BCC Minutes 04/22/1992 B Naples, F]ortda, April 22, 1992 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commissioners in and for the County of Collier, and also acting as the Board of Zoning Appeals and as the governing board(s) of such special districts as have been created according to law and having conducted business herein, met on this date at 5:40 P.M. in BUDGET WORKSHOP SESSION in Building "F" of the Government Complex, East Naples, Florida, with the following members present: CHAIRMAN: VICE-CHAIRMAN: (ABSENT): Michael J. Volpe Richard S. Shanahan Patricia A. Goodnight Max A. Hasse, Jr. Burr L. Saunders ALSO PRESENT: Mike McNees, Budget Director; Kathy Meyers and Debby Fart]s, Deputy Clerks; Jennifer Edwards, Assistant to the County Manager; Dennis Cronin, Assistant County Attorney; Neil Dorrill, County Manager; Ken Cuyler, County Attorney; Frank Brutt, Community Development Services Administrator; Tom Oil]fl, Public Services Administrator; Jay Reardon, Emergency Services Administrator; Stan Litsinger, Growth Management Director; John Boldt, Water Management Director; Peter Bolton, Chief Helicopter Pilot for Emergency Services; Vince Doerr, Chief Ochopee Fire Control; Margret Bowles, Growth Management Analyst; Ken Pineau, Emergency Management Director; and Deputy Byron Tomlinson, Sheriff's Office. 01' Page I April 22, 1992 Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on April 22, 1992, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, budget workshop was conducted. Ken Pineau, Emergency Management Director, presented a review of this Department and personnel to the Board. Regarding Emergency Management, Commissioner Shanahan manked the base level as Mandatory, EOC Crisis Management as Essential, Emergency Program Enhancement as Essential and to accept the County Manager's recommendation on building/fire safety, to which the Board concurred. Regarding the Immokalee Urgent Care Clinic, Commissioner Volpe reported that it would be ranked I for Important, and the Board con- curred. Regarding Helicopter Operations, Peter Bolton, Chief Helicopter Pilot reported that in 1991 there were 388 calls that were received that needed the helicopter and were not responded to, because they occurred at night and because of limited staffing. Tape ~Z Commissioner Shanahan reported the ranking for this Department, as Base Level of Service being Mandatory, Routine Inter-facility Patient Transfers being Essential, Administrative Flights for County Agencies being Important and the 24 Hour Immediate Helicopter Response to be researched for more information and to determine if it can be done seasonally. Regarding Emergency Medical Services, Jay Reardon, Emergency Services Administrator, noted that the Base Level of Service is 87% of the current budget. Mr. Reardon reported on this Department and related personnel and budget information. Mr. Reardon related that the County EMS is meeting the urban requirements of the service response time standard within the Impact Fee Ordinance and the County's standards, but not the rural require- ments. Page 2 April 22, 1992 eee Deput~ Clerk Farrie replaced Deputy Clerk Neyere at thia tame Regarding EMT/Paramedic Reclassification, Emergency Services Administrator Reardon reported there are six positions remaining that are EMT rated. He related that this is the third year into the program and normally would conclude or end same by converting these six EMT positions to Paramedic. County Manager Dorrill confirmed this is a program he is not recommending. Commissioner Shanahan suggested the following classifications: · 1, Base Level of Service - mandatory; #2, Dual Paramedic Staffing - essential; #3, Senior Paramedic Program - Important; #4, EMS Billing Section - Mandatory with review needed; #5, Capital Outlay Reserve - Important; ~6, Flight Medic Program - "I"; #?, Growth Management CIE Staffing - "I"; Span of Control - "I"; and accept County Manager Dorrill'a recommendation of "NR". Regarding #?, Growth Management CIE Staffing, Commissioner Volpe felt this item should be earmarked for possible reduction. Mr. Reardon replied this can be viewed either 2, 4, 6 o~ 3, 3, depending on projections for that fiscal year. Mr. ~eardon, referring to the organizational chart, advised that due to packaging the Medical Examiner's Office is not shown as part of the division responsibility, nor is the Immokalee Clinic, Western Gateway or District 1. He explained that within the Base Level Service, comprised also of himself, the Administrative Secretary, and Clerical Secretary, two existing positions are not recognized, i.e. Training and Education Quality Manager and Admlnistratlve Manager, as they are included on the Managcr's recommended cut list. Mr. Reardon referred to page 107 for an overview as to the type of functions the division performs. He voiced his oplnion that the Admin~strator will be quickly swamped if the proposed positions are removed. Couxlty Manager Dorr]ll stated that the replacement fo~ Mr. Page 3 April 22, 1992 Rsardon's position will have to assume additional responsibility for certain day-to-day and contracted administration functions, and other employees will be expected to assume additional responsibilities as well. Comm~ssioner Goodnight expressed the belief that the County's basic level of service experienced over the last few years will not be there ~n the continuing year due to reduction in funding. County Manager Dorrill reflected that the benefits afforded by zero based program priority budgeting include the Board of County Commissioners being able to "pick and choose" this June during review of the financial budgets. A brief discussion ensued regarding the advisability of hiring someone strictly to pursue EMS grants. Mr. Reardon briefly explained Staff rank #2, #3, #4 and #5. Mr: Reardon pointed out it ~s not generally accurate to say the independent districts do CPR training as a lot of them come to the County for that. It was the consensus that the rankings were rated "M", "E", "E", There being no further business for the Good of the County, the meeting was ad3ourned by Order of the Chair - Time: 7:30 P.M. Page 4