BCC Minutes 04/28/1992 R Naples, Florida, April 28, 1992 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commissioners in and for the County of Collier, and also acting as the Board of Zoning Appeals and as the governing board(s) of such special districts as have been created according to law and having conducted business herein, met on this date at 9:00 A.M. in REGULAR SESSION in Building "F" of the Government Complex, East Naples, Florida, with the fo/lowing members present: CHAIRMAN: Michael J. Volpe VICE-CHAIRMAN: Richard S. Shanahan Patricia A. Goodntght Max A. Hasse, Jr. Burr L. Saunders ALSO PRESENT: James C. Giles, Clerk; John Yonkosky, Finance D~rector; Annette Guevin, Debby Fart]s, Kathy Meyers, and Ellie Hoffman, Deputy Clerks; Neil Dorrtll, County Manager: Jennifer Edwards, Assistant to the County ManaGer; Ken Cuyler, County Attorney; Frank Brutt, Community Development Services Administrator; Ken Baginski, PlanninG Services Manager; John MadaJewsk], Project Review Services Manager: Dennis Cronfn, Richard Yovanovich, Brenda Wilson, and Ramiro Manalich, Assistant County Attorneys; Tom Olltff, Public Services Administrator: Wayne Arnold, Bob Lord, Sam Saadeh, Philip Scheff, and Chahran Badamtchian, Project Planners; Paul Brigham, Court Administrator; Fred Bloetscher, Assistant Utilities Administrator; David Weeks, Senior Planner; Mike Arno]d, Utilities Admin~strator; Michael Smykowski, Budget Analyst: Sue Filson, Administrative Assistant to the Board; and Deputy Byron Tomlinson, Sheriff's Office. Page 1 A~E~DA - APPROVED WITH CHANGES April 28, 1992 Co~/sm~oner Haeee moved, eeconded by Con~eetoner Shanahan and c~/~rted un~nt~ou~l¥ to approve the agenda w~th the changee es Indi- c&ted on the Agenda Change Sheet. ,~ 000,~. (}9 Page 2 Zt~ ~3B CONSEIIT &GENDA - APPROVED AND/OR ADOPTED April 28, 1992 The motion for approval of the Consent Agenda is noted under Item ~ OF KEGULAR BCC M~ETING OF DECEMBER 17, 1991 - API~IOVED AS Com~iasioner Hesse moved, seconded by Co.missioner Goodnlght and carried un~nimoualy, that the m~nutes of the regular BCC ~eet~ng of December 17, 1991 be approved as presented. PROCLAMATION DESIGNATING MAY AS OLDKR AMERICAN tS MONTH - ADOPTED Co~isaloner Hasse moved, seconded by Commissioner Goodntght and c~rried unanl~ouely, that the proclamation designating May, 1992 as Older A~ertcan~s Month be adopted. Page 3 April 28, 1992 PltOCLAMATION DE$I~lqATINO THE MONTH OF MAY AS FOOT HEALTH MONTH - Com~iealoner Shanahan moved, seconded by Commiss~oner Hesse and carried unani~ousl¥, that the proclamation designating May, 1992 as Foot Health Month be adopted. Page 4 April 28, 1992 :i PROCLAMATION DESIGNATING APRIL 28, 1992, AS COURTHOUSE VOLUNTgER R~CO~NITION DAY - ADOPTED Cosatsatoner Saunders ~oved, seconded by Co--$tssioner Shanahan and carrte~ unani~ou~l¥, that the proclamation designating Tuesday, April 28, 1992 u Courthouse Volunteer Recognition Day be adopted. Numerous individuals were recognized. Page 5 · April 28, 1992 FROCI=AMATION DESIGNATING MAY 2, 1992, AS HISPANIC HERITAGE DAY IN COr.r. IER COUNTY - ADOPTED Commissioner Goodntght moved, seconded by Comstsetoner Hesse and carried unanimously, that the proclamation designating Saturday, May 2, 1992 u Hispanic Heritage Day in Collier County be adopted. Page 6 Item EMi~LO%~K~ SER~ICH AWARDS - PRESENTED April 2~, 1992 Commissioner Volpe congratulated the following employees and pre- sented them with Employee Service Awards: Marilyn K. Matthew, Library - 10 years Thomas N. Braun, Animal Control - 10 years Cheryl L. Soter, Community Development/Customer Service - 5 years Item ~12C1 GEORGE L. VARNADOE REQUESTING AN AME~DMENT TO ORDINANCE 91-42, POINT MARCO PUD, TO CORRECT THE INADVERTENT PLACEMENT OF ASTERISKS - CONTINUED TO MAY 5, 1992 Mr. Smith Thompson, resident of Marco Island, stated that the Board should ask the developer why the Parcel 2 construction promised a year ago has never been started, and why the termination of the reverter rights of the developer has not been delivered. County Manager Dorrill reported that the advertisement was incorrect and should show the County Community Development Division as the petitioner and not the landowner, therefore, the request is to continue this item as noted on the Agenda Change Sheet to May 5, 1992. Item ~Al&2 BUDGET AMENDMENTS 92-240 AND 92-242/244 - ADOPTED Comteelonmr Hmsss moved, seconded by Commissioner Shanahan and ¢~rrt~ unmnt~usl¥, t~t Budget ~en~en~s 92-240 ~d 92-242/244 ad~t~. Item 06D ~RT ON I~IM FIN~CI~ I~0~TION - P~SE~ED John Yonkosky, Finance Director, stated that this is only a Report to the Board and no action is required. He pointed out that under Other Intergovernmental the Budget is $501,800, year to date for the six month period is $65,000 and does not indicate anything unusual. He noted that Rents and Royalties are budgeted for $28,900 and only $584 has come in. He discussed the indirect cost reimbursement under miscellaneous income appears low, but is not, as it is the timing as Page April 28, 1992 to when the revenues are transferred as a large percentage of them are transferred within the last six months. Mr. Yonkosky noted that the road impact fees are coming in slowly, and water and sewer are significantly ahead. Mr. Yonkosky reported that the total cash available for the County's use at midpoint in the year, March 3], 1992, is $211,928,778 and of that $16,792,663.61 is Yield Restricted Cash. Commissioner Volpe noted that the County is in better financial shape this year as opposed to last year with respect to the sales tax revenues. Itn~?& JO~Nl~Gtn{ REPRESEltTING COLLIER COUNTY VETERANS COUNCIL, INC. John Magee, Vice Chairman of Collier County Veterans Council, reported that there are ten organizations that comprise the Collier County Veterans Council and over 20,000 veterans in Collier County. He noted that veterans go to Fort Myers to be hospitalized and St. Petersburg for expensive testing, and he is requesting $18,000 be appropriated to implement the plan to obtain a vehicle and provide transportation, of which the veterans have already raised $8,000. Mr. 011iff expressed that this item is a request from the Collier County Veterans for $18,000 to be provided from the General Fund as start-up money for a transportation program, and he believed that the veterans community would support through donations any shortfall con- cerning revenues, after implementation. County Manager Dorrill perceived that a budget will be ~stablished for this program, as the County will own and operate the vehicle and be reimbursed for expenses. C~mmteeloner $&undsrs moved, seconded by Commissioner Shanahan and cmrri~ nnani~ously, to approve in concept, the establiah~ent of this trmn~ort&tion program to assist veterans. $$' Recessed: Z0:10 A.M. - Reconvened: Z0:20 A.M. at which time Deputy Clerk Guevin replaced Deputy Clerk Meyers ''$ April 28, 1992 DISCUSSION OF REVIEW STATUS AND REQUEST FOR DIRECTION RE PETITION ~P-90-1~, SAN MARCO PARK - APPLICANT TO PROVIDE WRITTEN REQUEST FOR TWO-YEA~ ~XTEN~ION WITH STIPULATIONS John MadaJewski, Project Review Services Manager, reviewed the status of San Marco Park, indicating several issues are unresolvable by the applicant that have a direct bearing on Staff being able to approve an extension on the project. He explained a Staff list of four proposed stipulations should the Board approve a two-year exten- sion. Finance Director Yonkosky advised the Board on the history of an approximate $55,000 owed the County by Mr. Basik ~n relation to this project. Tape #2 A lengthy discussion ensued regarding what security Mr. Basik would be able to provide for reimbursement to the County. Ron Webster, Attorney for Mr. Bas]k, explained the first short- term lender has filed suit to foreclose on the property, necessitating Mr. Basik to file for bankruptcy. He indicated if the Fermitting ~ssues can be resolved, there will be sufficient funds to satisfy what ~s owed the County, and he would have no problem recommending that Mr. Basik acknowledge his indebtedness in a form suitable to th= County Attorney. The following people spoke regarding this item: Charlotte Westman, League of Women Voters of Collier County Frances Barsh, Taxpayers Action Group Co~missioner Shanahan moved, seconded by Commissioner Hames, to approve Staff's stipulations for the San Marco Park project, the addi- tional stipulations that the applicant submit a written request for a tleO-~x m~t~on within 30 days and a f~nancial a~reement be entered into ~ Collier County and the applicant acknowledging the monies County Attorney Cuyler commented the agreement will be an assign- ment of proceeds and unsecured promissory note. 2i Page 9 Aprll 28, Igg2 CommlssAoner Saunders remarked the extension is contingent upon receipt of the assignment of proceeds and the note. He said Af the note and the assignment are not received in a form satisfactory to the County Attorney, the extension is null and void. Commissloner Vo]pe noted he cannot support the motion. He said the Board has compounded this problem each and every time this matter has come before it. He indicated the security to be provided the Oounty by Mr. Basik, in his view, is not security to ensure the repayment of funds to the County. ~ call for the question, the motion carried 4/1 (Co.~sstoner Volpe opposed. ) Xtmad~B DISCU$SXON lq~ OSPREY LANDING - STA]~ TO FILE MOTION FOR CLARIFICATION MXTH CIRCUIT COURT AND APPEAL TO SECOND DISTRICT COURT Assistant County Attorney Wilson reported the outcome of the case of Rockwell Gust, J.R. Properties, vs. the Board of County Commissioners. She advised the Court entered an Order on April 20th in favor o~ the developer of Osprey Landing and ordered that the deci- sion of the Board of County Commissioners to deny the PUD amendment be reversed and remanded back within 30 days of the Order. She recom- mended that the County apply to the Court for a motion for clarifica- tion and after that mot]on is heard, that an appeal be filed. O~mi~i~ner Shanahan moved, seconded by Co~issioner Hesse, to ~~ clarification of the Order and authorize the County Attorney's OffAls ~e gtle an apI~eal. George Galster spoke regarding this item. ~ call for the question, the motion carried unanimously. HEAHIN~ DATES FOR 'BATCH" REZONINGS PURSUANT TO THE ZONIN~ REA~ALUATION ORDINANCE 90-2~ (ZRO) SCHEDULED FOR JUNE 22ND AND OCTOBER XgTE FRON 9:00 A.M. TO ~:00 P.M. Planner Weeks asked the Board to set public hearing dates for "batch" rezonings on June 22nd and October 19th. Page 10 April 28~ 3992 In response to Commissioner Volpe, Planner Weeks stated 200 properties will be scheduled for the first hearinG. He said the second hearinG in October will deal with less than !00 properties. It wuo the consensus to schedule the public hearings for "Batch' Rezonlngu on Juna 22nd and October 19th from 9:00 A.M. to l:00 P.M. Item#B&3 UNIFIED ~ D~LO~ CODE ~GUAGE TO BE ~ISED CONCEDING ~ ~Q~ OF P~ING CO~ISSION ~ETINGS HELD IN THE I~O~LEE ~ Frank Brutt, Community Development Services Administrator, reported Staff has worked with the County Attorney's Office to draw up language revising the ULDC, whereby the CCPC may take a vote at a reffular meeting to determine whether it is necessary to meet in Immoka/ee regarding items of potential interest to that community. C~lsolonar Goodnight moved, seconded by Contsstoner Shanahan ~ cmxrle4 nnmn~mously, that Staff be directed to take the necessary action to ~ the Ordinances that would allow for the scheduling of CCPC ~ti~ in I~okalee. Its ~Cl ~QUE~T FOR APPROVAL AND AUTHORIZATION FOR CHAIRMAN TO SIGN AGREEMENT FOR & LIBRARY SERVICES AND CONSTRUCTION ACT, TITLE I GRANT - APPROVED Assistant County Attorney Ramiro Manaltch explained this item was removed from the consent agenda in order to incorporate a change to the Agreement on page 2, I.k. He said the language has been changed more to the County's favor to be consistent with Chapter 768.28 and the limited waiver of sovereign immunity. Coumisaioner Saunders moved, seconded by Conieeloner Shmnahan and cmrrie~ nnant~ousl¥, to approve and authorize the Chatrm~m to eigu the A~ree~nt for m Library Services and Construction Act, Title I Grant for ~nt Fund~ to provide a bilingual professional librarian super- vistn~ the I~okalee Branch of the Collier County Public Library. 23' Page 11 April 28, 1992 RESOLUTION 92-254 AND CWS-92-4 RE DISTRICT 1 - EAST AND SOUTH NAPLES SANITARY S~El~ SYSTEM - LEGAL DESCRIPTION AND TAX MAPS DESIGNATING THE DISTRICT BOUNDARIES - ADOPTED Mike Arnold, Utilities Administrator, explained construction for the East and South Naples Sanitary Sewer project has been completed, and Staff is moving into the final phase which Is scheduling public hearings and levying final assessments. He presented Items #8D1 through #8D5, which are resolutions relating to the decision made to collect the assessments via Inclusion on ad valorem tax bills. He advised the procedure is for the Board to formally adopt and convey to the Property Appraiser and Tax Collector, tax maps and legal descrip- tions which define all the properties to be served by the project. Commissioner Goodntght moved, seconded by Contsstoner Saunders mhd carried un~nt~ously, to adopt Resolution 92-254 and CWS-92-4, the legal ducrtptton and tax maps designating the "Distr~ct One - East ~and So~th Naple~ Saner&fy Sewer System Assessment Distrlct". Page 12 April 28, 1992 92-255 AND CWS-92-5 RE DISTRICT 2 - EAST AND SO~ ~ ~ - LKG~ DESCRI~ION ~ T~ ~S DESIGNATING THE C~/~a~oner Shanahan loved, seconded by Coatsstoner Saunders and c~rrted unanImously, to adopt Resolution 92-255 and CWS-92-5, the legal deacr~pt~on and tax maps designating the "Dtstr/ct Two - East ·nd Sonth Naples Sanitary Sewer Systea Assessment D/strict" Page 13 April 28, 1992 It~SOF~UTION 92-256 AND CWS-92-6 RE DISTRICT 3 - EAST AND SOUTH NAPLES ~NITART ~ SYSTEM - LEGAL DESCRIPTION AND TAX MAPS DESIGNATING THE DISTRICT BOUNDARIES - ADOPTED CotemiooAouor Goodnlght moved, seconded by Contssioner Shanahan mhd c~TrAedttn~n~m~uol¥, to adopt Resolution 92-256 and CWS-92-6, the leg~l de~cT~pt~on ~nd tax ~aps designating the "DIstrict Three - East ~nd ~th Naples S~n~tar~ Sewer System Assessment D~str~ct". 53' Page 14 April 28, ~992 P~OLUTION g2-257 AND CW~-92-? RE DISTRICT · - EAST AND SOUTH NAPLES BANITART ~E~ER SI~TEM - LEGAL DESCRIPTION AND TAX MAPS DESIGNATIN~ THE DISTRICT BOUNDARIES - ADOPTED Commissioner Goodntght moved, seconded by ¢ontsslonsr Hasse and carri~ l~ni~u~ly, to adopt Resolution 92-257 ~d ~S-92-7, the 1~1 ~crtptton ~d t~ ~ps dest~attng the "District F~r - East ~ ~th Nap~m~ S~tta~ S~er Symte~ Assessment District". 59 Page Apr11 28, 1992 KESOL~TIO~ 92-258 A~D C1~3-92-8 RE DISTRICT 5 - EAST AND SOUTH NAPLES ~[~NITAH~ ~ ~ - LEG~ DES~I~ION ~ T~ ~ DESIGNATIN~ ~ DX~ ~~I~ - ~D ~mt#t~r ~x~intght ~ov~t, seconded by Co~tsstoner Saunders ~ ~t~ ~tmly, to adopt Resolution 92-258 ~d ~S-92-8, the 191 ~tptta ~d tu ~ps desl~attng the "District Five - E~t ~ ~th lapla $~tt~ S~r Syste~ ~sesa~ent District'. Page 16 April 28, 1992 ]rESOLUTION 92-259 AND CWS-92-9, FIXING JUNE 2, 1992, AT 9:00 A.M. FOR THE I~IBLIC HEARING ON TIlE CONFIRMATION OF THE PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT ROLL F~R DISTRICT 1 - EAST AND SOUTH NAPLES SANITARY SEWER PROJECT - ADOPTED WITH CHANGES Mr. Arnold explained Items #8D6 through #8D10 are identical reso- lutions relating to the five separate districts of the East and South Naples Sanitary Sewer Project. He noted these resolutions will set in motion the steps that will follow from here until approximately mid-September, at which time the final adopted costs and rolls will be conveyed to the Tax Collector for inclusion on the tax bills. He remarked Staff recommends the public hearings be conducted on June 2, ~992 at 9:00 A.M. He reported the resolutions also set forth the total costs in each of the five districts, the total front footage to be assessed and the dollar amount per front foot for each district, with the exception of District 5. He requested dollar amounts be changed in each of the resolutions. Mr. Arnold communicated the total cost for District ! will be $18,340,083.12, with a total assessed linear footage of 297,259.69 and a cost of $61.4152 per foot. Mr. Arnold also requested a change be made within the Notice to be published in the Naples Daily News, on page 3 of each resolution, by deleting the following: "... collection costs including discounts permitted under Section ]97.3632, Florida Statutes, Tax Collector expenses, Property Appraiser expenses and District Clerk expenses;" ~ee~r Shanmhan moved, seconded by Co~missioner Goodntght ~ c~'i~ ~an~mously, to adopt Resolution 92-259 and GW~-92-9, fix~ J~ 2, 1992, at 9:00 A.M. for the public hearing on the con- fimtl~n of the preliminary assessment roll for District 1 - East and ~th ~1~ S~nitary Sewer Project, with the changes as stated above. Mr. Arnold further noted between 1980 and ]985 an MSTU was established in District I which collected funds for the forerunner of this project, termed the South Half of Area "B" Project. He said that project went to the design process, but died for lack of public sup- 80 Page 17 April 28, 1992 port at that time. He advised approximately $600-700,000 remain in that account which may be rebated back to the current property owners. He asked that the Board authorize him to explore with Wilson, Miller, Barton & Peek, Inc., the sub-consultant on this project under Hole, Montes R Associates, what additional costs would be incurred for them to research this refund issue prior to the final hearings. Finance Director ¥onkosky asked the Board to recognize those funds are ad valorem dollars, and there is a very particular process, if it is available at a/l, in order to rebate those monies. County Attorney Cuyler asked the Board to allow him to coordinate with his Assistant, Mr. Arnold and Finance Director Yonkosky before final sign off on a contract amendment. Page April 28, 1992 Xt~ I~D7 RESOLUTION 92-260 AND CWS-92-10, FIXING JUNE 2, 1992, AT 9:00 A.M. FOR TH~ PUBLIC HEARING ON THE CONFIRMATION OF THE PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT ]tOLL FOR DISTRICT 2 - EAST AND SOUTH NAPLES SANITARY SEWER PROJECT - ~OPT~ ~TH CHANGES Mr. Arnold noted the total cost for Dtstrict 2 will be $531,604.36, with a total assessed l~near footage of 9,417.38 and a cost of $56.4493 per foot. He asked that the same verbiage as in Dlstr~ct ! be deleted. C4~mto~er Sh~nahan ~oved, seconded by Conisstoner Saunders and CmXTl~ ~ou~ly, to adopt Resolution 92-260 and CWS-92-10, fixing J~n~ 2, 1992, at 9:00 A.M. for the public hearing on the confir~at~on of ~ i~-el~nar~ usess~ent roll for District 2 - East and South Naple~ ~nttar~ Sewmr Project, with the changes as stated above. Page 19 April 28, ~992 92-261 ~ CW~-92-11, FIXING ~ 2, 1992, AT 9:00 &.H. FOR B~.I~RING ON ~ CO~I~TION OF ~E ~LI~IN~ ~SESS~ DI~I~ 3 - ~ST ~ SO~ N~LES S~IT~Y S~R ~OJ~CT - Mr. Arnold requested the total cost for District 3 be changed to $1,083,799.17, with a total assessed linear footage of 19,425.08 and a cost of $55.7938 per foot, and that same language be deleted as noted above. ~o~mtsstoner Shanahan ~oved, seconded by Coutsstoner Hasse and c&rrted un~nt~onsly, to adopt Resolution 92-261 arid CWS-92-11, f~x~ng J~s 2, 1992, at 9:00 A.M. for the public hearing on the confirmation of tbs prel~minary assessment roll for District 3 - East and South Naples Sanitary Sewer Project, with the changes as stated above. 000, 104 Page 20 April 28, 1992 R~,21OLITI'ZON 92-262 &RD C"w~-92-12, FIXING ~ 2, 1992, AT 9:00 A.N. FOR TH~ P~BLIC H~RING ON THE CONFIRMATION OF THE PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR DISTRICT 4 - EAST AND SOUTH NAPLES SANITARY SEWER PROJECT - ADOPTED ~TH CHANGES Mr. Arnold stated the resolution for District 4 will change to a total cost of $6,702,326.?3, with a total assessed linear footage of 127,740.§4 and a cost of $61.3460 per foot. He asked that the above language deletions also be made to th~s resolution. Ce~lNioner Shanahan moved, seconded by Conissloner Goodntght ·nd ca, Tied unanimously, to adopt Resolution 92-262 aund Cq6S-92-12, fixt~ June 2, 1992, at 9:00 A.M. for the public hearing on the con- fAx-m~tton of the pre/Aa/nary assessment roll for DistrAct · - Eut and South N~lea Sanitary Sewer Project, with the changes as noted above. Page 21 April 2S, 1992 Zt~DAO RK~OI~;TION 92-263 AND CWS-92-13, FIXING JUNE 2, 1992, AT 9:00 A.M. FOR TH~ i~;BLIC H~LRING ON THE CONFIRMATION OF THE PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR DIS"~RICT 5 - EAST AND SOUTH NAPLES SANITARY SEWER PROJECT - ADO~ t~ZTH CHANGES Mr. Arnold reported the total cost for District § is $747,201.38. He advised there are no linear footages applicable, in that they are all special pump station type assessments in this district. He reiterated his request for the language deletions. ~imeloner Shanahan ~oved, seconded by Commissioner Hasse and cmrrl~ ~t~ou~ly, to adopt Resolution 92-263 and CWS-92-13, fixing Jttn~ 2, 1992, at 9:00 A.M. for the Imubl~c hearing on the conf~rmat~on of t~ ~li, inma'F assessment roll for Distr~ct 5 - East and South ~ap]~ ~nit~ ~wer Project, with the changes as noted above. 123 Page 22 April 28, 1992 BID ~92-10Ge FOR THE NORTH COUNTY REGIONAL WATER TREATMENT PL&.NT ZNJECTIONA~gD MONITORING WELL CONSTRUCTION PROJECT - AWARDED TO YO~IST BRa, INC., IN THE AMOUNT OF $2,875,215 Fred Bloetscher, Assistant Utilities Administrator, advised the Board that a/though 60 notices were sent, only one firm, Youngquist Brothers, Inc., responded to Bid #92-1868. He said Staff felt the bid received was too high at $3,200,000 and through subsequent discussions with the contractor, the bid amount was reduced to $2,875,215. He indicated it is the Board's option to award the contract to Youngquist Brothers or direct Staff to rebid the project. He concluded it is Staff's recommendation that Bid #92-1868 be awarded to Youngquist Brothers. Re exp]alned a delay for rebiddtng may result in the poten- tial for delay claims from the contractor on the North County Regional Water Treatment Plant, since both occupy the same site. Dr. Charles Walker with Mlss~mer & Associates, addressed the Board concerning the reliability of injection wells in the South Florida area. Gregory Zak provided his opinion on the amount of the proposed contract. A lengthy discussion ensued, whereby Tim Younquist defended his Company's bid. ~mmal~/oner Hasse moved, seconded by Co~i~eloner Goodntght, to ~ Bid ~2-1~68 to Y~ist Brothers, Inc., tn the $2,875,215. Co~1sstoner Shanahan communicated his concern with ~he amount of the bad and the fact that only one company responded to the Request for Proposal. ~ call for the ~eetton, the ~tlon carried 4/1 (Co~lsetoner S~ ~). ~ee ~ C~k F~rts replaced ~ty Clerk ~evtn at Page 23 April 28, 1992 I~Z.~K~MUTIOI 92-264/CWS 92-14/MW(J 92-1/014D 92-1, ~ INSTITUTION OF ~R~MO~ITKE J~TION ON DELINQUE~ WATER AND/OR S~R SP~CI~ County Attorney Cuyler explained the Executive Summary sets out the Statutory provision requiring direction to staff to institute foreclosure actions on delinquent water and sewer special assessment l~ens, lists the various assessment districts, number of parcels contained in each, total amount of the delinquent assessments, and then totals the parcels and amount of delinquent assessments. A brief discussion ensued regarding the required notification pro- cess. Commissioner Volpe suggested perhaps reaching the Marco Islanders through SSU (Southern States Utility), and County Attorney Cuyler responded he will pursue that llne of thought. ~llile~er Hasse moved, seconded by Co~Lmtssion~?- ~:~odn~ght and c~rrie~ ~olallT, to d~rect staff to institute foreclosure action o~ Ml~z~t w~ter and/or sel/er I~ecial assessments, thereb~ adopting lteeolnt~on 92-264/C1~ 92-14/MW$ 92-1 and ~ 92-1. 000 .,.,: 13,3' Page 24 April 28, 1992 ese ]tm~mmm: 12:50 P.M. - Reconvened: 1:30 P.M. ''' ORDI~ '2-13, R~ PETITION PUD-87-14(1), RAYMOND W. MILLER OF ~I~, M~J,~, B~TON & PEEK, INC. REQUESTING A REZON~ FROM PUD TO PUD ~ A~ BAILEY EXECUTIVE PARK PUD FOR A PROFESSIONAL OFFICE PARK FOR ~ DO~AT~D ON THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF AIRPORT-PULLING ROAD A~D ~IL~ LANE - ADOPTED W/STIPULATIONS AND NAME CHANGE Legal notice having been published tn the Naples Dally News on April 9, 1992, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened. Planner Scheff Identified the location of the sub3ect site and communicated the Petitioner's Intent to add medical offices as a per- mitted use within the PUD, even though it was approved in 1987 with the specific exclusion of medical offices. He distributed copies of revised pages with necessary changes to bring the PUD document into compliance with the new Collier County Land Development Code. He confirmed that recommendations of staff as well as the Collier County Planning Commission are for approval. Commissioner Saunders questioned whether the Petitioner ts tn agreement with the square footage limitations and was told he ts. Alan Reynolds, representing Raymond W. Miller, explained that, since the time of approval of the PUD, the building has been named the Wilson Professional Center, and he relayed the request to have the PUD name conform to the center itself rather than having two separate ~e.i~ner Sa~nders moved, seconded by Commissioner Shanahan and cmrrl~ ~ni~ly, to close the public hearing. C~tssionsr Saunders ~oved, seconded by Commissioner Shanahan and carri~ ~u~ani~ou~ly, to approve Petition PUD-87-14(1) with staff's ~ chan~m~ as w~ll as a name change to Wilson Professional ~te%- P~;D, there~ &dopting Ordinance 92-23, as entered into Ordt~4m~ Be~k 52. O~DIM·II~ ii-il, ~ PITITIOff PUD-8?-48(2), SOUTH~dqPTON ~(H~P~ATI~ ~TING I REZONE FROM PUD TO PUD KNOWN AS SOUTHAMI~TON AT ~ HR THE P~IRPOSES OF REPEALING THE CURRENT PUD DOCUMENT TO ADOPT · ~ P~D DOCUMENT MADE NECESSARY BY REVISIONS TO THE EXISTING O00. '13fi p.o. ~ - ADOPTED W/STIPULATIONS April 28, 1992 Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on April 9, 1992, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened. Planner Lord explained the intent of the Petition and identified the subject property as well as surrounding zoning. He revealed representations were made in opposition to any change in height and, more particularly, the multi-family parcel adjacent to the South Winds Estate should be reduced to a maximum of two stories, including parking. He communicated staff's recommendation for approval of Petition PUD-8?-48(2) subject to the recommendations of the Collier County Planning Commission. Robin Carver, representing Southampton Development Corporation, confirmed that the Petitioner is in agreement with the modifications to the PUD document. CommAsei~ner Saunders moved, seconded by Commissioner Goodnight and cmx-ried unani~usly, to close the public hearing. Co~iuloner Saunders moved, seconded by Commissioner Shanahan and cmrrie~ unani~u~ly, to approve Petition PUD-87-48{2) with all of staff's r~¢~dations, thereby adopting Ordinance 92-24, a~ entered into O~[i~nce Book 52. ORD][~[~I 92-25, RE PETITION PUD-91-11, JOHN N. BRUGGER, TRUSTEE, ]t~l~'l'i~ & KKZONK FROM 'A' (RURAL AGRICULTURAL) TO PUD FOR PROPERTY DOCATED O~ ~O~FTH SIDE OF PINE RIDGE ROAD - ADOPTED WITH STIPULATIONS Legal notice having been published tn the Naples Dally News on April 9, 1992, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication flied with the Clerk, public hearing was opened. Planner Saadeh summarized the intent of the Petition and Iden- tified the zoning of both the subject site and surrounding areas. He acknowledged staff recommends approval subject to the stipulations listed in the Executive Summary and, additionally, the stipulation that the golf course and related facilities should be private for the 000,, :137 Page 26 April 28, 1992 exclusive use of members and their guests for a period of four years from the date of issuance of the first building permit. He reported that the Petitioner was to pro';ide the County with written assurances regarding the Livingston Road right-of-way. After brief discussion, and upon agreement by the Petitioner, it was established that a stipu- lation be added that the expiration date for the agricultural use of the subject property will be December 31, 1993. A brief discussion ensued regarding the advantage of an intercon- nect. Transportation Services Administrator Archibald revealed staff has a concern regarding developing a relatively large project with its primary access onto Pine Ridge Road. John Brugger revealed he has agreed to meet with County Attorney Cuyler and Transportation Services Administrator Archibald and, within sixty days, work out an agreement by which land will be dedicated for future Livingston Road right-of-way land, adding he is not willing to commit the property presently as it is part of another PUD which will be forthcoming. County Attorney Cuyler stated he wants Item b at the bottom of page ? of the agenda package to reflect Mr. Brugger's proposal regarding right-of-way, and he suggested wording, at the end of the third line to read, "...road right-of-way or shall, within sixty days, provide the County with written assurances acceptable to the County Attorney that the land required for the Livingston Road right-of-way shall be made available to the County when so requested.", and Mr. Brugger agreed to the proposed language. Transportation Services Administrator Archibald reminded everyone that as the County proceeds with 6-1anlng in the future there is a possibility that the median opening will have to be taken away. He suggested provisions for same to be included in the agreement, and the Petitioner suggested something could be worked out. John Asher raised the issue of the section in the PUD allowing for 000. . 138 Page 25' April 28, 1992 attached maid and ~uest quarters, pointing out there is disagreement between the Petitioner, staff and the Collier County Planning Commission on this point. Discussion ensued regarding attached maid and guest quarters whereby staff conveyed the message it could become an enforcement problem with the question asked whether it could result in credit for affordable housing, and concluding with Development Services Director Pettrow suggesting direction be given to staff to investigate clarifying further in the Building Codes and in the LDC (Land Development Code) what may be permissible as a second kitchen. Mr. Brugger stated he supports Mr. Pettrow's suggestion. John Asher raised the issue of Petitioner's request for a reduc- tion tn the parking for the clubhouse area, and Planner Saadeh relayed staff's feeling that there should be no reduction in the parking from the requirements of the LDC (Land Development Code). John Brugger stated he has agreed to the modifications proposed by Grey Oaks regarding buffering and things, and Planner Saadeh confirmed staff has no problem regarding same. Sharon M. Kurgis requested that additional easements be set aside on the potential future Livingston Road area to be used as either a greenbelt area or ridinG trail, and Transportation Services Administrator Archibald responded that the greenbelt concept is an important one. A brief discussion ensued regarding dedication of the Livingston Road right-of-way, resulting in the Petitioner acknowledginG he is willing to work with staff on the dedication of at least 150' of right-of-way and, possibly, to accommodate the greenbelt concept as it relates to Petitioner's entranceway, although he is not ready to com- mit to such dedication today. c~rrl~ ~u~nl~ou~l¥, to close the public hearing. Co~tmstoner Saundera moved to approve Petition PUD-91-11 with the foll~i~ stipulations: that the maximtua number of units will be 600, Page 28 April 28, 1992 · ~ IlO ef .htch can have the attached Interbuilt separate kitc~ f~lltty with restrictive covenants that prohibit the leasing ~ iilvl~l ~tts is the ~its ire to ~ legtti~tely ~l~s for f~lly ~rs or c~tvsrs of ~e ktnd~ ~ a~taltur~l use ~tll ~ltt~ a t~ pr~rW up to ~ce~r 31, 1993, after ~hich there ~ill ~ no ~i~l~r~l use ~ttted ~d, therefore, no ~ti~ tbs f~ctltttes c~ ~ o~ned to the ~blic for ~ ~rt~ of f~ ~m, ~i~ing on the ~te of tsn~ce of the ~tldtng Pe~tt ~ t~ Cl~~; ~~t to all the other staff reco~en~ttons, tncl~t~ the ~tc~tton of right-of-way; ~d ~tth one ~rking s~ce pr~i~ for ~W 200 sq. ft. of ~tldtng ares, one-third of which sill ~ ~s ~ktng ~t ~tth the ~derst~dtng the Cowry c~ direct ~tltt~r to blacktop the extra one-third parking spaces ~ ~ ts etll t~lve~nt tn the d~elop~nt process. Plaer Saadeh clarified that the intent of "facility open to the public for four years" means open to the publlc that ts currently using the golf course only as opposed to ~sin9 the restaurant ~tthout the gol~ course, and Commissioner Saunders confirmed that ts the Intent of his motion. ~~t~ k~ders retterat~ t~t the sotton also tncl~es ot~r sti~l~tt~ ~d conditions pro~aed ~ staff, at ~tch tie ~tssl~r S~ seconded the ~otton. Commissioner Volpe stated the motion also includes the change agreed to regarding the development standards along the southern boun- dary line of the s~bJect property as it abuts the Grey Oaks sub- division, ~ ~tsstoner Sanders ac~ledged that it ~rsuant to Planner Saadeh's re~es~ for clarification regarding the right-of-way for the future Ltvlnpston Road, County Attorney Cuyler explained it shall be made available to the County when so re~ested. ~ call for the ~estton, the sotton c~rrted ~~ ~tiq Or~tace 92-25, ~s entered into Ordtmce ~k ~2. 000. .i40 Page 29 April 28, 1992 P~SOLUTIOll 92-265, RZ ESTABLISHMENT OF NEW FEES, INCREASE IN CERTAIN F~K$, CHANG~ IN THE TITLE OF CERTAIN FEES AND ADOPTION OF PREVIOUSLY ADOPTED INTERIM FEES IN THE COLLIER COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE - Legal notice having been published In the Naples Daily News on April 12, 1992, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication flied with the Clerk, public hearing was opened. David Pettrow, Director of Development Services Department, reminded the Board of County Commissioners of their previous direc- tions to staff regarding thirty-six fees related to the Land Development Code, eight of which were interim fees. Additionally, he asked the Board of County Commissioners to consider nine other fee types not addressed last November as well as a change to the name of two fees. Referring to pages 11 and 12 of the summary sheets, he requested the Board of County Commissioners consider two matters not Included as a part of today's agenda dealing with vested right deter- mination fees, and proceeded to explain staff's recommendations regarding the fees contained on these two pages. In response to Mr. Pettrow's request regarding the fee for a determination of Vested Rights, as set forth on page 6 of the agenda package, County Attorney Cuyler expressed a concern to receive enough money to handle the County's out-of-pocket expenses when a Hearing Officer is necessary. Following discussion regarding the appropriate amount to be established for a fee regarding determination of Vested Rights, set forth on page 6 of the Agenda package and pursuant to Provision 1.? of the Land Development Code, it was the consensus that the Vested Rights determination shall incur a $50.00 application fee plus actual out-of- pocket expenses incurred in connection with a hearing officer and a $50.00 charge for appeal from the hearing officer's determination. ~iuioner Goodnight moved, seconded by Com~issioner Shanahan ·nd c~z~rted nnant~ously, to close the public hearing. C~i~ioner Shanahan moved, seconded by Conissioner Eaase and CaLt~'led ~i~oual¥, tO adopt the fee resolution for the Land Page 30 April 28, 1992 Dm~ml~t ~ mctivities, incZuding the mdditions, changes, ~nd cm~tl~mw thereby mdopting Re~oZution 92-265. 000 P,0~ 142 Page 31 April 28, 3992 Clerk Hoff~an replaced D~p~ty Clerk Farrie at this tau *** 92-26, ~ING O~IN~CE 86-6? AS ~ED BY O~IN~CE ~TI~ ~ WA~ ~ S~R SERVICE ~OVIDED ~ COLLIER CO~ Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on April 9, 1992, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened. Assistant Utilities Administrator Bloetscher requested an amend- ment to Collier County's Water/Sewer Ordinance to add a new section which addresses the problem that arose when the County went to volu- metric billing which raised the cost for meter sizes significantly. He recalled that a number of people complained about the fact that the larger meters were causing them to incur fairly hefty bills. Commissioner Volpe questioned whether a credit would be given to those customers, to which Mr. Bloetscher replied in the affirmative. There were no speakers. Conditioner- Sh~nahan loved, seconded by Co~iesioner Hasae ~nd ~Tie~ 4/0 (~tealoner Saundera out), to close the public hearing. Ol~ll~/aeA~r Sh~n ~ved, seconded by Co.missioner Eaaae and ~IZT~ 4/0 (C~tesi~ner Smunders out), that Ordinance 92-26 be ~%~ ~ emter~ into Ordinance Book No. 52. ItE~O~l~ 92-2~6, RE PETIT/OR V-92-5, DEWITT SN~TH REQUESTING A .94 FOOT VAHLMICE ~ORM THE REQUIRED 7.5 FEET SIDE YARD IN ORDER TO ALLO~ AN ~TI~I~ POOL $C1~EEN ENCLOSUI~E TO REMAIN AS CONSTRUCTED FOR P~OP~]~I'~ L~X~ATED AT 10368 GULF SHORE DRIVE - ADOPTED Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on April 12, 1992, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened. Planner Arnold reported that the petitioner is requesting a .94 foot variance from the required 7.5 feet to 6.56 feet to allow his screen enclosure to remain as constructed in 1986. He advised that the encroachment was identified during a recent survey when the peti- Page 32 ~prll 28, 1992 tlonsr atteapted to sell the property. Mr. Arnold Indicated that there are no related hardships to the land, however, there are extenuating circumstances in that the County did issue a Certificate of Occupancy for that enclosure and there is a discrepancy between the original survey and the survey of today. There were no speakers. ~.t. se~o~er Hesse ~oved, ucondedby Co~a2ssioner ~t~ 4/0 (C~taeto~r ~t~t ~t), to close the ~bllc he~lng. ~le~r ~ ~ed, ~econ~d ~ Co~a~oner S~ ~ ~~ 4/0 (C~e~one~ G~ght ~t), to a~rove Petition V-92-5, ~~ ~~ ~lut~on 92-266, ~bJect to ~ colorlon ~tl~ Page 33 April 28, 1992 ~4YL~TZG~ 9~-25T, R~ FETZTZON V-92-6, BRIAN JONES OF TAMZAMZ INC., ~5~ZNG G. C. 30~S, ~., ~Q~STING A ?'6' ~~ JT 2951 ~SS S~ET - ~D Legal notice havlng been published in the Naples Daily News on April 12, 1992, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened. Planner Young announced that this is a request for a 7.5 foot side yard setback variance to the required 15 feet for a two car carport on the side of the petitioner's home. Mr. Young explained that most of the houses in the subject area are built on non-conforming lots, however, Mr. Jones' house is built on two non-conforming lots which gives him a conforming situation. Ne indicated that al/ setbacks for this parcel are applied without any breaks for non-conformity, and therefore, 15' would be required rather than 7.5' that would apply to others in the neighborhood. Mr. Young advised that upon review, staff found no hardship related to the land, but Mr. Jones' mother-in-law requires additional attention due to a handicap. He related that there is a ramp leading up the side of the house to accommodate a wheelchair. He indicated that a van or truck could be parked under the carport and & person could exit the vehicle and be under the carport for most of the distance to the back porch. Mr. Young stated that he has not received any objections from neighboring property owners. There were no speakers. Co~tuloner Hasu moved, uconded by Co--ission~r Shanahan ~nd oarrled 4/0 (Commissioner Goodntght out), to close the public he.ring. (k~ml~loner H&sme moved, seconded by Commissioner Shanahan and c&z~ted 4/0 (Commtutoner Goodnight out), that Petition V-92-6 be ~pp~, thereby adopttr~ Resolution 92-267. 157 Page 34 April 28, 1992 ~KSOL~TZON 92-261, ~ PETITION V-92-4, J~J~S ~ SJIJr~l~ ~ ~E~TIN~ AN 16.5 FOOT VARIANCZ FRO~ THE REQUIRED SIDE YARD 5ETBACE OF 60 FEET ZN ORDER TO OBT&IN & CERTIFIC&TE OF OCCUPANCY FOR & NEWLY BUILT I~)OL ENCLOSURE FOR FROPE~TY LOCATED AT 435 GOKDONI& ROAD - ADOPTED; FETITIONER TO BE REFUNDED 8425 APPLICAT[0N PEE DUK TO STAFT'S Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on April 12, 1992, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, Irublic hearing was opened. Planner Badamtchian indicated that the petitioner is requesting an · fret the fact variance from the required side yard setback of 30 feet to 11.5 feet in order to obtain a Certificate of Occupancy for a newly built pool enclosure. Mr. Badamtchian revealed on September 24, 1991, the petitioner · pplted for and received a building permit. He announced that the plot plan submitted by the applicant indicated the encroachment, however, the building permit was issued and the petitioner proceeded with construction of the pool enclosure. He noted that upon comple- tion of the pro]act, the applicant was notified of the encroachment. Mr. James Madsen stated that he proceeded along in good faith and did everything as required by the County. He requested, since this w·s not hie error, that hie application fee be refunded. T~ wml-m no other wpemkara. Oc~teei~e~ Sh~han ~ved, xconded by Coniealoner ~x ~d c~rried 4/9 (C~leetoner Goodntght out), to close the public he&rtn~. C,c~ais~l~n~r ~x~night returned to the ~eeting ·t this ~eat~i~r $~undere ~ov~d, seconded by Contasioner Sh~n~h~n ~nd C~.-Tted~n~nt~u~l¥, that Petition V-92-4 be approved, thereby ~l~p~lz~l~e~olution 92-268 and that the v·riance application fee in th~ ~t of $425 be refunded in light of the fact that this was · Page 35 April 28, 1992 O~I~Z~M~IG'~ 92-27, ~1~ I~'"TITION CO-91-22, ~~ ~ OF ~&.,PT.,~S AtrD VICINITY' R~QI:TE~TING COIgDZTIONAT., ~ =1w OF ~ '&= (RURAL &GRZcITr..,TU)Uk~ DISTRICT) FO! P~OPE~I"/' T.,OCA/"'~ ON ~ ~ SID~ OF &ZRPOR"I'-POT, LZRG ROJtD A.PI:~.OXII~UkI'~LY 1-1/2 M/T.~$ NO1~1'~ O~ PZ~g ~ZDG~ ROAD - Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on April 9, 1992, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened. Planner Saadeh explained that the petitioner proposes to obtain a Conditional Use "6" of the "A" (Rural Agricultural District) for a church and related facilities. He noted that the petitioner desires to construct & 400 seat church and a 13,400 square foot structure to be used for church related facilities in the form of offices, recreation area, church hall and Sunday school classrooms. Mr. Saadeh stated that a Provisional Use was approved for the Greek Orthodox Church on this very same site on September 18, 1984 and extended for one year on August 13, 1985, but this has since lapsed. He indicated that the petitioner is applying for a new Conditional Use. Planner Saadeh reported that the Collier County Planning Commission reviewed this petition on April 2, 1992 and by unanimous vote, recommend approval, subject to staff's stipulations. In response to Commissioner Volpe, Mr. Saadeh divulged that a PUD was approved for the Greek Orthodox Church on the west side of Airport Road. He noted that both properties are under the same ownership and the property on the west side of the street is in the process of being mold. Dr. Neno Spagna advised that the property on the west side of Airport Road is in the process of applying for a rezone to commercial. Commissioner Volpe remarked that he does not concur with approving the requested Conditional Use while there is a Conditional Use for a Greek Orthodox Church on the west side of Airport Road. Dr. Spagna stated that the property on the west side of the Page 36 April 28, 1992 street has been sold, subject to being able to move back to the orAgt- nal property on the east side of Airport Road. There were no other speakers. C~i~eion~r Saunders ~oved, seconded by Co=~iseloner S~ ~ ~i~ ~i~ly, to clo~e the ~bltc he~ing. ~~i~r ~rs ~ed, ~co~ ~ Co~issio~r G~tght ~ ~i~ 4/1 (Cmieai~r Vol~ ~ed), to a~r~e Petiti~ ~-92-22, ~ ~t ~di~ce 92-2T ~ a~pted ~d enter~ into Page 37 April 28, 1992 BO~LR~ ~F OO~YlITT ~ISSION~R~' COg~fUNICATIONS Commissioner Volpe updated the Commission on the Tourist Development Council's organizational meeting which was held on April 27. He advised that Mr. Bud Davis was selected by the Council as Vice-Chairman. He Indicated that eight meetings will be held on Monday evenings at 5:30 P.M. during the months of May and June. He announced that the TDC will be submitting its Plan to the Board of County Commissioners for approval by July 1, 1992. T~pe ~ County Attorney Cuyler voiced concern with regard to the scheduling for the Coastal Zone Management Plan and the amendments to the Unified Land Development Code. He suggested that the scheduling of these two items not be scheduled on the same agenda. It was the consensus of the Board that the Coastal Zone Management Plan be scheduled for May 20th and June 3rd; and the Glitch Amendments to the Land Development Code be scheduled for May 27th and June 17th. A discussion ensued with regard to scheduling Budget Workshop Meetings on June 10, 11, 17, 18 and 19th. ese ~tmsto~mr Shmnahan moved, seconded by Co~mteeioner ~nd c~Tt~d unanimously, that the follo~tn~ tte~ under the con~ent ~ h~ ~prov~] ~nd/or adopted: lte~#l%A1 FROPO~AL NO. 92-1116, MAPPING OF AREA~ OF HISTORICAL/ARCHA~0LO~ICAL FROBABILITT, AMARDED TO ARCHAEOLOGICAL CONSULTANTS, INC., OF SA~a%~OT&, FLORIDA - IN TH~ A~OUNT OF $17,309.32 92-242 APPROVING FOR R~CORDING TH~ FINAL PLAT OF "GOLDEN · ~T&T~ UNIT Sl TRACT 84 RKPLAT" - SUBJECT TO STIPULATION~ See Page /7F ~~ 91-i&s AFFROVING FOR I~¢ORDIN~ THE FINAL PLAT OP "~OLDEN ~T~ ~T~ UNIT lS TRACT 119 ~T" - SUBJECT TO ~TIFULATIONS See Page Page 38 April 28, ~992 ~ON 92-244 G~ANTING PRELIMINARY ACCEPTANCE OF TK~ ROAD~AT AND ~ ~ FOR TH~ FINAL PLAT OF "HARKER REFLAT" - SUBJECT TO ~rl'FULATION~ CONTAINED IN THE EXECUTIVE BUrglARY See Page · ~OLgl~O~ 92-245 ~I~TING PRELIMINARY ACCEPTANCE OF THE ROADWAY, ~, ~TER, AND SEWER IMPROVEMENTS FOR THE FINAL FLAT OF "QUAIL ~ALE, ~ ~" - ~UBJECT TO ~TIPULATIONS CONTAINED IN TH~ EXECUTIVE ~ OF N~TE~ AND SEWER FACILITIES FOR QUAIL WALE PHASE I - ~3BJ~CT TO ~I'IFULATIOFS CONTAINED IN THE EXECUTIVE BUrglARY Xtu PZ6A7 See Pages ACCEFT~ OF Lrl'fER OF CREDIT FOR LAKDSCAPING FOR SITE DEVELOPMENT FLAN ~O. 92-~6 "INT NATIONAL BA~K OF NAPLES/GREENTREE CENTER" - IN THE AMoolrr or $25,ooo See Page Itu 92-246 PROVIDING FOR ASSESSMENT OF LIEN FOR TKE COST OF OF · I~LIC NUISANCE ON PARCEL · AND B IN SECTION 9, 4T ~O~T~, ~ 29 EA~T, II~OKALEE, O~NER OF R~CORD - CORP ~F ~O1) ~HICH IS THE CHURCH OF THE LIVING GOD PILLAR AND See Pages Item ~16A8(b) RESOLUTION 92-247 PROVIDING FOR ASSESSMENT OF LIEN FOR THE COST OF ABATEMENT OF A PUBLIC NUISANCE ON A PARCEL OF LAND IN SECTION 13, TOWNSHIP 52 SOUTH, RANGE 29 EAST, EVERGLADES CITY, OWNER OF RECORD - GENE FOGLE Se. Pages Itu OllA8(c) ~ESOLUTION 92-248 ~IDING ~R ~SE8~ 0F LI~ ~R ~ COST OF ~~ ~ A ~LIC ~I~CE 0N S20, ~ A~, ~ OF ~C0~ - GL~ L. ~TIN, Itu elSad(d) See Pages 28, 1992 ]l:I:lO~,~GII 02-240 l,'XO~gr]i'G TOR ·SS/.SSI(Z]I~ OY T.,IX]I' ]FOR ~ COST OY AI&~ OF A P~'IT, IC ]II~SJJ~Z Oil ~ 48, BLOC'lC 17, X~ PJ.I~, ~ll~? 2, C]III:I:I OF ~ - THOI4J~ g. S&YLOR ~ /t. OS~" A. SATT.,OR Se~ Pa~es Item d~i. 6AS(e) - ~~ 02-260 ~D~NO ~R ~SlS~ OF L~ ~R ~~ ~ A ~ZC ~IS~ ON L~ 18, B~ 195, It~ B:EI~i, UTZCflI 92-251 FROVIDIIG FOR ASSESSMKIFT OF LIEN FOR THZ COST OF ABA'IIB~IrT OB' · FUBLIC IIUISAI~CK OX & PARCKL OF LAND IN SECTION 4, ~ 47 SOq:/TH, IULXGK 29 KAST, II~BgOKALKK, ~ OF P, XCORD - MAIrUKL M. ~ AmD MIJt'TA A. T~LAS Ite~ t~2ill - 4eleted. Ztem eltl~ - d~letod. Item #16B3 ~ ~1~ ~ ~, INC., ~R CO~~ION ~~ ~R STA~ R0~ 29 ~DKS~I~ ~ASS CIE ~0. 038 - IR ~ ~ OF 018,024 Itel #l 6B.4 CI,OSl Oqi/T OF POJt"T'-AU-PRIIICle M~TU FUND AUTHORZZKD AJID RESIDUAL CASH BILl,AlICE TI~Mf'~I'~IT~KD FR(:~ FUIrD 13 TO FUND 313 - IN THE &MOUFI' OF Zte~ ~1~01 - ~ to #8C1 Item d~l 6D1 Itel R~POR'T Og[ &PlmRAISAL COIFT'RAGT FOR GOLDEN April 28, 1992 Item #16D3 ~IPOL~TED FINAL JUDGMENT ~ELATI~E TO ~ 1.~4 ~ 1.25 IN ~ ~T ~ ~ NO. · TO THE CONSTRUCTION CONTraCT NITH D. N. 1~. ~ T~ 'EA~T A~D SOOTH NAPLES MASTEWATE~ COLLECTION FACILITIESm CHAN~ O~D~]t NO. · TO TH~ CON~TRUCTION CONTR&CT WITH D. N. INC. F0~t TH~ mBOOTH COUNTT NASTEWATER KFFLUENT STORAGK FACILITIES= - IN TH~ AM01]NT OF $169,002.30 FOR ¢OtOr~NI¢&TIOJ~S Kq~IFMZFF PRK~IO~SLY APPROVKD BY OO~fFT~ OO~g(IS$IOJI~R~ ~J~KR BID AMAR~ OF 940,767 TO ~ ~ PO~ FROFESSIO~AL $~IC~S WITH WISSIM~ AND ~, 1~. ~ DEEP NELL INJECTION SERVICES 92-252 AUTHORIZING EXl~ENDITUP~ OF FUNDS FOR MAR~N OF DIMES ~[A~O&m ACTIFITIES See Pages B~OLOTION 92-253 A~0RIZING ~ ~I~ ~ ~~ A~ OF ~ ~ ~ ~R ~ 2~, ~T ~ ~ ~IS~ V~, ~R ~FILL ~SION ~/0R ~TI~ ~~ See Pages j.j/- mrna · :, P~ 41 &pti! 21, 1992 ~~ TH~ KECI~LIIK] & EIXICATIO~ AND MATTE TIRE ~UAI~TERLY GRANT Item ,1631 CHAI]~Jt~N ~I~O[tlZED TO SIGN CEItTIFICATE FOR COKRECTION TO THE TAX ItOLL~ A~ I~ENTED BY THE PROPERTY APPRAISER'S OFFICE 1991 TAX ROLL TANGIBLE PERSONAL PROPERTY NO. 1991-90 ~ ~ FOH IIOIAT~ ~0. 42624 DATE 4/17/92 Item · ATI~FACTION OF LI~ FOR SERVICES TO THE PUBLIC DEFENDER See Pages FILED The followtn9 miscellaneous correspondence as presented by the Board of County Commissioners was flied: Page 42 April 28, ~992 There being no further business for the Good of the County, the meeting was adjourned by Order of the Chair - Time: 4:10 P.M. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS/EX OFFICIO GOVERNING BOARD(S) OF SPECIAL DISTRICTS UNDER ITS CONTROL MICHAEL ~ VODPE, CHAIRMAN Page 43