ENT TO THE TOLL GATE COI~I~RCIAL CE~I~]t POD DEFELOPMENT ORDER 84-1, FOR PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE SOOTH~AST CORNER OF 1-75 AND C.R. 951, CONSISTING OF 100.23 ACRES - Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on March 22, 1992, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the. Clerk, public hearing was opened. Planner Bellows provided the Commission with a copy of the pro- posed change to the development order. He indicated that the peti- t~oner ~s requesting the deletion of a specific phrase within the Housing Section (Condition F.1). He reported that the phrase states that, if the County has not adopted an affordable housing improvement program, supported by a proportionate share funding ordinance by January l, 1994, the developers of the Toll Gate DRI would no longer be required to contribute to the affordable housing trust fund. He noted that this amendment will eliminate this exemption and require the project to contribute to the trust fund even if the County does not adopt an affordable housing financing strategy. Mr. Bellows remarked that this change has been discussed with the Southwest Florida Regional Planning Council and they agree that this would satisfy their concerns. In addition, he indicated that the Department of Community Affairs has requested a minor change to the Transportation Section, as reflected ~n the handout provided earlier. He pointed out that Condition H (2) will be amended by deleting the words "and/or ptpeltntng". Mr. William Vines advised that he has no problem with the changes -mince they are minor housekeeping Items. There were no speakers. c~Tle4~J~ov~ly, to close the public hearing. ~t~to~er Shanmhan ~oved, .~econdad by Co~testonar Hmmem ~md caxriedl~n~on~l¥, that Resolution 92-222/Development Order 92-4 be adopted. ffi O00. 117 Page 2~ April 7, 1992 ~ ~ ~ CO%91ISSIONERS C09~IUNIC&TIONS Enviroruaental Services Administrator Lorenz updated the Commission on the Coastal Zone Plan. He stated that this Plan was required by the Conservation/Coastal Management Element to be in place by August l, 1990. He indicated that staff prepared a plan in February, 1991 for purposes of public input and the Environmental Advisory Board provided their recommended language in August, 1991. He remarked that the plan was then taken to the County Attorney's office for legal review. He indicated that the plan will be presented to the Planning Comm~ssion on April 16th. Commissioner Volpe advised that communications have been received by the Florida Audubon Society which ties back to the challenge f~led b~ them, and a reminder that the County has fallen behind on the reco- very schedules. It was the consensus of the Board for the Chairman to write a letter to the Planning Commission advising that it is imperative that ·he¥ have a quorum and review the plan on April 16th due to t~me constraints. Environmental Services Administrator Lorenz addressed the Manatee Protection Plan. He indicated that in July, 1991, a copy of the draft plan was forwarded to DNR to determine their reactions, however, at this t~me, staff has no knowledge of any adopted criteria. He reported that DNR requires a boat transportation study which would cost between $25,000 - $40,000. He noted that staff is working wlth DNR with respect to specific criteria in addition to providing state funding for the study. He related that he is uncertain as to why is requiring these studies ~n the Collier County's plan when the for C~trus County was approved without ~ame. He remarked that staff has requested that the plan be approved, with the study to follow irt 2993 or [994. 000 122 Page 28 April ?, 1992 It was the consensus of the Board for staff to collect preliminary data and draft a letter for the Chairman's signature to pursue the Governor, Cabinet and DNR to approve the plan with the boat transpor- tation study to be forwarded at a later date, pending possible funding from the State. Acting Parks and Recreation Director Smith advised that construc- tion has started on the Vanderbllt Beach access. He noted that pilings have been installed for the dune crossover. He remarked that sea oats will be planted around April 1§th. He reported that plan:s for the landscaping of the turnaround have been submitted and construction should take approximately 45 days after the permit has been obtained. He explained that the Off,ce of Capital Projects Management is looking into the cost of constructing bathroom facili- ties in the parking lot. In response to Commissioner Volpe, County Manager Dorrill stated that current priorities with respect to beach improvements include the expansion at Lely Barefoot Beach, turnaround ~mprovements and dune crossover at Vanderbilt Beach, and the boat ramp facility at Conklin Point. Co~.~issioner Volpe suggested that the Manager provide various alternatives to be considered for increasing beach access. County Manager Dorrill recalled that ~n past years, there has been a dispute between the School Board and the Board of County Comni~etoners with respect to the distribution of pari-mutuel racll~g funds. He indicated that Representative Hawkins sponsored a bill ~o provide that all the pari-mutuel funds would be accrued to benefit the School Board. He announced that the County has two outstanding bond issues totaling $§.§ million and the County Is required to pay debt service until the year 2003. Mr. Dorrill explained that the School Board is of the impression Page 29 April 7, 1992 that there As 8114,000 available, however, the contention of the Clerk's Office is that there are not e);cess funds available given the debt service reserves and the lump sum payments that have to be main- reined. He alerted the Commission that this issue will be discussed at the next Joint City/County/School Board Meeting. Finance Director Yonkosky addressed the two bond issues: one of which is a note in the form of a bond issue that helped finance the construction of the boardwalk at Clam Pass and pari-mutuel funds were used as the revenue source for same. I{e indicated that the interest payments are variable based on a percentage of prime and a balloon payment is due in the amount of $380,000 in 1996. He reported that the other bond issue will be there for some time. He revealed that the School Board has requested that the County take the money that has been set aside to meet the balloon payment and pay them the $114,000 this year and a different amount over the next several years until the balloon payment is actually made. He indicated that as an alter- native, the Commission could continue to keep that money and pay off the balloon payment three years earlier and then begin making payments to the School Board. He advised that the overall effect to benefit the taxpayers of Collier County which would result in a savings of '$47,000 w~uld be to hold the money, and make the payment in 1993 to pay off the balloon earlier. Mr. Steve Fain, Director of Finance, Collier County Public Schools, stated that the cash flow generated by the pari-mutuel funds is more than sufficient to retire the debt on an annualized basis each year, noting that there is approximately $20,000 left over each year other than interest. He indicated that 'the fund balance that has been accumulated in the race track fund over the past three years has grown from $6~,757 to $690,856. He related that the most recent financial report indicates the fund balance at $774,323. ~e reported that the combination of the debt service reserve on the 1973 bond issue plu~ the reserve required on the 10 year' note which is due in 199~ is approximately $703,000. ~e declared that on October 1st, the County Page 30 April 7, 1992 could have distributed, with no risk of loss or the ablltty to pal, off the future balloon, $70,000. He cited that any excess money during this year could also be distributed. He disclosed that the School Board included the $114,000 into its budget this year. He revealed if the School Board could generate the $114,000 this year and $80,000 in future years on a cash flow basis rather than the County stockpiling the money for the School Board's future benefit, there is the possibi- lity that two teachers positions could be saved. He advised that he has invoiced the County for this money. Commissioner Volpe suggested that consideration be given to assisting the School Board in this regard. The consensus of the Commission was that the County Manager and the County Attorney prepare and present a proposal with respect to payment of the invoice to the School Board. A disc~ussion ensued with regard to the Commission's summer/winte~ recess. It was determined that no regular meetings would be held during the weeks of July 7, July 14, August 25 and December 29, 1992. *$* Co~immtoner Shanahan moved, seconded by Co~mtselonar ~n4 C~ZTi~ 5/0, tl~t the followtn~ items under the consent agenda be ~ and/or adopted: TH~ FINAL FLAT O~ 'WOOD SUBDIVISION' AUTHORIZED FOR RECORDING TI~ ~ lw. dkT OF 'BKI~IUDA GREENS, TRACT F' AUTHORIZED FOR RECORDING TH~ FiliAL FLAT OF 'I~/CHEL°S ESTATES' AIFTHORIZED FOR RECORDING RE~OLUTIOII 92-203 PROVIDING FOR ASSESSI~ENT OF LIEN FOR THE COST OF O~ PUBLIC NUISANCE ON A PARCEL WITHIN NAPLES GROVE AND TRUCK LITTLE FARMS N0. 2, PANSY WALKER, LI~ ESTATE, SARA N. NAItGARNT J. JAMES, CATHERINI~ Y. KNAPP, DORRIS M. MCMILLAN AND See Pages I~OLUTION 92-204 PROVIDING FOR ASSESSNENT OF LIEN FOR THE COST OF AB&~ OF PUBLIC NUISANCE 0~ LOT 10, BLOCK 270, GOLDEN GATE, UNZT Page 31 Apr1! ?, 1992 RESOLUTIOll 92-205 FROVIDING FOR AS!;E$SI(KIIT OF LIKll FOR THE COST JLB&TB~IIT O1~ PUBLIC NUISANCE ON LOT 41, BLOCK 371 OF MARCO BEACH AUDIO DE 3ESUS AND GONZALES RA)IIRKZ It~ ~J. ~A44 See Pages R~OLUTION 92-206 PROVIDING FOR ASSES~T OF LIEN FOR THE COST OF JLBATII~I~ OF PUBLIC NUISANCE ON LO~ ~[ZRTK~ ~ ~~ (13 & 14) ~ B~ "B' OF 3~g P~ S~DIVISZOR, O. L. ~ LUCILE E. Pages RI~OMrT/OJl 92-20? PROVIDING FOR ASSESSPJI~T OF LIK]( FOR TH~ COST OF ABATBI~IrTO~ PUBLIC NUISANCE ON LOTB ? ART) 8, BLOCK 2 OF THE rJtED ~D~3IB S~BD/V~SION, JUNIOR LKK RILKY KSTATK Item J16A4g RESOLUTIOff 92-209 ~OVIDIRG ~R ~SKS~ OF LI~ ~R ~ CO~ OF ~~ Or ~IC ~IS~CK IR ~~T 1S~ ~D LOT 26~ I~O~K]~ ~I~D ~I~S, INC., Item #lSA4h P.~SOZa~os o2-22o PROVIDIN~ FOR ASSESS~X~T OF ~-I~X FOR TH~ COST or ABATIB~ilT OF I~TBLIC NUISANCE O1~ LOT ~0, BLOCK 7, ~RIT 7, NAPLES J4AR~R, ABA~II~IIT O~ IRZ~,IC NUISANCE ON LOT 10, BLOC[ 319, NARCO BEACH 13, RXC3EAI~DW, FZKLD See Pages Page 32 April 7, 1992 RESOLUTX~ 92-212 PROVIDINO FOR &SSES~iENY OF LIEN FOR TH~ COST OF ABATBMII~ OF IN2BLIC NUISANCE ON A PARCEL OF LAND IN SECTION 36, TOJ~MB~IP 46 SOq~I'H, RANGE 28 EAST, ~KSU~ AYALA A~D AI~DRKS DE LA ROSA, JR. It~el~&4k RI:DOLUTXOM 62-21S PROVIDING FOR ASSES~X1TJ OF LIEN FOR THE COST OF AB~~ OF P~BLIC NUISANCE ON A PARCEL OF LAND IN SECTION 16, T~I~SJBIXP 50 SO~TH, RANGE 26 EAST, MILL/AM E. AND JUANZTA A. JUqR&~T 11~ L~TTER OF CREDIT ACCEPTED AS SECURITY FOR LANDSCAPING FOR SITH D~LOFMERT FLAN NO. 90-261A, "NATERPAI~K PLACE", LOCATED IN ~T/O~ 4, T~MN~BXP 49 SOUTH, R&NGE 25 ~ILqT It~ d~l 6&6 RESOLUTX~ 02-234 ~IqAIFTIHG PRELIMINARY ACCEPTANCE OF THE ROADWAY, ~, MITER AND SKWKR IMPI~0~ FOR "QUAIL CREEK VILLAGE, PHASE 1114' - WITH STIPULATIONS Accept the Irrevocable Letter of Credit as security for main- tenance of the infrastructure until the Board of County Commissioners grants final acceptance of all improvements. Preliminary acceptance of improvements will not become effec- tive until water and sewer facilities have been conveyed to Collier County Water-Sewer District. MAT~ F~I~LXTX~ ACCEPTED FOR SAM tS NHOLE:SALE CLUB - MIT~ STIPULATION~ The water facilities to serve the project cannot be placed into service and no Certificate of Occupancy shall be issued until the Florida Department of Environmental Regulation fur- ntshes a letter authorizing the placement of the sewer system into service and approving the water distribution system for service. Bacteriological testing has met the Caunty'e requirements. The Fire Flow requirements of the project have been satisfied, and the Fire District furnishes a letter accepting the fire hydrant for ownership and maintenance. Receipt of payment of water usage from Utilities for bac- teriological testing. That the Board of County Comslsstoners accept as surety the Utilities Performance Bond in the amount of $557.00. April ?, 1992 ~ee Pages The water and sewer facilities to serve the project cannot be placed into service and no Certificate of occupancy shall be issued until the Florida Department of Environmental Regulation furnishes a letter authorizing the placement of these systems into service, and; Bacteriological testing has met the County's requirements, and; The Fire Flow requirements of the project have been satisfied, and the F/re District furnishes a letter accepting the fire hydrant for ownership and maintenance. o. Book / 7~ Pag,,./_/. a - a o~ Xtel#lUlO R~OLUTXOM 92-216 GRANTING FINAL ACCEPT~ICE AND RELEASING THE MAXN'A'B31AIIrf~I SEC~TRITYFOR THE ROJI/)WAY, DRAINAGE, WATER AND SKMKR IM~ROV~M~3IT~ FOR THE FINAL PLATS OF "QUEllS PARK AT LAGO VKRDI, PHASKS X, II, AII~ FX" See Page ,. Item ~16All mov~ to #813 LAND ACCKPTKD FOR ROAD AND DRAINAGE FUR.POSES OF THE RKQUIREMKIFF OF SDP-gl-84 (SAM'S WHOLESALE CLUB) See Pages Xtem ~A~D1 ~ to ~8D4 ~. XtOB ~1~ klete~ Xtem~X6DOmovod to ~8D5 '/ ~~ ~ ~RO~~ ~TXON ~R C~AIN I~~ ~ BE Page 34 April 7, 1992 See Pages BXD '92--1B40 ~NARD~D TO SEWELL DOOR C0~ROL ~ G~SS I~~TI~ OF ~IC~ ACCESSIBLE A~0~TIC ELEC~IC ~ILDI~ ~F~ ~ ~C-1~ - IN ~ ~ OF 813,383 A NE~ ~ A~ BETWEEN COLLIER COUNTY, A POLITICAL SUBDIVISION OF T~ ~TATE OF FLORIDA, AND RICHARD B. LAN~DALE, FOR THE CONTINUED UTILIZATION OF OFFICE SPACE BY THE EMERGENCY SERVICES DIVISION BID PROCESS NAIVED AND TM SOLE SOURCE PURCHASE 0~. THE eelrTJlOL F, XFIPAX 10 CARDIAC MONITOR/DKFIBRILLATOR AND ~(ELATED ~ O~w ~ THE PARAMIIDICS OF TITE EMERGENCY MwDICAL SENVICl~S ~ TO PHYSIO CONTROL CORPORATION - IN THE JU~OUNT OF FOR S~N~ICES RENDERED TO DISTRICT ORE FIRE M~T~ CO~TIIA~TPAItTXCXPA]ITS R~O~TION 92-217 AUTHORIZING EXECUTION M~D ACCEPTANCE OF AN AGREEMENT TH~ FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF CO~qUNITY AFFAIRS AND COLLIER COURTY CERTAIN ~M~3tGENCY MANAG~NT RELATHD ACTIVITIES See Pages Page 35 April 7, 1992 t CKRTXF/C&TKS OIP ~CTION TO THE TAX RO~LS AS PRKSL'HTKD BY THE 1991 TAX ROLL ilo, Data 168/169 03/26/92-03/30/92 1991 TANGIBLE PERSONAL PROPERTY 1991-82/1991-85 IteU#IS,TI ~ ~1 ~ ]N~ II~&~ MOS. 66861A]FD 75018 03/31/92-04/03/92 Itm#l~$ K~TI~F&CTI~ OF LIKM FOR SERVICES OF 1~ PUBLIC DEFENDER See Pages ~~ --o~AO Xtmm ~16J NI~'~[.~O~ CO~PONDENCE - FILED A~/OR ~~D The following miscellaneous correspondence was filed and/or referred to the various departments as indicated below: Letter dated March 25, 1992, to Commissioner Volpe from Greg Farmer, Secretary of Commerce, Department of Commerce, requesting submittal of JOBS FLORIDA list. Copy to Tom Whitecotton, and filed. Letter dated March 25, 1992, to Chairman, BCC, fru= 3on M. Iglehart, Environmental Specialist, Department of Environmental Regulation, re: Collier County - WRR, File No. 112106835. Copies to Bill Lorenz, Frank Brutt, Harry Huber, and filed. Letter dated March 25, 1992, to Chairman, BCC, from Jon M. Iglehart, Environmental Specialist, Department of Environmental Regulation, re: Collier County - WRR, File No. 112106735. Copies to Bill Lorenz, Frank Brutt, Harry Huber, and flled. From the Department of Environmental Regulation, copy of Joint Application for Works in the Waters of Florida, Applicant: Board of County Commissioners, re: Hideaway Beach. Original to Jerry Neal, copies to Bill Lorenz, Frank Brutt, and filed. Dated March 20, 1992, from the Department of Environmental Regulation, Notices of Pu.blic Workshops, Public Meetings and Field Review. Copies to Bill Lorenz, Frank Brutt, and filed. Page 36 11. 12. 13. April 7, 1992 Copy to Collier County of letter dated March 24, 1992, to Brett D. Moore, P.E., Vice President, Humtston and Moore Engineers, from Tony D. McNeal, Engineer, Bureau of Coastal Engineering and Regulation, Department of Natural Resources, re: Notice to Proceed, Permit Number: C0-362; Permittee Name: Westinghouse Communities of Naples, Inc. Copies to Frank Brutt, Bill Lorenz, and filed. Copy to Collier County of letter dated March 24, 1992, to John D. Remington, President, A. Vernon Allen Builders, Inc., from Tony D. McNeal, Engineer, Bureau of Coastal Engineering and Regulation, Department of Natural Resources, re: Notice to Proceed, Modification Permit Number: CO-326 M1; Permtttee Name: Douglas and Mercy Bathey. Copies to Frank Brutt, BIll Lorenz, and flied. Copy to Chairman, BCC, of letter dated March 23, 1992, Nell Dorrill, County Manager, from Wayne L. Schiefelbein with Gatlin, Woods, Carlson & Cowdery, Attorneys at Law, re: Application of Florida Cities Water Company - Golden Gate Division, for an increase Jn water and wastewater rates in Collier County; Docket No. 911194-WS. Copies to BCC, Mike Arnold, and filed. Minutes Received and Filed: Ae Pelican Bay MSTU/BU Advisory Committee Agenda for April 1992, and Minutes of March 4, 1991 Meeting. Pelican Bay MSTU/BU Advi~ory Committee Revised Agenda for April 1, 1992. Environmental Policy Technical Advisory Board Minutes of March 9, 1992, Meeting. Golden Gate Parkway Beautification Advisory Committee Unedited Minutes of February 11, 1992, Meeting. Library Advisory Board Minutes of February 27, 1992, Meeting. Collier County Planning Commission Agenda for April 2, 1992. Notice to Owner dated March 20, 1992, to BCC from Universal Pipe and Steel Supply, under an order given by Cabana Construction, for 951 Water/Sewer Imp, Phase 1 & 2. Copies to Steve Carnell, John Yonkosky, and filed. Notice to Contractor dated March 24, 1992, to BCC from Sewer Viewer, Inc., under an order given by Yahl Underground, to clean, repair and inspect sanitary sewer lines at South Naples Waste Collection Control #3. Copies to Steve Carnell, John Yonkosk¥, and filed. Notice to Nonpayment dated March 24, 1992, to BCC from Sewer Viewer, Inc., under an order given by Yahl Underground, to clean, repair and inspect sanitary sewer lines at South Naples Waste Collection Control #3. Copies to Steve Carnell, John Yonkosky, and filed. Notice to Owner dated March 23, 1992, to BCC from Ferguson Enterprises, Inc., under an order given by Great Monument Construction Co., for pipe, valves, fittings and plumbing materials for the North County Regional Water Treatment Plant, Contract #2. Copies to Steve Carnell, John Yonkosk¥, and filed. Page 37 April 7, ~992 14. Notice to Owner dated March 24, 1992, to BCC from Bonita Limestone Trans, Inc., under an order' given by Florida State Underground, Inc., for materials, dump truck and equipment services, for 95! Water/Sewer Improvement, Phase I & II. Copies to Steve Camel10 John Yonkosky, and filed. 15. Notice to Owner dated March 25, 1992, to BCC from Highway Valets, Inc., under an order given by Harper Bros., for reflective pavement markers, thermoplastic striping for Goodlette-Frank Road. Copies to Steve Carnell, John Yonkosky, and filed. 16. Notice to Owner dated March 26, 1992, to Collier County from Rae's Sod Company, under an order given by Sunny Grove Landscape, for sod delivery and installation for East Naples Fire & Rescue. It was the consensus to accept the report as presented in the agenda package. 17. Receipt issued March 25, 1992, from the District Court of Appeal, Second District, re: Case No. 92-00682. Copy to Ken Cuyler, and filed. 18. Letter dated March 26, 1992, to BCC from James H. Stesky, Siesky and Lehman, P.A., Attorneys at Law, re: Notices to the School Board of Collier County to connect to Collier County Sewer Facilities and Notice of Sewer Impact Fee Statement. Copy to Mike Arnold, and filed. 19. Dated March 27, 1992, Motion for Costs re: Case No. 91-1789-CF-A-TB, Criminal Action in the Circuit Court of the Twentieth Judicial Circuit in and for Collier County, Florida. 0rigina] to Ken Cuyler, and copy fi/ed. BOARD OF OOONTY COMMISSIONERS TO SERV~ AS THE LOCAL COORDI~IATING UNIT OF ~ IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA'S DEPARTMENT OF C~UNITY AFFAIR~' ANTI-DRUG ABUSE ACT FORMULA GRANT PROGRAM See Page J. / There being no further business for the Good of the County, the meeting was adjourned by Order of the Chair - Time: 4:30 P.M. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS/EX OFFICIO GOVERNING BOARD(S) OF SPECIAL DISTRICTS UNDER ITS CONTROL rCHAE . OLPE, CHAIRMAN as presented ' ss approV, ed by the Board on : '.~"'~ or as corrected Page 38